Prom night in england. Graduation ball traditions: how is the holiday celebrated in different countries of the world? Ball in the morning in Sweden

Do you want to know what traditions for graduation are in the USA, Japan, Norway and other parts of the world? Adukar will tell you how prom is celebrated in different countries.

American Graduation

In the United States, a decent amount is spent on graduation celebrations, as Americans consider graduation to be a significant event. Both boys and girls dress smartly on this day. A limousine is rented, in which the happy graduates go to the main event - the graduation party. It is customary to come in pairs: according to tradition, at the end of the evening, the headmaster chooses the king and queen of the ball.

After the official part, the celebration is transferred to restaurants and hotels, where graduates walk until the early morning. The party is held in a non-alcoholic format: it is allowed to drink alcohol in America from the age of 21.

Americans are masters of creativity at the prom

If our girls come to the last call in the uniform of the USSR, then young American women pick up another fashion trend and put on their mothers 'and even grandmothers' graduation dresses. Ellie Johnson (right) is now over 22 years old with an eye-catching outfit. And you won't, will you?

Graduation in German

Graduation celebrations in Germany begin informally and even before the final exams. At this time, the students make fun of the teachers in a friendly way, come to classes in funny costumes and play pranks at school in every possible way.

After the final exams, the official part of the graduation takes place: a gala dinner and a graduation ball. The Germans spend the celebration glamorously and with style. It is attended by families of graduates, grandparents - a must.

Japanese graduation

Graduation from school in Japan is modestly celebrated. The graduation ceremony takes place in a large assembly hall, and Japanese graduates attend it in their everyday school uniform. After the presentation of certificates, they are divided into small companies and continue the celebration in a cafe, or return home and celebrate the graduation with their families.

Prom in chinese

There is an unusual tradition of finishing exams in China. To get rid of the memories of difficult exams, Chinese schoolchildren throw out of the windows everything related to their studies: books, notebooks, pens, pencil cases.

Graduation in Polish

In Poland, the graduation ball is held 100 days before leaving school, it is called StudniĆ³wka. A luxurious hall is chosen for the celebration, guys wear tuxedos and suits, girls - elegant dresses and red garters. The ceremony begins with a polonaise - a solemn dance-procession - led by the director in tandem with one of the graduates.

Graduation in Norwegian

Someone who, but the Norwegian graduates know how to come off! Graduation celebrations start on the night of May 1st and last 17 days until Norwegian Constitution Day. At this time, graduates walk around the city in a special "uniform", which usually includes a T-shirt and a sweatshirt with the school's emblem, caps, as well as a jumpsuit, often in red. On it, classmates write different wishes to each other.

It is interesting that the graduation celebration in Norway is organized by the students themselves at their own expense, the school administration has nothing to do with these events.

The tradition of renting or even buying a bus, decorating it in street art style, ordering a driver and so on to travel around the city is gaining popularity among Norwegian graduates.

Probably the Norwegian prom is the craziest!

What does your perfect prom look like? Share your thoughts on our social networks.

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1. American "promenade"

In the USA and Canada, the prom is called prom, from the word "promenade" - a ball in honor of the end of the school year. Usually, they begin to prepare for the prom long before its onset, because you need to find yourself a pair and a beautiful outfit.

At prom there is a standard dress code: young people come in black or white tuxedos, and girls in evening and cocktail dresses. Moreover, the guys should find out in advance what kind of dress the girl will have and buy a flower bracelet or a boutonniere for it, which they attach to the dress of their companion. In turn, the girl buys a flower for her companion in the buttonhole of her suit.

The choice of companions or companions must be carefully considered, since it is not customary to change a dance partner at an American graduation.

Flowers are a traditional part of American prom dresses.

2. Graduation Polonaise

In Poland, instead of a graduation ball, there is a stodniowka - a ball that is held back in January 100 days before graduation. Traditionally, it begins with a polonaise, and the first couple to dance this dance is the director and his companion (or companion) from the graduates.

And then, as at any Russian holiday, teachers and graduates make speeches and toasts with champagne, dance, have fun and hold various competitions.

The classics are always beautiful.

3. Seventeen-day graduation

The graduation ceremony in Norway is very interesting; they begin to prepare for it in the fall. There is a certain ritual that lasts 17 days from the night of May 1 to Constitution Day - May 17. In the middle of autumn, graduates order business cards for themselves, usually these are funny names, nicknames, anecdotes. Then they choose their outfits - often jumpsuits of different colors. For your information, red overalls are for those entering economic specialties, blue ones for those entering universities, black ones for those entering technical specialties, and white ones for athletes.

On the night of May 1, classmates write notes to each other on their suits. Then, in a special place, "baptism" takes place - each graduate must bring there a drink of his own making and drink a little with his "baptist". After that, everyone goes to the city center, where the seventeen-day ball begins.

During these days, graduates walk the streets in overalls and perform as many special tasks as possible, for example, crawling on all fours through the city center, dancing, running, and so on.

Cheerful Norwegian Graduates:

4. Australian inventors

As far as Australia is concerned, the most important thing here is to arrive in the most unusual vehicle, be it a motorcycle, a fire engine or even a tractor.

Or you can sail on a yacht.

5. Japan - the height of rigor

At graduation in Japan, everything is very strict: there can be no talk of any outfits, discos, and even more so champagne. Everyone comes in school uniform, the director makes an official speech, presents diplomas, then everyone goes home. Well, at home, the real fun already begins, everyone notes as they can.

What outfits did you wear to the celebrity prom?

Brad Pitt

The graduation party is the most striking event, the onset of which any schoolchild is eagerly awaiting, because in addition to saying goodbye to school, on this day he says goodbye to childhood and enters adulthood. Graduation parties from the past centuries were held beautifully, solemnly and on a large scale, because every effort was made to ensure that graduates remember such a beautiful day for life.

history of the holiday

Graduations were held even during the reign of Peter l. The first graduates were students of the School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences in Moscow. The students of the Corps of Pages were inventive to the event. They ordered rings from the masters, on which symbols were applied, which were a specific sign. This sign helped to get to know each other after many years when they met. It should be noted that the fair sex initially could not be present at such a holiday, that is, a kind of discrimination reigned. The appearance of noblewomen at such a holiday became possible only in the 19th century, but going out "into the world" was a kind of bride - parents tried to find gentlemen for their daughters.

The amazing tradition of holding graduations was interrupted in 1917, but already in the 30s it was resumed, but, naturally, there was no trace of the former scope. Now the fiery speeches of teachers who released schoolchildren, who are still remembered as first-graders, have become an indispensable attribute, but it should be noted.

The tradition of holding proms was interrupted in the Great Patriotic War. On Saturday, June 22, 1941, schoolchildren celebrated their graduation from school. Many young men, who were dressed in beautiful suits, and girls in evening dresses, went to the front in the morning to fight for their country. After the war, graduation parties began to be held as a farewell to a carefree life. A wonderful tradition has appeared, with the whole class to meet the dawn on the embankment of the city.

In the 70s, proms took another turn. Beautiful evening dresses were replaced by the recently banned mini-skirts, bright makeup and chemistry, because the main goal of the graduates was not to beautifully say goodbye to school time, but to outshine their friends and become the most beautiful. For parents, as a rule, the organization of such a holiday cost a lot, because to organize a beautiful holiday they had to spend up to 45 rubles - and at that time this money was simply exorbitant for most families.

In the 90s, it was chic to hold a graduation party on a motor ship, which was rented by parents for graduates. On the deck, a table was laid with many treats, and live music or a collection of favorite songs were chosen as musical accompaniment. The musical accompaniment of the event also underwent a change, because the beautiful waltz was replaced by youth music.

Today, parents spend not 45 rubles, but several thousand rubles on organizing a graduation ceremony for their children. A beautiful hairstyle, stylish clothes, shoes, payment for the institution in which the celebration will take place and the limousine, which will take the graduates to the banquet hall, flies into a tidy sum. In addition, it is customary for many schools to give mementos from the whole class for graduation, and they, as a rule, also cost a lot of money.

How is graduation celebrated today?

Graduation is a kind of reward for students who graduated from an educational institution and wish to celebrate such a joyful holiday "in grand style".

Today, you should approach the organization of the graduation ceremony in advance, because many graduates book institutions six months in advance, pay for the reservation, and therefore, if you do not take care of choosing a place in advance, then it may simply not be possible to find it.

Modern youth makes great efforts to ensure that their holiday is fun, unconventional and remembered for a lifetime, because they perceive graduation from school as a kind of end to torment, not taking into account that they have an adult life ahead of them, which is by no means carefree.

Many students will have another graduation in their life in honor of the completion of higher educational completion. It should be noted that not everyone goes to the institute for one reason or another, so many parents and their beloved children try to organize a creative, large-scale, beautiful, funny and filled with an incredible atmosphere of graduation, which will be remembered as one of the best days.

The tradition of organizing graduation in their native school has already faded into the background, because many graduates choose a cafe, restaurant, nightclub as a place for such a holiday, which they rent for the whole night or a ship where you can set a chic table on the deck and relax with live music ...

It is customary to decorate the room in which the celebration will take place beautifully and in an original way with the help of beautiful arches made of balloons, flowers or fabrics. In addition, tables are set where, in addition to delicious dishes, sweets and juice, alcoholic drinks are also present.

On such a day, limousines act as a vehicle, which perform a given route or minibuses, in which graduates, parents and teachers can comfortably accommodate.

In most cases, parents and teachers are present at the graduation, but they only sit at one table with graduates, but at a separate table or in different rooms, so as not to embarrass young people.

To create a cheerful atmosphere, it is customary to invite a presenter who will develop the evening program and coordinate it with the main organizer of the evening. The presenter also coordinates all competitions in advance so as not to put the students and invited parents and teachers in an awkward position. The highlight of the evening can be a guest star who will perform your favorite youth songs or show program.

It is customary to invite a videographer and photographer to the holiday, who will present holiday photographs and video recordings, which graduates will view and remember themselves.

The evening ends, as a rule, with a festive fireworks display on the street in the late evening, when darkness reigns in the street, or by launching burning balls.

There is another option for the development of events, but those graduates who do not like the official parts of the event and prefer to relax without their own parents, who sometimes do not allow them to spend time as they would like, choose it.

Since the graduation party falls in the summer, very often graduates prefer to rent gazebos in the forest, where they can organize barbecues and a delicious table. Some people prefer to rent apartments, summer cottages or country houses for several days, where you can have fun in the company and spend the night in rooms.

There are also classes where students are one big friendly company that prefers to relax away from their parents. Of course, this option to celebrate is quite expensive, but many people, children prefer to choose it: they go to the warm side, where they can have fun, swim and visit all the local entertainment venues.

On the threshold of adulthood, school graduates sometimes do unimaginable things. decided to figure out how graduation is celebrated in different countries of the world and what is in common between graduates, for example, the States and Norway.

Our graduation
Let's start with our country, Belarus, for comparison. Our farewell to school traditionally begins with the last bell at the end of May. In the schoolyard, the teachers and the director are giving instructions to the graduates, and the first graders are congratulating them. The girls tie white bows, put on their school uniforms, the guys take their hands, and they either stay at school or go for a walk. The graduation ceremony is celebrated after passing the exams, they walk noisily until the first officially adult morning. Graduates go to greet the dawn, and the bravest ones bathe in city fountains.

American dream
The prom is taken very seriously in the United States. Preparation for it begins in advance. Judging by the films, the most interesting thing in the life of American teenagers happens precisely in graduation classes and, of course, at graduation. Graduation, or as they call it prom, can be compared to going out on the red carpet: girls follow fashion trends in order to literally knock everyone out.

It is customary to come to the ball in pairs. They approach the choice of a couple responsibly, because they will have to spend the whole evening together. You are not supposed to dance with someone else's boyfriend. The young man has serious responsibilities: he has to put on a tuxedo, buy a flower bracelet to match his companion's dress, pick her up in a luxury car in the evening and take her to the ball. Alcohol is prohibited at the holiday, there are no solemn speeches or presentation of certificates. At the end of the evening, the director announces the king and queen of the prom. They are usually the most popular and beautiful students of the school. Almost all graduates dream of becoming a queen or king of the ball.

Euro tour
In Great Britain and Ireland, graduation is celebrated in about the same way as in the United States, but in Scotland, for the most part, graduates do not even know what a prom is. The fact is that here the statistics of passing exams is somehow especially disappointing, so it is somehow not customary to celebrate graduation from school, because after it very few people continue their studies at the university. The mood is not right. True, there are those who do not want to deprive themselves of the holiday and arrange parties in hotels or pubs.

In France, in high school, in the lyceum, classmates change every year. Accordingly, in graduation, rarely does anyone see the meaning. True, French graduates, following the example of their peers from Scotland, can sometimes arrange a holiday for themselves.

In Germany, however, they approach farewell to school in a creative way. Students write hymns for their class, draw emblems, print their photos as posters, sign them. To leave a memory of themselves in their native school, they plant flowers and trees in the school garden. Having done something good and useful for the school, graduates are eligible to come to the ball. In some federal states, it is customary to host themed parties: students dress up in a pre-selected style. For example, they dress like Hollywood stars on the red carpet or oriental sultans and odalisques. By the way, in Germany, you can officially drink alcohol at graduation, since the laws of the country allow beer and wine from the age of 16, and many graduates are already 18 years old.

In Italy, as such, there is no graduation ball, graduates themselves organize a party for themselves called I cento giorni (100 days), which takes place, in fact, 100 days before the final exams. Why exactly 100? Italians believe that this is how long it takes to repeat everything you have learned before exams.

Polish graduation is celebrated in January and also 100 days before leaving school. Poles have something in common with Italians, you must agree. The graduation party in Poland begins with a polonaise, which the director himself dances with one of the students. Moreover, each city has its own variants of the polonaise. There is a belief: in order to pass the exams well, you need to "latch" your legs during the dance. As for prom dresses, guys come in three-piece suits and girls wear evening gowns. At the same time, it is believed that there must be something red in the outfit, since this color gives strength and confidence, helps to overcome difficulties.

Graduation in Sweden begins with a gourmet breakfast and champagne. Girls put on dresses, and guys put on suits. Everyone has a small white cap, on the lining of which everyone can sign. After the ceremonial part, the graduates run out of the school and throw their hats into the sky. Then the guys get into the convertible and turn on the music louder. Their loved ones stand along the streets and hold posters with their photographs and wishes. On this day, everyone gives each other practical gifts. Have fun until the morning.

Students in their final year of college in Norway dress up in funny multi-colored overalls and have a lot of fun in the last weeks before graduation. Red overalls are worn by those who have decided to devote themselves to the economy, blue ones are worn by those who are going to do science, black ones are for future techies, and white ones are worn by athletes.

Mysterious Asia
You might think that in Asian countries graduation is celebrated somehow in a special way, but the American prom has taken root there too. Graduation in Israel, for example, follows the same principle as in the United States.

In Lebanon, graduation takes place in the evening after a formal ceremony in a luxurious hotel with a formal dress code, rented cars, the choice of the king and queen of the ball.

In Malaysia, prom-type graduations are becoming more and more popular, but there the graduates themselves are involved in the organization, the school administration is not involved.

In Japan, the graduation dress code is extremely strict! There will definitely not be any king and queen here. Everything is strict, solemn, the Japanese are not used to showing emotions, the suit is according to the charter.

In China, they say goodbye to school, throwing notebooks, diaries, pencils, pens out of the windows ... In general, the way our schoolchildren threaten, unless they burn anything.

Pakistan has a farewell dinner at the end of the school year.

Well ... Different countries of the world have their own traditions of celebration. But the common thing, perhaps, is that this day remains incredibly bright, warm, cheerful and at the same time a little sad. It's time to grow up.