Astrological forecast for the year Libra dog

What awaits the Dog in 2017? A dog is a very calm and kind sign. The rooster will bring prosperity and good mood into their life.

Some people may not like this. This is a time of silence. There will be no ups or downs. Stability and peace. But that's not bad at all. You will not have conflicts and quarrels. This year will be ordinary and not memorable.

You will have a lot of time to think about your life and plan for the future. It makes sense to do self-education. Perhaps you have long dreamed of finding time for a second higher education or wanted to take some kind of courses. The knowledge gained this year will be remembered for a long time. You should work on willpower and perseverance. These qualities are still being taught to you.

The dog is a couch potato. Representatives of this sign do not like to be often in society and prefer to spend time lazily at home. But this year requires you to be more active. You must make yourself new friends. And not just people, but those who can help you at work or with professional advice. They will take an active part in your destiny in the future.

Try to avoid conflict situations. Possibly not a good turn of events for you. Stay aloof.

Don't be so kind to annoying colleagues.

You run the risk of wasting your energy helping others. There will be no resources left for ours. It will be bad for you. Do not allow such situations. After all, the money will be received by others, not you.

In your personal life, try not to be chatty. Better to keep everything to yourself. This year is not conducive to confession.

Health will be normal and will allow you to accumulate energy resources for future problems.

Dog love horoscope

Here, too, tranquility reigns. You do not have to strain to win the personality you like. Those who have been in a relationship for a long time should consider marriage. The rooster is very conducive to family life. Marriages made in the Year of the Rooster are very successful and long lasting.

Family people can expect to have offspring this year. If the replenishment is not yet planned, then think about this question more closely. There will be order and well-being in the family. No quarrels or scandals. All of them will fade away in the bud. You will brew mutual understanding and complete agreement.

Maintain trust and avoid jealousy in your relationship. Then the stars promise you an idyll.

If you have missed your happiness recently, then now you will have the opportunity to return your loved one and start all over again. Don't miss this chance. Thanks to the Rooster, you will find peace of mind.

Lonely Dogs shouldn't be sad about this. This is a year of self-discovery and it makes sense to focus on something else. Waga fate will find you itself when the time comes.

If you have come to the decision to drastically change your life by parting with your other half, then there is an opportunity to end the romance calmly and without unnecessary losses. But think carefully about your decision first. If you realize that you have made a mistake, then repentance will be heavy. And you have to make a lot of effort to get everything back.

Horoscope for 2017 for men and women

Female horoscope.
It's time for your career success. You will be able to overcome those heights to which you could not sacrifice before. You can even take an executive chair. You have great potential this year. You have all the necessary qualities to become a leader. You just do not always know about it and do not have to use them. But don't waste all your time at work. Leave it to your personal life.

You can improve your appearance this year. This will bring tangible benefits. You will meet many decent men and you will be able to choose the best for yourself. Your love life is in full swing and you are in the spotlight.

Male horoscope.
If you have a dream, then the circumstances are developing right now that it will begin to come true. But do not relax, because there are always envious people who can ruin everything for you at the last moment. Don't trust your friends too much. There is a chance that one of them will set you up where you would not expect. And it can be a very close person. Take a closer look at your surroundings.

Keep your thoughts and plans to yourself. This will give you a head start over others. Some will want to change their half. But this is not worth doing. Such an event can take a lot of energy from you, which needed to be spent on achieving your business goals. Do not give in to temptations and then the Fire Rooster will reward you in full.

Money & Career for Dogs

You can enjoy a calm and measured work schedule. But if you have certain ambitions and you have not yet reached the desired heights, then the Rooster wishes you success and will indulge your desires in every possible way. This year, you will be rewarded for your hard work. Try to work hard all year and get paid in the end.

2017 is very fond of creative people and gives them great prospects for development. You will be able to develop your abilities and new projects. This is a good time for artists and writers. Cultural figures will feel great inspiration.

If you have your own business, develop it according to the plan. But avoid large cash investments. Wait until next year with large purchases. Cultivate team spirit in your team and aim to create a warm atmosphere among colleagues.

Consider any ideas, even if it seems to you that the option is unpromising, nevertheless consider the possibilities of its implementation. Perhaps this is exactly what you need. Some ingenious ideas are not noticed at first glance.

If you do not live by means and love a riotous lifestyle, then problems can arise. Try not to spend too much and finances will not run out. Do not let your loved ones waste too much, then the atmosphere in the house will remain warm.

A dog is a very generous sign, but don't be overused. Remember your needs too.

Better dig up and make repairs. Buy something new to the house or create a new interior.

You will have the opportunity to earn side money. Take advantage of it. But see that everything is legal. It is very important. The rooster does not favor deception.

Dog health horoscope

At the beginning of the year, there is a high risk of frequent colds. But this can be avoided. Try to dress warmly and not drink cold drinks. Strengthen your immune system. Eat more citrus fruits and many problems can be avoided. The Year of the Rooster promotes better health and helps those who wish to lose weight and gain health. This is the time when you can reach heights in sports.

Do not overuse medications. Liver problems may occur. Switch to a healthy diet and eat more dietary foods. If you observe such a lifestyle, then your health will not bother you for a very long time. If problems arise, they can be easily solved with the help of folk remedies.

If you don't eat an extra piece of cake, your body will only get better. Change your diet in favor of grains and plants. Do not eat at night.

Walk more. Make a four-legged friend and walk him every morning. This way you can be guaranteed to spend enough time outside. Or buy a bike. So you can both strengthen your health with sufficient physical activity, and be in nature.

2017 is the best time for extreme sports enthusiasts. If you have dreamed for a long time, but were afraid, for example, to jump with a parachute. Take up martial arts. This year offers a wide variety of opportunities.

People born per year of the Dog will face various challenges in 2017. In our time, you need to act harshly and rudely, swiftly and impudently in order to achieve tangible results.

Dogs, on the other hand, will behave as before - docile, straightforward and honest. Of course, these are excellent qualities for a person, but they will not allow you to achieve special heights in the field of a career. Astrologers assure that if the representatives of this sign do not change their tactics, they will still trample behind.

However, such people will not miss their own. Despite their slowness, Dogs will confidently go towards their goal. Their attachment to home will only intensify - this means that there will be practically no problems in the family sphere.

Friends and acquaintances love Dogs very much, because they are ready to help at any time, often even stepping on the throat of their own needs. In the period under review, such people will make good friends who will go with them all the joys and bitterness. You will like this unique year, and you will not want to part with it.

Horoscope for woman - Dogs

In career terms, women this year will be able to achieve heights or even take the chair of a leader. After all, they have all the qualities of a leader, although they do not always like to use them. In the period under review, the stars recommend that you not stay up late at work, but allocate some personal time for yourself.

It will be wonderful if you sign up for a beauty salon, where you will have pleasant rejuvenation procedures or even change your appearance. The transformation for the better has never harmed anyone, so don't miss the chance to become even more beautiful. A small storm is expected in his personal life, but it will very quickly be replaced by a quiet and carefree calm.

Horoscope for a man - Dogs

This year you will have all the necessary qualities to fulfill your old dream. The main thing is not to be passive and shy, otherwise a more confident person will take your place in the sun. In the coming year, there is a risk of being deceived by a loved one who would never have aroused your suspicions.

Therefore, do not reveal all your secrets for a while - it is better to keep your thoughts to yourself. Loving dogs may decide to have an affair on the side, so to speak, for a change. Give up this idea before it's too late, so as not to lose the main love of your life.

Love horoscope 2017 for Dogs

With the onset of 2017, each representative of this sign will understand that they will have to work hard and hard for harmony in the love sphere. The stars predict that for their soulmate, Dogs are ready to do anything, even if it is not easy at times.

So that scandals do not spoil your life, you should try to complain about fate, and accept its “blows” with understanding and humility. To be able to meet the needs of their soul mate, Dogs will decide to get an additional job or start their own business.

Perhaps, by the fall, the situation will improve and you will receive an offer to have a child. Some representatives of this sign will have a chance to meet a person much older than them.

Career horoscope for Dogs

If you look into the career horoscope for people born under the Star of the Dog, it becomes clear that at the beginning of the year they will begin to show passivity in business. Very often people will begin to shift responsibility onto the shoulders of their colleagues, worrying that they will not cope with the obligations hanging over them.

As for creative people, 2017 will be very successful for them. In general, astrologers have noticed that professions that involve solitary work are most suitable for Dogs.

It is in them that they can prove themselves as excellent drum specialists. Some personalities will decide in the fall to change their boring work chair for some kind of exciting journey.

Finance horoscope for Dogs

It is unlikely that in 2017 Dogs will be happy with their money savings, but they will not chase profit either. The income that you will receive will be enough to meet household needs, and even remain for small surprises for the second half.

With the arrival of autumn, Fortune will smile at Dogs - they can win the lottery or some gambling game. In any case, the first half of the year promises to be monetary, but closer to autumn you will have to slightly reduce your expenses so as not to be stranded. 2017 is good for real estate transactions, so if you have been planning to sell / buy an apartment or a house for a long time, go for it!

Health Horoscope for Dogs

Surprisingly, representatives of this sign throughout 2017 will become reverent about their body and health. Sometimes this concern will go beyond the bounds of decency - visiting doctors can become a manic idea, and you will start looking for non-existent diseases.

It is all the fault of the suspiciousness of these people and the fear of a dangerous incurable disease. The main thing to do in such a situation is to obey the doctors and not self-medicate. The stars do not predict serious ailments - a simple cold that will begin to develop in the autumn-winter period.

Horoscope by Zodiac Signs for Dogs

Dog - Aries

This year is ideal for self-realization. If you want to sing, sing; dance - dance; cross stitch - embroider. Any business that you do not take on will be 100% completed. There is a high probability that Aries will want to dare to occupy - surprisingly the new profession will "take root" easily and will give you maximum pleasure.

Dog - Taurus

A lot of pleasant surprises await in 2017 Taurus, born in the Year of the Dog. Lonely people will finally meet their companion or life partner. Dogs who dream of a great career will be able to realize themselves on this basis. In addition, people of this sign will have good financial capabilities, so they will be able to afford a lot.

Dog - Gemini

Keep your ears open - after all, the love of your life is walking around you, but being distracted by trifles, you can miss it. In the coming year, the stars advise Gemini to engage in self-development: sign up for advanced training courses, read useful literature, watch TV shows. New knowledge will expand the horizon of your skills and after a while will bring good income.

Dog - Cancer

All your actions in 2017 will be guided by a wonderful feeling - love. For the sake of a loved one, you will do whatever you want. You will also show your love for children in full and prove by actions that they are the most dear people on earth to you. Do not stop loving others, they will begin to feed on your positive energy and bad thoughts will recede into the background.

Dog - Lion

With the onset of 2017, Lions will fly on the wings of love. This feeling will give them the confidence and strength to do good deeds for anyone who asks for it. Many will be able to convert this ability to work into the realization of their own desires. As for finance, astrologers advise to refrain from large purchases. Do not lend to your friends, because in the middle of the month you will need the money yourself.

Dog - Virgo

Like a magnet, you attract people who later become great friends for you. The Virgo will decide to use this gift in order to achieve financial independence. However, you shouldn't get hung up on your career, because personal life in 2017 will require special attention. Family individuals will have to go through no better moments in their lives, and loners should finally find a mate.

Dog - Libra

As soon as you knock on the door, you should be prepared that some friends will leave your life forever. You should not be upset about this, because these people, in principle, have never treasured your friendship. On the contrary, they used you for their own selfish purposes. The stars recommend Libra to be attentive to their own health, try not to strain and not carry heavy things.

Dog - Scorpio

Sometimes it may seem to Scorpios that those around them do not understand and deliberately get on their nerves. I would like to note - this is not so! It's just that 2017 decided to test your feelings and emotions a little and is already ready to throw up various unpleasant situations. He advises you to pull yourself together, stop being nervous and calmly sort out everything that is happening. Only sober thinking will help Scorpios cope with this situation.

Dog - Sagittarius

2017 will revitalize Sagittarius's intuition. These people will analyze the various situations and proposals more thoroughly and will allow the inner voice to make the choice for them. Even if the clues start to run counter to your own opinion, don't give up on them. By the end of the year, the financial situation of Streltsov will improve, while the work will remain the same.

Dog - Capricorn

At the beginning of the year, they will discover incredible reserves of energy. You will direct it to the implementation of your plans - for example, go to get a second higher education. You should try not to waste such potential on empty entertainment - this will not make it easier for anyone, but at the end of the year you will begin to reproach yourself for not reaching any heights.

Dog - Aquarius

If you have long dreamed of participating in a business project, then in 2017 the time has come to finally breathe life into this dream. Roll up your sleeves and start doing it. Remember that you have reliable friends with you who can help in difficult times with advice and money.

Dog - Pisces

Surely, you have been thinking about changing something in your life for a long time. The stars advise you to move from simple thoughts to action. In the love sphere, you will have to push a little - old unresolved conflicts can make themselves felt, and your other half will begin to think about cheating. Surprise her and show how dear this person is to you, so that you do not have to leave.

Video horoscope

Want to know what's in store for the Dog in the Year of the Rooster 2017? What will be the year of the Rooster for the Dog? In our astrological forecast, you will read about all this. The stars promise you great success. 😉

The Dog has a lot of virtues, such as loyalty, decency, disinterestedness, and reliability. You can always rely on these people, they will come to the rescue in a difficult situation, they can be entrusted with a secret and be sure that this secret will never be divulged. But there are no ideal people, Dogs have other character traits: anxiety, suspiciousness, cynicism, harshness in statements.

The dog can be called a pessimist for the constant search for malicious intent, prejudice, distrust of others. A lot of time is spent looking for a black cat in a dark room, even if it is not there. On the other hand, such habits teach you to think analytically and encourage you to be active.

The symbol of 2017 is the Red Fire Rooster. In the Middle Ages, fire was considered a sign of purification and rebirth. People born under the sign of the Dog are non-conflict, intolerant of injustice, and in 2017 she will be met at every step. Life is full of contradictions, but it is impossible to help everyone, so you should stop throwing and focus on your family.

There is no need to cut off the shoulder and prove to someone that he is wrong, it is not necessary for anyone and is fraught with trouble. Instead, you should be like a homeless dog - listen carefully, win over people.

What awaits male Dogs in 2017

Men born under this sign consider it their duty to do great things. In 2017, there will be many situations in which the help and protection of the Dog will be needed.

The ability to work with information and an analytical mind will help the Dog to achieve great success in his career in 2017. The honesty and sincerity inherent in Dogs inspire the confidence of others. According to astrologers, 2017 will be a good time for men of this sign to prove themselves in the role of a politician or public figure, carrying the voice of the people.

Fortitude and perseverance will also help you achieve success and recognition in 2017. If these qualities can defeat innate passivity, then half the job is done. The unique ability of the Dog to sense danger will allow you to bypass difficult situations. The Dog is also not in danger of financial difficulties.

What awaits Dog women in 2017

Representatives of the sign are active, decisive and proactive. There will be plenty of opportunities to take the initiative in 2017. You can engage in patronage, the creation of charity funds, organize movements to protect the rights of pensioners, children, women, animals. Along with noble goals, this is also an opportunity to make good money.

In family relationships, regularity will reign. Women Dogs closely follow the intrigues on the side and stop them in time. Free ladies are in an active search for a soul mate, but they are also not against an easy relationship. An office romance is not excluded. In 2017, there is a high probability of finding a life partner.

You should devote your time not only to the search for love and the development of a career. Sports activities, visits to beauty salons will be useful. 2017 is a great time to travel. Foreign trips, a change of scenery will bring moral satisfaction and pleasant impressions.

Romantic horoscope for 2017

Dogs have a deliberate approach to choosing a life partner. They value and respect their partner's opinion. The well-being of relatives for the Dog is more important than his own. The loyalty and devotion of these people, the propensity for self-sacrifice, is, however, not everyone can appreciate.

In 2017, married Dogs may have conflicts in relationships, which will be caused by a tense situation in society. People born under this sign are prone to increased anxiety and pessimism. Do not indulge in unnecessary worries, because in the end everything will end well.

Free Dogs have a high probability of meeting a life partner. If the Dog can throw away all doubts, it will have a great chance to create a strong family.

Many representatives of the sign will think about the birth of a child. 2017 is a great time to do this.

Financial horoscope

Dogs have no problem getting everything they need in their daily lives. For large purchases, improvement of living conditions, travel will have to find additional financial sources.

At the beginning of the year, the main task of the dog is to save savings in conditions of instability and a difficult economic situation. In the summer, the situation will begin to improve. Do not miss your chance, fortune itself will tell the Dog the right direction.

During the year, the Dog is waiting for unplanned expenses, which will subsequently return. Large purchases are possible. It is advisable to be careful not to fall prey to scammers. Natural flair will help the dog in this.

At the end of the year, you may suddenly receive a large amount of money, which should not be spent rashly. Better to put money in a bank or invest in your own business.

Career horoscope

Dogs are essentially workaholics. They are truthful and not vain, their career growth is of little interest to them, rather work for the sake of work. Dogs may well give a higher position to another employee, but in 2017 it is absolutely impossible to do this. It's time to think about yourself, especially since a good post is well deserved. The main thing is to show initiative, and not to watch what is happening from around the corner.

According to astrologers, representatives of the sign reveal themselves better in a small team. In order not to get lost and be noticed, you need to be active, believe in yourself and not give in to difficulties.

Health horoscope

People born under this sign are distinguished by good health, and diseases heal like on a dog. Despite a speedy recovery, you don't need to rush to work right away. It is better to take time for your family, to relax.

The most suspicious will start looking for non-existent diseases, going to doctors. Such trips will only become an excuse for senseless unrest. It is better to throw away all negative thoughts from yourself and just relax. You can go to nature, visit relatives, or just take a walk in the fresh air. Natural vitamins and physical education will help to improve health. Walking and cycling trips are very useful. Do not abuse alcohol.

Now you know what the year of the Rooster will be for the Dog. Use the horoscope of what awaits the Dog in the Year of the Rooster 2017 to achieve your goals and boldly go towards your dream. Now you have every chance to achieve this. 😉

Frankly speaking, the eastern horoscope for 2017 is for Dogs promises not the most rosy times. But! If you follow the advice of astrologers, you can "turn around" the course of events. It is necessary to change the tactics of behavior. The Dog has a lot of wonderful qualities:

  • Critical mind
  • Sense of humor
  • Loyalty
  • Generosity
  • Honesty
  • Devotion
  • Modesty

The Dog has a developed sense of duty. You can rely on her, entrust her with any secret and be sure of silence. At the same time, the Dog has other character traits: cynicism, a manner of making harsh remarks, constant anxiety. This is a pessimist. The dog is looking for a catch in everything, examines the situation to the details, looking for inconsistencies. On the one hand, this ability to analyze makes the Dog an active agent. On the other hand, she wastes time on trifles.

Her critical mind is able to direct energy in the right direction, the Dog should be more trusted in the "head".

Overall forecast for 2017

This year of the Rooster will be held in the element of Fire. In the Middle Ages, Fire was considered a symbol of purification, destruction of the old and rebirth in a new guise. Red is a symbol of love, passion, complete harmony. 2017 is a period of passions, storms, confrontations, revolutions. The dog suffers from what is happening around. She is too sensitive to any injustice.

People of this sign do not tolerate conflicts, they are outraged if they undeservedly offend the weak. In the year of the Rooster, this will happen all the time. The dog will be "torn" in which direction to run, where help is needed. Take it easy! You can't help everyone in the world. Focus on your family, they need you.

The dog needs to understand one more point: no one needs your "truth-womb" in this period. You run the risk of running into trouble. "Dig up" in yourself the natural cunning of a stray dog: listen, but do not listen, hide tidbits, say compliments, put people on your side in every possible way.

Horoscope for a Dog man in 2017

A man born in the Year of the Dog feels his calling to do great things. He certainly needs to help others, protect, strive. The nuance is that the horoscope for 2017 for the Male Dog predicts too many situations where a wide soul can “turn around”. Accordingly, the question is: where should he be in the first place?

The representative of the sign must understand that its possibilities are not unlimited and one should soberly assess their chances. Dogs are excellent leaders in industrial fields. An analytical mind, the ability to organize information, good managerial qualities will bring success in 2017. The Dog always has an active life position, she speaks directly and frankly. Society trusts such people. Astrologers recommend that a man try himself in the hypostasis of a politician, an activist, expressing the opinion of the people.

Another quality that will help you succeed in 2017: persistence. If this trait overcomes natural passivity, consider half the battle. The Dog's phenomenal flair will help find a way out of a predicament. What you should definitely not be afraid of is financial problems. The dog will always find "food".

Horoscope for the Dog woman in 2017

Ladies of this sign are no less, and even more, energetic than men. They develop a vigorous activity out of the blue. The horoscope for 2017 for a Woman's Dog promises one hundred and one reasons to develop this very activity. Start a charitable foundation or union, a women's / animal rights movement, etc. The Year of the Rooster is a tumultuous one, and such goodwill committees will always be needed. In addition to achieving noble goals, you can earn good money.

Family life is measured. The Dog's husband knows that no intrigues on the side can be hidden from her watchful eye. Single young ladies are looking for the ideal man. But do not mind having an easy romance. In 2017, there is a great chance to meet your future spouse. Even an office romance is likely.

Make time for more than just career and love. Be sure to visit beauty salons, sign up for a gym, fitness club. It's a great idea to leave for travel. While there is turmoil in the homeland and finding out "who is right and who is good," you need to go abroad. Let not for long, but the change of the "picture" is necessary for the restless Dog. Take a friend or relative with you, have fun.

Love horoscope for 2017

A dog is a faithful partner. If she marries, then it is deliberately. She appreciates her husband, listens to his opinion. People born in the year of the Dog are devoted to family, home. They tend to think of their loved ones more often than of themselves. Their sacrifice sometimes reaches the point of absurdity. However, the partner may not always respond in kind.

In 2017, family Dogs may have disagreements between the spouses. The reason is the tension in the situation in society. The Year of the Rooster does not promise to be calm, there will be frequent quarrels and anxiety about the future. The dog is prone to anxiety and pessimism. You need to hide deeper gloomy moods. In the end, everything will end well, so why waste your nerves on worries.

Single representatives of the Dog sign "risk" meeting their half. At first, you will be wary of the novel (however, as with any change in life). Don't miss your chance to build a strong family. Flirt and have fun when you're not in a serious relationship.

Couples who have been waiting for replenishment for many years will have children. Take every chance, don't waste time waiting. Children conceived in 2017 will be obedient and loving to their parents.

Money horoscope for 2017 for Dogs

The dog has always been able to provide its basic needs. She has no problems with food, household needs. But I want more: to improve living conditions, buy a modern car, go on a trip. It is necessary not only to work, but to look for additional sources of finance.

In the first half of the year, the Dog is cautious, understands what is happening. Everything is unstable, there is a crisis in the economy, we must save the accumulated. With the onset of summer, the situation becomes clearer, the Dog becomes calmer. It's time for a profit. Do not miss the chance, fate itself will tell you where to direct your efforts.

At the end of the year, the Dog may unexpectedly receive a large sum of money. It can be an inheritance, a lottery win, a gift. You should not immediately spend "easy" money. Better to make them work: put in a bank at interest or invest in your own business.

Unforeseen spending is expected throughout the year. Don't worry, everything will come back with interest. In 2017, there is a great chance to make a large planned purchase. Be careful with dubious partners. Although the Dog is difficult to deceive, it has a flair for cheaters.

Career horoscope for 2017

The dog is a workaholic. She is ready to day and sleep at work, just to keep her watch. He always speaks the truth, does not suffer from ambition. The eastern horoscope for 2017 for Dogs in plain text "hints": not the time for modesty. Representatives of the sign are ready to step aside and give a good position to a more assertive competitor. It is categorically impossible to do this in the year of the Fiery Rooster.

Show your grasp, you deserve a good post. Politics, administration, management in any production area is your path. In 2017 or next year, career growth awaits you, but on condition that you will not phlegmatically observe what is happening from the outside.

Astrologers say that the Dog shows itself better in a small team. In large companies, it is "lost". Representatives of the sign should work on themselves, be less "passive", be active in everything. She will definitely be noticed and promoted to the position. The public values ​​the Dog's decency and fairness. She only needs to believe in herself, her strength, not to retreat at the first sign of failure.

Health horoscope for 2017

Everyone has heard the phrase: "Heals like a dog." In women and men of this sign, the disease passes quickly and with a positive outcome. Even in a deeply painful state, the Dog will come to work. Do not torture yourself like that, do not be afraid to take sick leave. Even with a quick recovery, do not strive to quickly take up your post, rest, take time for your family.

Especially suspicious Dogs are too concerned about health. Endless visits to doctors with or without reason will not bring satisfaction. They won't find anything serious, but you won't stop worrying. Throw away worries, take your free time to rest. Go to the village, visit relatives. Frequent outdoor walks are good for you. Go hiking, spend summer nights in the open air. Strengthen your body with natural remedies: seasonal fruits, vegetables, juices. On vacation, do not get carried away with alcohol.

Avoid self-medication with questionable drugs. For seasonal colds, follow your doctor's standard prescriptions. You are in good health, do not look for non-existent problems. Sports are useful. It is a good idea to get a bike - walking outdoors and exercising at the same time.

Celebrities born in the Year of the Dog:

Victor Hugo, Winston Churchill, Alexander Dumas, Brigitte Bardot, Alexey Guskov, Yuri Gagarin, Sharon Stone, Oleg Basilashvili, Bill Clinton, Stephen King, Voltaire, Michael Jackson, Madonna.

Svetlana Rozhenko

Quiet, non-conflicting Dogs often feel uncomfortable next to the explosive Rooster with his desire for revolutionary changes and hasty decisions. Fortunately, this year most representatives of the "shaggy sign" will be able to independently decide whether to follow the intended track or follow the bird calling for adventure. The tips of the horoscope for the Dog for 2017 of the Rooster are designed to help reach the top.

Love and family of the Dog in 2017 of the Rooster: horoscope predictions

The adage of old love that does not rust is more relevant for Dogs than ever: in 2017, many of them will try to breathe a second life into their once broken relationship. And they will certainly succeed - of course, if the other side does not mind.

However, those who believe that the past is gone and the past has grown, will not be left to vegetate alone. The Dogs will not have to make any special efforts for this, just go out to people more often so as not to miss a meeting with "their" man. And when you find him, keep as natural as possible: trying to present yourself in a more favorable light, sincere representatives of the glorious race of dogs always lose. Why pretend when you have tons of real talent and wonderful personality traits?

For family Dogs, there are two possible scenarios. Couples who stick only to the force of habit, the Rooster will push them to a decisive break. But marriages based on love and respect will get even stronger. The only thing that can threaten the harmony that has reigned in them is the depression of the Dog, which is prone to react sharply to unrest in society, even if they do not directly concern it. Try to prevent the political situation in the world from causing wars in your own apartment. Stop worrying about the planet, take better care of your family!

Finance and career during this period

Despite the obvious tendency of Dogs to team play, the year of the Rooster will give them the opportunity to show their personal qualities and win the respect of their superiors. Just in time, because under the influence of an assertive bird, you can finally muster up the courage and start talking about a promotion.

It's great if your professional activity is connected with creativity: new creative ideas and insights will just gush out in smart canine heads, which will have the most pleasant effect on the career of "Star Dogs".

At the same time, the monetary situation in the first half of the year will not change; there will be no big expenses or serious income. But starting from the middle of summer, a real golden shower will wake up on the Dogs, who are ready to selflessly work, and their every effort will pay off handsomely. However, do not expect to get a bonus or salary increase by playing solitaire on your desktop. Lazyayev Rooster does not favor.

Put the surplus funds in the bank at interest, allocating a small part for the improvement of everyday life - update the furniture, make repairs, glaze the loggia.

  • 2017 will not bring significant physical health problems to Dogs. But the state of mind can fail. Visit a psychologist to take your eternal suspiciousness on a strict leash, or flip through books on psychology. You can learn a lot of useful information from them, and in 2017 you will literally grasp knowledge on the fly.
  • Spend your vacation in your native latitudes. Simple pleasures will bring real rest to the Dog: hiking for mushrooms, spending the night by the fire, quiet meditation on the shore with a fishing rod.
  • Be careful with new acquaintances. Check first, and then trust.

The Dog's motto is "Be yourself!" You already have everything to succeed in 2017: hard work, honesty, intelligence, strength and desire. Look in your soul more attentively, and you will find it all.

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