Ideas on how to congratulate the teacher in an original way. Poem congratulations to the teacher of mathematics. Congratulations to the teacher on the graduation of elementary school

We sincerely want to congratulate
Happy Teacher's Day to you!
Thank you heartily
What are you teaching us all.

You give us knowledge
Help always.
We wish you health
Money, joy, kindness.

Let sorrow, sadness, adversity
You are bypassed.
May the best come
Hurry to your home.

Today is Teacher's Day!
All of us, our friendly class,
We want to say emphatically:
"We congratulate you!"

Let sometimes carelessly
We are doing something
But we know, of course,
Your work is difficult.

We are all so different
And we have to teach
To be beautiful like you
We should be experts.

We appreciate and love you
And know: it will be good,
And we won't forget
Your no lesson!

Desires of our personal
Today the meaning is:
We wish you excellent
You only students!

Expensive _______! From all our friendly class and from the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you on Teacher's Day! Thank you for your patience and desire to give us the knowledge you have accumulated over the years! Thank you for your kindness and understanding, for your free time! On this festive day, we wish you never to get sick, always remain as cheerful, sparkling and the most beautiful! Let adversity bypass you, troubles do not even appear on the horizon. Let dreams always come true and all nerve cells recover!

For affection, kindness, warmth,
What are you giving us?
Thanks! After all, what do we need
Only you know very well.

We wish you wholeheartedly
Health boundless
And the mood is always
Fun, great.

Congratulations on this day
The whole planet and the whole world,
Every student knows
That the teacher is a friend, an idol.

We wish you patience
Strength, health and kindness.
Let the nerves of steel be
Let the hand be firm.

In your selfless heart
Lots of light and love.
And for you, we are always children,
All relatives, all their own.

World Teacher's Day
From my students
Accept congratulations
And bunches of flowers!

We wish you patience
fulfillment of a dream,
Sunny mood,
Lots of happiness and beauty.

Happy teacher's day now
Congratulations to our class
And wishes you success
In the life of ringing laughter for you!

No worries, no worries
May the year be successful
Let the work captivate
And the ideas are inspiring!

Both at work and in the family,
Always be on horseback
You health and love,
And your cherished dreams!

We congratulate you on Teacher's Day!
On this beautiful autumn day
We wish you success in your work,
So that you would be happy to come to our lesson!

Let everything in life turn out to be "excellent",
And let the mood be at "five".
We wish you not to know what "sick leave" is,
And every morning with a smile to meet!

You are a good friend, you are our mentor,
Like a guiding star
And on Teacher's Day, on your holiday
Congratulations, as always!

We wish you a lot of patience
And a lot of strength, and many years,
And though the road was hard,
But you shed light on knowledge!

Low bow to the earth to you
For diligence in work,
you with warmth and kindness
You teach your subject.

Let over your head
The sun always shines bright
Warm joy and peace,
And everything in life succeeds!

Like a big wishing lantern
Sending you a message -
Today is teacher's day
Receive Wishes:

inspiration, good luck,
So that your eyes always shine
And all problems were solved
Heart so as not to grow old!

To keep the bird of happiness
You are firmly in your hand,
And always to say
We are in the same language!

On this solemn day, everyone can express respect and love to those people who give a piece of their heart and attention to their pupils. No wonder this holiday is called national, because each of us comes to school, where strict and caring, fair and demanding teachers are waiting for us.

The school gives us everything without which we cannot exist! Knowledge, friends, the first necessary life experience.

It should be noted that the teaching profession is difficult from any point of view. It requires huge expenses both spiritually and physically, at the same time requiring great knowledge.

An invaluable gift to the teacher, every student can make.

You just have to be disciplined, do your homework and pay attention in the classroom.

Unfortunately, we mostly pay attention only on Teacher's Day. But to express a feeling of love and gratitude, we can express

  • Poem
  • Gift - gift ideas for the teacher in the article
  • An unexpected surprise.

The ideal option for congratulations is to organize it with the whole class.

It will be fun and morally correct (separately donated items can be perceived as a bribe). But this rule can be ignored if you want to congratulate your class teacher. This is for us and our children a person who invests a huge part of the time, attention and kindness.

Class Decoration for Teacher's Day.

Creating a festive atmosphere in the classroom does not take much time. Bring balloons from home and decorate the room with them, hang garlands or

Paper pompoms will look original, which you yourself can make a detailed master class

You can make a wall newspaper with school photos or create an album with funny comments.

Unexpected surprise.

  • It will be unexpected if you organize a Flashmob.

  • Make your congratulatory video. Or send to the teacher, this is a beautiful video greeting.(video link

  • Parents may have a video recording of some school holiday. The class teacher will be pleased to see and remember the exciting moments.

At the end of the holiday, you can give a nice gift and a delicious cake. Flowers on this day can be given as much as you see fit, an interesting option will be

Teachers are ordinary people, and like everyone else, they like their birthday not to be another weekday, but to become a memorable bright holiday. Of course, he will be pleased if neither colleagues nor students forget about this, and even gifts on this day, as a rule, do not come first. First of all, attention is valued on this day - any representative of this profession will tell about this.

Gifts for the teacher

The profession of a teacher is somewhat specific, therefore gifts in this case are also not the same as for everyone else. Let's leave aside those situations when a teacher celebrates a round date, and something truly grandiose is being prepared for him. Average, but nevertheless suitable gifts for the teacher are the things described below.

diaries with five

Any student can please his beloved teacher with such a present on his birthday. He will be especially appreciated if usually the marks in this discipline do not rise above the “three”, but even if the five is an ordinary event, it will be no less pleasant. Each mentor will be pleased if the students simply do not upset him on this day with ignorance or inattention to his subject.

Box of sweets

This gift is also socially acceptable and imposes no special obligations on either the giver or the recipient. This sweet present can be arranged in a more original way: hang sweets on the branches of a small tree or wrap each of them in a wrapper with a wish. Fantasy can be shown in any business, and this is no exception.


This broad category can include a very wide range of gifts ranging from imitation oscar figurines for a major role in a student's life, ending funny or cute trinkets. A birthday present for a beloved teacher is, of course, a pleasant thing, but far from being the main thing, and many teachers officially notify students before this holiday that they do not accept presents at all.

How to wish a teacher a happy birthday to students

From whom does the teacher expect congratulations first of all? Of course, from my students. The specificity of the work of a teacher lies in the fact that this work is not limited to the officially approved work schedule and sometimes requires large mental investments. Therefore, a professional in this matter has the right to count on the fact that on this day his students will congratulate him on the holiday and, in turn, will pay attention to him. The best option here is advance and thorough preparation. How to congratulate the teacher's class: put on a skit, make a parody of your favorite song or pick up poems for this day- It's up to the students to decide. One has only to say that a slightly rough, but sincere congratulation will be more valuable and will remain in memory for a long time than smooth jagged verses. Today, on the Internet, you can find many scenarios for this holiday, focused not only on the subject that this teacher teaches, but also on the age of his wards, as well as the birthday man himself. You can also find congratulations for the first teacher or class teacher.

How to congratulate the teacher to the parents of the students

Parents of students sometimes appreciate a good teacher much more than his wards, because from the height of the years they have lived, they are able to understand how lucky their children are if their mentor is not a hired worker formally related to the profession, but a real Teacher with a capital letter, investing in everyone from his students a particle of the soul. Such parents never miss the birthday of the teachers and strive to congratulate them with all diligence.

For parents, congratulations on this holiday are the best way to express their full degree of gratitude and express it in a congratulation.

As a rule, parents gather in advance to decide whether to present to the teacher luxury bouquet or book, the subject of which is related to the specialization of the teacher, or some other present. The main thing for a beloved mentor is to receive sincere and sincere congratulations on this day, and it does not matter whether they are presented in the form of a long text or amaze him with their brevity.

How to congratulate a teacher to colleagues

This procedure is usually not difficult, since in his team a teacher is an equal among equals: here and a gift can be almost anything, and grandiloquent words can be left for another occasion. As in any other team, congratulations to a colleague, as a rule, are prepared in advance, just like a gift is selected. The presentation can be both a playful allusion to the teacher's specialization, and a subject agreed in advance, or a collective improvisation on a given topic. Whatever the gift and wishes to the teacher, the main thing is that after congratulations his mood cheers up, the years did not seem to have passed in vain, and further activities were attractive and interesting. All this depends on the efforts of those who congratulate their teacher on this significant day, and on what meaning and mood he puts into his words.

How to write a congratulation in prose

Today you can find many options for ready-made postcards with congratulations, for every taste and occasion, but words written independently and from the heart are much more valued. You can create a congratulation in both poetic and prose form.. It would seem easier to write a beautiful and memorable congratulation in prose than in, but often this ease is only apparent. Of course, when composing a congratulation on the teacher's birthday, in this case the author is freed from the need to reduce the lines into rhyme, but this does not mean that you can get by with the boring and banal “wish-congratulations”.

Many birthday people, due to the abundance of ready-made poetic congratulations, do not like this option, considering it superficial and standard.

Of course, today you can find on the Internet a lot of ready-made congratulations and not in verse, but lines written independently and individually cannot be compared with anything. It is quite difficult to write such a congratulation so that the birthday man remembers it for a long time, despite the fact that it is not framed in poetry. However, if you approach the process with seriousness and soul, you can cope with this task without much difficulty. In order to create just such a congratulation, you just need to sit down and remember what pleasant and individual features the birthday man has, what he is especially good and unique in, and put it all on paper. It is possible that congratulations will have to be rewritten several times, but the result will be worth it. The choice of style requires special attention: you can create a romantic or playful congratulation, choose a business or friendly option. What is good about congratulations in prose is its sincerity and ease: in this way, teachers can congratulate both the class, and the colleague, and the parents of the students. Only thoughtfulness is required when compiling, as well as attention to the birthday man himself, because if you don’t know a person properly, congratulations will turn out to be superficial and frivolous. Looking at sites with ready-made congratulations, it is not at all necessary to copy the first suitable option. Good lines may well serve as a source of inspiration. You can find successful examples of congratulations to your beloved teacher both by your students and their parents, and by the team, compose your own composition from several ready-made ones, while not forgetting to focus on the individual merits of the mentor.

Whichever option you choose, remember that you should always build on the personality of the birthday person himself - only in this way will the congratulation be real and complete.

How to write a congratulation in verse

It is no less interesting and pleasant than in prose to receive a birthday greeting in verse. Many people prefer this option, because in verse, speech seems more festive and beautifully designed. Meanwhile, simply rhyming words that match each other in meaning is one thing, but writing a beautiful and soul-catching poem is quite another. Often the rhyme itself hides the meaning of what is written, replacing it with a fluency of speech and composing a birthday greeting for your mentor, and you should not forget about this either. Before you start writing poems on this topic, you should adequately assess your capabilities., dividing them into two, if we are talking about a philologist teacher, and decide whether this task will be possible. It is possible that this option will disappear even before the implementation begins, and you will prefer either to compose it in prose, or to take ready-made verses, having previously selected the most suitable ones. If the intentions are firm and there are abilities, you can begin to compose a poetic congratulation. As for prose, First, you need to decide on the style(since it is not a very good idea to alternate romantic lines with pioneering-fervent ones) and highlight those qualities of a teacher that I would like to note in these verses. It's nice to have a prose sketch at hand and write your own stanzas from it, however, everyone chooses the way for himself.

Sample Poems

Considering ready-made options, one can note, for example, this one - it is suitable for congratulating both colleagues and students:

We congratulate you with all our hearts, We wish you a lot of happiness and smiles. Today is your birthday, and we want you to celebrate it with style.

We also wish you every success in your work, which is not so easy. So that from year to year your students will only please you more often and speak kind words.

Ever thought about it? After all, there are “forbidden” gifts for such a holiday. After reading ours, you will learn that making simple figures from balls with your own hands is not so difficult. At the following address, you can choose cool options for congratulations on the anniversary for your husband.

In general, no matter which version of the teacher’s congratulations is chosen, the main thing is that words came from the heart, even if they were not invented independently. Sincerity and sympathy - that's what is especially valuable and it is impossible to fake these emotions! In the next video, you can see how the students of one of the schools tried and prepared a beautiful and kind congratulation for their teacher on her birthday, in which, by the way, her work colleagues were additionally involved.

How to celebrate Teacher's Day at school? This is one of the most famous professional holidays in our country, which is celebrated on October 5, 2019. Traditionally, on Teacher's Day, celebrations are organized by the students themselves.

Many schools hold Self-Government Day, when the most responsible and active high school students take charge of educational institutions and conduct school lessons.

How to congratulate teachers on Teacher's Day

Decorate the assembly hall or other room in the school with arches, "fountains" and "flowers" from balloons, paper garlands, multi-colored lanterns.

Draw one or two greeting posters. You can release a school wall newspaper for this day, prepare a collage of photos of teachers with reviews and congratulations from students.

What is the best way to celebrate Teacher's Day at school? Prepare a concert program in which teachers and students will take part. Stage and rehearse concert numbers in advance.

Invite several teachers to the stage who will talk about how they chose the profession of a teacher, how they spend their free time, what qualities they value most in people, which of their former students are most often remembered.

Students will perform poems, songs in honor of teachers, dance numbers, scenes from school life and fragments of performances. Many famous songs can be used as musical accompaniment.

These can be: "School Waltz" (words by A. Didurov, music by A. Flyarkovsky), "Crane Song" (words by G. Polonsky, music by K. Molchanov), "What they teach at school" (words by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V . Shainsky), "Song of the First Grader" (lyrics by I. Shaferan, music by E. Khank), "Our School Country" (lyrics by K. Ibryaev, music by Yu. Chichkov) and others.

Take care also to adequately congratulate teachers on Teacher's Day? Teachers will definitely need to give bouquets of flowers and symbolic gifts.

The class teacher can be presented with a large-format photo album with pictures of all the students in the class and accompany the photos with aphorisms, lines from songs, student reviews, and wishes.

As gifts, teachers can present educational publications on various subjects, art albums, encyclopedias, CDs with audio books or training programs.

And you can stop the choice on subjects that are not enough in the teacher's office. It can be any computer accessory or a set of dishes that you can choose depending on your financial capabilities.

The easiest and most affordable way to congratulate teachers is to give them a postcard or verbally say wishes. Congratulations on Teacher's Day this year must be prepared by October 1 - this date is the Day of Education Workers.

Pleasant words are said not only to teachers, but also to teachers of universities and vocational institutions, as well as to other people whose specialty is teaching. Those who are no longer studying, in order to make a pleasant surprise for former teachers, send an SMS message or a letter. Also, do not forget about the employees of additional courses or out-of-school institutions - Teacher's Day is their professional holiday, which means you need to please with funny or, on the contrary, sentimental wishes.

Traditionally, teachers are congratulated not only by schoolchildren and students, but also by their parents and other family members who are involved in the educational process of the child. In addition, it is worth saying nice words to a friend, acquaintance or colleague who works as a teacher.

We have prepared a bright and interesting selection of short and long, serious and comic wishes for any occasion.

Beautiful and original words in prose

Non-rhyming congratulations are an easy way to celebrate a teacher's professionalism and thank them for their work. Such words can be no less beautiful and interesting than poems. Moreover, wishes in prose sound very sincere. For congratulations, you can use one of the proposed options. Also, based on these wishes, you can try to come up with something of your own.


I want to congratulate my favorite teacher on his professional holiday! I wish you creative strength for the implementation of all plans in your important and difficult profession, obedient students and understanding parents! We respect and love you very much! What a blessing it is to have such a mentor! Teacher's Day!


To the one who generously shares knowledge, to the one who does not tire of repeating, on Teacher's Day - our congratulations and best wishes! Let there be order in the magazine and in life, let good books and people meet more often. And so that there is always a reason to smile truly happily!


Education is no joke, but without humor, such a useful work for society becomes hard. I sincerely congratulate you on Teacher's Day! Let a sense of humor and patience help to take any height in the education of children, without losing a sense of sincere love for their important profession.


The uniqueness of the teacher's work lies in the fact that its results are visible only after decades. The greatest happiness for a teacher is to see that unintelligent first-graders have become honest, educated, wise people. I bow low to you and thank you for your science, patience and attention. Congratulating you on Teacher's Day, I want to wish talented students, generous harvests in the pedagogical field, health and well-being in the family.


Teaching is hard work. Here you need a clear mind and a warm heart. Thanks to your efforts, many guys have found their way in life, and today, on Teacher's Day, it's time to congratulate you and say "thank you" for your invaluable work! Be happy! Let nothing overshadow life, and love and understanding live in your house!

Such words from the students will be pleasant to everyone. And if you want to add your wishes to them, then we remind you that on this day it is customary to thank for wisdom and patience with mistakes and pranks, the ability to be attentive and fair. When composing the text of congratulations, you can recall important or funny cases from life, wish diligent and grateful students, respect for work and professional development.

Cool congratulations

Unusual and funny words should be written on a postcard to a young teacher, class teacher or subject teacher who approaches school life with humor. Comic wishes are a way to congratulate, as well as give a good mood and a smile. But for older teachers, those who are serious about their work, it is better to choose more formal and traditional options.

Today it will be quiet in the classroom:
Nobody breaks the window
With a foot the door will not knock famously -
This is not meant to be.
Today we congratulate together
Teachers with a professional day!
For this we really need
Lead on "five" yourself with him.


What words should you write now?
And what do you want on Teacher's Day?
Always stay on your horse
And more "fives" to the class and to me!


Again Vasya at the blackboard,
Again the lesson does not know
He is outside the windows of the raven
Thinks from longing
Just won't get a deuce
Vasya is ours in the end
Teacher's Day today!
Happy teachers!


Throw away the chalk and pointer
We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday!
Let coloring instead of notebooks today,
And if you want, we'll skip the lesson,
To take a break from school subjects,
And maybe ate a cake in the park
Let there be an endless summer in my soul
And a lot of beautiful flowers and gifts!

SMS congratulations: concise and beautiful

If there is no way to express your gratitude in person, you can send a message. Parents of schoolchildren, friends, as well as former students often do this. SMS is usually small, which means that in a couple of sentences or a quatrain you need to have time to say the most important thing. We offer several beautiful options.

You teach children with love,
Find an approach to everyone.
So God bless you, good health,
Happy life without adversity.


Happy Autumn Teacher's Day,
Full of sun and warmth.
Let the heart suddenly fill
A feeling of happiness, kindness.


Few are given to teach children,
But you can take this path.
Let no worries torment you
Let it be easy on the heart.
Patience, fighting spirit,
And on holiday - nice to relax!


Congratulations on Teacher's Day -
Honor today for me.
You are an excellent teacher.
Happiness to you, love, kindness!

Beautiful poems for the teacher

This is the traditional way of greeting. Such words can be written on a postcard or said out loud, and best of all, learn by heart in a group and read in unison.

If there were no teacher
That would not have been, probably
Neither a poet nor a thinker,
Neither Shakespeare nor Copernicus.
And still would probably
If there were no teacher
Undiscovered Americas
Remained unopened.
And we would not be Icarus,
We would never take to the sky
If in us his efforts
Wings were not grown.
Without him, a good heart
The world was not so amazing.
Because we are very expensive
The name of our teacher!

Beautiful words for the first teacher

During the days of celebrations and inconspicuous everyday life -
Who knows what year, in what region -
We will not forget to remember with a kind word
Your first teacher!
That, like chickens, she carefully counted us,
When I took under my "wing",
When in the autumn I greeted you warmly
And solemnly led into the walls of the school.
Thank you for the word, for science,
For the hard work of mastered basics,
For that call that foreshadowed separation,
For a bright moment and an eternal call of the heart!

Poems for Parents to Read

Dear teachers
From happy dads and moms:
What would we do with children
If they didn't give it to you?
We are half an hour that morning.
And three hours into the night
We cry out of ignorance
To teach a son or a daughter.
How do you like all the days of the week
From eight to six
It succeeds, in fact,
Graze our offspring?
Understand their quirks
Tolerate their ignorance...
Don't let them fight
And die of boredom!


Dear our teachers!
On this holiday - Teachers' Day -
Forget all your worries
And look at the world more cheerfully.
You are always a source of light for us,
And the guys are all, as if by agreement,
They bring you beautiful bouquets.
And for them the radiance of your eyes -
Best reward for hard work
Better than any of the accolades.
And they have one desire:
Just to bring joy to you.
For your sincere smile
Both the student and each student
Instantly correct all his mistakes
And will not repeat them in the future.
You carry the torch of knowledge for everyone,
The one that will never go out.
May your wishes come true
Let trouble not visit your house!

Congratulations for colleagues

On this day, workers of the sphere traditionally say pleasant words to each other, give cards and gifts. For this occasion, we have also prepared some beautiful verses.

Comic congratulations

I wish you easy lessons, colleagues,
Always understanding, without quarrels and reproaches,
Iron patience, a sea of ​​​​ideas,
Colleagues of interesting, diligent children.

In the family - only happiness, kindness and prosperity,
To live peacefully and work sweetly.
Always go to work with a smile
And to receive awards only in bags!

beautiful wish

We have chosen one path in the profession:
Teaching children is our daily work.
And in the rain, and in the snow, and in warm weather
Desks, books and children are waiting for us.

They don't let us grow old.
And they don't let you relax either.
And sometimes they confuse us,
What is the incentive for us to develop?

I wish you, colleagues, strength, health,
Patience and creative ideas,
Indifference to the subject, hobbies,
To inspire children to learn.

Let gratitude for past lessons
Reading in shining eyes.
After all, we not only teach them the subject,
But we open the best in our hearts.

I congratulate you on Teacher's Day, colleagues,
And finally I want to wish
Good luck not only at work,
Have a happy and friendly family.

Wishes in verse are not the only way to do something nice. On ordinary days, say “thank you” to teachers more often, treat them with attention and respect.

Good mood and interesting holidays!

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