How to make smokey ice makeup. Brown smoky eyes for the impending century. Basic technique for making Smokey Ice make-up

Smokey Ice makeup has been incredibly fashionable and relevant for more than a hundred years. This is a versatile way to make eyes stand out and enhance their beauty. There is such a make-up for almost every woman, and it is easy to make it even at home with the most inexpensive cosmetics.

Makeup Smokey Ice step by step how to create an image in the style of "Smocky eyes"?

“Eyes in a Haze” is perhaps the most popular and fashionable makeup trend, which involves creating a dark haze on the eyes with a cosmetic pencil and several shades of various shadows (matte or pearlescent) for the eyes. This technique allows you to make your eyes clear, bright, emphasize their shape and visually enlarge. In addition, the look becomes more expressive and mysterious.

At first glance, "Smokey Ice" make-up is quite simple, but it requires thoroughness, patience, accuracy and knowledge of the matter. To make a beautiful make-up, you should use useful tips and tricks, as well as try to practice the step-by-step application of beautiful makeup.

Smoky eyes style

What you need to create "Smocky eyes":

To do this work, you need a simple set of tools and cosmetics:

  • A tonal base or a foundation for the face - evens out skin tone, makes the look clean and open, without circles under the eyes and other imperfections
  • Black cosmetic eye contour with a soft, slightly creamy texture to create a clear line
  • Shadow palette charcoal with light shades
  • Black or even jet black mascara
  • Professional brush for shading shadows
  • Cotton swabs for correcting uneven makeup

Apply makeup step by step:

  • Cleanse your face thoroughly, apply foundation, let it absorb. Try not to apply too much foundation, so as not to overload the makeup and create a "mask effect", it will only be enough to hide bags under the eyes and other "colored" areas of the face: yellowness, redness, rashes
  • When the base is completely dry, start applying makeup: with a natural bristle shading brush, apply light shadows to the upper eyelid. You should distribute them evenly over the eyelid, applying the minimum amount to the inner corner and the maximum to the outer
  • Do not apply the shadow too high in the area under the eyebrow, it will be enough to highlight the crease and the place above it.
  • Take a contour pencil and clearly define the outer corner. Using a professional sponge brush or cotton swab, rub the contour line, making it as wide and vague as possible
  • With a pencil, select the outer corner of the eye without rubbing the outline. It must be clear
  • On top of the gray shadows and eyeliner, apply another layer of shadows - black with a shading, try to make smooth color blends so that the makeup is neat

Apply makeup step by step

Smokey Ice technique, basic makeup techniques

The Smoky Ice technique is very simple and does not require any special skills and abilities. Every modern lady is capable of mastering this technique, if she has taste and enough patience to make the make-up neat.

  • This makeup technique is new, but it has already assigned itself the status of a "classic" for the fact that it has become extremely popular, in demand and fashionable.
  • She appeared around the 20s of the last century and since then has not left the first positions of the most beautiful make-ups of our time.
  • This makeup is able to make even of the most extraordinary appearance a real vamp woman who is capable of crushing the consciousness of anyone around her with her dramatic look.
  • The advantage of this particular makeup is that it can be worn both in the daytime and in the evening. Naturally, due to the dark shadows, it looks more beautiful in the evening, but if you weaken the tones and choose slightly different shades, then in the daytime "smokey ice" is also relevant
  • The technique of this make-up is to create the smoothest transition from a dark shadow color to a lighter one. It is this quality that makes the look expressive and mysterious.
  • It seems that an incredible and slightly magical haze envelops the eye, making it attractive and a little mesmerizing.
  • "Smokey Ice" highlight the eyes on the face and apart from them there should not be any other accent in the makeup, neither on the lips, nor on the cheeks. It is permissible only to emphasize the eyebrows
  • You can diversify the standard "Smoky Ice" by adding some other colors to it: purple, green, blue, and all of them must be combined with black and emphasize the real eye color
  • Choose only matte eyeshadows that look like haze for your makeup. Pearlescent and glitter shadows will be too provocative and "festive"

how to make up your eyes beautifully? creation of evening, as well as daytime make-up
  • For girls with brown and amber eyes, such impressive makeup as "smokey ice" will suit with 100% probability
  • Moreover, shadows matched to the color of the eyes will be unusually beautiful and mesmerizing: bronze, copper, coffee, brown, honey, amber
  • These shades are perfectly combined with black, which is invariably present in "smoky" and is applied using a special eyeliner or pencil.

"Smokey Ice" for brown-eyed beauties will be relevant both in the evening and in the daytime, for blondes and brunettes.

"Smokey ice" on brown eyes
  • We can say that the technique of such a "make-up" is quite universal for all eye colors, it all starts with light shadows. In this case, a flesh, beige or even gold shade is perfect.
  • After that, with a smooth transition, it is worth applying darker shadows to the inner corner of the eye in the direction from the inner corner to the outer
  • After that, the black pencil makes the outline more black and clear to emphasize the shape of the eye.
  • If you want to diversify the color scheme, you can make a play of contrasts by using “silver” shadows for makeup, which are perfectly combined with gray.
  • Make-up eyelashes in this style should be thickly painted with mascara in several layers so that the look is tempting and very effective.
  • For such a make-up, you should choose mascara with a lengthening effect.

Smokey Ice for green eyes, eye color to eye shadow palette ratio

Green eyes are the rarest and most beautiful in the world. You can pick up a lot of winning shades of shadows to them, which will not only decorate them, but also make them mysterious and alluring in an oriental way.

"Smokey Ice" for green eyes

Shades suitable for green eyes are:

  • brown
  • gold
  • silver
  • light green
  • purple

It is on the contrasts of these colors that you can play favorably and create an unsurpassed smoky make-up. The main task is to be able to make a smooth and beautiful transition from light shades of shadows to dark and even black.

Try using black liquid eyeliner for a drab-looking look and make them look bigger. To do this, apply shadows in two shades: light in the inner corner and dark in the outer one, and on top of the shadows draw a meandering line of medium thickness, with the tips bent up.

After the eyeshadow and eyeliner are applied to the eyes, carefully paint the lashes thickly and several times, separating each lash and mascara with a lengthening effect.

Smokey Ice for blue eyes, which color palette suits blue eyes?

On blue eyes "Smokey Ice" looks especially beautiful, blue eyes lure the gaze with their depth and purity. For blue eyes, a palette of colors such as:

  • Gray
  • silver
  • pink
  • dark brown
  • purple
  • green

how to make smoky blue eyes correctly?

It is imperative for blue eyes to apply crisp black eyeliner to create a contrasting and bright look. To do this, you should pick up a pencil with a soft texture and use a special sponge brush or a cotton swab to shade it on the upper and lower eyelids.

To make blue eyes spectacular and immediately draw attention to them, you should devote time to eyeliner, make them clearer, darker and more expressive. For this you will need an eyebrow brush and black eye shadow.

Smokey Ice for gray eyes, how to highlight gray eyes?

Gray eyes and black haze around them are the perfect combination because these colors are related. A black outline along the upper and lower eyelids will create contrast and make the look expressive, and competent shading will visually enlarge the eyes.

how to make smokey ice gray eyes makeup?

Smokey Ice looks especially advantageous on the faces of blondes because such eyes always attract glances and in no way go unnoticed. It is best not to use the entire palette of shades, but use only a light tone of gray and charcoal black.

A professional blending brush will help to apply shadows to the eyelid neatly and competently, without leaving spots and sharp borders. It is imperative to make up thick eyelashes, make them lush and long. Focusing on such gray eyes, you should not highlight the lips, it is best to just moisturize them so that they do not distract from the magical look.

Smokey Ice for the impending century, how to do makeup correctly?

A drooping eyelid is sometimes a problem for a girl, but "smokey ice" is exactly the type of make-up that will help to visually "lift" it and make the look more expressive.

rules for creating smokey ice makeup for women with hanging eyelids

Creation of smokey ice makeup for the impending century, rules and techniques for applying cosmetics:

  • Before applying shadows, you need to apply a special make-up base on the face and under the eyebrow. This is necessary so that the applied makeup does not crumble and is firmly adhered to the face.
  • If you do not have such a cosmetic product, then use a foundation, but without waiting for it to be completely absorbed from above, you should powder your face
  • A black soft contour pencil draws a line along the edge of the upper eyelid and the same line under the eyelashes on the lower eyelid, the line must be shaded with a cotton swab or a special brush so that a shaded shadow becomes from a clear strip
  • Lighter shades of cream or flesh tones should be applied to the inner corner of the eye and the middle of the eyelid
  • Apply the shade of medium saturation to the entire eyelid and to the lower part of the drooping
  • The dark shadow covers the middle of the eyelid and the outer corner, and is also applied to the lower part of the drooping eyelid and shaded up and to the side
  • Eyelashes are thickly painted with ink in several layers

How to make a black Smokey Ice correctly?

  • Black Smoky Ice is a versatile makeup that is perfect for any eye color, eye shape and cut
  • Black Smoky Ice always gives the impression of a "Vamp woman", making the look mysterious, magical and enchanting
  • You can make smokey ice in black tones only with the help of three objects: a black pencil, black shadows and mascara.
  • Make sure to even out your complexion before you start applying makeup so that your entire look is clear and perfect.
  • In order for the transitions of the shadows to be beautiful, not to break off abruptly, but to pass from dark to light, you must use a special shading brush

black smokey ice - how to make the right makeup?

How to make brown Smokey Ice right?

As a rule, brown smokey ice is made by those girls who cannot immediately get used to "black" catchy eyes and find brown tones softer. Brown shadows are smoother, they are not so noticeable and always adorn the face. Brown makeup can be called daytime, since it is based on paints of flesh and coffee shades.

Brown Smokey Ice is incredible for dark-skinned girls and brunette girls. White girls should still give preference to the black version of this makeup, so that their eyes do not look tired or "sick".

how to make brown smokey ice?

Brown Smokey Ice can be decorated with an arrow and eyeliner by drawing a line of medium thickness along the growth of the eyelashes. This will visually make your eyelashes look longer and fuller.

What is the difference between the evening Smokey Ice and the daytime?

Too dark makeup, and in particular black Smokey Ice in the daytime, is considered bad form because it can make the image of a girl too vulgar and defiant. Thinking over your image, you must clearly observe all the nuances and focus on the time of day, so that too bright makeup does not show you as a tasteless person.

Evening Smoky Ice is a makeup that features dark tones and shimmers from a bright (or light) shade to black. It is not uncommon for such makeup to be complemented with arrows and false eyelashes, so that it is impossible to take your eyes off such beauty. Evening smokey ice is thought out in advance and always put on the face a base for makeup. This foundation will keep dark and heavy shadows in the eyes and prevent them from crumbling black circles under the eyes.

how to create smokey ice for the evening?

Evening Smokey Ice is complemented with clearly adjusted and tinted eyebrows to draw even more attention to the eyes.

What is the difference between wedding Smokey Ice?

Wedding Smokey Ice is certainly not as dark as black or evening. It also uses a black contour pencil, but try not to overdo it with its application. Most often, matte and pearlescent shades of coffee and flesh shades are used for the wedding Smokey Ice.

The task of the wedding Smokey Ice is to visually increase and emphasize the roughness of the bride's eyes. Bridal Smokey Ice is complemented by lowered eyebrows, an even complexion and moisturized lips in a neutral shade. Wedding Smokey Ice always looks good on every bride, contrasting with a white dress and standing out from the crowd.

Wedding Smokey Ice, makeup features

Video: "Smokey Ice Makeup Step by Step"

Smokey ice makeup (translated as "smoky eyes") was at the peak of popularity even during the existence of the USSR. Even then, the languid female gazes of framed eyes in this technique drove men crazy, and from all the photos women with the same makeup looked at us.

Today, smokey ice is still popular and is often used by fashionistas and socialites, as evidenced by the numerous photos and videos with their participation, which are replete with the Internet and tabloids.

To shine in a gorgeous way, there is no need to contact a makeup artist, because you can make a smokey ice yourself by following the instructions: a photo, video, or just a step-by-step description of the actions.

Smokey ice application options

It is believed that the classic and only true is the smoky ice makeup, made in black and gray tones with the obligatory use of matte shadows or a black pencil.

In fact, the concept of "smokyeyes" has long gone beyond the classics and has become a generally recognized technique for applying and shading shadows, and a lot of educational materials, both photos and videos, have been filmed about creating such a make-up. You can use green, blue, purple, gray, brown or any other shades with equal success. This is how the perfect makeup is selected for any eye color and shape.

Distinctive features of such a make-up:

  1. the lash line on the upper eyelid should have the darkest shadows;
  2. the eyes should have a stroke - you need to make a clear and bright line;
  3. the effect of haze around the eye is created;
  4. as you move towards the line of growth of the eyebrows, the shadows should lighten more and more until they completely disappear, and the transition should be soft and imperceptible;
  5. eyelashes are thoroughly and thickly painted over with mascara.

What you need for makeup

Every woman can do Smokey Ice makeup on her own with the following simple set:

  • a powder or foundation that suits your skin;
  • soft eyeliner (black) and the one with which you usually draw arrows;
  • shadows of at least three colors, close to each other in shade. Light is better to take pearlescent;
  • makeup brushes;
  • ink;
  • eyebrow pencil.

Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup using the smoky eyes technique

Smokey ice, like any other type of makeup, must start with preparing the skin for decorative cosmetics. This will keep your makeup looking beautiful and your skin smooth, well-groomed and even. This is how stylists create ideal images for photos of celebrities or videos with their participation.

The smokey ice effect is created step by step as follows:

  1. a cream that you usually use is applied to the face;
  2. then the tone is leveled with the help of a tonal base or cream;
  3. if there are dark spots in the eye area, they must be corrected with a corrector;
  4. it is recommended to apply a foundation under the eyeshadow on the upper eyelid - this will keep your makeup as long as possible;
  5. the contour around the eye should be outlined with a black pencil, while the line should be clear, even and as close as possible to the eyelashes. From the outer corner, it should go slightly upward and be thicker than the one that is drawn around the eye;
  6. from the previously selected shadows, you must select the darkest and apply them on the upper eyelid, as well as on the lower - from the outer to the inner edge with a gradual decrease in the color intensity. Blend thoroughly;
  7. Use a flat brush to paint over the rest of the eyelid with medium-tone shades. The transition between shadows should be soft and smooth;
  8. the inner corners of the eyes, as well as the brow space should be painted with the lightest shade of shadows (usually white or beige shades with a pearlescent effect);
  9. carefully paint over the eyelashes with mascara. It is best to use mascara for volume or lengthening effect;
  10. draw the line of the eyebrows, but so that their color does not become brighter and more saturated than your eyes.

If the application technique is still not clear to you, then pay attention to any photo, where the Smokey Ice makeup is illustrated step by step, or use one of the many videos.

How to choose an eyeshadow palette for each eye tone

When creating smokyeyes, the main thing is not only to be able to perform all actions smoothly and accurately, but also to choose a color palette that is ideal for you, and will also be appropriate at a certain time of day. Over time, the clarity of the lines and the technique can be worked out in practice, especially since there are many training videos on the Internet, but you need to decide on the palette in advance. If you adhere to some rules, you will look like Hollywood stars in photos in glossy magazines:

  • smokey ice for blue eyes will perfectly emphasize your image if you make makeup in a blue tone and its shades, use gold, peach or another soft and warm color;
  • smoky ice for green eyes will be perfect in shades of green, as well as browns and golds. This will make the look more expressive, and the eyes will give additional shine and clarity;
  • smokey ice for brown eyes is best created in the classic version - a black, gray shade. If, in addition to dark eyes, there is light skin, then purple and lilac shadows will look good;
  • gray eyes are considered ideal for smokeyeyes, as they will go well with almost all colors of the eyeshadow palette.

  1. Since smokey ice is a bright makeup with an emphasis on the eyes, bright lipstick or too blackened cheekbones will look extremely inappropriate. When creating such a make-up, you should use a pale or natural blush, lipstick of a neutral tone, close to the natural color of the lips, or lip gloss on a non-greasy base of a necessarily light shade.
  2. Owners of almond-shaped eyes with the correct shape can enhance the depth of the gaze by slightly darkening the inner and outer parts of the eye.
  3. If your eyes are set too far apart, then shade the shadows towards the temples - this will visually bring them closer.
  4. If the eyes are close to each other, then you should not bring them to the very inner corner. Here, the best option would be to use shadows of a lighter shade.
  5. Step-by-step makeup application can be found in the step-by-step video tutorials.

Hello, our dear beauties and fashionistas! What are we going to talk about today? About an impressive, mesmerizing look, or rather, how to create one using three colors and several makeup brushes. It's about the famous and legendary smoky eyes. Yes, yes, you probably thought that we will not tell you anything new, because you have already tried a dozen times to understand how to make Smokey Ice makeup. And you certainly think that it is impossible to master a professional technique in 10 minutes. But now we will dispel all your doubts. How? We will arm ourselves with the necessary accessories, explain the execution technique step by step and learn that for smoky eyes it is not necessary to take shadows of exclusively black or dark brown tones. Makeup in green, ash gray and even pink shades is in fashion. But the technique of its application does not change - only the combination of colors changes. Are you ready to seduce, surprise with just one look?

Unknown features of Smokey Ice makeup

Our readers know that the make-up got its name "smoky eyes" thanks to the technique of applying shadows. Here they are delicately shaded and create the very smoky effect, that is, - smoke, enveloping the eyes. This type of makeup is famous for several of its features.

  • The eye line becomes incredibly bright, pronounced. Therefore, makeup is suitable even for small eyes. With it, the gaze "opens", and the eyes become larger.
  • Smokey ice allows you not only to "bring beauty", but to become a corrector for the eyelids. With the help of this make-up, you can visually raise the lowered corners, "lift" the upper eyelid and make it more toned, as well as hide fine wrinkles around the eyes.
  • Smoky eyes today are no longer associated with black and gray tones. On the contrary, it is worth choosing the scale that emphasizes the color of your eyes. If in the 1920s and 1930s it was just a languid look that could be created in dark colors that was in vogue, but today the “smoky” make up consists of different colors.

By the way, smoky eyes have ceased to be the makeup that is applied exclusively for a gala evening. For example, celebrities use it in everyday life. And smokey ice is popular not only among women. Bobby Brown is the biggest fan of this technique. It doesn't matter that he is a man. Smokey Ice is capable of truly working wonders and becoming versatile for any occasion. That is why almost everyone strives to master the technique of this smoky makeup. In general, we will not torment you with long stories. Let's finally move on to the main thing - we will learn how to apply makeup at home.

Stocking up inspiration and tools

Remember we said that we would dispel your doubts that only a professional can create smoky eyes? You probably have the right eyeshadow palette, as well as a few brushes and a pencil. Even if the required brushes are not available, we will do with one standard and ordinary cotton swabs. So, you will need:

  • Tonal basis. Use the basis you are familiar with. If you are going for the evening, you can combine mousse with powder or foundation with loose powder. For daily makeup, mousse or just powder is enough. For any occasion, you will find useful our tips on how to.

  • Black pencil. Here it is worth remembering: only a soft bold pencil is suitable for smokey ice. You should not take liquid eyeliner. Since most make the same mistake: they take eyeliner, thinking that the technique lies in the subtlety of drawing lines.

  • Shadows. We take shadows of three tones of the same scale. If it's brown, then pick the darkest in the palette, the medium shade and the lightest. The latter should have a pearlescent tint.

  • Brushes. Ideally, you should stock up on three brushes: flat, beveled and spongy. The flat brush is the one you always use to apply eyeshadow, the spongy brush is therefore called so because it resembles a washcloth.

Also, you can not do without mascara, cotton swabs and sponges for make-up.

7 steps to create makeup

So, we look at the photo and move on to the execution technique. For example, let's take the standard shadow options - black (aka dark), gray (as a "medium" tone) and cream (possibly light gray or beige with a pearlescent tint). The first thing we will do is apply the base. If you need to remove dark circles, use a corrector or the same tonal basis. For the upper eyelids, you can use a primer. It is needed for a more lasting smokey ice make-up - with a primer, the eyeshadows will last longer. If you don't have a primer on hand, you can use concealer or leave your eyes clean.

  • Action # 1. Take a pencil and draw a line very close to the eyelashes along the upper eyelid. We start from the inner edge of the eye and draw a line to the outer. At the outer edge, the eyeliner should be twice as thick. Important: the correct makeup will turn out if you draw a straight line without "breaks".
  • Action # 2. Take a flat brush. Shading the pencil line. This should be done towards the eyebrows. That is, blend the line up.
  • Action # 3. We take black shadows (they are the darkest of the whole range) and a beveled brush. Apply to the movable eyelid. Remember that you don't need to cover the entire upper eyelid with dark eyeshadow. Only a movable eyelid!
  • Action # 4. Take a flat brush and gray shadows (the same as the "medium" tone). Feather the black shadows with the grays. It is enough to apply gray along the fold line on the movable eyelid. There is one trick here: you need to do the shading with your eyes open. So you will definitely see the crease and the line where the black color ends.
  • Action # 5. Take a beveled brush and the lightest shadows. Apply the tone to the outer corner of the eye. With this light color we shade the gray shade. Using a flat brush, you can apply light shadows to the area under the eyebrows.
  • Action # 6. Take a black pencil and move on to the lower eyelids. We apply along the line of growth of the eyelashes. Apply the pencil not to the entire eyelid, but only to the middle. At the outer edge, the pencil lines must be connected.

  • Action # 7. Using a beveled brush, blend the pencil at the lower eyelid. Move the brush from right to left and left to right, but not up and down. Now take the gray shadows and use a regular brush to apply along the line of the already shaded pencil.

As for the last stage. If you have small eyes, skip the gray eyeshadow step. Just use black pencil and shading. Use cotton swabs to touch up your makeup. Especially when there is only one brush at hand. You can do with an ordinary flat brush, which will help blend the pencil and apply make-up on the eyelids. The main thing is not to mix all the shades with one brush. Sponges and a foam brush are essential for applying foundation and concealer.

Only the owners of large "wide-open" eyes can apply the pencil to the inner line of eyelash growth. Everyone else should circle the outside line. Some people slightly change the technique of applying smoky eyes - first they use shadows, and only then they outline the eyelids with a pencil. But, as the professionals advise, beginners should stick to the classic technique.

The perfect palette for green-eyed

Of course, the tandem of black and gray is considered a classic. It is far from always appropriate to use such dark shades for smoky ice. It is worth choosing the combinations of tones that suit you based on the color of the eyes and skin. For green eyes, the following combinations are suitable:

  • Emerald palette. What can you choose? Three shades of one green. For example, the darkest green, which is closer to the marsh, rich emerald and pale light green. An excellent combination will be the following tones: brown (as the darkest), emerald and cream (the lightest).

  • Shades of burgundy. Rather, the use of burgundy as a "medium" makeup color for smoky eyes. We choose terracotta or brown as the darkest, complement it with burgundy, and the lightest tone will be golden or pearlescent.

Choose a palette based on your skin color. If you have green eyes and pale skin, turquoise and deep purple tones will suit you. But for dark skin it is worth looking out for a palette in bronze, sandy and chocolate colors.

Blue and peach for those with blue eyes

Blue-eyed for smoky eyes can take both the classic palette in chocolate, sand tones, and very bold combinations.

  • It is best for blue eyes to choose a gamma in blue. Where dark is deep blue. But the maximum light can become blue with a silver tint. Do not dwell on variegated blue shadows for both dark and "mid" tones.
  • The violet range will also be a great solution. But remember that looking for a smoky ice is a combination not in pale lilac, but in noble purple colors. For dark, you can look at plum and deep dark purple. A semitone of lilac will become light, but lavender will dilute the combination.

Both purple and blue options can be paired with brown and black colors. For a festive event, blue-eyed girls can safely choose a gray-silver and peach-gold combination.

What range to choose for brown eyes

  • All shades of bronze, copper and gold. In this case, you can combine several colors. For example, take rich bronze as dark, complement it with gold, and let sand become light. If you want to create a "wow effect" pick up a gold pencil and circle the inner corner of the eyes.
  • A palette of green. Emerald, jade, bright green depth of sight and will be the best solution for an evening look. But for everyday performance, look for less contrasting solutions. For example, pair olive with asparagus and mint.

Owners of brown eyes can afford lavender, as well as blue undertones. Sapphire, dark azure and royal blue shades will look good.

But for gray eyes, you can take absolutely any gamut, be it bronze-copper or lilac. It is the grays that are considered ideal for smoky eyes. Owners of the "gray gaze" should pay attention to the rich blue, ash and, of course, chocolate tones.

Agree, now you know how to do a seemingly complex, but always winning Smoky Ice makeup. All that is required of you is to choose your own range, and we introduced you to the detailed technique of execution. Keep all the tips close at hand - bookmark our blog and see you soon.

A simple and visual video on today's topic:

When you look bad, put on a smoky ice - such an accent on the eyes will distract attention.

What is the essence of this technique? Smokey means smoky. To create the effect of smoky eyes, it is necessary to blend the dark color of the eyeshadow applied along the eyelashes into a lighter haze.

Smokey ice makeup is considered one of the simplest makeup options, so it will not be difficult to master it.

It can be both evening and daytime. For evening smoky, classic black shades of shadows are chosen, and for daytime - brown translucent ones.

  • Smokey ice makeup preparation

So, before you do your eye makeup:

Even out skin tone on your face with foundation

Concealer mask the area around the eyes, make it uniform in color

In order not to stain the skin on the face with shadows, use special patches that are applied to the space under the eyes.

Powder the skin around the eyes with a brush

Evening makeup smokey ice shadows

1. With a flat brush, apply the darkest shade of shadows along the lower eyelid along the lash line.

Then also along the upper, capturing the area of ​​the entire movable eyelid.

If you have drooping eyelids, apply shadows from above directly to the crease as if it does not exist - paint a beautiful eyeball with shadows.

It is easier to apply shadows with dotted movements, rather than rubbing - this will turn out more accurately.

2. With a black pencil, always soft, paint over at the very roots of the eyelashes from above and below to paint over the light space. This gives depth and penetration to the look.

3. Now with a fluffy brush, blend the clear borders of the applied shadows, stretching the shadows to the outer corners of the eyes.

So that the look does not look sad, we raise the line of the corners of the eyes up to the eyebrow.

4. With a black long-lasting eyeliner or pencil, we emphasize the corners of the eyes along the lower and upper eyelids.

5. Apply a pearlescent pearl shadow on the upper eyelid in the middle of the eyeball in order to create the illusion of a voluminous eyelid, which will also add a luxurious evening glow to the makeup.

6. Remove the patches.

7. The final stage - curl and thickly paint the eyelashes.

Evening smokey ice with false long eyelashes will look more impressive.

  • Smokey ice makeup video tutorial

Day makeup smokey ice pencil and shadows

  1. 1 On the upper eyelid along the lash line, apply a medium-thick line with a brown soft pencil.
  2. 2 With a brush, blend it upwards so that we get a "haze".
  3. 3 Take a wide flat brush and, with point movements, apply brown translucent shadows on the entire upper movable eyelid and blend them towards the outer corners of the eyes, lifting the line up. For the overhanging eyelid, we apply shadows on it, as if we do not notice it - we emphasize the round shape of the eyeball.
  4. 4 Draw the lower eyelash growth line with the shadows of the same shade with a flat brush. Apply a darker brown shade to the middle of the line - this will make your eyes look even bigger.
  5. 5 Add relief to the eyes. To do this, take matte brown dark shadows and apply the same flat brush inside the fold of the upper eyelid, emphasizing the round shape of the eyeball.
  6. 6 Paint over the outer corners of the eyes with the same color and shade up towards the eyebrow.
  7. 7 To add shine to the inner corners of the eyes, near the bridge of the nose, apply quite a bit of pearlescent pearl shadows.
  8. 8 With a brown soft pencil, paint over the light space inside the eyelids at the roots of the eyelashes.
  9. 9 We paint the eyelashes with black ink.

Smokey ice is one of the most popular eye shadow application techniques. She took leading positions in record time and continues to hold them for more than one year in a row, gradually supplementing and forming new species. This is a favorite technique not only of professional makeup artists, but also of most girls and women.

What is Smokey Ice makeup?

Smoky ice is also called smoky makeup. This technique differs from others by a smooth transition from a dark color to a light one with the lower eyelid tucked in.

Unlike the embossed technique, which uses two or three shades of shadows, smokey ice can contain a much larger number of tones.

The haze effect is created through a neat transition and careful shading. The classic version of smokey ice is makeup using black and dark gray colors. However, today almost any shade is used to create a beautiful and bright make-up in a smoky style.

Depending on the purpose of the makeup, tones and the type of smoky ice are chosen that are most suitable for the upcoming event. The technique is used not only for evening events, but also actively used in daytime make-up.


Over time, the classic smokey ice makeup technique has grown significantly and has been supplemented with new elements and varieties. Smoky makeup was divided into two groups: by application method and by purpose.

In accordance with the purpose of the smokey ice makeup, it happens:

  • Classic evening;
  • Bright festive;
  • Everyday;
  • With arrows;
  • With shimmer.

In most cases, these methods are combined to obtain a more effective image. So you can make a bright smokey ice with arrows or daytime using a shimmer. At the same time, make-up can be given any shape, from an elegant oval to a strict oblong.

According to the methods of application, smoky makeup is divided into the following subspecies:

  • Pencil method;
  • Using shadows;
  • Mixed style.

Initially, smokey ice was applied exclusively with a soft, wide pencil, which was then shaded. After that, shadows began to be added over the pencil, and, ultimately, the fastest way was to apply exclusively shadows.

Nevertheless, many makeup artists still adhere to the second method of applying smokey ice, since it is the most persistent. A huge selection of pencils of all kinds of shades, nuances and textures allow you to significantly diversify smoky makeup.

Choosing a color palette of shadows

With the help of smoky make-up, you can highlight the look, emphasize the color and shape of the eyes, focus on the oval of the face. The choice of a color palette for smoky ice depends on many factors:

  • Skin tone;
  • Hair colors;
  • Shade of eyes;
  • Makeup appointments;
  • Face shapes;
  • Eye incision;
  • Hairstyles.

Girls with blond hair too dark smoky ice is contraindicated, such tones will look vulgar in combination with bright lokans. Makeup is best done with shadows in shades:

  • Beige;
  • Brown;
  • Blue;
  • Pink;
  • Lilovs;
  • Golden;
  • Champagne.

Blondes are more suitable for a nude or colorful version, as well as arrows and a shimmer. It is recommended to choose a lipstick cream or matte in delicate shades.

For light brown hair the most relevant will be bright colors of smoky makeup:

  • Purple;
  • Emerald;
  • Blue;
  • Purple;
  • Fuchsia.

Smokey ice for fair-haired girls should be performed using mixed media. Brown shades are also suitable, and the black version should be replaced with gray, blue or bronze shades.

For dark-haired girls absolutely any kind of smokey ice will do, as well as the methods of its application. Of the shades for girls with dark hair, shadows are suitable:

  • Black;
  • Silvery;
  • Chocolate;
  • Purple;
  • Copper;
  • Aqua colors;
  • Indigo.

Among other things, rich lipsticks with a matte or satin finish will help create a stunning look. Lipstick shades: dark pink, cold red, marsala, burgundy, amaranth, crimson.

Almond shaped eyes Smokey ice with a pointed and curved corner is suitable. In this case, it is necessary to focus on the crease between the movable and fixed eyelids. Shiny shadows with a shimmer will look especially interesting. A slight shine will help to visually "open up" the look.

With close-set eyes you need to apply light shadows to the inner corner of the eye, and dark ones to the outer one. For far-set eyes shades are applied in reverse order.

In cases of asymmetry of eye shapes you need to use bright colors, as well as highlight the crease between the eyelids and shade the area near the eyebrows. Such a simple technique will help to visually equalize the shape.

For small eyes you will need light shadows to help visually enlarge them. In this case, it is better to apply dark shades exclusively on the movable eyelid and darken the outer corner of the eyes. In this case, it is important not to paint over the lower eyelid, otherwise the gaze will narrow.

Too big eyes dark nuances and classic smoky ice are suitable. Makeup can be supplemented with arrows, but it is undesirable to use a shimmer and pearlescent shadows, and you should also not apply a highlighter.

In the impending century it is important to gently blend the shadows throughout the eyelid, without highlighting the crease between the mobile and the stationary. The overall tone will help even out skin texture without focusing on imperfections.

Smokey Ice Makeup for Blue Eyes

The creation of smoky ice makeup for blue eyes directly depends on the shade that they have. If a girl wants to emphasize green nuances, then you should choose golden and brown shades, it is possible with a green or gray undertone. Blue-gray eyes will help accentuate blues, while browns will help bring out darker copper tones.

Smokey ice for blue eyes is performed in the following colors:

  • Gray;
  • Brown;
  • Pink;
  • Silvery;
  • Golden.

Smoky makeup in black, sand, dark gray and dark purple shades is more suitable for gray eyes. It will be interesting to look at the make-up in golden brown shades and with arrows.

Smoky ice in cold tones is ideally combined with green eyes:

  • Purple;
  • Lilovs;
  • Olive;
  • Emerald;
  • Champagne.

It is recommended to replace the classic black with gray with the addition of a brown tint. Rich arrows with a shimmer will help to complement such a make-up. From lipsticks, preference should be given to nude nuances and colors with a beige undertone.

Smokey Ice Makeup for Brown Eyes

A huge selection of colors of smokey ice is provided to owners of brown eyes. To create smoky makeup, brown-eyed girls are suitable for the shades:

  • Black;
  • Brown;
  • Wet asphalt;
  • Indigo;
  • Olive;
  • Cornflower;
  • Caramel;
  • Golden.

Lipstick for makeup can also be chosen from rich, bright colors: fuchsia, scarlet, copper, natural with a red undertone, purple. Regular creamy lipstick can be replaced with tint or regular lip gloss with a subtle shimmery effect.

Day makeup "Smoky Ice"

The daytime version of Smokey Ice makeup is usually performed in nude shades with brown elements and a shimmer. It is possible to use contrasting arrows to make the look more expressive.

The most suitable shades for daytime smoky ice:

  • Peach;
  • Lilac;
  • Pink;
  • Beige;
  • Honey;
  • Bodily;
  • Light brown;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Chocolate;
  • Light gray;
  • Golden;
  • Metallic.

To achieve the perfect result when creating smoky ice, professional makeup artists recommend using at least two blending brushes and carefully preparing the makeup base.

Basic rules for creating a daytime "Smoky Ice":

  • Be sure to use concealer. It can also be applied to the eyelids to make the eyeshadow and pencil more comfortable and last longer;
  • A special primer or transparent fixing powder should be applied under the shadow;
  • Apply dark shades exclusively to the outer corners of the eyes, light - to the inner, middle - to the crease of the eyelid;
  • Blend the shadows gently to create a hazy effect;
  • When adding arrows, it is better to use a soft pencil that is better shaded.

The outer corners of the eyes should not just "break off", they should also smoothly transition into a natural skin tone. In this case, it is better to give an oval shape to the corner, slightly lifting it up.

Minimalistic "Smoky Ice": step by step

You can create minimalistic smokey ice makeup in black tones for every day. It is created using black kyle and champagne pearlescent eyeshadows. You will also need two brushes: hard and soft.

Step 1: preparing the base. First of all, we prepare the skin of the eyelids for further makeup application. For daytime smokey ice, in addition to standard procedures and the use of a foundation or concealer, you can resort to using special matte flesh-colored shadows, it is recommended to choose a cream foundation.

We cover the entire eyelid with them to hide minor skin imperfections and for an easier and more convenient application of a pencil or pick.

Step 2: apply kayal. Kajal is a soft eyeliner specially designed for contouring around the eyes. Take a black kayal and draw a thick strip along the growth line of the upper eyelashes. Draw a narrower line under the lower eyelid.

Step 3: feathering. With a narrow hard brush, blend the kayal with gentle movements from bottom to top to add a haze effect and create a light shadow on the eyes. At the same time, we try to only slightly increase the line, it should not completely cover the movable eyelid. We do the same for the lower eyelid.

Step 4: add shadows. We choose the most natural shade of shadows, it is possible with a bronze or copper undertone. The ideal option would be shades of champagne or peach with mother-of-pearl. Using a medium brush, add a shade over the "blurred" kayal on the upper and lower eyelids, then blend it as well.

Step 5: dye your eyelashes. It is better to choose black mascara for daytime smoky ice. It will perfectly complement your makeup. It is necessary to paint over both the upper and lower cilia, and this should be done carefully so that they do not stick together.

Natural shades of lipsticks with a satin or pearlescent finish are suitable for the minimalistic smokey ice: flesh, peach, light pink, fawn lilac. A subtle lip gloss completes the look perfectly.

Evening make-up "Smoky Ice"

Evening smoky ice includes classic style and bright. The standard smoky make-up uses black and gray eyeshadows, which are shaped into different shapes with a brush.

For a colorful evening make-up, various shades are suitable:

  • Emerald;
  • Purple;
  • Burgundy;
  • Chocolate;
  • Blue.

You can create a hybrid of classic and bright smoky ice. To do this, trace the eye along the contour of the upper and lower eyelids with a black pencil, then gently shade it. Next, shadows of a saturated color are added from the edge of the eyelid to the eyebrows. The lightest shade of shadows is added under the eyebrows and is also shaded.

Violet-black evening "Smoky Ice": step by step

It is quite easy to make smokey ice for an evening celebration using mixed media, even without special skills. To do this, you will need a soft black pencil with a purple tint, dark purple shadows and two blending brushes.

Step 1: foundation. Preparing the makeup base: apply concealer and fixing powder. Then we take a soft pencil and carefully outline the movable eyelid. Then draw a thin line under the lower eyelid so that the tip coincides with the upper corner.

Instead of a regular pencil, you can use a kajal of a similar shade.

Step 2: initial feathering. Use a medium hard brush to blend the pencil. Then take some dark purple shadows and add a little on top. You can use pearlescent eyeshadows for a subtle shine. We also shade it, giving it an almond shape.

Step 3: final feathering. With a large brush, carefully blend the shadows on the eyelid, specially drawing from the bottom up onto the motionless eyelid. You can add some more dark shadows to the outer corner of the eye to add depth to the look.

Gently blend the bottom line with a hard brush, taking the edge out of the eyelid and connecting with the upper shadows to give the desired shape.

Step 4: eyelashes. We take black mascara, other shades will look out of place and will simply be lost against the background of the makeup. Carefully paint over the upper and lower cilia from the very base.

Lipstick for lips for the evening smokey ice can be chosen in nude and rich colors. It is desirable that the undertone or shade coincide with the main color of the makeup. Lipsticks are suitable for the smoky make-up described above:

  • Fuchsia;
  • Purple;
  • With a purple undertone;
  • Wine shade.

For better fixation of shadows and makeup, in general, makeup artists advise using a special spray that helps to consolidate the result and does not allow cosmetics to crumble.

Major mistakes

When applying smokey ice makeup, it is extremely important to take into account all the subtleties of the process in order to avoid errors in the process. However, sometimes even the most professional makeup artists cannot avoid them.

The main mistakes when creating smokey ice:

  1. Use concealer only at the beginning of the make-up. A concealer is necessary not only for preparing the base, it can be used to correct sloppy lines and hide crumbling shadows under the eyes;
  2. Lack of primer under the base. A primer is necessary so that the shadows do not crumble and do not roll during the day;
  3. Disregard for natural shades in the palette. Even a small amount of nude shadows will help make the transition between colors smoother;
  4. Too dense layer of eyeshadow or kayal. You should not circle your eyes with a dark shade several times, this does not contribute to a more convenient shading;
  5. Lack of fixation and setting of creamy eyeshadows. On top of the eyeshadows and a pencil with a soft texture, it is imperative to apply some loose dry shadows of the same shade;