Biguchi Magic Leverage: how to use spiral crochet devices for curls, as well as advantages and disadvantages of the method. Magic Magic LEVERAGE Biguchi

Magic curiors Order I decided after I saw advertising on the Internet. We were very tempting photos and very good reviews of people who had already tested them in action. Find where to buy bills Magic Leverage cheaply became the next one task.

After examining many stores, looking at the photo and video (there is at the end of the page) and reading a bunch of reviews, it came to the conclusion that prices range from suspiciously low (100-150 rubles) to too high (more than 2000 rubles). As I understood, it depends on the configuration, that is, from the number of elastic curiors themselves and their lengths. In some stores there were too few in the set, in others, on the contrary, too much - there are enough for three. It surprised me, so I decided to choose a golden middle and buy a set of 18 pieces (9 long and 9 short) in a proven online store for 490 rubles.

MY Overview Magic Curl Magic Leverage

Many dream of beautiful curls. But not everyone has the opportunity to go to the salon every time to make laying. Many fluffs and spoil hair. And ordinary hard curlers are uncomfortable in wearing, and the result often does not turn out at all as I wanted.

I did not reward me with gorgeous hair, so I lead the struggle for their beauty every day. It is important for me that the means for laying does not harm hair, but at the same time performed their functions. From this point of view, Magic Leverage came out flawlessly. Before proceeding with a detailed review of my purchase, I will tell you about what these wonder-bills represent and how they appeared.

What is Magic LEverage Magic Haigra

Wonder-bills invented not so long ago - in 2008. In the beauty industry, they immediately occupied the honorable place among the hair styling money, because they did not injure their hair and did beautiful curls without inconvenience. As usual, from the category of professional agents, which were used only in the salons, they were in the masses in Western countries and immediately began to use mad popularity. The same happened with fashionable now. And recently, this miracle-bills were in Russia. With the help of advertising, our women learned about them, and now the Magic Levelage can order each lady living at least in Moscow, even in St. Petersburg, even in Ukraine.

With their help, you can carefully lay your hair. Beautiful spiral curls are obtained without thermal exposure, so nothing threatens health. This is perhaps the main advantage of this product. This is an excellent alternative to a chemical curling, which mercilessly spoil the hair, turning them into a dead straw. There are many laying options. The instructions are given detailed information on how to make any hairstyle - from romantic not tight flowing curls, to fluffy "Kudrey Angel".

Miracle Biguchi Magic Leverage is suitable for any type of hair and for any length. Laying keeps without the use of fixing means more than two days! This is confirmed by numerous reviews with which I can not disagree. Of course, on the second day, the curls are no longer as noticeable, but still hold. Created curlers from durable and elastic material, so they must last long. Well, now more about my experience in their use.

Complete set, packaging and appearance

So, I remind you. I ordered a set of 18 bills - 9 short and 9 long. Cardboard box with transparent window. There are instructions in Russian, as well as on the box, options for hairstyles are drawn.

The bills themselves are spirals from dense mesh material.

The kit includes a hook, with the help of which the hair needs to be archured into the spiral. It is not difficult to use, it turns out everything easily from the first time. There should be no problems.

Take the curlers we decided on the long hair of my girlfriend. Her feedback was also positive. Later, I once again did her hairstyle for a reason - a corporate party at work. Everyone was confident that she was just from the salon.

How to wind the Magic Leverage curlers. Instructions with step-by-step actions

  1. Wash and dry your hair, but not to the end! They must be wet.
  2. Now you need to pull the spiral in length.
  3. Then thread the hook in it. The tip of the hook should look out of hair curlers.
  4. At a distance of approximately 5-6 cm from the roots, picing the hair strand and thread it through the spiral, pulling out from the other end.
  5. To crack the curls are beautiful, make sure that the hair is not sticking out of the spiral. If necessary, fuel them into the bills.
  6. The spiral spins itself. If necessary, you can twist the spiral more tightly or, on the contrary, make a more free curl.
  7. Next you need to repeat the same with all hair.
  8. When all the curlers are screwed, you need to dry your hair with a hairdryer.

Attention! Do not use very hot air when drying. It can damage the curlers. It is better to use cool air mode.

I recommend leaving bills for 2-4 hours. But it largely depends on your hair. There are very naughty hair, which can be screwed and styling with great difficulty. For such hair, it is better to wear them longer. You can leave them for the night. But I will immediately say that it will be uncomfortable to sleep with them. Of course, more pleasant than with conventional plastic, but still uncomfortable. Plus, that they do not fall and keep very good so that you do not do.

When the hair is finally dried, you need to carefully remove the curlers. It is done easily. Next, you can consolidate label label. His hairstyle will last much longer.

Biguchi Magic Leverage is a huge field for experiments. I always wanted to achieve beautiful curls as in advertising, but in fact we obtained either tight "lamb" or a slight wave, from which there was no trace in half an hour. If you attach curiosity from the roots, that I also tried, it turns out a very good volume - this is for those who have thin hair.

Thanks to the wonder-bills, you can simulate any hairstyle. Finally, I can make real Hollywood curls, and without the use of bad and all sorts of devices. I love it.

If after winding to be lost in the hands of a foam for laying or gel and walk through the hair, then the waves will slightly sprinkle and the hairstyle will turn out beautiful, just like in advertising. Here is like Julia Roberts in the photo.

Magic curlers will help make beautiful and neat curls.


Written by: Zhenya

Thilled curlers, already tried, everything turned out! super! I'm glad.

Curls with the beautiful name Magic Leverage (translated from the English - magic lever) are flexible rubber spirals, which, with a special hook, screw into small strands of hair.

Such curling technology allows you to create very beautiful and perfectly smooth curls., falling in the vertical direction. This technique has a lot of advantages. The main advantages include the following factors:

  • Easy application. Any girl who does not have any special training and special hairdressers will be able to put a strand on such curiors. If at first this kind of curling will seem to you somewhat complicated and incomprehensible, practice a little, and you will understand how easy it is easy and convenient.
  • Comfort. Such hairdressing devices are applied to the number of soft and most comfortable in use. These bills really do not cause you any unpleasant sensations during a night curling, all of them are made of quite soft and comfortable material, and, which is important, do not have any fixing elements and rigid fasteners.
  • Spectacular result. Watching your hair on such spirals, in a few hours you can get very stylish and fashionable laying. Hair will be free in the form of smooth vertical currency in the American style. A similar type of laying is especially well suited for festive and evening styling, which will look great at any solemn event - from the wedding to the prom.

Despite all these obvious advantages that this curling technology has flexible spiral curlers have several minor flaws. Perhaps the main one is the inability to apply this technique on short hair.

Such a curling method is suitable only for long strands or medium length lap. On short hair, crush curls with the help of spiral curlers will be problematic.

How to use spiral biges with crochet?

Use spiral curlers is very simple. Moreover, today there is a huge selection of such devices of different sizes.

You can independently choose the length of the length and the diameter of the curlers.Depending on how big curls you want to get.

Caring for these devices is simple and uncomplicated. After applying the bills, it is enough to clean from the hairs that came to them. If you used styling products during installation, the spirals after use is better to rinse and dry.

You can store spiral curlers in any packaging convenient for you. They are compact enough and do not take a lot of space.

Instructions for use

How to properly twist your hair into curls using Magic Leverage? Many girls are incomprehensible to the principle of hair curling on such devices. In fact, everything is quite simple. The sequence of action when laying should be such:

  1. Wash your head. After washing, it is recommended to use the balsams and masks suitable for you to slightly moisten the hair and give it shine. Rinse your hair and make sure that there are no traces of a balm or mask.
  2. Dry hair. This view of the curling is applied solely on dry hair. Wet strands to twist on the spiral curlers will be problematic.
  3. Drop your teaching gently with a wooden brush or wooden.
  4. If you want, you can apply any suitable styling product for this purpose to your strands (foam, mousse, gel, styling spray, etc.) before laying.
  5. Watch your hair into several sectors to facilitate the curling process. Secure the harvested strands at the base of the head with the help of the clamps, studs, rubber band or any other firmware.
  6. Prepare the spirals themselves. Choose the size of the curlers that suits you. Spread the spirals in front of them on the table to work it was more convenient. Collect the "hook" attached to the curlers (usually it is folding and consists of two parts).
  7. Take a small strand of hair in one hand, and to another hook. Grab your hair with a crochet from the roots. Then take one spiral and drag the strand into it, capturing her crochet.
  8. Similarly, process all other hair.

This technology is quite simple, so these actions are unlikely to take a lot of time.

As a rule, such styling takes no more than 15-20 minutes. Waving all my strands to the spirals, you can safely go about your affairs or go to sleep - they will not give you any discomfort.

Fix curls after the procedure

In order to remove the spiral curlers from the head, the hook or other devices will not be needed. To do this, it is enough to capture strand with your hands and carefully, trying not to damage the curl, unwind the spiral and release curls from her. You will have a smooth and beautiful vertical curl. Enclose in this way all curls.

The result of this laying is probably impressed by you.To fix it, sprinkle the hair with a varnish hair. It will not only make a hairstyle more resistant, but also gives it an extra shine.

The use of styling products in this case is fully justified, given the fact that Hollywood curls most often do for evening laying. In order for a festive day, the hairstyle stayed longer and did not upset you, do not refuse such a reliable retainer as a resistant hair lacquer.

Video on the topic

All you need to know about the Bigudah Magic Leverage: how to use, advantages and disadvantages, as well as step-by-step visual instructions:


Soft spiral curvature Magic Leverage, provided that competently use are able to give you a really magical and magical result. The main thing is to correctly use these bills. Several workouts - and you probably will be able to master this technology and make fashionable curls and your loved ones at home.

For many, a gorgeous hairstyle requires tremendous time strength. In order to achieve the effect of wavy curves, you have to use the means for laying strong fixation, various devices. Permanent use of ironing iron, the cloth can hardly harm her hair. The original Magic Leverage curves are an effective tool for creating natural and durable curls.


The unique set of Magic Leverage conquers from the first minutes of use.When opening the packaging, their owner detects a set of bright spiral ribbons of different colors.

Each gene of curlers looks like a polymer tape having a spiral shape, at the ends of which durable silicone tips are attached. To form curls, it is necessary to use a special hook that comes in the kit.

Unlike traditional curiors we are familiar to us, strands in Magic Leverage are taking inside using a hook. After the strand is located inside, the design itself collapses and takes the shape of the spiral. After drying the hair, magic curls will appear as a magic wand.

Important!Make curls with Magic Leverage curlers can each, without even having preliminary preparation. It is enough to practice a little and any woman can quickly shook the entire head.

Types of bills

Biguchi Magic Levege fit for hair of any length, any type.With their help, you can make both small curls and large chic curls.

By purchasing Magic Leverage, you need to evaluate three features at once:

  • length of products;
  • diameter;
  • the number of units in the package.

If we talk about the length of the curlers, it should fully match the length of the hair. For girls and women who have hair to shoulders, it is necessary to choose the size of the curvature - 15-25 cm. Owners of the chapels before the blades need to choose products with a size of 35-45 cm. If the length of the hair comes to the waist, you can stop your selection on hair curlers size 55 -75 cm.

Depending on the form, you can allocate:

    spiral-shaped products;

    products in the shape of a Magic Roller snail;

    products for creating corrugations.

The most common model is considered to be Magic Leverage, having the form of a spiral. Curls in the form of a snail are used to form playful curls at the most ends of the hair. And bills to create corrugations help create chic, exciting view of the waves.

What curls are obtained

From the diameter of the product will depend on the size and form of the future curl. If the goal is to obtain small and flirty curls, it is better to choose a width of products 1-2 cm. Creating a standard size curls is possible using products with a diameter of 2.5-4 cm.

To obtain a large and chic Hollywood wave, you can use aigner with a diameter of 5 cm. For the most convenient use today, you can find curlers of the most different diameter.

The optimal average set consists of 18 units of curlers. But on sale you can also find the packaging of 6 or 48 pieces. A small set will be useful to those who would like to add an existing battery pack of additional diameter. The best complete set is best to choose the representatives of the beautiful floor whose hair is distinguished by a dense and length.


And if you consider that the original Magic Levelage is used for a very long time, the ratio of the cost of curling curvature will be ridiculous. After all, in order to make a hairstyle in the cabin every day it will be necessary to spend a much greater amount. therefore the price advantage of the wonderful helix is \u200b\u200bquite obvious.

The cost of the product will depend on:

  • set set (presence in the hook set);
  • the length of the strand for which the kit was purchased;
  • selection of diameter, for a large, usual and narrow cheating.

Average cost:

  • a set of 12 units (for 55 cm and hook) - 450 rubles;
  • a set of 18 units (for 55 cm and hook) - 660 rubles;
  • a set of 18 units (15 and 30 cm and hook) - 190 rubles;
  • a set of 18 units (45 and 58 cm and hook) - 340 rubles;
  • spare hook.

You can buy a set of Magic Leverage in online stores of brand official representatives.

How to use

On packing with curlers, you can find a detailed instruction in which it is described how to use them. The process of use is extremely simple:

  1. Curls need to wrap only on wet hair, Otherwise, the straight will be difficult to go.
  2. Through a spiral mesh from the kit, with the help of a hook, you can pick up strand of hair 3-5 cm from the roots and turn. If the spiral turned out uneven - to fix it.
  3. Similarly, turn the entire volume of hair.
  4. After all hair is screwed on curlers, you need to dry your hair with a hairdryer, dry them naturally for half an hour or go to bed if the hairstyle is needed in the morning.
  5. Remove hair curlers. They are filmed quickly and easily.
  6. Wear your hair with your hands, fix your hair with special means.

Features of use

Gorgeous hair and spectacular curls can be quite easy to create Magic Leverage curlers. On the Internet, you can sometimes meet negative reviews. When clarifying the reasons, it turns out that the representatives of the fine sex, which have already used their hair curlers, simply did it wrong.

In order to insure yourself from mistakes it is necessary to adhere to some recommendations:

  1. Be sure to dry hair before using hair curlers. The perfect percentage of humidity from 65 to 75%.
  2. Thin and weak hair needs to be treated with foam or light mousse for laying. Thanks to this, hairstyle will hold the perfect form for a long time.
  3. The hard hair, the higher the humidity for laying.For naughty strands, it is necessary to apply special compositions for styling.
  4. Immediately before purchased, check with consultants how the number of helks will need for a certain density, hair length.

Important!Do not save and try to make a hairstyle with 10 spirals, on the hair that you need much more curlers. It will not come out of this venture.

Pros and cons

Advantages of Curl Magic Leverage:

  • the ability to create unique hairstyles every day;
  • Magic Leverage is convenient, easy to use. Enough to buy bills of this brand and You will not need the use of expensive styling tools;
  • the kit has a small weight, is distinguished by compactness and durability in use.

Disadvantages of Magic Leverage:

  • Magic Leverage is uncomfortable for sleep;
  • you need to carefully choose the place of purchase, so as not to get a fake;
  • from the first time it is difficult to perform the curling process yourself, you need time and practice;
  • curling for naughty hair can take quite a long time.

Magic Leverage's magic spirals were able to earn a lot of positive feedback. They did not appear on the market so long ago, but in a fairly short time they managed to win the love of many amateur guests of beautiful hairstyles.

Magic Leverage is a comfortable and safe product for creating both simple and sufficiently complex hairstyles. Their use does not harm hair, they have a gentle impact and at the same time form such designers for many curls.

Useful videos

Locks without harm to hair - on big curves Magic Leverag.

Magic Leverage Overview.

Get beautiful and elastic curls of women are trying back since a long time. A huge number of different devices are invented, funds for fixing and quite a few folk tricks. Today, armed with a whole arsenal of hair curling tools, you can get curls for every taste: bulk waves, small curls, spirals or broken curls, natural soft or elastic rings. Turning to the masters of beauty salons to get the desired result is quite simple. But is it possible to get elastic spiral curls without resorting to the services of professionals? Let's figure it out together.

Spiral curvatures: types, differences and photo review

In the process of manufacturing a hair curling tool use a wide variety of materials. Based on this, the spiral curlers are soft and solid. The main differences in the technique of use and the final result.

Soft curlers just just apply at home. You can turn your hair without third-party help. And as a result, to get elastic spiral curls that called "American Books".

Complete set of soft Biguch:

Such curiors may differ in size, which allows them to be used for different structures and hair length. If you correctly twist with their help straight, the result will be identical to the professional.

Solid curlers can be wooden, plastic or metal. It is a bit more complicated to use them, but the result is attached effort. Such curves are represented by a tube with spiral cutters and a retainer (gum, hook).

What hair do spiral hair curlers fit?

It is good to use such a curling tool with the owners of perfectly even hair of medium length. Spiral curlers do not harm, so it can be used at least every day. They are very convenient for girls who lack time for long laying. At the same time, there is no need to visit the salon every time. Spiral curlers can be easily used at home, receiving a professional result.

The main differences of the spiral curl of other ways

From the classic Biguery spirals differ in several criteria, namely:

Spiral curlers: how to use - video instructions

There are differences in the techniques of curling with soft and solid spiral biyudes. The first is worth using for self-use, and the second - in the presence of help from the side.

The technology of curling with soft bigwoods is as follows:

  • washing and dried hair you need to read well;
  • treat them with means for fixing (spray or gel);
  • split hair into separate strands to 1 cm and fix each;
  • get off each parkerty, starting from the occipital part and moving to the sides (the spiral needs to be attached to the base of the strands and twist so that the next one can lie on half the first);
  • dry hair (you can use natural drying or hairdryer);
  • fix the spirals and not removed within 4 hours (it is possible);
  • slide curls, trying not to confuse them;
  • fix with varnish if necessary.

Important! You can not comb your finished twigs!

Learn more detail how to wind soft curlers you can watching the video instruction.

Solid curlers need to be used like this:

  • clean hair should be slightly wet;
  • handling strands should be started with a wider part of the curlers at its base;
  • each next parcel should lean a bit on the previous one;
  • so you need to spin all hair;
  • the finished hairstyle can be lacquered.

To get the best result you can use a couple of secrets.

Screw the hair is not very tight. This will help curls to become stronger and stay longer. You can screw the spiral curlers with a chess using them different in size.

This will create a beautiful and unique hairstyle. To get minor curls worth take the minimum thickness strands. Curry will turn out not only miniature, but also lush.

Strong and weaknesses of spiral bigeonds

This hair curling tool has both their advantages and disadvantages. The main pluses include:

  • rapid resulting;
  • ease and simplicity of use;
  • elastic curls for a long time;
  • safety for hair even when used every day;
  • the ability to choose the size of the Biguch.

But there are a number of shortcomings:

  • the need to wind thin strands (up to 1 cm);
  • the need for assistance (for solid budget);
  • high enough cost;
  • lack of 1 packing for thick hair;
  • do not fit if the hair is very long.

Spiral curly curly curlers - User reviews

Marina, 25 years old
I bought hair curlers and began to try. From the first time the curls did not work, but my wines here, did not bother her hair. Therefore, curls broke up. But the second time is just delight. Without making special efforts, I received a gorgeous Hollywood hairstyle. The only minus is, I have enough thick hair and curls do not stand more than a day, even when using severe varnishes and other means.

Evgenia, 32 years old
From my experience I can say that such hair curlers are suitable for thin hair. The thinner there will be every strand, the more effectively it will get a hairstyle. Also, trying to wear two short curlers on one strand, got the chances. Therefore, I advise everyone to buy bills on the length of the hair. You should not use them on wet hair, as they are confused and stuck. If necessary, it is better to sprinkle them from the sprayer after winding. You can sleep, but not quite comfortable. Although if you compare with metal, then much better.

Anastasia, 24 years

In general, the bills liked, but a little expensive. Although for the result, it is not a pity. Wide curlers give excellent volume, curls are obtained by funny spirals. At the same time, they are very soft and look natural. And most importantly, that hair is not injured. It was necessary to practice, of course, but now a luxurious hairstyle occupies enough time. Especially if you reach the night.

Elena, 36 years

Spiral curlers for me is just a find. Always wanted kudryashek, curly spirals. But I had to constantly spoil the hair by the catch. In addition, the time did not always have enough to stand and twist each strand. It is a pity that I bought only one package. For curls on my hair length, you must at least two. But there is also a plus, you can choose not only your length and the desired width. Now I recommend that you have such a hair curlers.

467 03/16/2019 5 min.

Line curls are able to transform any appearance. The impermanence of women is also manifested in the fact that even despite all hair straightening trimming, a lot of ways to give strands an air lightness and a lush volume.

Traditionally, for these purposes I use a flock and curlers. The last method is again experiencing a real boom, because, in contrast to temperature effects, its use does not harm the hair structure. Innovative developments and modern materials made it possible to create something unique - billion on Magic Leverage, which will be discussed in our article.

What it is

Biguchi Magic Leverage differ from the usual variants. In essence, it is a soft tubule from a synthetic fiber resembling food silicone.

A spiral shape attaches to curls the necessary waviness, while, without stopping the movement, and not interfering with rest. A special hook includes a special hook that helps quickly shook strands.

The advantages of such curlers:

  • Ease of use. The speed of creating beautiful curls.
  • The ability to choose bills for any length of strands.
  • Indispensable for quick effect.
  • Do not felt on the head of the big weight.
  • Easily removed, do not confuse hair.
  • The porous structure passes the air, so the hair freely "breathe".
  • Do not interfere with sleep or do homemade.
  • Heat-resistant, you can use a hairdryer and other laying methods.
  • Available cost.
  • Ability to independently adjust the magnitude of the curls.
  • Suitable as a road variant.

On video bills Magic Leverage:

Among the disadvantages, the impossibility of acquiring in free sale is noted. Even in large metropolitan stores, they are not so easy to find them, not to mention small towns. It is necessary to order online, which also causes certain difficulties. The second point is a large number of unfaithful fakes.

The original products are characterized by a neutral chemical composition and is properly certified. Forgery, most likely they cannot boast such recommendations, so carefully examine the packaging before purchase. By making acquisitions through the Internet - shops, give preference to official representatives and do not be deceived on the cheap price.

Despite the recent appearance in the markets, manufacturers took care of the possible modifications of this convenient device. That is why, by purchasing such a product, you can choose the length of curling curl.

Algorithm for use of curvature Magic Leverage:

  • Curling is done on clean wet hair. You can moisten them immediately before use, as well as use hair curlers after washing the head.
  • In the "tube" a curb hook shovels.
  • From the total mass it is necessary to separate one strand.
  • With the help of the hook, capture it from the roots and stretch through the curlers.
  • Repeat previous steps for the rest of the strands.
  • After the entire head is screwed on the curlers, you must use the hairdryer or give dry hair naturally.
  • Carefully removed carefully, curls are distributed in accordance with the general plan of laying.

On video how to use Magic Leverage hair curlers:

After that, it will only be asked to fix the result by a fixing agent (for example) and enjoy universal attention, which in any option you are guaranteed. In order not to be disappointed in the purchase, it is desirable to practice a little in front of the mirror, as well as revise themed videos. They are told not only the highlights of using Magic Leverage hair curlers, as well as useful tips on laying ready-made lockers.

For what reason the hair falls out with breastfeeding and how to deal with this problem, you can understand if you read the contents of this

After a passage of several options, you will definitely choose the best way to make a quick hairstyle not only every day, but also for a special case.

To figure out all the necessary information for once and for all, about Magic Leverage's curiosity, you should also take into account some moments that guarantee successful use. First of all, you should not apply them on dirty hair, because in this case you not only do not create beautiful wavy curls, but you will also contaminate the inner part of the device. The same applies to the styling, if gathered. About further care curlers - a separate word.

It is necessary to wash them as dirty. To do this, it is desirable to use a soft detergent or ordinary shampoo. It is impractical to use the washing machine, it is better to do it manually.

You can simply dry on a towel, thanks to synthetic fibers in the composition, they are pretty quickly dried without losing a spiral form.

Main points of use Magic Leverage:

  • So that the curls turn out more, distribute strands thickening. For small curls, quite thin strand.
  • Cannot be used on dirty hair.
  • If your strands from nature is very naughty, before using Magic Leverage, you must smoke with the foam or mousse of suitable fixation.
  • For thick and long hair, one set may not be enough, this moment should also be clarified before purchase.
  • Such curiors are not contraindicated even to children, because they do not harm hair. The child is best to wear them overnight, especially since they do not interfere.

Luxury wavy curls have now become more affordable. Creating new curvatures Magic Leverage provided the simplicity of an unsurpassed result with minimal effort. Having hair with such devices easier than simple.

As a result, beautiful soft waves and absolute safety for the hair structure are obtained. When creating curls, there will be no complex equipment, high temperatures and for a long time. Now you can secure a magic result literally in minutes.

The simplicity of use literally conquers the first time, so such popularity will only increase. Instructions and detailed description of the bills Magic Leverage, as well as the basic recommendations for the choice of suitable models are presented in our article.