Funny toys made of socks - detailed master classes. What can be made from old socks? Useful things with your own hands

3. Make a toy from a sock You can make many DIY toys out of socks. There are many ideas for making stuffed toys out of socks. For example, how easy it is to make a cat toy out of a sock.
5. Phone holder for hand An old sock without a pair can take on a new lease of life as a phone holder. Cut off the toe and heel at the toe and fold it in half in the shape of a bracelet, placing the phone between the two layers of the sock.
7. Protect yourself from drafts

A sock snake, which can be placed at the base of a door or window, will help protect you from drafts. Fill a pair of socks with filler (such as old beans or other socks) to prevent air from leaking out.
10. Make knee pads for the baby

Old socks can be used to make miniature knee pads for babies who are starting to crawl. take a pair of old socks and cut off the sock. Take the bra pads and attach them to the inside of the socks. Such knee pads will protect the child from bumps and scratches when crawling, and in cold weather they can warm the legs.
14. Cup cover

A sock can protect your hands when you hold onto a hot mug or cold jar. A cup cover can be made in a few minutes by cutting off a portion of the sock above the heel and sewing the edge with glue or thread.

The technique of creating soft toys from socks is very simple, and the process itself does not require much time and skill. But at the same time, such homemade toys will delight not only yourself and your children, but can also serve as an excellent gift for the New Year or birthday for friends and relatives. But the most important thing is that even toys made according to the same templates will be unique - you just need to choose socks of different colors!

Lesson # 1: Snowman

You can make such a charming snowman at home with your children and decorate a New Year tree with it or hang it on the window.

You will need:

  • white socks (any size);
  • dried beans;
  • woolen thread or floss for the mouth;
  • pom-poms, buttons or any other jewelry that is at hand;
  • black beads for eyes;
  • a ribbon or piece of knitted fabric;
  • hot glue gun.

1: Stuff about 3/4 of the sock with dried beans and tie with a string on top.

2: Lower the top of the toe and roll it up slightly to create a hat-brim. Use hot glue to secure the rolled up part of the sock so that it does not unwind.

3: Tie a ribbon or woolen thread to form a scarf. When doing this, keep in mind that the snowman's head must be large enough to leave room for the eyes, mouth, and nose.

4: Glue the beaded eyes, nose and mouth. For the nose, you can use a small pompom made of bright wool, and embroider the mouth with thick black thread. Glue buttons or any other decorations on the body.

Master class: dachshund

To create such a cute dachshund, you need long (men's) socks.

The "color" of the dog will depend on the color scheme of the sock - you can take a one-color pair, or you can sew a doggie from funny striped golfs. If desired, decorate the toy by tying a scarf around the dog's neck or by sewing a bright vest for it.

You will need:

  • 1 pair of socks;
  • a needle with a wide eye;
  • soft paper napkins (to fill the tail and ears);
  • large button or pom-pom for the nose;
  • 2 small buttons for the eyes.

1: Turn the sock inside out and cut the elastic. We will make legs from the upper part, so the more elastic you cut, the shorter they will be.

2: Flip the toe so that the heel is at the top. Make an incision from the cut edge of the elastic to the heel. Sew the paws, while leaving a hole so that you can fill the toy with padding polyester. Turn the sock inside out, then fill it with filler. While pulling out the sock, stuff it so that it takes the shape of the dog's body and hind legs. Sew up the hole left for the padding polyester. Bend the legs at a right angle, and grab the resulting fold with thread. Then repeat the same with the neck, bending it back and also securing with a couple of stitches.

3: Cut the second sock into parts using our drawings as a reference (cut off the top of the sock and toe - you will then make the front legs, ears and tail from them). Pull the middle part (with the heel) over the "neck" of the future dog and sew, then fill it with filler. To get a muzzle, wrap a part of the sock inward along the "chin" line and sew. Cut the ears from the remaining toe, as shown in the figure. Turn them out, sew both halves, leaving the bottom section unstitched. Then turn to the right side, sew the hole and sew the ears to the head. If you want the ears to stand upright, you can fill them with soft paper towels.

Cut out two pieces for the front legs, turn them out and sew, leaving one section unstitched. Then turn it out again, fill it with padding polyester, sew up the hole and sew the paws to the body. Fold the lower part of the foot and sew the resulting fold.

Cut out the tail piece, turn it inside out and sew the side seams. Turn it over again and stuff with paper napkins, sew up the hole and sew the tail to the body.

4: Sew on small button eyes with contrasting (black) thread to highlight the pupils. For a nose, sew a large button with two large nostril holes or a pom-pom.

5: Take a piece of checked fabric or cut a matching sock, wrap it around the dog's body, mark where the front legs are and cut holes for them. Tie a silk ribbon as a collar.

Step-by-step lesson number 3: sock monkey

Such a cute monkey will surely become a family darling and will take pride of place in your living room, children's or two bedrooms. You can also hang the toy in the car if you sew on a loop.

You will need:

  • 1 sock in a fun color (striped is best);
  • white felt;
  • 2 black eye buttons (11mm diameter);
  • yellow floss threads;
  • synthetic winterizer or any other filler;
  • batting;
  • paper;
  • sewing machine;
  • needle and pins;
  • scissors;
  • chalk or a bar of soap;
  • iron.

We recommend that you use thicker socks for the toy, because after you fill it with padding polyester, the fabric will stretch. It is better to fill the lower part of the body with rice, beans or dried peas - then the monkey will sit better.

1: Cut out a template for the eyes from paper and transfer the design to a piece of white felt, mark the places where the black button eyes will be located. Turn the socks inside out and iron. With the help of a crayon, transfer all the details to the fabric (the lines along which you will cut out the details are marked in blue, their outlines are outlined in black). Before cutting out the details, pin both halves of the sock together, then sew along the black lines.

2: Turn the monkey's body inside out, straighten the legs well. Press the seams on the finished part. Turn out all other parts of the toy. Stuff your legs and body with padding polyester, then sew the hole with a blind stitch.

3: Fill your hands with padding polyester, leaving about 1.5 cm on top. Twist the part in your hands so that the filler is evenly distributed. Sew the hole - to do this, lay a row of stitches along the cut edge, tuck the edges inward, and only then tighten the thread.

Such a cute cat can be made from old children's socks that have become small for your child. Homemade toys are always popular with children, especially funny animals. I hope our cat from socks will not be an exception.
The work is not very difficult, children 10-11 years old can cope with it on their own. The younger ones will, of course, need help.
Our toy will need both socks. From one we will make a torso with paws, and from the second a head and a tail.

We straighten one toe and place it with the heel up. We outline the lines of cuts for the front and hind legs, cut along the marked lines.
Now we need to sew the legs. Turn the sock inside out and sew the cuts. Do not sew up the gap between the hind legs, leave a hole for stuffing. We specifically used contrasting threads to make the seams stand out in the photo. You can choose the color of the threads so that they do not show through on the front side.
We turn the part out onto the front side and stuff the body and paws with filler. For stuffing, you can use cotton wool, foam rubber or synthetic winterizer. When finished, we quietly sew the stuffing place.
We spread the second sock with the heel up and draw the outline of the kitten's head.
Cut it out, sew it on the wrong side and turn it out on the front side. We also stuff the head tightly, paying attention to the ears.
We also need a ponytail. We cut it out from the remains of the second sock. You can make a ponytail from a piece of fur or other fluffy material. It's up to you. Sew the tail and fill it with filler.
Now we draw up the kitten's face. You can stick on cardboard eyes and a nose, but we found small black buttons, painted them with yellow and black nail polish. The spout was made from a pink piece of sock.
From the nose down and to the sides we stitched the line of the mouth. You can make antennae out of fishing line, but we didn't have the right material at hand.
When all the details of the toy are prepared, we sew the head and tail to the body. Sew the front legs, indicating the toes.

Our funny cat made of socks is ready to play and delight our children.

Kittens are perhaps the cutest animals that all children, without exception, love. You can make a kitten with moving parts from simple cardboard, which many also like.

I continue the theme of toys made of socks. I also found many simple and interesting toys and master classes. We will cut and sew toys from socks with our own hands for beginners and not only.

See how cute and funny raccoons are!

What we make from:

  • From children's socks;
  • Made of white and gray fabric or felt;
  • From buttons - 3 pcs. (2 smaller, 1 larger);
  • Thread;
  • Mouline
  • Cotton wool, synthetic winterizer.

How to do:



What we need:

  • High toe or golf;
  • Cloth, felt or thin felt;
  • Sewing and embroidery threads;
  • Buttons.

Master Class:


We do it step by step:

  • The future Dog is cut according to the stencil.
  • Details are sewn up and filled.
  • How to sew a dog to get hanging ears? Any place of the bend is almost not filled with silicone. Then it will bend freely.
  • All parts of the toy are sewn on.
  • A nose is embroidered on the face and button-eyes are sewn on.
  • Toes are separated on the paws. For this, the thread is threaded through at a distance of several centimeters from the edge; and stretches tight.



  • Socks - 2 different (from one we will make Mishka himself, from the second we will decorate him);
  • Button and 2 beads;
  • Sealant;
  • Threads.

  • You need to cut out simple details: head, torso, paws. From the other sock - the muzzle and chest.
  • Sew and fill in all parts.
  • Connect with each other.
  • Sew an oval on the head. Sew buttons above it, and a button on the oval. Make embroidery under the button - the Bear's mouth.
  • On the body, make a semicircular breast from another material.

Little dragon


  • Socks - small (multi-colored) and larger (solid);
  • Felt;
  • Buttons and beads - 2 pcs.;
  • Mouline thread;
  • Threads;
  • Sintepon.


More master classes

Let me remind you that last time I invested in master classes, if you like, click on the picture and follow the link to the master classes:

  • The density of the sock is the most important thing. Stretched and loose knitwear will not work. Only dense ones, which, when stretched, will keep their shape.
  • It is necessary to hammer in the "filling" not in large pieces, but in small pieces.
  • Massage constantly to fill and shape.
  • Do not fill too tightly to allow the arms, head, and legs to bend. Then the animals will sit, turn and walk.
  • Always take into account the existing drawing! Keep track of the symmetry of the picture on the toy.
  • Any color variation is acceptable.
  • The contours of the parts are applied to the seamy side.
  • If you are doing crafts with your kids, find a job that you can do for the kids.
  • You can fill the inside with small cereals: rice, buckwheat, millet, or you can fill it with cotton wool, silicone, pieces of felt or foam rubber, small balls, etc.
  • May 15th, 2016

    If you lose a sock, then the fate of the remaining sock is either to be deeply hidden on the shelf or in the trash can. Instead of just throwing your socks away, give them new life by adapting them for other purposes.

    1. Use to carry utensils

    If you don't have bubble wrap or other packing materials in your home, use socks without a pair by wrapping them around the bottles and placing them between breakable plates and cups. Just make sure your socks are clean before using them for this purpose.

    2. Use leftover soap

    You can avoid throwing away leftover bar soap by filling the sock with the leftover soap and using it as a washcloth.

    You can also use soap and a sock to keep things fresh. Just place a bar of soap in a sock and place it on your clothes rack or in your suitcase to make them smell good.

    3. Make a toy from a sock

    You can make many DIY toys out of socks. There are many ideas for making stuffed toys out of socks. For example, how easy it is to make a cat toy out of a sock.

    4. Protect your wipers from ice

    Few people like to clear ice from a car in winter. Wearing long socks over your wipers when you leave your car in the evening will save yourself from problems like frozen wipers. In the morning, just take off your socks and hit the road. You can also use the same sock to get rid of fogging when the machine thaws.

    5. Phone holder for hand

    An old unpaired sock can take on a new lease of life as a phone holder. Cut off the toe and heel at the toe and fold it in half in the shape of a bracelet, placing the phone between the two layers of the sock.

    6. Find lost items

    Small items such as earrings, small bolts and invisibility are easily lost in carpets and under furniture and often end up in a vacuum cleaner. A sock can help you find all those little things. Place a sock on the hose of the vacuum cleaner, secure it with a rubber band, and turn on the vacuum cleaner. You can find whatever you have lost without digging into your vacuum cleaner bag.

    7. Protect yourself from drafts

    A sock snake, which can be placed at the base of a door or window, will help protect you from drafts. Fill a pair of socks with filler (such as old beans or other socks) to prevent air from leaking out.

    8. Get rid of static electricity

    Socks and woolen thread can be used to make balls that reduce static electricity. Simply wind the yarn into a small ball and place it in the sock, tie the sock and place it in the washing machine along with your other items to dump it. Add these balls to items during the drying cycle to get rid of static electricity.

    9. Make a miniature cat sweater

    It is often difficult for kittens to regulate their body temperature, and for this purpose the sock can be turned into a sweater for your pet.

    Cut off the sock (the head will fit here) and make two holes on both sides of the heel for the front legs to warm your pet.

    10. Make knee pads for the baby

    Old socks can be used to make miniature knee pads for babies who are starting to crawl. take a pair of old socks and cut off the sock. Take the bra pads and attach them to the inside of the socks. Such knee pads will protect the child from bumps and scratches when crawling, and in cold weather they can warm the legs.

    11. Mittens from scratches

    There are times when it is difficult not to scratch a bite or scratch, especially in the case of chickenpox or allergies. A pair of socks can be a great deterrent for itchy insect bites, irritation, and rashes, and speed up healing.

    12. Bagel for a beam

    You can use a sock to pull your hair neatly into a bun. Cut off the sock and roll the sock into a roller. Tie your hair into a ponytail and tuck the ponytail into a donut, wrapping it up to the base of the ponytail.

    13. Dust cloths

    There is no need to buy dust rags if you have several unpaired socks in your house. Use them instead of paper towels or microfiber rags to wipe down shelves and areas where dust collects.

    You can also slip a terry sock onto your mop and save on a replacement brush head.

    14. Cup cover

    A sock can protect your hands when you hold onto a hot mug or cold jar. A cup cover can be made in a few minutes by cutting off a portion of the sock above the heel and sewing the edge with glue or thread.

    15. Pet toy

    You don't need to buy special toys for cats or dogs. For cats, you can use an old sock by filling it with catnip and tying it to make a ball. For dogs, you can fill a sock with water bottles or tennis balls.