Facts about the chest. Facts about women's breasts

There is not one of the often discussed part of the body, like a breast. Women's breasts - the subject of admiration and envy. And let someone love more beautiful priests, it is unlikely that there is at least one person who would not admire the beautiful female breast. We offer you to learn some interesting facts about this beautiful part of the body.

  1. The breast disperses absolutely from everyone.Unfortunately, this is an inevitable process. Perhaps the owner of a single thing thinks that the sin of the breast threatens only girls with lush forms, I will upset you - it threatens you. Of course, it will not be so noticeable as the pischnogruda, but the fact is a fact. How much and how quickly will turn off the chest depends on pregnancy, feeding the child, age, the presence of bad habits, the weight of the girl and its breast size. It is possible to prevent the breast to be prevented only in a surgical path. And so that this process proceeds less noticeable, you need to play sports.
  2. According to statistics, 58% of women wear a bra that they need. This is because they are trying to choose a bra on their eyes, elementary not knowing their parameters.
  1. A woman can reach orgasm with breasts. Physiologists are proved that irritation of erectile tissue, which is under the nipples of female breasts, can cause a reduction in the mother-in-law muscles and thereby bring the girl to orgasm. It works about 8% of women.
  2. Scientists from the University of Cincinnati (PC. Ohio, USA) were calculated that the Middle Industrial the weight of one female breast is about 400 g.
  3. Every kilogram typed kilogram increases the weight of the breast to 20 g - and vice versa.
  4. Big breasts in sports.Girls with big breasts still from physical education lessons know that even such simple classes like running, jumping and gymnastic workouts are uncomfortable. Big breasts are pain in the back, first of all. If you have a lot of sports without a special sports supporting bust, the chest can start sagging much earlier. And yes, the views of men with a booster jumping during training - it's nice, but tiring.
  5. In Japan, many hundreds of years the lack of breast was considered a symbol of femininity and beauty. In order to hide the shapes, the Japanese was pulled by a bust of the blade.
  6. Nipples and media.In the media, on television, in magazines, on advertising posters, it is customary to close nipples or make them blurred. Surely, you noticed the girls painted nipples in a photo in Instagram. It is believed that naked nipples in the field of media are indecent. Representatives of the human rights movement still can not find the reason for men allowed to break the torso in humans, and there are no women. In social networks, Hesteg #Freethenipple, who supports the right of girls openly demonstrate their nipples, is becoming increasingly popular, although in fact, the speech here is more about the equality of men and women.
  7. Plastic chest.Yes, it is the most common manipulation in plastic surgery. For example, such frequent procedure as a facial suspender is doubled. The correction of the mammary glands has long ceased to be something outstanding and condemned. With implants, you can even quietly feed the baby with breasts.
  8. Where do men look?You myself guess, and you are right - judging by numerous polls, men, when meeting a girl, the first thing to pay attention to neither the ass, or on the lips and eyes, but on the chest. Even if it is flat. In fact, such behavior is laid in strong-floor representatives by another evolution. It was the feminine breast in ancient times that determined the health and fertility of a woman, as well as its ability to dry out and feeding offspring.
  9. According to the results of the study conducted by the University Medical Center in Ulrich (Sweden), women who did not undergo a breast resizing is less likely to feel suicide than women with implants.
  10. Under the influence of cold, women's chest pulls up and becomes more attractive. That is why a special employee in the Paris Kabare "Lido" spends on the chest of dancers a piece of ice in front of their outlet on the scene.

As you know, breast cancer is the most common form of a malignant tumor in women. Therefore, it is necessary to check regularly. It is necessary to do this with a special doctor - a mammologist who feeds the chest for seals. Also urgently need to contact a doctor if you have noticed changes in the shape, size or color of the skin of the breasts, separation from nipples or increased axillary lymph nodes.

1. According to scholars estimates, on average, the weight of each of two women's breasts is about four hundred grams.

2. Each of the woman gained by a kilogram increases the weight of the breast for about 20 grams and vice versa.

3. By the mid-19th century, in France, it was possible to increase breasts with animal fat, paraffin or wax.

4. Eighty percent of women is one of the breasts (usually left) a little more different.

5. American sociologists in 2003 stated that the greater the size of the chest, the higher the high level of intellectual development it possesses.

6. As part of the chest is 15-20 stakes of iron fabric - all together they go to the grape cluster.

7. In Japan, the "minimum" chest since ancient times was considered a symbol of beauty and femininity. In order to hide the available forms, the Japanese was tightened their bust with the help of a canvas.

8. The female breast is slightly increasing in size a week before the start of menstruation.

9. Mother of Emperor Rome Karakalla Yulia Mamey and the second wife Henry Xviii Anna Boleyn had 3 dairy glands.

10. There are women who are able to reach orgasm during the caress of the chest.

11. In the female breast there are no muscle tissues.

12. In the south of Slavs in the older times, there was a belief that the fabulous inhabitants of various reservoirs - mermaids - have a breast of this size, which can easily throw it on their back.

13. Alexander Duma had two bowls, which were cast in accordance with the form of Breather De Barry.

14. As statistical data is evidenced, 58% of women are constantly carrying bras not suitable size, since they are selected on their eyes, not knowing their own parameters.

15. About 70% of women want to increase their breasts, or somehow change its natural shape. It is often due precisely with psychological problems, and not at all with ugly breasts.

16. The greatest breast on the planet - 82 to 266 for 193 cm - made a sculptor from France Cesar from a polyester resin.

18. Using traditional implants, in 28% of cases in breasts, fibrosis occurs a foreign object. The connective tissue.

19. Amazons removed the right chest, cut off, or migrating it in early childhood. This facilitated the archery, and in another version, it was done to intimidate enemies.

20. In the 18th century, when the female decollete was extremely deep, the color of the arole and the nipples invented by dyes.

21. In 1886, the British was created the first on the planet bra, called the "adaptation for improving the breast form". Outwardly, he resembled a couple of tea lining, which sat on the chest and fastened with a ribbon.

22. Big breasts with large nipples are extremely popular in India and Africa, since Maternity cult reigns in local religions.

23. The Charter of the Italian army has a provision that girls with an impressive breast size must necessarily go to the operation to reduce it if they plan to serve in the country's army.

24. Before childbirth, the breast is heavy by about 700 g.

25. Women with little breasts Australia's aborigines were considered defective.

26. In the early 2000s, in the province of Hunan, in China, there was a rule: female civil servants certainly had to have breasts of the same value.

27. Among some nations, in the extreme north, there is a belief that conception happens precisely in the chest, and only then the child goes down to a woman in the stomach.

28. In the event that the girl wants to do bodybuilding, it is possible that it will lose his chest: in this sport, fat cells, of which mostly consists of breasts, "burn" very quickly.

29. Nowadays, the average breast amount of girls is about 91.4 centimeters.

30. Speaking from a physiological point of view, female milk iron is a modified sweat iron.

31. European women basically have a hemispherical shape, asian - conical, and Africans are pear-shaped.

32. The name of Ningurt, which carries the mountain located in the center of the Kola Peninsula, near Seide Lake, with Samsky translates as "Women's chest".

33. Because of the cold, the chest pulls up, becoming more attractive.

The transformation of a teenager in a woman is always given to representatives of weak gender with great difficulty. Girls have to deal with many difficulties, especially related to her breasts. Men, go from the screen! This information is only for girls.

We decided to fill the gaps in knowledge about the care of ourselves, in order to avoid problems with comfort and health. This concerns women of any age, because most of us drawn up with their breasts to the detriment of themselves.

We present to your attention 9 things that are better to avoid to breathe full and healthy breasts.

1. The bra size is less.

The study shows that only 1 of 4 women wears a suitable bra. But this is a very important point that most ladies are missing. If you squeeze your advantages into too small cups, it may limit the influx of blood and cause the formation of scars that can potentially lead to cancer.

2. Vyching hairs.

Having hair out of this sensitive zone, you make the skin much thicker. As a result, hairs will grow rude, and even inflammatory processes are possible.

3. Too rough affection.

If your young man is playfully applies to your chest - it is, of course, perfectly. But in this matter, the main thing is not to overdo it, because too strong bite or plugging can lead to the same consequences as a small bra.

4. Piercing nipples.

Whatever the piercing masters about the safety of the procedure, in any case, when piercing the nipple is the likelihood of infection. And the proximity of the nipples to the lymphatic system means that bacteria can very quickly get into the blood.

5. Smoking.

For those women who smoke a lot, over time, the chest loses its natural elasticity. It also worsens the condition of the skin, it becomes more loose.

6. Sports sports without special linen.

When you go on a jog or in the gym, do not forget with you a special sports bra. This concerns even the most miniature ladies. When bouncing, the chest may be injured, which leads to very bad consequences.

7. Sleep on the stomach.

While you sleep on your stomach, your chest is compressed, and this can lead to its deformation. There is no confirmation of this theory yet, but why not put the pillows or not to sleep on your back to once again not expose yourself at risk?

1. Milk glands for all women are identical.Moreover, anatomically our breasts is very similar to the male. It's all about ... fat. After all, the fatty tissue gives the size and rounded form. But the muscle tissues female breast does not contain at all.

2. The number of nerve endings focused in the area of \u200b\u200bthe breast,equally all representatives of weak gender. Therefore, it is not surprising that the small breast is more sensitive to touch, and the big requires a long stimulation for excitement due to a large number of adipose tissue.

3. In smoking women, the chest quickly becomes a flabby and sagging. All because some substances in cigarettes are able to destroy the so-called elastin, which supports the elasticity of the bust.

4. The vast majority of men at a meeting with a woman first look at her chest. And often make it unintentionally, and reflexively. Such a conclusion after long research did scientists. Of course, British. They stated that if a man would look at the female charms for one minute every day, he would be able to extend life for five years.

5. In the human body, almost all the arsmetric organs. And breasts are no exception. Therefore, if you look at, we can see that all women planet left chest is a little more right. As a rule, the discrepancy in the size is barely noticeable, but there are cases when it is straightforwards and is able to develop a complex from a woman.

6. Women's breasts have the same erogenous zone as a penis in a man.It also swells during the excitement, and its long-term stimulation can lead to a reduction in the uterus and bring the woman to orgasm.

7. Breast weight averages about one percent of the total weight of the woman.To speak more specifically, one chest weighs about a half-kilogram.

8. Chest is so sensitive that it is capable of getting a sunburn Even through a swimsuit fabric. Therefore, it is recommended to apply protective cream even under it.

9. Women with breast size more than the third advise to use during sleepa special fixture similar to a pillow, which is stacked between the mammary glands. It helps prevent wrinkles and avoid bleeding disorders.

10. According to some studies, phytoestrogens contained in plants, Stimulate the growth of breast tissues. These substances can be found in linen seed, lentil, beans, and, as well as in small quantities in coffee and orange juice.

11. Perennial observations of female breasts gave an interesting result: It turns out in the XXI century, women's chest increased a little. So, in the 90s, the most sold the size of the bras was 75s, and in the 2000s began to prevail 80d.

12. Breast size often depends on weightand you probably watched it if sharply loose or corrected. To speak more in detail, each prayed kilogram increases the chest for 20 g. And vice versa.

13. Bone bras and close underwear overlap Lymph outflows,what contributes to the accumulation of toxins and other unpleasant consequences. So you need to be careful

14. The breast shape often directly depends on racial origin.For example, European women have a chest like a hemisphere, Asiatok - on the cone, in Africans - to a pear.

15. American sociologists once conducted a study,during which we concluded that women with large and medium-sized bust have a higher level of intelligence than girls with little breasts. Naturally, provided that the breast is natural.