Sayings about false hypocritical people. Hypocrisy. Exemplary statements about hypocrisy

Where there is no equality, there will be inevitably should be hypocrisy.

In gentle speeches there can be poison.

The hypocrite reminds me of a person who killed his parents and asks the court to reflue on the grounds that he is an orphan.

I hope you do not lead a double life, pretending to be sure when you are actually virtuous. That would be a hypocrisy.

Personal appeal is born in the most modest life.

It has long been said that hypocrisy is a tribute, which vice pays virtue.

The chameleon is not distinguished to the wall of the chameleon.

Vain, arrogant - narcissist guiders, see in the mirror, one lie only.

Exemplary statements about hypocrisy

In the game, the fault is embodied the incessant human ability to transform.

When good is committed in order to earn the right to enter into paradise or in the hope of a more successful state of affairs in the next life, this is hypocrisy.

Of all the varieties of hypocrisy, the most decentive is false modesty.

Responsive approximate statements about hypocrisy

Hypocrisy is a fashionable vice, and all fashionable vices go to virtues.

Hypocrisians - Pokhalima use when someone believed, do not believe it! Lies...

If you can not always tell the truth, then it should not yet be what you need to lie. I do not always say what I feel and think, but this does not mean that I should say what I do not feel and do not think. The first is prudence, the second - hypocrisy.

Hypocrisy in love is one of the social disasters.

Hispid love worse hatred.

A person is a solid pretense, a lie, hypocrisy not only before others, but in front of him. He does not want to hear the truth about himself, avoids to speak it to others. And these inclinations, opposite mind and justice, deeply rooted in his heart.

Master of all kinds of hypocrisy and pretendation.

Hypocrisy is an easy craft, every villain is much in it, but only noble hearts can talk and dare and dare.

The pretense is splitting together those who are connected by a circular lieutenant of hypocrisy.

Talk about man, act, phenomenon, event What you think. Never strive to guess what words someone expects from you. This desire can make a hypocriser from you, and ultimately scoundrel.

Hizmaker, conscience is not aware that she is hypocrishes.

Know, who is unwilling in love, pretending with hypocrisy in the blood.

Too much moral indignation is almost always a sign of hypocrisy and pharyce.

Famous exemplary statements about hypocrisy

Among the fools there is a certain sect called hypocrisers who continuously learn to deceive themselves and others, but more than others than themselves, and in fact they deceive themselves more than others.

The piety is the real school of hypocrisy.

The mask eventually grows to. The hypocriser cums the fact that it becomes a man is comprehensive.

Nobody is a hypocrite in his dreams.

The most hypocritical people are more often in fools.

The outfit of the hypocrite does not share our light. Earth life - moment, other - without end, sell all the eternity for the moment? Yes, there is no point in this point.

Hypocrite! Remove the first log in your eyes and then you will see how to remove the bitch from your eyes.

The hypocriser is a man who killed both parents and asks for a condesception, referring to the fact that he is an orphan.

Among the liars, I was a hypocriser, as I was tired of humanity!

Nothing prevents the performer to wear another mask.

Naked hypocrisy inspires respect to people who are accustomed to to serve.

How to push the hypocrisy straightforward?

Showful simplicity is a sophisticated hypocrisy.

The hypocriser is always a slave.

Mimolete exemplary statements about hypocrisy

A smile appearing on the face without any reason, or not moderately medical speeches is a faithful hypocrisy.

Politeness is the most acceptable form of hypocrisy.

Each person in his own way of hypocritical, no exceptions! Just manifests each of everyone in different ways.

Hitterish not for pleasure.

It means a hypocrisy to live correctly, it's stupid.

A person is a solid pretense, a lie, hypocrisy not only before others, but in front of him. He does not want to hear the truth about himself, avoids to speak it to others. And these inclinations, opposite mind and justice, deeply rooted in his heart.

The pretense splits together those who are connected by a circular law of hypocrisy.

What are you finding fasting, pretending so humble!

It is better to drink wine and peri hugging than hypocritical bows to beat.

Truth - a mirror, the reflection of which is unbearable for pretending and hypocrisy.

The hypocrisy is the tribute that the vice is forced to pay virtues.

Vanity pushes a person to ridiculous bagging and hypocrisy.

False powers are, as there are false christmas. Banchard does not sin brave fighters, and the righteous are those that give an example to us, do not curl hypocritical.

The distance between people is sometimes measured by hypocrisy.

Hypocrisy is a tribute to the damage pays virtue.

Modern exemplary statements about hypocrisy

When chameleon in power, color changes the environment.

Great evil - hypocrisy, pleasing, adaptation. Cleament to recognize this is a multiple evil, be implicit and irreasonable to him.

Honesty in politics is the result of strength, hypocrisy - the result of weakness.

Phariseism is not the degeneracy of the good man: on the contrary, the fair amount is rather a condition for any prosperity.

A false face will hide everything that conceived a cunning heart.

I can not say what I think, but it does not mean that I should say what I think. In the first case, this prudence, in the second - hypocrisy.

Better is a clear enemy than a slim lets and a hypocrite: such a disturbed mankind.

The difference in heights to which various personalities rose, has their own value.

The view of the hypocrisy, the smile is lying, but the clothes never deceive.

What kind of good and crystal honest man was name, friends and neighbors will learn, as a rule, from local necrologists.

Roughness can hide a kind heart, but she repels and makes prefer a flattened hypocrisy.

Lizoblyudov Sales do not consider people.

The only sin that cannot be released is hypocrisy. The repentance of the hypocrisy in itself hypocrisy.

Do what I say, but do not say what I am doing - corrected Jesuitism.

She just wants love, but despite the fact that everyone likes, she has no one. And all due to the fact that she has a child. People, our egoism and hypocrisy break the lives of others, we are able to think only about themselves ..

Personally, the evil lives in me and the feeling of hatred is cluttered my mind. But look at yourself first, people. After all, you are the embodiment of fear, meanness and hypocrisy. Have courage to answer everyone for yourself.

ABOUT! And we just about prostitutes and hypocrites chatted ... about you, in short.

And yet this world is very complicated: there are so many lies, hatred, betrayal and hypocrisy ... I miss my child's terribly.

Best status:
You open the whole soul in front of him and try to become better for him. And he always hypocrishes. He really doesn't care.

A man in the year has 364 real happy days, and only on a birthday everyone is trying to blame in front of you.

The world is so used to lies and hypocrisy that someone is very difficult to deceive now.

Sponge a bows near the mirror? In the hands of I-Phone? Clubs? Pink dress? Hypocrisy? Stop! It's time to stay!

If stroken in duplicities, it means that I lost the appearance ... (Lyudmila Morozova / Hyborneonia)

The extreme degree of hypocrisy is honesty. *

Harmful. But not hypocritical.

among the carnival of hypocrisy, sin does not hypocritical

Its sick of female empty conversations, from these endless hypocritical disputes ...

Sales did not tolerate: hit the price!

The point of view was hiding a dot ... (Mikhail Mamchich / point of view / hypocrisy)

I just ... just want to sigh with a full breast, to send this theater of human hypocrisy to all these devices ... And you can love it - it's clear, purely, childishly stupid, but much - very much ... One question remained, and I still have it?

Master of all kinds of hypocrisy and pretendation.

I hate hypocrisy ...

Masquerade is arranged for everyone to show his face.

This scum is hypocritical, not embarrassed, the rest has to hide his eyes.

Theatre? What for? He surrounds me so much. Masquerade of human lies, indifference ... The game of feelings and destinies. Paphos ... hypocrisy ... play ... Game Over?

Yes, I'm a fucking hysteric! Yes, sometimes I can not control my emotions and spoil and then sometimes cry ... But it's better to be such a living and with emotions than a nurse who cannot stand for yourself and crying about and without! ..

If you wear a mask too long, facial wrinkles are printed on it. (Leshk Kuzhd / Lesmier)

Speak smoking - the most bad habit? What about hypocrisy, betrayal, egocentrism? 3

* Hypocrisy in love is the highest love for hypocrisy. Leonid S. Sukhorukov.

The lifting of a person is determined by the ability to listen long enough to listen to any garbage, without feeding the species that he was tired of listening ...

Is it possible to remain the king of animals, refusing meat food? (Oscar Boethations / Liezer)

There are two ways of self-ability: one - talking good about yourself, the second is to donate others.

It's a shame when a person. Who trusted you turned out to be a hypocrite ...

There is nothing worse than the hypocritical praise of nonsense.

You are right, it is not downtown; But his only face is so disgusting! (Charles Percy Snow / Liezer)

- The hypocrisy is ... You say one thing, but you think another ... - If I say "eight", but think "Yyy" is hypocrisy?

Low bow - what else is needed to spit the furtively ... (Mikhail Mamchich / relationship / hypocrisy)

People! You will at least a little easier! Smaller hypocrisy, pathos and pride! Well, infuriates, though ...

Everything in the world of this hypocrites, in lies they do not know the measures, and are good only in words ...

Now it is fashionable to eat sushi, smoking a hookah, drink a shampoo from beautiful boilers, photoshop pictures and generally pretend to those who are not ...

The hypocrisy to call errors - experience, nothingness - modesty, and stupidity - optimism.

Game on stage. Hypocrisy in life.

Damn, well, already stunned.) Here are many applications in contact "hypocrite" and when you send an invitation, the picture of the invited picture is displayed with the inscription "LIFEER". And all those are responsible: - Why do you think so? I am a hypocriser? Ah I am a hypocrite? Etc. Unsuccessful invitations.

The hypocrites do not feel, hypocrites play.

Everything in the world of this hypocrites, in lies they do not know the measures, and are good only in words ...

Remove the skin from the wolf is much simpler than from a wolf in a sheep skin.

So deeply looked in his mouth, as if I was going to spit into the soul. (Mikhail Mamchich / man person / relationship / hypocrisy)

Piglet for Winnie Poha was a barrier coin. (Mikhail Mamchich / Relationship / Hyborne / Joke)

Roughness can hide a kind heart, but she repels and makes prefer a flattened hypocrisy.

* Falling low, did the look that is low. Leonid S. Sukhorukov.

haha. who are you? my friends? relatives? Sorry, I did not recognize. How betrayal and hypocrisy are changing faces!

Put on a smile, babe ... and forward. Hypocrisy is now our best friend 😉

Many of those who wear a cross do not see the crucified Christ. (Marat Amir / Christian / Religion / Hybornerow)

And if I said I would love you, you would probably think that I was not sincere ... I'm not a hypocrite, and my mask is alone alone!

Lies - torture torture. (Angelica Miropoltseva / Liezer / Cheating / Pretending)

How did they become annoying my classmates! Girror!

The hypocrite is a man who ... But who is not a hypocrite?

If the forgiveness is preceded by showing repentance, the deed will certainly repeat, and in the worst version. (Catherine price / hypocrisy / dialogue)

Praise the truth that does not hide lies. (Angelica Miropoltseva / Praise / True / Liezer)

How nitality to look at all this hypocrisy ... how people can do to each other so much naughty ...

There is no pretense in me and I do not try to depict people of what is not in my heart, for I consider it below its dignity. (Ali Apsheroni / hypocrisy)

And after all, hunt to be like them. To be strong and not to pay attention to them, and you pretend that you are so, but nothing to breathe in this mask and have to lose it from your face. Or maybe it's better?

When she pretends - we think that she is real, and when she is real we are afraid of seeing this hypocrisy! ..

False and hypocrisy produce a greater impression than truth.

Decenservation is not in infidelity, but in hypocritical caresses are incorrect. There can be forgiveness, cunning - never. (Ninon de Lanclo / hypocrisy)

This is your soul, your hypocrisy and your loneliness ... And this is my life, my rules and my good mood. Your false emoticons and my thoughts ... We are different and such similar.

Think one, and say another is a typical symptom of a split personality.

Hypocrisy is a costume lies. (Angelica Miropoltseva / Liezer) (Aphorism-Definition)

They love for beautiful appearance, big breasts and a big ass ... no one loves for the soul. Already no one matters what is your inner world. Circle hypocrisy.

There is no blood on my hands, "said Idol. And licked his lips. (Yuri Mezenko / hypocrisy)

* Double standards there are chaos of one-scenes. (Leonid S. Sukhorukov / Liezer)

Hypocrisy is a part of a person to curb. But overtooking a mask on yourself you already lose yourself ... and then false ...

The faithful like-minded person is the one who together with you is ready to change his views. (Mikhail Mamchich / Communication / Man / Liezer)

Hypocrisy - the gift of God; If it were not for intelligent snobs and not their money, art would die with their hunger with his servants.

My style is sarcasm. And when I mix in it a little lies and hypocrisy - I am generally the kindest and attentive person on earth!)

Quarrels, resentment, joy, happiness, smile, hypocrisy ... This is a living, childcare. Remove glasses, they are pink ...

I don't want to hear a false and hypocritical "love".

Why can not just love ??? without all this hypocrisy, egoism, betrayal and swearing ???

She dreams of dissolving in the starry sky. She dreams of becoming free as a summer evening. Its sick of female empty conversations. From these endless, hypocritical disputes.

Master of all kinds of hypocrisy and pretendation. (Quentin Krisp / Liezer)

Go all nafig ... Zadolbali with their hypocrishes, deceptions ... already probably forgotten when the truth was told?

Loudly, they appeal to humanity those who do not allow pigs. (Mikhail Mamchich / humanity / hypocrisy)

Double, hypocritical, inadequate, abnormal, patient, stupid, selfish creature ... damn, yes List endless ... Help continue ...

And in high words, the pig loans were hidden ... (Mikhail Mamchich / hypocrisy / politics / power)

I believed him, loved ... Although I do not like. And he had another mask of lies and hypocrisy for me.

I have so nasty people that I'm in any good act looking for a catch, hypocrisy and p * zjezh. And, as a rule, I find.

- The hypocrisy is ... You say one thing, but you think another ... - If I say "eight", but think "Yyy" is hypocrisy?

* Nothing does not force the tail like the rear thoughts. Leonid S. Sukhorukov (Leonid S. Sukhorukov / Liezer)

Why always the first impression of me that I am evil, and then when they talk, say: "You're so cool." Do not draw conclusions until you communicate personally with a person!

Hypocrisy - measure the actions not before their conscience, but in the face of others. (Mikhail Mikhailovich Svienne / Liezer)

Hypocrisy is kittens of dwarfs. (Alexander Konopathic / Liezer)

All men liars, chatters, hypocrites, pride and panties, lustful and decent contempt! All women slyers, boastful, not sincerely, curious and depraved! But the most holy and sublime in the world is the Union of these disgusting creatures.

You can not talk about what you think, but this does not mean that you have to say what you do not think: in the first case, this is prudence, in the second - hypocrisy.

The most sincere compliment is ridiculously said, not a high-speed hypocrisy.

How many joy, showing, hypocrisy and everyone loves each other, and they say behind the back: "I hate this bitch 2

With special cynicism and in a perverted form raped fate - married because of the money (Vladimir Kafanov / hypocrisy / Fate / Violence)

No one is trying to deny that all people are hypocrites ... Maybe it's enough to prove it?

In the presence of the authorities, learn how to laugh at the head (Pavel Sharp / Liezer / Study / Adaptation)

I will laugh and have fun, and only when I stay alone with myself quietly dive and pay in the pillow. No, not because I am hypocrite, I just don't want to strain you, I always with a smile ...

Showful simplicity - there is a sophisticated hypocrisy!

Once again, it is aware that the female friendship-myth, seeing what fragile backups of lies and hypocrisy still keeps the family, realizing how your second half easily and quickly disappear ... Here I crawled, gentlemen, from fear of life, yes!

What is the difference what you say behind your back, if no one dares to say in the face ...

Oh, hello, and we just talked about you! Well, not specifically about you, but about whores and hypocrisy.

What would you wish that then in a terrible dream you have not dreamed. (Mikhail Mamchich / Wish / Liezer)

Is it wrong? No, just bitch ... is she a hypocrite? Yes, no ... just hurts ... she hides, but all the nerves went ... it was once unwittingly changed ...

The greatest achievement of the twenty-first century has become farewell, hypocrisy and fear of public opinion.

Not to all hypocrisy in the soul, someone is just in a fig ... (Mikhail Mamchich / hypocrisy)

Ah, Baby ... Discuss me, discuss ... I still flatter this attention ...

As a whore, only love can hypocrite.

Politeness is the most acceptable form of hypocrisy.

Samuel Johnson

Hitterish not for pleasure.

Stephen King.

People like the hypocrites, it's true, they will recognize themselves in them, because it is so nice when someone, not you, and not you will be forced with nasivated pants and in full combat readiness.

Fenimor Cooper.

A smile appearing on the face without any reason, or not moderately medical speeches - the most reluctant evidence of hypocrisy.

Francois VI de Larancyfo

Never pride does not hypocrishes as skillfully, as hiding under the liqueur of humility.

Leonardo da Vinci

Among the fools there is a certain sect called hypocrisers who continuously learn to deceive themselves and others, but more than others than themselves, and in fact they deceive themselves more than others.

Wilhelm Liebknecht

You can not say what you think, but this does not mean that you have to say what you do not think: in the first case, this is prudence, in the second - hypocrisy.

Marquis de Sad.

We are doomed to live among people who try to hide their flavors from us with all the might and put out the fake virtues that they in the depths of the soul are despised, and therefore it would be very dangerous to be frank only, since they obviously would use it with Easily inflated us. The need for presence and hypocrisy will be given to us by society - let's recognize this fact.


Hypocrisy is a fashionable vice, and all fashionable vices go to virtues.

The pretense is splitting together those who are connected by a circular lieutenant of hypocrisy.

Alexander Mikhailovich Chernitsky

Hypocrisy is a defensive concept, the Hubbee - offensive. Hansza is a hypocrite accusing others in his own sins.

Friends here exist to help each other. Romain Rolland

About betraying friends can be said one thing - it was not your friends ...

Do not be enemies, I would not be the one who became. But, thank God, the enemies grabbed. Salvador Dali

A friend must take on a friend of disturbing a friend. Erasmus Rotterdamsky

If the friendship falls apart after the first push, it stumbles about the first bump on the way, from the wind scattered into the dust, no is a friendship. And so, the balletness is one, friendship and no more.

When our company meets, we are becoming the most, from our mother, they said to keep as far as possible.

Never justify! You do not need your friends, but the enemies will not believe you anyway

We do not so much in need of the help of friends, as in the confidence that we get it. Democritus

While the interests of the girlfriends do not intersect, women's friendship can continue to exist.

When friendship becomes love, they merge like two rivers, of which the big absorbs smaller. Madeleine de Schuderi

Friendship ... This is when you are absolutely different and perfectly complement each other

Who is forever to inflame the hostility, Luda loves, in the end, his fire will ruin. Saadi

Think need your head. And not girlfriends

Friends are when you can come to a person and settle with him.

A friend can not be offended even with a joke. Unknown author

The deepest friendship generates the most fierce hostility. Michel De.

Who is looking for friends, worthy of finding them; Who has no friends, he never searched them. Gothhold Efraim Lessing

The only way to find a friend is to be them. Ralph Waldo Emerson

A real friend will bring you to the hospital not a kilogram of oranges, like everything, but a means of allergies

Want to know the whole truth about yourself, ask your friends about it.

Joint classes in idiocy give rise to friendship.

Year after year I am convinced that friends are shelf life.

Friends love you as you are, my wife loves you, but wants to make another person from you. Chesterton.

About meetings with friends, best will tell the morning ...

Friendship unites people much stronger than love. Dietrich.

Friendship should be proven by affairs, not words. Hosres.

A true friend is the one who will enter your door ... Even if the whole world came out of it

There are no debtors in friendship or benefactors. Romain Rowan

Friendship abuse is the worst of all sins.

I do not know anything equal genuine friendship of a smart person - what a rare jewel. Tobayas George Smalllett

Happiness, which I never deceived me, is your friendship. Of all my passions, the only thing that remained unchanged is my friendship to you, for my friendship is a passion. Nikolay Platonovich

If my friends are kriva, I look at them in the profile. Joseph Juber

Yabeda - branch among the branches of lies and one of her varieties. Ibn Khamp

It is difficult without a friend when he is lost. But it is difficult and with a friend when he is not true. Abeck

Friends are when they listen, they understand, do not condemn, and in difficult moments help.

Friendship is not a service, do not thank for it. Derzhanin.

Who in trouble left a friend, he himself recognizes the bitterness of the trouble. Shota Rustaveli

Girlfriend, not that who will jump over you out of the window, and that who will catch you from below

Traitors betray primarily themselves. Plutarch

About the friends of traitors should not remember ...