Henna brown from Lush. Caution "black henna" or What is "black henna" Dark brown henna for hair

Brown henna is a dye of natural origin, known since ancient times. There are no limits for henna, because natural hair dyes are not only fashionable, but also benefit health and improve the quality of hair. Today, hair dye in demand is produced by various companies from many countries. Among all types of paint, brown henna has gained the greatest popularity, since mixtures make it possible to obtain a large number of beautiful and unusual shades during dyeing - from red to milky brown.

Composition features

Henna is obtained from the leaves of the Lawsonia Inermis shrub, which grows in Egypt and Syria, as well as in Iran, Sudan and other eastern states. Green chlorophyll and reddish-yellow henno-tannic acid combine to give henna powder coloring properties. The natural product is able to give brownish, chestnut-red and orange-copper shades to hair and skin. To get other tones, it is necessary to mix other components of plant origin into the crushed leaves.

The composition of the cosmetic product with henna is multicomponent. It contains no preservatives or artificial substances. Manufacturers include the following ingredients in the effective staining agent:

  • brown henna extract;
  • ground coffee;
  • indigo powder;
  • cocoa butter and clove bud oil;
  • crushed algae and ground nettle;
  • limonene;
  • eugenol, citral and geraniol;
  • aromatics and essential oils.

The recipes that are commonly used for hair coloring include not only plates from the standard package, but also additional components.

Ideally, henna gives a reddish-red color. If you mix it with a decoction of chamomile, the hair will turn golden brown. Cinnamon and turmeric will also give light brown and light hair a touch of gold.

Dark brown henna from India gives the hair a rich shade of chocolate tone. To do this, add black tea or coffee, an additional portion of indigo to the mass before applying. Cool shine your hair will get by mixing henna with amla powder. If you are a lover of everything impressive and catchy, you can achieve bright red hair if you increase the concentration of henna powder in the composition. Burgundy with notes of ripe cherries will sparkle with the hairstyle if beetroot extract is added to the original product.

How to dye your hair?

The amount depends on the original length of your hair.. For a short haircut, one or two cubes broken off from a whole tile are enough. Add to them water heated almost to a boil. Hold the mass, resembling thick sour cream in consistency, for about 10 minutes for the final mixing and cooling. Then massage thoroughly into clean, dry hair.

Henna is kept on the hair for two hours, sometimes longer. Some instructions suggest increasing this time to six hours, especially for the first time. The head is covered with plastic wrap, a cloth is wound on top or a hat is put on.

The longer you keep the composition on your head, the darker the color will turn out.

Much depends on the structure and natural color of your hair. It is possible to make a hairstyle light brown, natural and noble tone, in five to six hours.

In order for henna to completely penetrate the hair, experts recommend doing this:

  1. First time keep henna on hair for the maximum amount of time (up to eight hours). The easiest way is to apply the mixture in the morning and do household chores all day. Then, at night, remove the polyethylene and wash the composition from the hair with warm water.
  2. re It is advisable to dye your hair after a week.
  3. Third time It is necessary to carry out the staining procedure in two weeks.
  4. Between the third and fourth staining should take no more than three weeks.
  5. Fourth procedure will allow henna to completely penetrate the hair, in the future you can paint or tint the roots once a month. The tool is practically not washed off the hair and has a healing effect on the hair follicles.

Henna powder is not used if the gray hair is extensive and occupies more than a third of the head, the hair is damaged and split, especially after a recent perm.

It is better to refrain from exposure to henna for problematic and seborrheic scalp.

Henna is also used to tint eyebrows to match the hair. Catchy black eyebrows, if you dye your hair in light colors, look unnatural and too contrasting in relation to the hairstyle. Therefore, blondes prefer to use henna to give the desired color. The depth of tone again depends on the time that the paint will stay on the hairs of the eyebrows. For greater expressiveness, henna is also applied to the skin between the hairs. Such staining will not only provide a natural dark color, but will also be safe for the skin of the face.

Popular brands

  1. Lady Henna and Aasha. It is considered a universal coloring agent for all types of hair. Produced in bags of 100 g. Nourishes and strengthens hair, has an antibacterial purpose. The tool is very fine grinding, when mixed, it looks like a cream mask. Envelops the hair with a tanning protective film, protecting it from fading. Gives a rich chestnut color and noticeable shine.
  2. IndiBird. Produced by Bliss Style ("Amrita"). Available in golden brown and dark brown, 50g and 100g bags. Harvested from plantations in Rajasthan, India. The composition of the product includes not only natural henna, but also Ayurvedic herbs. After application, the hairstyle becomes lush and smooth, with a rich shade.
  3. Aroma-Zone "Brown Pomegranate". The herbal mixture is produced in France. Contains 10 ingredients including natural henna, tea, Arabica coffee, amla, hibiscus and acacia, other oils and herbs ground to powder. Supplied in packs of 250 g.
  4. "Vatika". Product of the Indian company Dabur. Natural paint with henna, enriched with vitamins. Gardenia, safflower, mallow and sage complete the versatile formula.
  5. Khadi. A well-known brand that produces organic hair dye based on henna and basma. Shikakai, amla, sandalwood protect the follicles from falling out and cover the hairline with a protective glaze. An antibacterial agent is able to regulate the secretion of fat on the scalp, protects against overdrying. A wide palette of offered colors is characteristic - from reddish and light chestnut to almost black.

A long time ago, people began to use various dyes to change the color of their hair. Now it is difficult to find a girl whose curls have a natural shade. Someone dyes their hair to change their appearance, and someone needs paint to eliminate gray hair, the reasons for all people are different. However, most paints contain harmful substances that adversely affect the hair. Therefore, many female representatives who prefer dark shades of hair use black henna. With it, you can give your hair both a blue-black color and a dark brown shade.

Tool description

What is black henna? The main component is the leaves of lavsonia. During production, the plant is ground to a floury state, turning the leaves into a powder. Depending on the proportions, black henna can dye hair brown, blue or

The final composition of henna includes the following components:
- the lower leaves of the shrub lavsonia;
- oil from cocoa beans, which contributes to a better fixation of the dye on the hair;
- clove oil, which gives a pleasant aroma to the hair after dyeing.
In addition to black, it contains a special additive that provides the paint with greater durability. Too much use of it can lead to the accumulation of toxins in the hair. Therefore, henna should not be used too often. To be fair, most paints contain an ingredient called PPD, so they are also not safe if used frequently.

Benefits of black henna

1. Henna does not contain such harmful substances as ammonia, peroxide and other other chemicals. What can not be said about paints of chemical origin, produced by various brands.
2. Black can be used even by a girl who is in position. After all, there are no contraindications for dyeing hair with black henna during pregnancy or during breastfeeding.
3. Due to the fact that during staining the integrity of the structure of the curls is not violated, henna can be used by people of absolutely any age.
4. Natural dye has a positive effect on the hairline, in most cases relieving a person of dandruff problems.
5. The tannins contained in the paint help to increase the volume of the hair, making the hair much thicker.


Any substance is endowed with certain pros and cons, which determine the properties of the product itself. Black henna also has several disadvantages:

1. Such paint is not able to get rid of gray hair.
2. It is recommended that she dye only natural hair. Otherwise, the end result may be unpredictable.
3. In some cases, henna is not able to dye the hair the first time, so they acquire a greenish tint.
4. Black paint of this type adversely affects the perm, completely straightening the curls.
5. Henna is rather difficult to wash off, so it is recommended to treat the skin near the hairline before dyeing. To do this, it is better to use oil or fat cream.
Knowing the full list of the advantages and disadvantages of black henna, each person can decide for himself whether to dye his hair with this paint or not.

Properties of black henna

Unlike chemical dyes that flood all cosmetic stores, henna does not damage the hair and does not burn the hair follicles. Therefore, its use in some cases can improve the curls, making them more shiny.

Black henna is used for hair, while it does not cause an allergic reaction, and also helps to strengthen curls. They form a special protective layer that prevents their fragility. In addition, black henna, reviews of which are usually positive, favorably affects the scalp, nourishing it with beneficial substances.

Many doctors use it to treat headaches in patients. Also, with the help of this paint, it is possible to cure some skin and even bone diseases. For men, henna can improve potency. Of course, this list is far from complete. Therefore, henna is very in demand and popular among consumers.


However, henna of this type has its own characteristics. The fact is that this paint can not be used for all types of curls. A person with normal or oily hair can safely use this dye, but owners of dry hair are advised not to use henna. In extreme cases, you can use black henna only at the ends of the curls, and then not too often.

Hair coloring: preparatory stage

In order for the hair color to acquire the desired shade, it is necessary to take into account several rules. Otherwise, incorrect proportions can lead to completely unpredictable results.

Initially, you should try the paint on a separate strand. After all, if the result is unsatisfactory, it is much easier to repaint one curl than the entire head.

Before painting, it is required to prepare the room, since henna is very poorly rubbed off the surfaces. It is best to lay old newspapers on the floor or cover it with cellophane. The bathroom should be smeared with a layer of vegetable oil in advance so that the paint does not soak into the enamel when washed off the hair.

Hair coloring technology

So that the dye does not damage the curls and does not dry them out, it is recommended to treat them with a special moisturizing mask a couple of days before the hair is dyed with henna.
You should not prepare the paint in a metal container, as a reaction will occur, and the henna will forever be absorbed into the container. It is best to use ceramic or plastic containers.

To make it less aggressive, it should be prepared on the basis of milk or kefir. At the same time, dairy products do not need to be brought to a boil, a 70-degree temperature will be enough.

Depending on what shade you want to get in the end, the staining procedure changes. So, blue-black hair acquires after maximum contact with the paint, and in order for the curls to become brown, the painted head must be covered with polyethylene (this can be an ordinary bag).

To give the hair color saturation and brightness, you should heat the coloring solution in a water bath. This should be done immediately before applying henna to curls.

An oily suspension will help to avoid the appearance of split ends. She needs to carefully treat the ends of her hair immediately after dyeing.

In order for the effect of black henna to last as long as possible, you should use shampoo and balm designed for colored curls. You can also apply a nourishing mask to your hair yourself. Several applications of this cosmetic product will soften the curls, as well as restore damaged areas.


Now you know what black henna is. We examined the properties of this tool. Also touched upon the topic of dyeing hair with henna.

Every girl periodically tries to change her image. One of the easiest ways is to dye your hair. If you want to give your curls a red tint, but are afraid to harm them, henna for hair will help. This natural dye allows you to change the image in a matter of minutes and give the strands a beautiful appearance.

What is henna

This is a herbal powder product. It is made from the leaves of the Lawsonia Inermis shrub, which grows in eastern countries - Syria, Egypt, Iran. If this product is dried and ground, a green substance with a coloring ability will be obtained.

It contains green chlorophyll and lawson (hennotaninic acid) of a yellowish-red hue. The product also contains substances such as:

  • resins;
  • fatty components;
  • vitamins C and K;
  • polysaccharides;
  • organic acids;
  • essential oils.

The maximum amount of coloring components is present in the lower leaves of henna, and they accumulate during flowering.

Henna staining is carried out due to the accumulation of pigment in the upper layers of the hair. The dye does not get into their structure, but gives the hair color for a long time. In terms of color stability, henna can be compared with chemicals.

After dyeing with this product, the hair may take on a reddish-red or reddish-brown tone. An orange tint may also be added. If you mix this substance with other ingredients, you can get a wider palette of colors.

Types of henna for hair

By origin, the following types of henna are distinguished:

As for the color schemes that henna allows you to get, copper and fiery red tones are traditional options. Similar options can be obtained when dyeing blond or dark blond hair. If you apply the product on fair hair, you can achieve an orange tint. For dark curls, this product will give a chestnut tint.

Among the most popular tones that Indian henna allows you to get, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • golden is obtained by adding cinnamon or turmeric to henna and is ideal for girls with light brown or light strands;
  • swallowtail is a great option for girls with brown hair, it allows you to get a copper color with a reddish tint;

brown is an ideal solution for fashionistas with light brown and light chestnut strands; when turmeric is added to henna, it is possible to get a milky chocolate tone;

  • burgundy - when henna is combined with beetroot extract, it is possible to obtain a tone of ripe cherries, which has a certain proportion of sun glare;
  • black - the darkest tone of henna, which allows you to get a dark brown shade that has hints of bitter chocolate.

A special substance is colorless henna. This tool is also a dried lavsonia. However, in this case, the stems are treated, and not the leaves of the plant. This part of the shrub does not contain a coloring pigment, but includes many useful components.

Colorless henna is actively used in cosmetology to strengthen hair. Literally after 2-3 applications, the product will make the curls voluminous, smooth and silky. That is why a colorless henna hair mask is very popular. The systematic use of this product helps to restore the structure of the strands.

Using colorless henna for hair care - video

Useful properties of henna

In addition to a persistent coloring effect, henna improves the structure of the strands. The essence of the action of this product is superficial penetration into the hair. It does not get inside them, therefore it has pronounced protective properties. However, the benefits of henna do not end there. Thanks to its application, you can get the following results:

  • improve blood circulation in the scalp;
  • activate the growth processes of curls;
  • strengthen hair follicles;

prevent the process of strands falling out;

The therapeutic effect of henna can be explained as follows:

  • it does not violate the structure of the hair, but envelops them from the outside, at the same time providing the hairstyle with additional volume;
  • the protective layer formed by it prevents the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • the resulting shade does not fade in the sun, it is washed off and fades rather slowly;
  • henna has a strengthening effect due to the presence of tannins in it, which tighten the scaly layer of hair;
  • the remedy restores normal water-fat metabolism in the scalp;

helps to strengthen the hair roots and ensures the growth of their rods;

  • deal with dandruff.

In order not to regret the results after applying henna, it is very important to take into account certain nuances.

Henna staining technology

Changing the shade of hair with henna is a very simple process that allows you to get great results. To achieve the desired effect, important features should be taken into account.


The use of henna for coloring curls has certain contraindications that must be taken into account. These include the following:

  • dyeing hair with chemical dyes;
  • a large amount of gray hair (more than 30–40%);
  • pre-permed perm;
  • damaged hair.

If in the near future you are not ready to abandon the use of chemical paints with ammonia, henna is not recommended.

Particular care should be taken by fair-haired girls. The use of henna can lead to too intense shade.

Effective henna masks

To make your hair more beautiful, you can make useful masks using henna:

Henna is a very useful remedy for hair. It helps to restore their structure, making the strands healthier and stronger. In addition, thanks to the use of henna, you can change your image beyond recognition in a matter of seconds without causing any harm to the curls.

To tell the truth, every trip to Lush ends with terrible contritions and deep depression of my inner Jew. But after the first use, depression and distress subside, and I find new favorites.
The tile looks like a big chocolate bar. Green color. This moldy chocolate bar of henna smells of something oriental, spices and a slight delicate shade of granny (I don’t know what old women use to poison moths in cupboards, but it smells exactly like this if you smell it).
Now a few words about the head sentenced to henna: not dyed hair, thin, moderately soft and shiny, fluffy, the most common light brown color.
They are short for me. This is an overgrown pixie cut to the length of a medium bean. So I needed one cube. With a full cost of tiles of 650 rubles, one painting costs 108 rubles. Quite normal. For the umpteenth time I am convinced that Lashevsky cosmetics pay off with prolonged use.

Next, we begin to swing our arms and rub the cube on a grater. One die was given quite easily, with a minimum number of curses, but if there were two or more of them, I would have spat. To be honest, I was surprised how much ready-made powder was rubbed from a small cube:

Then I began to shamanize and filled the cube with cooled boiling water at 80-90 °. It turned out to be a green swamp. Knowing about the subsequent dances with a tambourine, I made the liquid a dense consistency of very thick sour cream.

Henna is important to cook in non-enameled dishes. Glass is perfect. In order for the henna to “ripen”, I put it in hot water after boiling the corn. For 45 minutes.

While henna "ripens". I washed my hair and left it to dry. Again, note to the hostess, it is important to apply henna to clean hair. On damp, I personally feel a little more comfortable. If possible, it is better not to use a balm and / or conditioner. By the time I found shower caps, a black T-shirt, dark towels and pillowcases, the henna was ripe.

As you can see, the henna darkened a little and thickened a little more. Let's start decorating the bodyagi.

I plopped in coconut oil, the blood of a virgin unicorn, olive oil, a dead man's finger, a couple of drops of essential lavender oil, a newt's eye. I added these ingredients according to the principle of Italian cuisine - everything by eye.
Then I remembered about the presence of lemon. And he went under the distribution. Too bad there was no kefir.

Together with all the additives, henna has become more liquid. I again put it in a water bath and warmed it up.

Here is the final consistency. Unlike regular henna, it applies very well. No lumps and does not dry out instantly. After applying I put on 4 hats and one unnecessary winter hat. I looked like my mother's fool mushroom inkwell.

With this view, I then went to bed. If you want to repeat my feat, I will repeat it again - stock up on a black T-shirt, dark towels and a pillowcase in advance. As a result, with a green cake on my head, I passed:
A few words about the composition. And without my perversions, it is very good:
Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Indigo (Fera tinctoria), Henna (Lawsonia inermis), Ground Coffee (Coffea arabica), Nettle Powder (Urtica dioica), Irish Moss Algae Powder (Chondrus crispus), Clove Bud Oil (Eugenia caryophyllus) ), citral*, eugenol*, geraniol*, citronellol*, limonene*, linalool*, fragrance

I can’t say that she washed out somehow supernaturally difficult. From the third time the hair creaked. When they dried, I got exactly what I wanted - a mirror shine, my hair thickened, became even softer and silkier.

I didn't need a color. Only the rest of the henna special effects. At the age of 10, I persuaded my mother to paint me with real henna, brought from Iran a very long time ago. Then the hair was the same carrot-red color as Lilo from The Fifth Element. But there was no shine, no silkiness. On the contrary, they became drier and tougher. In fact, after the Lash henna, it was quite difficult to catch the copper reflection. This color is closest to life:

Light red and warm undertone. With every shampoo, it is washed out. But it's for the best. Those who want exactly the color - you will get it, but the henna should accumulate in the hair and the permanent color will be only after a few stains. With a yellow artificial color, of course, they are red:

To hell with this color, just look at the hair after this henna. They didn't dry out a bit. Shine, as promised by the manufacturer, like polished parquet. They lie hair to hair.

I definitely recommend henna not only for shade, but also for hair treatment. I have no complaints about it, I will buy more and more. Before and after:

Rating: 5++
Price: 650 rubles

Recently, when the consumer market of cosmetics is saturated with all kinds of products, brands producing so-called "natural" cosmetics are becoming increasingly popular. Their product is finding its segment among consumers seeking "back to nature". An example is LUSH handmade cosmetics.

As a rule, the following are proclaimed as the main principles of work of such companies:

The maximum possible use of natural (organic) ingredients and, accordingly, the minimization of preservatives, aggressive surfactants and other "undesirable" components.

Lack of animal testing practices.

A positive mood is an important factor in the production of this class of cosmetics. For example, L "erbolario is produced in absolute silence.

There can be many principles for creating “positive” natural cosmetics, but the main thing is that it is very different from the mass-market brands we are used to in terms of market positioning, as well as tactile properties.

In this article, I would like to dwell in more detail on the product of the company, which is fundamental for this section of the website. LUSH - henna in blocks. Detailed information can be found here: henna LUSH.

The basic approach to brewing LUSH henna is to grind a few "lobes" of a henna block (it consists of a mixture of herbs with vegetable and essential oils), for example, using a grater, and then brewing it with hot water.

In order to better evaluate the result of painting with "Lashevsky" henna, to compare different opinions, I asked the group members to post their photos and reviews about henna on the site.

Recipe from Maya Sukhareva.

1.5 cubes of red henna "Lash" grated, added about a third of a bag of Iranian henna, poured boiling water to the consistency of sour cream, stirred and added a few drops of ylang-ylang essential oil. Apply to dry, messy hair. I covered it with cling film, put on a shower cap and wrapped it in a towel. Lasted 12 hours (all night). Meaning Lashevsky shampoo "novelty", applied a balm.

Feedback: I really liked it, the hair is shiny, smooth, elastic, moisturized, everything was dyed evenly, the color is rich and deep! I will be experimenting with additives.

Recipe by Natalia Andryashina.

To begin with, I brewed strong coffee and made a decoction of nettle and oak bark. Then she crushed brown henna, added another bag of colorless henna. She poured henna with coffee and decoction, kept it in a water bath for 15 minutes. At the end I added coconut oil (about 5 tablespoons). I kept it for 5-6 hours. For more color intensity, I advise you to wash off the mixture with water, and at the end you can use a balm if necessary. To fix the color, it is best not to wash your hair for 3 days after coloring.

Irina Soboleva's recipe:

I take 2 cubes of brown, 2 cubes of black, I brew coffee in cezve (about 5 tablespoons per glass of water). I rub the henna on a grater and dilute the coffee. I put the mixture on my hair and wrap it with plastic wrap. I keep henna on my head for 10 hours, so I usually paint at night and wash off the mixture in the morning.

Leah's recipe:

For hair up to about the shoulder blades, you will need 3 - 4 "cubes" of red henna. It needs to be crushed. pour hot water and apply to clean wet hair. Keep as long as possible. Then the mixture is washed off the head, the hair is dried and ... the mixture is applied again, but on dry hair.

An example of painting with red henna LUSH from Anna Pischenyuk.

An example of painting with brown henna LUSH from Raisa Bizyaeva

An example of painting with brown henna LUSH from Maria Krendel

An example of painting with black LUSH henna from Yulia Bocharnikova (on the left with a flash, on the right - without)

Recipe for painting by Natalia Yadykina
Lush brown henna brewed with coffee + oil (usually olive oil) + honey. I keep 2-3 hours without a package.

Painting recipe from Sonya Stenbock
Chestnut henna Lash + basma, diluted with kefir and decoction (onion peel, oak bark, nettle). Essential oils of tea tree and lemon, olive oil, wheat germ oil. I also dissolved coffee and cocoa in the broth. She insisted at night, kept it on her hair for 9 hours.