How to avoid stretch marks. The use of effective tools. the best creams for the prevention of stretch marks in pregnant women

One of the fears women experience during pregnancy is the fear of losing their former beauty and attractiveness. One of the concerns of expectant mothers is stretch marks on the body: abdomen, breasts, hips and buttocks. Stretch marks (striae) are scars or streaks on the skin that occur where it is severely stretched, such as when you gain weight rapidly. The first signs of the appearance of stretch marks in the form of pink stripes can be noticed by expectant mothers already in the 1st trimester, when the tummy begins to grow and round. How to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy, and what methods are there to deal with them if they have already appeared?

The appearance of stretch marks is associated with the tension of the upper layer of the epidermis of the skin, which becomes thinner, as a result of which a micro-rupture of collagen fibers occurs. Stretch marks on the body look like scars or scars of a reddish or purple hue due to the translucence of blood vessels through them. Over time, if you do not take any measures to combat them, the scars become white and rough to the touch. Stretch marks during pregnancy tend to appear on the tummy, as the abdominal skin is most susceptible to stretching due to the rapid enlargement of the uterus. They also affect the delicate skin of the breasts, which significantly increase in size during pregnancy, as well as the thighs and buttocks as a result of weight gain.

Stretch marks during pregnancy, photo

Stretch marks on the abdomen during pregnancy

Stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy

It should be noted that skin tension is not the main reason for the appearance of stretch marks on the body of expectant mothers. In addition, in pregnant women, due to hormonal changes in the body, the elasticity and moisture of the skin decreases, and the skin becomes more susceptible to trauma and microdamage during tension. Due to the rapid change in progesterone levels, the production of collagen in skin cells, which is responsible for their firmness and elasticity, decreases.

Another significant cause of stretch marks during pregnancy is genetic predisposition. In most cases, if the mother or grandmother had this cosmetic defect while carrying a child, then there is a high probability that you will have them during pregnancy. At the same time, gaining excess weight or the size of the abdomen will not matter. There have been cases of stretch marks in slender women with a small tummy and their complete absence after the birth of a baby in a woman with a very large belly.

Also, the following factors have an effect on stretch marks during pregnancy:

  • unhealthy diet, overweight with rapid weight gain;
  • insufficient physical activity;
  • with metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus or obesity);
  • if a woman has polyhydramnios, as well as a large fetus, multiple pregnancy. The abdominal muscles do not have time to adapt to the rapidly growing tummy;
  • weakness of the abdominal muscles;
  • smoking produces oxygen starvation of skin cells, the production of collagen and elastin slows down in them;
  • women of a more mature age are predisposed to the appearance of stretch marks, since with age the skin loses its elasticity and firmness.

Prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy: how to prevent their appearance

Unfortunately, there are no methods and means, except for surgical intervention, that would completely get rid of stretch marks. Therefore, it is so important to observe preventive measures and prevent the likelihood of their appearance on the body.

Correction of nutrition for stretch marks during pregnancy

Controlling weight gain during pregnancy is very important to prevent stretch marks. Doctors do not recommend gaining more than 10-11 kg for the entire pregnancy, and this recommendation must be adhered to. It should be remembered that the faster your weight increases, the more likely it is that non-aesthetic stripes will appear on your body. Do not eat for two, as many caring mothers and loving grandmothers advise, do light physical activity and reconsider your diet in favor of a healthy diet.

  1. A pregnant woman should change her diet to include a large amount of protein foods. It is the protein that is involved in the synthesis of collagen and elastin production in skin cells. Protein is found in white poultry meat: turkey, chicken.
  2. Eat fatty fish such as salmon, trout, which are rich not only in protein, but also in omega acids, which are responsible for skin elasticity.
  3. Fresh fruits and freshly squeezed juices, rich in vitamin C, as well as vegetables in combination with vegetable oils: olive, sesame, corn are useful to increase skin elasticity. Include in your diet nuts, legumes, whole grains, which contain B vitamins and vitamin E.
  4. In addition, it is important to drink enough fluids, as it is the moisture that the skin lacks. The only thing that pregnant women need to control is the amount of fluid consumed, especially in the 3rd trimester, in order to avoid edema.
  5. If you want to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy, limit your sugar and starchy foods.
  6. You can not do without fermented milk products rich in calcium.

Cosmetic and natural remedies for the prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy

It is very important to start using cosmetic and natural remedies to prevent the appearance of stretch marks from the very first days of the long-awaited pregnancy, and even better - before it. The most effective natural remedy is olive oil for stretch marks during pregnancy, which is applied daily to moisturized skin, pay special attention to the areas prone to stretch marks: tummy, breasts and thighs. You can add liquid vitamin E to it, thereby increasing the effect of moisturizing and nourishing the skin with useful vitamins.

In addition to olive oil, you can use almond or peach oil. Before applying the oil to the skin, it is recommended to cleanse the skin with a scrub to remove the top layer of the skin and activate the processes of its renewal and the production of collagen fibers, thanks to which the firmness and elasticity of the skin increases. Peeling can be prepared from natural products that are available in your home. The main requirement for natural peeling is the absence of large particles, so as not to injure delicate skin. Excellent peeling - scrub based on natural coffee beans. Coffee beans must be ground in a coffee grinder and mixed with sour cream or any vegetable oil. The coffee scrub is great for cleansing the skin and preparing it for more effective oil application. Coffee can be replaced with sugar or salt (only not coarsely ground).

To prevent stretch marks, you can make a homemade preventative cream for stretch marks. To make it, you will need about a glass of sour cream, low-fat yogurt, to which 1 tbsp of oil (olive, almond, peach) and grated lemon zest are added. Rub the homemade cream into moisturized skin after showering.

Contrast shower is a great way to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy

Everyone knows the benefits of a contrast shower for the skin - its elasticity increases. Changing the water temperature from comfortable to cold within 30 seconds - strengthens the skin, stimulates the work of cells, gives it elasticity. Effectively combine a contrast shower with a massage with a coarse washcloth or a special stiff body brush. Before using a contrast shower, consult your gynecologist, because this procedure is allowed only with a normal pregnancy.

Bandage and prenatal bra for stretch marks during pregnancy

An excellent prophylactic remedy for stretch marks on the abdomen is wearing special supportive underwear or a bandage in the form of a belt for pregnant women, starting from the 22nd week of pregnancy, when the tummy noticeably increases in size. Their main function is to prevent sagging of the skin on the abdomen, to maintain its tone and elasticity.
A prenatal bra with wide straps without wiring also serves the same purpose, providing support for growing breasts.

Do not forget about light gymnastics and physical exercises aimed at maintaining muscle tone in problem areas. If the muscles have good stretch, the likelihood of stretch marks on the body is significantly reduced. Do light exercises for your glutes, thighs, and legs. There are special classes for pregnant women, with minimal but very effective muscle stress: yoga, water aerobics, fitball classes, swimming.

How to remove stretch marks if they have already appeared: methods of struggle

Unfortunately, after the birth of the baby, the striae that appeared during pregnancy do not completely disappear. Over time, they become paler, but are clearly visible on the skin, especially after sunburn. Under the influence of UV rays, the skin tans and white scars become visible. To remove fresh stretch marks and make them less noticeable, it is necessary to use special corrective creams for stretch marks, which contain active ingredients that promote skin regeneration, the restoration of epidermal cells in places where striae have appeared. Anti-stretch marks during pregnancy will help your skin to heal.

You can use creams, ointments, starting from 3-4 months of pregnancy, rubbing into problem areas, combining with self-massage. The composition of anti-stretch marks intended for expectant mothers, as a rule, includes natural ingredients and active substances allowed for pregnant women. But, do not forget about the individual intolerance of any substance that is part of the cream. Before applying the product, be sure to check it for an allergic reaction. Apply some cream to the inside of your hand, leave it on for 20 minutes. If the skin does not turn red, you can safely apply this cream for stretch marks on the body.

How to smear stretch marks during pregnancy?

Among the most popular and effective remedies for stretch marks, designed for expectant mothers, the following innovative caring products can be distinguished:

  1. Avent- one of the best creams for stretch marks during pregnancy, reviews of which are only positive. Its rich vitamin composition, including minerals, amino acids, natural extracts and oils, restores and regenerates the skin. The cream has a pleasant citrus scent and can be used for massage.
  2. Clarins Stretch Mark Control- natural cream for stretch marks during pregnancy, stimulating protein synthesis and cell regeneration. It contains extracts of essential, natural vegetable oils, extract of dropsy berries, Asian centella - components that moisturize and nourish the dermis. The visibility of scars is visually reduced.
  3. Pregnacare cream- the cream contains natural ingredients that nourish the epidermis and accelerate cell division. Calendula and soy glycine detoxify. The cream stimulates collagen production and actively removes stretch marks, preventing their reappearance.
  4. Mama Comfort- cosmetic series of effective and inexpensive remedies to combat stretch marks. Suitable for sensitive skin, this series of creams nourish the skin, protect it from breakouts.
  5. Mustella- a cream with a double effect, its action is aimed both at correcting stretch marks and at preventing their reappearance. Contains natural ingredients (shea butter, avocado oil) that nourish the dermis.

In addition to cosmetic care products that can be purchased at cosmetic stores, you can use pharmacy ointments to treat striae to treat scars and scars.

  1. Mederma- the gel, which contains onion extract, has practically no contraindications, it is allowed for future mothers.
  2. Ointment Contractubex... Heparin, an active substance that is part of the ointment, is an effective remedy for removing raised scars and scars.
  3. Phytolastil gel- perfectly fights fresh and mature scars, the course of treatment is up to 2 months.

How to make your own stretch mark cream

Homemade creams made from natural ingredients are an excellent alternative to expensive cosmetics, they rarely cause allergic reactions.

  • Cream with mummy.

Shilajit is a mountain resin, mined in the mountains of Asia, which has healing properties to heal wounds, regenerate tissues, and dissolve scars and scars. You can buy a mummy at a pharmacy. To prepare the cream, you will need 2-3 grams of mountain resin, it must be dissolved in water (1 tsp) and mixed with any baby cream. The first effect of application can be seen within a week, it is not recommended during lactation.

  • Natural remedy for stretch marks with aloe.

To make homemade cream, you need to squeeze out 0.5 cups of aloe juice, you can twist the leaf through a meat grinder or chop it finely, and then squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Add 0.5 cups of olive oil, 15 drops of vitamin E and 5 drops of vitamin A to the aloe juice, stir. Apply the product once a day, store in the refrigerator.

  • Fruit peeling.

Take natural yogurt, add lemon zest and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of almond oil. Apply the product to problem areas for 20 minutes, and then rinse off under a warm shower, after the procedure, be sure to moisturize the skin with a cream or body lotion.

  • Peeling from white clay.

To make the peeling, you will need an avocado, beat its pulp in a blender, add wheat germ oil, 3 tablespoons of white clay, 1 tablespoon to the mixture. l olive oil. Apply the product to the skin for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

  • Essential oils.

Essential oils do well in the fight against stretch marks:

  • jojoba oil gives the skin elasticity;
  • rosewood oil dissolves scars, visibly tightens the skin;
  • almond oil - provides the skin with elasticity, improves its tone;
  • grape seed oil, having regenerating properties, heals scars, increases elasticity.

Exercise for stretch marks during pregnancy

To give the skin elasticity and firmness, pregnant women should not forget about exercise, if they are not contraindicated for them. Stretching, fitball exercises will strengthen the muscles of the press, hips and back, increase muscle tone. All kinds of water-related activities are useful: swimming, exercise in water. In addition to physical activity, water contributes to the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Exercise after your baby is born.

Cosmetological procedures for stretch marks

If stretch marks cannot be avoided during pregnancy, after the birth of your baby, you can remove them at a beauty salon, which offers services to eliminate unwanted scars on the body. You may be offered treatments such as:

  1. Mesotherapy. To remove stretch marks, a drug is injected into the middle layer of the skin (directly into the dermis), the action of which is aimed at stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. The epidermis is restored and striae disappear or become almost invisible.
  2. Chemical peeling. With the help of active ingredients, peeling of old skin layers is carried out. Collagen production is stimulated. The skin becomes firm and revitalized.
  3. Laser resurfacing... The laser beam removes old damaged skin cells and stimulates the growth of new smooth epidermal cells. Laser resurfacing is prohibited during lactation; after the procedure for about six months, you cannot sunbathe on the beach or visit the solarium.
  4. Abdominoplasty... It is possible to remove stretch marks permanently with the help of surgery. Abdominoplasty will help get rid of deep stretch marks on visible areas of the body, tighten the skin and restore its beauty.

Which method of dealing with stretch marks to choose depends on the expectant mother. It should be remembered that it is easier to prevent their appearance than to get rid of a non-aesthetic skin defect later. Stretch marks in pregnant women are not a disease, but a natural phenomenon. When they appear, do not worry and panic, use our advice and be always beautiful!

Oh, those stretch marks! Pregnancy, of course, beautifies a woman, but its consequences can hardly be assessed as a sign of beauty. Unfortunately, pearlescent scars or stretch marks remain with you for life. But you can resist this - if you do not allow or detect stretch marks during pregnancy in time and take care of your skin.

What are stretch marks?

Your skin is elastic enough and can stretch and shrink again like rubber. But, like any material, it has a certain line.

Your tummy is growing so quickly that the skin simply does not have time to renew itself and stretches to the limit.

In addition, stretch marks may appear on the breasts during pregnancy.

First, you notice stripes of pinkish or purple hues, which after a few months acquire a pearlescent shade and the shape of subcutaneous scars.

Know! For you to understand the importance of this topic, it is worth clarifying that stretch marks are not just stretched skin, but a violation and a rush of the next layer of skin after the epidermis - the dermis.

But the lilac or purple shades of the stretched stripes are given by burst capillaries, which are exactly in this layer of the skin.

You should know that stretch marks or striae, as they are commonly called in everyday life, may not appear during pregnancy. A jump in weight or impaired metabolism contributes to the appearance of unwanted grooves. Therefore, you should learn more about the causes of stretch marks.

Reasons for the appearance of stretch marks

There are about a dozen reasons for the appearance of stretch marks on your body. Study each one to identify the one that is relevant to you.

  • Progressive growth of abdomen and body weight;
  • Excess weight;

With improper nutrition and low physical activity, gaining extra pounds will not be difficult. If you gain more than one kilogram per month, you should reconsider your diet, otherwise purple grooves may appear not only on the stomach, but also on the thighs or buttocks.

  • Hormonal changes;

The main hormone in your pregnancy is progesterone. It is he who relaxes the smooth muscles and the uterus, preventing it from toning. But in parallel, all other muscles, as well as the connective tissues of the dermis, lose their tone, respectively, in the case of skin tension, this layer does not withstand and breaks.

  • Unbalanced diet;

You know that a pregnant woman's menu should be fortified and balanced. If your diet does not contain enough vitamins A and E, proteins and vegetable fats, then collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of fibers, simply will not be produced. Well, you have heard enough about the dangers of fast food and promotional carbonated drinks to remove them from the menu yourself.

  • Smoking and alcohol;

The topic of bad habits continues, but now smoking and alcohol are on the blacklist. And the reason is all the same collagen and elastin, which are not produced under the harmful effects of nicotine and alcohol. The skin becomes vulnerable and fragile.

  • Age;

You have heard about the ideal childbearing age, and it is by no means connected with moral norms or social frameworks, but just has a physiological explanation. Until the age of 18, hormones and a woman's body are simply not ready for such stresses as pregnancy. But after 30 years, the same collagen responsible for your skin loses its ground somewhat and is not produced so actively.

  • Repeated childbirth;

If you decide on a second pregnancy, you should heed the advice of specialists in white coats and take a two-year break. This is exactly how much your body needs to replenish vitamins, trace elements and establish hormonal levels.

  • General physical condition;

If your lifestyle is characterized as "couch", then stretch marks on the abdomen during pregnancy are guaranteed to you. Low physical activity threatens oxygen starvation of tissues, in addition, it leads to weakening of muscles, including abdominal muscles.

  • Lactation.

Before you read any further, let's remind you that breastfeeding is ideal for your little one. Stretch marks in the chest area can of course appear, especially in the first weeks, when milk is actively arriving, and unprepared skin simply cannot withstand the stress. But this is not at all a reason to refuse breastfeeding, you just need to prepare in advance and wear the right clothes.

Risk factors

In addition to the causes of stretch marks described above, there are so-called risk factors. In this case, little depends on you personally, but this information will allow you to take the necessary preventive measures and, at least, reduce the number of stretch marks on your body.

  1. Heredity. Your mom rewarded you with not only eye or hair color, but also skin type. Check if your close female relatives have a stretch mark problem and decide if you are at risk. If you notice stretch marks during pregnancy in the photo of your relatives, most likely you will face the same fate;
  2. Large fruit. If in your family or the family of your spouse there were infants-heroes, then most likely your baby will also not be from a frail ten. A large fruit, of course, will provoke a large tummy;
  3. Twins. If a stork prepares you a double, or even a triple present, then your belly will be somewhat larger;
  4. Polyhydramnios. This purely physiological feature can also provoke an increase in diameters and, as a result, unwanted stretch marks;
  5. Accompanying illnesses. Obesity, diabetes mellitus, various skin diseases are all risk factors;
  6. Bad habits and unhealthy diet. One of the few risk factors for which only you are responsible are bad habits, abandoning which, you will remove the reasons for which stretch marks appear during pregnancy;
  7. Age limit. The ideal age for a first pregnancy is between 18 and 30 years old. Before and after is already a risk zone;
  8. Interpartum interval. If the next pregnancy occurs before the two-year pause, the risk of stretch marks increases significantly.

But the risk zone is not a diagnosis yet. There are steps you can take to avoid stretch marks before and during pregnancy.

When stretch marks appear during pregnancy

You will not find an exact time frame for when there is the greatest risk of stretch marks. For some, this problem occurs already in the first months of pregnancy, while others may notice grooves already during feeding or after returning to their original weight after childbirth.

Given this fact, you need to take care of your skin and carry out preventive measures throughout pregnancy and after it, then you will definitely not miss the time when stretch marks appear.

Means for prophylaxis

All remedies for preventing the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy can be divided into specific and non-specific. The first ones are all kinds of creams and oils for application to the skin, but the second ones relate to the lifestyle and clothes that need to be worn in position.

Specific means of prevention

There are plenty of options for smearing the belly during pregnancy from stretch marks. There are a lot of popular advice, you can buy a ready-made product at a pharmacy.

  • Creams. When choosing a cream to lubricate the belly during pregnancy from stretch marks, pay attention to the presence of vitamins A or E in its composition, as well as elastin and collagen;
  • Oils. A good prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy are oils. You can use a special line designed for women in position, or use olive, peach or almond oils;
  • Masks. Homemade moisturizing masks will also help you cope with unwanted stretch marks. When deciding how to smear stretch marks during pregnancy, opt for ingredients such as oils and vitamin E.

Non-specific remedies for the prevention of stretch marks

Although these funds do not give a 100% guarantee, they significantly reduce the risk of subcutaneous ruptures.

  1. Correction of nutrition. With proper nutrition, rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins, your skin will be smooth and elastic, and, therefore, the risk of stretch marks is significantly reduced;
  1. Lingerie for pregnant women. You should change not only your lifestyle, but also the clothes you wore before pregnancy. The bodice fabrics are natural, the straps are wide, the bones are absent, the size is exact. As for the panties, you can choose special underwear with a tightening effect on the hips;
  2. Exercise stress. Do not be afraid, no one sends you to the gym, but it will be very useful to take regular walks in the fresh air or swim in the pool (read a related article: Bath during pregnancy >>>);
  3. Fitness for "belly". You can sign up for special classes for pregnant women or do some simple exercises at home. 3 main tasks - kitty pose, butterfly exercise and twisting while standing or sitting with a fixed pelvis;
  4. Fitball. There are many options - these are swinging from side to side while sitting on the ball, squeezing the ball with your hands, swinging the ball with your foot from a supine position;
  5. Massage. You will definitely enjoy a massage with a shower: circular rotation, contrast shower. You can stroke your tummy with a massage mitten made from natural fabrics. Another option is a massage using natural oils.

Please note that any of the recommended preventive measures is acceptable in the absence of contraindications or threats of termination of pregnancy. If you feel any discomfort when performing any of the points, you need to give it up.

They are popularly known as stretch marks, but doctors call them another word - striae. Stretch marks, which appeared so inappropriately in the area of ​​the hips, abdomen and chest, are becoming another problem that must be dealt with on the eve of the vacation. In the struggle for beauty, you will have to make a lot of efforts, but they will pay off with interest.

The minimum program for the prevention and elimination of stretch marks for the readers of the site was Ekaterina Medvedeva is a dermato-cosmetologist at the Otari Gogiberidze Clinic "Time for Beauty".

What are striae

Basically, stretch marks are cracked, torn skin that has been darned with connective tissue. When destruction occurs in the body, it summons tailors to repair the damage.

Of course, they don't think about aesthetics, so they sew it up as best they can. As a result of the work of builders from the connective tissue group, an atrophic scar with uneven edges is formed at the site of the torn skin. At first it has a red color, but over time the skin dries up, and it becomes a classic white shade.

As a rule, stretch marks appear at the places of greatest tension of the skin - on the chest , abdomen, hips, lower back. Stretching does not come alone, striae are localized on the body in pairs or in whole groups. They are easy to recognize by their external features, they have an oblong shape, white color, torn edges, and if you run your finger along the stretch line, it will fall through there.

Reasons for the appearance of stretch marks

The list of reasons is pretty trivial, but it seems to be surprising.

1. Change in body volume with growth

Streaks can also be obtained during adolescence. During this period, bones begin to grow much faster than muscles. If the skin lacks good elasticity, it will begin to tear in areas of active growth (lower back, chest, hips).

2. Weight jumps

When we gain extra pounds, adipose tissue is deposited under the skin, which does not have time to stretch under the increasing volume of the body and breaks (this can happen in several places at once).

We can get striae even if we lose weight dramatically. As the fat deposits go away, the stretched skin begins to wrinkle and tear under pressure like dry paper.

3. Pregnancy

During this most responsible and pleasant period for a girl, both with the body and with the hormonal background, certain metamorphoses begin to occur. An active rush of progesterone changes the protein composition of the connective tissue of the skin, it becomes fragile and brittle, and tears at the places of greatest tension (chest, abdomen).

4. Heredity

Of course, stretch marks as such are not maternal. But in inheritance from mom and grandmother, you can get poor skin elasticity. So if you've seen your mom's stretch marks, you need to start preventing them as early as possible.

5. Improper nutrition

Basically, striae appear on the body if the body is sorely lacking in protein food. Protein is the building block for collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the elasticity of our skin. The less protein in the body, the worse the epidermis stretches, and this threatens the appearance of stretch marks.

6. Dehydration of the body

If we do not consume enough fluids, then our skin becomes dry, even if we use oxygen creams or do moisturizing treatments. After all, if there is no certain supply of water in the body, we will not be able to attract moisture from the outside and keep it in the depths of the skin. The dermis, losing moisture, becomes less elastic, and in this case, you can get stretch marks if you just sit abruptly on a chair.

Getting rid of stretch marks and preventing their appearance

Prevention of stretch marks should be started from adolescence, for this, just the right cosmetic care and nutrition is enough, and if you already have stretch marks, you will have to use heavy artillery.

Stretch marks treatment

Of course, it is impossible to remove the formed stretch marks once and for all, but using destructive and restorative procedures, you can smooth out the scar tissue and make it almost invisible.

1. Salon procedures

Stretch marks: how to get rid of and prevent them /

The most effective and efficient method. Modern devices and procedures allow you to align and mask stretch marks even 20 years ago.

Destructive procedures

Anything that destroys, injures the top layer of the skin, makes the dermis regenerate and evens out the scar tissue, making it smaller in width.

  • Deep chemical peeling causes destruction of scar tissue, new tissue grows to the level of healthy skin and acquires a shade similar to it.
  • Microdermabrasion- a delicate method of mechanical peeling, makes tissues regenerate, removes dead cells from the skin.
  • Fraxel- fractional laser, polishes and smoothes the skin surface.

Revitalizing procedures

  • Mesotherapy- injections, charged with a magic cocktail of peptides and hyaluronic acid, saturate the dermis with moisturizing and active building components. Give to the skin healthy color , softness and elasticity, make you regenerate faster after destructive procedures.
  • Biorevitalization- injections that nourish the skin with valuable hyaluronic acid. It fills the dermis with moisture and holds it inside.

The procedures that can be offered in the salon are coursework and will take a lot of time. If cosmetologist tells you that you can magically get rid of stretch marks in one session, you should run from his office.

2. Home care

In the care, you need to use creams for stretch marks containing algae, vitamins and antioxidants, enamels (natural oils, waxes) - substances that nourish the skin and even out its relief.

Of course, using only care products, you will not achieve tremendous success in the fight against stretch marks. Creams, gels create the so-called optical effect - they improve the quality of the skin itself and the healed dermis, smooth its edges, slightly leveling the surface.

But, we repeat, it is impossible to defeat striae only by using cosmetics. Creams can be a good supportive therapy when combined with salon treatments.


As doctors say, prevention is better than cure. Therefore, if you know that you have inherited skin with low elasticity, you notice the first small stretch marks, immediately proceed to the procedures for the prevention of stretch marks.

1. Make masks

Stretch marks: how to get rid of and prevent them /

It is good to do mud masks once a week and wraps with algae. They increase skin tone and elasticity.

Algae wrap for stretch marks
Dissolve dry seaweed (packs sold in pharmacies) in warm water and stir until gruel. Apply to thighs and wrap with cling film. Wash off after an hour with warm water.

2. Follow the diet

Drink at least 2 liters of fluid a day to stay hydrated, and consume more protein to increase the elasticity of collagen fibers.

3. Watch your weight

Lose weight gradually , no more than 2% of body weight per month. If everything is done slowly and in stages, the skin will not lose its tone and will not gather in folds, and therefore, stretch marks will not appear on this background.

4. Use cosmetics

  • Use creams, serums, milk, body lotions with active moisturizing ingredients - vitamin complexes, citrus fruits, peptides, hyaluronic acid, plant extracts, oils, fruit acids every day. All these substances together restore the hydrolipidic balance of the skin, make it elastic, smooth, retain moisture inside and attract from the outside. If you already have your first stretch marks, apply moisturizers to your skin just before playing sports or dancing.
  • Exfoliate once a week. By cleansing the skin of dead cells, you restore oxygen respiration, improve cellular metabolism, make the skin soft, elastic and smooth.

Your beauty assistants:

6. Use folk remedies

Along with home care, proven grandmother's recipes also help in the prevention of stretch marks.

Dandelion mask to prevent stretch marks

Take 200 grams of dandelion leaves, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, a teaspoon of aloe juice, and a tablespoon of flour. Crush the leaves into a gruel; this is best done with a blender. Then put in a deep plate, add flour, oil and aloe juice to them, mix thoroughly. Apply to clean skin in the area of ​​greatest tension (thighs, abdomen), leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Do the mask 2 times a week.

Vitamin cream with aloe and olive oil

Mix 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil and aloe juice, add 5 drops of capsules with vitamins A and E to this mixture (capsules are sold in pharmacies. To add vitamins to the oil, pierce the gelatin capsule and squeeze out the contents. To get 5 drops of vitamins, you will need several capsules) ... Apply the cream-gel after peeling, it will help the skin to regenerate quickly, nourish with vitamins, improve its texture and elasticity.

Grapes for stretch marks

Possessing valuable polyphenols, grapes are a skin healer. Remove the seeds from the grapes and grind a sprig of berries in a blender. Apply gruel to hazardous areas for 20-30 minutes, then rinse. Make such preventive masks from grapes 2 times a week. Grape juice will improve the appearance of the skin, protect against the formation of free radicals, charging the dermis with antioxidants.

Fruit peeling to prevent stretch marks

Take 100 ml of classic yogurt, a tablespoon of almond oil, and grate the zest of 1 lemon. Mix everything in a deep bowl. You can do this exfoliation once a week with a coarse washcloth. It will restore blood circulation, oxygen balance in the dermis.

Katerina POPOVA

Pregnancy is an amazing process. From the very moment of conception, when life begins in a woman's body, the body of the expectant mother begins to change and adapt to its new status. Many changes are good for a woman - she has a prettier face, she refrains from harmful products, spends more time outdoors. However, not all changes are so rosy. During pregnancy, the vast majority of women gain weight, and very rapidly. The size of the belly of the expectant mother also changes very quickly, especially in recent months. All this leads to the formation of stretch marks.

As you know, getting rid of stretch marks is very, very problematic. In fact, this is a rupture of the inner layer of the skin, which then turns into a scar. Getting rid of stretch marks consists in repeated hardware resurfacing of the skin. That is, you simply sharpen the surrounding epidermis so that stretch marks are not so noticeable.

But, as you know, the problem is better prevented than looking for ways to solve it. Let's try to figure out how to avoid the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy and whether this can be done.

Is it possible to defeat heredity

The appearance of stretch marks is associated not only with a sharp increase in a woman's weight. During pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother experiences an incredible hormonal jump that affects all organs, including connective tissues. As a result, the normal synthesis of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the skin's ability to stretch, is disrupted.

The amount of elastin and collagen, as well as the intensity of their synthesis, are genetically inherent in a woman. That is, a hereditary predisposition to stretch marks is not at all a myth. On the other hand, they can still be prevented by moisturizing and maintaining the skin externally. Here the rule applies - "Forewarned is forearmed." If your mom and grandmother have stretch marks on their body, this is a signal that you will have to look after yourself more intensively. Comprehensive and daily care will help you avoid or minimize stretch marks.

Moisturizing the skin is the main condition against the appearance of stretch marks. Many mothers start using various creams and oils against stretch marks from the first month of pregnancy, when there is no belly at all. But this is correct - they prepare the skin for serious stress.

Professional products should be applied to the skin every day, or even twice a day. It is best to apply the cream immediately after showering. I would like to note that it is not only the stomach that needs to be processed. Hormonal changes and weight gain also affect hip size. You need to apply the cream to your buttocks, thighs, upper legs, abdomen and even breasts. After all, the breast due to hormones also changes greatly in size. So, we have compiled for you a list of the most effective cosmetics against stretch marks.

  1. "Mama Comfort". The cream increases the elasticity of the skin, can be used both in the prenatal and postnatal period. Perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
  2. Cream for stretch marks "Avent". It contains various natural oils that prepare the skin for stretching. Some components enhance skin regeneration to restore injured areas.
  3. "Elansyl". The cream is made on the basis of blue seaweed, which perfectly nourish the skin and retain moisture inside the epidermis. It promotes nutrition and improves elasticity.
  4. Mustella. The cream has a double effect. It not only moisturizes and protects the skin from the appearance of stretch marks, it corrects existing breaks.
  5. "Bepantol Emulsion". This remedy is considered one of the most effective ways to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. The emulsion nourishes, moisturizes and repairs damaged skin, making it more elastic.
  6. Pregnacare. This cream moisturizes the skin very well, retains moisture in the epidermis. Easy to apply, quickly absorbed, does not leave greasy marks on the skin and clothes.
  7. "Vichy". The cream is suitable for any type of skin, perfectly nourishes and regenerates it. The tool prevents the appearance of new stretch marks, and also significantly reduces the size of existing defects.

Before using any cream, make sure it is hypoallergenic. It is best to use a probe first. If your chosen cosmetic suits you, you can buy a whole tube. Be sure to look on the packaging for an inscription that the cream can be used during lactation. Because during the nursing period, the cream is also necessary - so that stretch marks do not appear on the breast.

Nutrition for stretch marks

The ability of the skin to stretch without being damaged depends largely on nutrition. You need to eat more foods containing natural fats, oils and vitamin E, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin. The daily diet should include fish, poultry, legumes, beef liver, eggs, fresh fruits and vegetables. Collagen synthesis is impossible without vitamin C, which is contained in rose hips, currants, and raspberries. Use olive oil instead of sunflower oil for salad dressing - it contains a lot of vitamin E. By the way, sugar consumption should be limited, it binds elastin fibers and makes them tough.

Don't forget about dairy products, which are high in calcium. It not only contributes to the elasticity of the skin, but is also very necessary for the future baby.

To prevent stretch marks, the skin must be prepared for emergency stretching. The best physical effects are massage and a contrast shower. Remember that contrast showers can only be done after you have coordinated this with your doctor. Such a procedure can be dangerous if there is a threat of miscarriage.

A contrast shower is carried out as follows. Shower with warm water on your stomach and thighs for about 20 seconds. Then switch the water to cool and direct the jet to your skin. The procedure should be comfortable, without extreme temperature changes. Do not forget about the massage in the shower - you can do it with a hard washcloth.

Folk remedies for stretch marks

There are many recipes that can protect your skin from stretch marks as well as professional products. Some of them can be found in a beauty store, others are sold at a pharmacy.

  1. Almond oil. Before applying it, you need to warm it up in a water bath, so it will give the skin more nutrients. Almond seed oil perfectly nourishes the skin, making it more elastic.
  2. Wheat germ oil. Ideal for injured skin. Perfectly moisturizes the epidermis, stimulates it to regenerate.
  3. Jojoba oil. Restores skin, heals existing scars, improves blood circulation in tissues.
  4. Avocado oil. This fruit promotes collagen production. It is successfully used in cosmetology against wrinkles. Instead of oil, you can use the juice or the pulp of the fruit itself.
  5. Coffee and olive oil. Mix a tablespoon of coffee with the same amount of oil. Rub this compound on your skin a couple of times a week. Coffee has a scrubbing effect - it removes dead skin scales, which promotes faster regeneration. Olive oil is a versatile product to moisturize and nourish the skin in any situation.
  6. Carrots and peach oil. Grate the carrots. Pour some boiling water over it. Leave the prepared composition for a couple of hours until it cools completely. Then strain the broth and mix the liquid in equal proportions with peach oil. Store the prepared lotion in the refrigerator, apply to the skin warm. Carrots contribute to the elasticity and firmness of the skin, while the oil moisturizes and nourishes the epidermis.

Before using any homemade beauty mask, apply a little to the inside of your elbow or wrist. The fact is that pregnancy makes a woman more sensitive, and her skin can react unexpectedly. This allergy test will help you test a prepared mask prior to main use.

Every woman, girl, grandmother, future or present mother strives to be beautiful and well-groomed. While in an interesting position, do not forget to take care of your body so that you will like yourself after giving birth. Love your body, take care of your skin, and it will answer you with beauty and radiance!

Video: skin care during pregnancy

In many young women during pregnancy, striae (stretch marks) appear on the skin of the abdomen, less often - the mammary glands, thighs and buttocks, which are almost impossible to completely get rid of. Therefore, the prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy is of great importance in order to prevent their occurrence or to significantly reduce their severity.

Stretch marks in pregnant women

Stretch marks are smooth linear shapes. They are located perpendicular to the force of maximum tension of the skin and have at first a pinkish, and then a purple hue. Subsequently, the stretch marks are smoothed out even more and acquire a whitish color. The skin in the area of ​​stretch marks is clearly delimited from neighboring areas, there are no skin appendages, in particular, hair follicles. Initially (in the first trimester of pregnancy), they can appear on the swelling and enlarging mammary glands, and from the beginning of the second trimester (17-18 weeks) - on the abdominal skin.

Causes and mechanism of stretch marks formation

During pregnancy, the content of prolactin, estrogen, adrenal cortex hormones, elastin in the blood significantly increases, androgen content decreases, etc. All this leads to a change in metabolic processes in a woman's body, loss of proteins, especially with gestosis, and an increase in the need for them, and also in vitamins and minerals.

The metabolism of fats and carbohydrates also changes, body weight increases due to subcutaneous fat deposits, especially in the region of the anterior abdominal wall. In the postpartum period, a more or less pronounced postpartum neuroendocrine syndrome occurs, in which the body weight of some women increases by another 10 kg or more.

At an early stage of scar formation in the dermis, inflammatory processes occur, in which glucocorticoids (hormones of the adrenal cortex) are involved. Inflammation is accompanied by dermal edema, destruction of elastin fibers, decreased communication between collagen fibers, and atrophic processes.

All this, against the background of an increase in the volume of the abdomen and mammary glands, leads to stretching of the skin, micro-tears of the connective tissue. Regenerative processes do not have time to restore collagen and elastin fibers, connective tissue is replaced by inelastic scar tissue, which stretches even more, especially with insufficiently developed muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, stretch marks are formed.

Prevention principles

If a woman carries out the prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy, then significant atrophic processes in the dermis do not occur. In the postpartum period, for 2-3 months with proper nutrition and an active physical regimen, exercising for the abdominal press, etc., weight loss gradually occurs, abdominal volume decreases, and striae become almost invisible. Basically, the prevention of stretch marks on the skin consists in:

  1. Correct and rational nutrition, including a sufficient amount of foods with a high content of proteins, vitamins, macro- and microelements, fiber.
  2. An active lifestyle, motor mode using physical training complexes designed for pregnant women (in the absence of the threat of termination of pregnancy).
  3. The use of special underwear for pregnant women, a bra and a bandage, which stretch as the mammary glands and abdomen grow, and also support the latter with additional straps and devices. This largely prevents tissue stretching.
  4. The use of seaweed wraps, baths with pine or kelp extract, aroma oils (for 15 minutes at a water temperature of no higher than 38 0), contrast shower and massage (in the absence of the threat of termination of pregnancy). When taking a contrast shower, the water temperature should at first be comfortable, then it is raised to hot for half a minute, and then lowered to cold for the same time. While under the shower, you can simultaneously massage with the palm of your hand with light stroking and circular movements.

    The massage can be carried out independently, section by section, over the entire skin surface, on which stretch marks can form - in the chest, abdomen and thighs. It is advisable to do this twice a day with non-rough pinching techniques with lifting the skin. All these procedures help to improve blood circulation in it, deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues, improve metabolic processes and, as a result, they lead to an increase in skin tone and elasticity.

  5. In the use of ready-made cosmetic preparations against stretch marks on the skin, as well as products prepared independently at home, harmless to the unborn child.

Cosmetological means of prevention

These include mainly creams and oils, although, in agreement with the gynecologist, it is sometimes possible to carry out vitamins, plant extracts. You should not buy drugs in regular stores. It is better to do this in a pharmacy network.


Each pharmacy cream for the prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy is hypoallergenic, does not contain chemical ingredients and irritants, and is easily absorbed. It usually contains natural extracts of plants and fruits, seaweed, as well as vitamins, especially vitamins “E”, “A”, “D”, amino acid serums, vegetable oils - olive, rice bran, grape seeds, etc.

Pharmacy creams for the prevention of stretch marks include:

"Green Mama", which contains extracts of spirulina and kelp algae, as well as natural essential oils; “Nine months”, “Collistar” with amino acids and vitamins “A”, “D”, “E”; Mama Comfort, which includes chamomile extract, horse chestnut oil, tea tree and olive oil and many other creams.

Cosmetic oils

Well moisturizes the skin, saturates it with vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids, trace elements, antioxidants, gives it elasticity and firmness natural oil for the prevention of stretch marks, which, like the cream, is desirable to combine with light stroking, circular, rolling the fold of the skin and pinched massage techniques ... Most of these oils also relieve itching and irritation well, have anti-inflammatory and regeneration-stimulating effects, and reduce skin puffiness.

These include jojoba, shea, peach, avocado, apricot seed, cocoa, almond, olive, grape seed, rosewood, wheat germ, geranium, and more.

Do not use ginger, cedar, and cypress oils, as well as thyme, tansy, and mint oil. They are able to increase the tone of the uterus and can provoke spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth.

Before using a cream or oil, despite their benefits and harmlessness, it is imperative to read the instructions for the drug and apply a small amount to a limited area of ​​the skin. If the next day there is no reaction in the form of redness or swelling of the skin in the area of ​​application of the product, it can be used.

At home, you can make your own skin scrub from ground coffee beans (1 teaspoon) mixed with sour cream or any vegetable oil (1 tablespoon). To prepare the cream, the zest of one lemon, grated on a fine grater, is mixed with a glass of sour cream or yogurt and one tablespoon of olive oil.

You can prepare a mixture of oils - apricot kernels (100 drops), jojoba (30 drops), lavender (10 drops), castor (60 drops); almond oil (100 ml), rose oil and oil solution of vitamin “A” (10 drops each) and 15 drops of oil solution of vitamin “E”.

It is quite difficult to eliminate stretch marks after they have formed, since, in fact, it is damage to the skin, in the place of which scar tissue develops. To prevent or reduce the number and severity of stretch marks to a minimum is possible only if all the principles of preventing their occurrence are observed.