28 week of pregnancy What circumference of the abdomen. Normal values, mm. Measuring the fetus in the circumference of the abdomen during pregnancy

The examination of a woman with an obstetrician gynecologist is of great importance, especially when it is produced during pregnancy. There are a number of indicators and sizes that the doctor evaluates to obtain ideas about the physiologicalness of the lamination period.

Even a simple definition of the abdomen circumference is capable of specifying certain problems and send a woman to additional diagnostic procedures and treatment. That is why the abdominal circumference during pregnancy plays a significant role in the diagnosis of pathological processes.

Examination of pregnant

After collecting anamnesis in a pregnant woman, any obstetric examination at any time of gestation implies the fulfillment of the outdoor obstetric examination. This method of diagnostics makes it possible to detect signs of deviations from the norm in the body of a pregnant woman with minimal cost.

One of the key points is to measure growth, weight, the standing height of the bottom of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen (coolant). These figures are determined to compare with the norm for a specific period of pregnancy.

Normal values \u200b\u200bare average arithmetic for the entire population of women on a specific lap. This means that normal numbers can largely vary depending on the complexation and genetic characteristics of each person.

Measurement rules

The girth or circumference of the abdomen must be measured according to certain rules, otherwise its comparison with normal dimensions will be not enough.

The circumference of the abdomen during pregnancy is determined as follows:

  • For measurement uses a flexible centimeter tape.
  • The most correct measurement will be in the position of a woman standing.
  • The circle is measured at the navel level, this level usually coincides with the first lumbar vertebrae on the back.
  • It should not be measured by the coolant at the level of the most protruding part of the abdomen, this size will be incorrect.

The abdominal volume during pregnancy is regularly changing. This is affected by several factors. Moreover, a single deviation of the indicator from the norm does not play a significant role, since then the size and weight of the fetus and the accumulative organs may change and come back. Therefore, to judge the presence of deviations in an indicator of the coolant, it is necessary to measure it several times in different dishtime.

Measuring the coolant can be carried out at home. To do this, it is necessary to have only a centimeter tape. The data obtained in different times should be recorded, and then inform your doctor.

Size for weeks of pregnancy

The size of the coolant is an extremely variable indicator. It is for this that there are tables with average volume values. Table data may differ somewhat from each other, since the studies were carried out by different specialists, each of which has its own idea of \u200b\u200bthe boundaries of the norm and pathology.

The abdominal circle for weeks of pregnancy is determined by the following table:

Week's term



It should be borne in mind that the size of the coolant up to 30 pregnancy is not quite illicitable value, since in the first two trimesters there may be quite significant changes in the volume of fetus and the accumulative structures.

After 30 weeks, doctors not only observe the course of pregnancy, but also begin to plan preparation for childbirth, so any anthropometric indicators acquire high importance.

Causes of deviation

Before disassembled, why it may increase or decrease the volume of the abdomen at specific durations of the lamination, it should be understood which indicators affect the coolant.

So, the abdominal circle, and therefore, and its volume is folded from the following values:

  • The appropriate size before pregnancy is the constitution of the woman, the volume of subcutaneous fiber, the growth and weight of the body.
  • The size of the fetus, which, with the length of the navigation, steadily increases.
  • The volume of accumulating waters is one of the most variable and important indicators.
  • The magnitude of the placenta, the accumulative shells - to a lesser extent affects the coolant.
  • The condition of the wall and cavity of the uterus - with anomalies or neoplasms, the volume is seriously changing.

Knowing the main factors that can change the coolant, pathological states can be distinguished, which lead to an increase or decrease in the circle.

Since the abdominal circumference is an approximate and variable size, it should be critically referred to its changes. Additional research methods are always used to confirm or refute the preliminary diagnosis.

Increase the circumference of the abdomen

If the abdomen's circumference deviates from the normal value by 2-3 centimeters, should not be fear. Only significant changes may indicate pathological changes.

The size of the coolant exceeds the normal under the following pathological processes:

  1. A large fruit is a state of obstetric complication, because it requires special tactics in the delivery. Birth through natural paths with large fruit can cause severe injuries of the perineum and reproductive organs.
  2. Multiple pregnancy - usually this feature is detected rather early - with the first screening ultrasound. If there are two fruits in the uterine cavity, the coolant increases significantly, the norms of this indicator are not applicable for multiple pregnancy.
  3. The oblique and transverse location of the fetus - these features of the position of the kid in the uterus cavity can significantly affect the circle. Until the third trimester, the location changes repeatedly, so it is not worth worrying ahead of time.
  4. A narrow pelvis is a constitutional feature of the anatomy of a woman. The pelvis may be narrow anatomically - this is associated with the structure of bones, or functionally - in the inconsistency of the size of the fetus and the woman's pelvis. Closer to the end of pregnancy the fruit does not fall into the plane of the entrance in a small pelvis, it leads to an increase in the coolant.
  5. Multi-way is a fairly common pathological process. The kidneys, internal secretion glands, intoxication and other diseases increase the volume of amniotic waters. To confirm the diagnosis, an ultrasound is carried out.
  6. Anomalies of the uterus and tumors - jumpers in the uterine cavity, its innate anomalies, as well as benign and malignant tumors can affect the size of the coolant.

Reducing the circumference of the abdomen

Indicate to the pathological process in the body of the fetus and a pregnant woman can not only increase, but also a decrease in the coolant relative to the period of gestation.

Diseases and conditions may reduce circumference:

  1. Error in the period of pregnancy - regular deviations from the size of the sizes in the absence of pathological processes may be related to the fact that a woman or an obstetr incorrectly determined the term of pregnancy.
  2. The hypotrophy of the fetus is a state unites various deviations in the development of the baby in the origin and degree of severity. They can affect its size and weight. Syndrome of the delay of intrauterine development in modern conditions is well amenable to therapy with timely discovery.
  3. Wide pelvis - at the same time, the fruit can go to the cavity of the small pelvis ahead of time, which reduces the coolant. It should be paid to the state of the cervical canal. Easticcakersuric insufficiency with a wide Taza can lead to premature interruption of pregnancy.
  4. Major - amniotic waters with various pathological processes can not only increase in volume, but also decrease. It affects the size of the abdomen and its circumference.
  5. Endocrine diseases in the body of the future mother. Very often, the coar behind the normal indicators in hypothyroidism. Reducing the level of hormones of the thyroid gland slows down the growth of the baby and the accumulative organs, reduces the volume of amniotic waters.

Listed pathological processes always require additional diagnostics. It is impossible to set the final diagnosis only on the basis of measuring the circumference of the abdomen of pregnant.

Diagnosis and treatment

To make sure in a preliminary diagnosis, the obstetrician-gynecologist will resort to the appointment of analyzes and research, as well as attracting medical professionals.

During the diagnostic search uses:

  • General blood analysis.
  • General urine analysis.
  • Blood chemistry.
  • Study of blood to the level of hormones.
  • Ultrasound procedure.
  • Outdoor and internal pelviometry.
  • Amniocentesis.

Consultations may involve such doctors as an endocrinologist, therapist, cardiologist, nutritionist, oncologist, doctor of functional diagnostics.

The process of treating listed states depends on their cause. For therapy apply:

  1. Diet and normalization of physical activity.
  2. Vitamin therapy, purpose of trace elements.
  3. Hormonal preparations.
  4. Compensation of somatic pathology.
  5. Less often operational procedures.

Not all pathological processes can be eliminated during the beating period. However, diagnostics are necessary to prevent complications and methods of the delivery. And to bring a doctor to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe correct diagnosis maybe such a simple indicator as a pregnant stomach circumference.

Futive mothers in the process of tooling the baby have to undergo a large number of surveys, including fetal fetometry using ultrasound. This is one of the few non-flamatic procedures capable of providing reliable information about the state and development of the child throughout the pregnancy.

Fetometry of the Fetal, as a method is a definition of a baby's size by means of ultrasonic scanning and comparing the data obtained with the available standards. This information allows the doctor to judge the emergence of development anomalies or the normal toal process.

If difficulties have arisen with the establishment of the expiration date on the last month, the fetal fetterium allows it to determine it with an accuracy of the 4th day. Therefore, it can be said that this method is in demand in the early diagnosis of disorders of intrauterine development and concretization of pregnancy. All regulations of fetal fetal indicators are provided to global medicine standards and are specified in tables with average data.

Periods of Fetometric Research

Ultrasound studies in order to diagnose the development of the kid are standardly confined to the 12th, 20th and 32nd weeks of pregnancy. Each trimester has one diagnostic procedure.

The decision on the time of the ultrasound and fetometry is made by the doctor. This affects it:

  • the general state of the future mother;
  • the emergence of suspicion of violation of the intrauterine development of the child;
  • the established deadlines for fetal fetterity.

Thanks to the ultrasound, it became possible not only to assess the basic characteristics of the fetus (calculate the weight of the fetus on the ultrasound, its growth, the trigger of the chest and the head) and relate them to the average indicators for weeks of pregnancy, but also identify the functional state of the internal organs of the child, to determine its floor.

Thanks to the modern ultrasound diagnostics, the doctor can not only compare fetometric data with the norm, but also assess the development of internal organs and determine the sex of the child

Key features of fetometric research

Leading criteria for fetometry of the fetus are:

  • CTR (Copchiko-Dummer Size);
  • BPR (biparity head size);
  • OG (chest circumference);
  • Coolant (abdominal circumference);
  • DB (thigh bone length).

Table with medium fetal fetal values \u200b\u200bfor weeks of pregnancy:

A weekBPR, MM.LZR, MM.OH, MM.DBK, mm.Weight, grGrowth, see
13 24 - 69 9 31 10
14 27 - 78 13 52 12,3
15 31 39 90 17 77 14,2
16 34 45 102 21 118 16,4
17 38 50 112 25 160 18
18 43 53 124 30 217 20,3
19 47 57 134 33 270 22,1
20 50 62 144 35 345 24,1
21 53 65 157 37 416 25,9
22 57 69 169 40 506 27,8
23 60 72 181 42 607 29,7
24 63 76 193 45 733 31,2
25 66 79 206 48 844 32,4
26 69 83 217 49 969 33,9
27 73 87 229 52 1135 35,5
28 76 89 241 55 1319 37,2
29 78 92 253 58 1482 38,6
30 81 95 264 60 1636 39,9
31 83 97 274 62 1779 41,1
32 85 100 286 63 1930 42,3
33 86 102 296 65 2088 43,6
34 88 104 306 67 2248 44,5
35 89 106 315 69 2414 45,4
36 91 108 323 71 2612 46,6
37 93 109 330 73 2820 47,9
38 94 110 336 74 2992 49
39 95 112 342 75 3170 50,2
40 96 116 347 76 3373 51,3

Additionally, the following ultrasound indicators may also be determined:

  • fetal head circumference;
  • lobno-occipital size;
  • the length of the bone of the leg;
  • length of tibia;
  • foot length;
  • the length of the bones of the shoulder and forearm;
  • cerebellum intermetrous size (MRM);
  • heart diameter.

Indicators of the development of the back of the nose are very important for assessing the development of the child in the framework of the detection of chromosomal diseases and congenital defects

CRT as a characteristic of the physical development of the fetus

Term, week + day10 weeks+ 1 day+ 2 days+ 3 days+ 4 days+ 5 days+ 6 days
CRT, mm.31 33 34 35 37 39 41
Term, week + day11 weeks+ 1 day+ 2 days+ 3 days+ 4 days+ 5 days+ 6 days
CRT, mm.42 43 44 45 47 48 49
Term, week + day12 weeks+ 1 day+ 2 days+ 3 days+ 4 days+ 5 days+ 6 days
CRT, mm.51 53 55 57 59 61 62
Term, week + day13 weeks+ 1 day+ 2 days+ 3 days+ 4 days+ 5 days+ 6 days
CRT, mm.63 65 66 68 70 72 74

Normal options include an increase in the CTR for one or two weeks. If the rhesus conflict, neoplasms and mother diabetes are excluded, then such an increase in the size of the kid may testify in favor of the fact that the child will be born large, with a weight of 4 kg.

In this case, it is necessary to use medicines that affect the metabolism, including complex vitamins with caution. Such drugs can lead to the birth of a very large child from 5 kg.

The reasons that can lead to a decrease in the CTR can be both options for the norm and the sign of severe pathology.

For norms Refers the possibility of later fertilization due to the terms of ovulation. As can be seen, the time of conception will be somewhat later than the calculated in accordance with the last day of menstruation. In this situation, you just need to repeat the ultrasound in a week.

Causes of pathological nature:

  1. Measuring pregnancy and death of the embryo. This situation requires immediate interference and medical care, because It may cause bleeding, disturbance of the female functions of the female organism, toxic shock and the death of the mother. You can exclude this pathology in the event that the heartset of the future child is determined.
  2. The lack of hormones (more often progesterone) - requires confirmation with the help of additional research methods and hormone therapy (only a doctor can assign it!). Treatment is required, because Hormonal failure can be the cause of self-election.
  3. Infections, including STIs, can become a factor negatively affecting the growth of the kid. In this situation, additional surveys are required to identify the infectious agent. Therapy must then be carried out in the permanent period.
  4. Genetic anomalies (syndromes: Down, Patau, Edwards). In case of suspected such violations, genetics consultation and additional surveys are required. Serious genetic deviations, as a rule, lead to self-election.
  5. Somatic Mother's Diseases, including chronic heart and thyroid diseases. As a rule, they have their influence in a later date. And yet it is impossible to exclude their influence from the first week of the development of the embryo.
  6. Pathology of the mucous, lining the uterus. Erosion, abortions, misa, disrupting the integrity of the mucous layer, interfere with the fetal egg to securely secure in the wall of the uterus and to fully grow, which can cause self-calf.

Insufficient PTR indicators, according to the table of standards, may indicate violations of the child's intrauterine development, so such pregnancy needs an additional examination

The CTR is an important crumb development rate, but do not rush to interpret its value on your own, wait for the comments of the attending physician.

BPR as an indicator of the development of the nervous system of the fetus

The biparity indicator, measured during fetometry, indirectly describes the development of the baby's nervous system and with a large degree of accuracy indicates a period of pregnancy. In fact, the BPD on the ultrasound is the distance between the external visible boundaries of the oppositely located dark bones of the skull (right and left), which is determined by the Nadbrov line. Often this parameter is measured in conjunction with an indicator of the LZR (frontal-occipital size) - the distance between the outer visible bones boundaries: the occipital and frontal.

The BPR characteristics are used to determine the degree of security for the mother and child passing through the generic paths in the process of delivery. In the case when the BPR value significantly exceeds the norm, the operational delivery is shown by the cesarean section.

The BAD indicator in the complex with an indicator of the LZR allows it on a weekly to evaluate the characteristics of the brain and the development of the baby's nervous system. A feature of biparity characteristics is the slowdown in their growth with an increase in the period of pregnancy.

At twelve weeks, the growth of the BPR indicator is about 4 mm a week, by the end of the hatching period - barely reaches 1.3 mm. The competent interpretation of this indicator makes it possible with a high level of reliability to estimate the growth and development of the baby throughout the entire period of the tooth.

Minor fluctuations in biparity and frontal-occurring indicators may be variants of the normal growth of the kid. For example, if the fruit of large sizes (over 4 kg), then all parameters can be increased for a period of one to several weeks. Sometimes the head increases somewhat more / less than other organs, because the crumb is growing unevenly. In this situation, you need to repeat the ultrasound in a few weeks, perhaps the indicators are leveled.

If the doctor diagnosed the patient a large-scale pregnancy, then the indicators of the BPD and LZR can be naturally increased according to the size and weight of the kid

A significant increase in these indicators may be an alarming symptom that speakers the development of neoplasms of bone or brain structures, the appearance of brain hernia and the accumulation of the liquor in the ventricles of the brain (hydrocyphalia / brain water):

  • When developing neoplasms and brain hernses, it is recommended to interrupt pregnancy. The fruit having such pathology is usually non-visual.
  • Hydrocephalus, in most cases, arises due to intrauterine infection. The infection must be mandatory treated with antibiotics. If this treatment does not give results, it is recommended to interrupt pregnancy. If there is no development of hydrocephalus, the fruit is usually allowed to maintain, but monitoring its condition by means of ultrasound should be carried out permanently.

Reducing the size of the fetal head may indicate the insufficient development of certain brain structures, or the absence of those. The absence of any brain structures is a strict indication for the interruption of pregnancy, regardless of what time this pathology was detected.

How do the belly usually measure?

As a rule, starting with the twentieth week, a doctor who is watching your pregnancy will be on every planned visit to make external measurements of a constantly growing belly using the most ordinary centimeter tape. But, for example, it will be measured directly from the bottom of the uterus itself and to the top edge of your LONA joint. The abdomen circle is usually simulated at the navel level. Also, the doctor will always evaluate your abdominal shape that, by the way to say, in the second half of the current pregnancy can also be very much "telling" to the doctor. So, for example, a spherical stomach may sometimes indicate a developing multi-way, and if the stomach reminds you of strictly transverse oval - it is quite possible that your baby is currently in the so-called cross-preview. Of course, with a normal developing pregnancy, women's belly should have the most simple egg-shaped form. Moreover, let's say at first-night women who have a building with a narrow pelvis, the stomach will look a few pointed upwards, and, for example, if the birth will come to the second or even third - then your stomach will look a bit scolded.

It is worth remembering that in normal the height of the bottom of your uterus, it will be necessary to accurately correspond to the date of this pregnancy. Moreover, how many centimeters intends to you the doctor, exactly so many weeks at this stage of your pregnancy. For example, in the twentieth week of pregnancy, your bottom of the uterus should be exactly two centimeters below the navel level, but it reaches it the level of navel itself for the twenty-fourth week. Next, starting from the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy, your bottom of the uterus should already be above the navel level at least a few centimeters. But already at the thirty-sixth week of pregnancy, the bottom of the woman will reach almost sternum and now it will grow more to grow.

To date, there are also strictly defined norms for the circumference of the belly of a pregnant woman. So, for example, by the thirty-second week, the circumference of your no longer tummy will have to make about eight ten five centimeters, for the thirty-sixth week of pregnancy - the circle will be near the ninety centimeters. Directly on the fortieth week of pregnancy, the circumference of the female tummy will increase dramatically, and almost to the ninety-five centimeters. Of course, these data and medicine adopted in medicine are very conditional, and may differ slightly. Do not forget the same way that the volume of your abdomen will be directly connected not only with the active growth of the uterus itself, the fetus, or an increase in the available aircraft waters, the sizes will also depend on your total weight. The volume of the belly of a pregnant woman and from the real pace of its weight gain, and even from the Constitution of the most future mother, yes, in general, and from many other extraneous factors.

What could be dangerous deviations from accepted norms?

As a rule, too big or vice versa too Little tummy during pregnancy it may indicate the development of some pathologies of pregnancy. However, it is aforeer right before you put any diagnosis to panic, because in any case, the abdominal volume cannot be the main or main indicator, or the symptom of the development of a dangerous disease. If, for example, your doctor notices with the next inspection of serious deviations from the available norms in your abdomen, then, if most likely, will most likely direct you to some additional surveys. And already similar research and will be able to clearly determine, for what reason your stomach is not growing enough, or on the contrary, it is too developing all the rules and terms.

As a rule, in the earliest period of pregnancy, the planned measuring the size of the growing uterus, your doctor, seeing deviations from the norm, can suspect Development of ectopic pregnancy which can confirm, or on the contrary to refute the timely Ultrasound . But in the late pregnancy, too small as if underdeveloped belly can testify to the development of the hypotrophy of the fetus, or on the occurrence of lowland, which in turn can provoke a number of dangerous diseases (among which both placental insufficiency, and late beds and various inflammatory Diseases at the future mother).

Suppose sharply increased dimensions of the female uterus (much higher than the physiological norms adopted) is characteristic of such a state as chorionepitheloma. Recall that chorionepitheloma is a tumor of the placental tissue, which in the overwhelming majority of all leads to the sharp death of the fetus itself. Too big developing all the standards of belly may also testify to the development of a multi-way basis or perhaps a baby in the womb grows the most real warrant, and sometimes it happens that the kids can be somewhat there. And the planned ultrasound diagnosis of this for some reason did not define. And you agree it is not so bad news, even if the mommy itself, the first few years, will be hard enough to cope with several young children.

Once again, we once again remind you of our pregnant readers of Mamapadia.com.ua magazine: never under any circumstances, do not try to evaluate your abdomen yourself and most importantly do not try to draw conclusions, at the same time someone itself frightening diagnoses. Remember that every woman is always strictly individual and every concrete pregnancy woman is radically different from all others, it would seem similar pregnancies. In addition, we remind you that in your situation is generally completely contraindicated, nervous or thinking about something bad. Just trust the specialist who leads your pregnancy, and follow the correctness of my power, and immediately before pregnancy, try to cure all the available chronic or sharp sores and then really very many dangers and simply not quite pleasant "surprises" you will be able to completely avoid.

We wish you a light course of pregnancy and the most "right" and beautiful animals in the world!


At various stages of pregnancy, fetometry is regularly carried out - this is determining the size of the fetus by an ultrasound. The data obtained during the survey has been subjected to statistical analysis for many years, and on their basis, a table with indicators of the norm on weeks was drawn up.

It is the main parameter for a more accurate determination of the term and allows us to find out whether there is no deviation in the intrauterine development of any deviations. Knowing what it is, young parents themselves can make sure that everything is in order for an ultrasound study.

Most often an ultrasonic fetometry is carried out or a transvaginal sensor, or traditionally through the belly. In the first case, there is no preparation from a woman. Classic ultrasound will show more accurate results if in the early time an hour before the procedure to drink 500 ml of water and do not empty the bladder. Filled, it will help improve visibility in the uterus. After 12 weeks it is no longer required, since this function will be performed by spindle water.

The procedure is familiar to all: a special gel is applied on the stomach, and everything that happens intumetically is displayed on the computer monitor. Modern programs allow you to automatically produce fruit measurements, and the doctor already compares them with a common table standards for weeks. This allows you to clarify the term of pregnancy and timely identify pathology in the development of the fetus.

Why is the so called? The term "fetometry" goes back to the Latin Word "Fetus" (translated as "offspring") and the Greek "Metreo" (it means to "measure, define").

Norms and deviations

Parents are useful to know what is the norm, according to the table of fetometry, and when they talk about pathological deviations. After seeing a minor divergence of true dimensions with official indicators, many begin to panic and make the wrong conclusions that in most cases it turns out completely in vain.

  • the fetus data fully corresponds to the sizes in the table;
  • they lag behind or ahead of them less than 2 weeks (this term is admissible for individual characteristics);
  • the indicators are not on the same line, but the groza, but this difference is not more than 1 lines: these discrepancies are permissible due to the hopping intrauterine development of the fetus.

Everything else belongs to cases of deviations. It is especially dangerous when the fetal fetterium already shows that one and the same size is greater than or less than the norm on 2 or even more lines.

For example, the growing circle of the head may indicate, but additional data obtained during Dopplerometry and KTG will need for confirmation of the diagnosis and surveillance.

For comparison. If all the dimensions of the fetus "fit" to the norm specified in the Fetometry table, except, for example, the length of the hip, this is still not an indicator of pathology. Perhaps parents or other relatives of the child are just possessors of very long (or, on the contrary, too short) legs.

If there are deviations, such serious diagnoses, as "," ", are confirmed by two doctors: not only an obstetrician-gynecologist, but also a medical genetic. They estimate the genetic predisposition of the fetus and determine the causes of the detected pathology (chromosomal anomalies, bad habits, the age of parents, intrauterine infection, etc.).

It is very important that the decoding of the obtained indicators was primarily an obstetrician-gynecologist: an ultrasound specialist only provides him with a consolidated statement, where it is indicated which dimensions and how different from the norm of fetometry for this period of pregnancy. What exactly are the parameters taken into account during the screenings?

Description of the main indicators

To figure out what kind of fetal fetter data for weeks are contained in the tables, you need to know the conventions of these parameters and their decoding.

  • BPR - biparity size, the distance between the dark bones, describes the development of the nervous system.
  • DB - the length of the hip.
  • DG - lower leg length.
  • DN - length of the nasal bone.
  • DP - length of the shoulder.
  • CRT - Copchiko-parmer size.
  • Lzr - Lobno-occipital size.
  • OG is a head circumference.
  • OG (DGK) is the volume of the chest (the diameter of the chest).
  • OH - abdominal circumference.
  • PJ - transverse abdominal diameter.
  • Py is a fruit egg where the child develops.
  • SJ - the sagittal diameter of the abdomen (measured in the front-rear direction).
  • TVP - thickness of the collar space.

Such is the decoding of the indicators that are most often indicated in the table of fetometry. It can also include the lengths of other bones - more and small-tech, elbow, radiation, as well as the feet. But they no longer have such importance to identify pathologies - are used for comparison only as additional information.

Among other things, it is possible to calculate the weight of the fetus of fetometry carried out after 20 weeks of pregnancy. All calculations are made automatically by the ultrasound apparatus itself on the basis of the term, BPR, LZR, OH, DB and OG. They give very accurate results and allow them to compare them on a table with norms.

I trimester

The first fetometry is assigned to 12-13 weeks. Her goal is to identify the malformations of the fetus in the early periods of pregnancy.

This ultrasonic screening does not define a specific disease, but only indicates markers typical of it. Based on the results obtained, additional research can be appointed. All suspected suspicions are confirmed or refuted by invasive laboratory techniques.

Some fetometry indicators can be refined. For example, experts use during the first screening table of medium values \u200b\u200bof the CTR, since this size is very important to identify deviations in the intrauterine development of the fetus.

For options, the norms of the doctors include an increase in the CTR for 1-2 weeks. If pregnancy is not complicated and reserves conflict, it may mean that the kid will be born a real warmer and its weight will be more than 4 kg, and this may be a testimony for conducting.

Here are such important data gives the first fetometry specialists.

About timing. The first ultrasonic screening is carried out precisely during this period due to the indicator of the TVP. Up to 11 weeks, he is so small that it cannot be measured. And after 14 weeks, this space is filled with lymph, which distorts the results of the study. It is this parameter that is the marker of most chromosomal deviations of the fetus.

II trimester

The time frame of the second ultrasonic fetometry should be laid in the following dates:

  • no earlier than 16 weeks;
  • no later than 20;
  • the most optimal option is 17 weeks, which, when detecting deviations, will allow to pass more accurate additional genetic surveys;
  • sometimes the ultrasound is carried out for 21-22 weeks, but this is the most extreme and undesirable time frame.

The first ultrasound screening gives the most accurate results, but often even their not enough to accuracy the diagnosis. To do this, many indicators need to be seen in the dynamics. Here is it just demonstrate the data of the second fetometry.

It performs the following tasks:

  • identify vices that cannot be defined in the first trimester;
  • confirm / refute the diagnosis pre-vested according to the results of the first screening;
  • determine the level of risk of suspects;
  • detect deviations in the formation of a small organism.

Trimester II fetometry is assigned only to those women who, according to the results of the first ultrasound, hit the risk group.

Approximate norms of ultrasound on this period of pregnancy are presented in the following tables.

Height Weight

Surrounding abdomen

Circle head

Shin length

Length Hip.

Length of the shoulder bone

Bone Length forearch

If for some reason, the deadlines of the second fetometry were shifted, you can use a table with the average indicators from 21 to 27 weeks:

After examining the data of the second fetometry, the gynecologist can send a woman to a consultation to genetics or independently assign invasive techniques to diagnose suspects of pathologies. In cases where the diagnosis is still confirmed, a decision is made on the further fate of pregnancy.

If therapeutic adjustment is not possible, artificial calling is carried out (about artificial gods, read B). If the detected pathology is reversible, treatment is prescribed as quickly as possible to save the baby.

III trimester

The third fetometry can be assigned to any day of the III trimester of pregnancy. The optimal period is 32-33 weeks. Since at this stage it is nearing childbirth, the ultrasound is carried out more carefully than before.

For example, the baby's face is already looking perfectly, which makes it possible to determine such pathologies like wolf mouth or holy lip. The doctor finds out how far the fruit is developed in accordance with the term of pregnancy.

It is usually not recommended to conduct such studies later than 34 weeks. However, there are cases when they are prescribed immediately before the kindresses (in 37-38 weeks) to make the final decision on the cesarean section or.

Table of average values \u200b\u200bof the third fethetometry of the fetus for weeks

If there are deviations at this stage, the woman is offered hospitalization. With the negative dynamics of the obtained testimony, doctors may decide to stimulate premature labor.

Helpful information. Everyone around (women, and often doctors themselves) love to talk about the importance of the first two fetometry and the optional third. But only it allows you to make a right decision on how to carry out upcoming birth with minimal losses for mom and baby.

Information from the fetal fetal tables is familiarized. It is not recommended to make parents to make some independent conclusions, comparing the results obtained with norms, because they do not always reflect validity and require mandatory deciphering specialists.