Dating with wealthy women. Dating single rich women

Dating the rich

Habitats of the rich


Automobile clubs

For example, many clubs of fans of certain brands of cars often organize various events, regularly meet in cafes, bars or in the open area for relaxation and pleasure. By joining such a community, there are many chances to find an interesting man who has long decided the question of how to provide for himself and his future.

Courses and trainings

In order to improve his abilities, thanks to which a man has become a successful person, he often attends various kinds of events organized with the aim of developing certain professional skills. Seminars on personal growth, courses in public speaking, trainings on resource management and time management gather a lot of ambitious and aspiring people who have already achieved significant results in their lives. The basic rule of behavior is that you need to take part only if you are well aware of the topics discussed and actively participate in the discussion process.

Exhibitions, secular parties, buffets

In such places, as a rule, there are wealthy people, successful employees of influential companies. Seductive appearance and unobtrusive communication - the result is a stack of business cards and other contacts that can grow into a cup of coffee with the desired consequences.

Lobby bars of prestigious hotels, business lunches in expensive restaurants

Quite popular places to visit for officials, company directors, athletes and other wealthy people. In such establishments, informal meetings and negotiations are held; men's companies are quite frequent here. There is a high probability of meeting an interesting man who may turn out to be a millionaire.

How to attract a wealthy man?

Finding a rich potential husband is half the battle, he still needs to be liked. An impeccable appearance is a sine qua non, since such men are hunted every day and have a lot to choose from. A subtle mind, skillful flirting, the ability to listen to a man, a light feminine charm will add charm and attractiveness to you and increase the chances of bewitching the rich man you like. However, it is worth remembering that a coin has two sides and not everything can turn out to be so perfect in a wealthy man.

Pros and cons of dating a rich man

His condition is considered an absolute plus. Thanks to this, the companion of such a man does not need anything and does not deny herself anything. It is often possible not to work at all, devoting time to housekeeping and children, and in the presence of a housekeeper and a nanny, devote yourself to communicating with friends, shopping and visiting tanning salons and sports clubs. The rest of the pluses are personified and depend on your luck, since almost all moneybags are psychologically successful people and it is unrealistic to remake them.

There are also a number of downsides. Often rich people have connections on the side, you have to put up. The source of money is his work, it almost always comes first, so loneliness is almost guaranteed. There is a serious dependence on his power and the power of his money, which in turn does not change people for the better. If you condense the relationship with a rich man in one phrase, then the most laconic and meaningful can be recognized as the words of one of the millionaire's wives: "there is no love, but there is everything else." But in general, everything is strictly individual and it is better to build your life according to the principle "if you don't try, you don't know." Every woman should have a chance to find a worthy, loyal and decent man from among the successful and wealthy.

« A wealthy woman wants to meet ... " - a frequent announcement on the web and on the pages of newspapers.Businesswoman or simply wealthy woman looking for a man , lover or friend.The girl will become a sponsor for a young man who can be a support and a reliable shoulder, he will give care, affection and attention.

The desires and aspirations of beautiful ladies are understandable and natural. In a dynamic modern life, a business woman often does not have time to go on dates and build relationships for years. Therefore, the scheme “Man - woman - money " works. From the outside it may seem thatwealthy women are looking for sex , and their feelings do not bother them much. However, this is not true, and any representative of the fair sex does not just wantsleep for money with a man , but dreams of the tenderness and care that a real knight gives.

Find a man for serious relationships, trying to meet on the street or in a restaurant is a futile idea. There are too many hunters for easy money, and the result of such a meeting can only besex with a man for money or even complete disappointment. To meet a person who is able to surround with care, warmth and understanding,wealthy women are looking for different ways, the most reliable of which can be the help of a real professional team.

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Dating agency "Aquamarine" is just such meeting website vip , where lovely ladies can get professional advice and
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Dating agency "Aquamarine" is ready to help its dear customers in all situations. If you are ready to advertise “The woman will provide the man “, We are pleased to offer you worthy candidates for a mutually pleasant partnership. If your goal is a handsome driver or a strong security guard, our company will introduce you to the most professional applicants for such positions.

In cooperation with us, lovely ladies will not have to worry about anything! Your wish " I will become a sponsor for a man "Quite
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Your desire to provide a worthy person, help him solve the housing issue, give him the opportunity to look stylish and drive a good car should be realized! "Aquamarine" is ready to support any wishes of its partners, and therefore you just have to leave a request "Help find a man " on our website. You yourself knowhow to help a man become successful , and our task is to make sure that you meet with him.

"Aquamarine" isvip dating agency, and we do not deal with one-time escort services. Our goal is your stable well-being and excellent mood, and therefore we will select a worthy candidate for you who will not be easya man for money in Moscow or any other city but also a partner for a stable and pleasant relationship. Write to us at any time, our specialists are in touch around the clock and will gladly help you to become happy!

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If you are a girl and are looking for a man only with a material purpose - so that he provides you, then this approach is fundamentally wrong. And most likely, you came to the wrong site.
We are approached by men who want to find a girl for a serious relationship, and not a girl for maintenance. A self-sufficient man wants a companion who will not just be a beautiful picture (they get bored quickly), but one who is addicted to something, who has some kind of interesting hobby or job.

And best of all: both. Attractiveness is very important, but it only affects the first impression.
An accomplished man is looking for a girl equal to himself, a girl who looks after herself: her figure, her face.
For everyone, something is fundamentally different - someone loves the girl to cook well, or, for example, love children and animals. Many seek to find a person who will share his own interests and views. In the process of communication, interests can become common. Honestly, a smart girl can sometimes remain silent or praise what she doesn't like.

Rich men love smart women

In general, the meaning is this: the more a person is happy with himself, the more he attracts other people into his life. The better a girl treats herself (food, sports, education, mood), the more she is in demand among men, especially among smart and successful men, they appreciate it. This is not about arrogance and bitchiness, this is no longer in vogue. But good manners and charm, for example, have not been canceled. You are attracted to a man who has been striving for perfection for years. So why should he be attracted to a girl who is only interested in shopping, TV shows and cafes with her friends?
The more a person values ​​himself, the more activities and interests he has, the more you want to know him and the more interesting it is to communicate with him. When a person lives the life of another, and not his own, it is a "one-sided game". Nobody is interested in such a person. Everyone wants to "receive", not just give. Therefore, the responsibility for the relationship is always borne by both parties.

17.06.2015 11:16:28

In modern society, the profession of a gigolo is gaining more and more relevance. True, under one name or another, it migrated to modern times from antiquity. If veiled, the essence of this work is that intelligent attractive young people receive monetary rewards from their "chosen ones" for relationships of a loving nature.

The main task of the gigolo is to develop and maintain a romantic relationship with his wealthy soul mate. Consider the types of women most suitable for the role of a sponsor

1. Basically, this is a woman older than Balzac's age.

2. A prerequisite is its financial independence.

3. It is preferable when a lady with a clear lack of male love and affection.

4. A woman must have an overwhelming thirst for relationships.

and the willingness to receive them in a material way.

In the event that all these requirements are met, a real professional goes to action.

Alphonse must masterfully understand the behavior, manners and psychology of women, masterly master the skills of seduction. He, at a minimum, should be able to maintain a meaningful conversation. Falling in love with such a “hunter”, wealthy young ladies, without even realizing it, fall for the bait, the bait for which was thought out and prepared in advance. Therefore, if the appearance is suitable, but you manage to speak "heart to heart" only with "real boys" - do not even dream of success in this matter.

Often, a handsome guy of 20-25 years old acts as a gigolo. Situations are not uncommon when initially and without pursuing selfish motives, he instinctively seeks to be close to an authoritative and strong woman. The attention of such an independent and adult partner betrays confidence, and the resulting comfort gradually turns into a habit. The popularity and status of a wealthy darling sincerely attracts the gigolo, because he strives for the best. It is worth noting that such relationships do not always have only a negative color.

Alphonse's behavior algorithm

A young man who has chosen this occupation for himself must be demonstratively romantic, ardent and passionate - the main thing is that the “victim” thinks so. Ideally, it is very important not to get emotionally attached to the sponsor - this hinders further development. Showing his love, the gigolo floods the lady with flowers, bought for her own money. And what a sincerely loving woman can, at first, soberly assess the situation, seeing the reciprocal sincerity and love. If the alignment is correct, almost none.

Alphonse, in the presence of the chosen woman, will never allow himself to mindlessly sit on the couch and watch football in worn-out sportswear under the beer. With his neat appearance and excessive attentiveness, he must show what the chosen one means to him. Having bad experience in married life, more than half of divorced women are subconsciously repulsed by the sloppiness typical of many men in everyday life.

Alphonse should never voice his objection. Moreover, he is obliged to listen with an open mouth, to be amazed at the mind and life experience of the “victim”, openly comparing him with his stupid peers. And his gratitude knows no bounds at all. After all, communication with such an independent and rich, but unhappy in her personal life, a woman helps both to achieve the best.

The most important weapon of the gigolo is youth and everything that follows from it. Being next to a young handsome man, a lady at an age herself begins to feel younger. Comparing her ex-husband and gigolo, a woman will understand that the latter has incomparably more advantages: he, at least, does not turn to the wall after long-awaited sex, which happened once every few weeks, and then does not fall asleep in silence for a couple of minutes.

Where to start and how to find a wealthy woman

As in any endeavor, in order to become a pro, you need to decide on a goal and go for it uncompromisingly. It is very important to have experience with older women and be an excellent psychologist to be successful. Having chosen long-term permanence or fleeting romance, start looking for a suitable "victim". The ideal option would be to create a page on social networks and on dating sites. An abundance of inappropriate offers will be inconvenient, but if you endure, the perfect option will soon turn up.

At first, you need to spend money on your own, in order to "show off" - you will have to become a frequent guest at thematic presentations, attend fashionable parties (a business woman hardly goes to youth apartment houses), sign up for an elite spotr club ...

Alternatively, you can use the casting method - a lot of "casual" acquaintances with suitable candidates. With a larger quantity, the chance to fall in love will increase significantly. In choosing a meeting place, the gigolo does not have a special voice, in fact, it cannot - the principle "who pays, calls the tune" is triggered. Remember, pulling a woman into your nets - do not let her go for a longer time and think over ways of escape in advance.

Patience plus perseverance and reward will not be long in coming. Become a kind of scout - get the maximum information about the one you will seek attention. Find out everything possible, analyze and act!

Do you know something about free dating rich men?

They say that for every lady in the world there is a wealthy gentleman who is looking forward to her appearance.
How often one hears that, they say, why do you need such a man who lives on one honestly earned salary.

Wouldn't it be better to visit a free dating site where you can “fish well” and charm a rich man with your charms?
Well, to hell with being bald. After all, the people say: endure, fall in love.

In fact, no one wants to start their life together with a long list of debts that will not be paid until the divorce proceedings.
Young and beautiful young ladies are trying by all means to get to know a wealthy man and dispose of other people's wealth at their own discretion.

My name is Rosalia.
I never wanted to live in poverty, vegetating in the arms of a mean man. In general, I believe that a man should not be greedy and petty, this is not even a sin, but a vice.
And I decided for myself to make a pleasant acquaintance with a wealthy Russian man by visiting a specialized site with a questionnaire content. I would like to say right away that registration there is free, but everything else will depend on timely payment for raising the profile and all kinds of gimmicks.

Having posted my colorful photographs, I began to look for a gentleman according to pre-selected parameters. I was not interested in height, weight and anthropometric characteristics. The most important thing was the level of income, marital status and not too big a difference in age.

Having looked through several profiles of rich men, I was able to understand one important thing. Nobody agrees to share their wealth with you. Those who think so are deeply mistaken.
The men came across quite decent, but almost all of them made too high demands on the female sex. One gentleman asked me about the level of education he had received, and the other already "from the doorway" began to express himself as a commander.

In some cases, I had the impression that I was in the foreign exchange market, where they decided to buy me for “green papers”.
To the question related to the income level of a rich man, the majority preferred to answer ambiguously, they say, enough for a fur coat.

Going to another free dating site under a false name, I was surprised that the same little men were shuffling there, who position themselves differently. Anyone who has long forgotten about our previous conversation, suddenly turned from a wealthy banker into a wealthy restaurateur. And the one who wanted to meet an educated girl was crazy about my feigned madness.

I tried to analyze the information received in order to understand why rich men change their appearance. Or maybe they are not quite rich?
Here's what I was able to figure out for myself.

Meeting a rich man- This is in most cases "combat readiness" for the fact that every penny will be registered. Do not even think about daring and declaring the complete surrender of someone else's property. You will be immediately expelled.

In order for a rich man to literally "waste money", you must fully meet his monstrous needs. You will obey him unquestioningly, watch your waist and what is called a “hot spot”. If it suddenly expands by accident, the cost of your content will significantly decrease.
If you think that the housekeeper will do everything for you, then most likely you yourself will start her difficult duties.

Your opinion, as usual, will not be heard, and if it is heard, then it will not be heard, because rich men are used to listening to them.
Living under the same roof with a rich man, you will only meet people from his circle, forgetting about a little sloppy, but humane girlfriends.
In life together with a wealthy gentleman of old age, you will constantly simulate a sincere interest in his rantings, until you want to send everything to hell.
Of course, you say, you can cover your mouth for a monetary reward, just remember that everything in this life needs to be worked out.
I don’t mean to say that meeting a rich man is a great misfortune. Of course not! But only the happiness that the soul dreams of will be “at the tip of the mortal body”.

Oh, how bad it will be for you at times when you want a simple human interaction with an ordinary woman, whom you can cry “in your vest” and calm her down.
In the world of big money, there is no family happiness where a woman is considered a mother and children are a treasure. In this case, a woman is a “bought doll”, and children are spoiled barchata.

And if you decide on dating rich men, it is worth remembering that free sites, which are stuffed with colorful profiles, hide from us the true face of faceless happiness.

The material was prepared by me- Edwin Vostryakovsky.