How to whiten your face. Essential oil of tea tree. How to whiten your face - useful video

The fashion for beautiful skin will never go away, because it is a sign of health and well-being. But the skin color that all the beauties of the world strive for can change. Once upon a time, ruddy girls were in fashion, and then tanned dark-skinned women. Today, the ball of snow white and touchy rule again. The image of a fragile woman with transparent pale skin and luscious lips is a dream of any girl to try on, because he is full of tenderness, femininity and alluring inaccessibility. Even those who are not attracted to such images want to have an even skin tone without spots, freckles and other features. And this is not surprising, because with absolutely clean skin you can create any images, from a fatal beauty to a cute Cinderella.

Skin and pigmentation

I especially want to be snow white in the cold season. Cold paints flawless cheeks with a bright blush, eyes shine, and your beauty simply goes beyond all real boundaries. However, the skin of many women has a tendency to various kinds of pigmentation, such as:

  • freckles;
  • chloasma;
  • lentigo.

Some of the above pigmentations are quite common, some are less common. All of them are united by one thing - the desire of women to get rid of them by any means. I must say that such a struggle is justified and may well lead to victory. The result of the use of whitening techniques is determined by the types of pigmentation, the cause of its appearance and the characteristics of the human genotype.

It is necessary to identify the cause before starting the fight for clear skin. It is pointless to fight exclusively with aesthetic manifestations.

Pigmentation can appear for a number of reasons.

It happens that undesirable manifestations on the skin pass without any intervention, and in another case, light exfoliating procedures are enough.

If pigmentation is caused by diseases of the internal organs, then it may be pointless to fight it. Moreover, the time spent on treating a symptom can lead to the development of more serious consequences. All this suggests that skin whitening should be started only after consultation with a specialist who will determine the cause of pigmentation.

Prevention of freckles

Freckles are the most common type of pigmentation. In most cases, freckles look cute and attractive, give originality to the face. As they say, this is a lot of small suns on one beautiful face. But often the owners of freckles are not happy with this “decoration” and strive to get rid of it by all means.

The appearance is not at all inevitable, contrary to popular belief. You can prevent their appearance if you take care of your skin from an early age. Preventing the appearance of fine pigmentation in childhood will allow you not to worry about full-fledged skin whitening in adulthood. If there are many owners of freckles in the family, then a young girl will have them with a high degree of probability. Especially on exposed parts of the body: face, shoulders, arms.

Freckles can be small and large, yellowish and brown. All of them are caused by exposure to sunlight. They appear with the first signs of spring and fade in autumn.

The main thing in the fight against freckles is UV protection. No skin whitening product will help if it is exposed to ultraviolet rays. In the very first sunny days, it is necessary to start using high-protection sunscreens. When applying makeup, it is enough to apply such a cream and lightly powder the face.

Ultraviolet is harmful to the skin

You should not trust cosmetics with photo filters, their protection is not enough to prevent the appearance of freckles. But you should not neglect it, let it serve as additional protection against the aggressive sun. At night, you need to regularly use a whitening cream.

In addition to the face, the body must also be protected. It should also not be exposed to ultraviolet light. It is better to give preference to light clothing, but with long sleeves, especially when it is very sunny outside. All sun protection during this period will become essentials: umbrellas and wide-brimmed hats, capes and other accessories should reliably protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Where he still touches the skin, cheerful red spots will not be slow to appear.

Whitening products

Whitening products include:

  • potent with side effects;
  • mild, but not giving a clear and quick result.

The reason for any pigmentation lies in the increased production of melanin in a particular area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. Therefore, all whitening procedures must be carried out with maximum protection from ultraviolet radiation. From exposure to ultraviolet rays, pigmentation can increase significantly, become more intense. During skin whitening, daily use of broad-spectrum sunscreen is essential. At the same time, decorative cosmetics with photo filters are not effective enough.

The basis of whitening procedures are two stages:

  • exfoliation of the keratinized layer of the skin;
  • decreased production of melanin.

When exfoliating the skin, melanin is removed from the epidermis, due to which the pigmented areas become lighter. Peelings are used for exfoliation.

It is necessary to choose peeling based on the type and manifestation of pigmentation. Previously, salicylic alcohol, phenols, mercury ointment were used for bleaching. Today, glycolic, citric, and lactic acids are added to cosmetic exfoliants.

Skin whitening needs to be done right

Whitening properties, the ability to inhibit the production of melanin, have various substances. For example, hydroquinone is considered one of the most effective today. But its disadvantage is the toxic effect on skin cells, so it can only be used very carefully. In modern cosmetology, a 1-2% solution of hydroquinone is used.

Also in skin whitening, arbutin, kojic acid, and ascorbic acid products are used. All of them regulate the production of melanin, but can cause allergic reactions.

Natural substances can also be quite effective in skin whitening. Of course, their effect is weaker than that of chemicals, but at the same time, the side effects from them will be harmless. In practice, bearberry containing arbutin, hydroquinone and organic acids, yarrow rich in flavonoids, licorice, parsley and much more are often used.

Persistent hyperpigmentation is treated surgically, using liquid nitrogen, dermabrasion, laser resurfacing. Surgical treatment can be used alone or in combination with other skin whitening methods.

Before starting skin whitening, it is worth considering whether this treatment is necessary at the moment. If the need exists, then it is worth taking very seriously the choice of the optimal method of treatment.

The best time for skin whitening

Facial skin whitening is best done in autumn and winter.. During this period, the likelihood of complications is significantly reduced. You should not approach the procedures with fanaticism, trying to achieve the maximum effect and completely get rid of pigmentation. It is quite enough to slightly reduce the brightness of freckles or other manifestations, and then use modern corrective and masking products for the face. With this little trick, you can become the ideal of beauty without the risk of serious complications.

Having decided the question of when to whiten the skin, you need to decide where and how to whiten it. All methods can be divided into those that can really be used at home, and those that can only be performed in the salon. The second usually requires special equipment and special knowledge that only a professional can possess. The products used in salons can be extremely dangerous if used incorrectly, so you should not risk trying them on yourself without the supervision of a specialist. For the same reason, it is recommended to carefully choose a beauty salon in which it is planned to carry out skin whitening procedures. The master must be asked for confirmation of her skill and competence.

It is better to lighten the skin of the face in the cool season.

The choice of whitening methods depends on the degree of pigmentation, financial capabilities, and desire. Obviously, procedures in a beauty salon will lead to the desired result faster, but will also require significant material investments. Home whitening can be delayed indefinitely. It takes a lot of patience to notice subtle changes in skin tone. But home whitening is safer and more affordable.

Facial skin whitening in the salon

In beauty salons, just the same chemicals that suppress the production of melanin are used. Peeling in the salon can be divided into the following groups:

  • chemical (salicylic, fruit, glycolic, lactic acids);
  • mechanical (using special devices);
  • laser, etc.

Peeling procedures need to be done several times, usually from three to eight. Laser peeling is recognized as the most effective and safe, providing low trauma and excellent results. The laser works accurately and painlessly. After peeling is over, the whitening effect is fixed by other means.

Peeling performed in a beauty salon completely opens the skin. This condition is equally good and bad for the skin. On the one hand, she perfectly perceives any caring procedures: nutrition, moisturizing, whitening, etc. On the other hand, it is more susceptible to injury, infection, and negative environmental influences. Frost, snow, sun at such moments are very unpleasant for the skin.

Full recovery of the skin after peeling occurs within a month. That is why it is best to carry out this procedure in October-November, when the scorching sun no longer burns the skin, and it is still far from severe frosts.

Skin whitening at home

Home treatments are best for those who do not suffer from truly severe pigmentation disorders. Freckles and dull pigmentation can be corrected with home remedies.

Firstly, the modern market offers a wide range of ready-made bleaching agents. Secondly, the necessary compositions can be prepared independently from simple and affordable ingredients.

Finished cosmetics are:

  • ease of use;
  • saving time and effort;
  • verified result.

Of course, creams and masks for home use will not provide the same result as a beauty salon, but for minor problems they may well help.

Folk remedies require patience and perseverance. They need to be properly prepared and applied correctly, and you also need to be prepared for the fact that the result may not be so impressive.

Most often, in home cosmetology, cucumber, pomegranate, grapefruit lemon juice is used to whiten the face. The result is achieved due to the vitamin C contained in them.

The easiest way that can be used by everyone without exception is rubbing the face with a piece of cucumber or freshly squeezed juice.

Products familiar to us will help in lightening the skin of the face

Masks also have a whitening effect. They can be made from simple products:

  • from cucumber, chopped or grated;
  • from sauerkraut finely chopped cabbage;
  • from sweet grated pepper.

Whitening masks are applied for 15 minutes and then washed off with cool water. After the procedure, a moisturizer should be applied to the face.

High whitening qualities are noted in sour milk and fermented milk products. It is enough to wash them regularly to achieve high results in the field of whitening the face. Milk has a beneficial effect on the skin as a whole, not only making it whiter, but also softening and moisturizing.

There is a good recipe for home peeling: oatmeal should be diluted with kefir and applied as a mask. This composition produces a double effect: both exfoliating and whitening. This mask is suitable for all skin types.

There are many recipes for home whitening of the face, from the simplest to the incredibly complex. But what is difficult for one is a mere trifle for another. Therefore, we give an example of a more complex composition for whitening the face at home.

It is necessary to mix three components: one grated cucumber, one teaspoon of lemon juice, half a glass of parsley broth. With the resulting mixture, you need to wipe the skin every evening for a week.

Carrying out the whitening procedure at home is quite simple.

Of course, all peels and masks must be applied in such a way that maximum attention is paid to problem areas with bright pigmentation. Before carrying out any whitening procedure, the face must be cleaned. Do not expect instant results from home whitening. It is necessary to carry out the procedures for at least a week so that the first signs of improvement appear. However, with sufficient perseverance, it is quite possible to achieve the goal.

Face whitening creams

Of all the home remedies for whitening facial skin, creams are the easiest and most effective.. Of all the cosmetics presented today, the following are considered the most effective:

  • Cream with kojic acid and lactic acid. It is highly active, limits the appearance of melanin and has a healing effect.
  • Cream with mercury. In terms of effectiveness, this is perhaps the most powerful of the home remedies. But it must be applied carefully. It is important to correctly assess the sensitivity of the skin. Pregnant and lactating women should not use this cream.
  • Salicylic alcohol. It is good for oily and normal skin. Before lubricating your face with alcohol, you need to wipe it with lotion or wash it with soap and water. Smoke face whitening - two weeks. After that, alcohol can be replaced with a fermented milk product. If irritation appears on the skin, then washing should be carried out not with water, but with vegetable oil.

Whitening cream can be prepared independently. This requires 15 grams of lanolin, a spoonful of grated cucumber, 50 grams of stone fruit oil. All this must be mixed, covered with foil and heated in a water bath. After half an hour, mix, strain and beat. The resulting cream should be applied two hours before bedtime. Apply one week.

The use of whitening creams can be combined with the use of essential oils. The most effective of them are orange and lemon oils. Their action consists not only in whitening, but also in rejuvenation, getting rid of wrinkles and normalizing the sebaceous glands.

Skin whitening and nourishing masks

For any skin, a curd mask is suitable. In combination with milk, cottage cheese whitens the skin well. Maxi from cottage cheese can be prepared in different ways:

  • salt the cottage cheese and mix with milk;
  • prepare a mixture of cottage cheese and parsley juice;
  • finely chop the dandelion leaves and add to the curd. This method is especially effective against freckles.

Other products can be used as whitening masks:

  • yeast and lemon juice;
  • yeast and hydrogen peroxide mixed to a creamy mass - especially effective for strong pigmentation;
  • grated cucumber and ¼ teaspoon of boric acid;
  • honey, starch, milk and salt;
  • honey, milk powder and lemon juice;
  • oatmeal and tomato juice;
  • lemon juice and protein;
  • banana and sour cream.

A variety of products can be used as a whitening mask. Masks made from natural products are especially good because, in addition to the whitening effect, they also have a nourishing, moisturizing and refreshing effect. And this is especially important when whitening the skin. No matter how white the skin is, if it is depleted and deprived of nutrients, it will look not attractive, but repulsive. Therefore, in order to achieve a high result when whitening the skin, special attention must be paid to its moisturizing and nutrition. To do this, you need to regularly make nourishing masks from natural products.

After whitening masks, the face should be wiped with a cool lotion. You can make a cold herbal compress and then apply the cream. The best time for masks is the evening, because after these procedures the skin becomes very susceptible to ultraviolet radiation.. If you go outside after the mask, the entire whitening effect will come to naught. The same mask must be done 8-10 times, and then the composition can be changed.

There are many skin whitening products, and each of them is good in its own way. Each woman independently determines the depth of her own problem with skin pigmentation and, in accordance with this, makes a choice in favor of one or another method of whitening it. The main thing is to remain objective and not look for problems where there have never been any.. The desire for beauty is understandable and justified, but in this desire you should not give up your own individuality.

  • Causes of skin color change
  • Prevention of pigmentation

Causes of skin color change

To begin with, you will have to come to terms with the fact that not a single cream or procedure will turn a dark-skinned girl into snow white. The skin phototype (and there are six of them) does not change under any circumstances. After all, the number and color parameters of melanocytes (cells responsible for skin color) are a constant given to us from birth.

Hyperpigmentation is the result of an uneven distribution of melanin in the skin © IStock

Another thing is that for various reasons, melanocytes can accumulate in separate small areas of the skin, forming dark spots. In cosmetology, this phenomenon is called hyperpigmentation, and all whitening creams are aimed at combating its manifestations.

Often the predisposition to uneven pigmentation is genetic in nature, but other factors can also serve as a trigger.

    solar radiation

    UV rays are the main provocateurs of pigmentation problems. It is significant that spots appear on open areas of the skin that are constantly exposed to the sun: on the face, in the décolleté area, on the hands.

    Sequelae of inflammation

    It is noticed that in place of a pimple, especially clumsily and roughly squeezed out, a pigment spot appears.

    Burns, skin injuries

    Any mechanical damage to the deeper layers of the skin can locally cause an increased production of melanocytes.

    Hormonal changes

    Hyperpigmentation often occurs during pregnancy and contraceptive use. Fortunately, it passes after the normalization of the hormonal background and the withdrawal of drugs.

It is impossible to remove age spots with a cream, but it is quite possible to make them lighter and generally even out skin tone. The result of the correction depends on the depth of the pigment spot (epidermis, dermis or their border).

Whitening Ingredients

Substances that have proven their worth in the fight for whiteness and uniform skin pigmentation can be found in the most effective cosmetic formulas.

    Acids. Any acid to some extent causes damage to the skin, contributing to the exfoliation of old cells and starting the process of formation of new ones. Refreshed, the skin looks brighter, and age spots, if they do not disappear completely, then become less noticeable. The following are most successfully fighting hyperpigmentation: glycolic, kojic, lactic, salicylic, ascorbic, azelaic acids.

    Citrus extracts. Lemon juice and orange peel are known for their whitening properties due to their acid content (responsible for renewing effect) and vitamin C (reduces the activity of melanocytes).

    Leaves of bearberry and blackberry. Extracts of these plants are often featured in brightening products due to their content of arbutin, a substance with pronounced bleaching properties.

    Licorice root extract (licorice) has a whitening and anti-inflammatory effect due to glabridin. This substance is readily used by manufacturers of cosmetics against age spots.

The main whitening ingredients block the synthesis of tyrosinase, an enzyme that accelerates the formation of melanin from its precursor tyrosine. This pigment inhibition is non-cytotoxic, meaning it does not kill or damage the cell, and is safe for the skin.” Alexander Prokofiev, doctor, dermatovenereologist, medical expert at La Roche-Posay.

Skin whitening products

Cosmetics against hyperpigmentation work in several directions:

  1. 1

    exfoliate old cells, renewing the skin;

  2. 2

    locally inhibit the synthesis of melanin.


Home peels, like any acid-based treatment, increase skin sensitivity to UV radiation. Therefore, it is better to carry them out before going to bed and during the course it is imperative to use sunscreen, even in the autumn-winter season.

    Night peeling Idéalia, Vichy, with glycolic acid, blueberry extracts, fermented black tea extract gently renews the skin and reduces the effects of oxidative stress. Used in the evening after cleansing instead of tonic.

    Night peeling lotion against wrinkles and age spots "Revitalift Laser x3", L "Oréal Paris, contains glycolic and fruit acids, accelerating the process of renewal of epidermal cells. As a result, the severity of age spots decreases, as well as other age-related skin changes.

    Nightly micropeeling, accelerating skin renewal Nightly Refining Micro-Peel Сoncentrate, Kiehl's, carries out the task with the help of fruit acids, phytic acid and quinoa husk extract.

    Night two-phase peeling Visionnaire Crescendo, Lancôme, contains fruit acids and quinoa extract (first phase), as well as a combination of salicylic and glycolic acids (second phase), which work together to even out skin tone and texture.


Whitening day creams also have a renewing effect, but work very gently, along with reducing the activity of melanin production. Don't expect instant results. In this case, the key to success is persistence and regularity of application.

    Highly effective anti-pigmentation care cream Advanced Pigment Corrector, SkinСeuticals, corrects the manifestations of hyperpigmentation, prevents relapses and renews the cellular composition due to four acids of multidirectional action.

    Cream for perfection and radiance of the skin Absolue Precious Cells White Aura Crème, Lancôme, has a brightening effect, stimulates the process of cellular renewal, reduces age spots and restores radiance to the skin thanks to the anti-aging Pro-Xylane molecule and white rose extract.

    Cream that evens out the tone of the face, Blanc Pur Couture, YSL Beauty, is based on the Glyco Bright complex, which brightens age spots and generally evens out skin tone, giving it a smooth and radiant appearance.

    Moisturizing gel for an even tone and smooth skin texture Clearly Corrective Brightening and Smoothing Moisture Treatment, Kiehl's, characterized by a light texture and the ability to lighten age spots and skin tone. In the composition - vitamin C, glycolic acid, peony extract.

Whitening with cosmetic procedures

Salon methods, of course, are several times more effective than home whitening products. That, however, does not cancel the daily care, which gives the skin an even color and radiance.


The problem is solved by a slight burn with acid, which forces the skin to urgently get rid of old cells along with accumulations of melanin. If pigment spots are superficial, then excellent results can be achieved through a course of acid peels.

Laser thermolysis

The laser beam is able to penetrate deep enough and thoroughly renew the skin. Lightening of age spots, even and radiant complexion are guaranteed.


One of the most effective ways to target pigment spots is based on the ability of light waves to penetrate the skin and destroy melanin accumulations without involving neighboring tissues in the process.

Is it possible to quickly whiten the skin?

It depends on what period is considered fast. Few hours? It's an impossible dream. If we are talking about a few days, then you can achieve a good effect with the help of a professional procedure aimed at skin renewal. The softer the impact, the shorter the rehabilitation, but the result is less pronounced.

You can only achieve a quick result with a beautician © iStock

Do you want a noticeable effect? Talk to a beautician about medium acid peeling or laser photothermolysis (adjustable depth). In this case, the skin will be thoroughly injured and rehabilitation (exfoliation of dead cells) may take 7-10 days. Whether it lasts long or not is up to you.

Prevention of pigmentation

If the skin is prone to hyperpigmentation, you should be especially wary of sunlight, as well as listen to the recommendations of experts.

  1. 1

    Reduce sun exposure to the minimum.

  2. 2

    Don't leave home without protecting your skin with a cream with SPF 30-50 at any time of the year.

  3. 3

    Include in daily care agents that regulate the production and distribution of melanin.

  4. 4

    Carry out skin-renewing activities only during the period of least solar activity.

Which of the women does not dream of perfectly clean, delicate porcelain skin, each cell of which seems to exude light from within. A woman with such skin will be noticed in the largest crowd. The light of her face involuntarily attracts the eyes, forcing others to admire youth and beauty. And it doesn’t matter at all how old you are - 16 or over 70.

A well-groomed woman with perfect skin is beautiful at any age. But what if the past years, the wrong lifestyle, stress, ecology or the bright sun have managed to put their marks on your skin? What if the face is burned, strewn with freckles or has acquired an earthy hue? How to whiten the skin if there is no time or money to visit beauty salons?

We assure you: these problems are solvable, the main thing is the desire to change yourself. Use the usual products that are in every home to whiten your face. But before starting a substantive conversation about recipes for masks, let's pay attention to something else.

When should you not try to lighten pigmentation yourself?

The skin, like litmus paper, shows the state of the body. Any sudden pigmentation is a good reason to contact the doctors. A small dark brown spot on the forehead may indicate liver problems. Large age spots with uneven edges on the face are about serious hormonal disruptions.

An earthy complexion will make the doctor suspect Graves' disease, HIV, oncology, sepsis. Greenish - cirrhosis, kidney disease, tumor. Redness of the skin - rosacea, tuberculosis, erythrocytosis, allergies and many other diseases. Remember: at the initial stage, skin cancer also disguises itself as a pigment spot.

Trying to whiten your face on your own in such situations, you will not get the desired effect, lose precious time and allow the disease to slowly but surely destroy the body.

You should not resort to skin lightening if your face has:

  • unhealed wounds or stitches;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • melanoma, keratosis and a number of other skin diseases.

Do not rush to try to lighten age spots if you have recently undergone a salon procedure or your skin is dehydrated and very thin.

If the skin is healthy and you want to make it whiter, lighten freckles, feel free to proceed with simple procedures.

Face masks at home

For those who do not know how to whiten their face without spending extra money, we have prepared some simple recipes, the effectiveness of which has been tested.

You will be helped by:

Juice of parsley and any citrus fruits. It will help remove age spots and saturate the skin with microelements. Squeeze out a small amount of juice, soak a cloth in it, then leave it on your face for 20 minutes.

Berry puree. The ideal option is strawberry and viburnum. You can use currant. If the skin is sensitive, then it is better to dilute currant puree with water. To get a mask, crush the berries, apply them to a slightly damp gauze, apply the mask to your face. Wash off after 15-20 minutes. To enhance the effect, add a small amount of honey to the berry puree.

Cucumber puree. This tonic should not be mixed with other products. Make a slurry, immediately put it on your face and leave for 25 minutes. Such a mixture will not only whiten the skin, but also perfectly moisturize it.

White clay. Dilute the clay powder with water and apply a thin layer on the skin of the face. The longer the mask is on the face, the better the effect can be achieved. Wait for the gruel to dry, and then rinse.

Mustard. This recipe is not for everyone. Before whitening your face with mustard, test the possibility of using a mask on the skin of your wrist. Dilute the mustard powder with water so that the mixture resembles sour cream. Apply to the wrist, hold until you feel a burning sensation. Wash off with warm water. If irritation does not appear after the mask, apply on the face.

Kefir. This drink will help get rid of age spots. And if you add parsley juice to it, then the result will exceed all expectations.

Make masks regularly until the spots disappear. This process takes some time. This is not always suitable for lovers of quick results, and they are looking for other ways to lighten their skin.

We recommend using face masks made from soda, peroxide and lemon. The only condition: these substances are quite aggressive towards skin cells, so they cannot be used for too dry and sensitive skin.

peroxide face whitening

An excellent bleaching agent made from peroxide is prepared quickly. Mix one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide with a few drops of ammonia and a bar of laundry soap. Beat these components until a stable foam appears. Apply it in a thick layer on the skin. It is better to use such a remedy three times a week, but not more often, otherwise the skin will become thinner.

Use hydrogen peroxide for the face in combination with products such as:

  • Yeast. Mix a spoonful of dry yeast with the same volume of peroxide, apply the product on the skin for 15 minutes.
  • Cottage cheese. 1 egg yolk, 1 l. fat cottage cheese, 2-3 drops of peroxide.

Owners of dry skin can do this mask once a week, normal and oily - 2 times a week.

Important: Remember that peroxide lightens the hair, so be careful when applying the mask near the eyebrows.

How to whiten your face with baking soda?

Another fairly effective tool that can be found in the kitchen in any home is baking soda.

Simple Recipes:

Soda for the face with natural honey. Mix one tablespoon of honey and cream with soda (take on the tip of a knife) and apply for 10 minutes, then rinse and moisturize the skin.

Anti-Inflammatory Blend. 1 tsp baking soda for the face, 2 tbsp. l. potato starch or oatmeal (can be made from oatmeal by grinding them in a coffee grinder), add water until a thin gruel is obtained. To improve the effect, add a few drops of tea tree oil.

Remember: baking soda can also be used as a scrub. All you need to do is lightly moisten the powder with water and rub it into the skin, running your fingers along the massage lines of the face. To refresh your skin and tighten pores, use orange juice instead of water.

Whitening face with lemon

The juice of this citrus perfectly helps to cope not only with freckles, age spots, but also with various rashes.

To whiten your face with lemon, use:

Cotton balls soaked in fruit juice. Wipe your face with them.

Lemon-apple-glycerin mask. For the first preparation, take a few drops of lemon juice, half a spoonful of apple juice and a spoonful of glycerin. For the following procedures, bring the amount of lemon juice to half a spoon. This will allow the skin to get used to the acidic environment and prevent irritation.

A mixture of baking soda and peroxide. It can only be used to lighten problem areas. To prepare this super effective remedy, mix 2 tsp. soda and 1 tsp. peroxides.

Soda procedures should not be carried out more than once a week. Time for masks and scrubs - no more than 10 minutes.

We have already written more than once how to lighten the skin of the face at home. This topic is not only extensive, but also in demand by women of all ages.

Even cute freckles sometimes cause significant discomfort to their owners, not to mention pigmentation, acne spots, remnants of excessive sunburn and a dull complexion.

In order for the skin tone to be even, yellowness and grayness to go away, it is not enough to use decorative cosmetics and try to mask imperfections. And daily skin care is also not enough if a woman has such problems.

Today we will talk about why you need to whiten your skin, what are the rules for using homemade skin lightening recipes and, of course, introduce you to new recipes for whitening masks and other home remedies based on natural products.

Why lighten your skin?

The main reason we have already mentioned is aesthetic. A woman cannot look and feel well-groomed if spots and acne marks appear on her face, if dark circles under her eyes are visible, her complexion is gray or yellowish. Any of us will try to deal with such a situation: someone will go to a beautician, and someone will use folk remedies and try to cope with homemade masks, lotions and scrubs.

And, of course, the skin will not acquire a good color if it is not regularly nourished. Weekly, or even 2-3 times a week, prepare nourishing masks from natural products, they are safe and perfectly supply the epidermis with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Here you will find a selection of such masks for different skin types:.

The best masks for skin lightening

We offer the most effective recipes for skin lightening masks at home. Choose the formulations that suit your skin type, test them and be sure to find those that will help you achieve the desired result. Repeat the procedures in a course of 10-14 times, and then change the composition of the mask.

Cucumber is a wonderful product for skin care. As part of homemade masks, it perfectly moisturizes the skin, saturates it with microelements and whitens it. The effect will be greatly enhanced when combined with helpers such as parsley and lemon.

Cucumber - 1 piece
Parsley greens - 1 bunch

Grind a small cucumber on a grater or in a blender. Finely chop a small bunch of parsley to make about 2 tablespoons. Squeeze out fresh lemon juice. Mix everything and apply on the face, neck and décolleté. Where pigmentation often appears. Leave the mixture on your face for 20 minutes and wash your face with slightly acidified lemon water.

Cottage cheese as part of brightening masks for spring pigmentation can be mixed with a variety of products: salt, parsley and dandelion juice, egg and hydrogen peroxide. From the proposed recipe, choose what you like best and use to improve complexion.

Curd - 2 tablespoons
Milk - 1 teaspoon
Egg yolk - 1 piece
Parsley greens - a small bunch
Fresh dandelion leaves - 5-6 pieces
Salt - 1 pinch

Ingredients 1: mix cottage cheese with milk, pour in parsley juice and add a pinch of salt.
Composition 2: rub cottage cheese with finely chopped dandelion leaves.
Composition 3: mix cottage cheese with raw yolk and add peroxide.
Keep the composition on your face for no more than 15 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.

Honey is an indispensable product for skin care, it supplies it with very useful vitamins and microelements. And in combination with lemon juice, it perfectly whitens age spots and freckles. It is better to use this mask in the morning, before washing. The face after the procedures remains fresh for the whole day.

Natural honey - 1-2 tablespoons
Lemon juice - ¼ teaspoon

Mix the ingredients and apply on face and neck for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with cool water and proceed with further skin care and makeup.

Yeast is often used in homemade masks. They contain a lot of substances useful for the skin, and in combination with hydrogen peroxide, they can fight even very strong pigmentation.

Raw yeast - 1 tablespoon
Hydrogen peroxide - 5-6 drops

Mix yeast and peroxide, if the mask is too thick, add some fresh milk. Apply to problem areas and keep until completely dry. Then rinse with water.

Starch is known as a wonderful product for nourishing the skin, it perfectly tightens and rejuvenates the skin, providing the effect of Botox. In addition, starch also whitens, so it is used in masks for pigmentation on the face.

Potato starch - 2 tablespoons
Honey - 1 dessert spoon
Salt - 1 whisper
Milk - 1 tablespoon

Mix all the ingredients until a homogeneous slurry is formed and apply to the face in several stages as the previous layer dries. In total, hold the composition on your face for up to 25-30 minutes and then wash your face.

Parsley is an excellent skin bleach. But in combination with lemon and honey, the effect is enhanced, whitening age spots, freckles, post-acne marks.

Parsley greens - 1 bunch
Honey - 1 tablespoon
Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon

Finely chop the parsley and take about 2 tablespoons. Add liquid honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice. This mask should be kept on the face for 15-20 minutes and washed off with cool water.

Express methods for fair skin

  • An excellent face mask with a nourishing and brightening effect will come from banana pulp and cream.
  • To whiten dark skin around the eyes, boil a potato, mash it and mix it with finely chopped parsley.
  • Mix the pulp of red currant with a teaspoon of honey - you get an excellent brightening mask.
  • Mash the pulp of a melon or strawberry and simply apply it on your face. In 10-15 minutes you will get the result.
  • In the cream you are using, add lemon, orange, grapefruit, rosemary, sandalwood, vanilla, or turmeric essential oils. This will give the cream extra. Enough 1-2 drops per single serving of cream (5 grams).

Prevention of pigmentation and dark complexion

  1. In order for the face to retain its fresh color, you need to pay attention to the state of your health. Detect and treat skin diseases and problems of internal organs in a timely manner.
  2. If you want to look good, you have to give up smoking, alcohol abuse and junk food.
  3. Always, at any time of the year, protect your skin from harmful solar radiation. Wear sunscreen even in winter, it is better if they contain zinc oxide, which is an excellent barrier against UV radiation.
  4. Do not sunbathe in the sun between 10-11 am and 4-5 pm. Wear hats and sunglasses when it's hot.
  5. Nourish and moisturize your skin regularly so that it stays healthy longer and can withstand the harmful factors of the environment and time.

Remember that a healthy, fresh complexion speaks of your grooming and youth. Use additional tips from this video:

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Greetings, my readers!

No matter what they say about the inner world, outwardly everyone also wants to look good.

One of the most common problems of young people and already adults today can be called pigmentation on the face.

Therefore, learn about will be superfluous.

From this article you will learn:

How to whiten your face at home?

Causes of pigmentation

The main ones in this matter are melanocytes. These cells are responsible for the production of melanin - the very dark pigment that is produced in large quantities and forms dark spots on the skin.

Pigmentation is generally not pleasant.

Even freckled girls can experience discomfort, and their biggest desire in life is to get rid of red spots.

So, where do they come from, these age spots?

  1. Genetic pigmentation - it is present from birth.
  2. cosmetic preparations.
  3. Taking medications, in particular antibiotics and exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  4. Due to some diseases, for example, the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Exposure to ultraviolet rays.

But not only pigmentation may require facial whitening.

Often there are spots on the skin after acne, which you also want to get rid of as soon as possible.

Therefore, the following recipes will help to cope with any darkening on the face and brighten the skin.

What are the ways to get rid of pigmentation

How fastremove spots?

It is possible in a beauty salon, but it will be, perhaps, the most expensive way.

If time permits or it is financially possible, it is better to use the services of professionals. Their methods are effective and allow you to achieve the desired result in a short time.

If there is no opportunity to contact a beautician, you will have to act on your own, resorting to home bleaching.

As usual, traditional medicine comes to the rescue with its innumerable recipes.

Also in the cosmetic store you can find different whitening creams and masks, or you can make them yourself.

The more anti-pigmentation agents are used, the sooner it will be possible to evaluate the result.

Recipes for lightening the skin of the face at home?

So, you can do it yourself at home:

  • compresses;
  • lotions;
  • lotions;
  • masks;
  • decoctions and juices.

How to whiten your face - useful video

Decoctions with a whitening effect are the simplest thing you can think of.

  • Rice broth for washing

For its preparation: 1 tbsp. Pour the rice into a bowl and cover with water.

Put on a small fire, stir occasionally.

When it is cooked, you need to strain the broth and let it cool. Then pour into molds and put in the freezer.

  • Herbs- there is nothing more useful than decoctions of them.

In addition, they still nourish the skin well.

You can take it, brew it and wash it daily.

It is necessary to pour a tablespoon of grass with boiling water (about 1 mug) and soak for a couple of 15 minutes. Strain, cool, put in a dark cold place for storage.

Fruit juices for face whitening

You can also wash and wipe your face with juices.

  • Grapefruit juice

One of the best is grapefruit. You can wipe it in different ways: with fruit slices, or with a cotton pad dipped in juice, or freeze the juice and wipe it with an ice cube in the morning after washing with water.

  • Lemon juice

Another useful fruit is. It is also often used in whitening masks as the main ingredient. But you can do without a mask, just wipe the skin with a piece of fresh fruit, and then be sure to moisturize.

  • cucumber juice
  • Honey

It is necessary to put 50 g of honey in a container and add a few drops of lemon juice. Mix, apply on the face (preferably in the morning, after sleep), then wash and apply a moisturizer.

  • Curd

5 drops of hydrogen peroxide and egg yolk are added to 50 g of cottage cheese. Mix well, then apply on the face and leave for 15 minutes.

  • yeast

30 g of yeast is poured into a plate, after which peroxide is carefully, gradually added to them. You should get a porridge that is applied to the skin for 15 minutes.

  • oatmeal

The flakes are mixed with 50 g of kefir, then left to infuse the mixture a little.

  • Lemon

Lemon juice mixed with egg white, 10 grams of sugar and a tablespoon of plain water. Leave on the face for half an hour.

  • cucumber

Grate the cucumber, add face cream to it, mix well and leave on the skin for 15 minutes. This mask will nourish and moisturize well.

  • Strawberry

The berries should be well kneaded and the resulting porridge applied to the face.

  • From peas

25 g of fresh green peas are kneaded in the same amount of whey and applied to problem areas.

  • from melon

The pulp is ground into gruel and distributed over the face, then left for a quarter of an hour.

Whitening lotions for the face

Making them is not at all difficult, you just need to moisten small pieces of gauze in the right solution and apply on your face.

The role of this very solution can be the same essential oils that have already been discussed, as well as other products.

For example, kefir. With it, lotions are made twice a day for 20 minutes.

You can also mix lemon juice with glycerin and vinegar in equal proportions. You also need to keep it on the skin for 20 minutes, and this is one of the fastest recipes.

But not every home has glycerin, but everyone has it.

A pinch of this powder is diluted in water (it will take about 4 tablespoons of liquid) and lotions are made in the same way.

Face whitening lotions

First recipe: in a glass half filled with milk, add a tablespoon of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of vodka and a teaspoon of sugar.

Second recipe: horseradish juice is mixed with water in a ratio of 1 to 1.

Also for skin lightening you can simply wipe it with lemon juice or 3% hydrogen peroxide. It is worth remembering that all these lotions cannot be used if the skin is dry and sensitive.

Contraindications for skin whitening at home

As such, there are no contraindications, but we must not forget about precautions.

As a rule, whitening masks are very dry. With oily type, this is not a problem, but dry skin must be moisturized and nourished.

Another problem is an allergic reaction. If any of the components has not been used before, it must be tested first on the arm. Within 24 hours, we observe the reaction, and in the presence of redness, the agent cannot be used.

Also, after whitening procedures, you should not go out into direct sunlight, and you should not whiten skin with hyperpigmentation without the guidance of a specialist.

You can buy natural, organic cosmetics with an effective skin whitening effect here.

If you have any interesting and effective recipes of your own, share them in the comments.

I would be grateful for the repost, and also invite you to my groups on social networks.

Alena Yasneva was with you, that's all for now!