Ideas of suits for the new year corporate party. DIY costumes for the New Year: adults - the best ideas. DIY Christmas costume for a girl: design ideas

To create a hat, you need a circle with a diameter of at least 21 cm - it all depends on the circumference of the child's head. A quarter of a circle is cut out, which is twisted into a cone. The circles are made of plain white paper, after which they are attached to the suit. To prevent the headdress from getting lost during the holiday, it is better to supplement it with an elastic band.

A voluminous collar is easily made of white fabric, 10-15 centimeters wide. It is enough just to "gather" the fabric - and the image of an elegant Mushroom is ready.

Little Red Riding Hood

The characteristic feature of this costume is known from its name - the main task is to create a suitable headgear. It is made in the form of a red cap and tied with two ribbons.

A wide skirt-sun goes well with several petticoats, giving it splendor. It is decorated with a white apron. A plain blouse will be a great addition to your look. Original part -of Little Red Riding Hood , corset with lacing.

Large buckles can be easily attached to the shoe using a thin elastic band.


This costumegoes well with the image of Little Red Riding Hood. And by himself, he becomes one of the most popular heroes of fairy tales, and therefore of theatrical performances.

It is quite easy to make it - from fur, natural or artificial, a fur vest is made, which is worn over gray or black clothes. Fur can be used to decorate the neck of an outfit or the bottom of the pants. Don't forget about the tail.

The head is made of cardboard or thick paper. And the pink language will give it originality.


If a theatrical performance is dedicated to Russian fairy tales, then the Little Goat will surely appear in it.

It is easy to recognize him - small horns, beard, ponytail. Accordingly, it is done quite simply - the head is decorated with a semblance of a hoop with horns and a small "forelock".

The goatee is made of faux fur or of plain paper cut into thin strips, like a fringe. Decorate clothes in a similar way. Make "hooves" out of light fabric - and attach them to the bottom of the trousers so that they slightly cover the shoes. Any clothing in white and gray tones is suitable as a basis.


A cunning but sweet cheat living in the forest -Little fox sister will be a great match for the Wolf. Such a costume is made of faux fur - the color should be red, orange or, in extreme cases, yellow.

The image consists of the following elements:

  • Collar

It is worth considering the seasonality and temperature in the room - if it is hot enough in the hall for the matinee, then the child will experience serious discomfort in fur clothes. To prevent this from happening, you can use a thin fabric for sewing a suit, and then decorate it with fur stripes. And, of course, a fluffy tail that will decorate the chosen image.

The head of the animal complements the image - most often it is made from orange paper. The same material will make an excellent fringe for the collar and sleeves - you just need to cut it into the finest strips. Orange ribbons can be used for this purpose.


The main elements of the Rooster outfit:

The head is traditionally made of paper. It should be red with a prominent yellow beak. From thick cardboard, you can make an imitation of the paws of a bird, which is attached to the legs.

The wings can be cut from both fabric and whatman sheet. The tail is made of cardboard, and multi-colored ribbons will become an element of the image.

White fleece is well suited for a hat, which will harmonize perfectly with a red comb. A synthetic winterizer is used as a filler.

Red wings are attached to the back. Velvet, felt or other non-flowing fabrics would be an excellent solution. Alternatively, you can sew them from two fabric cuts, filling them with a suitable material. Small loops of thin elastic bands are attached to the ends. They fit easily on both the wrist and fingers.

The fluffy collar complements the suit well - it is best to make it in the form of a frill. It is best to put on a small fastener, as the collar should fit snugly against the throat and not interfere with putting on the outfit.


Small and cute -Mousewill be the best choice for a girl. Moreover, making such a costume of a fairy-tale hero is quite simple. For this purpose, you will need ears, a muzzle and a tail.

The head is cut from a dense material such as cardboard. Make a mustache from threads, securing them in bunches - in the absence of a suitable color, you can use paper. The mask sticks together in the nose area. It is imperative to make round gray ears on it, the inner part of which pleases with a pinkish tint.

Any gray or white clothing is suitable as a basis. If you put on shorts instead of a skirt, then the suit is perfect for boys.


Beautiful, bright, mysterious -Butterflywill be the best choice for a little beauty. You can buy wings for her at a fancy dress store or make your own.

An excellent idea for an unusual costume will be the original image of the Butterfly-ballerina - it will suit a fragile and graceful girl. A strong wire frame is created for the wings, on which a mesh or translucent fabric is stretched. Any paint is suitable to decorate the product, but gouache with an admixture of PVA will last much longer. To fasten the wings on the back, you can use two wide elastic bands of a suitable color - then they can easily be put on your shoulders, like a backpack.

A fluffy skirt in the style of "sun" is perfect for the image of the Butterfly. You can use petticoats or make them yourself from tulle. Instead of a headdress, a hoop with a mustache sticking up is perfect.

Princess Frog

Traditionally, this image is performed in the Russian style. After all, this is a kind and fair ruler in the body of a Frog- a luxurious outfit is complemented by a mask, and a crown adorns the head.

A frog's head is made of paper, which can be worn as a hoop. A dress or a lush sundress decorated with all sorts of ribbons or paper stripes, giving it a resemblance to a traditional Russian costume, is suitable as the basis of an outfit.

You can even create an original headdress - a kokoshnik is cut out of dense materials, imitating the head of the Frog. Eyes can be made of foil, shiny paper, buttons, or beads. A piece of tulle is attached at the back. The upper part of the kokoshnik is decorated with a crown - foil is also excellent for its creation.

Green gloves or patches on the legs will complement the overall look.

A hut on chicken legs

It was here that she livedBaba Yaga- which is the main negative character of most Russian fairy tales. That is why this costume is invariably popular. In addition, this image is kinder and more unusual, and therefore it certainly will not frighten even kids.

It is worth looking in the closet for a plaid shirt - it will fit perfectly for this suit. A dense, voluminous vest is worn over it. In the absence of a suitable fabric, it can even be made of paper, giving the product the shape of a house. Draw "logs" on the product with paint or felt-tip pen. In the central part, there must be a small window made either of white paper or shiny foil. For the roof, yellow paper, cut into a thin fringe and imitating thatch, is suitable. Ideally, the headpiece becomes a separate element of the image and depicts a roof, also covered with thatched.

But since a suit is not just a house, but a Hut on chicken legs, you will need to make chicken legs. They are cut from the fabric and attached over the shoes - the larger and more visible they are, the more original the image will be.


In such a suit, you can play the role of the kindest character in the world - Gena, Cheburashka's friend. Or you can become an ordinary Crocodile- everyone chooses a suitable image for themselves.

The headpiece is created from paper. You should definitely stick your eyes on it, as well as strips of teeth. Using a red marker, a strip is drawn to represent the gums. The wide tail is made of two identical cardboard blanks glued together.

Green gloves, like matching clothes, will become the basis of the look. And the elongated brown jacket will help to embody the role of Gena the Crocodile.


An angry and scary character from the story of the adventures of a wooden boy. He has a long, thick black beard and a huge belly. To make the latter is quite simple - you just need to take or sew a small pillow, and then attach it to the inside of the garment.

The hat with wide brim is made of cardboard. So that it does not fly off the head, an elastic band is attached to it, to which a beard is sewn. You can buy either a ready-made version or make it yourself, using thin paper strips for this purpose. Karabas-Barabashad a black beard, but it can be done in other shades, for example, red, yellow, brown.

The owner of the puppet theater wore wide trousers that looked like wide trousers and a loose sash. Buckles or fringes are attached to the shoes. The hat can be decorated with a feather if desired.

Snow Maiden

Granddaughter of Santa Claus - an obligatory guest at festive events dedicated to the celebration of the New Year. A dress in white, light blue or blue is best suited for this purpose. A stylish fur coat would be a good idea, as well as a charming crown made in the form of a hoop.

To decorate the outfit, you can use charming snowflakes made of paper, silver foil. Also, cotton balls or the usual shiny "rain" are suitable for this purpose. This costume allows you to show your imagination, thinking over the main details and elements at your own discretion.

You should definitely use white ribbons that are sewn on the dress, collar and cuffs. You can buy a crown or make a charming kokoshnik.

New Year or little Santa Claus

The main character of the New Year's party isFather Frost... It can be made in blue or red shades. For this purpose, an elongated fur coat and a fur hat are best suited. Fringe made of fabric or paper complements the look.

You should definitely make a beard. It can be made of natural or artificial fur, white fabric or any other material. It is easy to attach to the elastic that holds the cap on the head.

To make the costume brighter, you can use various combinations of rain, shiny snowflakes, cotton balls, paper fringe. Magic morocco boots with buckles look stylish and unusual.

Wizard or Astrologer

On the New Year's holiday, there will definitely be a role for a magical character, and therefore it is worth taking care of creatingWizard costume .

This will require:

    Puffy collar

    Wide pants

  • Shoes with narrow and raised toes

    Wide belt

    Magic wand.

To create a raincoat, you don't even need a special pattern - a rectangular cut of fabric is enough. A blue tint works best, but other tones can be used as well. Ribbons are attached to the product, which are used as ties. Large stars are cut out of foil and glued and sewn over the entire fabric of the raincoat.

The cap also does not require much work - a circle is depicted on the cardboard, from which one quarter is cut. This piece is rolled up into a rounded cone, after which it is decorated with stars. The top and bottom can be decorated with rain, fur, or paper fringe. In addition, such an addition will help to hide the fastening from the elastic band, which will help to keep the hat even during active participation in the holiday.

White fabric is used to create the collar - a wide rectangle can be easily gathered with just a few threads.

Shoes should also look magical - elongated socks, slightly bent upwards, are easily made from a paper base. A similar option is suitable for a Cinderella costume.

For a raincoat, you can use not only a rectangular piece of fabric, but also an old fluffy skirt. It is enough to cut it open - after that it turns into an excellent cloak. The costume will be decorated with a collar, which will not only add sophistication to the image, but also hide the strings on the neck. You can make an original shuttlecock - for this purpose, a large circle is cut out. It is cut into two equal pieces, after which they are sewn together.

The cloak is decorated with stars. To prevent the raincoat from interfering with walking or entertainment, it is worth attaching the ends to the wrists. Large stars or pom-poms will help to hide the seams.


For the outfit, you should choose a suitable color scheme - it can be either black or white. This is a classic version, but the suit can be made in any color, including bright and colorful hues that can be paired with monochrome tones. Shiny elements will help complete the look.

This suit the fairytale hero is not very simple to execute, because he will need to complete several additional elements. This can be shoulder pads, collar, wide belt and other details. They are made of fabric, paper or cardboard.

A checkerboard-like cloak that combines black and white squares is a great idea. It is imperative to think over a headdress that matches the chosen chess piece. To add originality to the costume, you can use contrasting combinations by combining different color variations.

Puss in Boots

The Cat in Boots outfit is similar to the outfit of an ordinary cat, but at the same time it is supplemented with some additional elements. It contains traditional details such as tail, whiskers, tail, ears, but at the same time the animal is dressed up in a stylish costume.

The appearance must contain:

    Wide brim hat

    Bright Cloak


For the outfit, it is best to choose plain trousers that can be decorated with contrasting ribbons, fabric cuts or paper stripes. The sleeves will be decorated with matching cuffs.

You can buy face paint and paint a mustache, or you can find a suitable mask. The tail can be made of fur, paper or thick fabric. A wide collar is made of thick cardboard or fabric that does not fray even without processing. Felt works well for this purpose.

Instead of shoes or ballet flats, boots are put on - if there are none, you can imitate them from cardboard. The main thing is that it matches the shade of the main shoe. You can decorate the product with exquisite lace. Large buckles will complement the item. Shiny foil can be used to make spectacular spurs. White gloves are put on hands.


The Firebird is a magical hero from fairy tales who works wonders and brings happiness. To simulate plumage, multi-colored foil is used. The main thing is to think over a headdress decorated with fringe or bright small triangles.

A collar is put on the neck - its color should match the outfit. A dress or any other basis of an outfit can be decorated with multi-colored appliques. It is better to decorate the bottom of the product with feathers or colorful boas. A multi-colored belt is put on at the waist, made in a similar style.

On any holiday, similar ones are relevantfairy tale characters. Costumes for the New Yearit is worth buying or starting to cook in advance in order to look perfect at the main event.

Parsley - Cheerful Clown

A cheerful and bright joker - he will definitely find a role in any children's play. And most importantly, his costume is so colorful that it will transform any performance. What are its distinctive features?

Clown Outfitconsists of a multi-colored wide jumpsuit and a bright cap, which is decorated with either a pompom or a bell. And one of its main elements is a voluminous collar and dense snow-white cuffs on the sleeves. A slight negligence of the image only emphasizes its originality - you can disheve your hair or sew on multi-colored patches.

The wide collar is a rectangle gathered at the edges. Instead, a colored tie or a bow tie can be used, which is easy to do with your own hands - any bright fabric is suitable for this purpose.

The Parsley Cap is similar to the Wizard's headdress. Can make it monochromatic, or use combinations of several colors. Multi-colored "polka dots" will add originality to the image.

You should definitely use makeup - either face paints or ordinary cosmetics will be an excellent solution. A bright blush, a smile, lowered eyes - such an image is sweet and charming.


A universal suit that will perfectly suit a girl - Zvezda.You can make a pair outfit - a wizard-stargazer will suit a boy, and a little lady will become a shining star.

The simplest option is made on the basis of a fluffy skirt - a circle of the required diameter is made of shiny fabric. It is quite easy to calculate the correct size, for this a standard formula is used, which uses the volume of the hips:

R = OB / (2 * 2 * 3.14).

If the image is not bright enough. It can be decorated with stars cut from foil or colored paper. The head is decorated with a cap, but it can be replaced by a hoop or headband.

For a skirt, it is better to choose a dense fabric on which long cuts are applied - they perfectly imitate the shape of a star. Or you can make two squares that are sewn on top of each other. Sleeves are created in the same way.

As a basis, either plain clothes or a tight-fitting swimsuit are well suited. The main thing is that the fabric of the skirt goes well with it, complementing the image. Special sequins will also add shine.


Hussar Suit- it is stylish, effective and sophisticated. In many ways, it is similar to the outfit of a soldier - you just need to think over some additional details.

When creating an image, you should focus on the classic Hussar costume. This will require:

    Tunic - a jacket or a jacket with a high collar will perfectly replace it

    Leggings, light tights, tight pants

    Headpiece - a tall hat decorated with a feather

    Wide belt to match the lower part of the suit.

You can buy a ready-made uniform or visit a fabric store by purchasing a thin braid from which patterns will be made on the chest. A small flat bag and a saber are equally important details of the image. And, of course, the antennae - you can buy them in a carnival costume store or draw yourself.

If the holiday will be held in a poorly heated room, then you should make a small jacket. It can be decorated with fur cuffs - this is both convenient and beautiful.


To become a knight in shining armor - isn't that what any boy dreams of? And it's pretty easy to do. Knight's suitis similar to the knightly image - it requires a few basic details.


    Chain mail

    Wide pants

    Weapon and protective shield

    Knee-high boots.

The easiest way to make chain mail is to sew a cloak out of silver or other sparkling fabric. And to give it a relief, you can cut out foil circles by sticking them in a certain sequence.

You should definitely take care of creating a headdress - shiny paper or foil is also well suited for this purpose. Or, you can even use a neutral-colored base by painting it in silver with a special paint. Be sure to cut out a small piece of foil that is attached to the center of the helmet. And to make a thin rod sticking out of it, you can make it from any long, narrow object wrapped in foil. For example, a pen, pencil, knitting needle, or even a Chinese chopstick.

You can buy a shield or make it out of plywood - so it will be stronger, more durable, and more practical. Almost any shape is acceptable - a circle, a rectangle, a square, a trapezoid. Contrasting paint can be applied around the perimeter - it can be replaced with electrical tape of a suitable shade.


The popular movie saga about pirates fell in love with many - the outfit of the protagonist does not lose its relevance. This is a great option for both boys and girls. Moreover, not only children, but also adults prefer such a daring and non-standard image. Can be repeatedJack Sparrow costume or to embody the classic pirate style described in books, TV series and films dedicated to this topic.

To create it you will need:

    Striped vest

    Wide belt



Any striped T-shirt will be a great solution to create the perfect look. You can choose a monochromatic outfit by applying stripes on it in any order. Blue, black and cyan paints work best.

Wide trousers can be "spoiled" - fabric patches, sewn, as if inaccurately and processed with contrasting threads. You can cut the bottom of them.

To complement costumes of fairy-tale characters, buythere are also additional accessories - an eye patch, an earring, a weapon. To make the image more intimidating, it is enough to use a special make-up.

A wide belt is made from a regular piece of fabric. A scarf, shawl, and similar items are great.


Cute, charming, fluffy animal -kitten costumebe made in any color. It is best to choose a white shade, especially since the creation of such an outfit takes a minimum of time.

Sewing such a product is quite easy. This requires a vest, skirt and headpiece. You can use artificial or natural fur, fluffy fleece.

A tail is attached to a short skirt, but it should not be too long - otherwise, this element of the outfit will cause some inconvenience when walking. To the hoop worn on the head, it is worth attaching voluminous triangular ears, which are filled with padding polyester, cotton wool or scraps of fabric.


Main detail Ladybug costume - red cloak. It is decorated with large black circles, imitating the coloring of this insect. It is quite simple to execute it - you just need to cut out an oval of a suitable size - it is attached to the back of the child. Such an addition is perfect for any look - it attaches well to light-colored clothes, and to a classic suit, and to a plain dress.

The work includes several main stages:

    Shelf and foam oval pattern

    Oval in red cloth of similar size

    The product is separated by a black stripe, and also adorns with several black circles

    You should definitely make a headdress - a headband, which is decorated with an image of an insect.

    Antennae sticking out to the side is attached

    A vest completes the look - it can be decorated with bright red buttons.

You can even buy miniature ladybugs, which are sold in any florist shop.

There is an easier way - you can takecostumes of fairy-tale heroes for rent, saving time.


Pinocchio- a cheerful and never discouraged hero, and his costume fully conveys the mood of this character. He has a stylish multi-colored vest, a cap with pom poms and, of course, a long nose.

Sewing is best done with a shiny, thin fabric such as satin. On the sides, contrasting inserts will be relevant. An obligatory decoration is a drawing of a golden key. It can be drawn, embroidered or attached a ready-made image, which is easy to find on the Internet.

Colorful pom-poms adorn the waistcoat clasps. They can be tied with colored laces inserted into special loops.

The cap is a high rounded cap. It is decorated with a funny tassel or an original pompom.

But the most important thing in this suit is the nose. It can be made from cardboard, from dense fabric, similar to leather, from non-woven fabric. A small cone is made from a circle, attached to the head with a thin elastic band.

Monochromatic clothes are best combined with a bright vest and pom-poms - you can choose both neutral shades and bright colors.

If desired, it is easy to docostumes of fairy tale characters for adultsand children - and all this with their own hands. Just a little imagination is enough - a unique and inimitable image will be ready.

If you don't want to celebrate the New Year in a traditional elegant dress, then a thematic costume will come to the rescue, which will cheer up the guests. But what image to try on yourself? We have found many spectacular options that will transform any woman!

Cute witch

Every woman is a bit of a witch at heart, why not take advantage of this when choosing a New Year's costume? To create it, you will need a black bodycon dress, corset, gloves and a colorful hat. And you can complement such a bright image with lipstick of bright red color.

Predatory cat

The cat is one of the most beloved animals by women. It is associated with grace, cunning and dexterity. For one night a year, you can turn into such a predator, for example, put on a dress with a predatory print and do creative make-up, and complement your hairstyle with flirty ears.


Who said that women are the weaker sex? In order to prove the opposite, you can dress in the image of a warrior, arm yourself with a bow and arrow to fight men on the spot.


Batman, Spider-Man and other superheroes are ideal men in the eyes of some of the fair sex. But some men dream of seeing their companions in the role of cool superheroines. For such a suit you will need a shiny tight-fitting material (latex looks very sexy) and a mask.


It is fair to say that the most desirable woman of all times and peoples is the mysterious Cleopatra. She was famous for her beauty, strong character and increased seduction. The image of Cleopatra will undoubtedly grab attention at the theme party.


The image of a sea mermaid always looks very impressive, beautiful and feminine. You don't have to look for a ponytail and a seashell bra to transform into this fantasy heroine. There is an alternative option - a tight-fitting shiny dress in blue, gold or green.

Fairytale heroine

Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella or Pocahontas - you can dress up in a costume of any of these heroines. This will be relevant not only at a themed party, but also where the New Year is celebrated with young children. They will remember such a holiday for a long time!


New Year's Eve for a couple in love is full of surprises. One of them can be the flirty Frost Girl costume. Of course, such an image would be inappropriate at a party or with friends. This is a very intimate costume designed for one man.


Sometimes the New Year's mood is so overwhelming that it is simply impossible to stop at decorating the tree and the interior. Then the girls come up with a funny entertainment - they do hairstyles in the form of Christmas trees, and even dress themselves in costumes of green beauties.

New Year is a joyful time, but for a young mother it is very responsible, because a series of New Year's parties involves the purchase of an expensive children's carnival costume. After all, this way the child will remember the holiday better, and besides, this is a real game. Agree, it's so great to appear in front of your friends in the form of a pirate or a knight! And girls want to become real princesses or fairies for one day.

Make the costume yourself!

If you walk among the shelves with similar suits in "Children's World", then immediately two problems arise:

1. Children's New Year's costumes are often made of low-quality synthetic materials. They are very bright, but fragile, and wearing such a dress or camisole is uncomfortable for a long time.

2. Almost all New Year's costumes for children are very expensive. Perhaps because of the very role that they imply, or perhaps because of the seasonal demand. Whatever it was, but the price of such an outfit can reach exorbitant heights.

"How to sew a New Year's suit?" - this is the question you are probably asking now. It is difficult, requires perseverance, and in some cases, skill - so many mothers must think so. Well, they are partly right. But only partially. Because to cope with this kind of task is quite capable of, if not all, then most of us. So, if you have the time and desire, seriously think about how to create New Year's costumes with your own hands. You can find some interesting ideas in this article.

New Year's costumes for girls

Here, the fantasy can actually take off. Today, the hobbies of young ladies are very diverse: some prefer the costumes of various animals, others see themselves only in the form of an adorable princess, others are in love with monster dolls, and someone generally wants to appear at the holiday in the form of a gargoyle or a mummy. Below are the most neutral, but still fashionable and quite realizable New Year's costumes for children, or rather, for girls.


A real symbol of the New Year and winter, a very feminine image, in which any girl looks just wonderful, is the New Year's Snowflake costume. Most often, parents of little girls stop at this idea, since babies in a short dress, trimmed with rain, look simply charming. So how to make a Snowflake Christmas costume? It is better in this case to take a light dress made of light or silver fabric as a basis, you can choose a material with lurex - it will look good and resemble snow that shimmers in the sun. The outfit is decorated with snowflakes, rain, sparkles - who in what way. Mandatory attribute is crown.

But you can make it easier

Find a white T-shirt with no patterns at home. Sew on or glue a paper or foil silvery snowflake applique to your chest. You can use satin fabric, but note that the satin will fray so the paper will look better. Sleeves-lanterns are sewn separately from a blue translucent fabric with an elastic band, they will be worn on the girl's forearms. But you can do without them. It would be better to make a skirt from a dense mesh that keeps its shape. Find a silver, white, or blue hue. And then attach three layers of tulle to a wide elastic band, as if forming a skirt with gathers - you should get something like a ballet tutu. Complete the look with silver or light-colored shoes, white tights and pearl hairpins in loose hair. You can also wrap the headband with tinsel and style your hair - this will make the baby more comfortable at the party, and the headband will resemble a silver tiara. The costume for the New Year's Snowflake-ballerina is ready!


Continuing the theme: "DIY Christmas costume for a girl", you cannot get around this very popular image, because almost every little fashionista at home has a fairy doll that can work wonders, which, of course, has a magnificent dress, or maybe even more than one ! Why doesn't mom, before the holiday, build something similar for her mistress? It is very difficult to make New Year's costumes with your own hands, but it is very exciting, and the daughter's reaction compensates for all the efforts expended on this.

Before work, ask a potential sorceress what kind of fairy she wants to be: a representative of the Winx club, a crumb from Disney cartoons, or maybe she has her own thoughts on this? No less important is the question of what she will be responsible for (land, animals, music, flowers, etc.). This will determine the color of the outfit and accessories, and sometimes the style. The concept of the dress itself is not too different from Snowflake's outfit. Only the color should be bright; instead of a snowy pattern, it is better to place a paper or fabric flower on the chest. Do not forget to complement all this beauty with wings. You can buy them separately in the store, or you can try to create them yourself. You will need wire - you will need to create a frame from it. Remember, the more unusual the shape of the accessory, the better, although your child should tell you what kind of wings his beloved fairy has. The frame will consist of two identical parts, fastened in the middle with tape, and covered with a thin translucent colored fabric on top. For this purpose, chiffon, organza, nylon, etc. are perfect. If some parts of the wings did not work out very well, or you need to hide the wire, then you can use New Year's rain or tinsel. Sew the straps to the wings so they can be removed if necessary. It is quite possible to build a magic wand from wire, decorating it with tinsel on top.

New Year's costumes for girls should be romantic, feminine, cute, like their owners. In this case, your favorite accessories will not be superfluous: beads, bracelets, hair clips, your favorite handbag, etc. Shoes and tights should be chosen to match the dress.


Due to the recent very high popularity of this cartoon, Princess Rapunzel with magical long hair and cheerful character has become the favorite of many girls. Therefore, every young lady, especially one who loves cartoons from the Disney company, will be happy with such an unusual outfit.

The main details of the costume

The first thing to create and what sets this costume apart from all the others is the princess's golden long braid. To do this, stock up on the following materials: golden woolen threads, ribbons, flowers, pearl beads and a headband. It will serve as the base for the wig. You will also need a gun to glue the materials. Rapunzel's hairstyle was much longer than her own height, but it is not at all necessary to be like a cartoon in such detail. Make the braid long, but so that it is not too hard and uncomfortable for the little princess to participate in competitions and dances with her. Attach the chopped curls of yarn to the headband, try to use more thread to make the braid look more voluminous. Then start weaving, in the process weave ribbons, rain, secure the tip of the braid with a pink bow and stick beads and decorative flowers on the braid, if you wish. The bezel itself, so that it is not visible from under the threads, should be glued on top with a small braided pigtail from the same yarn. The wig is ready. Do-it-yourself New Year's costumes, especially such complex ones, are very difficult to build, but what the result will be! Everyone will remember exactly!

Princess Rapunzel's dress is also very pretty. It is corset, made of pink or lilac fabric. Sewing this yourself is very difficult, so it is better to buy a ready-made similar one. Of the recognizable accessories, Rapunzel had one - this is ... a frying pan. For a couple of photographs, the girl can be given her in hand, but only at home. Since modern emancipated ladies, even in kindergarten, may well hit the prince standing next to her. By the way, about them ...

New Year's costumes for boys

With boys it is a little more difficult, they have so many preferences! And they are all different. But just creating a New Year's costume for a boy at home with his own hands, especially a robot or a medieval assassin, is very difficult. But for the sake of your beloved child, you should try, because on holiday photos he will then smile with the happiest smile. Yes, and the outfit exactly the same at the holiday, most likely, will not be. These are not bunny bears.

"Jack Sparrow"

Or rather, Captain Jack Sparrow! New Year's suits for boys are sold in abundance in stores, but this homemade one looks very expensive and interesting. Start with the hardest part - the wig. To make it, you will need black and brown knitwear, as well as a small piece of red for the bandana. Black and brown jersey must be cut into strips (adjust the length of the wig yourself) - you will have to weave braids from them. Weave a brown stripe into two black stripes, or vice versa. These braids can be decorated with beads, ribbons, feathers ... Remember the legendary pirate! Fold the red piece of fabric into a bandana, then sew the knitted braids to it. The wig is ready.

Put on a white shirt on the boy, you can attach white cuffs made of light fabric to it. Let the collar be freely unfastened, you can put wooden beads or some massive pendant on a string around your neck (just remember: the child should be comfortable). A pirate vest is easy to make. Open the sleeves of an old blazer or jacket. The more uneven the edges remain in this case, the better. Sew massive golden buttons or pockets on it. It is better if the given garment is dark.

With the trousers of the little pirate, everything is quite simple. Dark, crumpled, tucked into boots. But with shoes, a problem arises: you need comfortable, but knee-high boots, like a real corsair. It will be great if there are straight boots. As a last resort, "borrow" shoes from your hero's sister or neighbors, friends, rent - there are a lot of options. You can, of course, do without boots. But the image will not look so impressive.

Of the accessories, you can advise the following: there should be a cocked hat, saber, belt, rings, bracelet, compass, map, pistols, beads, etc. It will not be superfluous for the completeness of the image to bring the filibuster's eyes, as well as draw a mustache with a black eyeliner for eye makeup and a beard. But if the pirate himself is against it, then it's not worth it.

Everything. A New Year's costume is ready for the boy with his own hands, even now for a holiday!

"Father Frost"

This costume looks the most touching on very young children. Before starting work, think about what color your "grandfather's" caftan will be. Red or blue are the most typical colors for this outfit. To make your work as easy as possible, take a red or blue terry robe. If there is none, you will have to sew the "fur coat" yourself, best of all from velvet or velor. The bottom edge, collar, as well as the edging at the sleeves should be sheathed with cotton or faux fur. Both options are not too expensive.


Grandfather Frost needs mittens on his hands, boots on his feet, and a hat on his head. If you can, get a cotton beard and mustache. The cheeks can be slightly reddened, and if the child's parameters do not match the character too much, then you can put on a voluminous jacket under the dressing gown or even put a small pillow. The belt to the dressing gown can be sewn with silver, from the same material make a bag that can be filled with cotton wool to look more natural, fuller, or with sweets so that your Frost treats his beloved friends.


One of the funniest and easiest images, since no particularly complicated patterns are needed at all. This fairy-tale character is known to everyone, and everyone also knows his funny buffoonish outfit. There is so much room for imagination! The brighter the wardrobe items here, the better. Take a bright shirt, let it be in a cage, striped, monochromatic - this is not so important. You can sew contrasting patches on it with large stitches (later they can be easily ripped off). If it is large, it's not scary, because Petrushka often wore baggy clothes in fairy tales. You can take trousers in a dark shade, but it is better not to take jeans: the image will turn out too modern, and in this case, you need some archaism. Ideally, if you manage to sew multi-colored pants: one leg is red, and the other, say, green is a classic.

The only thing that definitely needs to be built is a cap. Without him, Parsley will definitely not work. Let it be made of two multi-colored patches or one-color, but bright, as your heart desires. The shirt needs to be girded with a bright belt or belt. Cheeks, as in the case of Santa Claus, it is advisable to redden strongly. You can hang two wooden spoons tied together around Petrushka's neck, because this character loved to play music. On his feet, as a rule, he has red boots, but if it is problematic to get the same, then even bright sneakers can do, although this will be a slight deviation from the chosen role.

Homemade suit is better

Whichever costume you choose for your child, it will still be the most beautiful and brightest at any holiday, because handmade outfits are always original and unusual. And the biggest gratitude for the needlewoman will be the eyes of the child glowing with happiness and joy. Making New Year's costumes with your own hands is very interesting. The photographs taken at the matinee will inspire pride for a long time, and not only because you have the most wonderful son or daughter, but also because you yourself have created such a marvel and beauty that is on a child, with your own hands. As already mentioned, children's New Year's costumes are presented in abundance on store shelves, but it is more valuable to create such a miracle yourself.

Hello dear readers! To celebrate the New Year at its best, it is necessary to think in advance about fun contests, room decor, as well as delicious meals and snacks. In addition, we recommend that you enter a special carnival dress code on New Year's Eve, let all invited guests come to the party in interesting, bright and spectacular masquerade costumes, you can even enter a special nomination with prizes for the best female and male costume. But even without prizes, your guests will enthusiastically try on stunning images, but today we will tell you which New Year's costumes for girls are in demand, and at the same time look stunning.

1. New Year's costume for a girl - Snow Maiden.

Let's start with the classics of the genre, because without the Snow Maiden the New Year will seem inferior. With a certain craving for needlework, the Snow Maiden's costume can be made independently, for this a blue floor-length dress is suitable, it must be decorated with white lace, rhinestones and beads. It is absolutely easy to make decor with rhinestones, buy thermo rhinestones of various sizes, lay out a pattern from them on the dress, gently cover with gauze on top and iron with a hot iron. Beads will have to be sewn by hand, and lace with a sewing machine. Kokoshnik can be purchased ready-made or replaced with a cute silver tiara.

2. Carnival costume Snow Queen.

The Snow Queen costume can certainly be purchased ready-made, but you can also use a white or pale blue dress as a costume, a fitted wedding dress or a short fluffy prom dress. Whichever dress length you choose, it is necessary to recreate the effect of flickering snowflakes, the role of which will be played by sewn white beads and glued on thermo-rhinestones. By the way, rhinestones can also be sewn on, but this work is very laborious, sewn on beads will be enough. A short fur coat made of white faux fur should be thrown over the shoulders, and the head should be decorated with a silver diadem or crown.

3. Costume Queen Elsa.

Many people fell in love with the character Queen Elsa from the cartoon "Frozen", moreover, this girl significantly pressed the great Snow Queen, all the same, kind and positive characters are very popular with the public. There is an incredible amount of a wide variety of Queen Elsa costumes on sale, which mainly consist of a blue dress and a pale blue translucent cape. In addition, the image of Elsa becomes recognizable by her blonde hair and characteristic braided pigtail. Details on recreating can be found in a special review, where not only the costumes are presented, but also the makeup and hairstyle typical of this character.

4. New Year's costume in the style of Cinderella.

Literally everyone knows this fairy tale, the image of a cute girl fell in love with many, which is why Cinderellas can often be seen at various masquerade parties. As a basis for creating a fabulous image of Cinderella, you need to take a soft blue fluffy ball gown and wonderful shoes decorated with rhinestones. It remains only to create a natural make-up without bright colors, to style your hair neatly, to tie a bandage on your head to match the dress, or to put on a tiara.

5. Festive costume in the style of Tinker Bell.

This fairy is still known from the fabulous adventures of Peter Pan, but when fresh cartoons about the life of fairies began to appear, these cute creatures gained even more popularity. The Tinker Bell fairy costume consists of a short green dress with angular cutouts at the hem, as well as cute wings and wonderful ballet flats with white pompoms. All the details on recreating can be found in the corresponding article on our website, which contains examples of costumes, as well as tutorials on makeup and hairstyle creation.

6. New Year's costume for a girl - The Little Mermaid.

To recreate the image of the Little Mermaid, you can purchase a ready-made costume or try to recreate it on the basis of a fitted dress that is flared to the bottom. If you have such an evening dress in your wardrobe, feel free to put it on, and do not even think to improve it with something. To perfect your look, let your long hair down, a shell chain around your neck, and an imitation pearl bracelet around your wrist.

7. Suit for the New Year for a girl - Belle.

In the final scene of the cartoon "Beauty and the Beast" Belle appears in a beautiful golden-yellow fluffy dress. If you can't find a long dress, then try looking for a short fluffy dress, which can be purchased in shops selling carnival costumes, and do not forget about gloves and a headband. By the way, in order to match the image, it is better to wear such a suit for brown-haired women.

8. New Year's costume Little Red Riding Hood.

A very beautiful and well-known character - Little Red Riding Hood, and what her costume is, just a feast for the eyes. So, a cinderella costume consists of a skirt, a blouse, a corset and a red cape. In general, there is nothing difficult in recreating the image, choose the length of the skirt to your liking, it may well be floor-length. Well, the final touch will be a small basket of "pies" for grandmother, just put a couple of Christmas tree balls in the basket and cover them with a white towel on top.

9. Women's costume of the Bunny.

This costume is notable for the fact that you can wear literally anything, for example, a long dress, a short dress, shorts, a skirt or a jumpsuit. Well, in order for the bunny to become recognizable, you need to put a headband with ears on your head.

10. Suit for the New Year for a girl - Snow White.

It is better to buy Snow White's costume ready-made, since it has several characteristic details that will be difficult to recreate on your own from an ordinary dress, for example, a striped zone of sleeves or a bright hem of a dress. Snow White's costume is also non-standard in terms of the color palette, it is very bright, there is yellow, as well as blue and red. Also, Snow White is a brunette with short hair, this should also not be forgotten.

11. Carnival costume Pocahontas.

If you have a beige dress in your wardrobe, feel free to put it on, tie a beige bandage with a feather on your head, and take a spear in your hands, and also tie a brown belt. Your hair can be black or ashy. A detailed overview of how to recreate the appearance of Pocahontas can be explored.

12. New Year's costume of Princess Jasmine.

The Jasmine costume consists of bloomers and a bright blue top, all of which can be found in a regular store or in departments selling ready-made carnival costumes. As a last resort, you can sew the suit yourself. A distinctive feature of Jasmine is her incredibly long hair, tied in several places with rubber bands. All details regarding the recreation of the image of Princess Jasmine are described in.

13. Carnival costume - Princess Merida.

Princess Merida became known to us all after the release of the cartoon "Brave", this girl captivated the audience with her resourcefulness and incredibly beautiful shock of curly red hair. Merida should be dressed in a long blue or green dress (any without glamorous trim will do), you can put a red wig on her head, and take a bow and arrows in her hands. All details regarding the recreation of the image of Princess Merida are described in.

14. New Year's costume - Rapunzel.

This girl loves purple and her long golden hair. The dress can be long, short or midi, the choice is yours. The main thing is that your hair is light and long; either overhead strands or a wig will help you with this. Decorate your hair with fake flowers and bring along a plastic Pascal chameleon toy (available at toy stores).

15. Costume for a masquerade - Pirate.

The daring image of the Pirate looks very impressive. The suit can consist of leather trousers, or a short flared skirt, as well as a blouse with lantern sleeves, a corset, a wide-brimmed hat and knee-high boots. Basically, all of this can be recreated from regular clothes, with the exception of the pirate hat, which will need to be purchased separately. To heighten the similarity, pin a brooch in the shape of a skull on your blouse, and take a plastic dagger in your hands.

16. Fancy dress - Cleopatra.

If you have a long white or black dress in your wardrobe, then you will be Cleopatra in the New Year. All that remains is to buy the appropriate wig (well, if you have a similar hairstyle with straight bangs, then this is not needed either) and put on makeup effectively. You will learn how to make up in the style of Cleopatra in. And to make the image seem more complete, put on gilded bracelets on your hands, hang a voluminous gilded necklace around your neck, and tie a golden belt over the dress.

17. Carnival costume of the Goddess of Love - Aphrodite.

For several seasons in a row, dresses with a train have been in incredible demand, and if it is present in your wardrobe, then you might want to feel like a Greek goddess. It is enough to put on sandals or fashionable gladiator boots, put on a chiffon dress shortened in front and elongated in the back, loose your hair, over which to put on a gold headband, and you will instantly turn from an ordinary girl into the Goddess of Love - Aphrodite.

18. Fancy dress woman Cat.

The daring image of a Cat woman can be recreated by wearing skinny leather trousers, a cropped leather top, and also purchasing a black mask over the eyes and ears on the head. Paint your nails and lips with bright scarlet lipstick, and you are guaranteed to look like this heroine of the popular movie.

19. Costume for the New Year for a girl - Maleficent.

To recreate the image of Maleficent, you need to wear a black long or short dress, put on a translucent purple cape or cloak on top, paint your lips and nails with purple varnish. Decorate your head with a typical Maleficent headdress with horns (sold in the fancy dress sections).

20. New Year's costume for a girl - a friend of Robin Hood.

It is necessary to choose a green dress or a fluffy skirt, also wear a white blouse with lantern sleeves and a corset. Put on knee-high brown boots, and take a bow and arrows in your hands.

21. Cowboy carnival clothes.

To recreate the look, choose a short brown dress or a brown top and skirt. Put on brown boots with long toes, hang a belt with a holster for toy pistols on your belt. Cover your head with a distinctive cowboy hat.

22. Costume for the New Year - Fiona from Shrek.

Fiona's costume is in principle simple, it should consist only of a long, modest dress of gray-green color. Well, especially desperate girls can paint their skin (face, hands, décolleté) green with special body painting paints. You can wear a red braided wig on your head, as well as matching green ogres (available at fancy dress stores).

Children's New Year's costumes for girls (fashion show):

Today we told who to dress up for the New Year girl, we are sure that thanks to this review you will choose a spectacular fancy dress for yourself, and if a nomination for the best costume is planned at a party, you will win it. Many believe that choosing costumes for the New Year for girls is an overwhelming task, in fact, by connecting imagination and giving this issue a little time and attention, literally every girl can easily cope with this difficult task.

Hello dear readers! The approaching New Year encourages people to pick up gifts for loved ones, think over a festive menu, and also think about a fancy dress. If you have to attend a corporate party or a friendly party, then without a suit, the entrance will be closed for you. Of course, you can go for the trick by going in ordinary clothes and taking with you an elegant Venetian mask, but still the costume will look much more impressive. As part of this review, the website will present to your attention ideas for adult New Year's costumes. Below you will find a whole selection of robes as well.

Women's New Year's suits.

1. Queen Elsa.

This character became known to the public quite recently, but still managed to fall in love. Well, and most importantly, it is fully consistent with the New Year theme. If you are naturally blonde or you paint like that, then this image will not be difficult for you to bring to life. It is enough just to braid your hair in a braid, and also wear a blue dress. But even if you are the owner of a different shade of hair, you should not despair, because you can wear a light wig. All the details on how to recreate the image of Elsa can be found in.

2. The Snow Queen.

Another absolutely logical winter character is the Snow Queen. To recreate the image, you can purchase a ready-made costume, consisting of a dress with fur trim, or simply wear a white dress decorated with rhinestones. For a heightened effect, you can paint your eyes with silvery shadows, highlight the cilia with white mascara, and also paint your lips with shimmery gloss.

3. Angel.

To recreate the image of an angel, you must wear a white dress, and it does not matter how long it is - floor-length or short. Well, and most importantly, in a store with fancy dress costumes, you need to purchase a halo and wings. In the photo below, the costume is complemented by a long raincoat, which looks very fresh and unusual. Makeup in natural tones is suitable for this look.

4. Snow Maiden.

Well, how can a party do without Snegurochka. The Snow Maiden can be dressed up in a white or blue cloak dress with fur trim. Also, we must not forget about knee-high boots and a kokoshnik embroidered with beads. The latter can be replaced with a hat with sewn-on pigtails. By the way, about braids, they are a necessary attribute of the image, if your hair length is not enough to weave a spectacular braid, then you can purchase an invoice.

5. Superman's girlfriend.

The girlfriend of this superhero can be dressed in a red skirt and a blue corset, and her back can be decorated with a short red cloak. You won't need any other decorations, as for makeup and hairstyles, you can wind your hair with curlers, and make a make-up in an unobtrusive pastel shade. Adult costumes for the New Year, in contrast to children's costumes, can be a little frank, but without vulgarity, for example, the skirt can be short and at the same time not reveal unnecessary parts of the body.

6. Princess Jasmine.

The Princess Jasmine look should be based on a cropped blue top and matching trousers. Jasmine also has dark skin and long dark hair braided into a braid. We told how to recreate her image.

7. Cinderella.

This sweet girl will definitely make an impression at the New Year's ball. If you have a fluffy prom dress made in blue tones, and you have blond hair, then this look is perfect for you. As a last resort, the dress can be rented or purchased at a fancy dress store.

8. Fairy Tinker Bell.

With the release of a number of series of cartoons about fairies, it has become popular to transform into themed parties in the Tinker Bell Fairy. To do this, you need to purchase a green dress, wings, as well as ballet flats, on which you need to stick white pom-poms. To heighten the resemblance, the hair must be collected in a bun, and also not to overuse cosmetics. A lot of information regarding the reincarnation of the Tinker Bell Fairy is presented.

9. Pocahontas.

To transform into Pocahontas, you must be the owner of dark hair. In addition, you will need a brown suede dress and fringed boots. we told you how to copy the image of Pocahontas.

10. Little Red Riding Hood.

A red skirt or dress will be very useful, but you will also need a red cloak with a hood, or a red beret. It will be great if you take with you a wicker basket with "pies".

11. Pirate.

A very beautiful New Year's costume will turn out if you take as a basis a pleated skirt, a pirate hat, a blouse and a corset, as well as a dagger or sword. Bright makeup is suitable for such a suit, for example, black eyeliner and red lipstick on the lips.

12. The Little Mermaid.

This suit can consist of a corset and a long fitted skirt that is flared at the bottom. If you copy the image of the famous Ariel, then the hair color should be reddish, and the hair itself should be loose.

13. Hermione from Harry Potter.

Roll your hair into medium-sized curlers, do unobtrusive makeup, put on a long black robe, pick up a book and a magic wand.

14. Woman Cat.

You can buy a ready-made suit, or assemble it from your own things. To do this, you will need to wear leather pants, as well as a black leather top. All that remains is to buy a cat mask, gloves and a whip.

15. Cleopatra.

Cleopatra wore straight hair just below the shoulders with straight straight bangs, which means that this hairstyle should also crown your head. In addition, she was very brightly painted, we told how to do a similar make-up. All that remains is to put on a white dress, complement it with a gilded belt, and also put on gold or gilded jewelry - bracelets, rings, necklaces.

16. Barbie doll.

The beauty of Barbie has a lot of images, but still generally recognizable is a bow based on a pink dress, blonde hair, and high-heeled shoes. It is these details that you need to take to create your costume.

17. Mary Poppins.

A blue or gray light coat or raincoat, an umbrella with a hook-shaped handle, a hat on the head, and that's all, we can assume that the reincarnation as Mary Poppins was successful.

18. Snow White.

Snow White's costume should be done in red-blue-yellow-white colors. It can be a dress or a corset and skirt. Well, the hair should ideally be black and relatively short.

19. Alice in Wonderland.

Alice wore a blue dress and had long blond hair, and she also wore a wide headband, white long knee-highs and low-heeled shoes. These are the details that should be present in your image.

20. Malvina.

Distinctive features of this character are blue wavy hair, blue fluffy dress and pantaloons. In principle, you can refuse pantaloons, but the rest is easy to bring to life, if you wish, you can use a tint hair balm instead of a blue wig, and a dress can be easily found not only in a fancy dress store, but also in ordinary boutiques.

21. Pippi Long Stocking.

Get striped leg and leg warmers, wear a short blue dress, and braid your hair. Well, so that they bend and stick out in different directions, like Peppy's, you need to weave a wire into them.

22. Marilyn Monroe.

A crisp white dress with a plunging neckline and a flared pleated hem is exactly what you need to recreate the image of Miss Monroe. Well, you will also need to style her hair in her style and paint her lips with red lipstick.

Who to dress up for the New Year for adults or men's New Year's costumes.

1. Elvis Presley.

You can buy a ready-made suit with flared pants and a low-cut shirt, or stick to casual clothes - dark jeans, a denim jacket, but at the same time take care of the high hairstyle and demeanor in the Elvis style.

2. Superhero.

It could be a Spiderman, Batman, or Superman suit. The choice is yours, they are all sold in stores with carnival costumes.

3. Zorro.

To recreate the image of Zorro, it is not necessary to buy the entire suit as a whole, because you can wear your own black trousers, and also try to find a loose-fitting shirt. A wide belt will be sewn from red fabric and tied over the trousers. All that remains is to buy a mask, hat and sword.

4. Knight.

In theme stores, suits imitating chain mail are sold, this is exactly what you need. And you will also need to buy a fake sword and shield.

5. Prince.

The crown is the main attribute of the prince's image, so you need to buy it first. Well, the prince will also need a camisole, high boots and a sword.

6. Santa Claus.

A red or blue sheepskin coat, a snow-white beard, a mustache and a wig, as well as felt boots and a bag with "gifts" are exactly what you need to imitate the image of Santa Claus.

7. Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings.

A gray hat, a gray cape, as well as high boots and a white beard with long hair - that's Gandalf ready.

8. Harry Potter.

A black robe on the floor, a magic wand in hand and round glasses over the eyes - in fact, this is exactly what is needed for the recognition of the image.

9. Military.

You will need khaki clothes, ankle boots, a black cap, imitation body armor, a walkie-talkie in hand, as well as a toy pistol in hand and dark glasses over the eyes.

10. Sailor.

You need to prepare blue trousers, a shirt, as well as a vest and a peakless cap.

11. Pilot.

The pilot will look great in a dark blue suit with gilded buttons and a neat cap.

12. Police officer.

You need to put on blue trousers with arrows, a blue shirt, hang a holster with a toy pistol on your belt, as well as handcuffs and a police badge. To detail the image, you will need dark sunglasses and a cap with a visor.

13. Tarzan.

This costume is for brave guys with a beautiful figure. A loincloth and long wig should be worn.

14. Robin Hood.

You will need a green long-sleeved jacket, a brown cape over the shoulders, gray pants tucked into high boots, and a bow and arrows.

15. Avatar.

You must purchase a blue Avatar mask, wear cotton light-colored pants and a shirt, and pry off a black T-shirt. You should take a long spear in your hands.

16. Aladdin.

Aladdin can be dressed in a snow-white suit based on a white shirt and the same white trousers, as well as a turban on his head.

17. Chaplin.

This includes wide trousers, a tight jacket, a bowler hat, a hooked cane, and a stick-on characteristic antennae.

18. Agent 007.

This is the perfect look for a New Year's party, and it shouldn't be a problem to recreate it. You will need a black tuxedo, a white shirt, a black bow tie, and an imitation of a pistol.

19. People in Black.

This look consists of a black suit, white shirt, black tie, dark sunglasses, and a memory eraser (you can bring a regular ballpoint pen with you).

20. Caesar.

Caesar should be wrapped in a white robe, with a red cloak draped over his shoulders. Well, Caesar's head is decorated with gilded laurel branches.

21. Zeus is the god of Olympus.

This character is dressed in a white robe and a red cape. He grabbed his clothes with a wide golden belt. You will also need to purchase a white wig and false beard.

22. Cowboy.

Put on jeans, a plaid shirt, a vest, as well as pointed shoes with spurs, cover your head with a cowboy hat, tie a bandana around your neck, and attach a holster with a pistol to your belt.

23. Costume from the Mask.

This is a very bright fancy dress, consisting of a yellow jacket and trousers, and a green face mask.

24. Arab Sheikh.

Put on a long white robe, black trousers under it, put a white piece of fabric over your head, and tie a black ribbon over it. In principle, the image is ready, it remains only to put on black sunglasses and pick up a wallet with dollars.

25. Pirate.

You will need a dagger, a frock coat, a hat, an eye patch, high boots with a turn-up, loose pants and a shirt.

Jack Sparrow Transformation (video):

Let's digress: how to make Christmas decorations (video):

We hope that you liked the ideas of adult New Year's costumes presented in this review. Leave feedback in the comments, and share your costume ideas, by the way, and in this review you will find many Halloween costumes. Happy holidays and see you soon on the pages of our site.