Children's perception. Small children perceive the world around them differently than it is commonly believed

All of you and I were once small and began to study this world. Everyone did it differently. At first, at the first meeting of a child with an unfamiliar object, the child develops an interest in it and a great desire to study it. Thus, we can say with confidence that our little citizens are interested in absolutely everything. In order for a child to learn this world, it is extremely important for the emu to constantly learn something new for himself and compare this information with what has already been mastered. After all, children's perception of the world is constantly changing and is compared with how they perceive him.

Knowledge of the world through the game

At an early age, the baby learns the world through play, so it is very important to teach him how to play. When playing with a new toy, the child will first of all test its taste and strength. Thus, he will perceive and remember what can be done with this toy, and why it will break. Observing the behavior and habits of an adult, the child begins to copy his actions. Over time, when the child grows up and begins to speak, parents must correctly answer all children's questions. It is very important to learn to speak the same language with your child in order to tell him about everything in a form that is understandable for him. You need to communicate a lot with children, using emotions and gestures, because the baby will learn to perceive the world through you. Children begin to relate to things the way you relate to them yourself. By scaring a child with something, you form his subconsciously negative perception of it. Over time, children will be able to evaluate on their own, so you should not impose your opinion, but rather by being interested in the opinion of the child, stimulate his perception and thinking. This way of maximum communication will significantly strengthen his own self-esteem as a person.

How do children think?

Children think differently, because it is scientifically proven, because they perceive what they hear with a slowdown of 7 seconds. For a child, time passes very slowly, as he has much more energy. There is an opinion that children under 8 years old learn to perceive the world around them with the help of only one of the senses. These feelings alternately replace each other for a fraction of a second, but they do not work together at the same time. As a result, the child makes a decision relying on the sense organ that gave him more information.

Children often spiritualize non-living things. This is due to the fact that they have a rich imagination. To understand everything that is happening around, the child can endow the inanimate with all the qualities of the living. This is how it “rains”, but in fairy tales, animals can speak. And the parents themselves often inspire the child that toys talk and feel.

Memo to parents

Do not rush to change children's perception of the world, because for a child it is an opportunity to somehow understand things that are incomprehensible to him. When he grows up, he will figure out what's what, and maybe you will have to help the emu. The main task of parents is to educate a worthy, intelligent and full-fledged member of society. We are all social from the start and our children will begin to perceive the world around them under the influence of society. Spend more time interacting with your little ones and over time you will be surprised how receptive and open they are.

For a little crumb, the world seems so big and unknown! Adults often forget that a child sees the world around him in a completely different way. Knowing some of the subtleties of children's perception, parents will be able to quickly help the child adapt to the environment, as well as avoid stress. Indeed, sometimes even the most ordinary crackling of branches outside the window can play out the baby's fantasy and scare him in earnest.

Acquaintance with the outside world and its stages

First you need to figure out how the kid gets to know the world around him and how to help him in this difficult matter. Observing the world around you is very important for a baby. Observing the behavior of adults, animals, objects, the baby tries to give them an emotional assessment. He can respond with laughter to laughter, to answer another joke with a cry. Most often, the child correctly understands this or that emotion, therefore there is even an opinion that the child cannot be deceived - he feels everything on an intuitive level.

In addition to observation, kids get to know the world around them using physical methods: touching with their hands, trying by mouth, etc. It is necessary to select toys for the child by age, so that gradually the child can master more and more new horizons. For example, if in the first months the baby simply rattled with rattles, then in the next months he has logical thinking - he can already assemble a pyramid, and later completely assemble a constructor. Then the baby begins to learn to draw, sculpt, weave, etc. With the help of play and creativity, the kid learns the world further and further. Nature occupies an important place in acquaintance with the child with the surrounding world. Children need to be in nature often so that they can observe natural phenomena, animals, etc.

Various natural phenomena make the little man think and fantasize, for example, acquaintance with snow can cause a great delight in the kid, and when he finds out that he can make snowballs or a snowman out of him, he will be even more delighted. It is important from childhood to instill in the baby love and respect for nature, to make it clear to the child that nature is alive and cannot be offended.

The closest surrounding world for a child is the family, therefore the relationship and harmony of the family greatly affect the child's perception of the world as a whole. It is important to understand that for a child, parents are the undisputed authorities and role models. The situation in the family instills in a person certain habits and views of the world, and this happens on a subconscious level. It is important to create a calm and warm atmosphere in the house, then the child will look at many things more calmly, if, on the contrary, there are often abuse and scandals in the family, the child may behave rudely in society.

Also, the child's social contacts influence the child's perception of the surrounding world. The kid can communicate with other children in the yard near the sandbox, in kindergarten, and then at school, as well as in various circles and additional activities. When communicating with other children, the child feels that he belongs to a group, and also begins to understand that he is surrounded by other personalities with whom he must reckon. If parents help their child to perceive the world around him correctly, then in the future it will be much easier for him to adapt to an independent adult life, as well as to form his own character. Lack of parental help can lead to aggression, misunderstanding of simple things and generally accepted morals.

Children's perception of time

Children perceive time differently than adults. For a child, the phrase "Time flies by" seems incomprehensible. Children perceive time much more slowly. The child cannot sit quietly even for a couple of minutes - it seems to him that a lot of time has passed, and he has not done anything. It is necessary to constantly interest the child with something, from time to time to change the situation. The time is especially long for children on trips and queues. Here you need to grab some interesting games for the kid and be patient. Also, children will not immediately answer the question you asked, because children perceive what they hear with a delay of a couple of seconds.

Visual perception of children

The visual perception of children differs from that of an adult in the first two months of life. The child's visual apparatus is not yet developed, he sees the image washed out and blurry. There is an opinion that a newborn child sees the world around him upside down. There is a lot of controversy about this. the fact that the image is upside down on the retina does not guarantee that the child sees it upside down. For the development of the visual apparatus in the first months of life, the child should be shown toys of yellow and red colors, because at this age, they will be more understandable for the baby.

Taste perception of children

Taste perception in children is more developed than in adults. From very different ages, the child is already able to distinguish between sweet, sour, salty, etc. It is believed that the tastes of salty and sweet are most preferable for children, because they are more pronounced. Therefore, children often refuse healthy food - porridge, vegetables, etc. It's just that their taste is not very pronounced. Children perceive bitter things extremely negatively.

A single source of perception information in children

It is believed that up to 8 years of age a child is able to analyze information about the world around him from only one sense organ, and cannot analyze them all together. Scientists have conducted a number of experiments where children showed the best results in the perception of the world, using only one source of information.


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Scientists have proven that a child perceives the world differently than we do. Unfortunately, most parents consider this to be disobedience or childish oddity, but in reality this behavior is due to the peculiarity of the development of thinking. Up to 11 years old kids look at the world with “different eyes”, but as they get older, they begin to think like adults. Here are 8 differences between a child and an adult.

@ ima_abacus /

Lack of line between reality and fantasy

Children can become so deeply immersed in a fantasy world that they begin to truly believe in it. Scientists believe that the child does not know how to establish a clear line between imagination and reality.

For example, you might ask the children to share the details of their ideal day. After a while, start asking them about it and make sure that the children are confident that the events they invented really happened.

It is important to understand that the child easily believes in his fantasies, but he may doubt the stories of adults.

@ andevigo /

Reversibility concept

Scientists are sure that until the age of 7, a child is not able to take into account several quantities at once. For example, height and width. If you pour liquid from a tall glass into a wide one, the child will assume that there is less of it. Although its number has remained unchanged. The child will be sure that if the glass is lower, then there is less water in it.

Perception of objects and their constancy

Psychologist Jean Piaget made the discovery when he discovered that children under one year old react to an object that has disappeared from their field of vision as if it no longer exists. He is sure that the understanding of the constancy of the subject comes to us with age. For this reason, young children are so surprised to react to the disappearing and reappearing objects.

For example, if in front of a baby's eyes (up to one year old) you take and hide any thing under a napkin and then move it again under another surface, then his reaction will be as if it has disappeared. But with an adult, such a trick will not work, he perfectly understands where the object is.

@ima_abacus /

Learning languages

Many people know that children learn faster, absorb information easier and master foreign languages. It is known that in a family where parents speak different languages, the baby can easily master them, while he does not need special training.

The famous linguist Noam Chomsky put forward the theory that all languages ​​have a common structure of rules, the logic with which we construct sentences, and it is embedded in our brain from birth. He is sure that children approach the issue of learning languages ​​according to the principle of "subject-verb-object".

Ability to think abstractly

Scientists, together with psychologist Rudolf Schaffer, conducted a study asking 9-year-old children to figure out where to place the third eye. 95% said forehead. This is not entirely logical, because there are already 2 eyes in the forehead area. But 11-year-old children began to reason and offer other options: arms, shoulders, back of the head.

This suggests that from the age of 11, children begin to think abstractly, but the vision and understanding of babies is based on reality. They cannot yet think of imaginary problems and actions to solve them.

@velikolepny_irun /

Differences between faces

The researchers concluded that a newborn baby can distinguish a mother's face from others. However, he is unable to distinguish a person of a different nationality or race. This is due to a lack of experience. But children easily pick up the smallest features and human emotions.

Painting is not what they see

Scientists conducted a study asking children from 5 to 9 years old to draw what they see. A mug with a handle was placed in front of them, but they turned it around so that the handle was not visible.

5-7-year-old children drew a pen by the mug, when the older ones depicted without it. This is due to the fact that adult children perceived only the obvious, and the younger ones - for granted (they know that the mugs have handles, so they drew it this way).

@alfira_nigmatulin /

Moral concepts

Scientists conducted a study. Preschool children were asked which act is worse, a person who broke many vases, but by accident, or someone who damaged one, but on purpose. They all settled on the first option, suggesting that it did more harm.

But adults would say that the second option. After all, the person committed it deliberately, with malicious intent.

Immediately after birth, babies take their first breath and begin to intensively learn about such an unfamiliar world around them. Newborns perceive the world through their senses. What is the reality of the newborn's perception of the environment? This question can be answered by specialists who have conducted a number of studies that have opened the veil of this mystery.

What do the baby's eyes see?

A newborn baby is able to see and distinguish light. The very first thing, after birth, the visual perception of the baby brings him closer to his mother. This is not surprising, for the reason that all babies in the first few days of their life can clearly see only at a distance of no more than thirty centimeters. Beloved mom and food are the main visual objects for a newborn baby in these days of his life. Everything else that surrounds the little toddler can panic him. Newborn babies have very weak eyesight and therefore they are not able to distinguish objects located at some distance from them. For this reason, newborn gaze is wandering and poorly coordinated. The reason for this phenomenon is the not fully formed optic nerve. The process of its formation and development can continue up to three months of age. When the baby turns one year old, he will already be fully adapted visually to the world that will surround him.

What do baby ears hear?

As long as the baby is in the mother's womb, he can clearly distinguish how his mother's heart is beating. He hears all kinds of muted sounds coming to him from the outside world. The hearing aid of young children continues to develop and form until the first year of their life. But do not think that the baby is born hearing nothing. The toddler perfectly hears the mother's voice, which he is familiar with since prenatal development. He also distinguishes other people's voices. It is very noticeable that a newborn baby is very fond of high-pitched voices, and bass voices are not very well perceived.

What does a newborn's nose smell?

The baby's nose is a kind of barometer. At the level of reflexes, all babies are drawn to their mothers. The reason for this is that the mother smells like breast milk, i.e. food. Therefore, babies recognize their mothers immediately. The perception of the world by newborns with the help of smell gives him the opportunity to navigate in the environment.

Is the baby able to perceive taste?

The baby begins to distinguish the taste in the womb of his mother. Babies have several thousand more taste buds in their mouths than in adults. But the main taste target for a newborn baby is breast milk. All little children love sweets, but they do not perceive sour, salty and bitter ones.

How does a child feel when touched?

Tactile sensations are very developed in newborns. They feel great heat, cold and pain. Newborn babies are often carried and stroked. For babies, this is a very important process. Children constantly ask to pick them up not because of their harm, but because they better perceive the world around them, this is necessary for their development and growth.

Does the baby think?

What is thinking? Thinking is the ability of the human mind to analyze problems that have arisen and find solutions to these problems through experience. As you know, newborns do not yet have life experience, so it is difficult to say whether he can reflect and think.