How to teach the boy to write standing - recommendations for parents. How to raise out a boy of a real man

Training a boy using a pot can be vain for a long time, but you will realize that all attempts cost when you stop messing with diapers. If you want to teach the boy to the pot, you need to tune in to this business, constantly motivate the child and make this experience amusing for the whole family. If you adhere to the learning schedule, then get rid of diapers in the blink of an eye. To learn how to teach your boy to the pot, follow these simple steps.


Part 1

Get ready to train the child

    Wait for signs that your son is ready for a pot. Despite the fact that there is no ideal age when it is time to start teaching the child to use the pot, these skills in children are manifested between 18 and 24 months. However, most parents begin to teach their children aged 2 ½ to 3 years, when their bladder and feces are reliable. Here are a few signs that the boy is ready for the pots:

    Buy a pot. If you seriously configured to teach a child to the pot, buy him your own pot on which he will feel more comfortable and independently. Many boys are terribly walking into a permanent toilet, because they are afraid to fall into it and do not feel in a steady position, because choose a pot on which the boy will be comfortable to sit so that his legs touch the floor.

    • Decide whether you need a pot with a protrusion for urine. The ledge for urine will protect your gender from splashing, but can deliver pain to the child, which will lead to bad associations associated with the pot. In some pots there are removable protrusions for urine, because if you are not sure, you can choose such.
    • Choose a bright pot or color that your boy likes to be very attractive.
  1. Do everything to your boy to be comfortable on a pot. Before the boy begins to use the pot, introduce them. Put it on the playground so that the baby sat down at him and played while it gets used to him. You can even personalize the pot - let the child brings the sticker to him or write its name using stickers.

    • Let the child sit on the pot in the dress just like that. When he gets used to it for one or two weeks, you can move on.
  2. Give him to see. Start learning from the fact that let the child take a look, which makes dad in the toilet. Dad can even ask him to try repeat. Do not press the baby, but give him an idea so that he knew - the toilet is under his control.

    Choose the right time to get on business. Teaching the use of the pot must be included in the schedule so that you can focus in practice, and the child knew what to expect. In the first days spend most of the time at home. It is very difficult to teach a child to a pot on the go or being in crossings. If you need to go somewhere, capture a small pot just in case.

    • Select a time that is relatively free from stress for you and your boy. For example, if you just presented the family of a new pet, or you just moved to a new area, it would be better to postpone the teaching to the pot for a few weeks, while your son does not feel comfortable in its environment again.

    Part 2

    Start regular learning
    1. Make a learning plan that suits you and your whole family. There are two basic training plan: you can either slowly learn, meanwhile, naughty diapers or disposable pants, or "voluntarily forcibly" wear underwear all day, even if the boy accidentally detected. Both plans have both the advantages and disadvantages:

      Teach your child to the right pose. First teach your son to urinate sitting so that he is used to such a pose. Tell him so that he pressed his penis down, and then sat on a pot, so as not to spray or send it to the protrusion for urine, if there is one.

      Give your son "time to go naked" while he sits on a pot. While your son is learning, give him a while just play naked sitting on a pot. So he will relax, and he will like to use the pot. When he sits naked, he feels more natural and ease.

    Part 3.

    Constantly motivate the child

      Be positive. Training a boy using a pot can be a long and vain process, full of random troubles and endless styrices. But this is normal - you cannot control when your baby is described. However, you can control your reaction to these misunderstandings. Stay on a positive, do not marry it and do not be angry because he did not take advantage of the pot on time.

    1. Purchase cool underwear. Motivate the child - go to the store and buy him new underwear. Show different types of underwear and allow him to choose everything he liked, be there depicted trainings, puppies or space ships. Tell him when he learns to urinate in a pot that he can all the time wearing real underwear for adults, like Pope or Brother.

      • Not all boys will immediately like the feeling of linen on the body. If your child enters this number, let him start to wear panties over diapers.

Many girls complain that they cannot find a real man, and it is not surprising. Incorrect education, communication in the corresponding circle of people, fashion calling - all this affects the actions of the guys. Women having sons often think about their right upbringing. It is necessary to instill a man's behavior from an early youth, thereby growing a worthy person from it.

Tell the boy about ways to earn

One of the main characteristics of this man is the ability to make money. Agree, it is difficult to call a 25-year-old guy's man who sits on her mother with a dad, constantly shilling money from them. It is for these reasons that one should not indulge the boy from an early age. Exclude permissiveness, do not allow you to manipulate, do not push the peaks.

In no case do not replace parental attention with money, otherwise the Son will grow by the consumer. Tell me that money is difficult. Give the example of a father who disappears on days and nights at work. To grow out of the Son not only a real man, but also a businessman, hire him on the imaginary work. For example, today he needs to help dad in the garage or remove his room, for this the boy will get honestly earned money. Stimulate it.

Give an example of decent people

Motivate the Son to achieve the desired, help to arrange priorities. Give examples of successful people. If the son wants to become a football player, shift the world players and tell the child about their secret of success. Boys who wish to become artists, artists, researchers or other equally important persons, it is worth finding a worthy idol. Talk about the life of heroes, bring examples of their takeoffs and falls. Let the son understand that everything is real, most importantly, strives for more.

Enter discipline

Create a specific routine of the day for yourself and child, satisfy the day interesting events. Do not let the boy sit at a computer for all day or wallow on the sofa. Never punish your son by hand, do not shout and not insult him. Children's wounds do not heal, the child carries them in adulthood. Install the norms of behavior that will help the boy to identify the authority of the parents. The son must respect the father with his mother, do not heal them, but argue their point of view by a constructive dialogue.

Teach the child to distinguish emotions

An adult is difficult to say when he learned to distinguish sadness from anxiety, fun of excitement. Children otherwise show emotions, in attempts to achieve their own, they may be angry, biting, screaming and crying. Give your son to understand that this is quite normal emotions. Talk to him, find out what worried boy, and what you can help. Teach the child to cope with the influx of feelings, spend the border between anger and hatred, disappointment and sadness. You must ensure that the Son express emotions, without feeling the feelings of guilt or embarrassment.

If the son has not yet achieved transitional age, teach it to remove toys. Mature young men need to vaccinate independence. Increase the boy soap the dishes, did not scatter dirty clothes, learned to iron T-shirts and shirts without the help of unauthorized persons. Teach your son to put jeans and sweaters correctly so that the wardrobe does not like the landfill.

Do not scold the Son for spoiled items

Many mothers and dads fall into hysterics when the child splits the vase or dishes. From here, there are screams, stroking about crucial and non-accuracy. Do not like them. If the Son is worn around the apartment, you should prepare for possible losses. By sending a child to football, it is important to understand that from there it will not return in clean clothes. Allow your son to make mistakes. The boys will know the world differently, they climb on trees and fences, pour drinks, fall into the puddles, and it is quite natural.

Roll out trust

More often, repeat your son that you trust him. Maintain solutions and allow mistakes. Of course, at a young age, the boy is difficult to understand what is better. Be cunning, carefully guide the child in the desired side, with a distance, follow the actions performed. In the case of misses, explain from your point of view where the son has rolled out. No need to criticize or attack it forces, be a wise parent.

Make a list of cases

Another point that concerns the independence of the future man. Daily make a list of cases for your son, which he can carry out without help from the side. It is desirable that the tasks with each day have become greater, but within a reasonable. In the evening you need to sit down and discuss with the son of what happened. Find out what he is experiencing difficulties. Ask about the classes that I like and do not like. Try to make a plan so that the child is involved in different fields. This will help determine what attracts the Son most.

Personal sports

Often, the most crowned children blame the parents are that the ancestors did not record them in the judo section or basketball. To avoid the deplorable consequences and feelings of guilt, put the son of physical exercises. Perhaps he wants to play football or engage in boxing / kickboxing. Find out about the sports clubs of your city, purchase a one-time occupation. Get acquainted with the coach, from now on it will be an example for your son. After you make sure the instructor's competence, purchase the subscription. Well, if you yourself visit the gym, in such institutions there are often a room for children. In this way, you will bring the Son Love for Sports and give a decent example.

Instill love for reading

Take to read books every evening every evening. Share your impressions, actively talk about the main characters, their actions. Let it clear that reading is an integral part of life. Buy your son a few interesting books for boys, he must be interested. After that, ask to retell the story. Create a tradition: Take the album and paint in it the main characters from each book read. You think about something new, show imagination.

Lay respect for women

At this stage, an important role is given to the Father. It is worth showing your son, how to properly need to do with women. If the older generation does not scream and does not scold mom, opens the door, gives flowers and manifests respect, the Son is likely to grow the same. Dad must explain the child that women cannot be beaten, you should not raise your voice. Galanament and respectful attitude originate from early childhood, it is these features that characterize this man.

Explain the power of Losas

Losing absolutely everything, but not everyone knows how to make defeat. Explain the Son that not always the victory will be on his side. Tell us that the path to success is thorny and long, but it does not speak at all about the need to give hands. To victory you need to move with small steps, people learn on mistakes. Purify the child for further accomplishments, stimulate it and do not let you retreat.

We are responsible for dad

Whatever beautiful mom is, the boys need fathers. They are confident that their dad can do absolutely everything: from building a house before helicopter control. Of course, these are false information, but at a young age the child must be believed in its "Superman". To grow a Son a real man, you need to instill a desire to be like a father: to cope with versatile tasks, look for a way out of the current situation. Regular communication with dad will help the boy quickly grow up.

Teach your son to help tears

Often you can hear the phrase "Men don't cry!", However, this error is wrong. Representatives of the strong floor are allowed to tear only when no one sees them. In all other cases, they express pain and words. Try to explain to the son that the desire to cry arises from everyone, and this is normal. However, it is not necessary to show emotions in humans. Also, let us understand that there are alternative methods of getting rid of negative feelings: Sport, creative mugs, good music. Give him several options with which the son will be able to get rid of surgery feelings.


Do not carry out everything yourself, highlight the duties for the son, for which it will be in response from now on. For example, let him collect a picnic basket or help the grandfather with cooking kebab. Father, in turn, must vaccinate men's duties, such as car care or a choice of a gift for Mom. Take the habit of arranging family evenings in which the Son will help you remove from the table or expose the devices.

Attract the older generation to upbringing

Surely your grandfather is an example of a true man: it is brave, tricky, caring and smart. Promote Son to communicate with adult relatives. They will tell a lot of interesting things, drive the boy in the museum and on the art exhibition, will bring love for history and painting. Many consider grandparents behind the modern world, but they will be able to lay the grandson of the quality of a worthy person. Yes, adults are poorly understood in computers and often repeat "But in our time ...", but you can take advantage of this communication.

Answer questions

Often, parents fall into the horror of the endless flow of questions of their child, but only uncompatible people do. Where does the boy know something new if he does not get a response from loved ones? That's right, from your peers. But don't friends have such wisdom and knowledge as you? Of course not. That is why it is necessary to answer all the questions asking questions, bring examples and lead an interesting dialogue. If the son asked how the car works, the father is obliged to explain to him all the available language and ask his question. Only so the boy will know the world, will become comprehensively developed and smart.

Instill son good manners

Learn the boy to greet with your friends, at the request to pronounce "please", and upon receipt of the desired one - "Thank you." If you often go to public transport, explain the child that you need to give way to the elderly and pregnant women. Soon, good manners will be in a habit, the son will not be able to act differently, he will grow up with a gallant and attentive person.

To grow a true man from the son, you need to instill a love for reading and sports, to file a good example. Create a boy to communicate with my father and grandfather, believe in a child and do not criticize it. Help looking for a way out of any position, overlook the Son important things.

Video: how to educate boys

Francisco Goya Picture Fragment

I do not believe in the absolute truth in maturity. Therefore, I do not pretend to formulate "Rules". These are only ideas that can be useful to someone.

For those who are preparing for the Chief School Exam

1. Take a man to learn

Ideally, of course, father. No Father - Grandpa, Child, Uncle, Family friend, coach, finally. The task of a man: Suggest the child a system of reactions and actions in conflict situations. Teach how to avoid them and leave them with the least damage.

Women sometimes think that men are completely challenged aggressors, with the first opportunities allowing the fists. And this algorithm they will lab in a child. There are grounds for such fears. But listen to the other side. A normal adult man is a grated Kalach, it is a saying "for one broken two non-bidded". We, men, well, know that the best weapon in a fight is a strong legs. Not in the sense of the turntable a la Bruce whether to break, but to escape quickly.

We, children of Soviet streets, we know how valuable ability to destroy the problems "Bazas", this skill was not in one generation. We just understand the strength of the word, which, being correctly applied, saved from beating a crowd from the neighboring area.

It is about the same as in the dialogue of the baby and moms in Karlson: "It is peacefully to agree on anything." But this is practical knowledge.

The boy removes the stories of the father about the ships with classmates more skills of the negotiators than from abstract arguments about humanism

2. This idea for moms. Do not disappear all completely on a man

Your female look at the resolution of conflicts is also very necessary a child. There is no contradiction with the first item. Let it be a male zone of responsibility, but it provides for your participation. Discuss each specific situation, offer your options. Men love simple and rapid solutions, but they do not always work.

Here is the case from the experience of my acquaintances. In a private garden with the midstakes, their son collided with the zadira, which was the oldest and most authoritative. Two of his friends, he also set up against the victim - and threesome they began to get it diligently. Hard trolling continued, increasing, a few months. The educators said that both sides are to blame. Parents of Drachuna stated that they had a golden child. The call to give the offender "in the tambourine" did not help - the forces were unequal.

Mom offered to learn how conflicts occur. Quietly watched the children in the garden for walks. They saw that their son himself gives rise to - he, active and impulsive, too obsessively wants to contact his torch. We decided to make friends of boys. Invented together games that may be interested in Trolli. The educators participated in the process, gently reduced the guys in one team in the relay. Not immediately, but the case has shifted from the dead point. Former enemies made friends.

So, I strongly doubt that such a titanic and painstaking work is only a dad, even thoughtful. I would definitely could not. Parents acted in a bundle - and solved the problem.

3. Do not learn the child to give

Remove this turnover at all from your speech and your thoughts. Let the logic itself "blow to blow" is absent in the conceptual apparatus of the child. Use instead of it - "Protect yourself and put contact."

Please do not immediately close my text of those who believe that the eye is behind the eye, and let the second cheek let the suckers substitute. Make at least until the next item - you will understand that I myself do not care a pen and not a sweatman.

Just when you're heading "Let us give!", You will lay down an unconditional program. It is good with its simplicity and, it would seem effective. But the consequences may be sad. The child will accustomed immediately to respond to a blow to a blow, it will be difficult for him to find flexible outputs from the situation. He will come together to negotiate, did not have time to learn. Most children's disputes with the use of one of the parties of the physical force are reasonably addictive, without bringing the case to the scuffle. You deprive the child to choose your "give delivery." And whether other children want to play with those who charge into the nose for any occasion? Maybe peers and stop offended it, but they will not like to love. The educators are punished by Drachnov, and this is hardshiping them additionally.

So grow whales. And someone from the parents even like it - my cool, everyone is afraid of him. Alas, much more often from such children are evil, but powerless dogs

4. Leave the child the opportunity to apply physical impact

Yes, there are situations when you need to hit. And the child must understand what they are. I am convinced of this. In the second paragraph, I brought an example of how to "give a tambourine" - did not help. It happens. Inverse examples, when the injury ended, barely "tambourine" the offender slightly rang, much more.

So, the point is to avoid extremes. Do not require the child to give delivery, but not deprive of his right to physical self-defense. And here the most difficult, in my opinion, to teach to distinguish when this right may turn on. There are enough restrictions.

Never beat first (for street fight teenagers, this is a dubious rule, but for babies - absolute). You can never beat girls, as well as those who are younger or weaker than you.

Is such differentiation for situationally thought work of a four-year-five-year person? In my experience, yes. But it is necessary to directly invest like polite words or rules of behavior on the street.

5. "Handle" for the third time

I suggested such a model of behavior to your five-year-old son. If you are offended, take a toy, pinch, knock, you need to calmly say, if possible, looking into the eyes: "I don't like it. Restall, please. " Usually this is enough, in fact. It did not help - add rigidity, say already very strictly: "I hear, enough!".

At the third stage, the Son visited only once. I say: to negotiate is reasonable and right. If still failed, go to physical exposure. Neat. We love rugby with Vasily, the rugbykees have a protective reception - "handle". A hand with an open palm dramatically pulls into the chest or the opponent's shoulder, removing it. The son put "handle", he did not hurt him offender, but he understood everything and lagged behind.

It is often the fact that the boys are pushed and muttered each other, there is nothing terrible. It is just their way of communication and self-affirmation. There are no aggression in such tumaki, just boys have boys. This is normal. And even good.

For many parents, teach standing to write a boy - a difficult task. Moreover, it is necessary to teach him aim.

Many parents face this difficult task. This responsible occupation, fortunately for mothers, is to a greater degree to the fathers. Since the father can demonstrate a visual process of using the toilet entirely. You need to train a boy early, in order to achieve a positive result. However, no earlier than it is sufficiently strengthened physically. By the time of study, he should keep confidently on his legs and walk.

In general, the ability to stand to write in men is a convenient gift of nature. This, firstly, allows you to cope the need to "quickly", and secondly, you can do it even where it is generally inconvenient. So it came out that women wanted to get rid of themselves to the issue of sending needs with time.

In addition, the boy must achieve emotional maturity. Speaking otherwise, if the diapers began to argue and deliver inconvenience, then the boy is ready to comprehend knowledge about how to use the toilet.

Inventors went to women and mothers to meet, creating unaccompanious devices for women. Standing to write ladies is now not difficult at all. For the sake of justice, it should be noted that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe appearance of this device was comic. However, late when these simple devices won the market, women really appreciated them. Compact, small, they became salvation when the possibility of urination sitting for some reason is absent. For example, after heavy childbirth, because of which it was necessary to impose seams in the crotch area, or banal - in the public toilet. These adaptations in European countries have long been demanding from hygiene veneers, they are distributed free of charge in a variety of closes.

What is such a device? Devices are generally invented quite a few. However, the meaning is one - or plastic funnel, or a cone-shaped package of waterproof tight paper. The 2nd version is disposable and it is used in public places.

Photos of such an aggregate and instructions about how the girl writing standing with it, can be easily found on the net.

How to teach the boy to write in a standing position

Everything is more complicated with children. The boys have their own device, teach the baby to control sometimes it is extremely difficult. Some believe that it is necessary to devote into this science together with the participation of the pot at all, and others - that you need to start it to teach it when a child has been reached a certain age.

Children, as a rule, are taught to the pot in a year and a half, finally be friends with him only by the 3rd year. However, it was in a year and a half boys and girls piss at all equally equally - sitting. But the boy, the easier it is easier to convey the aesthetic aspects of a toilet visit. By 3-4 years, according to experts, the boy should already master the Scripture standing.

How to make a cognitive process extremely effective and interesting for the child himself? It is necessary to start not to press the authority to the baby. You should tell him about how it is necessary, if possible, let the dad will decipher in practice, and then simply should simply resemble the baby about this need. All this should occur in a game form.

To start the learning process at the same time, psychologists also do not advise psychic. It happens that the child likes the "sitting" lifestyle, while the kid is older, the more difficult to eradicate the established habit.

Write standing: how to explain?

  • Already mentioned that it was necessary to call for help men. The visual example in this case is more reliable than any persuasion. Dad, elder brother either grandfather - any teacher will suit.
  • It is advisable to start teaching in the summer - the clothes are less, and more options for practice.
  • At that moment, when the baby is asked to the toilet, you must not sit down, and raise the pot in front of him. As a result, some boys begin to raise a pot for themselves.
  • It is necessary to equip the toilet for the child, so that it is convenient for him to go to it: put a small bench or a children's stand.

In any case, do not worry. Even no one pampers went to school.

Despite the fact that diapers are now actively used, not diaper, many parents look forward to the moment when their child will begin to grow up. In the second year of life, one of the stages of education is the teaching of the child to the pot. Special difficulties, as the practice of many young parents shows, arise if necessary to teach to the pot of the boy. It must be remembered that such a task is quite ranked, the main thing, to show patience.

Main aspects

Initially, it is worth noting that the child's learning process is new for him should be based on a generalized experience. For example, you might think about how to motivate the child. It also needs to be understood how important the process of adherence to the learning schedule is. If it is broken, you should not hope to quickly get rid of diapers.

At the initial stage, it is necessary to wait for signs testifying to the boy's readiness to use a pot. Despite the fact that among pediatricians and children's psychologists there is no unanimous opinion regarding the age of a child suitable for training, most experts agree that the teaching must be started at the age of 1.5- 2 years.

The optimal option is to pay attention to a number of features that signal the readiness of the boy to so radical changes for it. Consider the most significant of them.

Features of physiological nature

This is that the child who is ready for learning should produce the amount of liquid necessary for its age, to have formed, as well as completely predictable feces, and remain dry at least within 2 hours (for example, during day sleep).

Of particular importance is the correct coordination of movements, it is important that the kid go and ran without an additional effort.

Signs of behavior

If a boy is ready for learning such a specific type, he must be able to calmly stream in one place at least within a few minutes. It is also important that the child has all the skills to help remove, as well as put on a pantice. Many parents note that about your desire to please need a boy can signal, showing certain signs(As a rule, in each case they are strictly individual) and demonstrating disgust for the dirty diaper. There is also an interest in the toilet procedures that are available in adults.

Cognitive signs

The boy must necessarily have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat actions are made by adults when visiting the toilet room. If a child has relevant interest, you can tell him more detail about all the features in your understandable language.

Earlier, attention has already been drawn to the fact that the child will use the pot only provided that they correspond to the relevant motivating factors. One of them can include the presence of a beautiful pot. Therefore, every parent, distinguished by a serious desire to teach a child to visit the pot, should be concerned about a similar question.

In addition to external appeal, it is necessary to focus on both psychological and physical comfort. It should be noted that the child should feel comfortable and independently.Some boys do not want to change their habits due to the fact that they are afraid to fall into the toilet and do not feel in a steady position.

It is important to choose the model pot sitting on which, the baby will be able to feel a certain surface. This will reduce strong anxiety.

As for additional parameters, adults need to pay attention to them.

For example, there are recently considerable pots that have a ledge for urine. Due to the presence of this item, it is quite realistic to protect the floor from splashing fluid. It must be remembered that if the subject it is not quite high quality, a child may have negative associations that in the future will create problems in the desire to teach him to the pot as soon as possible. Some models are equipped with removable elements that prevent splashing.

Choosing a pot, you need to navigate not only on your own wishes and budget, but also for the interests of the child. Children's psychologists note that only if the baby shows interest in such a way or another pot, it can be hoped that after a completely short period, it will be possible to achieve the desired result.

One of the conditions of the effective teaching of the Son to the pot is to ensure their pre-dating. For example, you can leave this device among toys. Thus, the child initially demonstrates interest, sitting on it, will understand that there is nothing terrible to use.

Another trick that is allowed to use is "personalization" pot. Permissible with the help of a marker to write the name of the baby or come up with a new item a specific name (just like your favorite toys), glue your favorite image. Many parents do not allow the child to sit on a pot in clothes and make one of the most common mistakes.

Both mom and dad child must have a clear idea that the transposable transition is a long, very intense and continuous process. Everything will be possible only provided that all these actions will not be interrupted.

What to do?

Training to the subtleties of urination in boys is recommended to begin after reaching 2 years. In the event that every trip to the toilet is completed by hysteries, it is impossible to have psychological pressure on the child, as it can be fraught with even greater complication of the situation. It is worth a details on the rules that will help to cope with the teaching.

  • For each boy, an indisputable authority is dad (or another close relative, who can be trusted, for example, grandfather, older brother). For this reason, it is desirable that all basic skills initially demonstrated to them.

  • Each time at urination, you need to raise a pot closer to the Genitals of the boy, so that it is convenient to get into the container. Gradually, the distance between the children's toilet and the child should be reduced.
  • One of the effective options is the acquisition of a removable children's urinal, which must be set to the most acceptable height for the child.
  • Near the toilet, it is necessary to establish a small elevation (provided that it should differ sufficiently resistance) In order for the baby to make the best possible to cope and do not depend on adults.

  • Conduct training best in the warm season when the child is dressed quite easily. Otherwise, you can face a number of problems due to the presence of many things. At the initial stages it is necessary to help the child.
  • Many parents celebrate that the boys like the most to urinate on the grass. That is why all relevant procedures are recommended during rest in nature.

To teach the boy to write standing, you need not only to show how it is done. For each successful stage, it is recommended to praise a child, tell him about what he did everything right. But for the misses it is impossible to scold, since the baby does it unconsciously.

Important: If you decide to start learning, use diapers only while walking. Wet pants at home will not like anyone, and the child will have an additional stimulus to learn a new ability to learn as soon as possible.

Thus, despite the seeming simplicity, the process of teaching a boy to writing standing, has a significant number of nuances that must be taken into account.


The process of teaching a boy to the pot can be started taking into account individual features from an earlier age, for example, from 8 months. True, in this case, it is necessary to take into account the whole set of features.

In order to maximize performance, it is recommended to start teaching and in the warm season. This is due to the fact that there is the possibility of walking without diapers. You can also use the option when the pot takes with me for a walk and is placed in the most acceptable place for this. Such actions can be practiced only when the child is not afraid of certain places and is not shy of foreign people. Otherwise, there is a chance of a child of psychological trauma.

Little children are fairly sensitive to temperature drops. That is why it is necessary that the pot is enjoyable for perception. Prefer the subjects made of plastic.Given the fact that the child up to a year can be quite picky, it is imperative to have two pots. In this case, the effect is observed that resembles interaction with toys.

Since the pot is perceived by many children as a toy, best suggest options for choice. Naturally, a similar step requires significant material costs, but perceive it as a kind of payment in pursuit of the desire to ensure rapid adultery.

A couple of days before you leave a child without a diaper, you need to remember the approximate time when it is determined and the frequency of urination. It is also important to pay attention to how the expression of major emotions occurs.

About how and when to teach children to the pot, see the next video.