Azurist is a stone for respectable and honest people. Properties of stone Azurit

Having absorbed the blue sky and reflected the depth of space, the azuri was born on Earth with an unusual and immunity in the manifestation of the nature of the brightness of radiance. The rarest embodiment of blue in the world of stones. Surprisingly, as nature can draw space patterns in their creations, manifesting in a variety of shades of blue.

The nature of the color is reflected in the properties of the stone. It is the blue color, by nature, its color is a loner, because "looks at everything from one point - from himself." This is the mountains of the world, reflected in calm lakes and in blue, wandering in Dalyakh. There are not only cold in blue color, but also heat, which preserves, carries, shelters and in a certain sense, consoles.

The name of the stone is reflected in many languages. In French, Azur means the azure, in the Persian "Lazard" - Blue, and the Arab root "Azul" means "blue color". In common, the lapis is called "mountain blue" and "copper azure", since the presence of copper stone saturates it in blue.

Often the mineral is confused with a lazurite, attributing azurist to the variety of the latter. But such an opinion is erroneous because the stone acts as a completely independent mineral, which is distinguished by the depth of blue tone. Often, Azurist grows with Malachite, decorating herself with overflowing greenish divorces, which is completely unacceptable for Lazurita. Such a stone is called Azur Malachite.

In the Middle Ages, the mineral was popular with artists who used a rare natural manifestation of color for the manufacture of blue paint. Not every stone could become a raw material for the manufacture of such a material. To do this, it was necessary, firstly, to have a soft texture capable of turning into a crumb, and, secondly, the mineral must be saturated with bright color, which could be preserved during rubbing. For example, ruby \u200b\u200bor blue turquoise - owners of deep color shades, while kneading losing their color palette and become a white substance. In this regard, the azuri is suitable for all points. The stone is soft in its structure and has a rich color spectrum of blue, which under any circumstances does not change its color.

The well-known works of Egyptian masters, reflecting the scenes from the life of the pharaohs and the gods, were carried out, among other things, using azurite pigments. The walls and ceilings of the Roman villas were decorated with paintings written in the same way using this paint. The tradition of creating from Azurita Krasika moved to Byzantine culture, and then found its use in ancient Russia. "Cashier" - so called the paint obtained from Azurit. In the famous world, the picture "Trinity" Andrei Rublev applied the "Caurus" to create angels' clothes. The picture shows how precisely heavenly color is superior to everyone else in its performance and at the same time unites them with the unity of the idea. The icon paints of ancient Russia gave a special preference to the blue gamma. They worshiped him as a symbol of spirit and wisdom. In Europe in the Middle Ages and in the Renaissance Epoch, we see the use of a blue pigment produced from Azurita, in the pictures of famous painting masters - Rafael and Michelangelo.

However, some lack of paints from Azurit turned out later. It turns out that azuris under the influence of air and water gradually changes its color to malachite. That is why we are observing the prevalence in the paintings of the artists of that era of green. For example, on the arches of the Sistine Capella Michelangelo over time the sky was green. True, the picture was recently renovated, and the sky on it acquired the initial heavenly color.

But the azuris was used not only as a base for paint. He conquered the heart of jewelers with his beauty. Rings, brooches, suspension, beads, earrings made of Azurit are striking with their uniqueness. Each jewelry from this mineral is unique. It has its own pattern of transfusion with each other color waves.

Place of Birth
The deposits of Azurit are those places where copper finds its manifestation. These are the most common areas of production as Chile, Mexico, USA (Arizona and New Mexico), Australia (Queensland), France, Germany, Kazakhstan and Africa (Zaire, Zambia), Morocco (Miblogen and Tuisit). In Russia, the azuris is mined in the Urals and Altai.

Special, beautiful and transparent, rare on the beauty of azuritis up to 30 cm in size are mined in Namibia. Here, in 1979, it will find the largest stone weighing 26 kg.

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Medical properties
Therapeutic properties of Azurit are decent admiration. It is long known that the stone is able to help a person cope with any disease. If we put the mineral on the sore place, then when contact with the body, azuris is capable of cleaning the site from illness and remove all disturbing symptoms, be it pain, burning or itching.

In order to completely defeat the pain and spend the healing effect on the sore place, it is necessary to mentally tune in to the energy of the stone, ask him to help cope with the ill and imaginary light to penetrate the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected area. If we carry out such a ritual 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening, then soon the disease will retreat.

Lithotherapists argue that the azure will help to cope with such spiritual diseases as hallucinations, melancholy, hysteria. The interaction with the stone balances the imbalance in the psychological state of the person, restores the work of the nervous system and clears consciousness to clarity of the mind.

At the physical level, the azuris cleans blood, it has a beneficial effect on the exit from the organism of the bile, infectious infection of the skin, treats hypertension, contributes to the rapid splicing of bones. The blue color of the stone helps with eye disease, tension removal in this area and is used as a prophylactic agent against vision reduction.

Magic properties
From the point of view of energy, the azurist is the manifestation of the sensory energy yin. Walking through itself negative energy, the mineral is able to convert it into a positive one. In ancient Egypt, the stone has become popular among the magicians, mediums and wizards. The priests used the mineral as an intermediary when communicating with the gods. Used as a means to increase the vitality and maintaining a high level of potential.

In Ireland, the shamans did from Azurit a sticks, with the help of which he was introduced into the trance and helped him look into the subconscious, plunge into past lives, find ways to solve problems that prevent versatile development. Sheals were used not only as a means for hypnosis, but also for conducting rituals for initiation. For example, if the young man wasveling to turn his way on the defender's trail and take the warrior's path, then with the help of certain actions in the young man, the feelings of fear, rage and militant fervor caused. Having lived such bright emotions, the man understood whether he was ready to change his life or not.

The decorations from Azur Malachite have a double strength, since they contain the energies of two stones. Malachite is mostly working with the consolation and liberation of the human body from negative emotions, while the azuru works with the energy part of the process, normalizing streams and blocking attacks. To work with the subconscious, it is put on the "third eye" area, which is clear from the alarms and adversity, causing raging internal experiences, and gains the harmony both with the internal and external worlds.

If you are standing at the crossroads and do not know where to turn, what way to choose - put on the decoration with a stone, and it will tell you the most correct way, will help solve problems well and come to life idyll. Our ancestors used azuris for a more subtle understanding of themselves, expanding their consciousness, rethinking their life priorities. Permanent contact with the stone helps to disclose new abilities and implement them to the fullest.

In the world of people whose activities are associated with the other world, balls and crystals from Azurite are very famous, which are used for meditation and entry into modified consciousness. During the spiritual sessions, when the soul for an indefinite period of time is separated from the body and goes to walk through the expanses of past and future life roads, Azurist plays a big role, acting as an intermediary between the subconscious and the consciousness of his owner.

Azurist, thanks to its saturated blue, the light spectrum, has a strong effect on the area of \u200b\u200bthe peeling chakra, which is common to be called the "third eye". The right job of the chakra reveals honest, logical, tactical and conceptual thinking in man. That is why stone decorations are beneficial for people with professions such as a lawyer, a lawyer, a judge whose work requires the manifestation of such qualities. If a person makes bad actions and conducts an immoral lifestyle, then the azurist ceases to share energy with it, closes, and sometimes it can split.

In mythology there is a legend that the Spirit of Azurit lives on a white planet, like the sun. It manifests in the form of a butterfly with beautiful big wings of gentle blue. The appearance of it is a manifestation of air elements. Therefore, in astrology it is said that the decorations with the mineral will become real assistants on the life of people who are born under the sign of the scales, Taurus and Sagittarius. Also, astrologists are recommended to wear decorations with Azurite Aquarius, since they will help them to gain peace of mind and psychologically balanced, removes the alarm and anxiety.

It is recommended to wear regularly: stone requires constant contact with its owner. It is very useful to wear a mineral on the wrist in the form of a bracelet or on the neck in the form of beads, necklaces, pendants or a coil. It is also important to apply the mineral in the heart area or simply compress in hand. Long stay in the box reduces the potential of the stone.

Azurist is a natural mineral, a subspecies of copper ore. It has saturated shades of heavenly blue azure color, glass glitter and smooth faces. The fragile nature of the mineral has one amazing feature, over time, it is transformed into malachite - gemstone green.

Azurist is aqueous carbonate copper with a chemical formula Cu3 (CO3) 2 (OH) 2. In the overall structure of the mineral, the copper content exceeds 55%, which directly affects its coloring in the heavenly blue tone. The deposits of mineral are formed into the columnar crystals with a peculiar sink ished and low hardness.

The history of the color of the Lazuri color leaves the sources in ancient times and has many names assigned to different peoples. The French call the mineral to the shelsilite in honor of the field, which is located in the vicinity of the city of Shessi. The Europeans magically as azurite mountain blue and copper azure. Also, the mineral is called Lyapis Copper and Copper Blue, Armenit and Armenian Stone.

The current name of the stone "Azurist", given in 1824 by the researcher of the Bedlan and the entrenched behind it so far, comes from the French Azur and means "azure".

Azurit varieties

Pure natural mineral can be found in nature infrequently, as it attracts close to other breeds to him and grows with them. As a result, unique crystals are obtained with an unusual palette of shades - from bright and rich blue to violet and almost black. Depending on the hemologic value, the following types of minerals distinguish:

  • Azurmalachit - Azurit crystals who have grown with Malachite;
  • Burnitis - a combination of azurmalahit and chip;
  • Blue copper is a combination of pure azurita with a chrysocole.

Mineral field

Azuris is mined in many corners of the planet, where there are deposits of copper and polymetallic ores. The main deposits are located in Germany, France, Chile, Australia, Mexico, Arizona and New Mexico USA. In France, fan-forming crystals are mined in the Commune, which are valued by collectors for their unusual appearance. Similar samples are mined in the Khoochkovsky and Nikolaev field of Kazakhstan.

The highest quality collection azurites reaching 25 cm is famous for Namibia (Theumebo deposit) and Morocco (Tuisit and Mibladen). Small high quality crystals in size from 5 to 6 cm are rich in the field of Russia, located in the Southern Urals.

Magic properties of Azurita

Blue mineral from ancient times is considered a symbol of ambitious, goodness, decency and is a faith for everyone who has these features of character. False, violent people with unclean thoughts and the intentions of Azurit "punishes", preventing them in achieving the goal and deriving them to clean water.

Many centuries of the magic force of the mineral are the supreme priests and white magicians. To communicate with the gods and opening of supernatural abilities, the azuris was used in ancient Egypt. In Eastern countries, it is believed that the stone is the "third eye", which allows you to see the secret and hidden from the gaze of surrounding events. Druids used azurist in the ritual, in the process of which young men were comprehended by their purpose in life.

Azurist acts as a judge and peacekeeper. Mineral helps to smooth conflict situations and settle controversial issues in peaceful way. He easily reveals deception and unfriendly intentions, and more than it is punishable for it. Pravddolyubtsev with a pure soul stone directs to the right way, optimism and confidence, gives peace of mind. The properties of Azurita allow you to get rid of nervous excitement and negative emotions.

Medical properties

The energy of Azurita has a beneficial effect on the life support system and psycho-emotional state of a person. The healing properties of the stone helps to get rid of such ailments as eye disease, asthma, skin infections. The mineral facilitates the state of the patient with hypertension, epilepsy, hysteria, helps to fight hallucinations, insomnia against the background of stress, apathy and melancholy.

Treatment with azurite should be periodic. For this, the stone is worn with it 3-4 days, after which they take decorations or talisman for 2 weeks. Lithotherapeuts are not recommended to continuously wear azuris more than 1 month so as not to provoke an internal imbalance.

An effective way to cure disease is a stone meditation. For this, the azuris is applied to a problem place and with closed eyes represent the biofield of the stone. Next, it is necessary to mentally ask the mineral about help and imagine how the energy is cleared, and the disease leaves the organ. Meditation with Azurite cures lightness, but with serious diseases, the stone helps speed up the wellness process and acts as an auxiliary drug to drug treatment.


Azuris found its use in many life spheres. From the mineral made unusual crafts and souvenirs. In jewelry, it is not so common due to enhanced fragility, but the masters have found a way to preserve the integrity of the stone in the decoration. So, exquisite jewelry appeared on sale, in which the azure is covered with a thin silver mesh.

Since ancient times, the pigment of the stone was used in the preparation of blue paint, which painted paintings and painted icons. Collectible masterpieces of past centuries can be found today.

Use azuris and in the industrial sphere. With it, they get copper vigorous and melted copper. In pyrotechnical business, the mineral is used as the main component of green fireworks and salutes.

Azurist is revered by hemologists and collectors due to the unique saturated color and the structure of crystals.

Caring for stone

Azurist is a picky stone that needs special care. So that it does not lose quality and aesthetic properties, you need to adhere to several rules:

  • Take it from mechanical impacts, blows and drops due to increased fragility;
  • Wipe the surface of the stone with a dry tissue napkin, eliminating contact with water;
  • Do not leave for a long time under direct sunlight;
  • Store products with azurite in a cool place and take care of sudden temperature drops;
  • Avoid contact of stone with chemicals, including with household cleaners;
  • Storage of stone in conditions of high humidity can lead to the fact that it will acquire a green shade, having lost the naturally blue color.

Azurist and zodiac signs

Azurist has a powerful energy, gives the help and attention of its favorites of the zodiacal system, and requires reciprocity.

The scales will help the help of the mineral, even if they won't wear it with you, but simply put in the house.

Fish the stone will teach respect and patience, and also gives hope and faith.

Aquarius, together with the Talisman, the color of Indigo will gain wisdom, dignity, honesty and spiritual equilibrium.

Sagittarius, "Communicating" with a stone, can learn composure and gain confidence. Talisman with Azurit will bring success to representatives of this sign.

For twins, the effect of Azurit will be more negative than positive, so the decorations and products with a stone of this zodiac sign are not recommended.

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The rarest embodiment of deep blue among the world of stones is azurist. In this amazing stone, you can see the reflection of the heavenly blue and the secret depths of the cosmos.

The name of the mineral comes from the French "Azur", which is translated as "azure". Folk names of the gem - Mountain blue, copper azure. In Europe, the azurist is known as the Shehesilite, which he received thanks to the French chassis city, where it was mined.

Natural stone Azrit is rarely found in nature, so it is very appreciated by collectors. They are attracted to its clear form of crystals, deep blue and bright shine faces.

Azurit and lazuli: Main differences

The first gem researchers described the azuris and as a kind of one and the same stone, but over time it became clear that it was not. Today, some people are confused by a mineral with a lazurite, considering that this is the same stone. But in fact, the azurist is a separate mineral with its own distinctive properties and features. The main difference is a deep blue color, with which the lazuli never met in nature.

If you take into your hands both mineral and compare their appearance, it will immediately become clear that the lapisite has not so homogeneous and saturated color, since in its composition there are many small pyrite enclosures, which is not inherent in azurita. If you compare stones in the context, then you can see that the azurist has malachite divorces, and the lags are not. This feature once again indicates that minerals belong to different groups.

Gem can be distinguished from other minerals with hydrochloric acid - it boils in it, it does not have any such property.

The mineral in nature is less common than lags, but at the same time its cost below. Therefore, the stone is more used for industrial purposes, rather than lags.

Physical properties of Azurita

Azuris in its composition is a water carbonate of copper, which is formed in deposits with a large number of copper sulfites. Chemical mineral formula - Cu3 (CO3) 2 (OH) 2.

Most of the stones have a hortalistic form collected in the earthly masses, called "azurite roses". Clean crystals in nature are extremely rare.

The mineral in the form of aggregates is opaque, the clean crystals are shone. Standard stone color saturated blue, often with a purple tint. Gem is characterized by silky gloss.

Azurita inherent special properties - under the action of air, gradually turn into - green gem, which is also highly valued, as azurist. In nature, they are often found together, forming whole aggregates with different layers.

Mineral field

Most stones are mined in countries such as Australia, Mexico, USA, Italy, France, Kazakhstan. In Namibia, a pure azurite crystal was found with an approximate size of 25 cm. Clean crystals are also mined in Morocco. In the South Urals today, small crystals are mined, which are distinguished by their picturesque view.

The largest mineral with a weight of 4.5 tons was mined in the United States.

Application of gem

Find on the market jewelry with Azurite inserts is almost unrealistic because the mineral is very fragile, and it is difficult to process it. Therefore, in jewelry, a mixed stone azur malachite is used, which is easier to separate, or malachite. Azuris is used more in the diverse work.

More than azurites, were sent to small cabochons, become exhibits in the collections of connoisseurs of unusual stones. The cost of such copies is much higher than jewelry and industrial.

Therapeutic properties of Azurita

Gem has strong healing properties. It is believed that he can cure any disease. To do this, apply the mineral to the patient. From the first time, the azuru will help to remove itching and burning, weaken the strong pain. To cure from severe diseases, it is necessary to meditate with a stone applied to the patient. To do this, it is convenient to sit down or lie down, attach azurist to the body in the problem area to ask him about help, close your eyes and relax. Mentally presenting a stone and his bright biofield in front of them, you need to see how negative energy comes out of the body and goes into a stone that changes the color of his biofield with a light on the dark. For
this one must be believed to believe in the powerful power of the mineral, otherwise he will not be able to help. To rather cure your ailment, such sessions need to be repeated every day in the morning and in the evening improvement will come.

Lithotherapists with Azurita treat such mental disorders such as hysteria, melancholy and hallucinations. The constant wearing of the stone restores the nervous system and balances the psychological state of the person.

Gem contributes to the fastest fracture, blood purity, bile and removal of various infections.

Magic properties of mineral

Azuris was used in ancient times to expand consciousness so that the life path could be rethought, since it was believed that the energy force of the stone transfers the true desires of a person from his subconscious with the real awareness.

The ancient Egyptians with the help of Gem were associated with the gods, Irish Druids helped people identify their true purpose and life
the path, and the eastern wise men considered the mineral to the third eye. Modern mediums use azurite crystals and balls for meditation sessions.

The magical properties of the gem will help a person in a difficult life period. Stone will tell him the right way out of any difficult situation.

Azurist will be the best mascot for people of such professions, like journalists, lawyers, judges. The stone will spit them into honesty and objectivity. But if
the owner of the talisman will be crap, he will punish him, discontinuing all his wicked acts.

According to the zodiac horoscope, gem is best suited for weights. They do not need to wear a stone with them, and just just have a mineral in the house. But other zodiac signs to get true help from stone, you must constantly contact him. Only then, Azurist will be able to fully show his magical abilities and help its owner. But if it does not work with him, the stone will most likely lose its energy and will become "dead."

Azurist is a mineral, which is differently called mountain blue and copper azure. Its feature is a blue tint, starting by Vasilkov and ending with dark blue. This color is explained by the presence of copper carbonate in its structure. Mining the best copies occurs in Namibia. There are deposits and southern Urals, Brazil, Australia, USA, Mexico. It is distinguished by azurist with smooth faces and glass glitter. After a while, the stone turns into malachite.

Use in jewelry

Azurit is rare enough apply in jewelry Because of its fragility and instability color. It does not belong to the stones having a high cost. But it is sometimes used in the manufacture of beads, cufflinks, earring, pendants.

Mineral begins to split even as a result of a non-mechanical mechanical impact. Thirdly believe azur Malachitewhich is usually used in the jewelry industry. In addition to Malachite, in nature there are compounds of Azurit with chrysocole (blue copper) and chip (bourgeit).

Magic properties of Azurita

The stone was in honor of ancient Egypt, as it was considered a mineral that boosts the spiritual essence of man and raising his consciousness to the level, which is close to subtle energies and space forces. According to lithotherapists, the azurist contributes to the emergence and activity of the "third eye", and also has healing energy. Thanks to the stone, energy flows are normalized and blocks are removed. He translates the thoughts of a person from the subconscious in the field of consciousness.

According to Indian yogis, the azurist influences the main chakras - the frontal and throat. In Ireland copper azure used by druids to introduce young men into hypnosis state so that they felt concrete experiences, feelings, sensations. Such a process is called the ritual of visualization. His goal was to ensure that the young man experienced rage, courage, strength. The young man clearly represented himself as a warrior.

Azurist helps to smooth conflict situations and peacefully solves controversial issues. It is easy reuses ill-mind intentions And deception and is able to punish it. The stone instills confidence and optimism, gives peace of mind. Thanks to the magical properties of the mineral, a person gets rid of negative emotions and nervous excitement.

Medical properties

The energy of the stone favorably affects the psycho-emotional state of the person and the system of life support. The healing properties of the mineral helps to eliminate the following ailments:

Thanks to the copper lazuri patient it becomes easier when epilepsy, hypertension, hysteriaHe helps to fight insomnia arising against the background of stress, hallucinations, melancholy and apatine.

To cure any disease, you need mineral to apply to the patient. It helps the first time remove burning and itching And weakens a strong pain. In order to cure heavy diseases, it is recommended with a stone attached to the patient, meditate. For this purpose, it is necessary to be comfortable or sitting, to attach azurist to the problem area, close the eyes, relax and ask for help.

It should mentally see the healing mineral, his bright biofield in front of him, representing how all the negative energy comes out of the body and goes into a stone. The color of the biofield should change From light on dark. Be sure to believe in therapeutic power of Azurit, otherwise it may not work out. To get rid of the ailment as quickly as possible, such sessions must be repeated every day in the morning and in the evening before improving.

With the help of a stone azurist litotherapeuts treat the following mental disorders:

Gem helps the fractures grow faster, cleanses blood, bile and displays various infections. Mineral treatment must be carried out by periods. For this, the talisman or decoration should be worn with you 3 - 4 days, then for two weeks removed. Wearing a stone continuously can not be more than one month, as an internal imbalance may occur.

Azurist and zodiac signs

This mineral has a female energy yin. It is best suitable for air marks - Aquarius and scales. Some sources indicate that it can be suitable for tales and firemen. It is believed that the stone is very useful to people engaged in journalism, lawyer and judicial practice, jurisprudence.

This mineral is able to harm the owner if he tries to deliberately harm to anyone or obstinate. That's why it is impossible to wear fraudstersSo it contributes to their rapid exposure. Azurist helps soberly assess the situation, take an objective and correct decision. It comes to the aid of it and motorists, allowing them to maintain composure during movement. The element of this stone is water, and the planet is Jupiter.

This stone helps weighs Even if they do not wear it, but hold in the house. The remaining signs of the zodiac about him should not be forgotten, because energy and the magical beginning begin to dry up if they do not use.

Thus, a stone azurist is an amazing mineral Very beautiful deep blue shade. His healing properties are known since ancient times, which help to get rid of numerous diseases. Wearing stone can only concrete signs of the zodiac, otherwise it is able to cause harm.

The azurist stone, which received its name from the French word Azur, meaning the "azure", bearing him for no accident. Only so it was possible to name the mineral of a sky blue color, endowed with a beautiful glass glitter and amazingly smooth faces.

Azurist is a mineral endowed with a number of unique properties: first of all - the ability to bite in hydrochloric acid, and also - the ability to turn into malachite (very valuable bright green mineral).

Stone Azurist - History of Origin

Over the centuries, Azuru has changed its names repeatedly. In France, it is still referred to as this day (in honor of the town of Shahesi, in the vicinity of which, for a long time, these beautiful gems were mined). I received my current name in 1824 thanks to the French mineralogus Francois Baudan. Many synonymous names at the mineral preserved to this day. Some is known as the "copper azure", "Mountain Xin", "Copper Blue" or "Lyapis Copper".

Since the oldest times, the azuris was used by Irish shamans and Egyptian priests as a material used for the manufacture of magical amulets and religious items.

European painters who created their web in the XV-XVII centuries., Widely used bright blue paint made of azurita, loss in powder. The same paint is scheduled for the ceiling of the Sicastin Capella.

Physical properties

Azurist, striking a variety of saturated shades of heavenly blue color, is a natural mineral, a subspecies of copper ore. Its crystals have smooth faces and characteristic glass shine.

The fields of this mineral are concentrated in places of occurrence of copper and polymetallic ores, the oxidation of which leads to the formation of the columnar crystals of azurite, capable of transformed into a precious malachite.

  • In the chemical composition of Azurit, as can be seen from its chemical formula - Cu3 (CO3) 2 (OH) 2 - includes carbonate copper and hydroxide anions.
  • Saturated blue mineral color is due to high (at least 55%) copper content.
  • Mineral is rather fragile. The range of its hardness on the MOOS scale is 3.5-4 units, and the density is 3.8 g / cm 3.
  • Azurist has a sink faint and perfect pliability.

Place of Birth

The richest deposits of Azurit are in:

  • Chile;
  • Mexico;
  • Australia;
  • Germany;
  • France;
  • Kazakhstan.

The largest and high-quality azurites are mined in small deposits of South and North Africa, located in:

  • Namibia;
  • Morocco;
  • Zambia;
  • Zaire.

In Russia, the supplier of unusual species of Azurit is the Gumashevsky Copper Mine, located in the Southern Urals.

Varieties, colors


In its pure form, the azzurt occurs extremely rarely, since, attracting other breeds nearby near, it grows with them, forming unusually beautiful crystals that hit the variety of shades and colors: from dark blue and bright blue to saturated purple and almost black.

Depending on how the rocks of Azurit crystals have grown, distinguishes:

  • azurmalachit - mineral formed by the merger of Azurita and Malachite;
  • burnitis - the breed formed as a result of the Battle of Azurmalachitis with Cuppite;
  • blue copper - mineral, resulting in the merger of crystals of pure Azurit and chrysocollars.

What is different from Lazarita?

People who do not disassemble in mineralogy are often confused by azuris with other minerals of a saturated blue color, most often with a lapisite.

Distinguish these externally similar stones by a number of signs:

  1. The color of the azurita is characterized by greater saturation and depth. Bright coloring of the lazurite is emphasized by golden splashes of pyrite, sparkling in the sun rays.
  2. Lazurist is a firm stone. The copper coin will not leave scratches on its surface, while the azurist can be easily scratched with a coin and a knife.
  3. On the rough surface of a white porcelain plate, lazuli, stepping, leaves a bright blue feature, azuris is a celestial blue line.

Magic properties

In the energy plan, Azurist is a sample of Yin's female energy manifestation. Faced with the impact of negative energy and skipping it through itself, gem makes this energy positive.

The magical properties of Azurit were known to the priests of ancient Egypt, who used him as an intermediary during communication sessions with the gods.

Azurmalachit, which combines the energy of two minerals at once, is endowed with a double strength. Malachite, which is part of its composition, frees the human body from negative emotions, the azurist normalizes energy flows, reflecting the impact of negative energy.

During the meditation, putting the azuris on the Crown Chakra, get rid of the adversity and anxiety, which are the perpetrators of strong internal experiences, gained, ultimately complete harmony and with the inner and the outside world.

A man standing in front of a severe choice of further path and does not know, in what direction does he go, can wear a decoration with Azurit and wait for the hint. The stone will certainly indicate the right way to help either avoid serious problems, or solve them the most optimal way.

Mediums and psychics highly appreciate the balls from Azurit, helping them in conducting meditation and spiritual sessions, during which the gem plays the role of an intermediary between the consciousness of his owner and his subconscious.

The rich blue color of Azurit's crystals stimulates the work of the Vernoe chakra (the so-called "third eye"), which promotes the development of logical, conceptual and tactical thinking, so the impact of decorations from this stone is beneficial for lawyers, judges and lawyers.

If the owner of Azurita behaves immorally, allowing himself to make bad acts, the stone stops giveing \u200b\u200bhim his positive energy and can close, and in some cases - even split.

Medical properties

Since the energy of Azurit is quite strong, lithotherapists do not recommend to carry it continuously for a whole month. After three-day wearing, the decoration with a stone should be removed and withstand a two-week break.

The healing properties of Azurita allow it to apply it for:

  • Improve the composition of blood and cleaning it from impurities.
  • Reduction of blood pressure.
  • Emotional voltage removal.
  • Accelerating the process of splicing of broken bones and healing of soft tissues.
  • Treatment of hysteria and epilepsy.
  • Bronchial Asthma therapy.
  • Treatment of skin diseases (including psoriasis and eczema).
  • Improvements and correction of some eye pathologies.
  • Mitigating pain accompanying arthritis and joint diseases.
  • Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal gasts, spleen, liver, bladder.
  • Improving the state of the endocrine system.
  • Elimination of dizziness, headache removal, migraine treatment.
  • Normalization of the state of the nervous system, as a result of which the patient passes insomnia, disappears a feeling of rapid concern, an depressed state and depression.

The essence of therapeutic sessions is extremely simple: during the procedure, the pieces of mineral are applied to the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe body and leave for several minutes. To enhance the therapeutic effect, litotherapists are recommended to use azurist for meditation twice a day.

Who comes on the sign of the zodiac?

  1. As masters talisman (regardless of color), representatives of the zodiac constellations of Aquarius and scales are ideal. Gem will help them develop intuition and learn to recognize a lie, and also gives the ability to make faithful solutions even in very difficult situations. People born under the sign of the scales can feel the effect of talisman even at a considerable distance from the house in which it is located, so they are not necessary to have it with you. Communication with a stone will make waterless wise, honest and spiritually balanced.
  2. Azurist will serve as an excellent amulet for virgins, tales, fish and fittings. His crystals will keep them from the commission of non-resident actions and guide to the right path. Fish with it will become more patient, they will acquire faith and hope. Sagittarov Gemuvet will give composure and confidence in his abilities.
  3. People whose sign of the Zodiac - Gemini, the use of Azurita as a talisman is categorically contraindicated, although for therapeutic purposes he will bring them a lot of benefit.

Who is suitable by name?

Decorations with Azurite can bring good luck:

  • Women wearing a name: Love, Yaroslav, Victoria, Aurora, Sophia, Anna.
  • Name owners: Albert, Alexey and Vadim.

Talismans and wubbles

Azurit refers to the category of stones playing the role of keepers of all sorts of desires, prejudices, doubts and fears:

  1. The constant wearing of Talisman with Azurite will provide its owner a raised mood and facilitates communication with others, so it should be taken to an interview before admission to work, business negotiations or a meeting with an important client.
  2. Azurist is an excellent charm for those who seek to change their lives for the better.
  3. Amulet with Azurite, contributing to the disclosure of intelligence, the schoolboy can take with him for the exam, and the student is to keep with him during the session.
  4. For wise, honest and decent people, Azuri will be a reliable assistant for many years, giving them peace of mind, confidence in their forces and indestructible optimism. At the same time, unkind, ambitious and false people who have unclean thoughts and bad intentions, the stone will create obstacles to the goal.
  5. Talisman with Azurit will help overcome the alarm and fear, avoid disagreements and conflicts, find a compromise solution to any problem.

Jewelry with Azurite, playing the role of a talisman, should be worn as often as possible, as the stone needs constant contact with its owner. With too long storage in the box, the magical properties of azurite are significantly reduced.

Wearing charms and talismans with Azurit Best:

  • on the wrist;
  • on the neck;
  • in a pocket located at the level of the heart;
  • just squeezing in your hand.

Frame from copper will help them disclose their strength in the maximum volume. Buy decorations with Azurit preferably on Friday or Thursday. The same days are the most successful for wearing this stone on the body.


A rich dark blue color of crystals having a spectacular substrate with greenish, grayish or brown color, gave Azurit a special appeal in the eyes of jewelers.

In the treated form, they go to the manufacture of suspension, cufflinks, beads and segments, however - despite the low cost - products with azurite inserts in the jewelry market are quite rare.

This is explained by the increased fragility of stones that are rolling even with a minor mechanical effect. Recently, elegant decorations with small unprocessed stones covered with the finest silver grid.

Other stones applying

  1. In the era of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance from Azurit, a natural pigment was obtained, which went on the preparation of blue paint, used for the painting of church arches, writing artistic canvases and icons.
  2. Nowadays, azurist, which is an inexpensive diverse stone, is used to make original souvenirs and crafts.
  3. In industry, the azurist, which is a secondary component of complex copper ores, is used in the process of producing copper sulfate and copper smelting.
  4. In pyrotechnics, azurist is the main component of the chemical compositions that give fires of salutes and fireworks bright green.
  5. Cabochons from Azurit, distinguished by low (from 3 to 7 dollars per gram) cost, often become hardly the first copies in the collections of mineral lovers.

Price and care

The cost of Azurit is quite accessible:

  1. The polished round pebbles with a diameter of 0.8 cm will cost the buyer at 500-700 rubles.
  2. For a stone, having a form of a rectangle or a square and an area of \u200b\u200b1 cm 2, will have to pay 600-800 rubles.
  3. The processed azurist of an irregular shape having an area of \u200b\u200b3-5 cm 2 will cost 900-1200 rubles.

The cost of the stone depends not only on its size (the larger - the more expensive), but also from the place of production, the method of jewelry processing and on the inclusion of which rock contains its crystals.

  1. Store azurist follows in a dry cool room, not subject to sharp temperature differences and excluding direct sunlight. With long-term finding in conditions of high humidity, this mineral can be greened.
  2. Being an extremely fragile mineral, azurist needs to protect against mechanical impacts (strong blows and drops from height).
  3. In order not to scratch products with azurite, they should be stored either in a separate, tightly closing box, or in a special bag of mild matter.
  4. It is necessary to clean the jewelry with azurite with a piece of soft dry tissue. Highly contaminated products can be washed out with warm soapy water, not forgetting to wipe dry. However, a stone can lose its beautiful shine from contact with very hot water. Mineral should also be enhanced from the effects of household cleaners.

How to distinguish from fake?

In order to distinguish natural azuris from a skillful fake, you can:

  1. For a few hours, put a stone into a container with clean water. From contact with natural stone The color of the water will not change. Interaction with fake paint it in blue color.
  2. Outcapes from a sample tiny piece, lower it into a flask with hydrochloric acid. Natural mineral at the same time will definitely "boil".

In addition, the authentic stone should:

  • be absolutely transparent;
  • have in its structure a number of ordered elements (type of divorce, strips or rings);
  • it is not transparent, but a golden shine.

What stones are combined with?

Bracelet with Azurit and Hematite

It has been established that the powerful energy of Azurit is well combined with energy:

  1. . This combination of stones contributes to improved memory and disclosure of intellectual potential, so the decorations with them can become successful talismans for schoolchildren and students.
  2. Lazurita, tourmaline, blue topaz. In combination with these minerals, azurist will help preserve the clarity of thinking, to show uncompromising and objectivity. Products with these stones can be representatives of professions requiring honesty and impersonal: judges, critics, journalists.
  3. Yellow topaz and citrine. Decorations with minerals will help in love with a couple to keep the delicacy of feelings.
  1. The pigment prepared from natural azurite was used by the Russian icon painter Ivan Rublev when creating the Icons "Trinity".
  2. The most beautiful azurites with extraordinary transparency and large - up to 30 cm - sizes are mined in the fields of Namibia. The largest azurist found here in 1979, weighed 26 kg.
  3. A truly giant Azurite's giant, weighing 4.5 tons, was discovered in the Kopper Quune mine (Arizona, USA). To see this miracle of nature, called "Singing Stone", can be in the Museum of Natural History, located in New York.
  4. The supplier is rather large (about 6 cm in diameter) of minerals in Russia is the Ural mine "Gumoshka".