What is dangerous during pregnancy? Dangerous diseases during pregnancy

Women who are responsible for pregnancy planning are probably aware of the analysis on Torch infection. Torch is a medical term that is used to designate dangerous during pregnancy diseases: toxoplasma infection, rubella, cytomegalovirus and herpes. However, this fourth the number of serious diseases, alas, is not limited.

Elena Anatolyevna Remez, doctor gynecologist-endocrinologist, k. M., Leading a SM-Clinic Holding Specialist, told "Letor" about what diseases can be dangerous to the health of the future mother and baby.


The transfer of toxoplasmosis can occur not only with close contact with the animal itself, but also with direct contact with feline waste, as well as when cleaning the tray.

Another way to transmit toxoplasmosis is not enough thermally processed or raw meat of an infected animal, since the infection can affect other animals, such as cows, chickens.

Also, infection can occur through badly washed fruits and vegetables (they could contact with the soil, in which Toxoplasm larvae contained).

Toxoplasmosis in most cases passes completely unnoticed, but sometimes you can observe the following symptoms: a long-grained subfebrile temperature, increased lymph nodes, nausea, muscle pain and joints, weakness. Very rarely, at sharp forms of toxoplasmosis, impairment of vision and chronic strong headaches are possible.

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For people with normal immunity, the virus usually does not bear any serious health effects.

However, the infection of the toxoplasmosis of a pregnant woman is very dangerous for the fetus, as the toxoplasm can penetrate the placenta.

Infection in the first trimester is unlikely, but if the fruit is infected, then it threatens to be miscarriage or frozen pregnancy. The most dangerous for the fetus is contact with toxoplasm during the second or third trimesters. Infection threatens with various anomalies in the development of the fetus, stillbirth, eye damage and a baby brain.

How not to get toxoplasmosis

To protect yourself and a future child from infection, a pregnant one should pass serological analysis (usually twice for pregnancy: the first time - when registering, the second time - at the 30th week), examine the cat (if the animal is in the house) and avoid contacts With other people's cats during pregnancy, eat only well root or woven meat, as well as thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables and not deal with earth.


The fact that rubella is dangerous for the development of the fetus, perhaps most of the future mothers. Usually rubella have time to pass in childhood or instilled in and in the future acquire immunity to this disease.

If the pregnant woman did not hurt her before and infecting during pregnancy, the fetal infection carries so destructive consequences that this is an indication for the interruption of pregnancy. The fetus can develop such defects as a decrease in brain, a change in eyeballs, congenital cataracts and deafness, various heart defects, encephalitis, meningitis.

How don't rub rubella

The only prevention against rubella is vaccination, necessarily carried out at least three months before the proposed pregnancy with parallel barrier contraception during this period.

If you become pregnant, without having passed vaccination and non-rubella to pregnancy, the most important method of prevention is to avoid all sorts of contacts with infected and potentially infected rubella people.

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Therefore, for example, in kindergarten and in other places with accumulation of small children is not worth walking.


Cytomegalovirus (or CMW) is an infection that is transmitted by sexual path, through saliva, maternal milk, as well as by the household (for example, through a common washcloth or towel).

By itself, a virus is not terrible for a person and is even widespread among people: the first year of life is infected with every fifth, by 35 years old - about 40% of the population, and by 50 years old - more than 95%. In most cases, he does not exhibit in any way, but if immunity is reduced (for example, with HIV, chemotherapy, complex operations), the virus may cause eye damage, light, digestive system and can lead to a fatal outcome.

However, in most cases, the maximum that you threatens is a mononucleosus-like syndrome that proceeds quite easily and is cured without a trace.

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But during pregnancy, the primary infection and aggravation of the virus.

Through the placenta, the virus enters the fruit about 40-50% of cases, and the consequences of this may be deplorable. When infected with the fetus in the early time there is a high probability of spontaneous miscarriage or anomaly of the development of the fetus. When infected at a later date, multi-way, premature genera and congenital cytomegaly may occur.

How not to get sick cytomegalovirus

To eliminate the likelihood of CMV infection during pregnancy, the rules of personal hygiene should be followed, to use a condom when you have sex.


Herpes, as well as CMW, can completely painlessly live in the human body for years - sometimes, with a weakened immunite, the virus shows activity in the form of rashes (for example, on lips, genitals or skin). But in general, the virus is usually not terrible for human health.

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However, during pregnancy, the danger is precisely the primary infection with the virus.

In the case of the first appearance of genital herpes during pregnancy, the virus can penetrate the placenta and multiply in the tissues of the fetus, which leads to its death, miscarriage, congenital ugliness, brain damage, liver, other organs of the fetus, underdeveloped pregnancy.

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The risk of fetal damage is estimated at 75%.

With the onset of pregnancy, all the defensive forces of the body of the future mother are aimed at the prosperous tooling and the development of the baby in the womb. As a result, the body of a pregnant woman is extremely strongly susceptible to attacks of viruses and infections, and hormonal changes make themselves felt. Most often, the future mothers for long 9 months have to deal with such states:

  • - This state is developing on a period of 6-7 weeks, but it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. It is considered that more intense the manifestation of toxicosis, the greater the harmful substances in the body of the future mother, which accumulated as a result of improper lifestyle to conceive;
  • - In the early pregnancy, the future mother should be especially attentive to its body and avoid lifting weights. This may lead to the threat of abortion;
  • - disease caused by the activation and reproduction of yeast-like mushrooms of the genus Candida. Harmless, at first glance, pathology can lead to serious problems in consequences, subject to the absence of treatment;
  • Weakness and dizziness most often occurs in the early periods of pregnancy and can be due to the hormonal restructuring of the body or signal the development of iron deficiency anemia;
  • Serious pathology requiring a doctor's help. In the absence of treatment, the fetus may suffer from the deficiency of oxygen and nutrients, which significantly affects its development.
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Even harmless at first glance, medicines are able to damage the child.

Fortunately, such drugs that are allowed to receive and during pregnancy can be used to treat most diseases. However, it is very important that the treatment starts only after consulting a doctor. This also applies to pharmaceutical products, which is sold in pharmacies freely, without a recipe.

Interestingly, in Germany, for example, in order for women to be easier to navigate in the diversity of medicines, they are divided by ten categories in the degree of risk: from G1 to G10. The G1 group includes drugs that can be taken almost without risk. Reception of drugs included in the category G7 and more may become dangerous for the child. When pregnant, these medicines can not be taken in any case.


Ordinary colds accompanied by cough, runny nose and hoarse, are not dangerous for the child. Exclude the reception of combined drugs purchased at the pharmacy, even if you suffer from such not passing symptoms as a scored nose or painful cough. Many of the drugs contain substances that are unsafe taken during pregnancy (for example, alcohol or painkillers). In all cases when you want to use a clear cold medicine, discuss it with your doctor. By the way, the gynecologist is now becoming your main consultant and in those issues that you have previously appealed for help from a general profile doctor. Treatment of colds - a living example. Therapists work in women's consultations: in case of issues or problems requiring a competent decision, you can contact them.

With a strong cough, it is necessary to drink as much as possible. Inhalation with essential oils will also help facilitate malaise. If the cough brings you down badly, you can briefly resort to expectorant means - the child does not suffer. In Europe, in such situations, drugs are prescribed based on Codeina, however, remember that in Russia this substance is actually equal to the category of narcotic and should not be used by pregnant women - especially without a doctor's advice!

With a strong runny nose, the child does not experience problems as long as you can inhale enough oxygen. Steam baths for a face with essential oils or a solution of cook salt almost always bring relief. From the use of funds that remove swelling of the mucous membrane, you must refuse, since they usually cause a narrowing of blood vessels. Safety spray with sea salt or droplets from a cold for newborns - as a rule, they are quite enough. At elevated temperature and headaches, you can take 500 mg of paracetamol with the permission of the doctor. In this case, strictly follow the dosage. If the temperature is above 38.5 ° C, you need to call a doctor. In the case of a protracted viral infection after the truncated funds have not led to an improvement, the doctor may register more serious drugs. Do not worry: In the correct dosage, antiviral and immunomodulatory funds should not entail serious consequences. In any case, their side effects are incomparably less than the harm that has a virus itself.

How do medicines affect the child

In the first weeks of pregnancy, some women still do not know that they will have a child. Often the beginning of this period passes against the background of receiving quite serious medicines, some of which is considered critically dangerous for the fetus. It is not necessary to get upset strongly if it applies to you: the risk of making serious harm to the child is very small.

This is explained by the fact that the effect of drug medicines depends on many factors:

  • Not all children react to negative impacts equally.
  • Violations occur only at certain stages of development (as a rule, it is very short intervals). For this reason, most medicines are not as dangerous in late pregnancy.
  • If the child really causes damage, then under certain circumstances, a small body will be able to cope with them independently.
  • The seriousness of damage depends on the amount of medicinal product. Therefore, long-term reception of drugs is not allowed in principle. A one-time dose most likely will not cause any problems.


Headaches during pregnancy, unfortunately, not uncommon. However, when choosing an anesthetics should be extremely caution: there are only a few drugs that can be taken without exposing your child's danger. Even paracetamol or acetylsalicylic acid is not so harmless. Before you decide to take any medicine, just in case consult your doctor.

Perhaps the alternative methods of treatment will help get rid of headaches:

  • Go for 10-15 minutes in the fresh air.
  • Learn relaxation technique.
  • If the cause of the headache is the stress in the backbone, ask you to assign a massage course to you.

To the headaches, accompanied by violation of vision, nausea and vomiting, in the last trimester of pregnancy should be taken very seriously. The cause of this ailment may be preeclampsia, requiring urgent medical intervention.


A short time at a cold is usually not dangerous for a child. But if the temperature rises to 38.5 ° C and above, an antipyretic agent (paracetamol) should be taken. At the same time, you should drink as much as possible to compensate for the loss of fluid in the body. If the temperature does not fall for a long time, you need to consult a doctor.

Combined drugs sold in pharmacies for treating flu infections cannot be taken in any case. They almost always contain ingredients that can harm the baby. Therefore, every time you are going to take advantage of one of these medicines, negotiate with your doctor.

Urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infections are quite a frequent phenomenon during pregnancy. At the very first symptoms, check whether liquid is enough you drink during the day.

Preference to non-carbonated water or herbal teas of soft action. Avoid coffee, as well as vegetable and fruit juices with a high content of acid. They are additionally annoyed by the bladder. Your condition can improve the fact that you will adhere to these rules.

If you still have before pregnancy there was inflammation of the bladder, then you will have to be treated with antibiotics just in case. It is best to discuss it with your gynecologist. When consulting with the doctors of other specializations, be sure to inform them about their pregnancy.

Gastrointestinal infections

Gastrointestinal infections are usually disappearing as suddenly, as they arise. For treatment, the solutions of electrolytes sold in pharmacies are best suited. If not later than two days later, you again feel good, the disease will not affect the child.

But when you get more two days and symptoms appear:

  • heat,
  • vomiting
  • headache and lubrication in the whole body
  • znob,

you should immediately call a doctor. The cause of the disease could become food poisoning or severe infection. And in these cases, qualified medical care is of great importance.


During pregnancy, diarrhea is rare. In that case, if you still get sick, try to solve the problem as quickly as possible (the maximum period - 2 days) is important for the child, since the lack of fluid and the impaired balance of electrolytes adversely affect its condition.

  • With diarrhea, it is fundamentally important that you drank as much as possible. Eat crackers and salted sticks - it normalizes the content of electrolytes in the body.
  • Avoid hard digestible and fatty foods.
  • If necessary, the doctor may assign you a reception of activated carbon or tablets, which includes Loperamide as an active substance.

Alternative treatments

Many people think: "Disease during pregnancy is fraught with nightmarish consequences." The emergence of such thoughts is quite clear, because the medication is almost impossible to take, and you have to endure the symptoms of the disease, often very unpleasant until they go through themselves. Fortunately, many ordinary indispositions are well treated with alternative methods.

All over the world and in Russia, in particular, homeopathy and naturopathy are becoming increasingly popular. The advantage of these methods is that they do not cause side effects, so during pregnancy they can be applied without fears. However, in order to achieve the desired goal, in most cases a consultation of an experienced specialist is needed, because it is very difficult to choose the right tool. It is important that you yourself carefully follow yourself and correctly fixed all the symptoms. Such observation is of particular importance when it comes to psychosomatic disorders.

Treatment of concomitant diseases

If, in connection with your chronic disease (epilepsy, hypertension, diabetes, bronchial asthma), you must regularly take medicines, consultation with the attending physician is particularly important. Try to inform him about your pregnancy immediately - immediately, how you yourself know about it. Then you can think about how to continue the treatment on. Never accept an independent decision on the cancellation of medicines. Your condition can worsen the most dramatic way and jeopardize your child's well-being. Therefore, be sure to take all the necessary medicines. If the treatment is carried out competently, the pregnancy will not have a negative impact on the course of the disease.


The study proves that with proper treatment and constant medical supervision, maternal asthma during pregnancy does not represent an increased threat to a child or for the very feminication itself. While asthma is controlled, the negative effects of cortisone treatment (steroids) is eliminated. However, apparently, there is a direct relationship between insufficient treatment of asthma and the low weight of the child at birth.

HIV infection

If you treat this disease correctly, today there are real chances that the child's HIV-infected mother will be born healthy. Thanks to the use of anti-tranilation drugs during pregnancy and operational conduct of planned cesarean section, the risk of infection managed to reduce from about 20 to less than 1%. With a low concentration of the virus, the mother and additionally carried out therapy are even natural genera.

Liver diseases

Hepatitis A

Pregnant women who are sent to the regions infected with this virus can make themselves the appropriate vaccination, and then for ten days an immunoglobulin is additionally treated. If the acute phase of hepatitis in time coincides with the period of childbirth, it is advisable to conduct active and passive immunization of the newborn.

Hepatitis B

Graft from hepatitis in during pregnancy acts reliably and efficiently. The newborn child of the mother infected with the hepatitis B virus should take active and passive immunization (immunoglobulin against hepatitis B) within 12 hours after birth. In this case, it is possible to even successfully establishing breastfeeding.

Hepatitis S.

Vaccine to prevent this disease, unfortunately, has not yet been developed. Cesarean section for child protection is not required. Breastfeeding is possible and even preferably.


With qualified treatment, all problems associated with this disease are overcome. If the blood sugar content has stabilized at an optimal level, and the insulin doses are correctly chosen, then the future mother is unlikely to threaten anything. With a well-adjusted Sugar, the risk of the pathological development of the child does not increase, and its intrauterine supply does not suffer. Birth can occur spontaneously, they will not have negative consequences for your health.

Cardiac diseases during pregnancy

The overwhelming number of heart disease during pregnancy and childbirth is not out of a series of outgoing problems.

However, there are few diseases that subjected the mother to serious risk in these cases it is recommended to refrain from pregnancy.


If you suffer thrombosis, you should not worry about your pregnancy: throughout the life of the child, you can take heparin in accordance with the prescriptions of the doctor, and this does not hurt your baby.

Gostels pregnant women

Many women during pregnancy occur skin changes. There are many pigment stains, it comes to itching and skin rashes. Despite the fact that all these phenomena are usually harmless, it is necessary to find out their origin. They can be caused by a skin disease or a response to pregnancy. In addition, such changes may indicate problems with the liver. The cholestasis of pregnant women, accompanied by itching and pathological changes in the liver, is a greater danger to the child. Therefore, just in case, be sure to visit the doctor. Local outdoor treatment (ointments, lotions with glu-kokicoids) is preferable than systematic therapy by means of tablets and injections. Ursodeoxycholic acid at the cholestasy of pregnant women helps not only improve the state of the mother, but also significantly reduce the risk for the child.

Thyroid gland and its disease

Diseases of the thyroid gland are most often exacerbated during pregnancy. Remember, both the pitpofunction of the thyroid gland and its hyperfunction can lead to a violation of the health of the mother and child. To prevent the occurrence of problems with the thyroid, it is necessary to consume enough iodine. This is the easiest to achieve, if you constantly use for cooking only iodized salt and twice a week there are fresh maritime fish.

For timely detection of the disease, the doctor at the beginning of pregnancy should examine the function of the thyroid gland and determine the level of antibodies - first of all, this refers to women belonging to the risk group. These future mothers have already established a disease or there is a hereditary predisposition.


Epilepsy belongs to the most common severe neurological diseases during pregnancy. It suffers from 0.5 to 1 percent of future mothers. In order to avoid I insufficient intrauterine supply of a child, epilepsy must certainly be treated. When choosing medicines, extreme caution is required, since some drugs (valproinic acid) increase the risk of pathological development of the fetus.

It is important that the treatment is carried out before pregnancy with the help of a drug containing only one single active ingredient. In addition, the patient should focus on the minimum dosage. The daily reception of folic acid in the first third of pregnancy will additionally protect the child from the formation of defects of the nervous tube.

Pregnancy is a sufficiently long period, during which the future mommy can manifest themselves or exacerbate any diseases. Nowadays it is difficult to meet a woman who did not get sick for this beautiful period. But the pledge of the health of the future kid is the health of his mommy. What diseases most often occur during pregnancy and what to do when they occur?

Ectopic pregnancy.
One of the dangers that a pregnant woman can sleep is an ectopic pregnancy, which is expressed in the development of the fetal egg outside the uterus, namely in the uterine tube. The development of ectopic pregnancy can be facilitated by inflammatory processes leading to changes in the uterine pipes and violations of the functions of the endocrine system. Most often there is a spontaneous interruption of pregnancy for 6-8 weeks. The main symptoms of ectopic pregnancy are dizziness, pain in the stomach of acute character, reduction of pressure, weakness, fainting condition, bleeding, pulse cheating. The patient with such symptoms urgently hospitalized, examine, after which they operate. In this case, prophylactic treatment is carried out to prevent the recurrence of the situation.

Non-prompt pregnancy.
A frozen pregnancy can be a grief for a future mother. It is expressed in the intrauterine death of the fetus in the early periods of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks). Most often to undeveloped pregnancy, factors of genetic, infectious and endocrine character are given. In addition, the development of this pathology contributes to chlamydia, herpes virus, mycoplasma and ureaplasma, staphylococcus, gonococcal, fungal and streptococcal infections. The usual OSR can also cause penetration of microbes to the embryo and provoke the development of this pathology, which, in turn, leads to the emergence of the inflammatory process in the uterus. Most often, the woman's body naturally turns into a dead embryo, as a result of which miscarriages happen. Only conducting an ultrasound study can be diagnosed with undeveloping pregnancy.

In 90% of cases, varicose veins are striking women during pregnancy. The development of varicose diseases can be facilitated by violations of the hormonal background, as a result of which the veins are irreversibly extended and expanded. Reducing the tone of muscle fibers, an increase in venous pressure, disadvantage of estrogen hormone, an increase in blood mass, raising the level of relaxin hormones and progesterone in the body of a woman, as well as large loads on legs also leads to the development of varicose disease. The development of varicose veins can also contribute to the presence of the placenta. In the development of this disease, not only veins on the legs are affected, there are cases of lesion of external genital organs, vagina, small pelvis organs, rectum, belly skin, mammary glands and buttocks. In cases of complications, the varicose disease may be accompanied by bleeding, allergic dermatitis, etc. In the treatment of varicose veins, conservative (most often), surgical and injection and sclerizing methods are used.

Conservative treatment implies full cure varicose after pregnancy. During the pregnancy, a woman is recommended that wearing elastic supporting tights, thanks to which the blood flow is increased, as well as frequent feet for foot horizontal position. In addition, proper nutrition and massage plays an important role in a given disease. Injection and sclerosing therapy during pregnancy does not apply, and surgical - is used in the most emergent cases, with a pronounced selection of veins.

With the development of varicose veins during pregnancy, women are recommended preventive measures to prevent the development of such complications, as complex labor, accompanied by early water, detachment of placenta, bleeding and weak generic activity. In this case, the doctor can assign a cesarean section.

Veins thrombosis.
Varicose disease in the running stage may cause veins or thrombosis. According to statistics, this disease is most often observed in pregnant women. In addition, according to medical statistics, thrombosis is much more often arising after childbirth than before them. Veins thrombosis affect pregnancy and childbirth, significantly complicating them and presenting a serious threat, both for mom and for the future kid. Mostly the development of vessel vessels contribute to damage to the walls of the vessels, the impaired blood flow rate and the change in blood composition. The pregnancy only complicates blood outflow, namely the pressure of the uterus on the vessels, a decrease in the tone of the venous wall, an increase in blood outflow from the placenta, leading to the overload of veins and stagnation of blood. In addition, generic injuries can provoke the development of vein thrombosis.

Methods for treating thrombosis depend on the place of its occurrence. For example, conservative therapy is used in thrombosis on the lower part of the hip and on the lower leg, including the general and local impact. Local therapy is to apply orate appliqués and cold. In the case of thrombophlebitis, high subcutaneous veins make it dressing through the Trojanov-Trendelenburg operation.

Natural childbirth in women with thrombophlebitis are not prohibited, but depend on the previously conducted treatment and a specific situation. To prevent the development of the pathological process, the childbirth is carried out using anesthesia and droppers. Since ascorbic acid affects blood consumption, it is forbidden to apply it with pregnant women with thrombophlebitis.

After resolving pregnancy, compresses and exercise are recommended to continue. In addition, you should do an ultrasound and visit the doctor at the inspection of the limbs. Women who gave birth with the help of cesarean section, in the current six hours after childbirth, you should pass heparinetherapy. After childbirth, women with thrombosis should be under the supervision of the surgeon, limit all kinds of loads, and also always use elastic bandages and stockings.

Diseases during pregnancy gynecological nature.

Diseases of ovaries.
Often during pregnancy there are neoplasms of ovaries. If the neoplasms are small (up to 8cm), most often they pass independently by the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy. If the diameter of the neoplasms is more than eight centimeters, while the growth of them actively continues, the surgical intervention is shown, providing for the removal of the tumor. In particularly rare cases, pregnant women identify the neoplasm of the ovaries of a malignant nature, there are no symptoms. If such a tumor was detected at the end of pregnancy, then, as a rule, treatment is prescribed after delivery. Operation to remove malignant neoplasms is carried out after the locked cesarean section. If the disease is at an early stage of development, then maybe the appendages of the uterus will be removed only on the one hand, while the woman can still have children in the future. In case of neglence, chemotherapy is assigned after operational removal of the tumor.

Twist the uterus.
The rare complication during pregnancy is to twist the uterus. Most often, this pathology is parallel with the uterine and the process of adhesions in the pelvic area. This disease is accompanied by acute abdominal pain, which can cause a pregnant pain shock and lead to the discontinuation of the placenta. In this case, immediate hospitalization and surgical intervention is required. Remove the twisted uterus is possible only in early pregnancy. If this disease has been revealed at the later period of pregnancy, a planned caesarean section is appointed. With this disease, child mortality is almost one hundred percent, women's - fifty percent.

Myoma uterus in pregnant women.
Often during pregnancy, the uterus is asymptomatic. But this disease can provoke miscarriage and cause infertility. In addition, the Mioma of the uterus can lead to other complications during pregnancy, such as improper presence of the fetus, the impossibility of moving the fetus by generic paths, bleeding and premature placenta detachment. Strong pain may be observed, and even fever. With this disease, the bed regime and the use of drugs are recommended. In the event of a detection of another pathological process flowing in the body in parallel with the uterine miomer, an operation is assigned.

Bacterial vaginosis.
The cause of bacterial vaginosis is Gardnerella Vaginalis. This disease is manifested in the form of gray discharge with a sharp unpleasant odor of the vagina. Drug therapy is appointed. The only risk of pregnancy is prematureness of childbirth.

Vaginal candidiasis (thrush).
Vaginal candidiasis or thrush is caused by yeast mushrooms and is accompanied by white curly discharge from the vagina and itching in the field of genital organs. The treatment of thrush is carried out by using modern vaginal candles and creams that save the symptoms of this disease in just a few days. Recommended passage of the course of treatment with both partners.

Herpes genital organs in pregnant women.
This disease is manifested in the form of a plurality of small painful pimples on the mucosa of the genitals, which are gradually open. During pregnancy, it is undesirable to treat this disease, but in special cases hormonal drugs are prescribed. Herpes of genital organs during pregnancy is a testimony for cesarean section.

Pointed Condylomes in pregnant women.
This type of disease lies in polypovoid increments on the skin of the perineum, cervix, vulva or vaginal mucosa. Provocates the development of this disease, the papilloma virus. This disease is serious, because it may cause cervical cancer. Pregnancy contributes to the growth of Condyl and their rupture. To prevent the vagina breaks during childbirth, caesarean section is prescribed. In the case of infection of the newborn from the mother, this virus has papillomatomatosis of the larynx. Caesarean operation does not give warranty that the child will be healthy because medicine has not yet known ways to transfer the disease from the mother to the child. The treatment of this disease in pregnant women is carried out by the use of cryotherapy, laser therapy, electrocoagulation.

Trichomonosis in pregnant women.
The causative agent of this venereal disease is Trichomonas Vaginalis. The disease is accompanied by itching and burning, foamy discharge from the vagina with an unpleasant odor. Treatment is carried out using the use of clotrimazole vaginal candles. Must be carried out in parallel the treatment of sexual partner.

Gonorrhea in pregnant women.
The cause of gonorrhea is Neisseria Gonorrhoeae bacterium. The disease is expressed in the appearance of purulent discharge from the vagina or cervix and painful urination. This disease is diagnosed with analysis (bakposposev). The treatment of gonorrhea in pregnant women is carried out using antimicrobial therapy without tetracycline. Since this disease most often proceeds in parallel with chlamydial infection, so in the treatment, the use of drugs capable of fighting both types of pathogens is recommended. Also necessarily treatment of sexual partner.

Skin diseases during pregnancy.
Since pregnancy implies changes in the body of a woman, then often future mothers during this period are facing skin diseases. There is a certain classification:

  • skin tumors whose growth can be caused directly by pregnancies;
  • skin disease caused by pregnancies;
  • different skin diseases that are exacerbated during pregnancy.
Influenza during pregnancy.
The most frequently encountered disease during pregnancy is flu. It is during this period that the flu is especially hard to transfer and fraught with serious complications. Most often, the flu epidemic occurs during the cold periods of the year. For pregnant women and women in labor represents a significant threat, because at this time the immune system is weakened. Weakness, wheezing, headache, temperature increase, cough, fever - such symptoms most often accompany this disease. For the future mother, the flu is dangerous by the development of such complications as pneumonia and a fatal outcome. In more than half of cases, the flu is caused by spontaneous abortions. The flu virus can penetrate the placenta to the embryo and cause miscarriage.

When pregnant, only a doctor should be treated and conducting it, to which pregnant should apply at the first symptoms and report that it is in position. Treatment of this disease during pregnancy has its own characteristics, since many drugs are contraindicated: aspirin, antiviral drugs, antitussive and vasoconductive drugs. Mostly, treatment is carried out with the use of folk and homeopathic agents. It is important in this case abundant drinking with vitamin C, flushing a virus from the body (mors, drink from rosehip, tea with raspberries, honey and lemon). As an antipyretic agent, a paracetamol is allowed to use pregnant women. Breast fees are prescribed against cough, or drugs allowed for use during pregnancy. Herbs-based steam inhalation (eucalyptus, chamomile, sage, mint, hypertension) are also relevant.

In order to prevent influenza during pregnancy, it is recommended to make vaccination before the start of the epidemic. The vaccinations of the new generation include inactivated (killed) influenza virus, so there is no fear for the health of the baby. The exception is only an early term of pregnancy (up to 14 weeks). Nevertheless, vaccinations also do not allow one hundred percent confidence that the disease will bypass, so the increase in immunity, proper nutrition, physical activity, a healthy lifestyle is still relevant. Also before going out to the street, pregnant should be lubricated with oxaline oxaline mucosa, or ointment with visiferon, and rinse the mouth of the eucalyptus melted oxygen.

Diseases of the nervous system during pregnancy.
Some diseases of the nervous system can be exacerbated during pregnancy, therefore, it is recommended to observe a pregnant woman at the same time a gynecologist and a neuropathologist.

Diseases of the digestive system during pregnancy.
No uncommon during pregnancy are diseases of the digestive system, in which there is often a disruption of metabolism, as a result of which the fetus does not receive the elements and the vitamins necessary for the right development. Therefore, rational food is recommended pregnant, as well as constant control over the weight gain. Intestinal infections may provide complications that manifest themselves in the form of premature labor.

Intestinal infection, flowing with diarrhea and vomiting in late pregnancy, is a danger due to dehydration. In this case, it is recommended to drink abundant drink in the form of herbal teas, nose of a rosehip. In more serious cases, special solutions should be taken to rehydrate: reciprons, oralitis, glucosolyan. In addition, it should be limited to consumption of oily food, tea and coffee to complete recovery.

Early toxicosis.
This disease is mainly manifested during the first two or three months of pregnancy. But it is not worth it to confuse the ailment of early toxicosis with ordinary, characteristic of all pregnant women with symptoms (nausea, vomiting in the morning hours), which do not affect the state of future mommy and does not require medical intervention. The difference in early toxicosis from ordinary ailments during pregnancy is that the vomiting occurs several times a day and is accompanied by a sharp intoxication of the body, as a result of which the weakness develops, the temperature increases, the pulse increases, and the pregnant loses greatly in weight. In this case, urgent medical care is required.

Gestosis (late toxicosis).
Gestosis, as a rule, manifests itself on the last period of pregnancy. This disease has several stages moving each other. In the first stage there are edema on legs, hands and later on the face. As a rule, it is recommended to observe a strict diet: nothing salted, sharp, as much as possible fluid, and mandatory unloading days twice a week. The second stage of gestosis is characterized by an increase in blood pressure and the appearance of protein in urine. In this case, even if there is excellent well-being, pregnant is hospitalized, since the second stage of gestosis quickly and unnoticed can go to the preeclampsia, which in turn threatens the eclampsia - the last stage of gestosis, in which a woman loses consciousness and convulsions appear. To date, it is not known that it provokes preeclampsia and eclampsia. It is known that preeclampsia has a property of developing after 30 weeks of pregnancy. Late toxicosis is striking the liver and many other organs.

Acute viral hepatitis.
Most often, acute viral hepatitis ends with recovery, less often - goes into a chronic form. The symptoms of acute viral hepatitis are to increase the temperature, nausea, vomiting, weakness, intense itching, urine of the dark and the yellowness of the skin. During pregnancy, this disease provokes spontaneous miscarriages and premature birth. During childbirth and early period, after them, the likelihood of bleeding is high.

The term of pregnancy, which occurred in charge. The danger of infection of the fetus increases when infection in the 3 trimester, as well as in the event of damage to the placenta. Hepatitis B, C, or D, most often, the kid is infected during childbirth in the presence of cracks on the skin or mucous membranes, less often - intrauterine. The prevention of hepatitis in newborns is carried out during the first 24 hours after birth by vaccination.

Chronic hepatitis.
Chronic hepatitis is not dangerous for the future mother, does not affect pregnancy and its outcome. During pregnancy, this disease is characterized by low activity and lack of exacerbations. Baby infection can be carried out mainly in the process of childbirth, less often - intrauterine. As prevention, the newborn in the first hours after birth make vaccinations.

Women with chronic hepatitis A, B and C are allowed to breastfeed. However, it is important to monitor the integrity of the nipples and mucous membranes of the child's mouth. If there is bleeding cracks on the nipples or damage to the mucous meal of the child, the natural feeding is better to postpone for a while.

During pregnancy, women increase the occurrence of allergies. In this case, contact a specialist for help, and in no case do not engage in self-medication.

Nose bleed.
A rather frequent phenomenon during pregnancy is nasal bleeding, which is explained with an increased blood volume content in the nasal mucosa. In the event of increased cases of nasal bleeding, you should consult a doctor and test your blood pressure and blood coagulation.

Pregnancy is an important and responsible period in the life of every woman, during which she should take carefully and follow their state of health and health. Even minor ailments can harm the health of the future kid. Regular observation of the doctor and adherence to all recommendations will help reduce the risk of developing any complications during pregnancy and give birth to a healthy and strong baby!

Perhaps the most common disease among pregnant women is a cold. The causative agent of this disease can be viruses or body supercooling. It is not difficult to guess, the greatest probability to pick up the cold falls in the cold season - winter and early spring. There is even a folk sign: if the girl began to catch up too often, then this is a sign of pregnancy.

It is only external similarities with a cold, which are caused by hormonal changes after conception that lead to fatigue, fluid delays and a constantly laid nose.

During pregnancy, the body even the most healthy woman is in a state of oppression of the immune system, so that it accidentally did not occur the reaction capable of destroying his own child, which the body can take for a foreign body. As a result of this immunosuppression, a woman becomes more susceptible to all seasonal diseases for the sake of saving the life of the baby.

Many women mistakenly consider immunosuppression by pathology and try to cure it. According to physicians, such a state is the normal behavior of the body during pregnancy and is not a reason for concern.

Cold, like any other disease during pregnancy can harm the child. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully follow their health and pay attention to the most innocuous signs of the disease. Not many mommies are able to hold a pregnancy in warm climate, so try not to catch the flu or cold in the autumn-winter period. Any incorrect step during pregnancy can harm the child's health!

The first symptoms of colds during pregnancy can be headaches, constant fatigue and indisposition. Already in the first day, the condition may worsen. A runny nose appears, then the throat begins to hurt and cough begins. In some cases, cough may appear before other symptoms. Loss of appetite and throat pain also testify to viral disease. As a rule, if the disease is not very serious, then the cold during pregnancy can occur without high temperature, usually no more than 38 degrees.

The greatest discomfort is delivered to the first 2-3 days of the cold, with the right treatment of which the disease quickly begins to retreat.

As a rule, signs of colds may occur when blowning or overcooling the body. More complex diseases of ORZ or ORVI appear as a result of viruses and bacteria. In all cases, the symptoms of the disease are very similar, but require a different approach in the treatment. Not every young mother will be able to distinguish bronchitis, pneumonia or sinusitis. Therefore, before starting treatment, it will be important to learn what disease will have to deal with.

What is dangerous cold during pregnancy?

Another unpleasant moment - the virus can already be in your body, but not to show activity. But upon the occurrence of favorable conditions, the pregnancy can be attributed, the virus begins its active breeding activities. Most often it happens in the first trimester, when the fruit is just beginning to develop and form. Even a minor disease seems to be a cold can cause a delay in the development of the vital organs of the child.

If herpes appeared on the lips, which happens quite often during pregnancy, then there is no reason to worry. The manifestation of a cold on her lips can give a child immunity to this disease after birth, since together with nutrients, the kid receives and antibodies against viruses.

The most dangerous in the first weeks of pregnancy is to get rubella. The symptoms of this viral infection are very reminded by a cold: cough, runny nose and an increase in lymph nodes. There are insignificant rashes on the skin, which can only see the experienced dermatologist. Even light runny nose is another serious danger. If it does not start its treatment on time, then the disease can progress into sinusitis, bronchitis or pneumonia.

Another major danger to the baby represent such viral infections as flu. Here you usually have 2 options: either the virus does not have any influence on the development of the child, or the vices appear leading to spontaneous miscarriage. In such a situation, it is necessary to observe the specialist. Only he can say whether pregnancy is working normally. If the results of the analyzes and research do not detect any pathologies, there are no reasons for concern.

Such serious diseases will have to be treated with serious drugs. But in the first months, the embryo is as we weak that any medicine can interrupt pregnancy. Behind the fact that you can kill the baby even before you have learned about pregnancy. If the pregnancy was planned, then care for his health should be started from the first days after conception.

The cold in the second trimester is less dangerous, but it's not worth relaxing! A lot of unpleasant complications may arise and in mommy: multi-way, the development of inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs, complications in the postpartum period and chronic infections.

No one can say than the harmless cold will end, but if it is timely taking care to maintain immunity and the fight against the first symptoms of the disease - then on the health of mom and child it will not affect it!

But even a heavy form of a cold during pregnancy is not yet a sentence. The mother's body can withstand many diseases without consequences for the fetus and the woman itself. It all depends on the state of health and genetic predisposition.

Treatment of colds during pregnancy

As mentioned earlier, many diseases have similar symptoms, so before starting treatment you need to know exactly what disease will have to win. Of course, it is best to entrust this task by a specialist - to your doctor. In a state of pregnancy, completely different treatment techniques are required. Medicines familiar in normal condition can be ineffective during pregnancy, so also lead to complications!

First of all, with any signs of a cold, you should cancel all your plans and a couple of days to lie down at home. During the treatment of disease during pregnancy, bed regime is a prerequisite. You can go out of the house or do your homework only after the cure of all the symptoms. If the treatment of the cold is delayed, then it is necessary to re-turn to your doctor!

An important element of health and treatment during pregnancy will be the right balanced nutrition and a sufficient amount of pure drinking water. Water helps to derive causative agents from the body of the disease and accumulated toxins. But this does not mean that water consumption should become uncontrollable. Excess water in the body can lead to edema.

It is recommended not to load the gastrointestinal tract with heavy food during pregnancy, but choose more digestible products and dishes. Also eliminate sharp, salty and fried. Porridge and stew vegetables, dairy products or dietary broths will be an excellent source of energy. In short, choose warm and liquid food. Love onions and garlic - excellent, a couple of cloves of garlic will be allowed to cope with the disease.

It is strictly forbidden to take alcohol and alcohol-based drugs. Without the need and permission of the doctor, do not take antibiotics, antipyretic agents, immunomodulators and enhancing pressure products. It is best to use natural preparations and means of traditional medicine.

Treatment of colds during pregnancy by folk remedies

Most drugs are generally prohibited or not recommended to take during pregnancy, because pharmacological companies are afraid to take responsibility for possible fetal defects. Any thoughtful mother should understand that any pills can affect the child in the most unpredictable way. Therefore, it is best to resort to the people's trusted centuries to the treatment of colds - medicinal grasses!

It is not recommended to take herbal tinctures on alcohol, like any alcohol. Even a small dose of alcohol can cause irreparable harm to the fetus! The heart of the child works in a high pace - at least 200 shots per minute. The use of alcohol during pregnancy can speed up this rhythm even more, and this can cause chronic heart disease after birth!

During epidemics, it is better to take advantage of more efficient means to maintain immunity. For example, ordinary horseradish is one of the most effective colds during pregnancy. Especially popular so popular recipe: you need to finely cast the root of the horseradish and mix with an equal amount of honey, refined sugar use is also not recommended. Put the resulting mixture into a warm place for 1 day and take on a tablespoon every hour.

Anti-cough is effective in inhalation with sage or chamomile. They soften the inflamed nasopherler and treat a cold. To carry out inhalation, it is necessary to boil potatoes along with the skin, adding a tablespoon of eucalyptus leaves or chamomile into it, and then inhale her pairs straight out of the pan, while the head with a towel.

If you are tormented in the throat, you can make ragners for rinsing from calendula, chamomile or sage. If the grass does not help get rid of pain, then you can buy in the pharmacy ready-made mixes for rinsing in the form of tablets, they quickly dissolve in water and disinfected the oral cavity. The most suitable during pregnancy is Furacilin or Chlorhexidin.

Another proven treatment for colds during pregnancy - honey and beekeeping products! These delicious and useful delicacies are an excellent means of respiratory diseases. Especially the honey will be especially effective in combination with lemon and infusion of rosehip as tea. But it is not necessary to get involved in honey closer to the end of pregnancy - your baby may have allergies, and mom is diabetes.

Hazard overheating in the treatment of cold

Special caution in the treatment of colds in pregnant women need to be shown to water procedures. A relaxing hot bath with salt or essential oils can have a stimulating effect on the uterus, which can lead to interruption of pregnancy or premature childbirth! Targets or sauna are also prohibited.

With caution you need to treat a park of legs. Heat makes blood to stick to the legs, while there is a chance that blood blence occurs from the placenta, which will cause the lack of oxygen and nutrients in the kid.

Cold for pregnancy is better treated in dryness and warmth. Dress the scarf, woolen socks and warm pajamas. Just a few nights in this form will significantly improve your well-being and get rid of sore throat and runny nose.

Rubber and laid nose

A strong runny nose with a cold makes it difficult to breathe not only mom, but also a child. Such syndrome is called hypoxia. But together with the lack of oxygen, the body begins to experience a lack of water! With a strong runny nose, the body can lose 2 liters of fluid per day! So try to fill these losses during the day.

Also during pregnancy, it is not recommended to abuse without needing drops for a nose like naphtizin, osivin or galasoline. Carefully read the instructions for drops and do not exceed the recommended dosages. The fact is that in these drops there are thumbnailing substances, the action of which can adversely affect the blood supply to the placenta, which can lead to a delay in the development of your child.

In addition, everyone knows about dependence on such droplets. Already after 3 days, the use of naphtizin may have addiction and practically narcotic dependence, which will provoke you to frequent instillations in the nose, even without reason. This is due to the spasm of the vessels and the edema of the mucous membrane of the nose. As a rule, drops give only temporary relief, and after some time the nose lays even stronger, which leads to a closed circle! The use of these drops is recommended only during a strong discharge of the mucus from the nose.

Pregnant girls are even more susceptible to the occurrence of drip dependence, many feel nasal congestion throughout the pregnancy before the birth of the baby. In this case, it is best to rinse the nose with a weak solution of salt - just half a teaspoon of salt on a glass of water will be enough. You can also buy nasal drops based on sea water, for example, Aquamaris. Or dripped into the nose a couple of drops of aloe juice.

Another effective means is the "Star" balm. It can be simply inhaled, so lubricate them my nose. A similar effect is the ointment "Doctor IOM" based on herbs. Carefully monitor the manifestation of allergic reactions if they appeared - then using these ointments and balms are not desirable.

Increased immunity with vitamins

During pregnancy, women are never needed vitamins! So try daily to eat as much fresh fruit as possible! Apples, bananas, oranges, tangerines, pineapples are available for almost all year round. And in the summer season, do not deny yourself in juicy berries - raspberries, strawberries, cherry and others will quickly fill your body with vitamins. Most often this method is much cheaper and more efficient to use tablets and capsules with synthetic vitamins.

If you want to take and pharmacy vitamins, then you will definitely visit the doctor's advice! After all, much depends on the period of pregnancy and the presence of disease. The doctor may recommend receiving ascorbic acid to maintain tone during infectious diseases. The most important thing is not to take vitamins more than the norm, overdose by vitamins can lead to the incorrect development of your baby!

What to do at high temperatures during pregnancy?

As a rule, colds pass at a body temperature of 38 degrees. Higher temperatures are very rare. In this case, the doctor may prescribe antipyretic drugs, for example, paracetamol. Applications aspirin is not recommended, since one of its side effects can be miscarriage! It is strictly forbidden to take any even the newest antibiotics, which can lead to the development of fetal vices. Cold for pregnancy can be cured without them.

If the sharp rise in temperature is accompanied by a chill, it is best to wrapped in a warm blanket and drink several cups of hot herbal tea from raspberry, souls or coltsfoot. Heat will help expand the vessels and warm the body. Next, you need to knock off the heat, for this you can confuse the body of 3% vinegar with diluted water.

Prevention of cold during pregnancy

Treatment of colds - the occupation is not pleasant. It is best to take care of health in advance! In order for the disease does not find surprise during pregnancy, you must follow a few simple rules. An important condition for the prevention of any cold is to strengthen immunity!

The main success of health during pregnancy will be a healthy lifestyle! Urgently need to get rid of all bad habits. Try to spend more time in the fresh air - at least 3 hours a day. Hiking in the park or forest will help strengthen immunity and heart muscles. In cold or rainy weather, do not allow the undercooling of the body and fling the lower extremities. You have to forget about fashion - dress only comfortable and warm things. Check your home as often as possible, make cleaning and rub dust. Try daily to do therapeutic gymnastics or yoga.

Another good remedy for the prevention of colds during pregnancy is aromatherapy and essential oils. Such oils like mint, lavender, eucalyptus, rosemary and many others have a good antiseptic effect. But carefully read the instructions - many essential oils are not recommended during pregnancy, and also have individual intolerance. Also, onions and garlic have an antiseptic effect - they can not only eat them, but also decompose the sliced \u200b\u200bslices where you spend most of the day.

Do not forget about elementary safety, even with family members, friends and neighbors - because in appearance it is not always possible to determine the presence of viral diseases in a person. A harmless conversation or a handshake will reward you with dangerous causative agents of infectious diseases. Especially forbidden any contacts with sick people! Try to avoid crowded and poorly ventilated places.

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