The Russian army loves everything from us. I will be my motherland with a soldier! On the day of defenders of Russia

Congratulations and poems on February 23 give you the opportunity to beautifully congratulate the man on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. In Russia, the most popular holiday for men is considered on February 23. On the day of the defender of the Fatherland, they congratulate all men passing military service or who have already gave birth to the Motherland. Very nice to get a congratulation on SMS in verse. Therefore, if you want to congratulate your acquaintances with this holiday with original verse, you can do it with the help of our page.

1. Today is February 23

Today is February 23,
And congratulates all men Country!
After all, we know that in a difficult hour
Without fear, protect us.
You are courageous and stronger,
We are not talking without reason:
Today we will congratulate you
Favorite men!

2. The man is the gift of God for the weak floor:

The man is the gift of God for the weak floor:
A man is a defender, a man - support!
And there are still a lot of reasons,
So that women are glorified by men.
And we only need, so that the guns were silent,
So that you borrow from sadness,
Heat radiated, waving blood to us ...
And together we would defend love!

3. Dad

Where are the dads today in a hurry?
Pope hurry for a holiday in kindergarten.
Here dad is high, here dad low,
Here is a dad curly, here is bald, here - red,
Here is a dad with a mustache, here's dad without them ...
We met a ring ring!
And guests did not hide joyful eyes -
About the best dad sang each of us!
(Tetushka AU)

4. Defenders of Fatherland

Wonderful holiday in February
My country meets.
She is defenders of their own
Cardie congratulates!

On land, in the sky, on the seas
And even under water
Soldiers world our shuffle
For us, friend, with you.

When I grow big
Where b nor served everywhere
Protect your depression
And I will reliably.
(N. Migunov)

5. Officer

An officer! Congratulations to you
You are a reliable defender of Russia:
Selflessly and gently loving
Life give her, hope and strength!
We know: through the hurricane, squall and rain,
The heart is true oath and flag,
Again to the victory of soldiers, you will give,
How is your ancestor - to Reichstagu!
Good luck in big and small
Yes, become more general!

6. Bay, drum!

Bay, drum! Taram!
Glory to all warriors and heroes!
Grandfather, dad and elder brother,
Pilot, and sailor, and a soldier!

I grow up - I will become warrior myself.
Our homeland is no offense!
Pipes, Trubita!
Bay, drum!
Glory to the heroes! Trap Tatama!
(I. Gamazkova)

7. Festive salute

On the square of red
Under the sky of the Kremlin
Flowers blossomed
Among February.

Above the square -
Colored lights,
Fly on epaulets
The military they are.

Here falls from the sky
Blue flower,
For the pilots of ours
He is the most native.

Green in the sky
Petals are burning
They are border guards
Our close.

Sun down blue
Flower with clouds,
Like sea waves,
For all sailors.

Red descends
Over Mother's Motherland
Spring bouquet.

On Red Square
Tools beat:
In honor of our army
Today, salute.
(V. Stepanov)

8. February 23

Winter day
February Day,
We are walking down the street.
Subscribed day today
Strong leather strap
And they ring the medals,
Orden burn on it.
Winter day
February Day,
We go around the square
To the heart of the soldier
On granite flowers put
And defender of the people
Honor in silence give.
Winter day
February Day,
We'll wage the whole country.
We take off by plane,
We swim around the sea
And see how to light
Sky festive fire.
(V. Stepanov)

9. My brother goes to the army

Why play marches
Smiling people?
Because my older brother
Today in the army goes!

And although staying at home,
I will help my brother.
All rockets are familiar to me,
I can be anema.

If he is a pilot -
I am a plane.
We are preparing for flights:
He is a pilot and I am a pilot.

Will go to the landing
I jumped into battle
And will open obedient
Mother's umbrella.

If he becomes a tanker -
I wear a headset.
If he becomes a connection -
I have a phone.

Will fall into a military fleet -
Dvina cruisers camping,
And then underwater
Boats high-speed.

If suddenly my brother
Will fall into landing land
I have a bushlate, belt
And basting rack.

If he becomes a sapper -
I will build a bridge.
If he becomes a driver -
I have a truck.

Will be in the infantry brother -
I have a machine,
Fast armored personnel carrier -
Electric motor.

My brother will become a cook -
For me, he will be happy:
All that give me now
I eat in five minutes.

I want my older brother
Become a defender of the country
Day and night fray our
Protecting from the war.
(V. Orlov)

10. We congratulate all men!

We congratulate all men!
And we wish love.
Let them be a heart of hot
And in the souls, their fire burns.
Flowelate, please our eyes.
And the bird over fate par.
Carrying smiles and bad
All women are happiness!
You are our pride and love!
You are our passion and weakness!
Without you was the world would be alone
And there was no fairy tale in it.
Let the sun shine above the ground
And wars will not be.
And the power, the nice of our hero,
For the benefit will only be!

11. Submariner

Here is a wonderful picture -
Comes out of the depths
Steel submarine,
As if Dolphin!
Submariners serve in it -
They and there and here
Under water smoking,
Border caress!
(N. Ivanova)

12. You do not let me down, son

The boy from the pellery grows
It is imperceptibly learning to fly.
"You fly in life, my Orlock," -
Quietly says affectionate mother.

"Before you, let them be the case,
Save your people from trouble.
For the depreciation of the valiant and boldly
Pot, my defender! But you

As if the light is unclear in the window,
Full-breed river source,
Bright star ray, whose name is the sun.
You do not let me down, son ... "
(I. Zhenkova)

13. Military doctor

Soldier in enemy heights
It was wounded in the morning early.
Brave military doormat will save
He will teach the wound!
The doctor will extract from wound soldiers
Two small fragments
And say: "You don't need to lose heart!
Live, brother, long! "
(N. Ivanova)

14. This is an army, son!

I was called once
A whole year to serve as a soldier.
No part number was forgotten,
Letters Slot from there often.

At the receipt stood in verification,
Remembered the girl to the Verka,
How Zalivily laughs.
She promised to raind.

Shooting, Crosses and Outfits -
Everyone needs to know the soldier,
And lifting alarm,
Marsh throws, in the corn legs.

And with what big wave
She walked for the first time in the dismissal!
In the sorry was once,
The risk is huge, everyone knows.

Time came out, demobulved
And parents returned to their parents.
Serve, I think you need.
Well, what a man without service!
(K. Vukolov)

15. Happy Defender, Papula! (family counting)

One, two, three, four, five -
We will congratulate dad
And desire various goods:
Not lose a victorious flag
To the troubles captured - not to fall
They will defeat them.
One, two, three, four, five -
Give you to kiss !!!
(N. Samonius)

16. Stroy

Four companies walked with the song
Remarkable infantry
Cheat step went and walked
And melted away.

Long I walked behind them,
I did the steps big,
But lagging behind and caught
Because I'm tired.

I am one go, I sing,
I seem to be in the ranks
And lead four companies
Wonderful infantry.

Podra, then on the battle
We will negotiate them!
(R. Aldonina)

Army beloved

About the army beloved
Knows old and young
And she is invincible,
Today everyone is happy.
There are soldiers in the army,
Tankers, sailors,
All the strong guys
They are not terrible enemies!
There are rockets somewhere
And on the castle the border.
And so wonderful this
What we sleep peacefully!

17. Our army

On the high mountains
On steppe square
Guards our homeland soldiers.
He takes off into the sky
He goes to the sea
Not terrible defender
Rain and snowfall.

Rustle birch
Birds are singing
Kids grow up
Native country.
Soon I'm in the dosor
Stop on the border,
To only peaceful
Dreams of people dreams.
(V. Stepanov)

18. Defenders of the Fatherland!

Boys, guys, men!
Color ascending dawn!
Pride of the old epics -
Russian bogatyrs!

Become a support of Russia,
Light hope of the country
Smart and good strength
Motherland of our Sons!

19. Majak

On the mast our three-color flag,
On the deck there is a sailor.
And knows that the countries of the country,
Ocean borders
And during the day, and at night should
Under the vigilant security!
(N. Ivanova)

20. Because artilleryrs

We are the shoulder and muscles,
Because artilleryrs:
And gunner, and charging,
And other specialists.

Gun with bumps "Bach Baba!" -
There is fear on the frogs.
And once, under the roar of cannon,
She walked here a battle is not toy.

Here enemy fighters with commanders
Bogatirsky gave fire.
The enemy tanks "Panthers" with "tigers"
Fell in full support.

But she told them artillery:
- I'm not afraid of any beast me. -
And enemy, from her fire,
Even armor did not save.

Let the books write about it,
Let them sing about it.
Let the boys come here,
Do not play war, but in salute.
(P. Sinyavsky)

He is a metal bird
Raise to the clouds.
Now the air border
Reliable and strong!
(N. Ivanova)

21. Defenders of Fatherland

My grandfather once
Artillerist was
And dad was a soldier -
In the border troops served.

When I will become older,
Stronger, registra
Stand I will also
On a fighting post

Confident and boldly
Orders to perform
And military work
Seriously study.

And after serving
I will return home.
And grandfather and dad
Will be proud of me!
(A. Grishin)

22. Grandfather

You are the best grandfather
And I am proud of you!
Dreams and Nadezhda
Always share with you!

I appreciate your advice I,
And wisdom, and fate.
I wish longevity,
Health, strength and happiness.

23. Tankistam Hurray!

Tankists were the great-grandfather and grandfather,
I also dressed in a tanker form.
I have to take care of the tank so
So that my tank has always been ready for attacks.

After all, tank for tanker as a friend of combat,
As a horse for brave cavity.
And the tower he thinks like head, -
Such is now electronics.

And I am in the present toy tank
Barriers to doubt like tin cans,
Remove Burhor, jumping over the ravine -
From the tank nowhere will not be reached by the enemy.

Heroian tanks T-34
Shot at goal as snipers in a dash.
Now our tanks shoot more accurately,
Now our tanks are faster and more powerful.

Tankists Hurray! Tankists Hurray! -
All yard karapuses run away.
And every kid smiles to me,
And waving his palm girl in the window.
(P. Sinyavsky)

24. Varyag written on the ribbon

I'm on the fleet the smallest sailor,

This word is gold, like dawn -
This is the name of the boat ship.

He has distant, alien shores,
Brave fought surrounded by enemies.
He fought so that she did not consider his wounds
But did not give up the enemy.

Will not go to the enemy captivity!
The cruiser himself went to the sea depth.
And in Russia, on his native land,
Do not forget about the heroic ship.

And today in the oceans and the sea,
The grandchildren of the boat ship came out.
Every cruiser, and fearless, and harsh,
And the nature of the fighting cruisers.

I sought them with friends,
Above all the check box, Andreevsky kept.
I'm on the fleet the smallest sailor,
And on the ribbon is written - Varyag.
(P. Sinyavsky)

25. Tankist

Everywhere, as if all-terrain
On the caterpillars tank will be held
Tire trunk ahead,
Danger, enemy, do not come!
Tank strong armor protected
And be able to meet the battle!
(N. Ivanova)

26. Thanks

On the Day of Defender of Russia
From the heart we bring you
Gratitude, admiration
From the face of Russian ladies!
No defender is reliable,
Fair no fighter,
No reliable in the world of her husband
And caring father!
We know, in a difficult moment -
You substitute your shoulder
Here for this we love you
And kiss hot!
(A. Voyt)

27. Future classmate warriors

Let your fight be ahead,
Our classmate-warrior,
We are proud of you,
And you pleased:
Shoot and fly,
Paps only in a notebook.
Country you will protect -
The enemy will fall on the blade!
Dosto Be Father and Santa -
Then the victory will come in battle!

28. Military holiday

We have one holiday.
This holiday is a man's day,
Day of defenders, soldiers.
On this day a parade will be held!

We will see helicopters,
Guns, tanks, airplanes.
We will pass the military step
Under a big beautiful flag.

Read congratulations
Sit down to the dad on your knees.
Many in the army of men
And such as he is one!
(I. Gurina)

29. Let the war goes only by playing

Let the war goes only by the game,
After all, we play, because I fight the Ponaroshka:
We do not want to meet with trouble -
Neither Danil nor Misha nor a serving.

Let the war goes only by playing
And our girls are not crying from fear.
And let the laugh pours river everywhere,
And above us - let him sing Znorly Ptakhi.

Let the war goes only by the game,
Let no one ever die;
And let the sun lays gold
In the peaceful sky, happiness embraces!
(N. Samonius)

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30. February

Our army beloved
Birthday in February.
Glory to her, invincible!
Glory to the world on earth!
(I. Darensky)

31. We are men

Let the icicles cry
Let the fogs cry
Burrying roofs
And old cranes,
Thick troughs
Window Stekla
And sad hat
That in the rain wet:

But we are not icicles,
But we are not fogs,
No roofs thin
Not copper cranes
After all, we are with you,
As you know, men,
And we can not
Without any reason -
(O. Driz)

32. About Pap.

Secret Senior Brother
I decided to say:
"In the past, our dad - soldiers,
Motherland served
Woke up for dawn
Cleaned automatic
To be on all earth
World for all guys. "
I am almost not surprised
I suspected
And has long considered that he is
Former general.
Twenty-third decided
Exactly at six in the morning
Scrossing the whole soul
Loud URA!
(T. Agibalova)

33. Paradnik

Parameters per minute
Go down from heaven.
Unlocking parachutes
Dark forest will be cleaned,
Ravines, mountains and meadows.
They will find a dangerous enemy.
(N. Ivanova)

34. Warrior Racket

Congratulations we congratulate the racket -
You all of us and shield, and the sword -
Happy Defender of the Fatherland!
You know how to save the world:
From the poles to the equator
Countries are kept,
Ear sensitive locator
Even the mouse will not miss!
Garrisons passed a lot
Waiting for Taiga, Siberia more ...
We love you and your homeland -
Hard, hard, hot!

35. Holiday of all men

I prepared a surprise with might and
Paper weatherman Mastery.
Finished - dad presented ...
With a smile, he pulled me to me
And the bright cooler stretched out:
- And here you have a gift, son -
Today is the holiday of all men!
(Tetushka AU)

36. Submarine

Submarine goes deep
In secret swimming far.
Follow the war to do not threaten the country -
Her combat task.

Always prepared for launch
Her rockets and torpedoes -
Will not be an enemy descent
The boat has everything for victory.

I'm confident in every sailor she
And in every personal officer.
And if the native country orders -
The sailor does not miss the target!

Known to the whole crew of the submarine,
What is in the commander cabin portrait.
In the picture of the boy in the father's pilot,
The hero was exactly five years old.

He since childhood is truthful and brave,
His all peers put in an example.
It will be a submariner, a daddy shift,
There is a real marine officer.
(P. Sinyavsky)

37. I will be my motherland with a soldier!

Let me be a little fryoska
Let the words hover!
But I dream a little
Be bold a gray lion.

Mom wants a diplomat
Make me in the future;
Dad wants a lawyer
To become once me.

I listen to them seriously
And navigate them in response;
And then scrapping to my grandfather,
He has a council.

"I do not want to be a diplomat,
I don't want a lawyer!
I will be my motherland with a soldier! "-
Grandfather Loudly Scross.

Well, you, your favorite grandfather,
Smile, as always:
"Eh, my cute fidget!
An officer will be - yes! "

I will hear you, grandfather,
General I will become!
Let now I fides -
Now my dream is!

And I'll tell you at dinner
Mom, dad and cat,
What I'll go, my dear grandfather,
I am in a military institute.

There I am busy will be a thing -
All sciences study!
There I will teach me boldly
Mom, dad to protect!

And straps on the shirt,
Dark leather belt,
And boots and caps
It will be not too lazy to clean!

And all the girls are ignorant
Smile will be me
How to go home in the form
To uncle, aunt - the whole relative!

Let me be a little fryoska
Let I adult not a couple!
Here is such a little
Protect the country's country!
(K. Avdeenko)

38. This holiday went beyond the borders of the army

This holiday went beyond the borders of the army,
He is now not only for soldiers,
He is not only for people in bulk,
That the homeland is standing in the service.
This holiday is a day of men
With full right we can call.
And in honor of you today congratulations
From February 23th sounds!

39. Defender of the Fatherland Day

Pope Congratulations
Happy Holiday:
In his youth, I know
In the army served.

So also warrior,
Although not commander.
Holiday is worthy
Guarded the whole world!

For me, you are the main one.
I do not give the abyss:
I am frayed glorious
Small part.

40. Classmate boys from girls

Although you do not wear a uniform,
But we know that in a difficult hour
You are the same as all the soldiers,
Save home and us!

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41. Everything in the post

Border guards on the border
Our land is wakey
To work and learn
Could calmly our people.

Guards our sea
Nice, valiant sailor.
Proudly real on battle
Our native Russian flag.

Our heroes
The sky is waving.
Our heroes
Guard peaceful work.

Our army is native
Wakes peace of country
So that we grew, the troubles are not knowing
So that there is no war.

42. Soldier Gymn.

We are guarding our glorious land
Cities, villages Sel and Pashen.
We will not spare ourselves in battle
The edge of native offense will not give!

Our heart came to our heart,
To taste food yes porridge,
We are with you almost warriors,
Well done outside and inside!

And the brides without us bored,
For a long time, as we did not meet them,
But now there is no time to be sad,
In the grooms we have time to like!
(M. Sokhin)

43. Defenders of the Fatherland

Peace of all cities and villages of vintage
Elder of the head of the Bogatyurians.
Let those days passed, but fame to you
Without giving Russia, the enemy is richarians!

We were defended by the great-grandfather and grandfathers -
In Berlin, won the winning flag.
When we sleep sweet sleep at night,
Our soldiers are not sleeping at the border.

Let the sun burn the outflowing roofs!
We congratulate today those boys
Who is small, but from all silenks
He himself protects the weak and girls!
(I. Aseeva)

44. Our army is native

In the Russian nation
There is a reliable shoulder -
Our army is native
Congratulations hot!

Congratulations to those who serve
Those who still serve
We believe it is very necessary
Under the protection of your live!
(A. Voyt)

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45. I will officer

We have rockets, tanks,
Ships mighty system
Airplanes Slashoyeau
Countain rest rest.
Under water, in the sky blue,
In the pure field and in the forest,
Right soldiers of Russia
The service must be carried.
I, how to grow up, dream
Also get up in military order
And long in a dream stepping
On the cobblestone pavement!
Ships shine straps,
Persons are strict visible
On the parade in those columns
Honor and youth of the country!
Ratty work to drop drops
In the heat, rain and cold ...
Officer to be honorable
In our army always!

46. \u200b\u200bMy brother went on the border

My brother went on the border,
He is a border guard. He is a soldier.
Fogman, Lie Li Clubs
My brother goes to the night watch.

He goes to the darkness of the night
And the machine is taken with you.
He protects the country native
The family is emanating.

He hears the most silent rustle,
He notices every trace.
In the deaf forests, in steppe spaces
Nowhere to enemies there is no road!

My brother will not be returned soon,
Not soon he will hug us
But I know: somewhere on the border
He thinks about us now.

47. I want very much in pilots

In the festive sky air parade
Russian horses in the sky flip.
From the beauty of fighters
The spirit captured at the audience.

Five airplanes, wing at the wing,
To the sun take off, as if the arrow,
Do, as if one plane,
Acrobatic coup.

Birds are jealous to brave pilots,
The wind sings the brave pilots.
Everything. I will urgently ask the pilots
And gather in flight.

Dad and Mom said: "Son,
From the kid will not work the pilot.
The pilot needs a little bit,
They are accepted only with six.

Not to argue with the eldest me
I am flying today in a dream.
Maybe at least tomorrow parents
Let me in fighters.
(P. Sinyavsky)

48. War ships

On blue transparent lakes,
On ocean salty expanses -
On all water from the Russian land
Military service carry ships.

49. Suvoriets.

Red epaulets,
New uniform.
In Moscow steps
Young commander.

He has a walk
Pride is full.
Day of their defenders
Celebrates the country.
(V. Stepanov)

50. I have seen marines

I am a passion like hunting
In maritime infantry
I dream about it in reality -
After all, I'm by the sea,
At the very sea,
White Sea live!

I do not think otherwise
And I already started
Work with might above yourself:
Four weeks
Taking dumbbells
And - in the shower with ice water.

And dad agrees
That my choice is clear
What is better than the dreams of this not:
Wear a real
Teasing, mounted,
Mysterious black takes!
(O. Bundur)

51. From February 23!

All men rush to congratulate
From February 23,
Forces with valority wishes
You are Russian earth!

You got the honor and right -
Protect your country
Ancestors Military Slava
Let him help you in the ranks!
(A. Voyt)

52. Zenitchiki

Rockat is heard
In our sky
Someone wanders
At a huge height,
In the clouds
And in the dark.
But mad nights,
From dawn to dawn,
Sky taught the rays
Battle lamps.
Severe Pilot -
The beam bothers an airplane
And from the ground
Toward Gulu
Raise guns ..
If the enemy is
He will be shot down!
If a friend -
Let fly!
(S. Mikhalkov)

53. Assant Combat Machine (BMD)

I am the son of the paratrooper, the son of Lieutenant -
That is why I go to the tel.
About the battle machine
All you want, tell you.

There is a wing infantry machine
Guns, rockets and machine guns.
Grozny opponent beats on armor -
All on the teachings as in war.

Our fighters on their all-terrain
At night and day with any bad weather
Famously correlate takes blue
Let's get down from the sky and rush into battle.

Race to victory Machine of the landing machine,
She is not afraid of no ambush.
Right in the song begins:
"The Russian landing is not surrender!"

Let I still go to kindergarten,
Soon I will ask for a landing.
I'm at least now Beemede will be negotiable
Dad and homeland will not bring.
(P. Sinyavsky)

54. Senior Brother

I am very happy today -
Brother arrived at the fore.
He is in the blue,
The form is new on it.

Nothing that
Brother's shape is great:
The day will come, the hour will come -
There will be a form just right!

55. Future man

I have toys yet:
Tanks, pistols, guns,
Tin soldiers
Armored train, automata.

And when the term will come,
To serve calmly,
I'm with the guys in the game
Training in the yard.

We play there in the Zarnitsa -
Fucked me the border,
In the post I! Single!
Once entrusted - I can!

And parents in the window
Watching after alarming me.
Do not worry for my son,
I am a future man!
(V. Sosovitsky)

56. No day men still in the world

No day men are still in the world,
Ah, the poor men are!
Men's half all
Lives without a festive day!
Paul light, gentle and beautiful,
Hurrying to congratulate men not in vain,
Smiles, happiness, joy to them giving
At least on February 23!

57. Future Warrior

Grandfathers from the enemy in battle
The land was protected
And to the country's love
Grandchildren visited!

I cook myself
Protect fly off
Eat oatmeal in the morning
Forgotten whims.

Try to train
For reconnaissance Rex
And I try to encourage
For the success of the cupcake!

Tomorrow bold on war
I will leave the soldier,
I will protect the country
How my grandfather once!
(Svetlana Sleep)

58. Future man

While you are young ... but if enemies
Suddenly you think about the war on us,
You wear a bump and boots
And stand for your country wall!
Send to the enemy rocket, tank,
Torpider - will know how to attack ...
But, a cute guy, so that it was
You train and learn from five!
And remember: only smart, strong warrior
Wins in battles, love in the hearts worthy!

59. Let the sun shines in the peaceful sky

Let the sun shine in the peaceful sky
And it does not call a pipe campaign.
And only for exercises
In the attack there was a soldier forward.
Let instead of the explosions Thunder Spring
Nature wakes out from sleep,
And our children sleep peacefully
Today, tomorrow and always!
Health of strong and happiness
To all those who have defended our world.
Who guards us today
And who gave birth to his homeland!

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60. Oh, a cute valiant man!

Oh, cute valiant man!
Knocking your holiday to your door,
And we want to congratulate you -
Rather, do the doors all open!
Today you are a hero and a knight,
For our women: You are the king,
Irresistible, strong, brave
And even, in something unearthly.
All praise to you today,
And valor and courage yours
But do not forget about the man:
Without a woman, you hardly b was so!

61. Happy Defender, Russian Soldier!

Raddled the battle of war,
Son schismo defended.
Remember the feat of brave soldiers
Brest, Moscow, Taganrog, Stalingrad.

In the spring he eats salute,
What in Europe live freely
Prague, Vienna, Sofia, Belgrade -
Defended their Soviet soldiers!

On this day on the chest orders.
The country was presented for the valor.
No more expensive in the light of the awards!
Happy Defender, Old Soldier!
(Rina Rr.)

62. Little General

I seriously stated:
"Baby to be tired,
General to be want!
I'm an adult, I am bold!

I'm not afraid of dogs,
Their rugs are not a threat.
I'm not afraid of turkey,
Do not scare more thunderstorms.

I have been almost seven years old!
I knew a mankey for my life ... "
My father laughed:
"Learn to twist the ports!

The general is very bad
Who in soldiers did not happen! "
(N. Samonius)

63. February 23

When lies on the river ice
And the blizzard rushes away
Wonderful holiday carries us
Pensive February.

The holiday of all soldiers will come,
Defenders, fighters.
Congratulate will be every happy
And grandfathers and fathers!

I draw a steamer,
Where dad captain.
Brave dad my swim
From long-range countries.

I am a paint plane,
Where dad commander.
And days and nights out
Saves dad world.

I have a paint gun
And rider in the saddle.
I know: better dad no
Heroes on Earth!
(I. Gurina)

64. Congratulations!

I have a hurry to congratulate
Happy Army and Fleet Day!
The protection of the Motherland serve -
Good job!

65. On the Day of Defenders of Russia

To note and congratulate
Our valiant men
There is a lot
Positive reasons.

But one per year is a reason
Our warriors recognize
And support and protection
Immediately all men call.

Really want your holiday
Happiness in life wish
Be for you reliable rear
We can promise!
(A. Voyt)

66. Parade February 23

On TV - Parade!
Papam Papam Taram!
Fighters go around a series,
Equating along the rows!
Someday I'll go and I
Press steps
Let friends admire friends
And the enemies frighten!
(R. Aldonina)

67. In the dosor

Russian warrior
In the eternal dose
By plane,
On the ship.
He is guarding
Peaceful sky
World on Earth.
(I. Gamazkova)

68. February 23

I want to become a soldier
To protect the land.
Let die, but not betray
And with the insult I will not give
No currant bushes
Neither flowers nor homeland
Nor a narrow path,
No border.
(N. Filippova)

69. Happy Defender!

My dad in the army served
And defended the country!
I strongly become like he decided
Prepare will begin!

Two hands managed
Dumbbell to lift me.
Wow, it was necessary to bother
I want like dad, become!

On a woolen carpet flashes
Do not think to sleep.
Speak at least I will rebuild
I want like dad, become!

Eat porridge in the morning without problems
Do not force!
Strange without stopping everyone:
"I want like dad, become!"

Waltz dance on the street
February lights.
And mom hugs us:
"My defenders!"
(T. Nesterova)

70. Nice day

This nice day every holy honors.
It is evident all the courage features.
Any man fragile world keeps
Serving debris, with the valor "on you."

Not any feat can commit
Especially - in the stream of peaceful days,
But all should be home to serve,
Bear with a soul and heart only about her.

The great holiday we brought us February.
Defenders of the Fatherland - Vivat!
Solves from storms and thunderstorms
Russia warrior is a valiant soldier.
(B. Poles)

71. There are thousands of women

There are thousands of women
In order not to think of life without men.
Their hands strong will be able to save us
Bed anyone from Russia to take away.
In all responsible posts, they cost
And all problems are difficult to solve.
We admit to you in our love,
Without you, men lack warmth.
Let for many years will pass, but again repeat,
Thank you, Men, say!

72. From February 23!

From February 23!
You are proud of our whole family.
You are the best defender of the Fatherland,
Hope of all mankind!
Accept congratulations on the holiday of men's
For what you keep peace and quiet!

73. Holiday of all fathers

Today since the morning
Solemn and quiet
Dressed younger sister
And stumbled Liho
Into the kitchen to mom Quick,
There is something noise -
Pope too
Washed - and for business:
I put the shape of school
Dad dressed in the suit.
Everything is as always, but still no -
Father Medal got out of the cabinet.
In the kitchen, the cake was beneficial,
And then I guessed!
Today is the holiday of all fathers,
All sons, everyone who is ready
Your home and mother to protect
All of us from the troubles to extinguish.
I do not envy my father -
After all, I like him, and I save
Depiction, if necessary,
Well, so far marmalade
From the cake to hide ...
And again to school, again on the road,
Where can I tell me, maybe
How to protect dad with mom!
(I. Grosheva)

74. Defenders

How to play all the hunt:
Petya is a major infantry,
Senya - Sniper, very valid,
Sanitary is light.
Tanya - Bold Tanker
Paradise with radio radio.
Lena - a pilot helicopter,
Pasha - smart machine gunner.
We are in a soldier not in vain play -
So we defend!
(N. Samonius)

https: // Site / Stixi-Na-23-Fevralya /

75. There is a beautiful day in February

There is a beautiful day in February,
When men we congratulate.
No day men on Earth,
But we correct the error.
Men, life without you is empty,
There are sad examples.
For you all our beauty,
In love, we do not lose faith.
For you, lipstick on the lips,
We are having a curious ruler.
And high heels
We rush to those whom we love!

76. Border on the castle

On the native border
Our Russian flag
Go border
Does not dare the enemy.

77. Little hero

Little boy rolled scooter
And I represented that he was brave soldier.
Sly scout, skillful pilot,
Proudly leading a large plane.
Or submariner, sea captain -
Wolf, furrowing gray ocean.
"Grows soon, I will become a hero!" -
Thoughts flew the right line.
The bold heart knocked in the chest
Feats waited ahead.
(O. Ilvanidi)

78. February 23 - Winter Wonderful Wonderful

February 23 - Winter Day, Wonderful,
February 23 - Dances will be, songs!
February 23 - Estim, take a walk,
February 23 - Pope Congratulations!
February 23 - holiday, start,
February 23 - Dad, smile!
(K. Avdeenko)

79. Happy holiday!

No sport today
Shines fun and bright!
Know the children in the world -
This daddy gifts -
Today the sun rays,
How hot hearts!

Delicious dinners
Our dads, our grandfathers
Prepare our moms ...
And now - about the most important thing:
Happy holiday you, dear!
Happy Defender of Russia !!!
(N. Zhelekova)

80. My dad is a military

My dad is a military.
He serves in the army.
He with a complex technique
Army friendly!
He walked more than once
In combat trips.
Not in vain say:
"Commander - from infantry."

81. Future defender

Every boy can become a soldier,
To fly across the sky, swimming in the sea,
Protect the border with a machine gun
To protect your depreciation.

But first on the football field
Protects the gate with himself.
And for a friend in the courtyard and school
It will take an unequal, difficult battle.

Do not let other people's dogs to the kitten -
Sprumber than playing war.
If you did not defend my sister,
How do you protect your country?
(A. Usachev)

82. Holiday February 23

Today is a holiday with a soldier.
On Square Square in a row.

There are soldiers on the places
Schinel with a fodder to face.

Native country, earth mother
Our warrior is called to defend.

In alarming day and in a difficult hour
It is ready to close us.

They don't need a shiver in the knees,
After all, they have a country behind their back.

And each of the soldiers is a hero.
The enemy took the unequal battle.

No one flattened, not a sinner,
I look like to be like them.

Today is a holiday with a soldier,
Breast awards glitter.

And remembers each country
Who presented the Order.
(T. Konovalova)

83. No need to wait for war

Defenders of the Fatherland! No need to wait for war,
To protect offended and weak.
They already need to hope for you
That you will stand up at least ...

Poems for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland for children 5-10 years

Description: This section choses poems about military professions, an army, congratulations for the Dads on February 23. They can be used on children's matinees, for registration of greeting cards and wallgazet. The material is intended for children of senior pre-school and younger school age.
Male holiday
I asked my mother in the morning:
- What a holiday came to us,
Why are all fussy
Festive prepare table?
Dad in a new shirt,
Grandfather put on all orders
You are near the oven
Conducted late.
- On this holiday congratulated
All men from all over the country
After all, for that they are responsible,
So that there was no war!

February 23
When lies on the river ice
And the blizzard rushes away
Wonderful holiday carries us
Pensive February.

The holiday of all soldiers will come,
Defenders, fighters.
Congratulate will be every happy
And grandfathers and fathers!

I draw a steamer,
Where dad captain.
Brave dad my swim
From long-range countries.

I am a paint plane,
Where dad commander.
And days and nights out
Saves dad world.

I have a paint gun
And rider in the saddle.
I know: better dad no
Heroes on Earth!
T. Agibalova

February 23
Winter day
February Day,
We are walking down the street.
Subscribed day today
Strong leather strap
And they ring the medals,
Orden burn on it.
Winter day
February Day,
We go around the square
To the heart of the soldier
On granite flowers put
And defender of the people
Honor in silence give.
Winter day
February Day,
We'll wage the whole country.
We take off by plane,
We swim around the sea
And see how to light
Sky festive fire.
(V. Stepanov)

Defenders of Fatherland
Wonderful holiday in February
My country meets.
She is defenders of their own
Cardie congratulates!

On land, in the sky, on the seas
And even under water
Soldiers world our shuffle
For us, friend, with you.

When I grow big
Where b nor served everywhere
Protect your depression
And I will reliably.
(N. Migunov)

Holiday February 23.
Today is a holiday with a soldier.
On Square Square in a row.

There are soldiers on the places
Schinel with a fodder to face.

Native country, earth mother
Our warrior is called to defend.

In alarming day and in a difficult hour
It is ready to close us.

They don't need a shiver in the knees,
After all, they have a country behind their back.

And each of the soldiers is a hero.
The enemy took the unequal battle.

No one flattened, not a sinner,
I look like to be like them.

Today is a holiday with a soldier,
Breast awards glitter.

And remembers each country
Who presented the Order.
(T. Konovalova)

All on the post
Border guards on the border
Our land is wakey
To work and learn
Could calmly our people.

Guards our sea
Nice, valiant sailor.
Proudly real on battle
Our native Russian flag.

Our heroes
The sky is waving.
Our heroes
Guard peaceful work.

Our army is native
Wakes peace of country
So that we grew, the troubles are not knowing
So that there is no war.

Military professions

Future defender
Every boy can become a soldier,
To fly across the sky, swimming in the sea,
Protect the border with a machine gun
To protect your depreciation.

But first on the football field
Protects the gate with himself.
And for a friend in the courtyard and school
It will take an unequal, difficult battle.

Do not let other people's dogs to the kitten -
Sprumber than playing war.
If you did not defend my sister,
How do you protect your country?
(A. Usachev)

On patrol
Russian warrior
In the eternal dose
By plane,
On the ship.
He is guarding
Peaceful sky
World on Earth.
(I. Gamazkova)

Rockat is heard
In our sky
Someone wanders
At a huge height,
In the clouds
And in the dark.
But mad nights,
From dawn to dawn,
Sky taught the rays
Battle lamps.
Severe Pilot -
The beam bothers an airplane
And from the ground
Toward Gulu
Raise guns ..
If the enemy is
He will be shot down!
If a friend -
Let fly!
(S. Mikhalkov)

I want very much in pilots
In the festive sky air parade
Russian horses in the sky flip.
From the beauty of fighters
The spirit captured at the audience.

Five airplanes, wing at the wing,
To the sun take off, as if the arrow,
Do, as if one plane,
Acrobatic coup.

Birds are jealous to brave pilots,
The wind sings the brave pilots.
Everything. I will urgently ask the pilots
And gather in flight.

Dad and Mom said: "Son,
From the kid will not work the pilot.
The pilot needs a little bit,
They are accepted only with six.

Not to argue with the eldest me
I am flying today in a dream.
Maybe at least tomorrow parents
Let me in fighters.
(P. Sinyavsky)

Because artilleryrs
We are the shoulder and muscles,
Because artilleryrs:
And gunner, and charging,
And other specialists.

Gun with bumps "Bach Baba!" -
There is fear on the frogs.
And once, under the roar of cannon,
She walked here a battle is not toy.

Here enemy fighters with commanders
Bogatirsky gave fire.
The enemy tanks "Panthers" with "tigers"
Fell in full support.

But she told them artillery:
- I'm not afraid of any beast me. -
And enemy, from her fire,
Even armor did not save.

Let the books write about it,
Let them sing about it.
Let the boys come here,
Do not play war, but in salute.
(P. Sinyavsky)

He is a metal bird
Raise to the clouds.
Now the air border
Reliable and strong!
(N. Ivanova)

Here is a wonderful picture -
Comes out of the depths
Steel submarine,
As if Dolphin!
Submariners serve in it -
They and there and here
Under water smoking,
Border caress!
(N. Ivanova)

On the mast our three-color flag,
On the deck there is a sailor.
And knows that the countries of the country,
Ocean borders
And during the day, and at night should
Under the vigilant security!
(N. Ivanova)

Parameters per minute
Go down from heaven.
Unlocking parachutes
Dark forest will be cleaned,
Ravines, mountains and meadows.
They will find a dangerous enemy.
(N. Ivanova)

A long time ended the war,
But she left the track -
Happens among the beds
Ircking shells.
And the technique comes a sapper,
To neutralize the field.
There will be no explosions since
Troubles, and tears, and pain!
(N. Ivanova)

Military doctor
Soldier in enemy heights
It was wounded in the morning early.
Brave military doormat will save
He will teach the wound!
The doctor will extract from wound soldiers
Two small fragments
And say: "You don't need to lose heart!
Live, brother, long! "
(N. Ivanova)

Congratulations for Pope

Papin holiday is the most important ...
Winds are blowing in February, spent in the pipes loudly,
Snake rushes on the ground Easy Light.
Lifting, rushing away in the distance of units of links.
It celebrates February Army Birth.

At night, the blizzard busheval, and Metelitsa Mela,
And with the dawn, we quietly daddy's holiday brought us.
And today over a wide white tablecloth of fields
Top view of the aircraft of our military units.

Papin Holiday - Main Holiday
All boys and men.
And congratulate the dads of your loved ones today so rush!
We wish the dads of happiness, the sky peaceful for them!

We love our boys, respect from the soul!
Always protect us will be, although it's short!

S. Marshak

Military holiday
We have one holiday.
This holiday is a man's day,
Day of defenders, soldiers.
On this day a parade will be held!

We will see helicopters,
Guns, tanks, airplanes.
We will pass the military step
Under a big beautiful flag.

Read congratulations
Sit down to the dad on your knees.
Many in the army of men
And such as he is one!
I. Gurina

Congratulations for dad
I know that my dad is also when
Was a very good and bold soldier
I love dad, and it will certainly
I want to congratulate this holiday military ...
Now I'll take a closer to the chair
Military song Singy to him loud
Let my dad know that I am proud of them
And he be proud of the child's success.

Defender of the Fatherland Day
Pope Congratulations
Happy Holiday:
In his youth, I know
In the army served.

So also warrior,
Although not commander.
Holiday is worthy
Guarded the whole world!

For me, you are the main one.
I do not give the abyss:
I am frayed glorious
Small part.
I. Gurina

In February there is a special day,
The most important for men
And therefore today
We rush them.

Let you all be nice
Flood in the family, reliable rear,
What would every day good
And victory you promised!

Our beautiful kindergarten
All defenders are so happy!
Everyone congratulates everyone with a smile

Do not rob and not give up
And if necessary, then - to fight,
So that the world is on the entire planet,
We lived happily so that children!

Brothers, grandparents
Happy holiday congratulations!
Best of all of us,
We wish you happiness!
So that the heroes should be
You need to take examples from them!

Happy holiday we congratulate
Grandpa, favorite dads!
On the day of men's good and happiness
We want to wish them.

We will always help us
We will give advice.
You, men, we wish
Long and beautiful years.

Congratulates brothers, dads
Our favorite kindergarten
From the twenty-third of February,
Very friendly and loving!

You are the heroes in our lives,
There are no loyal and more faithful
No brave and honest
No love and relatives!

And I will tell the heart
For grandfathers say the word
Hard to hug them very much
And health wish!

Dad, you protect us,
From the enemies you protect
From attack and evil,
We want goodness!
Be always you cheerful and cheerful,
You are so alone in the world!

Congratulations to us,
You - Defenders of the country!
You are protected by Russia
The honor of the soldiers held
Save for us you
Our land from the war!

I need my sun shines,
And calm the sky,
Even children know it -
We defender protects us.

Everyone who protects us
Who is not sleeping for us,
Many happiness is desired
And health like granite!

In our kindergarten guys
Real soldiers,
All day in war playing,
We, girls, protect.

We want to congratulate them
With an important male holiday,
Let them grow rapidly

In our kindergarten today
Congratulations we guys.
All the boys are men,
Everyone is the future soldier.

Let them eat more porridge
To grow strong.
After all in the army later
There is still to go.

Gathered today in the hall
All the crowd we are not in vain
The day of the defender meeting.
From February 23!

I wish you all, happiness,
Laughter, joy, love,
Live in beautiful, good peace,
So that there was no war!

These are we guys:
Pretty - Let's go to the soldiers!
We will be strong, skillful,
We will be strong and brave,
One word - Udaltsy,
Like grandfathers, and fathers!

February 23 - we all celebrate
On this day - defenders,
We all - congratulations:
Those who are far away
Those who are on the border
Those who fly
In the sky, like birds!

Serve in the army - soldiers,
They are brave guys:
All - mighty, all - strong,
All - protection for the country!
And we will soon grow up
Also in the army - let's go!

All defenders of the country
Dedicate songs we!
And the words of love, not hide,
Defend your heroes!
We will be friends with them,
We will serve the Motherland!

So that all the dreams come true,
So that things go only to the mountain.
In the house the main only you
Here, of course, there is no dispute.

There is a holiday one very important
His whole country notes
And in every family certainly
Men on this day congratulate.

What is this holiday, ask.
I will say no touch,
What is the number of twenty-third
February of February.

We grandparents congratulate
And let's say such words:
- Let our Fatherland famous!
Defenders of Glory! Hooray!

All boys need sports
Courage and courage.
To grow a hero,
To be like dad!

Be like grandfather and brother
Strong and healthy.
To mom be glad
Son like this!

I will be like my dad
Protect land rest
I will be home to serve
I will benefit to bring!

So that the fucking enemy is alien
Did not dare to go wall
To Russia, my mother -
Her honor I am hest!

We live, we do not know the war
Us - soldiers guard
From misfortune, from trouble,
They "Thank you for the works:
In the cold, in the rain, in the heat and heat
There - on guard - ordinary!

I want to be a soldier -
Want to guard the border,
To the evil enemy over it
Would not circle a black bird!

I want to be a soldier -
I want to protect the expanses
Russian Mother Earth
Her rivers, herbs, mountains!

Boys rush to grow up
And in the army - to go together,
To protect everyone from war,
To keep a mother in the mother!

We congratulate you today.
For us you are pride and example.
Be strong like you dream
And do a lot of good deeds.

Defenders should not be easy.
We wish you not to get tired
To make you day and night
Native land to defend.

This day is full of reasons
To congratulate all men!
And boys and guys
Relatives and friends!

We need advocates
So that the world was without war!
With respect and love
We wish you health!

Dawns and sunsets,
Plains and fields
Our world is so huge
And he was created not in vain.

Under our peaceful sky
Living easy to live
Defenders of the Fatherland,
You appreciate high!

Each child should know the poems about February 23, to congratulate dad, grandfather and even his friends on the defender of the Fatherland Day. Small poems about February 23 for children, you can sign a postcard or thematic coloring when preparing for the holiday in kindergarten or school.

Not only moms on March 8, but the dads on February 23 are waiting for the holiday, the attention of the family, a delicious table, and, of course, a gift, but in order to be completely soul. Whatever a gift, big or simply symbolic, you have not chosen, you can make a highlight in congratulations by reading the rhyme. The collection of precisely such wonderful poems about February 23, we prepared for you.

    February 23 - Winter Day, Wonderful,
    February 23 - Dances will be, songs!
    February 23 - Estim, take a walk,
    February 23 - Pope Congratulations!
    February 23 - holiday, start,
    February 23 - Dad, smile!

    Kirill Avdeenko

    Men's great holiday

    In men, a great holiday,
    Men have a great day
    Let almost not visible the Sun,
    Do not bloom in a circle of lilac,

    Let snow, icicles, wind,
    But such grace
    All men in this world
    Just, with a sense to congratulate!

    We wish you all happiness to all
    And we wish we,
    To life is beautiful,
    Were sweet dreams!

    Kolesnik Olga

    Happy holiday, our dear boy!
    Happy Men and Defenders of the country!
    Nonsense that small you are too
    We are years old, for congratulations, are not important!

    We wish you a lot of happiness,
    To joyfully, you lived and smasted.
    And the act brave overnight,
    Hero brave and brave began!

    Tanya Larina

    You are for me - hero and knight,
    You are superman, I'm not kidding.
    You are the best of all in the world of princes,
    I want to congratulate you.

    After all, this holiday is your right -
    Day February 23.
    From hooligans I know exactly
    You will save me.

    As Don Quixote from evil dragons
    I am ready to defend me
    Love, Good luck and Health
    I want to wish you.

    Marina Golovko

    You are a young fighter

    You are a young fighter, you are not afraid of obstacles
    And all the courage are affecting everyone.
    Family defender, real soldier,
    You know how much and you know.

    I wish you on this day of February
    Stronger and wise becomes
    So that dad and mom loved you
    And tears have forgotten eyelashes!

    You grow up the most brave, believe
    And everyone will conquer oceans,
    And life will live without shame and losses,
    After all, all your plans will come true!

    Olga Teplikova

    Holiday of real men

    Men real is a holiday in the world:
    Adults know about him, everyone knows.
    Prepare gifts, words of congratulations,
    In verses glorify him, as they can.

    And we will grow, we will also be like dads,
    With your love to warm all the relatives.
    We will become strong and we will, as it should
    Successful to your peaceful life serve.

    Natalia Faleva

    Calm Great Our country

    Calm the great our country,
    Reliable protection of huge expansions.
    Defenders are loud there are names -
    Kutuzov, Nakhimov, weekly, Suvorov ...

    And holiday today, through many years
    For those who comfort and rest guard,
    Who gave birth to an indispensable vow,
    Holy traditions will prove.

    Ilya Vardiev

    On TV Parade!
    Papam Papam Taram!
    Fighters go around a series,
    Equating along the rows!
    Someday I'll go and I
    Press steps
    Let friends admire friends
    And the enemies frighten!

    R. Aldonin

    Future defenders

    Present day
    Try to remember
    And in his heart, it is saved.

    You are strong, you are brave,
    And enemy treacherous
    Afraid to come to you.

    And there is still in life
    Big things
    Where are you honored
    For me not called
    You boldly go,
    At the ready spear!
    Fight for your loved ones
    For happiness your own!

    I. Groshev

    Defenders of Fatherland

    Defenders abode.
    Brave fighters.
    And valiant knights.
    Lidh bravets.

    Forces are dark winners.
    No titles and names.
    Fatherland ministers.
    Soldiers of all time.

    For you guys nice!
    So that there was no war!
    You are our forces main!
    You are the army of the country!

    Girls congratulate the boys

    Our boys with a holiday
    We congratulate the whole class.
    And cute ugly
    Wanted wish!

    After all, we will come up soon
    You will go to the army.
    Honor to protect your country
    Who is in the sky, who is on the fleet.

    Well, while in their studies
    We wish the growth of decent,
    So that life shared in half,
    On super and fine!

    Tanya Larina

    School today buzzes, having fun

    The school is buzzing today, having fun.
    Something must certainly happen
    After all, the twenty-third number in February -
    Holiday big, men's day on earth!

    Boys, boys and first-graders -
    Everyone here has men's sprues.
    Can girls easily protect
    And without offense, even jokes forgive.

    In the mortar will not be a crowd of water,
    Quick teacher will be able to help ...
    Knights everywhere and holders.
    Eh, every day would such manners!