How to massage with a brush against cellulite. How to use a cellulite massage brush. Wet massage with an anti-cellulite brush

I continue my series of reviews about anti-cellulite products, and post # 4 will be about a body brush with natural bristles, which I use not for washing the body, but only for dry massage - very, very useful.

Over the past year, I have fallen in love with this massage so much that if before I had to force myself to do it and get used to the sensations, now I can’t imagine a morning without a brush, for me it’s like brushing my teeth - something is missing without it. I use this massage not to exfoliate dead cells in the first place - scrubs and special washcloths do this perfectly, but to improve blood circulation and stimulate important processes in the skin of the whole body, and not just problem areas.

How I apply:
~ in the morning, BEFORE taking a shower, I gently massage the entire body with a brush - the movements should be circular, you need to press the brush hard enough, although the first times I barely touched the skin, as it seemed that it hurt, but over time I got used to it, and now I press very confidently, doing an intense massage. I start from the tips of the toes (!), Then the feet, then go up, and so I go all over the body - every centimeter, every part of the body (including the hands and fingers, here the massage is especially pleasant, however, as well as on the feet :), and finish in the neck area. I pay special attention to the buttocks, abdomen, sides and forearms - potentially problematic areas. And I do this every morning, every (!) - this is very important in order to see the benefits of the procedure.

Important: all movements should go from bottom to top - towards the heart, but not vice versa !!!

To dilute the text, I'll add a thematic sports photo from my instagram, this is me a month and a half ago :)

What it gives:

~ stimulates the lymphatic and circulatory system, accelerates blood circulation and lymph flow, and this contributes to the saturation of the skin with oxygen, toxins and toxins are removed from the skin;

~ pronounced anti-cellulite effect - the skin tightens and looks more elastic, looseness and lethargy disappear due to the fact that excess liquid does not linger in it, and the effect of such a massage is much more visible than from anti-cellulite cosmetics, which is logical. But here, for the maximum effect, the regularity of such a massage + physical activity + proper nutrition (even if not ideally correct, then at least close to it) is important;

~ the skin becomes smoother to the touch due to exfoliation (but I repeat here that this is primarily a massage, not exfoliation).

Possible minus:
~ in places of visible vascular pattern and with varicose veins, such massage is undesirable, but this does not mean that it should be completely abandoned - you can actively massage those areas where there are no problems with veins. For example, there are definitely no such problems on the hands and feet, and you have no idea how pleasant it is to massage with a brush in these areas, while energy points are stimulated, which is beneficial for the health of the whole organism. And the back! And the forearms! My vascular mesh is visible on the thighs, here I try not to touch it with a brush, but still gently pass from above, although I definitely can't call it stimulating massage in this area, it's still nice.

Feelings during use:
at first it was uncomfortable, it seemed that the brush was prickly, like a cactus, on the stomach it was generally impossible to touch. But over time, the skin got used to it and now it is just waiting for such stimulation - the massage is very pleasant, goosebumps run all over the body, you just physically feel how blood circulation improves, all stagnant areas are worked out and the skin tone rises, there is a feeling of wings behind your back and incredible vigor, it seems that even breathing becomes easier and your eyes open wider, you want to do something, run, create, etc. This is a very pleasant feeling, very, very! If you have not yet gotten involved in such a brush massage, then I just urge you to try it, it is so beneficial for both body and spirit.
I now have a very inexpensive, but very cool brush from Earth Therapeutics - it is made of natural high-quality bristles (and for such a dry massage, the brush should be just that, they are usually made from plant fibers - sisal, cactus, etc.), it has a convenient size and a very comfortable handle: on top of it there is a silicone wavy insert, because of which it does not slip in the hand, plus its correctly thought out length makes it easy to reach "difficult" places, for example, the back.

I have had the brush for quite a long time, but the bristles have not lost their shape (I use ONLY on a dry one !!!) and in general, it has not changed its appearance. I wash it about once a week with water and shower gel, and dry it near an open window.
It seems simple in appearance, but everything is very well thought out in it, in the end it is perfect in work (some of these brushes have a handle that is either too narrow, or too long, or the massage head falls off, or the bristles are somehow low and soft, right there there is not a single minus, this is a solid workhorse):
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The handle is neither too wide nor too narrow, the silicone insert makes it even more comfortable:
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The bristles are stiff in an amicable way, do not fall out:
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On the reverse side, there are such massage pimples made of wood, they are smooth, made of high quality, but I rarely massage them - they are too small, and the brush itself makes the massage much more tangible and strongly stimulating, so there is no need for this side:
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In general, the brush is great, I recommend it. The main thing is not to be lazy with her, then the effect will certainly be, plus these pleasant sensations of massage and freshness that she gives :).

My rating: 5/5.
Where to buy and price:
I dropped it on iHerb here - Earth Therapeutics Ergo-Form Massage Brush ($4.69).
And I will immediately show you those brushes from my wish list that I also like and which I plan to buy, I think that they will all go well with the one that I already have:
Mio The Mio Body Brush (no discounted price £ 14.50) - the only disadvantage of this brush is that it will not fit the whole body: due to the fact that it does not have a handle, it is more likely to be suitable only for the thighs, buttocks, abdomen and arms. But perhaps, due to such a round shape and silicone "fingers", she should do an even more intense and stimulating massage in these areas.
By the way, in this brand, the entire anti-cellulite series should be very good - I'm talking about creams and serums, the compositions are amazing everywhere (plus safe), but the prices ... Therefore, I have not yet decided to buy anything from them, but I will probably fork out. Here is a link to their entire strengthening line of Mio Cellulite & Firming: at

In order for the skin to always be taut and smooth, it needs constant care. In this case, a cellulite brush is an excellent assistant. It effectively fights orange peel and helps you lose weight. But it is important to choose it correctly, taking into account the characteristics of the skin and be able to use it to achieve the best result, its quality is also important.

Features and effect

Cellulite massage brushes can be made from both natural and synthetic materials. They are often equipped with wooden teeth. They all have varying degrees of rigidity. The design is also different and may include slots, handles and other holders. All types are effective against cellulite.

You can achieve the following results:

  • Restore the protective functions of the body, relieve fatigue and muscle pain.
  • Activate metabolic processes in tissues, make the skin more elastic and elastic.
  • Accelerate the circulation of blood and lymph, saturate tissues with oxygen and nutrients, and also remove decay products from them. Due to this, an anti-cellulite effect and weight loss are achieved.
  • Normalize the function of the sebaceous glands, remove acne.
  • Cleanse the skin of dead cells, start the processes of regeneration and renewal, tone and rejuvenate the epidermis.
  • Eliminate tissue swelling, which means to reduce body volume and smooth out cellulite.

It is enough to supplement the massage with cosmetics to enhance the effect at times.

Contraindications for use

But even such a useful procedure as anti-cellulite massage with a brush has its contraindications. These include:

1. Various injuries to the skin, wounds, bruises, abrasions at the site of the massage.

2. Varicose veins, weakened vessels with stretched walls.

3. Infections causing fever. A massage that stimulates blood circulation will only increase the stress on the heart.

4. Dermatological diseases - skin rashes of a purulent or allergic nature. The physical impact of the massager will help spread the rash.

5. Cardiovascular ailments.

6. Diseases of the blood, disorders of its coagulability.

7. Atherosclerosis.

8. Thrombophlebitis.

9. Pregnancy. Massage can increase the tone of the uterus and lead to miscarriage.

10. Breastfeeding. It is not recommended to use a massager during this period, as the procedure worsens lactation.

11. The presence of neoplasms.

12. Hypertension.

13. Nausea and vomiting.

14. Diseases of the digestive tract.

15. Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary sphere.

Anti-cellulite massage will be useful only for those who have no contraindications to this procedure.


  • With natural bristles. Moreover, on the one hand, it is often equipped with wooden teeth.
  • Made of wood: environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic and durable.
  • Silicone is moderately tough, does not injure the skin even when exposed to dryness. It is suitable for thin and sensitive skin.
  • Brushes can be single and double-sided. They are equipped with a slot or rolling rollers, plastic or wooden teeth.
  • Roller ones are analogs of a massager. With strong pressure, the device acts even on the deep layers of subcutaneous fat.

A good product gives noticeable results after just a few treatments. Blood circulation is significantly improved and cell renewal occurs. You need to adhere to the following rules:

  • A dry massage brush should not be too hard. It can damage delicate skin.
  • Models with rolling rollers will perfectly massage the deepest layers of the skin.
  • Products with natural bristles do not scratch the skin, do not cause allergies and irritation.
  • Stiffness must be selected individually, depending on the characteristics of the skin.
  • It is necessary to choose a quality product without glue smudges and unpleasant odors.
  • You cannot save. A poor-quality item can harm health - cause allergies, severely scratch the skin, or simply be ineffective.
  • Before buying, you need to hold it in your hand. It should fit comfortably in the palm of your hand and not slip out.

The massager is selected according to the skin type and the expected result. But no matter how high-quality the product is, the effect of its use should be expected no earlier than after a couple of weeks of regular use. You can speed up the process if you start taking the natural remedy Thalia.

How to use it correctly?

  1. They begin to stretch the tips of the toes, gradually moving towards the heart. Massage movements are performed easily and smoothly. The intensity of pressure on the skin is increased only after it is well warmed up.
  2. The legs and feet are massaged in straight, drawn-out movements, and the buttocks and thighs are massaged in a circular and counterclockwise direction.
  3. Stretch the back and stomach. Since these areas are especially sensitive, the movements should be more careful and gentle.
  4. The hands are massaged in a circular motion and the shoulders are massaged with sweeping motions.

During the procedure, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • For massage with a brush, only 3 types of movements are used - circular, straight and from top to bottom.
  • It is carried out in the morning, in the afternoon, or a maximum of 3 hours before the night's rest, as it invigorates.
  • Wanting to speed up the results, some try to press or rub harder. In no case should this be done. The skin is easily injured and stretched.
  • Do not massage after sunbathing on the beach or in the solarium. The skin becomes very sensitive under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, which is fraught with the appearance of irritation.
  • Care should be taken not to touch moles and papillomas during massage.
  • After the procedure, the skin should turn slightly red. But if there was a feeling of heat, then the massage was performed incorrectly.

There is a wet and dry brush massage. Both are effective but have their own characteristics. For the first, you must first moisten the device in water. A scrub or shower gel is applied to the skin. Only after that, massage is performed, moving from the feet to the legs, thighs and chest. Movements should be sliding, massage from bottom to top. Each problem area is treated for a quarter of an hour. At the end of the massage, the skin is moisturized using oil or anti-cellulite cream.

Anti-cellulite dry brush massage is performed without the help of cosmetics daily for 10 minutes. Experts consider it more effective, since it involves both muscle and connective tissue.

The direction and nature of movements during dry massage are identical. After the procedure, it is recommended to take a shower with gel in order to wash off the keratinized skin particles. After a properly performed massage, you should feel a slight tingling sensation.

Feedback on use

“I have been practicing dry brushing for several months now. Now I can't imagine my life without this procedure. She gives me vigor and good health. I massage the whole body, not just problem areas. I combine this method with a contrast shower. After that I use an anti-cellulite cream. The body looks great, I got rid of cellulite and excess weight. I think that I will always do this massage to keep myself in shape. "

Ekaterina, Moscow.

“I have been using a plastic roller brush for a month. I massaged the thighs, buttocks and sides. At the same time, I performed anti-cellulite wraps 2 times a week. The effect amazed me. Cellulite smoothed out, the skin became firm and taut. Perhaps, the special cosmetics that I used have made their contribution, but the result is really significant. I even managed to lose 2 kg this month without following a diet. "

Natalia, St. Petersburg.

“After reading reviews on the Internet on forums and looking at the before and after photos, I decided to buy myself a massage brush. I chose a product with a handle and natural bristles. I do a massage every day before showering. After water procedures, I apply an anti-cellulite product. The effect is very good: after about a month, having measured my parameters, I was convinced that the hips were reduced by 3 cm. Cellulite, which I had for several years, also disappeared. "

Lilia Koreneva, Nizhny Novgorod.

“After reading reviews on the net about the effectiveness of the slimming brush, I decided to buy one. The product has not only bristles, but also wooden pimples, which help to better massage problem areas. I have been using it for a month. The condition of the skin improved significantly, cellulite became less pronounced, but I did not notice any weight loss. I think that it is impossible to achieve this without a diet. "

Alina, Kazan.

“I did the massage according to the instructions for two weeks every morning before the contrast shower. The procedure was done on dry skin. The massage brush helped me get rid of cellulite. The skin freshened up, tightened. I even noticed a slight plumb line when I was weighing myself. This made me very happy, I will continue to improve my result. "

Svetlana, Moscow region.

Women stop at nothing in their quest to have a beautiful figure. Unfortunately, most girls, regardless of age, weight and heredity, develop sinister cellulite that visually resembles an orange peel. Stagnation of fluid in the human body leads to the appearance of this pathological tissue change. But to combat it, you do not need to torture the body with diets, spend money on cosmetic procedures, attend trainings, dig up the Internet in search of miraculous methods and advice.

Improper and inadequate nutrition leads to impaired blood circulation, which slows down the period of breakdown of foods, the removal of toxins from the body. All this accumulates in fat cells, which provokes their growth. The result - the thighs and buttocks resemble a ripe orange.

You can quickly get rid of orange peel only by direct action on body fat, normalizing blood circulation. And the first thing that comes to mind is the advertised cosmetics that are easy to use, do not require special knowledge or professional skills. Most naive girls, women really believe in such tempting offers. But the reality turns out to be much harsher than the advertising promises. After several months of using "miraculous" creams and lotions, depression and complete frustration sets in.

Whatever the expensive or cheap anti-cellulite product, the problem of the multiplication of fat cells is much deeper than the possibilities of cosmetology. It is necessary to consciously and radically solve this problem in other ways.

Cellulite brush- a radical, simple solution to the problem
Massage is a universal remedy in the fight against sagging, flabby skin. The massage brush will become the best helper in the difficult task of fighting body fat. Massage with a cellulite brush does not require special skills, expensive creams and time.

The benefits of dry brushing

According to leading European cosmetologists, anti-cellulite dry brush massage, with regular use, contributes to:

  • improving blood circulation;
  • strengthening of blood vessels;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • elimination of toxins from the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • exfoliation of dead cells.

You can buy a massage brush at a store or salon that sells skin care products. It is necessary to choose it deliberately, not paying attention to the original shape, bright color, price.

The main rules for choosing an anti-cellulite massage brush

  1. handle length must be at least 15 cm, it must not be slippery. Feel free to take the brush in your hands to get a feel for whether it will be convenient to use it;
  2. pay attention to the material of which the brush is made. Wood is a more expensive option, but environmentally friendly and durable. Plastic, outwardly beautiful, but not practical, not resistant to mechanical damage - falls;
  3. stubble. The villi must be at least 2 cm in length. Massage with a stiff brush against cellulite can injure the skin, so the stiffness of the bristles should be selected individually for each skin type.

Massage with a cellulite brush should not be used if there are scratches or open wounds on the skin. Psoriasis, eczema, allergic rashes are also a contraindication for the procedure. Anti-cellulite massage with a brush replaces expensive scrubs and body peels.

Types of anti-cellulite brushes

Anti-cellulite brushes are classified according to the following functional features:

  • according to the shape of the massage elements - roller and needle;
  • by the nature of the work - electric and manual;
  • by the type of impact - mechanical, vibration.

TO manual massagers include massage mittens, brushes, and roller aids.

Massage mitten is a mitten with many pimples, which is worn on the hand. Such an anti-cellulite massager is made of plastic or silicone. The effectiveness of the massage mittens is very low, and it is not in demand.

Roller massagers are in the shape of a gear wheel with a handle, for convenient use. They are made mainly from wood and plastic, in rare cases from rubber. Roller anti-cellulite massagers are good because they can be used on dry skin.

Cellulite brush - rules of safe use

You need to know how to use a cellulite massage brush so as not to harm your skin. There are several basic rules that must be followed before each massage session:

  • the skin is absolutely dry, without creams and cosmetics. Using additional moisturizers and rubbers is a common mistake, especially for beginners. Slipping the brush on the skin reduces the effectiveness of the massage;
  • the brush must be dry. If, after the first massage session, scratches remain on the body, and the process itself is accompanied by severe pain, it is necessary to pour boiling water over the brush for 10-15 minutes. Then the accessory must be dried well.

How to massage with a dry brush for cellulite.

There is a certain technique for carrying out the procedure, which has its own nuances.

  1. It is necessary to start massage with a brush from cellulite from the bottom up, that is, from the heels to the knees. This stimulates the lymphatic system, cleanses the body of excess fluid. The pressure on these areas of the skin should be strong enough, but without acute pain.
  2. Then, attention is transferred to the most problematic areas of the body - these are the hips and buttocks. The circular massaging movements should be a little easier here, but they are still directed upward towards the heart. We pay maximum attention and time to the areas where the orange peel stands out as much as possible.
  3. The next stage of the massage is the abdominal cavity. Here, delicate and traumatic-prone skin needs the most gentle massaging movements. They should mimic circular rubbing. A smooth transition is made from the abdomen to the back area. Progressive movements begin from the lower back, the brush moves up to the shoulders. In this case, the pressure should be gradually increased.
  4. The final stage is massaging the arms and shoulder girdle. Rubbing begins from the wrist, then the brush moves to the elbow joint and stops on the shoulders.

Anti-cellulite brush massage - practical recommendations

  • Anti-cellulite massage at home with a brush can be performed by a beginner who does not have knowledge and experience. At first, the duration of the procedure should not exceed 5-7 minutes. Over time, the duration of massaging problem areas should be 30 minutes, but no more.
  • It is better to massage with a dry brush for cellulite in the early morning. A pleasant and invigorating procedure will benefit and activate the nerve endings, stimulate the physiological processes of the body. All this will allow you to get a charge of vivacity, fill the body with positive energy, and bring you one step closer to your dream - an ideal figure without cellulite.
  • There are no recommendations for the number of dry brush massage sessions. It all depends only on the girl's desire to cope with problem areas. It is difficult for a beginner to readjust, get used to daily activities. Therefore, at first you can do massage every other day, but gradually anti-cellulite rubbing should become a systematic procedure carried out every morning or evening. It must be remembered that without a systematic approach, an anti-cellulite brush cannot cope with fat deposits.
  • Having done all the manipulations, warming up the skin as much as possible, it is necessary to proceed to the next stage of getting rid of cellulite. A contrast shower will give you an incredible feeling of lightness, and at the same time a pleasant languor. The pores of the skin open up and need additional care.
  • After taking a bath, in no case should we blot the body with three towels, but with light touches. On a dry body, apply a cream or lotion with an airy texture, or even better, a natural-based oil. Everyone chooses for himself which remedy is more suitable, but moisturizing the skin after a dry brush massage and a contrast shower is a prerequisite for achieving a result.

Anti-cellulite brush care rules

Care is necessary not only for the skin, but also for the brush itself. Several times a week, it should be treated with a solution made from laundry soap. Thorough drying of the massage brush is necessary so that pathogenic fungi and microbes do not start in it. Improper and inopportune care will lead to deterioration of an effective remedy for body fat.

The result of using an anti-cellulite brush

Already after the first month of the procedure, massage with a dry brush against cellulite, progress becomes noticeable. Despite all the difficulties and fears, such as adaptation to the systematic conduct of procedures, the possibility of injuring the skin, getting unpleasant scuffs, the result will be obvious.
Over time, there will be excitement and an incentive to improve your figure. If the first times are a little painful, then in the future massage brings only pleasure. But here it is important to remember the rules and recommendations.

As a result of the massage, dead cells are really removed, the skin becomes smooth and silky to the touch. The visual effect will also please - the bumps, irregularities will disappear, the rough texture of the upper layer of the skin will disappear. Many have noticed that after applying oil or mist to the body, white marks and streaks remain that simply cannot be absorbed into the pores. The systematic use of an anti-cellulite brush also copes with this problem. The scaling on the elbow and knee joints will also disappear after a few months.

And if you don't like the brush, you can give it a try.

The important point is that the orange peel on the thighs and buttocks really disappears. dry brushing will amaze even inveterate, convinced skeptics. In addition to smoothness, elasticity appears and the elasticity of the skin increases. The main thing is not to stop there, to continue to grow and improve.
Anti-cellulite massage with a dry brush, like any diet or exercise, gives results only after a certain period of time, it acts cumulatively.

There are many and many more different gadgets for home massage techniques. But skin massage with a dry natural brush is the most effective. Today's post is about how to get perfect smooth and firm skin without cellulite and stretch marks in 10 minutes a day. Read to everyone!

Dry brush massage. How it works

    Exfoliation... A dry brush exfoliates dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. Moreover, since the skin is dry, only dead cells are removed, and the living cells are not damaged. The process of regeneration - cell renewal - starts. As a result, the skin becomes smoother and more elastic.

    Stimulation of blood circulation and lymph flow... Toxins and slags are removed with lymph. Therefore, dry massage with a brush gives a powerful detox effect, removes excess fluid and reduces swelling. By getting rid of excess fluid, the body looks more toned and less loose.

    Improving the functioning of the digestive system... Dry rubbing with a brush stimulates and improves metabolic processes.

    Muscle tone... Any massage increases muscle tone and rubbing with a dry brush is no exception.

    Fight cellulite... Strengthening blood circulation helps remove fat stores from adipocytes. Therefore, dry rubbing with a brush helps to get rid of cellulite. Especially in combination with anti-cellulite cosmetics.

    Fighting stretch marks... Dry brush massage keeps the skin toned and stimulates cell regeneration.

    Cheerfulness... Dry brush massage invigorates, tones and energizes.

    Fight skin imperfections... Rubbing the skin with a brush helps fight acne. This is due to the active stimulation of blood circulation, the intensive removal of toxins and toxins from the body and the activation of cell regeneration. The body is cleansed, and with it - the skin.

    Ingrown hair prevention... Keratinized scales do not accumulate on the surface of the skin and do not create obstacles, which means it is easier for new hairs to break through to the top.

Dry brush for massage. How to choose

For dry body rubbing, it is important to choose a good brush. What should it be?

    With natural bristles... The villi of these brushes are as thin as possible at the tips, so they do not scratch or irritate the skin.

    Soft... Brushes come in different hardness. If you have sensitive skin, start with the softest one.

    High quality... All parts of the body brush must be of good quality. There should be no glue drips and no "Chinese factory" smell. Do not save - it has already been tested on our experience - cheap brushes quickly fall apart into parts.

    Convenient... Before buying, turn the brush thoroughly in your hands. It should fit well and fit in the palm of your hand. Otherwise, the brush will slide out all the time and it will be impossible to use it.

What are the body massage brushes?

    Round and oval... It is especially convenient when there is a hand strap on the back of the brush.

    Long handle... They are good for massaging the back, and the most convenient option is when the long handle is removed.

    Japanese... The head of this brush is modeled on traditional Japanese tawashi brushes, where the bristles are attached to a steel wire. Classic Japanese brushes have no handle, and the bristles are made from palm fiber. For massage brushes, sisal or classic bristles are used and a handle is added.

    Soft... These are mitten brushes. This brush must be worn on the hand. It takes the shape of a palm and the area to be treated is large. Ideal for working out areas where excessive pressure is not needed: abdomen, chest, neck.

    Electrical... For those who don't want to put in extra effort.

Finding a good quality brush is not easy. A good selection of dry brushes with different stiffness of bristles in the shops "For Soul and Soul", The Body Shop, Stenders. If you prefer online shopping to regular shopping, look for brushes on Ozon, Lookfantastic, Amazon, Iherb and Feelunique.

How to do dry brush massage

    Start at your feet. Move from your feet up.

    Massage your hands. Move from toes to shoulders. First massage the inside of the hand (including the palm), then the outside (including the back of the hand).

    Move to your back. The direction of movement is from the lower back to the neck.

    Now the stomach. Clockwise movement improves digestion. When massaging the abdomen, do not press hard on the brush.

    Finish with the massage on the neck and chest area. In this area, the skin is very thin and sensitive, so here it is also not necessary to press hard on the brush. Be gentle. See the picture below for the direction of movement.


    Massage only on dry skin.

    Alternate between short circular and longitudinal massage movements. It is important that the general direction of the massage is along the lymph flow and towards the heart. This helps to improve lymph flow and prevent swelling.

    Pay special attention to your problem areas.

    Remember to massage your palms, feet, elbows, and knees.

Important! There are lymph nodes on the inside of the thighs and in the armpits. Massage in these areas is very important because help get rid of toxins. But massage movements should be extremely gentle and soft.

    Rub your body evenly. For example: 4 movements on the left leg, 4 movements on the right leg.

    Continue the massage until the skin turns slightly pink. This is a signal of increased blood circulation. For a full body massage, 7-10 minutes is enough.

    After the massage, it is good to take a shower, and then apply a cream - anti-cellulite, anti-stretch marks, regular moisturizer. Or oil - directly on damp skin. The skin, cleared of dead cells, absorbs active substances better.

    And also - drink a glass of water immediately after the massage, pure or with lemon. This will restore the water-salt balance and help remove the released toxins from the body.

    If you experience a tingling or scratching sensation after dry rubbing, try reducing the pressure on the brush next time you massage.

    Do not rub over damaged skin (cuts, scrapes, rashes).

Important! Be sure to rinse your brush with warm water and soap at least once a week to prevent it from becoming a cozy nest for dust and bacteria.

When to dry rub

Dry brush massage has a powerful detox effect, starts metabolic processes and tones muscles. Therefore, it is best to do it in the morning before showering. But if you don't have time for this in the morning, do it in the evening. The main thing is regularity.

To achieve a noticeable effect, the brush should be used daily. The lucky ones with a lot of free time get rubbed twice a day. But we still think that one is enough. Leather resources are depleted, it has a kind of renewal limit. Exfoliating too often and stimulating cell division can lead to resource depletion and premature aging 😳.

When to expect the result

The first results are noticeable after the first procedure - the skin becomes smoother and softer. And after 30 days of regular use, we guarantee a truly fantastic result - very smooth, even and toned skin. She wants to touch and touch without end.

And also - cellulite is noticeably reduced, and if it was in the initial stages, then it disappears altogether. Stretch marks also become less visible.

A dry brush and dry massage are a real must-have for absolutely everyone who loves their skin and wants to see it beautiful. This simple home treatment works wonders. And if you are losing weight or have already lost weight, then a dry brush is all the more a must, since nothing can cope better with "saggy skin".


    Dry rubbing is good for the skin and the whole body. It exfoliates dead cells, stimulates blood circulation, lymph flow and metabolic processes, tones muscles and improves skin condition.

    The brush for dry massage should be of high quality, natural, soft and comfortable to hold in your hand.

    While doing a dry rubbing with a brush, move from the bottom up: legs, arms, back, abdomen, neck and chest. The emphasis is on problem areas.

    Rub yourself every day, preferably in the morning before showering. Then apply the cream and drink a glass of water.

    Expect fantastic results after a month of regular use.

Do you use dry massage brushes? If so, which ones? Share your experience in the comments.

Stay tuned and be beautiful.

Until next time on air LaraBarBlog. ♫

Cellulite is a serious cosmetic defect that makes many women feel complex about their appearance. Congestion of adipose tissue transforms the thighs, buttocks and abdomen into a bumpy surface with bumps protruding outward. Creams do not always work, and not everyone has a positive attitude towards portable massagers, and they are quite expensive. And here is the time to pay attention to the massage brush, with which everyone can cope on their own.

Operating principle

For the procedure, you will need a regular cellulite massage brush, which is sold in many stores. It is inexpensive, so the budget will not suffer.

If you regularly treat the problematic area of ​​the body with it, then the orange peel, if it does not disappear completely (for a complete elimination, an integrated approach is needed), then at least it becomes not so noticeable. And all because this procedure has not only a superficial effect on the skin. It launches processes that help get rid of this problem:

  • muscle pain and fatigue are relieved;
  • blood circulation and lymph movement are accelerated;
  • cells receive plenty of nutrients;
  • decay products accumulated in tissues are removed;
  • metabolism is stimulated;
  • the skin becomes elastic, firm, toned in a youthful way;
  • fat cells are broken down and excreted with improved lymph flow from the body;
  • stretch marks become almost invisible;
  • puffiness is eliminated;
  • the volume of the body decreases;
  • skin cells begin to regenerate and renew themselves.

So it's time to go get a brush and learn how to massage. However, before buying, we strongly advise you to read the list of contraindications in order to avoid complications and side effects.


Not everyone can use a massage brush against cellulite, since the processes triggered can load certain organs and systems. And if they, being initially out of order (in the presence of chronic or exacerbated diseases), do not cope with this load, this can seriously disrupt their functioning, which will lead to irreversible consequences. So be sure to follow the contraindications:

  • skin diseases: eczema, dermatitis, fungal infections, acne, psoriasis, furunculosis;
  • infections in the acute stage;
  • the presence of a large number of papillomas, moles, warts;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • oncology;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels: hemophilia, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, varicose veins, hypertension, thrombocytopenia, rosacea;
  • damage to the skin: bruises, cuts, abrasions, abscesses, foci of inflammation;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • the rehabilitation period after surgical interventions;
  • the presence of implants;
  • thin, sensitive, easily vulnerable skin.

Many consider this anti-cellulite massage to be a harmless, superficial procedure that cannot harm your health. Misconceptions often lead to complications and side effects. In such situations, there can be no question of any result - accordingly, this is how negative reviews appear (at least most of them).

Brush selection

Despite the simplicity of the body brush, manufacturers try to produce different models. The assortment is wide enough, so before going to the store, familiarize yourself with the different types - this will help you make the right choice in accordance with individual characteristics and preferences.

  • The foundation

One of the best is considered to be a wooden massage brush, which has numerous advantages. Such a "tool" is environmentally friendly, durable, easy to use. The shape of the handle does not matter. Choose it for yourself: it can be long or completely buried in the palm of your hand. Many are equipped with a strap for fastening.

  • Stubble

Of course, it is better to give preference to natural fibers (from boar bristles, for example), since artificial ones often cause allergies. The thickness of the bristly tufts should be at least 0.04 cm, the length - 2 cm (this is the minimum).

Massage with a brush that is too hard can seriously injure the skin, but too soft the desired effect will not be. So the middle hardness will be the golden mean. Perfect bristles do not prick or scratch the body and cause a noticeable rush of blood already on the fifth active glide. If the purchased brush turns out to be tough, do not rush to throw it away: try soaking it for several hours in warm water and drying it - this will soften the villi.

For cellulite, you can use similar tools not only with nap. Modern models are produced with hard "pimples" - so that the brush can be wooden, plastic, rubber or silicone. Choose the material that is more pleasant to the body and does not cause allergies.

  • A pen

On the one hand, brushes with a working surface in the palm of your hand are very convenient in that you can control every movement during the massage. This allows you to process the most problematic areas with special pressure. On the other hand, such models are inconvenient to massage the back or hips from behind. A long handle is the best option for this.

When choosing a massage anti-cellulite brush, be sure to take into account the type of your skin, because first of all it will experience the effect. After all, your task is not only to eliminate the orange peel, but also to improve the condition of the skin. Therefore, take the choice with the utmost responsibility.

Massage types

Anti-cellulite massage can be done in two ways. Both are simple and effective enough. To make a choice, try both, evaluate your own feelings during and after the procedure, track the results (which are better and more noticeable) - and decide how you will do this in the future.


  1. Performed daily when you shower or bathe.
  2. 15 minutes before the procedure, you need to soak the brush in hot water - this will make it softer.
  3. Apply the gel to the problem area, foam it.
  4. With sliding movements, drive over it with a damp brush.
  5. Start with the legs, moving upward in circles - from the very feet to the knees, and then to the hips and buttocks.
  6. Go to the belly and waist, stroking them from bottom to top.
  7. Engage in hand work from wrist to shoulder.
  8. Give each zone 5-10 minutes, until a tangible tingling sensation in the skin.
  9. To speed up the result, pause for 5 minutes and repeat again.
  10. Take a contrast shower.
  11. Lubricate the body with an anti-cellulite cream.


Many people consider dry massage more effective than wet massage, since it also allows you to work out muscle tissue.

  1. Dry brush massage is carried out exclusively on dry skin. It is better to do this half an hour before taking a shower or bath, in order to then wash off the detached keratinized cells from the body.
  2. All movements should be directed from bottom to top.
  3. Increase the intensity of rubbing, the duration of the session and the pressure with each subsequent procedure gradually.
  4. Start with the feet.
  5. Move from bottom to top counterclockwise in circles, straight rubbing.
  6. Massage the thighs and buttocks especially intensively, with pressure, since here cellulite is most noticeable.
  7. Loosen the pressure in the abdomen. Movements should be soft and clockwise.
  8. Hand massage is carried out from wrist to shoulders with sliding movements.
  9. Take a bath or shower. If everything is done correctly, a slight tingling sensation should be felt throughout the body.
  10. Wipe dry.
  11. Densely lubricate the body with a moisturizer or anti-cellulite product.
  12. Duration - 10 minutes, frequency - daily.
  13. After 1-2 months, reduce the number of procedures to 2 times a week.

Each method has its pros and cons, its supporters and critics. Only you yourself can determine which one is the best for your body. For comparison, you can do dry massage for a month, wet for a month.