Doctors at 1 month. What doctors need to go through in the first year of life and why

Newborn first examination in the clinic. In a month, your baby has grown up and become stronger. He must add at least 400g. and grow about 3 cm. He focuses his eyes on a stationary object, begins to smoothly follow a moving object, listens to his mother's voice, begins to smile when he sees her or hears his mother's voice. lying on the stomach.

Newborn first examination in the clinic

At 1 month you will have your first visit to the children's clinic. Probably, the district nurse has already left you an invitation for an appointment, perhaps gave you referrals for ultrasound of the head, hip joints, abdominal organs and kidneys, and for audio screening.


Ultrasound of the brain is recommended for all children at 1 month in order to detect deviations in the work of the central nervous system of the child in time, the first examination is screening, i.e. is carried out for all children, in the future, ultrasound for children is carried out as prescribed by a neurologist.

Ultrasound of the hip joints (also recommended for all children) helps to identify such a serious deviation as congenital hip dislocation and cure the child in the first year of life, if the child has hip dysplasia (delayed formation of the femoral heads), the mother will be explained how to do gymnastics and massage for the child .

Ultrasound of the abdominal organs and kidneys reveals congenital anomalies in the development of these organs. The most common diagnoses given to children by ultrasound of the abdominal cavity: hepatomegaly (enlargement of the liver), splenomegaly (enlargement of the spleen) - this may not mean anything special, but requires further ultrasound monitoring of the child. Children with such a diagnosis are referred to a gastroenterologist. Those children who have found abnormalities on ultrasound of the kidneys are referred to a nephrologist.

Audio screening - your child's hearing examination is carried out in the maternity hospital, but if for some reason it was not performed at the maternity hospital, or your child has a questionable result, you will be offered to examine the child in the clinic.

It will be more convenient for you and your baby to undergo ultrasound and audio screening before seeing the doctors so that they can evaluate the results of the examination.

What to take with you to the clinic?

Two diapers (one for the changing table, the other for the scale), sanitary napkins, a rattle, a pacifier (if your child is used to it), a spare diaper, in the summer - a bottle of water.

The results of the examination (ultrasound, audio screening).

And, of course, a notebook with your questions, it would be nice to write down the doctor's recommendations and the characteristics of your child there - you will get something like a mother's diary.

Newborn baby first examination in the clinic examinations of doctors

In the clinic, you will have to see a pediatrician, neurologist, ophthalmologist, surgeon and get vaccinated against viral hepatitis B.

You need to make an appointment with a neurologist, ophthalmologist, and surgeon in advance.

  • Optometrist reveals congenital and inflammatory diseases of the eye and lacrimal ducts. The most common are congenital dacryocystitis (impaired patency of the nasolacrimal duct and inflammation of the lacrimal sac) and conjunctivitis. If necessary, prescribe treatment. The ophthalmologist also detects changes in the fundus, which also reflects the state of the child's central nervous system. Neurologist will definitely pay attention to this.
  • Neurologist will examine the child, check reflexes, measure the circumference of the head and chest, evaluate the results of ultrasound of the head and examination of the fundus and, if necessary, prescribe treatment for your child.
  • Surgeon he will check whether the child has hernias, and in the boys he will examine the external genitalia. Give your recommendations.
  • Orthopedist will check the condition of the musculoskeletal system in order to exclude congenital diseases (for example, clubfoot, dislocation of the hip), here the results of ultrasound are just needed.

Pediatrician examination

At the pediatrician's appointment, the child will be weighed, height measured, the doctor will examine him, evaluate his physical and neuropsychic development, and give recommendations.

Usually, from the age of 1 month, all children are prescribed vitamin D at a dose of 500 IU - 1 drop of a solution (now vitamin D is used - water-soluble) - 1 time per day - for the prevention of rickets. The doctor will definitely tell you about this, perhaps your child will need a different dose, or for some reason you don’t need vitamin D, you will also find out about this at the appointment.

If everything is fine with your child, the pediatrician will refer you for a hepatitis B vaccination. This hepatitis B vaccine is the second for your child - the first was done in the maternity hospital, on the first day after birth. There were no reactions to this vaccination during my practice. I place the instruction for one of the vaccines under the heading "Vaccines" This vaccination must be included in the vaccination certificate. You will probably be given a referral for your next appointment.

The next time you will have an examination at the clinic at 2 months.

It is in the first year of a child's life that the formation of all the most basic functions of his body takes place. Therefore, it is very important to be examined by a number of specialists without fail.

The local pediatrician visits the baby at home regularly for the first ten days of life. The next examinations fall on the 14th and 21st day of life. After that, the mother with the baby comes to the doctor every month for a check-up at the clinic. The doctor measures the length and weight of the body, the circumference of the head and chest, examines the condition of the fontanels and sutures on the head.

He also monitors the physical and neuropsychic development of the child and his weight. Notes all possible health problems that should be urgently addressed. Based on the results of preventive examinations, the doctor decides on the need for additional examinations. In this case, blood tests, urine, feces, etc. are prescribed. The pediatrician also gives advice on child care and proper feeding.

You should definitely visit a neurologist at 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. A pediatric neurologist checks the development of the child's nervous system, how he holds his head, reacts to light, sharp sounds, etc. As early as 1 month, perinatal (which appeared during pregnancy and childbirth) disorders of the central nervous system can be detected.

In addition, the doctor's competence includes monitoring the formation of motor functions in a child, as well as the course of his mental and mental development. An examination by a neurologist determines everything the baby has learned: whether he can roll over on his tummy and get on all fours, how he expresses his emotions and handles toys. The doctor determines the tone of the crumbs and, if necessary, prescribes a special massage, gymnastics, and a visit to the pool.

A neurologist can refer you to NSG (neurosonography) - this is an ultrasound study of the brain. This procedure is completely safe and painless. They do it to check the development of different brain structures. The procedure can be carried out up to 18 months. NSG helps to quickly detect various abnormalities, such as hemorrhage, hydrocephalus, and others.

The orthopedist should be visited at one, three, six, nine and twelve months. A pediatric orthopedist evaluates the development of the musculoskeletal system of the crumbs. It also determines the presence of congenital developmental pathologies, such as clubfoot, dislocation or subluxation of the hip joint. In case of urgent need, an ultrasound or x-ray examination of the joints is prescribed. In any case, it is necessary to identify the slightest violations in the development of the musculoskeletal system in the baby as early as possible. The effectiveness of treatment will largely depend on this.

During the examination, the doctor spreads the child's legs to the sides, bends them at the knees and determines the symmetry of the folds on the buttocks. It is important to detect underdevelopment of the hip joint as early as possible, even before the baby begins to walk. Quite often, an ultrasound of the hip joints is prescribed. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the baby is treated with massage, special swaddling and wearing orthopedic devices.

An orthopedic doctor is also able to identify torticollis - a disease with turning the head to one side. After the baby begins to walk, he should be brought back to the orthopedist to check the formation of the gait.

According to the plan, the surgeon should be visited at the first, ninth and twelfth month. The pediatric surgeon completely examines the baby and notes all the deviations of his body from the normal structure. Most often in children there are hemangiomas, lymphangiomas and some other lesions of both internal organs and skin vessels. In addition, the surgeon checks for a bulge in the navel or groin area, which is a symptom of an inguinal or umbilical hernia.

The same doctor can surgically solve the problem of an ingrown toenail. Boys are referred to a surgeon even if they have one half of the scrotum larger than the other. This may be a symptom of a hydrocele (dropsy of the testicles). This doctor will also diagnose injuries and acute pain in the abdomen, loss of appetite, vomiting and nausea, and if the movement of his limbs is restricted.

The baby should visit the ophthalmologist in the first or second, sixth and twelfth months. This doctor will check the child for the presence of diseases such as myopia, strabismus, astigmatism and some congenital diseases. An optometrist (ophthalmologist) will examine the fundus of the eye, which is especially important for all those babies who are premature. This study allows you to identify such pathology of the retina as retinopathy, which makes it possible to exclude blindness in the future. In addition, the ophthalmologist helps to cure inflammation of the lacrimal sac (dacryocystitis).

A cardiologist conducts an electrocardiogram, which allows you to identify various cardiovascular diseases: heart disease, cardiopathy, etc. You should contact this doctor if the baby has a heart murmur from birth, which is one of the symptoms of the defect. You can’t do without a cardiologist in the situation when the nasolabial triangle turns blue, shortness of breath appears during feeding, the child is lethargic, gets tired quickly, has poor growth and weight dynamics.

At the ENT, the baby must pass an otoacoustic test at the age of about one month. This will test your child's hearing. Then an otolaryngologist should be consulted at twelve months to rule out even the slightest problems with nasal breathing and hearing.

The dentist should be visited at nine months to check the correct location of the first teeth in the jaw and the formation of a bite in the child. Here, parents will also receive recommendations on how to care for the first teeth in order to exclude caries and all other diseases.

What other doctors do you need to see in 1 year?

1 . At three months, the child is taken for a general analysis of urine, blood and feces. If there are no contraindications, the baby is also vaccinated against tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough and polio. The following vaccinations against these infections are carried out at the fourth, fifth and sixth month.

2 . At six months, the child is given the last vaccinations against the following diseases: tetanus, diphtheria, hepatitis B, polio, whooping cough.

3 . At twelve months, the baby is given a Mantoux test and vaccinated against measles, rubella and mumps.

Examination of the child is always necessary, especially in the first year of life. At 1 year old, the baby should visit a pediatrician, neurologist, ophthalmologist and other specialists, as well as take blood and urine tests. Before a blood test, it is undesirable to eat, and in order to collect urine, you need to follow some rules.

In the first year of life, the development of the child occurs at a tremendous speed. In order to notice developmental deviations in time, it is necessary to undergo examinations in a timely manner. In addition to visiting doctors and taking tests, the baby is vaccinated. What vaccinations are given to a child before and after a year depends on his state of health. There is a specific vaccination calendar, but if the baby gets sick or abnormalities in the body's work are found, the vaccinations will be rescheduled for another time. At 1 year old, children are "vaccinated" for the Mantoux reaction, and the presence or absence of tubercle bacillus is determined by the size of the papule.

Clinical examination of children before and after 1 year

After the birth of the baby, the neonatologist examines the doctor. There is also a measurement of the height and weight of the child. Throughout the first year, parents must make visits to the clinic. But nurses should periodically carry out patronage of the child of the first year of life - visiting at home. Especially often these visits occur in the first months. Nurses tell and show the young mother how to properly care for the baby, how to feed. Usually in children's clinics they allocate a special day for such crumbs - Tuesday. There are special programs for monitoring children of the first year of life. Every month, the baby is weighed and measured for height. But these indicators are not the main ones.

Monthly you need to take a urine test, a little less often - blood and feces. Also, throughout the year, the baby is observed by doctors of a narrow specialty: an oculist, an ENT specialist, a dentist (at 1 year old), an orthopedic surgeon, a neurologist, a cardiologist.

Examination of a child at 1 year also involves research using technology: ultrasound, ECG. In order to recognize the onset of the development of tuberculosis in time, one-year-old babies are given a test of the mantoux reaction, the norm of which is determined not by all the redness on the arm, but by the papule. The norm of mantoux in children at 1 year old is considered to be a seal of 1-2 mm in size. The measurement is made on the 3rd day.

How to collect urine from a girl and a boy at 1 year old

Every month, many mothers do not know how to properly and quickly collect urine from a child a year, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a boy or a girl. If the baby is potty trained, the process is greatly facilitated. If your child refuses to sit on the potty, be patient. You will need a diaper or oilcloth, a special urinal and a container for urine. You can buy a sterile container at a pharmacy or sterilize a small glass jar of juice, mayonnaise, mustard.

The procedure for collecting urine should begin with washing the baby with soap and wiping dry. After that, you should properly glue the urinal. For boys and girls, they are slightly different.

Gently put the urinal on the genitals and wait for the baby to pee. It is not necessary to put on a disposable diaper from above, as it will put pressure on the urinal and interfere with the natural process. If the child refuses to lie still, you can pick him up or put him on his legs. But do not move away from the crumbs so that he does not pee past. After filling the urinal, carefully peel it off and pour the liquid into a previously prepared container. If you do not want to use a urinal, you can use the old methods of collecting urine. If you have a boy, then after washing, put the baby on his back and wait. And when he starts the natural process, you need to quickly react and substitute a jar under the stream. Girls are a little more difficult and you can use a small flat plate for this. A shallow saucer needs to be washed, warmed and put under the baby's ass. When she pees, slowly remove the plate and pour the urine into the container. Remember that urine should be collected no later than two hours before delivery to the clinic.

How to give an enema to a one year old baby

An enema for a 1 year old baby may be required in some cases. Every mother should know how to properly carry out this procedure. Prepare in advance a sterile syringe, baby cream or vaseline oil, as well as boiled water at 35 degrees. Lay an oilcloth or diaper on the bed and put the baby with his back away from you on his left side. Bend his legs at the knees and pull them to the stomach. Take a syringe, press it to remove excess air. After that, draw water into it, and grease the tip of the syringe with oil or cream. Press the bottle again until the first drops of water appear. After that, gently insert the syringe into the anus of the crumbs by about 3-4 cm and slowly press. When all the water is squeezed out, also gently pull out the tip, while squeezing the baby's buttocks for a few minutes. Then put your child on the potty.

The first year of life is the most important stage in a baby's life. During these 12 months, he will learn to walk, pronounce the first words and understand the meaning of adult speech. However, the health of the child is of paramount importance for each parent.

Some pathological changes noticed in children under one year of age and corrected in time will remind of themselves only by an entry in the medical record. It is the planned medical examination of children that allows you to monitor their growth and development, track changes in a small body and prevent the negative consequences of diseases.

What is dispensary?

The medical examination of infants is a monthly visit to doctors, necessary to monitor the development of all systems of the baby's body and receive answers to parents' questions about care.

Dispensary observation is carried out thanks to the birth certificate - a document that is issued to a woman during pregnancy. Certification is provided for by the state project "Health", which obliges parents and doctors to conduct a series of examinations of a baby up to a year old.

The clinical examination plan involves a monthly examination by a pediatrician, as well as by some narrow specialists in a certain period of time. Let's take a closer look at each step of the process.

The first stage: observation in the maternity hospital

Literally immediately after birth, the child falls into the hands of a neonatologist who examines the mucous membranes, checks the heartbeat, listens to breathing and checks the main reflexes. In the absence of pathologies, the baby is washed, the necessary processing is carried out and swaddled.

The fourth day of life in full-term babies (and the seventh in premature babies) is marked by taking the first analysis (blood from the heel) for the screening test. This test is aimed at early detection of such genetic diseases in newborns as:

  • cystic fibrosis;
  • phenylketonuria;
  • congenital hypothyroidism;
  • galactosemia;
  • adrenogenital syndrome.

If a child is suspected of having one of these ailments, a notice is sent to parents about the need to undergo the study again to refute or confirm the diagnosis.

The second stage: monitoring the development of a child up to a year in a children's clinic

This stage lasts all year and is divided into two periods: observation up to six months and from 6 to 12 months. However, this does not mean that the doctor needs to be visited only twice, examinations are carried out every month.

After discharge from the maternity hospital, a nurse and a doctor from the children's clinic come to the newborn's house, examine him and tell his mother about the features of caring for the baby.

1 month

In a month, the baby and mother go to the pediatrician for the first time on their own. The doctor performs:

  • posture check;
  • palpation of internal organs;
  • fontanel check;
  • assessment of the development of the sense organs;
  • examination of the scrotum in boys;
  • a set of procedures that will be repeated monthly: examination of the skin, fontanel, weighing and measuring height, head and chest circumference, measuring body temperature.

In addition to the pediatrician, the baby and mother will have to go to some narrow specialists:

  • surgeon
  • traumatologist-orthopedist;
  • neurologist
  • ophthalmologist.

Before visiting these specialists, it is necessary to undergo ultrasound examinations of the brain, heart, liver, kidneys and hip joints.

The surgeon performs:

  • assessment of structural features of the skeleton and musculoskeletal system;
  • detection of pathologies: hernia, neck injuries, dislocations, etc.;
  • examination of the genitals.

If there are appropriate indications, the surgeon may recommend that the baby undergo therapeutic massage, therapeutic exercises or swimming.

An orthopedic traumatologist, having met with an ultrasound of the hip joints and having examined, fixes changes in the structure and checks for the presence of dysplasia, the timely treatment of which allows you to avoid problems in the future. In the absence of proper treatment, with age come pain, gait disturbance due to limited movement of the joints, which can lead to disability.

A neurologist conducts a monthly examination with the aim of:

  • assessment of the neuropsychic development of the crumbs;
  • collecting information from parents and evaluating the behavior of the baby based on them;
  • identification of a risk group in the presence of deviations.

It is better to visit an ophthalmologist at the turn of 1-2 months. The doctor will evaluate:

  • visual acuity, how much the baby fixes his gaze on the subject;
  • the condition of the muscles, lacrimal ducts, eyelids and fundus.

2 months

  • At two months, only a standard physical examination by a pediatrician is carried out.

3 months

At three months, the pediatrician takes the necessary measurements to assess the development of the baby, and also gives directions for a number of examinations:

  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • examination by a neurologist.

A general blood test involves taking blood from a child's finger. To obtain objective results, it is better not to feed the baby for an hour or two before taking the test.

Urinalysis is usually taken in the laboratory early in the morning. You can collect urine in a clean bowl, and then pour it into a special jar or use a urinal for babies.

A neurologist examines a child to determine the level of his psychomotor development.

4–5 months

  • At 4 and 5 months, the baby visits the pediatrician for a standard examination.

6 months

Six months is the next milestone for a comprehensive examination by narrow specialists, including:

  • neurologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • cardiologist.

The neurologist once again compares the indicators of psychomotor development with the age norm.

The ophthalmologist takes repeated measurements of the refraction of the eyes and compares them with the indicators of five months ago to assess the dynamics, and also reveals the presence or absence of strabismus.

The LOR performs the following actions:

  • examines the mucous membranes and gives recommendations for their care;
  • checks hearing;
  • examines the ears to prevent otitis media.

Based on the ECG and the baby’s own examination, the cardiologist excludes or confirms the presence of heart defects and other heart diseases. An examination is also carried out in order to timely detect rheumatism, diffuse connective tissue diseases, arthritis and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system in a child.

7 and 8 months

At 7 and 8 months, examination by narrow specialists is not carried out, unless, of course, there is evidence and a referral from a pediatrician.

9 months

The pediatrician, after a standard examination, sends the baby to the dentist. The doctor examines the oral cavity in order to:

  • detection of pathologies in the tongue, gums, uvula, frenulum of the tongue;
  • detection of irregular or delayed teething.

The dentist also informs parents about the proper care of the teeth and oral cavity, gives recommendations on how to reduce the discomfort of the baby during teething.

10 and 11 months

10 and 11 months is the time for regular visits to the pediatrician to track the dynamics of growth and development of the crumbs.

12 months

At one year old, the baby will have to go through the last stage of medical examination. It includes the passage of such specialists as:

  • neurologist;
  • surgeon;
  • orthopedist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • dentist;

Also, a year they take general urine and blood tests, if necessary, an ultrasound examination is performed.

Keeping in mind all the information described above about the periods of examination by narrow specialists is useless, if necessary, such a table will come to the rescue.

Clinical examination of children of the first year of life is a very important process for the health of the crumbs, so you should not neglect it. Even if it's summer and you want to go on vacation with your baby, calculate the time so that you can visit specialists on time. Remember that timely treatment of diseases identified during infancy can save the child from health problems in the future. May your children always be happy and healthy.

From the first minutes of life, the baby falls into the hands of obstetricians, who perform various medical actions with him. The newborn is weighed, growth is determined, and its parameters are evaluated according to the Apgar scale. After the maternity hospital, district pediatricians continue to monitor the child. The doctor regularly visits the baby, monitors his condition.

The first trip to the children's clinic is scheduled 4 weeks after birth. The pediatrician performs a general examination and sends the child to specialists who diagnose his development in order to exclude or detect existing deviations at the initial stage. Early detection of pathology helps to maintain the health of the baby.

The need for the first medical examination of a newborn baby

Parents will know in advance about the date of the first visit to the doctors. The nurse who visited the baby at home in the first weeks after birth tells mom and dad when they should come with the baby for a checkup. As a rule, the medical examination of children at 1 month is scheduled for a certain day when patients are not admitted. This excludes the possibility of contact of healthy babies with sick ones.

In some polyclinics, infants at the age of one month are admitted in the room of a healthy child. The purpose of organizing such rooms is to separate sick and healthy children.

Parents should be very responsible for the medical commission in the first month of life. A physical examination in the early period allows you to determine whether the development of the child corresponds to the age, whether the main systems of his body are functioning correctly, whether there are any deviations indicating the onset of the pathological process. If, during the examination, the doctor fixes any inconsistencies with the parameters of normal development, he will send the baby for additional examinations.

The next visit to the clinic will take place at the age of 2 months. Up to 1 year of medical examination is carried out monthly.

Which doctors need to undergo a routine examination?

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At the first visit to the clinic, parents need to show the baby to the local pediatrician. The doctor will examine the baby, listen to his breathing, check the mucous surfaces of the nasal cavity and mouth. The pediatrician must check how the process of overgrowing of the fontanel is going, and also tells the mother which doctors the newborn needs to go through at 1 month.

The nurse takes measurements of the circumference of the skull, chest, measures body weight, height and other parameters, issues a list of doctors that children undergo at 1 month. After this, the child is examined by a neuropathologist, surgeon, ophthalmologist, orthopedist, otolaryngologist. If the need arises, the list of doctors can be increased.

In addition, at the age of 1 month, the baby must pass a series of tests, undergo an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. On this day, the second vaccination against hepatitis B is prescribed. If the child has a cold, he has a runny nose, then the vaccination should be postponed to another day to avoid complications, since the vaccine can aggravate the baby's condition.

Pediatric neuropathologist

A scheduled visit to a neurologist occurs every three months. This is due to the rapid growth and development of babies, the emergence of new skills in them. A neurologist analyzes the motor activity of the baby, the degree of development of its innate reflexes, and muscle tone. The doctor studies the shape of the child's head, the naturalness of his postures, the color of the skin, facial expressions.

Often, during a visit to the surgeon, vascular diseases, pathologies of internal organs, hemangioma and lymphangioma are found. If necessary, the doctor directs the child for additional examinations, prescribes a course of massage, gives recommendations to the mother on massage at home.

Appointment with an orthopedist

Along with other specialists, a visit to the orthopedist is mandatory. The doctor analyzes the structure of the pelvis and legs of the child, evaluates the development of his musculoskeletal system. The legs must be the same length.

Flexion and extension of the lower extremities reveals congenital dislocation of the hip joint, clubfoot, curvature of the legs, and asymmetry in the length of the limbs. The orthopedist can prescribe a certain type of massage for the baby, send him to classes in the exercise therapy room, and recommend the use of special orthopedic devices.

Additional types of surveys

In addition to the examination of planned doctors, monthly babies will have to undergo some additional examinations. Usually at this age, children are prescribed:

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and hip joints;
  • neurosonography.

With the help of an ECG, abnormalities in the work of the heart can be recorded. The cardiogram shows the presence of vascular pathology, cardiomyopathy, allows you to diagnose congenital malformations of the heart muscle.

Neurosonography, or ultrasound of the brain, is most often prescribed for babies born prematurely with low Apgar scores at birth. This method of studying the brain is aimed at identifying neoplasms, structural disorders of brain structures, hemorrhages, and signs of hydrocephalus.

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is performed on an empty stomach, so the baby should not be fed for 3 hours before the procedure. This examination makes it possible to identify pathologies of internal organs and analyze their activity.

Without fail, infants are assigned an ultrasound of the hip joints. The study helps to diagnose dysplasia, which is quite common in infants. If, with this pathology, the necessary treatment is carried out, then by the time the child begins to stand up, he will be completely healthy.

vaccination room

At the end of the first month of life, the baby should visit the vaccination room. For the first time, newborns are vaccinated in the hospital. One of the first vaccinations is the hepatitis vaccine, which is placed in the thigh muscle. The vaccine is usually well tolerated by children and does not cause complications or adverse reactions.

At 1 month, the child is re-vaccinated against hepatitis. However, before coming to the treatment room, parents must obtain permission from the local pediatrician. The doctor examines the baby, measures his body temperature, the condition of the mucous membranes of the throat and nose, listens to breathing, heart rhythms.

After that, the pediatrician gives an opinion on the possibility of vaccination at the moment or on its transfer to another time, depending on the general well-being of the baby. If the child’s health status was not correctly assessed during the introduction of the vaccine, then as a result, the baby may have a fever, and a rash will appear on the body.

Parents can refuse to vaccinate their baby, regardless of the doctor's recommendations. However, before making such a decision, they should carefully weigh all the positive and negative points, consult with an experienced specialist.

At the request of the parents, the child can be vaccinated by a certain manufacturer. If there is such a need, then you need to notify your local doctor in advance.

Whether it is necessary to hand over any analyses?

At the first visit to the clinic, the baby will have to pass 2 tests: a general blood and urine test. These studies show the general health of the child. The ratio of the main elements of blood, their quantitative indicators reflect the presence or absence of inflammatory processes in the body, the functioning of all organs and systems. Urinalysis reflects the course of metabolic processes, the presence of impurities in the material may indicate dysfunction of the urinary system.

Any portion of urine is suitable for research, but it is better to collect the baby's first morning urine. Before filling the jar for analysis, the child must be washed well. If the collection of material is difficult, then parents can use a device such as a urinal.

Blood sampling for general analysis is usually carried out on an empty stomach. In infants at the age of 1 month, it is allowed to do this even after eating, since the baby during this period eats only breast milk or a special infant formula, which affects the results of the analysis.