Everything for an Egyptian party. Birthday in the style of "Ancient Egypt"

The Egyptian party is very stylized, unusual, exotic. It is worth preparing very carefully for its organization. To get started, choose a suitable name so that it not only reflects the style of the party, but also seduces, attracts, contains a mystery! Be sure to come up with original invitations that briefly state the essence of the holiday and information about the need to comply with the dress code. The essence of the holiday should be stated mysteriously, in the manner of the East, in order to interest guests. But you should not state in detail what and how will take place at the party, leave a riddle behind the invitation.

If you have already decided on a room or venue for an Egyptian-style holiday in nature, then you should stock up on various decoration elements for decoration and creating a stylistic entourage. You will have to cook something with your own hands, and therefore it is worth buying paints, glue, paper, cardboard, plasticine, if you don’t already have it.

Use the symbols of Egypt, such as the eye of the god Ra, the symbol of infinity, the emblems of the serpent, to decorate the venue. Use fabrics of various colors, but for starters, you should choose the right color scheme. In Egypt, only blue, green, red, yellow, black and white were recognized. They all meant different things: yellow - eternity and incorruptibility, red - life and victory, green - vegetation and new life, blue - space, sky and water, white - omnipotence and purity, black - death and night. Decorate your room symbolically.

Use sand, silk, velvet, satin, multi-colored silk scarves decorated with coins and beads, papyrus readings, brocade for a party. To decorate the venue for an Egyptian party, you can use artificial, real or inflatable palm trees, fake vines, oil lamps, incense sticks and candles, golden ivy garlands, laurel. In the fresh air, you can set up tents made of bright fabrics. Indoors, use posters of caravans, palm trees, goldsmiths, and camels.

The next critical stage is costumes and menus. The costumes of the Egyptian people are skhenti and kalaziris, fitted and tied at the waist. On their heads they wore leather bands with silk threads. To create an image, use as much jewelry as possible, especially for women. Tiaras, bracelets, headbands, rings, earrings - all this reflects the image of an Egyptian and even an Egyptian.

If organizing a holiday in the Egyptian style seems too complicated for you, or you are looking forward to a huge loss in time, then we advise you to contact the masters of the holidays, namely the Emotion show agency! Here you can order the decoration of the room in the Egyptian style, the production of stylized invitations, as well as rent costumes and accessories of the Egyptian style. We offer the following:

  • Black Egyptian wigs
  • Egyptian tunics
  • Egyptian bracelets
  • Ribbons on the head like a pharaoh
  • Arafatki - headdress (white bandana)
  • White robes Arab
  • Elastic band black linen width 3 cm 10 m
  • Inflatable crocodiles
  • Camel costume for two people (Vasya camel)
  • Order the organization and conduct of a holiday in the Egyptian style in the show agency "Emotion"!

    Alas, all home quest scenarios are similar to each other. Why? Well, how to write a universal guide for all site visitors who live in different apartments and have a different set of household utensils and household appliances.

    Of course, no matter how hard I try, you can’t even get close to a millimeter, which are filled from floor to ceiling with electronic, mechanical and magnetic mechanisms, talking panels, accompanied by sounds from other worlds.

    You can’t do something similar to either, since a set of props for even the simplest game is made to order or bought for a lot of money.

    Once again, I have to make do with paper scrolls with puzzles, a minimal role as a host, and recommend the simplest household props that can be found in any apartment. In principle, you can play in a cafe, and in the gazebo of the park.

    Judging by the reviews, my readers successfully use these ideas and conduct home quests on their birthdays and just like that.

    I hope I don't disappoint you this time!


    The Egyptian princess Ankhesenamun (one of Akhenaten's daughters) hid jewelry in her father's tomb that she wanted to pass on to her worthy descendants. Each decoration is a talisman that brings good luck.

    In 1821, many Egyptian burials were plundered by marauders, and the princess's box ended up in England, passing from one European collector to another. In the 20th century, the trace of Ankhesenamun jewelry was lost.

    A few years ago, copies of 12 papyri appeared in different countries, which were written down at the behest of Ankhesenamun. In each of them a letter is encrypted, but no one managed to make a word out of them and solve the riddle of the princess.

    Only to the one who glues all the papyri into one long scroll and writes the secret word, the princess will give the treasures. Each scroll begins with a horoscope. Find your date of birth and read about your superpowers, look for your destiny. It is interesting!

    The essence of the game

    This time I decided not to paint the role of the presenter at all. Mom, grandmother or sister just needs to sit in the kitchen or in another room behind a closed door and slip another papyrus into the slot. It can be somehow different. Receive one file by email from an "unknown address" and read assignments from a tablet, for example. Or just give out all the papyri at once, the essence does not change.

    Children solve puzzles, glue all the papyri into one long scroll, as the ancient Egyptians did, write the final word into the cells. The scroll must be left in the middle of the room, go outside the apartment for a minute.

    All this ceremony is needed in order for my mother to change the papyrus for the treasure box of the Egyptian princess. Here I can not impose my opinion, put what you see fit. Chocolate coins or inexpensive jewelry.

    Of course, everyone is pleased to receive some unusual talisman as a gift.

    Bracelets, pendants, jewelry on the head.

    Cute amulet pendants (in case the boys play too)

    If all this is expensive, mix these "gems" with candy, it looks cool.

    On each scroll, I placed not only a puzzle task, but also a fragment of the Egyptian horoscope (then those who wish can find the full text on the Internet). The Egyptians believed that the abilities of a newborn could be determined by the date of his birth. This information has nothing to do with the quest, it will just be interesting for girls at this age to read. The headings of the scrolls are the names of the gods of Egypt.

    After the quest, you can hold a culinary master class - making Egyptian sweets. These are candies made from dates with almonds, for example. Recipes are easy to find. Tasty and healthy!

    Quest script

    I made two versions of papyri. I wrote tasks on some, and left others blank just in case, so that you can enter your own puzzles if mine seem too difficult or rather primitive. At the same time, I kept pictures with the gods and the Egyptian horoscope in both versions.

    If you select tasks yourself, do not make all 12 too difficult. The players' brains will boil. Let some questions be quite simple, in some papyri write requests to cut, fold, glue, etc. The main thing is to feel the movement forward.

    Waiting for ideas and additions

    After the publication of each quest, new ideas and additions come to my mail and social network pages from grateful visitors to the site. .

    Let's write all the ideas in the comments to this article so that everyone can use the universal creativity.

    I wish you all the best!

    You need a spacious room or a specially rented hall, it will also be interesting to hold this party by the pool, for example, in the sauna. It is necessary to decorate the room for the holiday in the Egyptian style, on the walls you need to hang posters with Egyptian symbols - snakes, falcons, hieroglyphs and other similar drawings. The interior needs to be decorated with two colors, for example, balloons, both helium and plain. Warn guests that the party will be on a given theme and they need to come in Egyptian-style costumes. Music is also worth picking up ethnic or specific performers. Lay carpets on the floor and place cushions around low tables for dining. When planning scripts for a 55 man's anniversary, have a beautiful girl dressed in an Egyptian costume with gold sequins as the host. The menu can be made as follows. Snacks: pancakes with caviar, stuffed pita bread, fish slices, cheese slices, Caesar salad, sushi. Hot: baked fish, potato wedges, fried in oil. Dessert: pastila, cake in the form of the Egyptian pyramids or the Sphinx. Drinks: red and white wine, cocktails, fruit juices. The host invites everyone to the hall for the event itself. He invites everyone to sit down in their places, putting all the gifts in one place, on the table to the right of the birthday man's chair. The birthday boy sits on a high chair, he plays the role of the pharaoh and is dressed in an appropriate costume. Leading:- There lived a pharaoh in Egypt. He was very strong, handsome, powerful, hardworking and wise. He hunted well, loved animals and his home. But Pharaoh felt that he was tired, and he wanted to rest. He began to meet with other pharaohs on Saturdays and drink wine. But on Sunday he was still bored. And on Sunday he began to go fishing on the Nile River. But soon he got tired of everything, and he met a beautiful woman. Soon the pharaoh married her. And the pharaoh became happy, and he did not need gatherings and fishing. So be forever happy, our pharaoh! After that, the host calls on everyone to say their congratulations and toasts to the pharaoh and drink to his health. Leading:- And now, when we rested with you and sincerely congratulated the pharaoh with words, let's congratulate him with dances. Several girls go to the center of the hall and dance belly dance to rhythmic music, and then everyone else joins them. Game "Mummy" The first game for the Egyptian party for the anniversary of 55 years for a man. All participants are divided into two teams. Each team chooses a mummy. The rest of the participants are given rolls of toilet paper. At the command of the leader, the participants must make a real mummy out of their mummy. Whose team will cope faster, she won. The game "Treasure of the Pharaoh" Several small items are placed on a tray. Participants are divided into two teams that take turns in the competition. First, the first team looks at the things on the tray for a few seconds, then they all leave the room for a few minutes. The facilitator hides a few things from the tray in places that make sense for these things. When the participants return again, they are shown the tray again. They must determine what things have disappeared and find them. After the task is performed by the second team. Whoever is faster, he won. After the contests, a big beautiful cake is brought in. The pharaoh blows out the candles and makes a wish. A prearranged guest in the costume of some Egyptian God comes in and promises the birthday man that all his wishes will come true, and gives him a good gift in a beautiful package.

    January 24, 2017

    Curious what ancient Egyptian parties were like?

    Luxury, abundance, half-naked dancers and muscular guards. And sexy Cleopatra and pharaohs with majestic headdresses and make-up cooler than Jack Sparrow. And what can we say about the scenery of those feasts - the mysterious pyramids and the Sphinx!

    Egypt... This country is loved and recognizable not only as a luxurious resort, but also as one of the most mysterious places on the planet, over the secrets of which scientists are still struggling.

    If you like the atmosphere and design of the country of the pharaohs, then why not experience all the delights of the luxurious life of the ancient rulers by arranging a holiday in the Egyptian style! And it doesn't matter what it will be: birthday, New Year, Student's Day or corporate party.

    1. Design of invitations

    An option to invite by phone with the words “Come in, if anything!” it will not work. It is important to give each guest a thoughtful and beautiful inviting postcard. Here are a couple of good design ideas.

    Option 1

    An interesting option for an invitation to an Egyptian party would be a scroll of papyrus rolled up into a tube and tied with a thread. To do this, you will need to buy special “papyrus” paper or make it at home, as well as print out the text of the invitation in the Egyptian style.

    To prepare aged paper you will need: black tea, white sheets.

    To make paper with the effect of antiquity, you should brew strong black tea, and lower the sheets there for 5-8 minutes. Then take them out, dry them, write the text, roll them into a tube and bandage them. Alternatively, glue sushi sticks to the ends of the sheet so that you can wrap the paper around.

    Invitations can be decorated with prints with Egyptian hieroglyphs, images of pharaohs, scarabs, sphinx, pyramids and other symbols of Egypt.

    In the text of the invitation, be sure to indicate the time and place of the holiday, as well as the presence of a dress code. It is better to report it in an original way, for example, with the phrases:

    • “The Sphinx will only let those who are sober, energetic and dressed in the clothes of the ancient Egyptians to the party. And he will let out only drunk, cheerful and it doesn’t matter in what. ”
    • “The judge of the realm of the dead, Anubis, will let those who are dressed appropriately to the ancient Egyptians into the party. The rest will be sent to the devils of Egypt.”
    • “The keen eye of the god Ra sees your robe ... and what is under it. So even underwear should be Egyptian themed. And then he won’t let him!”.

    Option 2

    Print out a pyramid template on cardboard, carefully glue the figure, and put a note with the text of the invitation in the middle. You can write it both on plain paper and on non-special paper resembling papyrus.

    2. Meeting guests

    You can hold an Egyptian party in an apartment, a private house, in a country house or in a cafe. In nature, this will be difficult to do.

    In order to immediately set the guests on the right thematic wave, you need, as they say, to take the Egyptian bull by the horns. We need an effective meeting! You can make it so with the help of animators in stylized costumes. Put two athletic young guys in Anubis costumes at the entrance. Shocking images will not leave indifferent any guest.

    Also, animators can be involved in a festive photo session, holding contests and entertaining those present. If there are a lot of guests, it would be nice to attract a few waitresses dressed as Cleopatra.

    Hand out a cool props in the Egyptian style at the entrance, it will not only cheer you up, but will also be an integral element of a beautiful photo shoot.

    3. Room decoration

    The pharaohs and queens of Egypt adored luxury and literally bathed in it. The decoration of the party room should correspond as much as possible to the mysterious time of the reign of the pharaohs and convey the chic and beauty of their daily life. The well-known symbols of Egypt are required: pyramids, Sphinx, tombs, scarabs, hieroglyphs, sand, mummies, camels, caravans, the Nile, the Eye of Ra and others. The more symbols of Egypt in the room, the better. If only everything looked harmonious.

    Cats were adored in ancient Egypt. This animal was considered sacred and is still revered today. Therefore, figurines of cats will be very appropriate in the design of the room.

    Traditionally, the ancient Egyptians sat on cushions at low tables. If possible, and the guests do not suffer from sciatica, organize just such a feast. A tablecloth with gold threads, beads and tassels on the corners will look good. Scatter fake jewelry and “gold” coins (for example, from chocolate) on the tables.

    Lay a carpet on the floor, scatter pillows embroidered with gold threads throughout the room. Place real or artificial palm trees in the corners of the room. Other large houseplants will do as well.

    To enhance the thematic mood, use attributes such as sand bowls, velvet curtains, silk shawls and brocades, emphasizing the luxurious life of the rulers of those times.

    It is important to recreate the right entourage at an Egyptian-style party. Here, more than ever, twilight will be appropriate. Only lit fragrant candles floating in bowls of water, let them gently illuminate the room. Soft lighting will add mysticism to the celebration. Candles can be used in any size, the larger the better.

    If the budget allows, you can arrange some kind of tent in the hall. To do this, you need to install metal racks in the room, stretch a wire between them, and carefully cover with a cloth. The tent can be decorated with multi-colored ribbons, secured with safety pins.

    It is difficult to imagine an Egyptian party without at least one mummy, especially since you will need it for the quest (link at the end of the article). It can be made from a mannequin, it is enough to wrap it with bandages, with painted black and red stains.
    The "mummy" should be placed in a "sarcophagus" constructed from a box from under the refrigerator, pre-pasted with expensive fabrics. The best attribute for photography is difficult to come up with. The background for the photo shoot will be a huge poster with pyramids, camels and a bunch of treasures.

    When decorating the hall, remember that the Egyptians did not abuse bright colors. Particular attention was paid to four colors: red, yellow, green and blue, each of which had its own special meaning.

    4. Costumes and images

    The hot climate of the desert made its own adjustments to the appearance of the people who inhabited the country of the pyramids. Men wore shenti - a wide bandage on the hips, and women kalaziris - a long piece of natural material wrapped around the body, which is held by two harnesses.

    Naturally, not everyone wants to come in the traditional attire of the ancient Egyptians, so you can invite guests to simply wrap themselves in white cloth and pin it with gold pins in the shoulder area. Men can come to the party in light linen shirts tied at the hips, and as an accessory, use an ornament in the form of a sun disk, decorated with beautiful multi-colored stones.

    Women can dress in light airy sundresses made of natural fabrics. As jewelry, it would be appropriate to use massive gold or gold chains and bracelets decorated with beautiful stones. Also, the ancient Egyptians did not deny themselves jewelry made of silver and iron, sometimes iron accessories surpassed even gold ones in price. The application of multi-colored enamel was popular, most often white, turquoise, blue and green shades.

    Women are lucky, the Egyptian theme is loved by many designers, so you can easily pick up outfits, original bracelets and necklaces.

    The Egyptians preferred black straight hair, long or square. Silk threads, leather laces can be woven into the hair, or a hoop can be put on the head. To become a brunette, it is not necessary to dye your hair, now there is a large selection of wigs for every taste.

    Those who do not want to bother with tailoring an exclusive outfit can buy or rent a ready-made suit.

    5. Treats and table decoration

    Organize a buffet. Refuse the traditional feast, because it interferes with active fun, turning the evening into a belly feast.

    A pyramid will decorate the center of the table. You can buy it or make it yourself from colored cardboard or painted foam. A cake or fruits and sweets laid out in the form of a pyramid can act as an impromptu tomb.
    Egyptian cuisine loves sauces and seasonings, but not spicy.

    As hot dishes for the holiday, pilaf, kebabs, kebabs, grilled meatballs, Cairo chicken, lamb stewed in tomato are perfect.

    For a starter: Egyptian salad and Egyptian vinaigrette, sandwiches with ham and cucumber, canape with red caviar, lemon and herbs, and shawarma.
    For dessert, serve any sweets of the East: baklava, donuts in syrup, Egyptian semolina pie with yogurt and others.

    Be sure to lay out fruits, watermelon, melon, grapes, figs and dates on the tables. Seasonal assortment.

    Of all the spices, the Egyptians especially distinguish red and black pepper, turmeric, cardamom, saffron, cinnamon, ground ginger, cloves and cumin.

    The Egyptians are Muslims by religion, and therefore alcohol is not particularly welcome. But still, light beer and a low-alcohol drink based on oatmeal or buckwheat flour - buza - are especially popular with them. It is quite difficult to buy it from us, therefore we boldly replace it with a local analogue - light beer and tinctures.

    In addition to alcoholic drinks, make sure that different types of tea are sure to be present at the Egyptian party: black, green, mint, herbal and traditional - hibiscus. Egyptians also love coffee with cardamom, fruit juices and cocktails. The peculiarity of Egyptian drinks is that they are all very sweet.

    6. Musical accompaniment

    Live music is the best solution for an ancient Egyptian party, but if the budget does not allow, you can replace it with melodies with oriental motifs. As an option, use the soundtracks for the well-known movie "The Mummy", finding them on the Internet is not difficult.

    7. Entertainment for guests

    "Board games"

    It's no secret that the ancient Egyptians simply adored board games, especially checkers. True, the rules of the game of that time have not yet been preserved, so invite guests to play this game according to modern rules. Along the way, do not forget about chess, backgammon and cards.


    At such a theme party, there is simply a must to have a hookah, because it is like a symbol of the East, a lightning rod from the anxieties accumulated during the day, a kind of club with a relaxing atmosphere where you can find an interesting conversation partner. Arrange a separate hookah room, or take a secluded corner under it in the room.


    Dancing in ancient Egypt was considered not just a pleasant pastime, but also an integral component of rituals and celebrations. It doesn’t matter if you are a pharaoh or a simple slave, everyone loved dancing. Therefore, prepare a selection of incendiary and calm Arabic songs.

    "Queen of Egypt"

    The most interesting and spicy competition at the festival, of course, will be the “Queen of Egypt”. In this competition, every girl will be able to show her true beauty in a bewitching dance to melodic oriental motifs. All participants owe their femininity, softness and plasticity in a few minutes. The girl whose dance the audience liked the most receives a prize and the title of Queen of Egypt.


    It's hard to imagine an Egyptian-style party without this game. The rules are very simple. A pair of people take part in the competition, the host gives each pair a roll of toilet paper. One participant must wrap the other from head to toe with paper, imitating a mummy. Whoever completes the task the fastest and recreates the most believable mummy that makes characteristic zombie sounds will win a prize.

    “Cooler than Cleopatra”

    Everyone knows that the Egyptians simply adored beautiful makeup. Their eyes were always distinguished by clear black arrows, symbolizing the eye of a clear falcon, long false eyelashes and blackening eyebrows. Girls will be able to demonstrate the talent of a make-up artist on their halves or just a partner in the competition. Those participants who have made the most beautiful make-up receive gifts and the right to wash off all cosmetics. Losers must wear makeup for the rest of the evening.

    "Explorer of Egypt"

    It's no secret that many of the secrets of Ancient Egypt, thousands of years later, have remained unsolved. The excavations continue to this day. In this regard, invite guests to play an interesting game. After the excavations, fragments of the overall picture were found, and the task is to recreate it completely. Participants are divided into 2-3 teams, each is given a thematic puzzle of 250 pieces. The team that completes the puzzle the fastest wins.

    We wish you a great rest according to the full "Egyptian" program at a cool theme party!

    Tanya's parents decided to give her just such a gift for her birthday and made the right choice. The birthday girl herself and her guests were delighted with the celebration organized by us, they did not want to leave for a long time. You can also order the same quest "Secrets of Egypt" for children in St. Petersburg, if you contact our studio.

    Egyptian style birthday

    We thought over a very dynamic plot of the game, picked up the scenery and all the necessary props so that everyone would not have a single doubt that they are in Ancient Egypt. We decided to divide the entire scenario of the holiday into several stages:
    . quest "Secrets of Egypt" for children lasting about an hour;
    . a traditional tea party with sweets and delicious treats, taking out a cake and presenting gifts;
    . half-hour disco-party with a paper show.

    In addition to the “Secrets of Egypt” quest for children, parents ordered a professional photographer recommended by our studio, who took pictures of the children throughout the event, and then prepared pictures from the holiday for printing. This time the quest took place in a location equipped for it in the Brothers Grimm house at the address: Dachny pr., 2, building 1. Olga became the host of the game, who organically fit into the scenario thanks to her image, and became a guide for children in search of treasures Ancient Egypt. Not a single child remained indifferent, everyone enthusiastically solved ciphers and puzzles, helped in moving the whole team towards the goal.

    Secrets of Egypt - an adventure full of mysticism and mysteries!

    The quest “Secrets of Egypt”, the scenario of which was so liked by the parents of the birthday girl from the very beginning that they did not want to change anything in it, caused a real delight among the children. After arriving at the room where the game was held, the guys got acquainted with the host of the holiday and went for 13 stones with ancient Egyptian symbols inscribed on them. These stones were supposed to wake up the mummy and help find the treasures of Ancient Egypt.

    During the exciting journey, the children took part in real excavations, met the pharaoh and his sacred cockroaches, solved secret ciphers and puzzles. They triumphantly got out of the mirror labyrinth of the pyramid, were able to outwit the god Anubis, outplaying him in ancient cards. One of the most difficult tasks was to decipher the Egyptian signs, which turned out to be a spell to awaken the mummy.

    And although the ancient mummy seemed scary, in fact she was kind and friendly, helping the team to get the treasure. This was followed by a tea party, presentation of gifts and the removal of a beautiful cake. After such a reinforcement with the transformed host, the children went to dance at the disco. Imagine their amazement when paper ribbons began to fly from above. Explosions of laughter and enthusiastic cries, funny games, burying and throwing pieces of paper at each other turned out to be a very fun and exciting activity. Time went by very quickly for him.

    If you want to give your children the same gift and order the "Secrets of Egypt" quest in St. Petersburg, then just contact us by phone or through a special application form on the website. We will help you organize the whole event, think over the scenario of the holiday to the smallest detail so that every child, regardless of age and preferences, will leave the game happy and satisfied. Children really like the quest and leave no one indifferent, even adults will be interested. And you will remember such an original holiday for a long time, looking through the photos taken.