What are orthopedic shoes. Orthopedic footwear for children and adults. And now an overview of brands using "live" examples

Unlike mass (uncomplicated) footwear, sophisticated orthopedic footwear is made to order, prescribed by a doctor in the presence of more serious pathologies and deformities. The use of such shoes occurs when the use of low-complexity shoes is impractical, and the manufacture of orthopedic shoes with additional functions is justified. Sophisticated orthopedic shoes take into account various deformations of the feet and are distinguished by the presence of special structural elements. The presence of such elements depends on the functional purpose of such shoes. These include special hard, soft and even metal parts, as well as interstitial layers:

Union or half-union;

Back tibia;

Inner and outer tibia;

A backdrop with lengthened or shortened wings;

Crescent or shortened toe;

Aluminum plates for stiffening ankle boots and toe cap;

Steel tires;

Corset tablets;

Instep support;


Layout of inner and outer vaults;

Specially shaped outsole;

The combination of these elements in a certain way allows you to treat a particular disease by correcting the incorrect position of the ankle and foot joints.

Types of orthopedic shoes for flat-valgus and varus foot placement in children, as well as for cerebral palsy.

Depending on the nature of the correction and design features, there are 3 main types of complex orthopedic shoes for children:

1. Antivalgus orthopedic footwear. It is used for planovalgus (X-shaped) installation of feet in children, when the ligamentous apparatus of the child's foot cannot withstand the load of the body for various reasons (overweight, weak muscle tone in the arch of the foot, etc.). This causes the inner edge of the foot to sag and the forefoot is pulled outward. Such shoes are characterized by the presence of:

Double-sided high stiff tibia, which provides good fixation of the entire ankle joint in an upright position;

An extended inner leg, which keeps the heel of the foot from collapsing;

Forms of the longitudinal arch on the instep support, providing the necessary support for the arch of the foot.

2. Anti-bar orthopedic footwear.This shoe is aimed at correcting clubfoot. In contrast to the flat-valgus placement, with varus placement of the feet in children, the knee joints are bent to the sides; when walking, the child rests on the outer arches of the feet. Therefore, with such a diagnosis, it is very important not only to firmly fix the hindfoot, but also to abduct the forefoot. The features of such shoes are as follows:

High heel up to the lower third of the lower leg;

Stiff heel, extended from the inside to the toes;

Pronator insole.

3. Stabilizing orthopedic shoes.This type of footwear is mainly used for equino-varus and equino-vargus curvature of the foot with cerebral palsy. Wearing such shoes develops motor skills, forms a correct gait and prevents further development of foot deformities. The characteristic elements of such shoes are:

High back to mid-calf;

Double-sided rigid tibia;

Stabilizing element in the sole;

Insole-instep support.

Of course, all these types of sophisticated orthopedic shoes are characterized by tight fixation along the entire length using lacing, Velcro or fasteners. This shoe is made in two ways: using a plaster cast of the patient's leg or method 3 D scan.

Although many believe that only the elderly can wear orthopedic-type medical shoes, it is a fact that people of all ages wear them.

Typically, the primary function of orthopedic shoes is to provide additional support for the feet and ankles.

There is no need to be afraid of the "ugliness" of shoes or shoes - the design of orthopedic shoes varies depending on the nature of the specific problem of its owner. For example, various types of orthopedic shoes are used to treat conditions such as enlarged bones, heaviness in the legs, or low arch of the foot. There are different designs of orthopedic shoes that will work effectively for all types of feet and will help solve any foot problem.

Orthopedic shoes for children and adults

Wearing orthopedic shoes is a great idea when it hurts a person to walk. It is needed when walking in normal shoes causes fatigue and pain in the muscles or bones of the legs. Since people of all ages and genders can experience pain in their feet, orthopedic shoes have been developed for children and adults.

Along with shoes, there are other forms of useful orthopedic appliances. Orthopedic socks are sometimes enough to relieve stress and discomfort in the lower legs. Orthopedic slippers are useful for wearing at home. Wearing orthopedic boots can provide additional support for the ankle and foot that would otherwise be impossible with conventional boots.

Orthopedic shoes and style

To the delight of both adults and children, orthopedic shoes are now available in a wide range of colors. A wide range of colors allows you to choose shoes that easily fit into the usual style of a person's clothing.

There are several features that distinguish almost all orthopedic shoes and boots. Heels are generally sturdier and lower compared to many other types of shoes. A wide forefoot will help eliminate toe pinching, while a stable heel counter helps support the heel and ankle with increased efficiency.

This makes it possible to use a variety of orthopedic insoles that will provide comfort and support to a specific person.

What can you expect from orthopedic shoes?

One new pair of orthopedic shoes outweighs the benefits of two pairs of regular shoes. It will be much more comfortable to walk in it. After wearing such shoes for more than a month, many foot diseases will no longer be a problem. Many people have noticed a decrease in pain in the ankle, foot and knee within a few days after wearing good orthopedic shoes.

Orthopedic shoes are made according to the shape of your foot. If these shoes are made of high quality materials and breathable leather, the foot will be very comfortable in them. Orthopedic inserts and insoles can be placed inside the shoe for added comfort. They are made at the request of the client of the orthopedic department in just 20 minutes.

Benefit and comfort

Since orthopedic shoes are wider than normal shoes, this leaves more room for feet that feel looser than normal shoes. It is very convenient for those who suffer from swelling and swelling of the feet, hammer and claw toes, and other conditions. Diabetes patients often wear these types of shoes to prevent pressure on their feet. Orthopedic footwear is also an excellent prevention of trophic ulcers, calluses and corns.

Orthopedic shoes prevent by fixing them securely in the anatomically correct position. Contrary to popular belief, it's not just kids who need it. In this article we will tell you how orthopedic shoes work, who will need them and how to choose them.

1.What are orthopedic shoes.

Orthopedic is a shoe specially designed for people with pathologies in the anatomical structure of the foot. It can be stabilizing, correcting clubfoot, flat feet, heel spurs, displaced metatarsals or phalanges of the toes. Also, wearing such shoes is recommended for people with diabetes. Uncomplicated orthopedic shoes can be bought in specialized stores, but serial models are not suitable for severe pathologies.


Conventionally, orthopedic shoes can be divided into children and adults.

For the correct formation of the arch of the foot and the prevention of its deformities, the wearing of orthopedic shoes is recommended for children under 6 years of age. To correct the existing defects, they use insoles-instep supports, which are custom-made in orthopedic centers.

Adults most often buy uncomplicated orthopedic shoes to reduce leg fatigue and heal calluses and bones on their feet. It also helps to reduce the effects of flat feet and other chronic pathologies. In persons diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, orthopedic shoes improve blood circulation in the legs, which is especially important for prevention.

3. How does orthopedic shoes differ from ordinary ones?

Orthopedic shoes have several characteristic features:

    Made from breathable, durable, hypoallergenic materials.

    Takes into account all the features of a person's foot.

    Evenly distributes the load on the foot thanks to reinforced or lightweight parts (barrels, heel, toe, heel).

    Locks in tightly thanks to additional brackets, an elongated or shortened tongue.

    The outsole softens the gait, preventing foot injury.

    The flexibility and rigidity of the sole and bindings are regulated by GOSTs.

4.How to choose orthopedic shoes

    When choosing uncomplicated orthopedic shoes, make sure that its size suits you perfectly: the distance from the thumb to the inner surface of the shoe should not exceed 1 cm.

    The toe should be rounded and wide so that the toes feel free and not squeezed while walking.

    A stiff sole will protect the foot from other injuries, but the forefoot should be flexible enough for easy and comfortable walking.

    Orthopedic shoes usually have a wide, stable heel up to 4 cm in height. This helps to develop leg muscles and has a beneficial effect on posture.

Questions From Readers

18 October 2013, 17:25 Goodnight. my big toe began to grow numb from wearing uncomfortable shoes and a bone began to grow over it. I feel a finger, but when I touch the skin, it is dumb. tell me how serious it is and is it worth it to see a doctor?

Ask a Question

    An insole with an instep support is always inserted into orthopedic shoes. It fixes the leg in the anatomically correct position and evenly distributes the load.

    As a rule, the heel of orthopedic shoes is made rigid and high so that the foot does not get loose. However, materials in contact with the skin must be soft, without seams and other potentially traumatic elements.

    Before buying shoes, make sure that the product is certified and that the manufacturer has taken into account all medical standards.

    If you need shoes for treatment, be sure to consult a podiatrist.

Maria Nitkina

, (don't worry, for a little while), and let's talk about a topic that always arouses keen interest. And above all, not professional, but personal. After all, many of you have children, and many are planning to have them, and the question of choosing children's shoes has already been faced by someone, someone will be.

And the most fortunate are those who are just now asking questions:

  • What should be the right children's shoes?
  • Why do children develop flat feet, and how to avoid it?
  • Is it true that the first footwear for a toddler should be "orthopedic"?
  • Does the child have to wear shoes at home?
  • What should be home shoes for a child?
  • Is it necessary to have an instep support in children's shoes?

The topic is burning: very often absolutely crumbs are prescribed orthopedic shoes, and often orthopedic doctors contradict each other. One puts flat feet for a child at 2 years old and directs for orthopedic shoes, the other says that, they say, your baby is absolutely healthy, and advises his mother to drink motherwort, and the child to run, jump and enjoy a carefree childhood. One says that there must be an instep support in children's shoes, the other strongly disagrees with this.

As you remember, I am not an orthopedic doctor, so in order to understand this issue, I suggest you, as usual, turn on the logic.

Have you turned it on? Then let's figure it out together.

How is a child's foot formed?

Once we have already said what a foot is. If you forgot, read here. Let's see how it develops.

So the first thing to understand is that a baby is born with a flat foot. Remember, dear mothers, what the feet of your children looked like when they did not even walk under the table on foot.

As you can see, the place that will later become the longitudinal vault is now filled with fat. And it is right. After all, a vault is what? This is a spring that bounces when we walk in order to absorb shock loads and not "bomb" the joints of the legs and the spine. And why does such a cub need a spring? After all, he does not walk yet. Is it logical?

Let's remember another important point: the arched shape of the arches is supported by the muscles of the lower leg and foot. But the muscles are not yet developed, because our baby does not walk, run, or jump yet. And when he gets up on his feet and takes his first steps, the fat pad of his feet will even come in handy for him.

  • Firstly, it increases the area of ​​support and increases the stability of our hero, so that he understands that it turns out to be fun to walk! And you will see more, and you will touch more, and you don’t need to call your mother, you can touch her. First along the wall, then in short dashes, and now "the bull is walking, swinging." 🙂
  • Secondly, the plantar fat is needed for cushioning, while there is still no full-fledged spring.

Such a bulky fat pad remains in children up to 3 years of age, and then gradually begins to dissolve. By the age of 5, a longitudinal arch appears, and at the age of 7-10 we already see a foot, quite similar to an adult. And the complete formation of a person's foot ends at about 20-21 years old, in girls - 2-3 years earlier. This means that by this age all cartilaginous structures of the foot are ossified.

But while the baby begins to walk confidently, he will go through a difficult balancing act school. As soon as he stands on his feet, he rests more on the outer arches of the foot. This is called the "varus foot position." It occurs in children up to about 1.5 years old.

As the baby learns to walk, he tries to maintain balance by spreading his legs wide. In maintaining balance, it is precisely the same fat pad that we talked about above that helps him, and on which he begins to rely. It turns out some blockage of the feet inward. This is called hallux valgus. This is how it looks:

This condition is noted, as a rule, in 2-4 years. Further, as the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the feet strengthens, the shape of the legs is usually leveled: the lower leg, knees and thigh are aligned in one line. And if the normal angle of the valgus deviation of the calcaneus at 3 years is 5-10 °, then by 7 years it is 0-2 °.

So, we draw conclusions:

  1. All children under 5 have flat feet

  2. Hallux valgus up to 4-5 years of age is a variant of the norm

Therefore, if your two or three year old child has been diagnosed with flat feet, know that everything is going according to plan, and there is nothing to worry about. And there is absolutely no need to run for orthopedic shoes. Well, so what, what the doctor prescribed? Are you a mother or who? It is better to concentrate your attention on strengthening the muscles of the feet and legs of your blood, and you will all be happy: both parents, and the baby, and his feet. 🙂

Back to the past

In the 60s of the last century, employees of the Leningrad Institute of Prosthetics. Albrecht conducted a study in which about 5,000 children participated. They assessed the "maturation" of the arches of the foot.And look what happened: at 2 years old, flat feet were found in 97.6% of children, and at 9 years old, it remained in only 4% of those observed.Of course, if you do this research these days, the numbers will be more dire.

I sometimes think: if we remove all computers, gadgets, phones now, what will the children do? And the adults?I wonder if the ropes are on sale now, or is it already a rarity? Do modern children know the game of "bouncers"? Do they play badminton?

As a child, I remember myself exclusively with knees smeared with brilliant green. We didn't sit at home, especially on weekends. We were running and jumping all the time, so that the diagnosis of flat feet did not stick in my childhood memory.


How do the muscles of the arches of the foot train?

Have you ever seen in pictures of Adam and Eve in shoes? Do you think God was sorry for them to bungle up any boots? Or did he not have enough imagination for this?

Nothing like this!

The foot simply has to work in order to be healthy and happy. And for this you need to walk more, moreover, barefoot and on an uneven surface, so that the muscles of the foot and lower leg contract, trying to maintain balance on it, train and fulfill their great mission: to keep the health of our spring. If you walk all the time on a flat hard surface, and besides, you put your foot in shoes, its muscles will weaken, they will no longer hold the arches, and they will begin to flatten.


It is necessary to create such conditions for the child so that the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the foot works as much as possible. If possible, let the child, at least at home, walk barefoot.

True, on this issue, orthopedic surgeons disagree. Some say that children should definitely wear shoes at home, others - so that they can run barefoot at home if possible.

I am inclined to the second opinion.

  • First, based on my pediatric experience. Flat feet are much less common in children from large families. 🙂
  • Secondly, a normal child, who has an awl in the priest, does not just walk around the apartment. He sits on his knees, collecting some kind of pyramid, crawls, playing with a typewriter, dances, squats and does a lot of other movements that help the foot to form. And the shoes only interfere with this.

If the floor is cold, wear warm socks for your baby. Now there are even non-slip "soles". For those children who are taking their first steps, ordinary thin booties are ideal (if for some reason they do not want to move barefoot).

  • Thirdly, from my own experience. Previously, our parents had never heard of orthopedic shoes, and we went at home either in ordinary soft slippers or barefoot. And they were healthier.

What else is needed to train the muscular apparatus of the foot?

  1. If funds and space permit, purchase a wall bar and a soft rug nearby in case of a fall. Let the child master it from 2-3 years old.
  2. Buy a bike and let your baby pedal: barefoot or in socks at home, outdoors in soft-soled shoes.
  3. Purchase a massage mat at the orthosalon or at your pharmacy and put it in the place where the child most often runs. Something like this:

  1. There is also an economy. option: find a piece of fabric in your "bins", put it on the floor, scatter beads or buttons over it. You can instruct your kid to collect the beads in a box with their toes.
  2. Or you can do this:

6. Find foot exercises on the Internet and do with your child. Remember how the teacher used to say in physical education: "We go on our toes, now on the heels, on the inside of the foot, on the outside." And this is a great muscle workout!

Write, comment, share your experience.

By the way, I posted the correct answers to the drug test from. See at the bottom of the page.

With love to you, Marina Kuznetsova

If a child has a pathology with legs, it is recommended to wear orthopedic shoes. Such orthopedic devices can correct any problem of the lower extremities. Orthopedic footwear for children can be therapeutic and prophylactic. Therefore, you need to pick it up after consulting a doctor, taking into account the peculiarities of the child's legs.

Orthopedic Effect Shoe Criteria

Children's orthopedic shoes have the following criteria:

For the manufacture of boots or sandals with an orthopedic effect, only natural materials are used: leather or nubuck. Thanks to this material, the baby's feet will breathe in the shoe.

The design of the shoe should take into account the anatomical structure of the child's foot. In the presence of pathologies with feet, medical orthopedic shoes should be made according to individual casts of the child's foot.

Prophylactic or medical footwear for children with an orthopedic effect has a rigid, moderately flexible sole. It is also equipped with a heel height of 1.5 centimeters.

Boots or sandals should have hard and high heels to fit the baby's feet. Thanks to this, the heel in the shoe will be fixed in the correct position, which is very important in case of foot pathologies.

For the leg to be fixed in the ankle area, it is recommended to buy shoes with fasteners.

In order for the instep support on the insole to be correctly positioned in relation to the arch of the foot, it is necessary to buy shoes according to the size of the foot.

The orthopedic surgeon recommends purchasing orthopedic shoes for children under the age of seven. Summer, demi-season or winter orthopedic shoes are bought to support the arch of the foot. Therefore, it should be worn by children not only in the case of existing problems with the feet, but also as their prevention.

Summer children's shoes or winter ones, sewn according to patterns, perform only the prevention of pathologies. For treatment, shoes should be made according to the characteristics of the child's legs.

High top orthopedic shoes look stylish, high quality, durable and safe. Shoes with instep insoles will help prevent the development of foot pathology in childhood.

The use of sophisticated shoes

Sophisticated orthopedic shoes are sewn only at the request of parents according to the casts of the legs of a particular child.

In children with cerebral palsy or flat feet, shoes are equipped with the following elements:

  • union or semi-union;
  • hind boot;
  • inner and outer ankle boots;
  • back with lengthened or shortened wings;
  • crescent or shortened toe cap;
  • aluminum plates that stiffen the toe and ankle boots;
  • steel tires;
  • corset plates;
  • instep support;
  • pronator;
  • laying out vaults in different positions;
  • heel;
  • specially shaped sole.

The combination of the listed elements allows you to make any kind of complex for children, which is intended for patients with cerebral palsy or flat feet.

Sophisticated footwear with orthopedic effect can be of three types: anti-valgus, anti-varus and stabilization.

Features of anti-valgus shoes

With a planovalgus foot defect in children, it helps the ligamentous apparatus of the foot to withstand the load on the legs due to excessive weight, weak muscle tone in the arch of the foot or other pathologies.

Such shoes are equipped with a double-sided high rigid boot, which fixes the entire ankle joint vertically. It also has an extended inner tibia (to keep the heel from collapsing) and a longitudinal arch laid on an instep support (supports the arch of the foot in the desired position).

Features of anti-varus shoes

Closed-toe anti-bar shoes are indicated for clubfoot. Orthopedic shoes of this type have a high heel up to the lower third of the lower leg, a rigid heel extended from the inside to the toes, and a pronator insole.

Orthopedic shoes for the little ones with an anti-varus effect firmly fix the back of the foot, and also abduct its front area in case of clubfoot.

Features of stabilizing shoes

Cerebral palsy, which is accompanied by equinovarus or equinovalgus curvature of the foot, also leads to severe deformities of the legs in children.

For the development of motor skills, gait formation and to prevent the development of foot deformities, experts recommend buying stabilizing orthopedic shoes for children. It is equipped with a high back to the mid-calf, a two-sided rigid boot, a stabilizing element in the sole, and an instep support.

All shoes described above should be tightly fixed on the leg with laces, Velcro or fasteners. For its production, casts of the legs of small patients or the results of 3D scanning are used.

Shoes for home

Even at home, a child should not walk barefoot. It is recommended to step with bare feet on uneven surfaces: grass, sand, pebbles. Such a surface will improve blood circulation, correctly distribute the load on the feet. If the baby is constantly walking barefoot on the floor, he may develop flat feet.

May resemble shoes in shape.

Thanks to the hard back of the house slippers, the child's foot will be formed correctly. Slippers must be made of natural, hypoallergenic materials: leather or textiles.

Orthopedic indoor shoes are worn at any age. She is selected according to the ailment that should be eliminated in children. To prevent the foot from slipping in slippers, the size of the shoe should correspond to the length of the child's foot.

Now you know what orthopedic shoes should be, whether children need them and in what situations. Before purchasing orthopedic shoes, check the rating of each manufacturer to make the right choice for the health of your child's feet.