Apple Savior: Orthodox holiday with pagan roots. Apple Savior: All about the holiday

The last summer month is rich in Christian holidays, it is in August who believers say three vehicles, the meaning of each of which is unique. However, despite the differences, all of them are devoted to the Savior, i.e. Jesus Christ, in honor of which these holidays are named. The very first celebrate honey saved, followed by apple saved and nut. Apple Savior - a holiday, known from the Old Russian Times, is celebrated on August 19 and means the offensive of the autumn and the transformation of nature. Another name of the apple rescue is "the first autumn", i.e. Meet of autumn. On the same day, an Orthodox holiday has a Orthodox holiday Transfiguration of the Lord, who is dedicated to the memories of the transformation of Jesus Christ in front of their students on Mount Favor, shortly before the crucifixion. The pagan traditions worked closely with Christian celebrations, and now the holiday transfiguration is more famous as an apple saved and adopted many of its traditions.

So, in the people of the holiday, the transformation is called second savage or apple spas. it the name of the holiday acquired, because it was on this day, on August 19, the grapes of a new harvest had been consecrated and consecrated, and in those areas where grapes were not grown, apples were sanctified. At the same time, before the rescue, apples and dishes are not allowed from them, while the holiday itself is supposed to collect harvest, consecrate it and eat. This holiday is still designed to resemble people about the need for spiritual transformation. The main tradition of apple ads is the treatments of all relatives and loved ones, as well as orphans, patients and low-grained apples of fresh harvest in memory of the dead ancestors and only after that you can try apples yourself.

Apple Savior accounted for a short, but quite a rigorous Assumption post, which permits to include in its diet only food of plant origin. Despite the fact that the post begins with honey saves, i.e. From August 14, fresh apples, as well as other fruits and vegetables of the new crop are allowed only from August 19. Also on this day, fish, vegetable oil and wine are allowed. Savior Baked Pies with Apples Baked Apple Jam, Make Salads and Apple-Based Desserts, adorn their festive table and give each guest. It is believed that the more generous man on this day will treat all with apples, the kind to his dead relatives react God. The reality is that apples eclipsed by the real meaning of the holiday, and the Transfiguration of the Lord turned into a mass consecration of apples. However, the tradition of sanctification has its roots. It is believed that the ripening of fruits at the end of summer is a kind of reward for a whole year of hard work, and, the consecration of the fruits on the day of transformation, the church thereby sanctifies all the earthly works of God to God.

It is believed that after the consecration of apples on apple Savior, they acquire some kind of magical power, and if you make a desire, biting the first piece from the apple of the new harvest, it will definitely be fulfilled. With apple save, it is customary not only to begin to prepare all sorts of apples-based dishes, but also to make blanks for the winter. Below are some recipes for which you can prepare dishes for the festive table on apple saved, as well as make delicious and useful blanks.

500 gr. flour
200 ml of milk,
2 eggs,
170 gr. Sahara,
30 gr. butter
1 kg of fresh apples
300 gr. sour cream

Check the dough from flour, milk, 1 eggs, butter, 20 gr. Sugar and salt. Apples Clean the peel and remove the core. Cut apples with small slices, add 150 gr. Sugar and a little water. Put apples on a small fire and boil before softening, then cool. Slim tough dough, cut the circles out of it, put a stuffing from apples to the center of each mug and form dumplings. Dumplings omit in boiling salted water and boil on medium heat for 5-8 minutes. Before serving on the table, paint the dumplings sour cream.

Herring with sour cream and apples

300 gr. Washed salmon fillet,
150 gr. acidic apples
100 gr. onion
100 gr. fat sour cream
50 gr. pickled cucumbers
Hammer paprika,
10 gr. Sahara.

Herring Cut the pieces and lay out on the dish. Onions cleanse and put it very finely, put it on top of herring. Clean the apples from the peel, remove the core and cut into small cubes. Put apples for fish. Marinated cucumber cut into small cubes and add to apples. Mix the sour cream with paprika and sugar, the resulting sauce fill the fish and leave in the refrigerator. After 30-40 minutes, the dish is ready for use.

Apple Souffle

250 gr. apples
12 egg whites,
150 gr. Sahara,
10 gr. butter
20 gr. Sugar powder.

Apples Wash in cold water and cut into 4 parts, remove the core, lay out on the tray, add some water and bake in the oven until readiness. Finished apples Cool and wipe through a sieve, add sugar and put on fire. Constantly stirring, boil until the apple mass thickens. Then gently mix apples with whipped in thick foam proteins. Lubricate the form for baking with butter and with the help of a confectionery syringe, lay out the protein-apple mixture. Bake the souffle in the oven at 150-200 ° C. Ready souffle decorate with sugar powder.

8 eggs,
2 tbsp. Sahara,
3 large apples,
2 tbsp. flour
1 lemon,

Wash apples, cut into 4 parts and remove the core. Cut the pulp with thin pieces, lay out in a bowl and paint with lemon juice. Eggs sweep into the foam and, without stopping to beat, pour sugar thin jet. Add flour to the egg mass and mix gently. Lubricate the baking shape and plucked the flour slightly. Put half the test in the form, lay out the sliced \u200b\u200bapples and the remaining dough. Bake in a preheated oven 35-40 minutes.

6 apples,
120 gr. flour
250 ml of milk,
125 ml. water,
150 gr. Sahara,
2 eggs,
1 lemon,
½ CHL cinnamon
2 tbsp. butter
250 ml sour cream,
3 tbsp. sugar powder

In the deep bowl mix flour, water, milk, eggs, 50 gr. Sugar and salt. Went off all the homogeneous mass so that there were no lumps. Bake pancakes from the resulting test. Make stuffing. To do this, clean the apples from the peel, remove the core from them and cut into small cubes. Add lemon zest to apples, lemon juice, 30 grams. Sugar and cinnamon. Make caramel. In the pan melted butter, add 70 grams. Sugar and constantly stirring, prepare caramel. When sugar becomes caramel, remove it from the fire, add apples to caramel and put on fire. Constantly stir until the caramel feeds apples, then remove from the fire. Mix sour cream with powdered sugar. Each pancake fill with apple filling and top-ray sour cream.

1 kg of apples,
750 gr. Sahara,
½ st. water.

Wash apples, clean the peel and soda on the middle grater. At the same time, mix the water and sugar and put a saucepan on fire. As soon as the syrup boils, add grated apples into it and boil around an hour on medium heat, after occasionally stirring. During this time, Jam will be dense. After cooking, cool the jam, lay out in the bank and store in the refrigerator.

3 kg of apples
1 kg of sugar,
1 packing of vanilla sugar,
1 tsp. cinnamon
lemon juice.


Wash apples, clean the peel and seed and cut into slices. In the pan, lay out half of the apples and put it off their half sugar, apples and sugar are on top. Leave to stand for a couple of hours. Then put on the fire and boil for 20 minutes. Welcome jam and 2 more times repeat the cooking procedure. At the end of the last cooking, add lemon juice, cinnamon and vanilla. Hot jam bully on banks and roll the lid.


1.5 kg of apples,
1 lemon,
1.5 liters. water,
2-3 booton cloves,
250 gr. Sahara.

Wash apples, clean the peel, cut into 4 parts and remove the core. Put apples in a bowl and pour the juice squeezed out of 1 lemon, mix and cover the lid. Put the peel from the apples into the pan, pour with water and bring to a boil, then add sugar, mix and boil for 5 minutes. Remove the saucepan from the fire, strain the content through the sieve. Apples put in a clean dry jar, add syrup to them, cover the lid and cool down. Carefully break the syrup into the scenery and boil it. Close the carnation with boiling water and put to apples. Fill apples with boiling syrup so that the banks remained to the top of about 2 cm. Put a jar into a saucepan with boiling water for 20 minutes, after which it is sealed with a lid, turn the jar upside down and in such a state to cool to room temperature. Keep compote in a dark cool place.

Before the attack of an apple rescue, believers do not eat fresh apples, but with the occurrence of the holiday they appear on each table. Apples eat just like this, add to baking, salads, make juices, compotes and all kinds of blanks. After the second save, any fresh fruits and vegetables, consecrated in the church, are allowed to include in its diet, so it is from this day the post is postponed particularly easily. In the modern world, it is unlikely that anyone will become consecrated in the church all its harvest, grown in the country, one way or another, but part of the traditions associated with apple spasse is gradually forgotten. However, even in our time, every hostess can still bake a delicious pie, weld apple jam, cook compote, invite guests and treat them with these fragrant delicacies!

Alena Karamzin

"Savior came - holding mittens about the stock," this is how one of the sayings about apple sacket sounds - a great religious holiday. Apple Savior is also often called the second spas: the first saved (Macoves) is celebrated on August 14, and the third, or walnut saved, - August 29.

history of the holiday

In the three Gospels (from Mark, Matthew and Luke), the transformation of the Lord is described. Jesus Christ told his disciples that he must die, and on the third day to rise. Christ, together with the disciples, Peter, Jacob and John rose to the mountain Favor to pray. During the prayer, Jesus was transformed: the face was spawned, and the clothes were dazzling and white. At that moment, the Old Testament Prophets of Moses went down to Christ and Elijah and talked with Jesus. However, a cloud came soon, from which a voice came: "This is my beloved son, in which my favor. Listen to him! "

And the feast of Apple Spass began to celebrate in the 4th century, when the Queen Elena, the mother of the Roman emperor Konstantin I, built on Mount Favor Temm as a reminder of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

Traditions of apple rescue

People put on the saved festive clothes, took baskets with apples and other fruits from their own garden and garden, decorated all this beauty bouquet of wheat or rye and walked to the temple. The traditions of the apple rescue are interesting and varied:

  • according to church rules, it was impossible to even try the apple of a new harvest to the second save;
  • especially adhered to this rule of women who had little children died. It was believed that if the mother would not eat apples before the save, their kids in the sky will give a golden apple, which grows on a silver tree;
  • after a family with consecrated apples returned from the church, the head of the family with a consecrated candle was accounted for an apiary. After that, the rite could be located for a festive table. The main dish were baked apples. The second savage is accounted for by the Assumption post (Spassky), but the fish and wine are allowed on this day;
  • the hostess on this day was prepared a lot, and dishes and apples were distributed to the poor;
  • there is a belief that the second saved apples acquire miraculous properties: believed that if you eat a consecrated apple completely, even with the bones, then the diseases will bypass you;
  • on this day, people shared harvest with neighbors and relatives so that next year the whole lot was gone;
  • on the second saved, the deceased relatives remembered. It was believed that in this holiday the dead for the third time they come to Earth in the spring-summer period: the first parish falls on a passionate Thursday, the second - on the Trinity.

In fact, the traditions associated with spas, and in every region they are different and interesting in their own way.

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Folk signs related to apple spas

Our ancestors were supervisory people, so there is a lot of admission that are related to the second souze:

  • if the holiday was hot, it's not worth waiting for snow in winter; If the holiday was raining - winter will be a snowy;
  • if it rains on saved - autumn will be dry and warm;
  • if the Antonovka varied abundantly (sort of apples), then the next year the bread will be well;
  • what the weather was on the second saved, such will be on the cover (October 14).

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Where you can celebrate apple sav

People at the savage with a festive mood go to the church to sanctify full baskets of goodies. On this day, each temple is filled with festive baskets, of which the aroma of fruits and vegetables comes. If you want to spend this religious holiday in a special setting, you can go to, in,

August is rich in religious holidays. This month there are as many three saves, which are devoted to the Damars of Nature:, Apple and Nut. These products personify the harvest and play a huge role in the nutrition of people.

From all rescas, people allocate apple, because it is rich in signs and has a variety of traditions of celebration. Savior is celebrated on August 19. According to the Orthodox custom, the celebration of the apple save coincides with the Day of Transfiguration of the Lord, and in the People's Calendar - with the Wires of Summer. Before the occurrence of the celebration, there is a new crop fruit. When Apple Savior begins, it is necessary to eat apples and other fruits lit during liturgia. Also, apples are encouraged to treat relatives, acquaintances, friends, beggars and orphans. It is better even if you first give to try apples or dishes from them in need, and then try them yourself.

Since Apple Savior coincides with the Assumption post, it is forbidden to use meat, butter and milk. However, the allowed products can be easily replaced with mushrooms, berries, fruits and vegetables. By the way, in two weeks of the Uspensky post only on August 19, you can eat fish, without fearing to violate the rules of abstinence. It is recommended to cook jams, jams, and pies, various desserts to apple.

How did an apple saved?

Many holidays have their legend, no exception and apple saved. The history of the holiday falls for a while when Christ prepared his students to the coming events. There is a legend that the Messiah climbed with his closest students John, Peter and Jacob on the mountain Favor for traditional prayer. The tired apostles fell asleep and did not find the moment when the Transfiguration of the Lord began. They woke up from shine - unusual light, who studied Christ. Near the teacher, the apostles noticed Elijah and Moses, who aroused with him about the campaign in Jerusalem to commit the redemption. Suddenly, the fog and the apostles dropped on the mountain, the voice of the Lord was heard: "That son is my elected, in which there is my favor." The disciples were frightened, the NIC fell and lay so while Jesus was not touched upon them. Saint turned to them with a request not to tell about what happened until the execution of the execution. Thus, the disciples became the first people who realized that Jesus Son of God. This is a reason for the celebration of apple save.

In Russia, Savior became the most celebrated days of summer. On the day, when Apple Savior was noted, holidays were arranged in the villages, which praised not only a religious holiday, but also the arrival of autumn. The peasants watched the sunset and as soon as the Sun was compared with the horizon, began to sing songs and congratulate each other.

Apple Savior: Traditions and Signs

On the second saved, it is customary to treat all with apples and of course there are them themselves. Together with apples, relatives and friends can be given souvenir apples, textiles with a picture of fruit. The apple symbolizes the fertility and the well-being of the family, so you want your gift to your loved ones.

In addition to apple treats and souvenirs, apple savage has many more, which have a custom to come true. The main signs include the following:

  • If you eat an apple on the day of the scene and make a desire, then it will be fulfilled.
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  • If there is a fluff for saved on you 2 times, then this is a good sign - luck is waiting for you.
  • Weather in Apple Savior will be identical to January weather. If it rains in the afternoon, then there will be a lot of precipitation in winter.
  • If there is dry, then the autumn will come the same.
  • If you celebrate this saved, then in addition to the treats, turn on the evening walks. Go to the park to spend the warm summer and meet autumn. Watching the sunset, thank the nature for her abundance and gifts and ask all other months to be generous and fertile.

    In August, there are three holidays in honor of the Savior, which are also called saves. The first Savior noted on August 14, in popularly called "on the water", the second - 19 August, "on the mountain", and the third - 29 August, "on the canvas".

    The second saved, marked on the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord, is called apple spas.

    Why the second saved is called apple

    Apple Savior - the national name of the holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Many folk rites are timed to him. First of all, apple savages means the autumn offensive, the transformation of nature. Previously, before this holiday, there was no fruit, there are no fruits in except for cucumbers. On August 19, they were covered in the church, after which all the fruits were already allowed to eat. After consecration, part of the brought fruit needs to be given a parable, and the rest attributed to the house where they are talking.

    It is believed that if parents do not eat apples to the second susta, then in the world, hotels are distributed, among which are paradise apples. And those children, whose parents tried apples - do not distribute. Therefore, many parents, especially buried children, consider sin there are apples before this holiday. Mothers who lost their children, in the morning of Apple Savior, carry several apples into the temple, sanctify, and after they are taking the graves of dead children. If the grave is far away, the illuminated apple can be put on any children's grave or leave in the temple. Previously, often consecrated apples carried on the cemeteries to put all the dead relatives.

    There is also a belief that apples are making magic on the transformation. By catching a piece, you can make a desire that will certainly come true.

    From this day in the gardens there comes hot times, apples are harvested by the future on a variety of recipes: they are dried and canned, and soaked. During the holiday, you also need to prepare a lot of dishes with apples, bake in the oven or oven with honey, make pies. Sunsovskiy apples were given by nourishing and sick.

    On the same day, the massive use of pea begins, sometimes a special "peas of the day" was even arranged. From the apple rescue and the holiday of the transformation, the harvest of Yarovy and sowing of winter (rye) began. The characteristics tried to prepare the preparation of medicinal herbs before that day, Gutuli did not end the fire on the street, the fire did not lend fire on this day.

    The mass folk festivities and fairs were timed to the holiday.

    For folk signs, after an apple rescue, the nights get colder. This holiday is also a meeting of autumn. "The second Savior came - take the Mittens about the supply."

    Other holiday titles

    The second, apple rescue has other popular names - for example, the celebration of the first fruits, the middle saved, saved on the mountain, the peas of the day, the first autumn, the autumn, the second meeting of autumn, transformation. The Russian Orthodox Church on this day is honored by the transformation of the Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.

    Transfiguration of the Lord God and Savior of Jesus Christ

    In the gospels described the mysterious transformation, the phenomenon of the divine greatness and the glory of the Lord. It happened on the grief in front of the three closest students of Jesus Christ during prayer. This event is reported by all evangelists, with the exception of John.

    The Orthodox celebration takes place on August 19, and if on the Julian calendar - then on August 6th. The Catholic Church is also celebrated on August 6, or is postponed to the next Sunday for this day. The Armenian Apostolic Church considers this holiday by turning on June 28 to August 1.

    The traditional place of transfiguration of the Lord is called Mountain in Galilee called Favor. However, there is a version that the venue of the transformation was the sorrow of Mount Hermon, which is in the vicinity of Caesarea Philippova.

    In the gospels described that Jesus rose with Peter, Jacob and John to pray on the mountain, and during prayer transformed. His face brushed as the sun, and clothes were made white, like light. And there were two prophets from the Old Testament, Elijah and Moses, and talked with the Savior about the outcome. He forbade talking about what he saw his disciples while the Son of Human would not rise from the dead.

    history of the holiday

    The holiday was celebrated in Palestine from the IV century, since the Empress Elena on Mount Favor was built by the Transfiguration Temple. In the east, the mention of the festival belongs to the V century.

    Evangelical texts say that this event happened in February, 40 days before Easter, but the Orthodox Church was postponed to 6 (19) August - so that it did not accountever the days of the Great Post. And on the 40th day after the transformation, the Holiday of the Cross of the Lord is always held.

    In France and Spain, the holiday was committed from the VII century, but in the Catholic Church he was installed in Pope Kalikhstom III in 1456.

    In the Orthodox Church, a holiday belongs to the two-month great holidays, a liturgy is performed, pariary are read, canon. The color of liturgical clothes is white. The holiday falls on the Assumption post, which was previously almost equal to the Great.

    In Rus, Apple Savior was one of the most celebrated holidays. In the evening, the peasants watched the sunset, and when it concerned the horizon - the chants began.

    In the southern regions were sanctified and tried not apples, but the first grapes. Or all fruits, what are there.

    Rituals and signs on apple saved

    Apple Savior is called the "first autumn" - the meeting of autumn. In the evening, without the sunset, and the summer was accomplished. "Apple Savior came - left summer from us."

    It is also believed that he recalls how the spiritual transformation is necessary. On this day, they were first treated with apples of relatives, loved ones, orphans, the people who fell asleeping the ancestors - and only then ate themselves.

    With this holiday, many signs and customs are connected. In the old days, people considered them important to health and well-being of the whole family. For example, collected from the garden of fruits treated beggars - in order for the next year to collect a otnaya harvest.

    There is still a sign that if on the day of the second save the heat, then in January there will be little snow, and if it rains - then winter will be a snowy.

    There is another interesting sign: if a fly will sit on this holiday on his hand twice, then a person awaits success. In this holiday, you need to be patient even to flies and not to drive them, so as not to move good luck.


    According to archaeologists, even cave people eaten apples. In ancient Rome, 23 types of apples were known, and thanks to Roman soldiers, apples got to Europe. Now the apple trees are the most popular fruit trees in the world.

    Apples can be used in a huge amount of dishes, they are even produced by vodka with Sidrom, not to mention the jams, desserts, salads, compats, pies, cakes, sauces. With apples baked ducks, meat stew.

    According to physiological standards, a person should consume about 50 kilograms of apples per year, of which 40% is in the form of juice. In apples there are almost all substances that are necessary for the body: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, iron, vitamins C, E, RR, B1, B2, B6, folic acid, carotene. They are easily absorbed and their combinations for people are optimal.

    Not in vain the British say: "Apple on the day - and the doctor will not need." And even better - two or three apples. These amazing fruits will help support the body of wonderful health.

    August is rich in holidays devoted to harvest. Three times are honored the most significant gifts of Russian Nature: apples, honey and nuts. Although, strictly speaking, during three sisps a focus is paid not only to these products ..

    Honey savage

    Honey saved is celebrated on August 14 in a new style. Our ancestors believed that after this day, the bee begins to bring "wrong" honey, and therefore hurried to collect the last gifts of small workers. This honey was considered particularly healing, but they used him in food solely after consecrated in the church.

    On the day of the first rescue, it is customary to give each other jars with this fragrant delicacy, the oven honey coggicles and gingerbread cookies, brew Medovukha. Believers come to the temple to consecrate honey - both liquid and honeycombs. They leave honey offerings in the church, give them the elderly, children and those who ask for challenge. In Russia, there is even an old saying: "At first Savior and the beggar poisoning."

    In addition, on August 14, the priests also carry out small decree. It is the tradition that consecrate water, in advance the wells and surrounding reservoirs gave the second name for this holiday: "wet saved" or "saved on the water."

    It is believed that even dew on that day is healing, so any contact with liquids of natural origin gives health, physical and mental strength, sheeps sins, accumulated fatigue and negative energy. In addition, wet saved - the last opportunity to swim in the river or in the lake. After that day, water blooms and becomes cold.

    If you have a well in the country or near the house, a well, a spring or at least the artesian well, type the water, eat a spoonful of honey and drink it with three small throat of clean water - it will give you a great charge of cheerfulness. Just remember that such a ritual you can afford only in honey saved. The fact is that usually honey in combination with ice water causes an increase in temperature and provokes a feverish state.

    "Hero" of honey Savior, in addition to the actual honey, is and poppy. The third "name" of this holiday is Makov. We will not go into the details of the historical origin of this name, but simply say that together with the gifts of bees, the poppy heads are sanctified on this day. Just by this time, poppy matures finally. Therefore, the festive tables and dishes in which it is used is used are: poppy rolls, poppy, picked in honey, buns, as well as salads, first and second dishes, for example, sohen (wheat porridge with raisins, honey, walnuts and poppy).

    How and when to celebrate three saves: honey, apple, nut

    If you are going to celebrate Honey Savior, focusing on the Christian tradition, remember that on August 14 - the first day of the Assumption post, so meat and fish dishes are not used, and the dough is made from the lean test.

    It is possible to protect your home from the non-unauthorized invasion, from the evil eye and from the damage, from the quarrel between households and from the nonsense, scattered in the corners of the house the sanctified poppy seeds.

    Apple Spass

    The next character of the gifts of nature is apple saved, it is celebrated on August 19 in a new style. According to Orthodox canon, Savior coincides with the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, and on the national calendar - with the lives of summer. By tradition, apples and dishes from them do not eat before that day. Some time ago it was even believed that if the parents violated this ban, their children, hitting the paradise, will be deprived of any delicacies.

    How and when to celebrate three saves: honey, apple, nut

    So our ancestors were waiting for the second save and only on this day in the early morning, practically at dawn, began to collect apples or bought them. Then attributed them to the church for consecration, after which they arranged "Pir Mountain". In addition to apples on August 19, pears and grapes are sanctified and also served on a festive table in cheese and in prepared form.

    Lean dishes are prepared for a holiday - apple pies, compotes, jams, quarreles, and apples, baked with honey and spices, pears in syrup, etc. Fish is allowed. However, if you are a non-religious person, you can supplement the menu with a duck or chicken with apples, meat in the apple-ramberry sauce, baked apples with soft cheese (or cottage cheese), cheese, grapes and ham salad.

    Saving apple to apple all, even unfamiliar people. In priority, children and pellery beggars. And first, the fruits are distributed around others and only then begin to the meal.

    Together with apples, you can give to relatives and friends of pictures or textiles with the image of these fruits or souvenir apples made of wood, metal, salt dough. Apples are a symbol of fertility and family well-being, so you wish with your offer to those who are the roads, all the best.

    If you are going to celebrate and this savage, I remember that, in addition to treats and gifts, the celebration provides evening walks. Go at sunset in the park to spend the summer and meet autumn. It is desirable that you can observe how the sun sits down - this tradition carries a deep sacral meaning.

    How and when to celebrate three saves: honey, apple, nut

    With my eyes hiding behind the horizon shone, you thank nature for her gifts, for abundance, and ask the next twelve months to be gracious, generous and satisfied, our ancestors also sang; You can also fulfill some suitable song or just turn to the sun with a monologue.

    In addition, according to believing, the last piece of the first eaten after the consecration of an apple brings good luck - it is carefully chewed, makes a desire. It is believed that it will surely come true.

    Walnut savage

    The third saved is not so popular as the two previous ones, but from all three it is most important. Walnut Savior celebrate on August 29 in a new style. Nuts ripen to this day, they are starting to actively collect and eat. However, the first nut collection is also sanctified in the church.

    How and when to celebrate three saves: honey, apple, nut

    Despite the fact that many call this saved nuts, its main name is bread. By tradition on this day, cleaning of bread and the first loaf of the flour of the new crop will end. Bread is attributed to the temple for sanctification, and then eating the whole family. In some areas of our country, there is still a rite - the remnants of the first rugs wrap up in a cavalry cloth and put on the icon. Thus, the well-being "lure" into the house, the family of hunger is protected.

    Bread (nut) Savior is not customary to celebrate some kind of special way, since at this time the sufferer was in full swing, and our ancestors were not before entertainment. They attended the church in the morning, shredied nuts, bread, grains and sent to prepare the Niva to winter sowing. Nevertheless, some festive customs were still observed - baked bread for the poor, treated native and passers-legged nuts, pies with nuts and other gifts of the outgoing summer were served.

    You can not limit yourself in the celebration of the nuts. By this time, the post will end, and even if you followed it, on this day the menu selection depends only on your imagination. Bake the bread on the original recipe, prepare the dishes in which nuts are used, for example, Lobio or chicken salad, with mushrooms, nuts and cheese.

    As a entertainment, choose fortune telling on nuts - make a desire and split one nut. If the core turns out to be good, sweet and large, then your dream will come true. If the nut will be empty or black inside, then the mandated will not turn.

    In addition, present symbolic gifts to relatives, friends and colleagues: nuts, bakes baked with their own hands, or cold towels - products from the fabric are also directly related to this holiday.

    There was a transfer of the non-manual image of Christ the Savior on August 16, old style (August 29 - in the new one). Since then, this event is observed by the Orthodox Christians of the whole world, and in Russia it coincides with the pagan, the national holiday of bread and nuts. In memory of the canvas with the manifested image of Jesus Christ on this day, it was customary to trade with fabrics.

    Three Savings - a wonderful reason to enjoy the fact that it is ripe in the forests, gardens and fields. It is believed that these days in fruits, nuts, honey and bread focuses all the positive energy of the Earth. And ordinary, it would seem, products become a powerful charge that helps to gain health, good luck and well-being. What we wish you!

    Nadezhda Popova

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