How to determine the sex of a child before ultrasound: the best ways. Is it possible to determine the sex of the unborn child during pregnancy and how to find out who will be born, according to folk signs

Among our people, they begin to guess about who will be born in the family even from the wedding. While the young are not even planning the planning of the child, the guests traditionally fill the sliders with money. Throw whenever possible. The sign is simple. Pink sliders win - a girl will be born, blue - to be a boy. As far as this sign comes true, many eventually forget to check.

Well, seriously speaking, the opportunity to find out the sex of the child appeared with the parents relatively recently. If the child is not hiding, then ultrasound diagnostics will determine the gender. Maybe even take a picture. Today, it is realistic not only to find out who was born, but even to get a 3D copy of a child that is still developing in the womb. That's where the technology has come. Such services have recently started to be provided in Estonia.

After learning about the gender of the unborn child, parents can choose a name in advance, prepare a room for the baby, make repairs and buy everything you need. Friends and relatives have time to plan what color gifts to buy for christening.

Meanwhile, grandmothers continue to guess about the heiress or heir in the old fashioned way. They determine the sex of the child by their gait alone or by the appearance of the pregnant woman. Many couples, although they do not believe in signs, are willing to listen, and later check the accuracy of what was said.

But skeptics categorically do not believe in folk signs. In their opinion, the options are still limited. It's hard to go wrong. Meanwhile, doctors have their own “signs” for everything, confirmed by facts. Let's talk about the most common folk methods to find out the sex of an unborn baby and see what explanations scientists have prepared in this regard.

Some parents want their baby's gender to be a surprise. They deliberately ask the doctor not to tell them whether they should expect a boy or a beautiful daughter. But they still like to listen to the opinion of the representatives of the older generation. Interest takes precedence over common sense and medical facts.

Grandmothers do not have to look at the belly of the expectant mother to determine who will be born. If you believe the signs, then a boy grows in the stomach with a slight deviation to the right, and if the tummy looks to the left, there will be a girl. Explanations for this from the people's point of view are only experience and a series of coincidences. While doctors have a different opinion - medically justified.

From the point of view of physiology, the shape of the abdomen depends on the physique of the woman, on her size of the pelvis, as well as on the size of the fetus and its location. The shape will change depending on whether the baby is turned back in one direction or another. While he is tossing and turning inside, grandmothers fantasize. The same applies to the signs of determining the sex of a newborn by the rounded or elongated shape of the tummy. In a future mother with a narrow pelvis, the baby is located more compactly. Here is the tummy and it turns out round. Be that as it may, this sign has justified itself for many.

Method 2: If toxicosis worries, it will be born ...

There is a popular belief, according to which girls are in solidarity with their mother while still in the womb and will not give her any discomfort. Therefore, women who are pregnant with daughters do not suffer from toxicosis as much as mothers of sons. In practice, toxicosis can equally disturb all pregnant women. It turns out that the story of the "battle of the sexes" is akin to a folk legend.

Scientists are still studying the nature of toxicosis. With accuracy, they claim that provokes discomfort during the first trimester, the level of the hormone estrogen and progesterone. The higher it is, the more pronounced the toxicosis. To the one who grows in the tummy - a son or a daughter - this has nothing to do with it.

3 way: Behavior and heartbeat

If the grandmother wants to know who will be born to you, she will ask about how often and how hard the child pushes. Another popular and proven folk sign says that boys are more active in the stomach and push more often than girls. At the same time, they often kick the mother from the inside in the bladder area. The girls allegedly push around the liver and kidneys.

Doctors say that both boys and girls will push in the same way and behave actively if there are no problems in development. Sensations of tremors in the region of various internal organs depend on the location of the fetus and the activity of its movements. Affects this so-called sign, and the delivery of nutrients, as well as oxygen to the fetus.

How diet and appetite affect sex determination

Rumor has it that if a mother eats well and a lot on maternity leave, then a real hero grows in her tummy. It turns out that girls have been on diets since the womb and watch their figure. If you believe in signs, watch not only the appetite of a pregnant woman, but also the diet.

For the sake of interest, we advise future mothers to write down the menu and taste preferences that appeared on the decree. Our grandmothers noticed that the mother of her son often wants sour cabbage, pickles and more meat. While mothers who carry girls can hardly resist the temptation in the form of sweets, pastries, cakes and other confectionery.

This sign is quite popular and more than once predicted the sex of the child correctly. But even here there is a scientific explanation. The body of a pregnant woman is inclined to replenish the missing reserves. The expectant mother eats what he lacks. So, hypotensive moms are drawn to salty and sour foods.

The body tries in this way to retain water with the help of salt, which leads to an increase in pressure. If a pregnant woman is underweight or anemia, then she will feel an irresistible desire to eat something meaty. Green and red vegetables will also appear in her diet. Moms who work hard mentally always crave sweets to replenish their glucose stores. That's your craving for candy.

Who or what is really taking away mother's beauty

You have probably noticed how often women, being in a position, get prettier. While all relatives and friends appreciate metamorphoses, people say that only those who bear boys become more beautiful during childbirth. Accordingly, the girls seem to take away their mother's beauty. In pregnant daughters, pigmentation is observed, the face swells, pimples appear, peeling and weight is noticeably added.

In fact, according to doctors, the appearance of the mother is associated with the level of sex hormones that affect the body of a pregnant woman. Affect during pregnancy and existing health problems.

Other signs of determining the sex of a child

To believe or not to believe in folk signs, everyone decides for himself. Nevertheless, over time, the list of folk signs for determining the sex of the unborn baby becomes longer and longer. Most should be treated with humor. It turns out that the sex of the baby is determined not only by the mother, but also by the future father. And you can do this long before conception. Dad's underwear will help clarify this issue! If a man wears loose underwear, a daughter will be born. Dads who prefer tight underwear will raise sons. Here are some more of the clues:

  1. Who loves whom more? If mom dad, then a girl will be born, if vice versa - to be a son.
  2. Does the expectant mother actively grow hair on her legs during pregnancy? A sure sign that she will soon be babysitting her son.
  3. Edema on the legs of a pregnant woman also indicates the birth of a son.
  4. A boy will be born if the mother is very cold in the feet and even in the heat puts on warm socks.
  5. A mother who gives birth to a daughter often freezes at the beginning of pregnancy. While pregnant with a son throws a fever.
  6. On a growing mother's tummy, hairs suddenly appeared for no reason? Get ready for the birth of your son.
  7. Bread is the head of everything, and also a predictor. A pregnant woman who eats the crumb will give birth to a boy. Crusts of bread are chosen by mothers of sons.
  8. Sometimes it is enough to ask the pregnant woman to show her hand and make a serious look, as if you are fond of palmistry. If the expectant mother shows her palm up, a daughter will be born. Palms down - son.
  9. See how a pregnant woman sleeps. Future mothers of boys prefer to sleep on their left side.
  10. Does dad have little or no hair on his head? Let him prepare for the celebration of the birth of his son. Fathers with hair on their heads will soon be training to braid their daughters.

Divination for son and daughter

You can not only observe the appearance, behavior and habits of parents to determine the sex of the child without the help of ultrasound. For fans of fortune-telling, we offer an easy way to find out which name to choose - male or female. To do this, you will need a ring and a long thread. Pass the thread through the ring and hold the impromptu necklace over the palm of the expectant mother. Watch the movement of the ring. If it moves in a straight line, then a boy will be born, in a circle - a girl.

Japanese grandmothers came up with a different way. Calculate gender using father's and mother's age. You can check how it affects yourself or your loved ones right now. Divide your mom's age by three and your dad's age by four. Compare results. If the pope has a larger number, then wait for the heir. If mom won, soon another representative of the fair sex will appear in the house.

Of course, every parent is interested in the question of who will be born: a boy or a girl. Moms and dads guess, grandmothers speak with confidence, relying on folk methods, and only a doctor can tell with maximum accuracy the gender of the baby. We will tell you about all the methods of how to determine the sex of the unborn child.

At what time can you find out the sex of the unborn child

Already at the 7th week of pregnancy, you can determine the sex of the unborn child with the help of a medical examination. The DNA test will prompt the answer: if the Y chromosome is detected, then definitely wait for a boy, and if X - a girl. But this method cannot be considered 100% accurate.

At week 9, a gender test can be done. According to the methodology, it is similar to a pregnancy test. By the color of the indicator, you will determine the gender of the unborn child: orange means that you will have a girl, and green means a boy.

To lift the veil of secrecy, if you are lucky, you can find out the sex of the child starting from the 14th week of pregnancy. An ultrasound will show how the boy or girl is doing. On the 15th week, the chances of making sure are even greater. But the most accurate answer will be given by diagnostics at 21-25 weeks. For more pleasure, opt for 3D ultrasound.

A 100% result is given only by a genetic study of amniotic fluid, medically - a chorion biopsy or amniopuncture. But it is shown only in one case - if your doctor has a suspicion of a genetic disorder.

Planning the sex of the child by the date of ovulation

Of course, it is not always possible to “plan” the sex of the unborn child, but you can try. Or remember the course of events, make calculations and understand who you are waiting for.

The gender of the baby depends more on the father, since the expectant mother contains only the X chromosome. Spermatozoa that carry the Y chromosome are faster than those that carry the X chromosome, but they also live less. If you know the time of your ovulation and keep a calendar, you can be sure that the "boy" sperm will get there faster and fertilize the egg.

But if ovulation has not occurred, and conception has already occurred, then there is a high probability that you will have a girl.

Determination of the sex of the unborn child by heartbeat

At the 10th week of pregnancy, heart sounds will already be clearly audible. By the number of rhythmic beats, you can find out the sex of the baby: if the number of beats per minute is more than 140, then there is a chance of a daughter being born, and if less, a son will be born.

Determination of the sex of the unborn child by blood

There are 2 ways:

  • According to the group and Rh factor of the blood of the parents.

  • By the "renewal" of the blood.

It is believed that the blood has the ability to renew itself. For women - once every 3 years, for men - once every 4.

For example, if a man is 36 and a woman is 32:

36/4= 9
32/3=10 (remaining 2 years)

The blood of a man is younger, so it will be a boy.

Determination of the sex of the unborn child according to the Japanese calendar

First you need to find the number that will turn out at the intersection of the months of birth of the parents. And in the second table you need to find the month of conception of the child and the number from the first table.

Determination of the sex of the unborn child according to the Chinese calendar

The ancient Chinese table appeared more than 700 years ago, the original is kept in Beijing, and you can see it above.

To determine the sex of the unborn child, you only need the age of the mother and the month of conception.

Folk signs for determining the sex of the unborn child

  • the waist is visible from behind - a boy;
  • suffers from toxicosis, the skin has become problematic - a girl;
  • cravings for sweets - a girl;
  • pulls on salty - a boy;
  • the woman became capricious - a girl;
  • the woman became clumsy - a boy;
  • the baby kicks hard in the womb - a boy.

There are many methods for determining, but there is only one child. As one doctor said, in any case, after 9 months, all parents will know the gender. Happy motherhood and fatherhood!

When the worries associated with the question of whether you are pregnant are far behind, the first examination has already been completed, relatives and friends have been notified, the expectant mother and her entourage begin to be interested in the eternal question: what gender is the unborn child?

Of course, in the age of progress, many couples are trying to plan the sex of the child in advance, fortunately, there are many methods now offered for this. But even these parents are concerned about the question of who will be born: a boy or a girl?

To date, the most reliable method for determining the sex of an unborn child is the study of the mother's blood, which already contains fetal DNA in the early stages. The detection of the Y-chromosome allows us to say with confidence that the woman is expecting a boy, but if such a chromosome is not found in the blood, a girl will be born in the family. But this method has a number of limitations, besides, it is quite expensive and not available to every woman. Therefore, most mothers use ultrasound to determine the sex of the child. But this method can be wrong, because the child is not always inclined to "show" his gender. Many determine the sex of the child using special tables. The people also have many signs. True, there is an opinion that all of them exist only so that the expectant mother and her family have something to do - guess what gender the child will be.

Folk ways to determine the sex of a child

To me, folk ways to determine the sex of a child have always seemed funny and interesting, I offer you a list of them - guess on your health and your baby!

  1. One of the popular folk signs of determining the sex of a child is the shape of the belly of a pregnant woman: if the belly is wide, spherical, round, then there will be a girl. But if the tummy grows forward, pointed, as if it is not visible from the back - wait for the boy to appear.
  2. There are a few more signs associated with the belly of the expectant mother:
    • if a woman is pregnant with a boy, her belly is lower than that of one who is expecting a girl;
    • the stomach bulges sharply to the right - to the boy, to the left - to the girl.
  3. Movement of the child: the first movement was felt on the left - there will be a girl, on the right - a boy. Although there is another opinion: a girl beats her mother in the liver, a boy beats her in the bladder.
  4. The sex of the child can be determined by the appearance of the expectant mother. People say that girls "take away their mother's beauty." If a woman gets prettier every day, most likely she will give birth to a boy. Even skeptical doctors sometimes agree with this, referring to the amount of female hormones that a pregnant woman "shares" with her baby. With their decrease in the body, the condition of the skin is associated - age spots, acne, and swelling on the face may appear.
  5. Do you have severe toxicity? Then wait for the appearance of a boy, because it is more difficult for your body to adapt to bearing a child of the opposite sex.
  6. Taste preferences can also tell the gender of the unborn child:
    • if preference is given to sweets, fruits (especially citrus fruits) - there will be a girl,
    • if you are drawn to salty, sour - a boy (besides, it is these products that pregnant women with severe toxicosis prefer),
    • I really want meat and cheese - you have a representative of the stronger sex.
    A pregnant woman prefers slices of bread - she is expecting a boy, a core, a crumb - a girl. If the mother's appetite has grown, expect the appearance of a boy: the representatives of the stronger sex require more food from the womb.
  7. The sex of the unborn child will tell the fetal heartbeat: it is frequent in girls, slower in boys.
  8. To determine the sex of a child, even how you sleep matters: if on the right side, a girl will be born, on the left, a boy.
  9. Feet can warn about the birth of a boy - if they begin to swell, you begin to stumble more often.
  10. your palms. If they become drier, the skin sometimes cracks - the sex of the unborn child is male, if they become softer - female.
  11. If you get chills from time to time, then you are pregnant with a girl. But if they began to suffer from the heat, a boy would be born.
  12. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, even by the mood of the expectant mother, could determine the sex of the child: the woman became irritable, she is in a bad mood - she is expecting a girl; if the mood is good - to the birth of a boy.
  13. If a boy who already knows how to walk shows interest in a pregnant woman, it means that a little beauty is growing in her stomach.

Fortune telling to determine the sex of the unborn child

You can also determine the sex of the unborn child using a number of fortune-telling methods:

  1. Ask the pregnant woman to show her hands. If she turns them palms up, then she is expecting a girl. If palms down - a boy.
  2. Ask the pregnant woman to take the key from the table. If she took the key by the round part - a boy will be born, by the elongated narrow part - a girl, in the middle - twins.
  3. Ask to show your hand; sit down and then stand up. If he helps himself with his right hand and shows his right hand, they expect the appearance of a boy, the left hand indicates the appearance of a girl.
  4. If a pregnant woman chokes while eating, ask her to name any number. Having calculated which letter of the alphabet it corresponds to (“a” is the number 1, “b” is 2, “c” is 3, etc.), ask them to name the name starting with this letter. If the expectant mother calls a female name - a girl will be born, a male - a boy.
  5. Determining the sex of a child using a pendulum has several varieties:
  • take a pendant / medallion on a chain and hold it over the palm of a pregnant woman
  • the wedding ring is threaded into a chain and hung over the belly of the pregnant woman (the woman must lie down); you can also take any ring without a stone and tie it to a thread
  • or you can just take a needle and thread and also hold it over the pregnant belly

If the object begins to swing like a pendulum, from side to side - a boy will be born, if you walk in a circle - a girl.

People say that you can not want a child of a certain gender too much. It often turns out like this: if you (or your husband, mother-in-law, mother or someone close) madly want a girl, a boy is sure to be born. And vice versa, if you passionately dream of a son, wait for the appearance of a little princess.

Article provided by the site "My children"


Everything was exactly the opposite with me and a girl was born, although according to the symptoms and signs it should have been a 100% boy, now we are waiting for 2 completely different pregnancies, I am waiting for an ultrasound, I hope it is a boy

31.01.2019 12:47:54, Estella

How to determine the fetus of a child

27.12.2016 20:06:32, Gulsim

Not always, when you want a girl very much, for example, a boy is born. Well, I have a friend, well, just with her husband, they raved about a little son and gave birth to a son. I also wanted a son, but gave birth to a daughter. It's probably just a coincidence. Now tell me that if you had a son, not a daughter ... I can’t even hear it, I have the most beautiful, the best, the sweetest and my favorite daughter. And, the second child whom God will give!!!

I determine the sex before the birth of VKontakte.

Community - Gender of the child according to the photo of the parents.

yes, I don’t believe in all this either, only ultrasound and other medical methods)

Yes, they just can't think of anything. My husband pinned a new shit the other day, the test poll is called, he is impatient to find out who it will be. Well, today in the morning, under his clear supervision, they "determined" that we would have a girl, the reagent turned orange. Let's see how reliable it is). By the way, no one used it?

Once again, we have collected a collection of crazy signs! Well, if something really has stable matches, then some things are simply amazing! Well, how can you determine the gender by which side the baby knocks! Yes, in the one in which he is more comfortable! And tomorrow in another...

Fortune-telling, of course, is funny. But here, for example, I had two pregnancies identical in flow and my condition, ending in children of different sexes :))) So all this is fortune-telling, entertainment ... but not reality.

Comment on the article "How to determine the sex of the child"

After all, the sex of the unborn child mainly depends on the quality of the male germ cell, that is, on the spermatozoon that made the B Section: Sex planning (an effective way to calculate the sex of the child). A friend calculated for herself and her two girlfriends on a plate ...


The bullshit is complete. Of course, you can try to calculate Day X to match all the tables (year, month, combination of blood types, ovulation), but where is the guarantee that you will get pregnant right from the first attempt? And then wait a year or 5 when all the stars converge again.

A friend calculated for herself and her two girlfriends on the plate the age of the mother - the month of birth of the child, I can’t find the link now, maybe someone will throw it).

There is no connection between the sex of the unborn child and the position at conception, how would it be better for us if a woman lies on her back with raised legs for 20-30 minutes after intercourse. Pregnancy planning: what a woman and a man should not do before conception.

formula for sex determination Maybe someone knows? A few years ago, I was told a formula to calculate the sex of an unborn child. We then checked it and counted it for everyone, it seems like it always coincided! But I don't remember her anymore!


Yes, a clear stump that there is no such one hundred percent formula! But it's still interesting to calculate, dream :-)) And then check whether it matches or not !! But if there was such a formula, then it would be completely uninteresting !! Well, what is it - NO SURPRISE :-))

Girls, do you know a joke?
The psychologist has a man and a woman. He asks both of them one question: What do you think, what percentage of the probability that going out into the street you will meet a dinosaur?
The man replies: "Of course, 0%, the dinosaurs are extinct."
The woman replies: "50%."
Doctor: "How is it, 50% ?????????????"
Woman: "Well, how-how - either I meet or I don't meet"
:))))))))))) Here and here - either a boy or a girl - 50-50 :)

Today, the gender of the unborn child can be known very early. Both times they were correctly identified - the first time at 12 weeks, the second time at 22. In general, when I learned about the possibility of planning the sex of the child, I got excited about this idea. If the desire coincides with the second half - be ...

"Is it possible to find out the sex of the child?" - it is with such a question that future parents turn to doctors. Unfortunately, the use of ultrasound methods does not always give an accurate result regarding the gender of the unborn baby. How can you find out the sex of the child if ultrasound is powerless?

How to find out the gender of the child

During the existence of human society, many methods have been invented and created for determining the sex of unborn babies. Conventionally, they can be divided into two main types:

  • invasive;
  • non-invasive.

Invasive methods include: examination of amniotic fluid or amniocentesis, biopsy of the outer shell of the embryo (chorion) and others. Due to the development of possible complications and the threat of miscarriage, these methods are prescribed only for compelling medical reasons (for example, a suspected congenital disease).

Non-invasive methods are able to answer many questions at once: “is it possible to find out the sex of a child”, “how to find out the sex of a child”, “when can I find out the sex of a child”, but it should be understood that the answers to these questions will not be 100% accurate.

When can you find out the gender of the baby

Thanks to invasive methods, it is possible to determine the sex of the baby as early as 8-10 weeks of pregnancy. Most often, a chorion biopsy is performed for this purpose.

The safest and most widely used method is ultrasound diagnostics.

The first signs of the sex of the baby can be determined as early as the 12th week, but it is possible to consider the sex of the child most reliably after the 20th week.

It is possible to find out the sex of a child by heartbeat when counting and comparing heart rate. For girls, a heartbeat of more than 140 beats per minute is characteristic, while for boys, it is often less.

"Is it possible to determine the sex of a child by the time of ovulation?" - this question is most often asked on the forums by interested parents.

Scientists have determined that closer to the day of ovulation, the vaginal environment becomes more alkaline, and therefore more hospitable for spermatozoa with the X chromosome (they are slower and more viable), which are less mobile than those with the Y chromosome (more unstable). Therefore, if conception occurred at the time of ovulation, then there is more chance of a boy being born, and if intercourse was a few days before ovulation, then the probability of a girl being born is higher. Ovulation is determined by basal body temperature. The release of progesterone during ovulation affects the temperature increase by 0.4 - 0.6 degrees.

You can determine the period, find out the sex of the child by folk signs:

  1. It is necessary to compare the age of the expectant mother and the year of conception of the baby. If the numbers are even or odd, then most likely there will be a girl, if one is even and the other is not, then a boy.
  2. If the family already has children, then it is worth remembering what the first word of the previous baby was. A girl will be born if the first word was "mom", and a boy if "dad".
  3. For the birth of a boy, you need to follow a special diet containing more salty foods. For a girl, on the contrary, it is worth getting carried away with sweets.
  4. A boy will be born if the hands of the expectant mother are dry and cracked.
  5. If a pregnant woman is tormented by nausea, then a girl will be born.
  6. There is a belief that a girl growing in her mother's stomach takes away part of her beauty, so pregnant women may have skin problems.
  7. A woman pregnant with a boy has a lower belly.
  8. A boy will be born if his future mother was most active at the time of conception, and vice versa.
  9. If the future father is much older, then a boy will be born.
  10. Thin women are more likely to give birth to girls.
    1. There are many other signs that answer the question regarding the gender of the baby.

      Is it possible to find out the sex of a child by referring to the ancient Chinese table? Of course, it's not difficult. To find out the sex, you need to know two numbers: the mother's age at the time of conception and its calendar month. The intersection in the table of these two parameters will show the gender of the unborn child.

      “Is it possible to find out the sex of a child by the frequency of intimate relationships between future parents?” Scientists have been able to answer this question. It turned out that with long-term abstinence of the future father, more resistant female spermatozoa will remain in his sperm, while male spermatozoa with the Y chromosome will be weaker and will not be able to fertilize the egg. Therefore, after abstinence, there will be more chances for the birth of a girl.

A boy or a girl is a question that worries almost all parents when they expect the birth of a baby. There are various ways to find out the sex of a child: scientific, based on the latest achievements of medicine, as well as methods far from this, sometimes even funny.

At what month can you definitely find out the sex of the unborn child?

The accuracy of determining the sex of the expected child depends not only on the method used, but also on the period when this procedure is performed. Even methods based on medical knowledge, if they are not done on time, can give distorted and incorrect information.

In the early stages of pregnancy, it is difficult to determine the sex of the unborn child. For example, an ultrasound or genetic analysis of the mother's blood, carried out in the first 2 months of expecting a baby, may give inaccurate results. The expectant mother will be able to receive the most accurate data in the second trimester of pregnancy, starting from 12–14 weeks, when the child's reproductive system is fully formed.

It is best to go for information about the gender of the unborn child at 18-19 weeks. It is believed that boys during this period are determined more easily.

Description of all methods

To determine the sex with the highest degree of certainty, medical methods are used. When using folk methods, the probability of the veracity of the results is only 50% to 50%.

medical methods

The most accurate ways to determine the sex of a child are methods based on the latest scientific achievements of medicine. Some of them are available to everyone, others are expensive, and some are even dangerous for the fetus.

DNA test

The blood of a pregnant woman contains fetal DNA, since their circulatory systems are connected with the baby

A 95% guarantee is given by the indicators of a genetic examination of the sex of the baby according to the analysis of the mother's blood. According to it, the presence of a Y-chromosome in a woman is detected. This method is absolutely safe for both the expectant mother and her baby. No preparation is required for the test. The patient takes blood from a vein and conducts a study. If a Y-chromosome is found in the blood, the conclusion will indicate that the sex of the unborn child is most likely male. In the absence of these indicators, the expectant mother is expecting a girl.

A study is being conducted for a period of more than 5 weeks, since earlier analysis may give an ambiguous result. According to the DNA test, from the 9th week, some genetic abnormalities of the fetus, for example, Down syndrome, can also be established.

Invasive method

Almost one hundred percent accuracy is given by the analysis of the examination of the fetus, but you should know that it is considered dangerous for the unborn child. The method is used only if there are special indications for the detection of genetic abnormalities in the development of the fetus, and sex determination will be an addition to a serious study. There are 3 ways:

  • Placental particle sampling (chorionic biopsy) is taken at 7-10 weeks.
  • A blood test from the umbilical cord (cordocentesis) is performed at 14–16 weeks.
  • By amniotic fluid (amniocentesis), a boy or girl can be established at 16–18 weeks.

Urinalysis test

It requires the morning urine of the mother, which contains the largest amount of hormones. Under the influence of special reagents, urine changes color depending on the sex of the child. If the staining occurs in green, then with an accuracy of 85-90% we can say that a boy will be born. Orange color indicates the birth of a girl.

This method may give incorrect results if the expectant mother suffers from diseases associated with hormonal abnormalities, or she has a urinary tract infection.

The definition of a boy is to identify the scrotum and penis, girls - to visualize the labia majora

Most often, ultrasound is used to determine the sex of the unborn child starting at 12 weeks. The most accurate result is obtained for a period of 18 weeks or more. In addition to sex, ultrasound provides information about the development of the fetus.

Heart rate

Many doctors claim that there is a dependence of the fetal heartbeat on its gender. The frequency of beats per minute less than 140 is typical for boys. With a heartbeat of more than 140 beats, parents can be sure that a daughter will appear in their family.

Folk ways to determine the sex of the unborn child

Some of the folk methods are based on medical knowledge, others are just fun and are based only on long-term observations of the behavior of pregnant women.

By renewing the blood

There is a theory that the blood in the body of each person changes with a certain frequency. In men, this happens every 4 years, in women - every 3 years. Comparing the processes of restoring the blood of dad and mom, you can determine whether there will be a boy or a girl, by whose blood is more updated.

This method has many possible assumptions, since blood renewal is affected not only by its frequency, but also by large blood losses associated with operations or previous births. In addition, if the mother has a negative Rh factor, then with this method it is necessary to change the sex obtained as a result of calculations to the opposite.

By ovulation

With this method, you should know exactly the moment of ovulation and conception. It is known that Y-spermatozoa are more mobile, but less vital. Therefore, if conception occurs no more than a day before ovulation, then the unborn child is a boy. X-spermatozoa retain their viability longer, and if conception occurred earlier before ovulation, then future parents are more likely to expect a daughter.

With this method, an important issue is the frequency of sexual intercourse. If the future father abstained for a long time, then the probability of conceiving a son is minimal.

By blood type and Rh factor

There is a theory that the blood type of future parents and their Rh factor have a direct impact on the sex of the child. This theory is usually refuted by the fact that both boys and girls are born to the same parents.

Oriental tables

To determine the sex of the unborn child, parents often use oriental tables.

The Chinese table is based on the age of the mother and the month of conception.

At the intersection horizontally and vertically there is a designation M (boy) and D (girl)

Both parents are involved in the basis of the Japanese table when determining the sex of the unborn baby.

From the upper part, you must select the column with the month of birth of the father, and in the far left column, the month of birth of the mother is selected. At the intersection, the coefficient is determined

Then, according to the 2nd table in the top line, the desired coefficient is searched and in the column found, the month of conception.

In the central part of the table there is a certain number of stars that indicate one or another chance of a boy or girl appearing.

For example, if the month of the mother's birthday is August, and the father's is December, then according to the 1st table we find a coefficient that is 12. From the 2nd table it can be seen that if the conception occurred in March, then the couple is waiting for the appearance of their son.

According to the well-being and appearance of the mother

There are several signs regarding the appearance and condition of a pregnant woman:

  • If a mother experiences severe toxicosis at the beginning of pregnancy, then most likely she is expecting a boy.
  • If a woman has become very ugly during pregnancy, then she is expected to have a daughter, who, according to popular signs, “takes away” beauty from her mother.
  • The shape of the abdomen can also determine the sex of the child. Pointy indicates a boy, blurry indicates a girl.
  • With intensive hair growth on the legs of a woman during pregnancy, a son should be expected.

Floor calculation

The sex of the child is also proposed to be determined by the formula:

49 - X + 1 + Y + 3, where X is the age of the father, Y is the age of the mother.

If the result of the calculations is an even number, then this is a boy. If it is odd, you should wait for the girl.

Video: How to determine the gender of the unborn child

Parents can certainly find out the sex of the future baby using new medical methods: ultrasound, DNA test, invasive tests. It should be noted that they will be most reliable only when carrying out procedures within the time limits established for such studies.