What are small facial features. What facial features say about a person's character

Psychology 1

Greetings, dear blog guests! Often, after meeting a person, we have a certain idea of ​​his personality, character, behavior. We understand on what topics you can communicate with him, whether humor is appropriate, how to behave so as not to offend his feelings.

But often our opinion is also erroneous, and in the process of communication we begin to be surprised at some points. To get to know a person better, it is not enough what he tells about himself and what his facial expression is. Experienced physiognomists can learn almost everything about a person by looking at the features of the face.

Today I will share the secrets of how to determine the character of a person by facial features.

What will physiognomy tell about?

Basically, most people think that character is something very complex, so that it can be easily revealed in the nose and lips. Yes, this is true, but there is a connection between our external data and internal characteristics.

Try to evaluate your friends using the physiognomy method, and you will understand that this science reveals all the cards to us.

How physiognomy helps:

  • get to know your loved ones better in order to smooth rough edges in conflict situations;
  • secretly find out more information about the person you are interested in;
  • easily recognize socially dangerous individuals;
  • learn more about yourself, as well as how your inner world is in harmony with external data.

Thus, knowing at least a little in the art of physiognomy, you get only one advantage.

Public trait - forehead

It is believed that the lower part personifies the personality, and the top of the society. If they are harmonious, then the person easily adapts to society and finds new acquaintances. The elongated top of the forehead indicates the character of the leader.

If the forehead is, as it were, divided into two zones: top and bottom, then this may indicate that to a person.

If the lines are straight, quadrangular, this is a sign of a good heart. A steep forehead indicates high intelligence. Excessive bulge is a sign of narrow-mindedness and narrow-mindedness.

A person with a sloping forehead is strong-willed, not used to obeying others. This is evidenced by the deepening at the nose. If it is absent, the person is disciplined.

Pronounced browbrows indicate laxity. The round shape is inherent in docile, flexible people who are able to win over those around them.

Forehead features:

  • small with a zigzag border of the hairy part - hot and tough nature;
  • bulge in the corners, latitude - intelligence;
  • resembling a crescent - a narrow-minded person;
  • deceitful, greedy, cunning people have a low forehead, tending backward;
  • excessive bulge is characteristic of mundane individuals;
  • directness - broad soul, kindness.

It is impossible to judge a person by only one forehead. In physiognomy, all the details are important, because everything consists of little things. So, let's move on.

Energy trait - nose

Do you want to know the energy potential of a person? Pay attention to the nose. The size is not important. People with a huge nose may have such qualities as indecision, lack of initiative. A small nose can be persistent, strong.

You need to look at the form. A nose with a hump at the base indicates a tough character. A hole in this zone speaks of shyness, shyness. The hump is observed in strong-willed and passionate. Such noses are characteristic of the Roman people, and their history proves their significance.

Also, a slight hump may indicate a creative nature.

Features of the nose:

  • big and straight is observed in the proud, talented, calm;
  • like an eagle - imperiousness;
  • pointed - endurance and willpower;
  • when the nose continues the forehead, it is vanity;
  • long - egocentrism;
  • striving to the mouth - vulnerability, resentment;
  • upturned at the end - assertiveness, curiosity, cunning;
  • snub-nosedness speaks of excessive frivolity;
  • a thick organ indicates that a person likes to drink.

Observe the people around you to see if the description of their nose matches the character. You will be very surprised when you learn to decipher the data of nature.

Beauty trait - eyes

The eyes are considered the most attractive feature of a person. They take part in communication and say more about us than we think. This is the personification of spirituality.

To decipher the meanings, you must be able to interpret the right eye in men, and the left in women. So, if a person has a more developed right eye, then he is prone to self-giving. Transparent eyes are observed in pure, kind people.

Dark and brilliant in the cunning and cunning. The best shape of the eye is considered to be an oval, which personifies the harmony of the soul. Deep-set eyes are usually seen in slow but deep personalities.

Eyes that are close to each other indicate that their owner has blurred the line between negative and positive. For people with harmoniously set eyes, this problem does not exist. These people are determined in their intentions.

Bulging huge eyes with small eyelashes are a hot-tempered, quarrelsome personality who, during a good mood, is sensitive and cheerful.

Narrowed eyelids, raised eyebrows, sharp gaze - a cunning, observant, egocentric person.

Narrow eyes with half-closed eyelids - fearlessness, integrity, integrity.

Sleepy eyes with drooping eyelids and thick eyebrows - softness, passivity, laziness.

Wide open eyes, eyebrows with a break, eyelashes bent up - a strong-willed, honest, open, independent personality.

Petty and cunning people have small eyes with heavy eyelids.

Cheekbones - the personification of strength

Our cheekbones tell how the spirit manifests itself in life. According to them, you can talk about the sociability of a person, the ability to correctly understand and use information. This trait is pronounced among many eastern peoples, so they are able to unite with each other.

On the cheekbones they speak of such qualities as cunning, a tendency to lie, self-interest. People whose corners of the eyes are lowered to the bottom, and the cheekbones are pronounced with a poorly developed frontal zone, these are exactly the same and should be vigilant with them. The bulge of the cheekbones indicates cruelty and anger.

We read on the ears and cheeks

If a person's cheeks are thin, this indicates a soulful limitation. But even in huge cheeks there is little positive. They talk about strong vulnerability, vulnerability.

Ears are a very important feature in physiognomy. In their configuration, they resemble a human embryo, and experts see great meaning in them. If the lobe is saggy, it speaks of spiritual freedom. In addicted and constrained individuals, the lobes are adjacent to the body. If there are no lobes at all, which also occurs, these people are envious and dangerous.

The tip of the ear speaks of the ability to adapt. If it is close to the head, then this person is slow, but if something begins to study, then it is given to the fullest. In smart, nimble people, the tops of the ears move slightly to the sides.

Large ear shells speak of magnetism. That is, such individuals are able to manipulate, influence people.

Sensual mouth and lips

Small lips and mouth indicate pedantry. Pursed lips are seen in selfish people. The correct shape of the lips, proportionality, harmony, the same bulge indicate honesty, strong-willed personality, inclined to think.

If the lower lip is wider than the upper lip, this indicates laziness, gluttony. And when the top is larger than the bottom - a feature of a kind person.

Beware of people with very thin, compressed lips. They are selfish, cruel, sarcastic. People with full lips are very sensitive.

Examining the inner chin bar

This is the personification of endurance, perseverance. If a person has an elongated chin, he is distinguished by discretion. Convex and rounded is observed in the practical. The insidious have a pointed chin. Moving forward speaks of purposefulness.

A dimple on the chin indicates stubbornness, isolation, narcissism. Soft is inherent in sensual natures, and bony is greedy. In passionate people, there is a bump in the center of the chin. A reliable person has a moderately rounded and convex chin.

Dear guests, apply this knowledge in practice and subscribe to updates on my Internet portal, share information on social networks. Until next time!

Character leaves marks on every person's face. Physiognomy has accumulated knowledge for centuries and has developed into a separate science. So, even by the earlobe, you can find out what your interlocutor is.

First of all, attention should be paid to face shape. If it is oblong (the width of the forehead is equal to the width of the chin), then the person is well developed intellectually. As a rule, such people are sensitive, receptive, but at the same time balanced. It is not surprising that prudence is inherent in them.

Triangular face indicates cunning and quarrelsomeness. A high and wide forehead, prominent cheekbones, a small, pointed chin often speak of a person's giftedness and talent. Unfortunately, such people are prone to betrayal.

Similar to the triangular shape trapezoidal but it has a broad forehead and a slightly tapered (but not pointed) chin. These people are intelligent, sensitive, artistic. Women with this face shape are optimistic. They live happily, creating a pleasant atmosphere for those around them.

Square face usually belongs to a stern, courageous, often heartless person. Often such people are intractable, rude, persistent. In communication, they are certainly straightforward and frank. The most striking features are determination and an indefatigable thirst for success. As a rule, such people are good performers, although they themselves are persistently drawn to leadership.

Round face associated with good nature, gentleness, peacefulness. They prefer comfort, good company and do not strive for fame, although they are not alien to ambition. If a person with a round face has a high bridge of the nose, protruding cheekbones, burning eyes - he is purposeful. Such people can make enviable leaders and commanders.

Now you can go to the features... Proportional development eyebrows(shape, color, density) indicates a balance of emotions, mind and character, therefore wide, long ones are considered ideal. If bushy eyebrows stand on end with their outer ends, this is a sign of the soul's generosity and courage. Such a person is considered to be born for success.

Dropping outer ends indicate shyness. If a man has straight and long eyebrows, protruding against the background of pleasant skin, then he is reputed to be an intellectual. Short but bushy eyebrows indicate an explosive nature.

Bristly eyebrows always indicate obstinacy, stubbornness, uncompromisingness. Bushy, heavy eyebrows that come together signify an irresistible urge to dominate. High-set eyebrows indicate purposefulness, while sitting too low indicate the opposite. It is possible to apply this knowledge, rather, to men, because women often use tweezers and change the shape of their eyebrows.

Next, we will focus on the eyes. When they are beautiful and attractive, it means that a person has health, will, intelligence, temperament. Big eyes speak of the sensitivity of the soul, vulnerability, sentimentality. Courage is often on a par with this. Small eyes are usually those of sullen, withdrawn, uncooperative people.

Landing eyes also allows us to draw some conclusions. Both eyes on the same horizontal line is a favorable sign. If they are sloping downwards: for men - decisiveness, and for women - imprudence. If the upper eyelid is slightly lowered - this is a sign of maturity, a strongly lowered upper eyelid in men indicates depletion of energy.

Too sagging lower eyelid speaks of an uncontrollable drive, a riotous lifestyle. If the outer corners of the eye are buried in a network of diverging wrinkles, this is a sign of discernment. Of course, the older a person is, the more reliable information is read from his eyes.

Nose, although a less characteristic feature, but a lot can be said about it. A person with a rounded nose and shaped wings becomes a strong personality. A long nose is a sign of a pronounced individuality, and a short nose speaks of an open mind and optimism.

A high and even bridge of the nose, characteristic of healthy people, is considered ideal. A person with the tip of a nose that resembles a "hanging drop" is usually cheerful and optimistic. If the tip of the nose resembles the beak of an eagle, then such a person is shrewd, cunning and, often, vindictive. A full, large tip of the nose is a sign of cordiality and warmth. Raised, with protruding nostrils, the nose denotes self-will, incontinence, licentiousness. A forked nose tip is evidence of timidity, shyness.

Mouth always attracts the attention of the interlocutor. If he is big, then surely you have a courageous person in front of you. The falling corners of the lips indicate a strong will. People with small mouths are often endowed with a weak character, and the thin line of closed lips indicates scrupulousness. Symmetrical, without distortions of the opening of the mouth speaks of the balance of emotions.

If facial wrinkles descend to both sides of the mouth from the eyes, this is a sign of a difficult life. If the wrinkles go from the wings of the nose to the corners of the lips, then this is a sign of deceit. The upper lip sticks out over the lower one - indecision, the lower lip sticks out - selfishness. Wrinkles that cut deep into the lips speak of prosperity in youth and deprivation in adulthood.

Do not forget about ears... A well-formed, harmonious and beautiful ear indicates health, while formlessness and pallor indicate the opposite. Ears that are too big are a flaw in the personality, too small are a sign of trouble. An ear without a well-formed lobe - personality imbalance. A long lobe betrays carelessness and carelessness.

As a rule, people with very large lobes are sages or philosophers. If the lobe leans forward slightly, then this is a sincere and kind person. If the inner rim of the ear is retracted - restraint, if protruding - vice versa.

In conclusion, I would like to note that physiognomy is based on a percentage of probability. And this means that there are no postulates in the appearance and character of a person. Remember that every person is unique, unrepeatable and unpredictable

Facial features and psychology

Determine the character of a person by facial features

It is believed that a person's face reflects three worlds. The forehead refers to the divine world. The physical world is represented by the nose and eyes, and the material world is represented by the mouth, jaws and chin. You can determine the character of a person by facial features, because the psychology of a person is inside, and facial features and behavior are outside. Our faces are usually asymmetrical. The right side in men indicates happy events, the other indicates failure. The opposite is true for women. Now we will figure out what the individual features of the human face are responsible for - lips, brows, eyes, forehead, ears and the chin.

Social facial feature - forehead

A high top indicates leadership. But this is only an opportunity, and in order to judge how it will actually be, you need to look at the nose and chin, because without the perseverance and will of the leader it will not work. If the forehead is divided into upper and lower parts, then we can talk about elitism, opposing oneself and one's chosen society to other people.

Straight, a quadrangular forehead indicates generosity.

The forehead is steep, convex in the middle, expresses a high, serious mind. However, the forehead is too convex rather, it is inherent in a narrow-minded, everyday practical nature.

Sloping with strong brow ridges suggests that the highest authority for such a person is himself. A man with a sloping forehead is a bit of an anarchist; he hardly obeys the will of others. This conclusion is also confirmed by the depression between the forehead and nose. If it is not there, then we can talk about internal discipline. Strong browbrows indicate a known laxity. A round forehead indicates complaisance, such people find a common language with everyone.

Forehead shape you can also judge about the element of man. Let us recall that creativity is associated with fire, practicality is associated with earth, the ability to perceive, communicate with air, and inner plasticity, the world of human feelings, with water. Representatives of the air element usually have a round forehead, fire marks are distinguished by bald patches with a cape in the middle. A square or upwardly widening forehead is characteristic of earth signs, and in aquatic ones the forehead is narrowed, and its border with the hair roots is uneven. Thus, the element can be recognized not only by the shape of the forehead, but also by its border with the hair. People of fire signs, especially with a strong Jupiter and the Sun in the horoscope, are prone to baldness; their hair is usually coarse, wavy, with a red tint. Earth signs have coarse and straight hair. If they are curly and soft, then this is water, representatives of the air element have soft and silky hair.

  1. The forehead is low with a zigzag border of hair - an energetic and cruel nature.
  2. A wide and convex forehead in the corners - a rich imagination, reason.
  3. It resembles a crescent in shape - a narrow-minded, conservative nature.
  4. Narrow, low, leaning back - petty and cunning nature, deceitful, selfish.
  5. A too bulging forehead is a down-to-earth, narrow-minded nature.
  6. A straight forehead characterizes a kind, generous person.
  7. The middle of the forehead, nose, chin represent the main features of their world. In this case, the nose, eyes and ears are at the service of the mind.

Sentinel facial features - eyebrows

Brows Is a gateway between the land of the brain and the land of feelings. Straight horizontal lines indicate courage and wisdom. However, such features still require a certain independence and criticality in judgments, which is expressed in the clear shape of the edge of the eyebrows from the side of the temples.

Energetic facial feature - nose

Nose. It is used to judge the energy of a person and where he directs it. It's not about size. The nose can be large, and the person can be lacking in initiative. Conversely, a small nose with a strong and wide base speaks of inner strength, perseverance.

IK Lavater, a Swiss writer, preferred noses with a wide base, paying particular attention to their shape. In the hump at the base, he saw a sign of an imperative firm character, while a depression in this place indicates weakness, timidity. A hump is a sign of aggressiveness, somewhat ill will, unless, of course, other parts of the face contradict this. Noses such as "Roman", "eagle" are inherent in entire nations, and, for example, the history of Ancient Rome gives rise to reflection on this topic.

However, a small hump in combination with other signs may indicate the poetry of nature. The left wing of the nose is dedicated to Venus, the right - to Mars, that is, they get along side by side love and hate... Occultists say on this point that love and anger flare nostrils alike.

  1. Big, straight nose - pride, calmness, energy, creativity.
  2. Eagle - ambition, imperiousness.
  3. Hawk-like, pointed at the end - endurance.
  4. The continuation of the forehead is vanity.
  5. Long -, dishonesty.
  6. Tilted to the mouth - sensuality, irascibility.
  7. Deeper at the base, thin and upturned at the end, like an old woman's Shapoklyak, stubbornness, envy, curiosity, hypocrisy.
  8. Snub-nosed - carelessness, frivolity, waywardness.
  9. A thick and fleshy nose indicates a lover of a feast, and if it is too much, it also gives out this quality with a crimson color.

Beautiful facial features - eyes

Eyes. The most beautiful human trait. The right eye in men is associated with the Sun, the left eye with the Moon. For women, the opposite is true. Comparing them helps to draw conclusions about female and male qualities in a person, active and passive.

The eyes reflect the spiritual side of a person, it is not without reason that they say that this is the mirror of the soul. To look into it, you need to compare the positive eye (for men the right, for women - the left) with the negative. If the positive is more developed, then the person is capable of altruism, self-giving. Physiognomists give preference to lively and transparent eyes, believing that black and shiny characterize the insidious and greedy. This is because sometimes Saturn distorts the influence of the moon, and then the eye is called evil.

Ideal eye shape considered antique - oval, reflecting the harmony of spirit. Deep-set eyes usually belong to those who are not quick in manifesting their inner essence, but deep natures. Let us recall Grigory Rasputin, the favorite of the royal family: deep-set eyes, the lower eyelid is larger than the upper one (that is, it gave more than it took), a strong nose.

Close-spaced eyes mean that their owner has a blurred line between good and evil, unlike a person with wide-set eyes, for whom such a problem does not exist. But this does not mean that the latter often serve good, but only that they know well what they are serving.

The eyes are large, round, somewhat protruding (they are said to be "bulging"), the eyelashes are short, the eyebrow is high above the eye, the hairs are bristling. An irritable, quick-tempered person, but in moments of good mood he is cheerful and sentimental.

The eyelids often narrow, which gives the impression of myopia. Pupil with a sharp gaze, short, thick eyelashes. The eyebrow is raised to the temple. The nature is observant, intelligent, cunning, with great endurance and unlimited selfishness.

The eyes are narrow, the upper eyelid is semi-lowered, the eyebrow is in a regular arch, the eyelashes are sparse. This characterizes a person impassive, but insightful, incorruptible and just to the point of cruelty.

Sleepy eyes, as it were in swollen eyelids, thick and long eyebrows - a soft nature, rather passive and lazy.

Wide open, an eyebrow with a break in the middle, eyelashes bent up - an energetic nature, independent, domineering and truthful to the point.

Small eyes, covered with heavy eyelids, are petty-cunning and practical nature, kindness is rather calculating than sincere.

Strong facial features - cheekbones

Cheekbones show how the spirit reflected in the eyes expresses itself in life. They are ruled by Mercury, and they are used to judge the person's contact, the ability to assimilate and transmit information. Therefore, some eastern nations with pronounced cheekbones combine beautifully. The cheekbones are also associated with such qualities as cunning, liveliness, adaptability. Therefore, old treatises recommend avoiding people whose corners of the eyes are lowered down, and the cheekbones are strongly pronounced with an undeveloped frontal part. Bulging cheekbones are a sign of selfishness and, often, anger. , you will determine the character of a person, knowing what his facial features speak.

Ears and cheeks

Cheeks. Lean and sunken are a sign of mental poverty. However, there is little good in the fleshy ones, they give out excessive sensuality.

Ears. The shape of the ear resembles a human embryo, and physiognomists see there is a deep meaning in this face... So, in ancient times, a saggy lobe was considered as an indicator of the freedom of the human spirit. The stronger it adheres to the body, the more constrained and dependent it is. It is believed that those who have no lobes are envious and vindictive. The statue of Buddha, for example, has huge lobes; and in some African tribes, they are even deliberately delayed, seeing in this a magical rite of giving a person stamina and independence.

The upper part of the ear shows the ability to adapt and perceive. If it strongly adheres to the head, then such a person is usually slow-witted, it is not easy for him to learn new things, but if he learns something, then for a long time. Lagging tops of the ears are an indicator of a quick reaction, good perception. No wonder Mercury, the god of trade, was usually depicted as lop-eared. Moreover, the border between deception and commerce runs ... along the earlobe. If it sags, then the person has enough spirituality, but if not, then in financial matters it is better to stay away from him.

A large auricle indicates "magnetic force" or, as they say now, extrasensory abilities. Combined with great power, as, for example, in the same Rasputin, this can be an indicator of a strong impact on others. But this does not mean that by making yourself such a facial feature, you will acquire these abilities. But this facial feature will help you understand psychology a person and look with one eye into his inner world, highlight his character.

But a "good" lobe on the right (in men) ear, which testifies to spirituality, mental abilities, on the left can turn into selfishness and vanity. Cruel people like Hitler and Stalin, for example, had well-defined saggy lobes, but the left ear was comparatively larger than the right. Physiognomists see in this the predominance of negative qualities.

  1. Large ears with well-defined shells indicate talent of their owner, including good musical ability.
  2. Pointed upwards - moderation, reason.
  3. Small are typical for sensual people, fleshy - for gloomy and cruel.
  4. Bulging, large - cunning, stupidity.
  5. Pinned - caution, composure, hypocrisy.

Mouth and lips - sensual facial features

Mouth associated with eloquence and love and dedicated to Mercury. If the upper lip protrudes forward, then this is a sign of good nature. Thin lips and small mouth testify to a love of order and precision. And if the lips are compressed - and about selfishness.

Physiognomists believe that a man's upper lip should be slightly larger than the lower one, thereby reflecting his masculinity. If the lips are proportional, equally prominent and regular in shape, then they express an honest, firm character, prone to thinking. Thick lips, especially the lower one, speak of gluttony, sensuality, and laziness.

“Look at a person's forehead - you will find out who he will become; look at the mouth - you will understand what it has become, ”says a Chinese proverb.

Correctly rounded, plump lips - kindness, cordiality, openness, gaiety.

Subtle - cunning, selfishness, sarcasm, cruelty.

Thick - sensuality, a tendency to base instincts.

"Children" - trustfulness, frankness.

Nose - mouth (Mars - Mercury). This pair is used to judge the distribution of a person's energy, his taste, the ability to love. A nose with a hump in the middle speaks of an energetic, assertive nature, and if you add strong, well-defined nostrils to this, then we get evidence of courage and composure. The strong-willed mouth, harmonious to this character, is extended in a straight line, and the sizes of the lips are the same.

A strong, arched nose, prominent cheekbones and wide jaws express ambition, pride, and selfishness.

The upper lip indicates sensuality, the presence of taste, as well as higher abilities; the lower one - on the tendency to pleasure, pleasures. Pay attention to the faces of the Roman patricians during the decline of the empire: an imposing nose and a drooping lower lip. In other words, extraordinary energy spent on base goals. Here's your confirmation conformity of a person's character on facial features.

The tireless Italian Casanova, two hundred years ago famous for his love affairs, also had a "Roman" nose with sharp nostrils, the lower lip is larger than the upper one. Fixed corners of the mouth indicate a desire to insist on your own at any cost. On the other hand, nuns often have a small pursed mouth.

The chin is a trait of the inner bar

The chin - a symbol of endurance, endurance. He is patronized by Saturn, representing, as it were, the inner foundation of a person, his ability to assert himself, solidity. Qualities such as resilience, survival in extreme situations are determined by the chin.

A long and wide chin means composure, discretion, and a bulging and round chin means practicality. Pointed - characteristic of cunning, hidden natures. Both, according to Lavater, are a consequence of weakness, because distrust of others occurs due to self-doubt. If such a chin protrudes forward, then the person will slowly and stubbornly move towards the goal.

The dimple on the chin and its bifurcation are an indicator of stubbornness, self-conceit, secrecy. A soft, fleshy, or even a two-story chin betrays sensual people, but, on the contrary, bony and dry to the face of people dried up by the passions of ambition or greed. Those who are too prone to any "fiery passion", sometimes reaching fanaticism, the central part of the chin is marked with a tubercle. If it is slightly biased towards the negative side, then this may indicate an alcoholic, or a person susceptible to some kind of mania.

The chin is considered harmonious if in profile it is at the level of the lower lip. A good person has a round chin, moderately convex and gives out practicality, which is under the control of reason.

  1. A protruding chin - energy, willpower, independence, nobility, but also stubbornness, cruelty.
  2. A cut chin is a soft, indecisive nature.
  3. Fleshy - mind, sensuality, selfishness.
  4. Long and sharp - shrewd mind, sarcasm.
  5. Forked - impermanence,.

Nose - chin ... This pair ( Mars-Saturn) testifies to the resilience of a person. If, with a strong nose, the chin is not developed, then a person can be energetic, but the energy will not last long. If, with a strong-willed massive chin, an inexpressive nose, then this can only turn into stubbornness. A cut chin indicates a lack of exposure, and even good energy is only enough for short impulses. Combined with a strong nose, this can result in a flood of words and a lack of action. Let us recall the profile of the ancient Roman emperor Vespazian: a humped nose and an expanded, powerful chin. This man knew what he wanted and knew how to achieve his goal.

  1. Wide jaws express greed, driven by instincts. In combination with a flattened skull and a strong nose, they do not bode well.
  2. We may be reproached that our gallery of portraits is dominated by monsters or villains. Where are the normal nice people?
  3. Where everything is harmonious, everything is in moderation. We deliberately sharpen the characteristic features, take them to the extreme for the sake of clarity.

Having studied the facial features and understanding how this is related to the character and psychology of a person, you will be able to understand people with a greater degree of confidence. Stay on an interesting site with useful tips and - http: // site

Which face is considered to be truly beautiful with all the proportions of the "golden ratio"? The answer to this question worries many men and women. While there are no single rules, there is a basic principle. All parts of the face (cheeks, nose, eyes, ears, chin, cheekbones and eyebrows) must be in complete harmony with each other.

"Golden ratio" - is achieved when the shape of the face and the size of each part are in harmony and correspond to the main proportions. What are these proportions?

The proportions of an ideal face according to the golden ratio of Leonardo da Vinci

The famous Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci, back in the 16th century, created a model in which he reflected his observations and conclusions about the proportions of a correctly folded body and face. Here's what his blueprints looked like:

The essence of its rules is as follows:

The nasolabial angle should be greater than 90 degrees. This nose looks flat.

To measure the parameters of the nose, you will need a profile photograph of a face (preferably a close-up for accurate measurements), a pencil, a ruler and a protractor. Research has shown that the ideal tip height is 67% (2/3) of the back length.

The ideal angle formed between the columella and the highest point of the tip of the nose is 45-46%. This proportion is considered to be in harmony with other parts of the face.

If the nasolabial angle is less than 90 degrees, the nose will appear pubescent. Harmonious nasal angle (the angle between the line of the forehead and the back) is considered an angle equal to 30-40 degrees

The measurement results should not be taken as a direct guide to rhinoplasty. For example, rhinoplasty can help create the desired shape of the nose. But will it be in harmony with your facial features? Will other abnormalities, for example, deep or narrow-set eyes, thin or too plump lips, pronounced nasolabial folds, etc., aggravate?

Modern scientists have defined facial harmony as follows:

  • The distance from the line of the eyes and the line of the mouth should be equal to 36% of the total length of the face.
  • The distance between the pupils is equal to 46% of the width of the face.

What is the opinion about the correct proportions of the face of modern scientists?

Discussing the correct facial features in women, German scientists conducted an interesting experiment regarding the ideal proportions, according to ordinary people. They organized an observation of how a group of men and women compared the beauty of photographs of real people dressed in the same clothes with computer models of an ideal face.

Here are their conclusions. Considered beautiful: narrow faces with dark thin eyebrows, a small narrow nose and high cheekbones. Large eyes with thick eyelashes and thin eyelids are preferred. If we talk about the data of a handsome man, then a noticeable strong-willed chin is added to this image.

Interestingly, the experiment revealed that such data in the aggregate do not occur. This is only possible when it comes to creating a composite that is able to make the ideal features and proportions of a woman's face.

What does the ideal face look like according to the theory of Stefan Markworth?

Stephen Markworth is an American scientist who has studied the proportions of the faces of the most beautiful actresses and ordinary women for thirty years. He found that the absolute harmony of the face corresponds to the proportions of the "golden section" - 1: 1.618. This means that the correct size mouth is 1.618 wider than the nose, and so on. These ratios are roughly shown in the following photo:

To make it easier to determine whether these ideal proportions correspond, he created the so-called mask-scheme of a perfect face and a perfect smile. These masks look like this:

And here's what the perfect smile mask looks like.

The perfect female face from the past.

However, the principles of Stephen Markworth cannot be considered an absolute measure of harmony and beauty, since only beautiful women of European appearance participated in his research. And this is only a third of the human race. It is no secret that among the representatives of the Negroid or Mongoloid race, there are quite a few truly beautiful men and women.

Ideal proportions of a male face

How to change the proportions of the face and make a beautiful nose?

Every living person necessarily has an individual appearance with its own advantages and disadvantages. By nature, we prefer to hide the shortcomings, and emphasize the merits.

Today, there are quite a few ways to achieve harmony of the image and improve the appearance. Here is some of them:

Makeup. The art of make-up has been known since ancient times. With the help of powder, blush, cosmetic pencils, lipstick, eyeliner, mascara and shadows, we can visually reduce or enlarge certain parts of the face. Skillfully done make-up allows a person to immediately change outwardly for the better.

When applying makeup, properly adhere to the so-called "lines of harmony". They are shown in the following diagram.



Be attentive and discerning. What will the eyes, eyebrows, forehead, nose and lips of a person tell? Learn to read the character, strengths and weaknesses of a person in his face.

What will the eyes tell?

Big eyes, which immediately attract the attention of others, indicate increased emotionality. Most likely, the owner of such eyes is an extrovert. This is by no means a frivolous person (although people with big eyes give the impression of being very frivolous at first).
Positive qualities: capable of deep feelings, can be faithful friends and devoted spouses, caring, warm, unclear, friendly family and friendly team - this is what they strive for in life.
Negative qualities: suspiciousness, tearfulness, increased vulnerability.

Small eyes- reduced emotionality. This does not mean that these people are harder than the "big-eyed", they just keep everything in themselves, without splashing out their emotions, which can boil in them oh-ho-ho!
Positive qualities: frugality, prudence, ability to control oneself, analytical skills.
Negative qualities: the owners of small eyes are a “thing in itself”, they are slow, uncommunicative.

The upper eyelid hangs over the eyelashes- before you is a rationalist.
Positive qualities: are focused and keep a sober view of things in all circumstances. Before taking any action, they will definitely evaluate everything, think it over, consider the possible consequences, are able to make a serious impression on the interlocutor, speak weighty and convincingly, thoroughly and authoritatively.
Negative qualities: they can be stubborn, give too much advice, prudent, strive to enrich themselves at someone else's expense.

The upper eyelid is raised above the eyelashes- an irrationalist who knows the world with feelings.
Positive qualities: temperamental, impulsive, intuition is well developed, active, efficient, react quickly to everything that happens, sensitive, able to empathize, attentive.
Negative qualities: they do not cope well with managing their emotions, are prone to thoughtless risky actions.
Monotonous regulated work is contraindicated for irrationalists; boredom and monotony are destructive for them. They can find their place in the help service, education, medicine, in short, where you need to work with people. They can reach the greatest heights in creativity and show business, especially on stage.

Wide-set eyes- slowness. Such people do not like to go into details and details of any events. They are broad-minded, imaginative, usually full of dreams, hopes and great plans for the future, but they usually lack dynamism to carry out these projects. They are loyal friends and patient spouses and will turn a blind eye to all your "pranks".
Positive qualities: philosophical attitude to life, non-conflict, tolerance, peacefulness.
Negative qualities: gullibility, carelessness, inability to learn from others' and one's own mistakes, absent-mindedness.

Closely set eyes- their owners are characterized by a choleric temperament, a quick reaction. Their speech is hasty, their facial expressions are mobile, their movements are accelerated. On any occasion, they have their own opinion, which they consider indisputable and very quickly strive to convey to others. These people are very energetic, businesslike, always full of plans. They show themselves best in emergency work, when deadlines are tight.
Positive qualities: entrepreneurship, they can thoroughly work out various little things, do not put off until tomorrow what can be done today.
Negative qualities: prudence in choosing friends and partners, increased emotionality, intolerance to other people's shortcomings, quick-tempered.

The outer corners of the eyes are down- critical attitude to the surrounding reality, increased observation. These people are constantly on the alert, they are excellent strategists who are able to build a plan of their actions in the optimal way based on all the nuances of the situation they have noticed. They are distinguished by the ability to understand and feel many hidden connections, subtleties of relationships and the hierarchy of forces in any system. They work best in areas where discernment is required and there is no strict timetable, and they make good researchers, diagnosticians, editors, investigators, reporters.
Positive qualities: they understand and feel business partners and close people well, they are focused, organized, kind.
Negative qualities: pettiness, criticality, exactingness, pickiness.

The outer corners of the eyes are raised- inattention, lack of criticality. It is not difficult to deceive such people, very often they do not notice the obvious dangers that threaten them. Many advantageous opportunities pass by them, which are also safely overlooked by them.
Positive qualities: optimism, acceptance of the world as it is.
Negative qualities: frivolity, inattention, absent-mindedness.

What will the eyebrows tell you?

Thin, raised, rounded eyebrows- artistic personality. If you or your friend is a happy owner of such eyebrows, then you will not be bored! Artistic people are a real celebration of life and fireworks of events, you will not get bored with them. Such people cannot be alone for a long time, they definitely need a viewer.
Positive qualities: sensuality, sensitivity, desire for creativity, highly developed intuition, emotionality, decisiveness.
Negative qualities: excessive self-confidence and vulnerability, the desire to constantly work for the public, a tendency to deception, narcissism.

Straight eyebrows, the inner edge of which is raised and the outer one is lowered ("Pierrot's eyebrows"),- a tendency to melancholy. In life, such people often go with the flow, accepting what fate sends them. It's good when a "leading" person with good intentions and a positive attitude is constantly next to them, otherwise Pierrot people can swim anywhere.

Positive qualities: attention to others, the ability to perform monotonous work, non-conflict, compassion.
Negative qualities: skepticism, inability to defend their rights and interests, indecision, unjustified criticality.

Smooth, short eyebrows set high above the eyes- legibility. These people have a pronounced sense of their own dignity, which they value above everything else in the world. The owners of such eyebrows strive to live according to the existing rules and regulations, are subject to various formalities, try to adhere to routine procedures, avoid getting into unpredictable situations. Keep in mind that such a person may seem friendly and considerate ... but only to appear, because it is this kind of behavior that requires decency.
Positive qualities: the ability to select grains from the chaff, they are well versed in people, good observers, attentiveness, exceptional politeness.
Negative qualities: arrogance, selfishness, maximalism, insincerity, arrogance.

Straight overhanging eyebrows- naturalness. These people do not play to the audience and do not try to recognize others only in order to appreciate them at their true worth. Natural people find it easy, they live one day and get along very well with the surrounding reality.
Positive qualities: sociability, benevolence, tolerance, sincerity, optimism, self-confidence.
Negative qualities: arrogance, excessive assertiveness, exposure to bad influence, lack of a sense of responsibility.

What will the forehead tell?

Wide and high forehead- a sign of high intelligence. Yes, this is a firm opinion: a "highbrow" cannot be stupid, but recent studies of physiognomists have shown that if a person does not have any specific disease, then the level of his intelligence is mainly determined by the conditions of upbringing and socialization. With the modern development of the information network and with the general availability of education, a person with average natural abilities, developing them, can reach great intellectual heights.
Positive qualities: striving for self-improvement, a philosophical mindset, consistency and clarity in actions.
Negative qualities: excessive self-absorption, withdrawal from reality.

Narrow and low forehead- low level of intelligence. This does not mean that this person is as stupid as a cork. Yes, he will not quote Kant, but in everyday matters that relate to construction, repair and the choice of cars and other pressing issues, they will surpass any thinker.
Positive qualities: reliability, clear setting of goals and their achievement, "penetrating" abilities, patience.
Negative qualities: lack of cognitive interest, stubbornness, cruelty.

Concave forehead- a tendency to conservatism. They say that this is a typically masculine trait that helps to delve deeply into the essence of the matter. Such people become good researchers and analysts. However, in life they have a hard time, because they lack such a quality as adaptability. They can change their spouse or place of work only in completely extreme and desperate circumstances. Parting with the usual way of life or with familiar people is always painful for them.
Positive qualities: perseverance, the desire to bring what has been started to the end, curiosity, thoughtfulness.
Negative qualities: excessive conservatism, callousness, decreased emotionality, criticality.

Bulging forehead- a tendency to change. Such people have a very flexible and selective attitude towards knowledge and life, however, the information that they are trying to keep in their head is only superficial. When solving problems, these people look for alternative approaches, strive to show originality, connect the imagination, easily change friends and life partners if, for some reason, they did not live up to their expectations. They can seem frivolous, often create such an image for themselves so that they do not have increased demands and obligations.
Positive qualities: flexibility of thinking, creative approach to work and personal life, sensuality, self-confidence.
Negative qualities: "on their own mind", rarely reckon with someone else's opinion.

What will the nose tell you?

Short upturned nose- credulity. The owner of such a nose at any age has a childish view of the world, with all the advantages and disadvantages of such a vision. T. A. Belikova in her book “Face and Personality” noted that “the financial shortsightedness of gullible people and their naivety in matters related to career growth significantly impede their enrichment and promotion. It is extremely rare that you can see somewhere a snub-nosed leader, businessman or boss, but such people make excellent subordinates, nimble and executive. "
Positive qualities: optimism, complaisance, emotional flexibility, the ability to find a common language with everyone, diligence.
Negative qualities: slowness, spiritual immaturity, irresponsibility.

The tip of the nose is down- skepticism. These are the people who lead the snub-nosed brethren. It is difficult to deceive them, because they do not take their word for it, they need to be convinced of everything, personally touch their hands before believing. Owners of these noses have an amazing sense of profit, which is why they make excellent entrepreneurs.
Positive qualities: commitment, reliability, leadership qualities.
Negative qualities: excessive pettiness, suspicion and jealousy.

Thin pointed nose- discernment. Yes, these people, both with business and without business, poke their noses into the lives of their friends and acquaintances. They are able to successfully defend their rights, not give offense to their loved ones, find the maximum benefit not only for themselves. But also for all their relatives.
Positive qualities: instant reaction to what is happening, sensitivity, observation, energy.

Negative qualities: irascibility, domineering, stubbornness.

Nose "potato"- innocence. Such people are undemanding, they will always help in any way they can, and they themselves will not refuse help. Most often, these people have a practical streak, but their practicality can be directed to their own good, and to those around them - to their detriment.
Positive qualities: generosity, rationality, patience, caring.
Negative qualities: gullibility, "do not care".

Curved, tense nose wings- decisiveness. What can flow out of decisiveness? The desire to pull the blanket over yourself, to act without taking into account the opinions of others. These people are absolutely sure that they are right, they do not like it when they poke their noses into their affairs, but they themselves give advice to everyone all the time.
Positive qualities: purposefulness, energy, prudence, endurance, efficiency.
Negative qualities: a tendency to adventurism, excessive riskiness, rigidity.

The pressed wings of the nose- indecision. The owners of such a nose are not sure of themselves. They will consult with you, but not necessarily follow your advice. The point is that they are not sure of anything at all. In life, they try to enlist the support of the mighty of this world, be it a boss, a spouse or a friend, and they will feel comfortable in the shadow of someone else's success.
Positive qualities: kindness, gentleness, flexibility, a tendency to think analytically.
Negative qualities: insecurity, indecision, excessive anxiety.

What will lips tell?

The corners of the mouth are raised- before you an optimist. Optimistic people always believe in all the best, find bright sides in any situation and look to the future with hope.
They have a huge charge of energy that allows them to crush any obstacles in their path.
Positive qualities: positive attitude, benevolence, cheerful disposition, love of life.
Negative qualities: carelessness, excessive gullibility.

The corners of the mouth are down- before you a pessimist. Pessimists know how to smile and even laugh, but with the proviso that "all this is not good." While optimists in pink glasses will enjoy life, pessimists will see all the disadvantages of the surrounding reality and have time to spread straws for themselves.
Positive qualities: a realistic view of what is happening, the ability to adequately assess the situation and people, composure, attentiveness.
Negative qualities: excessive inertia and distrust, dullness.

Bright full lips- generosity. A truly generous person easily part with money, does not suffer from lost things and is philosophical about any material loss. Such people are generous not only with words, but also with good deeds and any spiritual manifestations. In modern life, we are more often faced with false generosity: they simply hang beautiful "noodles" on your ears, and then a bitter disappointment awaits you. Don't fall for the bait! Know how to distinguish a truly generous person from a fake!
Positive qualities: altruism, selflessness, kindness, generosity.
Negative qualities: wastefulness, carelessness, gullibility, frivolity.

Thin and pale lips- economy. Such people always feel their benefit and it is very difficult, almost impossible, to force them to go against their personal interests. A frugal person can help you, but only when you ask him about it, and only if it is not too burdensome for him. Please note that it is useless to ask such people for a loan!
Positive qualities: the ability to do business, rationality, realism, the ability to analyze.
Negative qualities: low emotionality, prudence, skepticism, a tendency to misanthropy.

Large mouth with indeterminate lips- lack of assembly. These people are very good friends - they have an excellent sense of humor, the need for friendship and communication, they will help, and they will take off their last shirt, if necessary. Wives cry from such husbands: why is he taking off his shirt for someone? Girls of such individuals are trying to reeducate: to keep track of the neatness of the wardrobe and appearance, but this is useless. Such an individual can easily disappear for several days, and then appear with terrible stubble and ... again without a shirt.
Positive qualities: charm, friendliness, kindness, generosity, altruism.
Negative qualities: carelessness, negligence, optionality, rudeness.

Small mouth with bow lips- organization. You can completely rely on this person, but do not expect that he will easily open his soul to you, rely only on duty politeness and generally accepted friendliness. To become completely your own for such a person, you need to eat more than one pound of salt with him.
Positive qualities: fairness, prudence, clarity, decisiveness, self-confidence.
Negative qualities: rigidity, distrust, prudence.