Interesting autographs. How to come up with a beautiful signature

Almost every person thinks about the beauty of his signature. Many want to make it original and memorable. We will tell what steps need to be taken to create a beautiful autograph.

The painting process begins with the definition of its character. Decide for yourself, it will be difficult or simple. There are several signature options - based on the last name, name and patronymic, full initials. When you choose the option, it will be necessary to supplement it with interesting distinctive signs. As a basis, you can take signatures of famous people. Now we will consider step by step instructions for creating the original signature. Decide on the character of the signature. Women prefer various rags and fools, and men with shower and straight lines. But all people are individual, so it can be the opposite.

Many people come up with their signatures, pushing away from their last name. Separate three letters from it and try to put a neat snatch at the end. See what happened. Such autographs look very beautiful if they start on a vowel letter. This method is the easiest way, so moving on.

Many famous people painted their initials completely. Try to play with letters. Put the first letter of the name, then the point and completely surname. Beautiful curls will decorate the signature, but you can not put them. You can also write your surname abbreviated and put after it the first letters of the name and patronymic. Another option - Try to limit yourself to large letters of the name and patronymic, finishing the signature with the original curl. The drawing will help you ask you the right direction.

You can complicate the task. Look at your initials - three letters. Imagine yourself with a famous calligrapher (before there were such professions) and come up with interesting curls to three these letters. But do not overdo it. Overweight many different patterns in male signature looks inappropriate. If you are a woman, you can safely turn your fantasy. Connect three letters in such a way that one, starting, smoothly passed to another.

Signs are very popular with the use of Latin letters or their combinations with Cyrillic. The first letter you can put Latin, and the rest will write with ordinary Cyrillic. You can do the opposite. Do not forget to put a distinguishing mark at the end. It can be a wide stroke, curl or a broken line.

General recommendations for creating an original signature:
  • Let the larger letters surround the rest. This option will help refresh the signature that does not have letters leaving for fields, for example, "s" and "d".
  • You can highlight your signature by Zigzag. It will make it interesting and fast in writing.
  • Grasp the signature of the elegant loop. This element will give her a royal and official appearance.
  • Choose one letter and emphasize it. The most beautiful will look at the last underlined letter, but you can highlight anyone if you think it is necessary.
  • Highlight the signature with the original element (snowflake, triangle, etc.). If you failed this particular option, most of the signature should be left without change so that it does not look too overloaded.
  • If your signature is the letters "T", "G", "P", "B", you can cover it with a horizontal line.
Look at the signatures of famous people. It will help you inspire and create a unique signature. Warren Buffett, Lady Gaga, Win Diesel, Alexander Pushkin, George Bush, Barack Obama and many others are known. You can add elements of their signature to your. But do not forget about the individuality that should be present in your signature. Also remember that it should not be too complicated. You quickly get tired of playing huge patterns in ordinary life.

You can not apply your name in the painting, but as practice shows, this is not the best option. Your signature must say something about you, it will be much more interesting. To secure the created signature, put it on paper every day.

A beautiful stroke in the document is needed if you have to change the surname or for the first time to get a passport. Spectacular paintings are inventing themselves. Those who get married and change the surname. The need for creating or replacing the "autograph" cares for surprise. The art of "documentary calligraphy" is easy to learn. Show individuality, make an autograph original, memorable. Painted - the author's business card. Try creating your signature online according to the proposed free tips.

What is the signature

Without painting it is difficult to fully live in society. Any adult person has to deal with papers. With the help of the "author's stroke", the content of documents, consent or denial of information is confirmed. The first official is considered a signature in the passport. At the time of receipt of the document, it is important to determine the option and adhere to it in the future. Learn instead of rapid snapshots to depict a funny touch, creative with curls, additional elements quickly, attaching a little effort and effort.

It is important to first decide on the form, and then travelery the accuracy of its transfer in the documents. Painting matters - it indicates the character of a person. An experienced graft is easily determined by the author of the author, hidden traits, psychological and physical condition.

How to come up with a signature for a passport

By creating painting, it is necessary to determine which it will be: a simple or complex, short or long. How to come up with painting, based on the convenience: too complicated cumbersome. Simple will become a "light password", which can easily repeat anyone. The correct option will be a simple barcode with its own distinctive feature. View photos and pick the optimal option.

Signatures for the surname

Regardless of who you are going to become: Teacher, director, accountant or workers, you will have to learn skill in accuracy to pass the autograph time at one time. - Key hint, how to come up with a signature. Successful barcode is created like this:

  1. Take a piece of paper, write the surname.
  2. Separate the first three letters is the best option, how to come up with signatures in several options.
  3. Well, if the surname begins with a consonant letter, with round, clear, graphic signs.
  4. Add the first letter of the name.
  5. Put your initials ahead.

If it is undesirable to fix the surname, put the first letter of the name and patronymic. Next use elements for decorating. It is interesting to combine Cyrillic and Latin. Try to play with letters by rearning them in places. Many create cool signatures using ancient calligraphy and extra curls. Male autograph must be restrained, the decor looks ugly. Girls allowing curls and snaps, small drawings.

Signatures for the surname

Create paintings is not as difficult as it may seem. This is an exciting and creative occupation. Interesting is the creation of ways to connect letters. We give beautiful signatures as an example:

Celebrity autographs

Famous people use autographs as a kind of business card. Autographs become a separate branch of modern collectibles. John Hancock has a creative painting. In the signature, he uses the font of an old latice, which looks spectacular.

Another interesting option is Kurt Wannegut's autograph.

It depicts his own profile, inside which the surname is "hidden". Jay Leno depicts a funny proof of and signature to the name.

What to come up with myself

Do not draw complex options. Use as a base with your own initials, surname. Samples you will find in the photo. An interesting option will be on the basis of ready-made. Create a powerful curl or a modest element of the decor in the signature. Do you think? Take advantage of the Latin or ancient-Russian alphabet - it will add strokes of uniqueness. Try to choose rare items. Combine initials, surname, cutting of the Latin or Russian option.

Video: how to sign beautiful

If you are not a connoisseur of graphology, take advantage of the advice of comments and connoisseurs. Hand writing and "family strokes" people have been studying for a long time. Find out of the simple and understandable video, how to come up with an autograph. Tips will provide you with invaluable help in choosing a good option for documents and passports.

It doesn't matter if you plan to become a famous person or just pass time - experiments with your signature can become a fairly exciting occupation. Take advantage of our advice and recommendations to create a memorable signature.


Part 1

Analyze the current signature

    Take a look at your current signature. Think what you like in it, and what would you like to change. Take the letters that make up your name, and think about how to emphasize them better: consider interesting (with curls, points and intersections - y, x or c) and simple letters (especially those that look equally in the upper and lower register ). Look for something that can become a central element of your signature.

    Think what information you want to put in the signature. A simple and simple signature is easier to read, but a more difficult signature can be your highlight. The squeezing will be a signature, the more awesome personality. Think about how much time you spend on the signature. Everweight doctors usually have hasty and unreadable signatures, while well-known writers can spend more time on all sorts of calligraphic delights.

    • Signatures that include only your initials are usually considered more official and business, rather than signatures in the full name.
    • If it is important that the signature cannot fake, then make it longer and more readable. Calculate the name and surname. Write clearly and picking up. It is much easier to fake non-zero signatures than imitate all the nuances of the spent and clearly removed autograph.
  1. What parts of the name would you like to include in the signature? Someone likes to write the full name, the other is enough name or surname. Third use only initials. If you are known by name (as, for example, Beyonce), it will be enough in the signature only name. If you are a professor, to whom they appeal by name and patronymic or by last name, then use the option with the surname.

    Draw inspiration in the signatures of other people. Examine celebrity signatures and think, maybe you should come up with something like that. Kurt Vonnegut, Walt Disney, Salvador Dali, Picasso and John Hancock (and many others) are known, among other things, with their unique signatures. Do not be afraid to borrow catchy elements and bring them in your signature.

    Part 2

    Experiment with signature
    1. Experiment. Take a sheet of paper and put a lot of signatures on it - try different options. Relax and give the will of fantasy, try different styles and curls. The signature must be convenient in writing, organically combine with your name and easily repeat you repeatedly. Use convenient written accessories. You can work a pencil to erase the signature and make corrections.

      Select some letters. You can make the letter larger so that it stands out among others, or vice versa is to reduce it. So your signature will become brighter, and the time spent will not increase. Try using the large first letter of the name or the first letters of the name and surname.

      • If your signature is indispensable or curly, you can select one letter, withdrawing it with a clear and readable. Conversely, you can make one letter negligently or strange to highlight it in the nearest and tearing signature.
    2. Make emphasis underline. This is a classic way to give signatures of additional personality. There may be more time to eliminate the underscore, so think about its expediency.

      Use the "retro" font. Double horizontal intersections and complete twisted letters with bends and curls. If possible, use a fountain pen. Inspire calligraphy, ancient signatures and gothic fonts. So you can decorate even the simplest signature.

      Add squeaming in the signature. Misching is an excellent option to make a signature more unique. Pick the letters that are suitable for unusual bends, and attempt to bring them an unusual way. Consider the following options:

      • Repeating elements. Three large oval in the signature will create an echo effect and will be connected together the rest of the construction.
      • Capital letters can slope. So you can give the brightness of the signature if there are no letters with lower tails (y, l, x and others).
      • Circle the signature with curls. So you will give her very official, royal look.
      • Make a larger bottom of the letters. This is one of the simple and common ways to decorate the signature.
    3. Add numbers or characters to the signature. Such symbols may include a team number on a T-shirt, a simple sketch or year end of the university. If you associate a specific number or symbol with your personality (for example, if you are an important member of the sports team), then this is a good way to stand out among your names. If you want to go on this path, then in order to save time the rest of your signature is better to leave simple. A large number of characters can overload a signature and occupy for a long time to remove all items.

    Part 3.

    Choose the optimal option

      Combine your favorite items in the signature. Collect together all your favorite details. Determine which of them are superfluous, and which are well combined with your personality. When you work out your signature, make small changes, until you feel that they found the desired combination.

      Determine the optimal option. Do not choose the signature just because it looks great. It should be not only stylisticly verified, but also practical.

      • You should easily be able to reproduce your signature. You should not have difficulties with its writing, while the process itself should take no more than a few seconds.
      • The signature must match your personality and goals. If you want to seem special, then use a fastened signature. If you want to appear in front of people an elegant and neat person, then reflect it in your signature.
      • The signature must be recognizable. It is not necessary that it looks like a doodle (except well recognizable doodle), but it should always be the same. Make your signature unique and most recognizable.
    1. Work out a new signature, as long as its writing will no longer cause difficulties. Do not forget that you can always make changes to it. If you use one signature in all legal documents (rights, passport, bank card), then the change in the signature may cause inconvenience. In some cases, you can be identified by signature, and if you change it, you can call suspicions, because the signatures in the documents will no longer coincide.

      Make sure you can easily repeat a new signature. The most beautiful and original signature in the world will be useless if you cannot quickly put it on the desired document. When working out the signature, do not forget about practicality: the signature you need to be able to quickly install, you need to decide on the accessories (what you will put a signature), and in all cases it should look equally. If you have problems with the repetition of the signature, it is better to simplify the design.


    • Do not change the signature very often. You may have problems establishing a person if the new signature does not correspond to the passport, rights, bank documents, or even a library card.
    • It is better that the official signature is quite simple. You quickly get tired of output complex and requires a lot of time design every time you pay the card at the grocery store.
    • Think twice before inventing yourself an unintelligible signature. No one argues, go beyond the scope sometimes fun and funny, but think carefully, you need a bad readable signature.

In the life of each person comes the moment when he faces the question: how to come up with a signature - beautiful, not banal, to like and yourself and people?

This question, of course, is not that, but also relevant.

This usually happens during the first "autograph" for a new passport. What are adults guided by creating their unique painting?

Someone appeals to their initials, someone simply writes their surname (or its abbreviated version) with some graphic elements. But we all want to have an interesting, unusual and unique "mark".

How to sign in the passport?

The main thing - decide on the character of the signature, After all, he must match your own.

As proper, the male option contains a large number of straight lines. If you are a man, your autograph will most likely be very concise. Different curves of lines, irregularities and stokers are more likely in options in women.

Beware of short signatures, because it's just a paradise for attackers! Such people will not be difficult to fake your turnchers. It is recommended to pay attention to this item to people involved in the field of business (read our interesting article about). The painting of a business person should be memorable, easily found and presentable.

But it is not necessary to get involved - otherwise your casual "barn" risks very different from the one you leave in the passport. How to come up with a signature, following so much unlawful rules at once?

You can practice in creating your own stroke, independently improvising or following the following exercises.

1. First pay attention to your familia. After all, many use it as a basis for their signature - for example, they write the first three letters that are complemented by some interesting details. Try several options with the first letters of the last name, after which you carefully inspect the result. Perhaps the resulting you will arrange.

2. If what you saw, you did not like - do not worry, but come up with an alternative! How to come up with painting to the name? Perhaps it is worth contacting the title letters of your name and patronymic.

Also, you can use in facsimile combination of the surname and capital letters The name and middle name - a considerable number of people also resorts to this type. Use your fantasy at full capacity and think over all sorts of versions of such a combination.

3. An interesting way out of the provision will be the option with connection began and endings of letters From the abbreviation of your initials. Thus, the letters will be placed separately, but more tightly, gradually moving into each other. It will give your mural a little mysteriousness; It will not be so apparent as, for example, with the first option. As if grown.

4. Popular now enjoys stroke using Latin letters or their combination With Cyrillic. For example, the first letter (title) is Latin, and all the others are familiar Cyrillic. Or vice versa.

5. Do not forget that men's signature Must be the most clear, laconic. And if you female - Do not forget to embellish it in some kind of pattern or curl. But this is a matter of taste - a strict autograph can be a fair sex representative. While the non-collecting can belong to both a man.

6. Separate time to come up with the end of his "snatch". It may be a wide stroke, broken line, or some special curl.

As you can see, quite a few options, how to come up with a beautiful signature on the passport and other documents. Remember that this is a reflection of your character on paper, which can be easily defined by an experienced graphologist.

Almost every one of us is sooner or later facing the choice. And the female has such a task sometimes sometimes. Moreover, no one is insured against the second and even the third marriage, and therefore, you need to invent a painting in accordance with your new name.

And some, on the contrary, suddenly. But the whole thing is in the "middle" painting!

Of course, we all love to be the most. And the signature I want to make the original, memorable, beautiful. How became famous paintings A. Pushkin, I.Kanta, Ch.Dikkens And others.

But in order to depict on a sheet of paper (and then on the most important documents such as passport) a beautiful snorkel, you should work pretty well. And we will tell you what steps to take to invent a memorable autograph.

We will need several sheets of paper, an ordinary ballpoint pen and a sufficient supply of patience.

1 way

Let's go along the way the smallest resistance - we will "dance" from the last name. Most people, according to statistics, come up with their signature, based on this factor. And then the fruits of success are reaping, and even do not come up with!

Write your surname on a sheet of paper, and then separate the first three letters from it. Perhaps this is your future painting! Such autographs, derivatives from the names beginning with the consonant letter, look particularly well. Although this is not the main factor.

Play with three first letters of your surname, putting an elegant snatch at the end. Like? If not, let's try the following method.

2 way

Add the first letter of your name to the three letters above. That is - in your painting there will be two capital and other lowercase letters.

3 way

If the name "shining" do not want - you can put a first letter of the name and patronymic. After these two letters, beautiful curls can go, and the word may last (mean patronymic).

4 way

You already guessed - we paint all the full name completely. You can play with letters, rearrange them in places. The first three letters of the surname can be attached to the literals of the name and patronymic.

5 way

If all of you seems too easy and prosaic, then complicate the building. Look carefully on everything, too, the name - and for all letters separately. Try yourself to imagine an old calligrapher (yes, yes - there was such a position in an older) and come up with curls in these three letters. However, too many monograms in male painting looks ugly. A man is distinguished by the hardness and straightness of the stroke, but the woman is allowed to play "Bows and Ryushechki".

But the most interesting thing is ahead: it is necessary to connect these letters in various ways in different ways so that one, starting, smoothly crossed to another.

The coolest option is when the letter is located in the letter, but it is usually so lucky with the name on the letters about, E and S.

6 way

Some tried to make painting without applying their own name. But gradually people were disappointed in one day the selected version. They wanted to be original - and became faceless. Honeseless "sinusoid", "Electrocardiogram", "Cheese Bor" - what does such a signature talk about a person? Strong account - nothing.

But at the end of the autograph you can try to make a powerful (if your character) or a modest curler from unorganized lines.