Women's jumpsuit: patterns and sewing description. How to sew a jumpsuit? Useful tips How to sew a denim overalls for women with shorts

Few modern women of fashion know that their favorite summer jumpsuit came from men's workwear. Having undergone significant metamorphoses and temporary trials, this wardrobe item has become the favorite of a modern woman who values ​​comfort, convenience and has a sense of style. Depending on the model, the jumpsuit can be appropriate for a business meeting, a beach party, a romantic date, or just on a city walk.

It is also pleasing that the patterns of such clothes can be completely different, and with their help you can make a jumpsuit with narrowed or, on the contrary, deliberately wide legs, with shorts, a top or a T-shirt as a top, with shoulder straps, with elastic bands, and so on. Whichever option is chosen, it is sewn quickly and without any problems, according to a single pattern, into which the required changes and additions are made.

Before sewing a jumpsuit with your own hands, stock up on a light, but not transparent fabric of the desired color. You need about 1.5 meters of satin, satin, silk, linen or cotton. Do not forget about matching threads, buttons, decorative elastic straps and wide elastic bands for the chest and waist line.

The final set of consumables depends entirely on which model of the product is chosen, what will serve as a decorative finish, and what parameters the person for whom the new thing is intended for.

Building a basic pattern

Get ready for the fact that it will not be possible to independently decide the question of how to sew a summer women's jumpsuit without a pattern made by yourself. Fortunately, it will not have to be created from scratch, but using ready-made drawings, according to which the details of the dress and tight trousers are cut out. From the dress we need a pattern for the back and front, and from the trousers - absolutely all measurements.

With all these developments, you must proceed as follows:

  • The lines of the sciatic suture and groove need to be increased by a couple of centimeters, which will make
    the subsequent wear is more comfortable;
  • To the value of the step width of the back and front half will also add 0.7-1 cm;
  • Fold together the pattern of the back of the dress and the back half of the legs, achieving a single pattern for the jumpsuit with a clearly marked waist line;
  • The outlines of the future new thing need to be supplemented with auxiliary stripes of side cuts;
  • No darts, as this guide is about solving the problem of how to sew any straight jumpsuit for women.

Bib overall with straps

Using a basic pattern, you can create a mock-up of one more item, namely a lightweight semi-overalls with legs, mid-calf length.

It is done like this:

  • The seat height deepens by a couple of centimeters, and the step width of the rear and front halves increases by 0.5-1 cm;
  • The ironing strip or fold moves towards the stepped cuts. The offset value is equal to half the added step width of both halves of the legs;
  • The selected width of the bottom of the legs is measured from the newly formed fold. The latter is divided by 4, and then 1 cm is subtracted from the value acceptable for the first half, and the same 1 cm is added to the value actual for the back half;
  • A new step cut is made for the modified front half of the semi-overall;
  • The lateral cut on the back halves of the legs is corrected, the notches are transferred along the knee lines;
  • A new stepping cut is made for the modified rear half of the semi-overall;
  • The waist line is drawn on the front of the trousers, under it, at a distance of 3.5 cm, another similar strip is drawn. It will serve as a junction between the front of the garment and the front half of the cropped legs. The top line remains an imitation seam or a real seam (optional);
  • Pocket cuts are drawn (if required);
  • The middle cut strip is aligned on the back;
  • The upper part of the thing is drawn, which is the top of the dress pattern;
  • Allowances are made for fasteners and accessories, straps are drawn, the width of which should not be more than 3 cm, and the length - more than 55 cm.

Cutting and sewing

Let's move on to how exactly it is better to cut and sew a summer jumpsuit for a woman or a girl. The patterns are laid out on a piece of fabric, taking into account the location of the share threads. Along all the edges, centimeter seam allowances are made, and the shorts or the bottom of the trousers are increased by two centimeters for hem.

The general algorithm of how to sew a jumpsuit with your own hands, whether it has shorts at the bottom, full or cropped trousers, is as follows:

  • The edges of all individual components are processed using an overlock;
  • Both front legs are folded face-to-face. The seating line is initially grinded, and only then sewn together for good. Similar actions are done with the back of the trousers, after which everything is ironed;
  • Face to face, the already sewn front and back parts of the legs are folded, the sides are grinded and stitched, after which comes the turn of step cuts;
  • The bottom of the shorts or trousers is tucked up, bent and sewn with a machine;
  • The top is swept, sewn, ironed and decorated with ruffles, stripes, buttons and other elements. Treated straps are sewn to it (if the model implies their presence);
  • The bottom of the top is grinded with the top of the trousers, sewn over and the clothes are turned inside out onto the face. The finishing line is made 0.5 cm lower than the main one, and a narrow or wide elastic band is threaded between them.

What to wear with?

Once the women's jumpsuit is ready, it's time to think about what you can combine it with. With short models, everything is very simple: they are a self-sufficient thing, beautiful without any additions. But the maximum length of the product should be combined with a wide belt, a scarf, a jacket and classic boats. For an informal event, you can wear a jumpsuit with long trousers in company with ankle boots, a massive neck decoration and a bright strap of any color.

Overalls have not gone out of fashion for decades. Over time, colors, fabrics and textures, styles may change, but the jumpsuit itself still remains the favorite clothing of stylish, self-confident women.

On the website https://jadone.biz/kombinezony-optom/ you can buy the model you like, but you can also try to sew a jumpsuit yourself.

Building patterns

At first glance, it may seem that it is rather difficult to sew a jumpsuit. In fact, even a novice dressmaker can cope with this task. In order for the finished product to turn out neat, you must adhere to certain rules:

  1. Be accurate when taking measurements. You should not deliberately reduce them, it is better to add one or two centimeters for a spacious fit.
  2. The top and bottom of the product are cut out separately. They are connected in the process of making a jumpsuit.
  3. When building a pattern, take into account the peculiarity of the style. Be sure to mark the locations of pockets and other structural details.
  4. It is better to first make the patterns on paper, and only then transfer them to the fabric.

If it is difficult to build a pattern on your own, then you can find a ready-made one on the Internet or in a fashion magazine. Follow the recommendations indicated there.
After the paper pattern is ready, you can start making fabric parts. Remember to leave seam allowances.

Details of the future overalls made of fabric must be overcast with an overlock. If you do not have a separate device, you can use the zigzag or overcasting function on a conventional sewing machine.

The assembly process largely depends on the style of the product. Most often, the bottom and top of the product are made separately. If the jumpsuit has pockets or a decorative fastener on the bodice, then they are performed first. Then the side seams are cut off and the top of the bodice is processed.

The bottom of the overalls is sewn in the same sequence as for regular trousers. After it is ready, you can start connecting the bodice and trousers. You can make the silhouette fit with an elastic band. You can also use a belt, in which case you will need to make belt loops for it.

The final stage is the processing of the bottom of the legs. The jumpsuit is now completely ready. If you wish, you can decorate it with rhinestones, fabric flowers or other decorative elements.

We look at how to sew a jumpsuit in the video:

This summer women's overalls are at the height of fashion! And despite all their closeness, they look very sexy. We invite you to sew this cute women's jumpsuit for the summer. A colorful print adds practicality to the feminine jumpsuit, while a boat neckline and cap sleeves add romance. We will tell you in detail how to sew a women's jumpsuit.

How to sew women's jumpsuit: pattern

Before you cut and sew a women's jumpsuit, you need to build a pattern. The jumpsuit pattern is modeled according to and.

ADVICE! Plot both patterns on graph paper, reshoot them on tracing paper and start modeling. And the patterns built on graph paper can be used many times to model the styles of trousers, dresses and women's overalls.

IMPORTANT! Use cotton satin with a slight addition of elastic threads for sewing women's overalls.

Sew in a hidden zipper on the back of the women's overalls.

Rice. 1. 1. Pattern of the front of women's overalls

Rice. 2. Pattern of the back of women's overalls

Rice. 3. 3. How to sew women's jumpsuit: sleeve pattern

Model the front and back of the women's jumpsuit as shown in drawings 1-2.

Shorten the sleeve up to 15 cm from the top point of the dowel (see Fig. 3).

How to cut a jumpsuit

Top of the front of the women's jumpsuit - 1 piece with a fold

Women's jumpsuit front bottom - 2 pieces

Top of the back of a women's jumpsuit - 1 piece with a fold

Bottom of the back of women's jumpsuit - 2 parts

Women's jumpsuit sleeve - 2 pieces

Oblique edging for processing the neck of a jumpsuit with a width of 3 cm and a length to measure.

How to sew women's jumpsuit: job description

Sweep and grind the details of the overalls shorts at the side seams, crotch seams and middle seam. Sweep and grind the side seams on the front and back of the women's jumpsuit. Along the back of the jumpsuit from the neckline, 25 cm long. Stitch the top to the bottom. Stitch the waist allowance at a distance of 1 cm from the connecting seam, thread the elastic into the resulting drawstring. Sweep and stitch shoulder and sleeve seams. Sew in sleeves, tuck and topstitch allowances on the bottom of the sleeves and bottom of the legs.

Many representatives of the fairer sex will agree with the opinion that such a thing as a jumpsuit is quite practical and comfortable. The main thing is to choose the right style so that it fits perfectly on the figure. This wardrobe item has quite attractive and interesting features, so it should be present in every woman's closet. If you didn't manage to find a ready-made version in the store, then you can make it yourself. In this fascinating article, we will look at how to sew a jumpsuit with our own hands so that it matches the individual characteristics of the figure as much as possible.

We sew a light jumpsuit for the summer on our own

With a little work, you can sew a women's jumpsuit quickly and easily, the main thing is to clearly follow the step-by-step instructions.

Materials (edit)

To make it you will need:

  • a piece of knitted fabric 1 m wide and 1.8 m long;
  • linen elastic;
  • threads;
  • scissors and a sewing machine.

Important! The pattern can be taken ready-made so that it meets the desired shape and style, or you can cut out all the details yourself. Choosing the second option, you will definitely be sure that the finished product will fit 100% in size. To build a pattern, it is better to use wide-cut clothing so that later you can gather the fabric at the waist into assemblies. In this case, it will not tightly fit the body, and the jumpsuit itself will turn out to be airy and light.


So, before sewing a women's summer jumpsuit with our own hands, we prepare a pattern, following the recommendations presented:

  • We start by preparing the lower part of the future product. Fold the fabric in half, making allowances for the width of your pants. Take your old pants and place them in the fold of the fabric to avoid showing the seams on the front of your thighs. And now it is necessary to inflate the waistline as much as possible in the place where the elastic will be attached. Using safety pins, fix the trousers to the fabric, transfer the pattern with soap or chalk.

Important! Remember about the allowances of about 1.5-2 cm, and now you can cut out the details of the trousers. To work, you will need two symmetrical parts.

  • Pattern of the upper part of the jumpsuit. Fold the fabric in the same way and attach the double folded jacket. Use pins to pin it to the fabric and transfer the design. Add 1.5-2 cm for allowances, cut out two parts. The back part will be slightly higher than the front part, so the neck will need to be cut 10 cm.
  • You will need two more rectangular pieces of fabric to make the straps. They should be 7 cm wide and 20 cm long in size. All the details are ready, you can start sewing the overalls.

We sew

And do-it-yourself summer jumpsuit is sewn as follows:

  1. It is necessary to grind the details of the legs along the step seam. At the same stage, it is necessary to process all open slices with an overlock so as not to return to this line.
  2. Tie the legs together, forming the pants, overlock all the cuts or with a zigzag stitch.
  3. Stitch the side seams of the top of the jumpsuit.
  4. Sew the straps around the edges of the armpit openings to create the effect of continuing the neckline.
  5. Work the armholes with a double closed lapel in a circle.
  6. Sew elastic on the wrong side of the armhole bottom, using a large zigzag stitch. Be sure to tighten the elastic so that you get the assemblies as a result.
  7. Work the neckline in a circle with the same double lapel to form a drawstring into which the elastic will be inserted. Leave a small gap for the elastic, then push it in.
  8. Overlock the open bottom of the top. The top of the product will be completed.
  9. We return to the pants. At the waist, tuck the top edge inward, sew three drawstring lines, remembering to leave a hole to insert the elastic.
  10. Now, along the waist line, connect all the parts of the jumpsuit.
  11. The length of the elastic bands is determined by fitting so that it does not sting later. They must be attached to your waist, pulled a little. Then we insert elastic bands into the wings, starting from the top and ending with the last strip. Now sew the edges of the elastic into a ring.
  12. Finish the bottom of the legs and again leave room for the elastic. In principle, you can make the bottom and free - this is at your own discretion.

The product is ready!

As it turned out, it is not difficult to sew a knitted jumpsuit for women, the most important thing is to make a pattern correctly. But if you follow the instructions provided, then even a beginner should not have any problems. You can experiment calmly with colors, styles and decor.

Transformation of a dress into a summer jumpsuit

Surely you will love the idea of ​​how to make a jumpsuit out of a dress in just 15 minutes. Perhaps you have an old sundress or dress made of thick silk crepe with a stretch effect. If yes, then you are incredibly lucky, because you can alter it into a beautiful piece that will perfectly keep its shape and drape. To make a pattern, you must first cut the dress at the seams, as a result, you will get a large piece of fabric.

  1. We build a pattern. We fold the material in half, you can also take some of your trousers as a basis. They will need to be attached to the center, and first draw the back, and then the front halves. Be sure to leave room for the hem and waist. Cut out all the details.
  2. Connect the parts of the lower part of the product, sew the seams and overlock them. The center seam will need to be sewn with a sewing machine.
  3. To make the top of the jumpsuit, you need to measure the width of your waist and draw a rectangle of the appropriate length and width on the fabric about 55 cm. Cut out the resulting detail, then fold it in half and sew.
  4. Connect both parts.
  5. Make a drawstring to pull in the elastic and sew.
  6. Sew the straps on the front of the garment.

Original summer jumpsuit from a long skirt

And now we will consider the most interesting option, how to sew a female jumpsuit with your own hands from an old long skirt. The manufacturing process is quite simple:

  1. Try on a skirt, measure the length of future shorts on it, cut the fabric a few centimeters below.
  2. Lay the cut off top on a flat surface, straighten it well and define the middle in front and behind.
  3. Cut the fabric to the crotch level - it is better to make a couple of centimeters of stock.
  4. Sew the legs of the shorts, hem them at the bottom.
  5. Now take any of your top and attach it to the rest of the fabric. Circle, cut and sew the top for the jumpsuit.
  6. Sew the top and bottom of the product together.

For sewing such a jumpsuit, choose a light, silky fabric, make sure that it does not show through so that you do not have to use a lining. For size 46, 1 meter of fabric was enough for me, but all the trims were cut from another fabric, so it is better to take the material with a margin.

Fold the material with the right side inward and place the pattern. The pattern was designed independently. A similar one is presented on the "Casket" website in the section of ready-made patterns.

We outline with chalk and cut out, adding allowances of 0.7 cm along the side cuts and 2 cm along the shoulder and bottom cuts.


Cut out 4 pieces of burlap pockets from lining fabric.

Mark the entrance to the pocket on the back and front halves of the shorts. We pin a burlap pocket on the wrong side of each shorts detail.

We sew burlap pockets to the shorts up to the pocket entrance mark.

We spend the allowance for the lining of the pocket from the front side at a distance of 1-2mm.

Fold the back and front halves of the shorts with the front sides inward, fasten with pins.

Sewing the side cuts of the shorts while sewing the burlap of the pockets.

It is better to give a double stitching on the lining of the pockets for durability. We sweep and iron the side seams.

We sweep and grind the middle and step cuts of the shorts.

We sweep and iron the seams.

We sweep and grind the side and shoulder seams of the upper part of the jumpsuit, overcast.

Iron the side and shoulder seams onto the back. We sweep the parts of the overalls, combining the side seams, grind and overcast.

For processing the neckline and armholes, we will use edging. We cut out edging for the product, as well as details of edging from non-woven fabric.

We iron non-woven fabric from the inside of the facing.

We sew parts of the facing, iron the seams.

We grind the neck and armhole trims at a distance of 0.7 cm.

We adjust the seam allowance for the facing at a distance of 2-3 mm from the seam of the facing for facing.

We sweep over the open cuts of the seams.

We cut out a drawstring 5 cm wide, and two strips 7 cm wide.

We install eyelets on the drawstrings using a press.

Iron the drawstring cuts to the center.

We attach the drawstring to the jumpsuit, overlapping the seam where the shorts are sewn to the top.

We grind the drawstring at a distance of 2 mm from the folds.

We glue the strips with interlining and iron them in half.

Sew the upper cuts of the planks by folding the plank face inward and iron on.

We make notches in the corners where the lower part of the planks will be located.

We grind the planks with a 0.7cm stitch so that the upper edge of the planks is flush with the finished neck.

Below, where the notches are, we cover the corner.

We sweep the stitching seams.

For the decoration of the shoulder seams, we cut out shoulder straps from 4 parts 10 * 4 cm.

We glue the shoulder straps with non-woven fabric, fold them with the front sides inward, stitch them, cut off the corner.

We turn it out, iron it and grind it, overlapping the shoulder seam.