Sled dog: types and description. What are the sled dog breeds

Characterized by a high level of hardening, endurance, strength and activity, they have become increasingly in demand among modern dog breeders. In addition to the aesthetic function, as well as the role of a true friend of their owner, a favorite of the whole family, these animals can perform a number of other duties. Some of these master even professions that in some cases are inaccessible to people and technical means. To date, up to two dozen pure sleds are known, but some of them deserve special attention.

This amazing, beautiful and noble dog breed from the Arctic - one of the oldest riding breeds, used in a team, sometimes it is even called the "northern snow train". has excellent adaptability to any, even extremely harsh conditions. He is able to transport a sled with a person or cargo over a distance of several kilometers.
The breed got its name from a tribe living in the western part of Alaska. The Alaskan Malamute almost always becomes a real family member, a universal favorite at home. These dogs are characterized by friendliness, sociability, love with children, they need attention from their owners.

Did you know? Breeding purebred representatives of Alaskan Malamutes began in 1926, when it was possible to obtain positive results in this matter and significantly increase their population. Only in 1935 this breed was officially recognized worldwide. The Alaskan Malamute ranks 18th among the 30 most popular breeds in the world. In 2010, he was recognized as an honorary symbol of the United States of America.

They have unusual mental abilities, but are also quite stubborn animals, which causes them to often desire to dominate other pets and even owners themselves. At the same time, Alaskan Malamutes are real hard workers who need labor and significant physical activity. Without these factors, they can become lazy and their natural intelligence can degenerate.
Alaskan Malamutes are generous, loyal, loving and optimistic. For their owners, they are able to become true friends, but you should not expect them to be submissive and obedient.

These are the largest individuals among sled dogs due to the powerful skeleton and muscles. In the warm season, Alaskan Malamutes feel quite uncomfortable because of the thick coat and undercoat. It is at this time that they require greater care in.
This is a schooling breed, so they do not tolerate being kept indoors or subjected to a state of prolonged loneliness. In this case, they can become withdrawn, stop trusting the owner, love him and respect him. Malamute does not like constant routine, the same orders, he can perceive all this as disrespect for him. Because of his benevolence, he cannot be considered as a reliable guard in the full sense of the word, because he will be glad to have guests, he will not rush at a stranger unless there are good reasons for that.
The Alaskan Malamute is strongly built, the head is powerful, the chest is deep. The coat of this dog is something special: its base is distinguished by rigidity, under it there is a thick and soft undercoat. The coat of the Malamute is almost always oily, which allows it to better keep it warm and not get wet. The color of the animal is in gray, white, black and even slightly bluish tones, its eyes are also blue. An adult representative of the breed weighs more than 40 kg, and at the withers its height can be more than 60 cm. Alaskan Malamute - up to 15 years. A dog of this breed most often gives birth to 5-6 puppies at a time. The Alaskan Malamute requires quality and careful care. He just loves to swim. His coat needs regular, especially during the time, the claws need to be cut systematically. Since it is almost impossible to wean a Malamute from the habit of digging the ground, and if he lives in an apartment - the floor, then a private house or cottage is optimally suited for his maintenance.

Did you know? The Alaskan Malamute symbolizes the "gold rush" and is a talisman of the discoverers of Alaska.

Greenland mount

The most rare breed of sled dog is the Greenland sled dog. The representative of this breed turned out to be the most reliable assistant for the traveler from Norway, Amundsen, who was the first to reach the South Pole. These dogs from ancient times turned out to be faithful helpers and companions of man. They only carry out the commands of the owner, but on the condition that these orders do not go against the mood of the Greenlander.
Representatives of the breed are characterized the ability to make decisions independently, as well as the unexpectedness of escapes. They know how to defend their territory. It is not recommended to keep the Greenland sled dog in an apartment, on a chain, in an aviary. In modern realities, they perfectly cope with various tasks: they tow skiers or cyclists, deliver cargo. Their height at the withers can be over 60 cm, and their weight can be more than 30 kg. Greenlanders are classified as Spitz, many believe that these dogs are similar to the northern. They are excellent workers, hardy, tireless, strong and fast runners.

Did you know? The Greenland sled came to European territory in 1936. It was brought by Paul Emile Victor after the expedition to the Pole. The Eskimos were its first owners. Denmark is considered to be the birthplace of this one of the oldest breeds of dogs.

Representatives of this breed are distinguished by their beauty, powerful physique and bones, muscular development, and paw strength. The eyes are dark, but look quite benevolent on a wolf-like muzzle. Greenland sled dogs are characterized by the presence of a smooth coat and a thick undercoat. The color of these dogs is quite diverse.
The Greenlanders are devoted to the owner, but do not differ in absolute affection, conscientiousness in performing their work and duties is the main factor indicating the love of these animals for their owners. Extraordinary intelligence, independence and love of freedom in character, the inclinations of a real worker are the features of representatives of the Greenland sled dog breed.

To themselves, these dogs require attention, a patient attitude, they need a consistent. They are not so easily ready to obey, the owner will need to show all the time that he is the main one in the house, in the family, in relations with his pet. But once having lost self-respect in the eyes of a Greenlander, it is almost impossible to return it.
The Greenland mount is distinguished by absolute health, unpretentiousness in keeping, staying in the cold, but at temperatures above 15 ° C it feels rather uncomfortable. Representatives of these dogs require labor and physical exertion, otherwise their mental state may be shaken. They also need careful grooming and combing. Under favorable conditions, the Greenlander is able to live up to 15 years.

Did you know? It happened that the Greenland mounts arranged escapes into wolf packs and lived there for some time, the wolves did not refuse them. In 1926, in Alaska, a representative of this breed named Drake Eist, being a pet, periodically ran into a pack of wolves, lived there, and then returned and continued to the owners. He had to be shot.

samoyed husky

It is characterized by the greatest attractiveness and charm among all sledding breeds. Possessing a charming "Eskimo smile", the friendly Samoyed (after the name of the first breeders - the Samoyed tribe) feels great in the family. This breed is over 3000 years old. Many question the fact that representatives of this breed were previously used as real dogsled dogs. Although we can safely say that representatives of this breed were used as sleds (they can pull a load 2 times heavier than their personal weight), but their true purpose is to protect and help on.
Samoyeds -, at the withers up to 60 cm, but their fluffy coat, which is distinguished by density, abundance, density and brilliance, contributes to the fact that they appear more. Their color is white, cream, fawn, the ends of the hairs are silvery. They are loyal, smart, easily understand the owners. Also, Samoyeds are distinguished by extraordinary health and endurance. These are real hardy workaholics. They are suitable, like almost all sled dogs, to be kept in their own home, in the open, and an apartment for keeping such pets is not considered.

Important! Samoyed huskies are the only mounts that are purebred Spitz, without mixing with wolves.

Samoyeds, unlike other riding breeds, have an extraordinary feature - obedience, therefore they are well trained. But in this case, the owner needs to be patient, show care, not show aggression and strength. They are also characterized by a friendly attitude towards people, unpretentiousness, immediacy, adaptability to any conditions of detention. These animals have strong immunity, do not lend themselves to almost any. They do not tolerate loneliness, they need communication with the owner and other family members.
Samoyeds are characterized by openness, friendliness, independence, devotion, they are intelligent dogs with a cheerful disposition. They do not show aggression and fearfulness, they love games, competitions, walks with the owner. Samoyeds themselves will never become the instigators of a fight, but they will not give themselves offense either. Like real guards, they have an increased sense of danger. These dogs do not require special care, they need to be bathed, dried, combed.

Important! In the United States, doctors prescribe communication with a Samoyed husky for those suffering from depression and feelings of loneliness, considering these animals to be dogs for a positive mood.

Siberian Husky

One of the most famous and popular breeds of sled dogs is. Initially, only the inhabitants of the North used representatives of this breed for domestic needs, but after the emergence of the "gold rush" they began to be widely used and valued as sled dogs.
Precious metal hunters began to return home with these dogs, the breed began to gain popularity. After the breeding and extraordinary popularity of the blue-eyed husky in a black shirt, which has amazing beauty, the true representatives of this breed turned out to be a rarity.

Modern Siberian Huskies are show dogs, reliable companions, moreover, they have not completely lost their working skills. Siberian Huskies are medium sized have an extraordinary mind, can not stand loneliness. They feel quite comfortable in the company of another dog or person. They love to chat and play. If the husky becomes bored, then damage to furniture or other utensils is guaranteed. They are able to perform their work in a team, transport light loads over long distances.

One of the oldest breeds of sled dogs, today almost extinct. Dogs of this breed became the prototypes of the heroes of the famous film "White Captivity" with Paul Walker: two of the 15 dogs left by Japanese researchers in 1958 in Antarctica managed to survive.

Modern huskies experience the pleasure of running in a harness, they are good watchmen and guards. They have wool with a special luster, which must be combed out regularly, at least once a week. Blue-eyed huskies are able to enchant anyone with their gaze.

Did you know? Siberian huskies were especially popular as part of the Mercy Race to deliver diphtheria vaccines to Nome, Alaska, a city completely cut off from civilization. Dogs have become real heroes.

Chukchi riding

In the harsh conditions of the northern lands, the dogs of the Chukchi sled dog breed are the best means of transportation, sometimes this remedy is the only one that can be used. Calm and not tuned in hunting dogs of this breed often act in reindeer shepherd roles. Chukotka mounts can be useful in many ways, they prefer to work than to wallow in vain.
These animals are of medium height, slightly elongated shape, strong build, with strong bones and well-developed muscles. The exterior of these dogs is quite suitable for long and tireless transportation of goods in a team. The growth at the withers of these dogs reaches 58 cm, weight up to 30 kg. Their colors are quite varied. Chukotka sled dogs are well developed physically, undemanding to living conditions, hardy, efficient. They have a phenomenal instinct, with which they find their way under the most difficult circumstances. These dogs own a trot, characterized by speed and stability. Representatives of the Chukchi sled dog breed are friendly to people. They must be provided with sufficient physical activity. For the peoples of the northern regions, Chukchi riding huskies are part of their culture. Dogs accompany people here as faithful helpers, they are always there, you can rely on them in the most difficult cases. Where machinery fails, Chukotka sleds will be able to pave the way.

Did you know? There was a period in Soviet history when the Chukchi sleds were completely subject to extermination in order to impose modern technology on the inhabitants of the northern regions. Later the breed was revived.

Chukchi riding huskies are distinguished by their independence of character, they are not emotional in showing their love and tender feelings, but they also do not allow aggression to be felt once again. These are hard workers who love to benefit people, so the opportunity to work hard is the best reward for them.

The very name of the breed speaks about the purpose of these dogs - they are real (ski-joring, bike-joring). Sports were bred in the 80s of the last century in Norway by cynologist Nils Andreas Hansen by crossing several breeds:, and. Large kurtshaars differed in size, and Greyhounds - in speed indicators when running.
A mixture of these breeds gave an excellent result, but he lacked stamina. Therefore, these dogs were once again mixed with kurtshaars, resulting in mestizos. They ran well, were characterized by extraordinary strength, but differed from other representatives of the dogs, which became a cause of concern for their owners. Therefore, attention for the next mating was drawn to the pointers from the large Italian kennel "Vento". These dogs just lacked power, and they themselves were absolutely non-aggressive.
The result was dogs with enough power to pull a skier or other load, intelligence, the ability to develop high speed, moreover, without signs of unreasonable aggression. These dogs were named Norwegian sports mestizos.

Such a device, as previously used only in teams, but now the accessory is used to control the behavior of a pet during a walk and allows you to keep the dog in a comfortable position.

This unique wolf-like dog breed, lives next to a person for a sufficiently long period of time, but cannot fully trust him. Therefore, the Eskimo Laika should not be started for home maintenance. At the same time, representatives of these dogs have repeatedly become real rescuers for people, showing conscientiousness in doing their job. They are able to solve any, even the most difficult transport tasks in the harsh conditions of the Far North.
In modern conditions, the Eskimo Laika is recommended to be kept in an aviary, which is distinguished by considerable space, in a private country house. Representatives of this breed are characterized by endurance, they are able to calmly endure the lowest northern temperatures and remain reliable hard workers.

The Eskimo Laika is a real northern beauty, which is able to impress everyone with its powerful physique and uncompromising expression of the muzzle. Due to the harsh conditions of survival, she began to have strictness, a fearsome appearance, perseverance, and strong-willed traits. Hard physical labor, hunting have become the main areas of application of the Eskimo Laika in harsh northern conditions. Representatives of this breed in terms of transporting goods have surpassed all other sled dogs, they are able to carry very heavy loads over long distances.
For all their "wildness", Eskimo huskies are quite easy to train, they try to listen to their master, whom they perceive rather as a leader because of their herd instinct. These dogs are very independent and independent. You won’t expect affection and tenderness from them, but when they are praised, they are satisfied. The Eskimo Laika does not flaunt love and devotion to the owner, but she needs him. She is especially attached to the youngest owners -. Their main function is to help a person, but without the manifestation of sentimental feelings.
Eskimo huskies are quite large, but at the same time they are characterized by compactness and harmonious physique. They have powerful limbs, bones, muscles. Like all sled dogs, their coat is long and thick with an undercoat that is dense and contains fat, which saves dogs from severe frosts. The appearance of the Eskimo Laika is similar to that of a wolf. Color does not have certain standards, it is constantly changing. Without sufficient physical activity, modern Eskimo Huskies have become prone to many diseases.

These animals do not require special care, it is necessary, as usual, to keep the coat clean, comb it out correctly and in a balanced way, provide, walk, providing freedom and the opportunity for sufficient physical activity. Eskimo huskies are trainable, but they also like to play during training. These are excellent guards. They do not expect systematic praise from the owner, sometimes their behavior is characterized by arrogance, but they become attached to the owner in their own way.

Sled dogs are special animals. All of them are hardy, reliable, hardworking. But if there is a desire to have such an animal, then you need to think carefully about all the pros and cons. Indeed, representatives of such breeds sometimes combine the incompatible and require a lot of effort from the owner and family members. Therefore, the owners of such dogs must also be, in some way, workaholics in order to better understand the needs of their pets.

Today, many people prefer sled dog breeds. This is due to the fact that they are very hardened, strong and active. But in order to sled dogs remain healthy both emotionally and physically, they require special care.

Breeds of sled dogs

The most favorable habitat for these is the Taiga or other places where severe frosts are observed, but at the same time they get along well in other conditions, even in southern Russia.

Especially popular at this stage of time are northern sled dogs. These dogs are often exploited as a draft force and for cargo transportation. There are about twenty breeds of sled dogs, but the most popular of them are the following:

1. Siberian. Next to these dogs, you begin to feel like a hero of Jack London's stories, a gold digger, a pioneer of the North - Elame Harnish, nicknamed "Time-does-not-wait".

Husky sled dogs great racers and for 7 thousand years have not changed. Females are kind, gentle and affectionate, while males, on the contrary, are serious. Working dogs are very different from show dogs, their character is more tempered and they prefer to rely only on their own strength, and not on the owner. For a husky, running away and not reacting to what is happening is a common thing.

In the photo husky sled dogs

2. Alaskan. No less interesting breed. This is a typical heavy truck of the snowy plains. These unique dogs are not afraid of even the temperature of 70 degrees below zero. The breed was created to work productively in a team.

These strong dogs lived with their owners in the unfavorable conditions of the North. Dogs were used to transport heavily armed sledges over snow and ice during hunting. Alaskan Malamutes are very similar in appearance to Huskies, only slightly larger.

Alaskan Malamute sled dog

3. Norwegian sports mestizo. The breed was formed as a result of crossing German sports and Scandinavian. Norwegian mestizos often compete in single races in bikejoring.

Norwegian sports mestizo

4. Volkosob. This is the newest, unique breed of sled dog, bred as a result of crossing and. Their jaws are much stronger than those of dogs, and such a bodyguard can spot violators or smell drugs 20 times faster. These dogs are quite trusting and loyal. The scent of a wolfdog is much clearer than that of a simple dog. In a matter of minutes, he can find an object by smell.

Pictured is a wolf dog

5. Samoyed or. Translated from the Maltese "masters of their land." Appeared from the white polar wolf. In America, they are called "dogs for a good mood." They are very good-natured, sensual, affectionate. Samoyeds are strong and very hardy.

Pictured are riding Samoyed huskies

6. Chukchi sled dog. This aboriginal breed was recognized by the Russian cynological federation several years ago. The inhabitants of Chukotka used these large dogs to transport heavy loads.

Dogs are perfectly adapted to the harsh climate, the coat is close, but long and warm. With proper upbringing, already at the age of six months, all commands are remarkably performed.

Chukchi sled dog

Buy a sled dog business is not cheap. But is it a pity to spend money on a dog that is guaranteed to become your true friend?

Sled dog training

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but even from the courtyard you can raise a champion. The main thing is hard work. Sled dogs need constant training to keep themselves in good shape.

They can walk up to 150 km in a day, but it takes hard work. To keep fit, dogs need to run from 10 km a day with the owner. Different breeds have their own characteristics and therefore each dog begins training differently.

First you need to take a bag in which you will put food and shoes for the dog, a leash, a first aid kit, a bowl, sandwiches. And keep your course into the forest to form the right pet commands to the right, left, forward, stop.

Canicross will be the second step in initiation into sledding. The basics of sledding of these breeds should be introduced from a young age. Training starts from 4-5 months.

The best way to prepare your baby is to put on a short harness for sled dogs on which the toy will hang. As a result, the puppy will not only enjoy the game, but also train.

First, exercise in an apartment or at home, after a few weeks you can go outside with your baby. Teaching older adults is done by copying.

Canicross with sled dogs

An important role is played by the driver himself or the athlete who manages the pack. He must know the ranks of his dogs. For example, low-ranking dogs do not want to cross the running line of high-ranking dogs and do not really want to overtake them during competitions. Therefore, high-ranking dogs lead the rest.

A good sled dog should not doubt his actions. All learned skills must be automatic. To do this, you need to act in stages. The training algorithm should consist of the following points:

  • form a situation where the dog must make the right decision:
  • make sure he does the right thing.
  • encourage your pet.
  • repeat the commands as many times as necessary for the dog to remember and form his skill.

What can a sled dog do?

Sled dogs can perform the following actions:

  • inspire their owners to do great things in any situation.
  • transport heavy loads in the north, where there is only snow and no roads.
  • transport people on sleds. Sledges for sled dogs- This is a special sled for racing, which is harnessed by dogs.
  • take part in cross-country skiing.

A sled dog does not need to be explained that it is necessary to run forward, it is in its genes. But dogs of other breeds need to be taught this. In addition, there is such a variety sled dog competition like bikejoring. This is a very useful discipline that requires special sled dog equipment.

Pictured are sleds for sled dogs

Its essence lies in the fact that a person moves on a bicycle and, with the help of equipment, controls running next to him. At the start, the dog must be given time to gather, for this they count from five to one.

When a person is moving, he should not pick up the sling and coordinate the dog, because the four-legged athlete is only distracted. In those situations when the owner observes that the tightness has hung, it means that the pet has slowed down and has ceased to feel the owner.

Sled dog harness measurements

The goal of canicross and bikejoring is to go through the track at maximum speed, for this you need to constantly feel and support your dog. Over time, such training unites a person and, in the future, helps to find a common language with a pet. In general, this is an excellent training not only for the pet, but also for the owner. By doing such jogging in the evenings, you can get in shape in a couple of weeks.

Without these dogs, which have replaced draft power for the peoples of the North, it is impossible to imagine life among the eternal snows. Strong, devoted to man, they have repeatedly saved his life in the cruel conditions of the Far North.

The article provides basic information on this issue in the form of frequently asked questions and answers to them, which makes it possible to get an idea of ​​​​the best representatives of breeds that are considered indispensable not only in Alaska.

Sled dogs in the north for a team, Alaska, the Arctic, Kamchatka, during the Great Patriotic War, in Karelia, the Tundra

Sled dogs began to be used by man about eight thousand years ago, which is confirmed by the finds of archaeologists. At present, the use of dog sleds has not lost its relevance.

Since dogs do not need pasture like deer, they can cover forty, sixty kilometers a day, moving at a speed of about ten kilometers per hour.

In different parts of the globe, peoples living in snowy countries used different breeds of dogs for sledding and transporting goods. In Kamchatka it was a husky breed, in Alaska it was an Alaskan Malamute. In addition to these breeds, sled dogs include Samoyeds, Laikas.

During the Great Patriotic War, almost all local riding huskies were destroyed in the Karelian-Finnish company.

After the war, cynologists collected them in all settlements and preserved the population thanks to 43 surviving dogs.

Sled dogs Malamute, Husky in harness, how they behave and a brief description of the breed and their use

Huskies are sled dog breeds. It is the oldest breed of dog. It is used not only as a sled dog, but also as a companion dog.

Husky is a dog of medium height, strong and fast. The ears are straight, the tail is fluffy. Works well in a team, carrying heavy loads. The eyes of dogs can be of different colors - one brown, the other blue. The color is mostly black and white. The height of the dog is about 60 centimeters, weight up to 28 kilograms.

The character of the Husky is friendly and agile. The dog is suitable for apartment living. Cannot be used for protection. Needs constant physical activity. Hair care is not a problem, it is self-cleaning, odorless, easy to comb out when shedding. You don't have to shave the dog. The dog has an extremely developed hunting instinct, which can cause conflicts in the countryside, where the dog can hunt neighbors' domestic animals.

The Malamute, unlike the Husky, is native to America. This breed was bred by the Eskimos of Alaska. It also belongs to one of the oldest dog breeds.

The dog is quite large, growth at the withers up to 63 centimeters, weight up to thirty-eight kilograms. Outwardly, it looks like a wolf. The dog does not know how to bark, only grumbles. Not suitable for security. The character is lively and good-natured, likes to be a leader.

Sled dogs, ammunition, teams

Training sled dogs for commands begins at an early age. Up to eight months, until the skeleton of the animal has formed, it cannot be heavily loaded, so the teams are learned during walks. The main commands for sled dogs are: right, left, stop, quiet. Like all other dogs, she must know the "come" command and the "go" command.

Harnesses, pulls, collars, leashes, shoes on paws made of thick fleece and synthetic fabric are used as ammunition.

Sled dogs interesting facts

In the twenties of the last century, thanks to sled dogs, anti-diphtheria serum was delivered to Alaska. This event is known all over the world under the name "Mercy Race".

The longest journey on sled dogs was ten thousand kilometers. It was carried out by a Soviet expedition in the 1980s.

Currently, there are sports competitions involving sled dogs. They are of two types: on snow and without snow. Without snow, the dog tows the athlete on any hard surface.

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Northern breeds of dogs are those pets that can easily endure any climatic conditions and especially frost, they are hardy, have a thick coat and a good sense of smell. Interestingly, many discoveries in the Arctic have been made with the help of northern dogs and sled breeds. Because they were bred specifically to work on a team.

Karelian Bear Dog

Externally, the Karelian Bear Dog has much in common with the Russian Laika, although this breed is much more common. Used for hunting, stalking large animals and home protection. An excellent scent and hunting qualities are genetically incorporated, but you need to constantly educate and train a bear dog. Wool - thick, fluffy, red color.

Yakutian Laika

The Yakutian Laika appeared in the north-east of Russia in the area of ​​"dog rivers". Pets were used for sledding, hunting for a large animal. Outwardly, the Yakut Laika has a medium size, strong paws, thick coat of spotted color (white-black, black-red). The pet easily tolerates any climatic conditions, is quite hardy.

Greenland sled dog

The Greenland sled dog is a rather rare breed in our time, it appeared in Greenland, was used for sledding and hunting. Outwardly, it is a strong, hardy, muscular dog. Wool - thick, color - white, spotted, gray, brown. The peculiarity is that the Greenland sled dog adapts to all living conditions, but it is better not to keep it in an apartment.

East Siberian Laika

The East Siberian Laika includes several subspecies of dogs that are still developing and changing in appearance. Pets appeared on the territory of Russia, they were bred by the ancient settlements of the eastern part of the country. Outwardly, these are large dogs weighing up to 50 kg, the coat is thick with an undercoat. Likes were used as riding and hunting. The East Siberian Laika has a difficult character, but easily tolerates frost and cold.

West Siberian Laika

The West Siberian Laika also appeared in the north, in Siberia, but in the western part. These pets are excellent big game hunters and have never been used to transport goods. Now they can be used as home guards. Height - up to 55 cm, weight 30 kg, wool - thick, light, black or brown in color.

Russian-European Laika

The Russian-European Laika was bred artificially on the territory of Russia, it is used for hunting and driving a large animal, but after special training. Outwardly - a large, powerful dog up to 60 cm tall. Wool - medium density, with undercoat, color - black, white, spotted, brown. Now the Russian-European Laika is used as a watchdog or companion.

It is interesting that many Laika breeds were bred artificially after the selection of the best native breeds from the expanses of Siberia. Therefore, each species has a different size, color and purpose.

Northern breeds of dogs have always been distinguished by strength, physical endurance, picky feeding and resistance to severe frosts. Thanks to these beautiful animals and their ability to work in a team, people have managed to make many useful discoveries in the Arctic.

All breeds of northern dogs are divided into three groups:

  1. Riding.
  2. Hunting.
  3. Guards.

The article provides a general description of the breeds, a description of their prominent representatives with photographs and names.

Sled dogs are called animals that a person uses as a traction force for transporting goods and people. For this purpose, dogs have been exploited for more than 7 thousand years. The conquest of the earth's poles at the beginning of the XX century. happened precisely on such harnesses.

Alaskan malamute

It is considered by scientists to be one of the oldest breeds bred by the Alaskan Eskimos for draft work. One of the ancestors of the dog is the polar wolf. The name of the breed comes from the name of the tribe to which they were bred - "malemute". They were used to transport goods and people, less often - to protect the house.

Surprisingly, Alaskan Malamutes cannot bark. Their beautiful thick coat has a wolf color and a dense undercoat. The weight of an adult individual varies between 32-37 kilograms. When keeping an animal, it is important to provide it with long walks and moderate physical activity every day.

Important! Alaskan Malamutes are able to dig deep holes, because this is how they got their food in natural conditions.

Siberian Husky

Dogs of this breed outwardly very much resemble Malamute, but are inferior to him in build and growth. Siberian huskies are considered to be factory huskies, but their ancestors were exploited by the Eskimos for a long time in hunting, grazing herds and transporting heavy loads. The name of the breed originated from the word "eski" - so the strangers called the Eskimos. The main purpose of the breed is to transport light objects over long distances, since these animals could be in constant motion throughout the day.

Siberian Huskies are known for their good disposition and friendliness. There is an opinion that the Chukchi even used these animals to warm small children in especially harsh winters.

Dogs of this breed are used to being surrounded by fellow tribesmen, so they constantly need attention. The owner must provide this animal with long walks and sufficient attention.

This breed originated in the coastal areas of Siberia, Greenland and Alaska about 6-7 thousand years ago, therefore it is considered one of the most ancient. They belong to Spitz because they have erect ears, thick hair and a twisted tail. The coat can be of any color except white. The growth of an adult cable reaches 57-69 cm, females - 49-62 cm. The weight of the Greenland sled dog varies between 28-33 kg.

Dogs are complex in nature and require a strong-willed owner. Since they originally lived in herds, the representatives of the breed have a highly developed hierarchy. To win their trust and devotion, the owner must show his character for a long time and “break” the animal. If he succeeds, the dog will be devoted to him all his life.

Northern hunting dogs

Northern hunting dogs are used for hunting large and small game.

Animals of this breed are characterized by excellent flair, sight and hearing. They take part in the hunt with great passion; when fighting with the object of hunting, they show unprecedented power.

Has a stable psyche, kind and cheerful. When in contact with other dogs, they take the initiative. The Russian-European Laika is very devoted to the owner, practically does not show aggression towards strangers. Easily trainable, but will not follow commands against his will.

Representatives of this breed require daily long walks and strong physical exertion. They are distinguished by good health, so they rarely get sick. The weight of an adult individual reaches 19-24 kg, height - 49-60 cm.

East Siberian Laika

It is considered the largest hunting husky in the forest belt of the eastern part of Siberia. It has an amazing orientation to the terrain, it easily works in difficult climatic conditions.

The animal has a moderate disposition, calmly reacts to strangers. He loves to play with small children. The East Siberian Laika is not whimsical to the environment, therefore it can live on the street and in the house. The owner must provide daily strong physical activity and the opportunity to run. The growth of an adult varies between 53-63 cm, weight - 17-24 kg.

This breed was formed in the harsh taiga climate. The population of these regions tried to breed a new breed that would be distinguished by its persistent character and high labor force. Sometimes cruel measures were taken by breeders, but it is thanks to them that the modern West Siberian Laika is known to the whole world.

Representatives of this breed are considered ideal pets for any family. They are equally successful in hunting and communicating with young children. The West Siberian Laika is friendly with people and small pets, but if its owner is in danger, there is no better defender to be found.

Representatives of this breed need long walks not only as a physical activity, but also as an opportunity to be with their beloved owner. The weight of an adult individual reaches 19-26 kg, height - 51-65 cm.

Emthunds (Swedish Laikas) are considered the strongest northern hunters. Using a sharp sense of smell, they silently look for prey and only then inform the owner about it. As a rule, they are found only in their homeland - Sweden.

Despite the amazing power, the emthund is kind and affectionate. He quickly becomes attached to the owner and remains faithful to him all his life. Friendly reacts to strangers, but sensitively monitors their behavior. If there are small children in the family, he can play with them all day long.

The dog is distinguished by good health, but in old age it may suffer from urolithiasis. Requires constant physical activity and moderation in training. The weight of an adult reaches 32 kg, the height of a male is 56-66 cm, the height of a female is 51-62 cm.

A small dog of a beautiful light color. It is considered a rare breed in its homeland - Sweden. An ideal hunter in dense forests and swamps. Known to mankind for more than a thousand years, but gained popularity only in the 70s of the XX century.

Norbotten Spitz is very alert, has remarkable strength. He is balanced, energetic and friendly. It is almost impossible to anger him and provoke him to attack. Thanks to these qualities in his homeland, he is used as a reliable watchman. The weight of a male reaches 10-16 kg, height - 41-48 cm. Females can weigh 7-13 kg with a height of 41-45 cm.

An excellent hunter of golden color, who knows his own worth. Laika is playful and cheerful. She very quickly gets used to her master, cautiously lets outsiders approach him. The animal loves to communicate with people, but with a disrespectful attitude, it can “show its teeth”. She has leadership qualities, so when raising a puppy, you should immediately show who is in charge in the house.

The animal is suitable for keeping in an apartment and the private sector. It is not recommended to keep a husky with small pets, as she will regard them as food. The weight of a husky reaches 10-16 kg, height - 41-51 cm.

A wonderful fearless hunter who needs a strict master. Representatives of this breed are bold and independent. They are very devoted to their master and members of his family, but they are somewhat aggressive towards their relatives. They are easy to train, but can suddenly run away to walk alone.

Dogs have great physical strength, so they need daily walks, the opportunity to "hunt" and just run. With them, you need to be tough and give in to regular physical exertion in order to earn their respect. The weight of the animal reaches 19-24 kg, height - 48-62 cm.

Note! The Karelian Bear Dog will be healthy only if it receives the required amount of strength training.

Unique flexible hunter used for puffin hunting. Dogs have six toes on each paw, which allows them to move along the rocks, catching up with prey. This breed is very rare, in the 50s of the last century it was on the verge of extinction, but today the situation has improved.

They have a stable psyche, very cheerful and friendly. Most of all they like to chase birds in the fresh air. Despite their small size (weight 5-8 kg, height - 29-39 cm), they are distinguished by strength and endurance. If the animal receives sufficient physical activity on walks, it will be calm at home.

Note! Lundehunds suffer greatly from gastrointestinal diseases, so the owner must regularly monitor the weight of the pet and prevent large losses in kilograms.

A unique breed considered a symbol of Norway. It owes its name to the frequent participation in elk hunting. The ancestors of these beauties lived on the Scandinavian Peninsula more than 6 thousand years ago. The first descriptions of the Elkhound are found in the Viking sagas.

Elkhound combines the impossible: he can live independently in harsh climatic conditions, but in the company of the owner he turns into a gentle and vigilant pet. Dogs of this breed are very independent, therefore, without due attention from the owner, they can show character.

The dog will not tolerate any animal near him, the only exception is if the Elkhound and another pet have grown up together. It is in dire need of active recreation with the owners, so it is not suitable for the elderly and too busy people. It is best to keep him in the private sector so that he can protect the territory. The weight of the animal reaches 21-27 kg, height - 40-53 cm.

Northern guard dogs

Representatives of these breeds are great for home protection.

One of the most kind and devoted representatives of northern dog breeds. They immediately become attached to the owner and his family, while constantly monitoring the environment. In the event of a threat, these good-natured people turn into fierce defenders.

Norwegian Buhunds are in dire need of the attention of their beloved master. In case of lack of communication, they can “go crazy” and smash everything around them. To avoid this, the dog should be walking or jogging every day, playing power games with him (tug of war, etc.) or simply giving him the opportunity to chase birds. The animal is whimsical in nutrition, so its diet must be balanced.

Dogs are distinguished by good health, but they are characterized by the development of dysplasia - a disease of the hip joint. Unfortunately, the pathology is inherited. In weight, buhundas reach 23-27 kg, in height - 44-48 cm.

It is considered one of the oldest northern breeds. An ideal pet for people who prefer outdoor activities. Suomenlapinkoira is an active and cheerful dog. She is very smart, so she is easy to train. Quickly and forever attached to his master, in dire need of his attention. Absolutely conflict-free, calmly reacts to his relatives.

Initially, it was bred for herding purposes, but today training of the Suomenlapinkoir as a rescue dog is practiced. The weight of the animal reaches 20-22 kg, height - 40-53 cm. They easily get along in an apartment and private houses.

Unique dogs, for which the glory of comedians has entrenched. Thanks to short legs, puppy behavior even in adulthood and constant attention to the owner, they can make you smile even in the saddest situations.

The homeland of the Visigothic Spitz is Sweden, but today they can be found on the territory of other countries.

The dog very quickly becomes attached to its owner, so if he does not give the pet the necessary attention, the Spitz can spoil the household utensils. They are distinguished by strong immunity, easily tolerate temperature changes. The only reason why they can often get sick is the lack of physical activity. The growth of the Visigoth Spitz ranges from 32-41 cm, weight - 8-15 kg.

Excellent shepherd guards who appeared in the tenth century BC. They are energetic, kind and cheerful. They quickly become attached to the owner and catch the slightest change in his mood, try to cheer him up. They like to play with small children very much, in a parental way they protect them from dangers.

The Icelandic dog is distinguished by its poise and lack of aggression. In case of danger, she will bark loudly, warning the owner. Like other northern breeds, she needs long walks in the fresh air. Differs in good health, but has a genetic tendency to hip dysplasia. In height it reaches 42-45 cm, in weight - 11-16 kg.

The breed originated in Finland and is considered very rare. At home, it is valued for its endurance, good health and the ability to work in the harshest conditions. Lapinporocyra is characterized by a strong attachment to one owner and the unquestioning execution of his commands.

These animals have a highly developed guard instinct. They are absolutely fearless, therefore, to protect the owner, they can fight with any opponent.

The harsh conditions of the development of the breed endowed them with good health, but it must be maintained with daily long walks, moderate physical activity and the right daily diet. The traditional weight for lapinporocyra is 24-31 kg, height is 42-55 cm.

According to some scientists, the Swedish Lapphund is considered the ancestor of the Spitz-like group of dogs. Breeders believe that the blood of polar wolves flows in these animals, since modern Lapphunds have a firm and independent character.

The Swedish Lapphund is a versatile pet that is equally good at guarding, rescue, catching a criminal and protecting its owner. The growth of an adult is 41-53 cm, weight is 14-21 kg.

Animals look at other people with caution and try to keep them away from their owner. They love to bark very much, which is why they are not very suitable for keeping in an apartment. The harsh climate of Sweden has made them resistant to colds, but their weak point is considered to be the urolithic system.

Having studied the popular northern dog breeds, it can be noted that all of them are united by a strong attachment to the owner and the need for physical activity. Professional breeders recommend weighing the pros and cons before getting a northern breed pet.