As a man get the desired. How to achieve a guy? Major psychological techniques. Well maintained and everywhere

"I love him, I do so much for him, and he does not understand what I need!".

Often it begins the sincere conversation of women about the main thing - simple female happiness.

First we fall in love and bathe in our love for " ideal»Men, and after some time this" perfect " the male Suddenly becomes a misunderstanding who can not listen and have the marks of attention they need.

Surely, each of us has repeatedly turned out to be such a smart friend to your personal life, and because let's try to answer the question: what do you need a woman and how to get the desired from a man?

You can shut through a bunch of psychological books on this topic, and you can try to act experimentally.

Now ask any of us that a woman wants from a man. Surely, many will answer: she wants a loving husband, seven, children, material well-being, beautiful dresses and expensive resorts. She also wants to take care of her and respected in her personality. Each of us dreams About security - live with a man, as behind a stone wall. How much we want ...

And then another question arises in the head - a response to ours, women's desires: and what can we give in return to your man?

Often some women caprizly declare:

"He must buy it, to provide me, to give me flowers more often, take the sea several times a year,",

Etc. Absolutely normal desires. But what we, women, m go to give in return? "I gave birth to him a child!" - Say some. To be honest, then we give birth to children, first of all, for themselves. We want to be in the role of mother. We need to realize our maternal instincts.

Someone will say: "I always meet his hot dinner, he is dressed with me with a needle!" Yes, we give care to your men. But not only because we love them very much. We care, because we are by nature, instinctively needs to take care. "I give him myself, my body"- They say others. Cute! And then we ourselves sexnot needed!

Not in the last place in our dreams About the perfect man is worth the pointer: passionate and temperamental. Yes, we give our beautiful body men, your beauty, your warmth. But millions, beautiful, too many. One tel Not much to achieve, no matter how luxurious it is.

Despite all our full surprises, and sometimes, indignant exclamations about what we receive little in return, we rarely think about how to correct the situation. And continue to complain. But it turns out to be achieved from a man of attention, care, gifts and many others (we want a lot and qualitatively), we must be able to give a man the only thing -self-confidence.

A man must be sure that he is the only, unique, necessary, bold, passionate, charismatic, necessarily (!) Smart, caring, with a sense of humor. That he THE MALE.

Looking closely - these are the very items from the dream of an ideal man. And if a woman is able to convince his chosen one that he is such a "perfect", then in return, she will receive everything from him that he can give her. And the fact that, due to any circumstances, a man can not give - the question of only time.

If he feels necessary for a woman, he will strive for his best to please her. And how to let you feel a man next to you - the case is already individual. Someone is enough to say that he is much cooler than that striker, and the man flourishes and feels an almighty hero, and with someone such a female cunning will not ride - it is necessary to act thinner and tactful.

Alexandra with Igor had a very difficult relationship. On the verge of rupture. She ishe constantly complained about the girlfriend, what kind of "no" he was, and was confident that their relationship was doomed. At some point, reflecting on the topic "What's notso? "Alexander held social. A survey among familiar men, where to the question "What a man needs in relationships with a woman" from 20 people 20 answered - "feel a man and be confident." And then she began to experiment. At that time it was difficult to start convincing her husband in his uniqueness, therefore many offensive, misunderstanding, rejection. But Alexander decided to try, and the result did not make himself wait long. The husband began to render again, it seemed that they had ever had the signs of attention, to think over joint leisure, give the necessary and unnecessary, but pleasant, gifts.

However, do not forget about one important moment: giving confidence a man, you need to remain confident in your abilities. Only then a stable and bright union is possible. After all, in order to give something, it is necessary to have it.
And, of course, to get something, you need to want to believe and love!

Stephen King wrote: " When there is someone who believes in you more than you yourself, you will definitely" Believe me in your chosen, and when it starts to get a lot, you will experience incredible pleasure from your "work".

You should carefully select words. All of what you have to be a pleasant rumor of your interlocutor, call him exclusively positive emotions. Such behavior manner is "verbal attractiveness". Make as many positive as possible. Tell me, for example: "What wonderful place you chose for dinner!" Or "how nice to see you!", "This drink (dish) is above all silence!". Believe me, a man on a subconscious level will begin to associate you with something pleasant.

The voice should be feminine. The timbre and intonation of your voice have great importance. Scientific studies have shown that strong sexes prefer slow, soft and fairly low female voices. So from the footing and rounding, which are very appropriate in comic conversations with girlfriends, it is necessary to completely get rid of. By the way, it does not like scary when the woman chatting continuously. It is better to be attentive listener - men like it very much.

Eat with pleasure. Women tend to hide their appetite on. Apparently trying to show that they do not suffer from voraciousness, and, therefore, they will always be slim and tightened. At the same time, few people know that if you absorb food with visible pleasure, the partner receives a signal that you are passionate in. Like this!

Attention should be focused on you. It does not mean that you must be selfish, "pulling the blanket for yourself." You just need to try to convince to meet in such places where there are no big clusters, and where you can concentrate only on each other.

Something should stay in secret. For example, he is not at all necessary to know what kind of cosmetic procedures you seek your flawless appearance or, for example, what seals put a dentist last week. In general, no stories about how you manage to look stunning. Let it receive aesthetic pleasure from the final result.

You can not allow too close. And it is not necessary to tell that a man is, in its essence, a hunter and quickly loses interest in easily folded trophies. Therefore, it is worth keeping a certain distance: let him pick up a little and recalls. It is not necessary to spend together every evening, even if he insists on this. Need a little break in communication, so that he has time to miss.

Be different. Believe me, if you constantly beat a flawless glamorous lady, there is a risk that a man will quickly cool to you. It is quite necessary that sometimes he saw in you from the neighboring entrance, sometimes - a naughty hooligan Bikersha, and sometimes a master, which is not afraid to spoil the manicure and is able to assist, for example, in the wallpaper pasting. Of course, these several tips do not allow to fully master the subtle science of seduction. But, following them, as well as, relying on their female intuition, you can achieve attention You are interested in men.

Just the other day, we and my husband had such a situation. We (as recently often happens) discussed their sites. And I told him that I like mine, but the design is still not quite suitable. Good but not perfect. And said what exactly I like more. The husband wondered and said that to transfer the site to another template would be difficult, because my site for four months of existence was fully configured, there was already a decent number of articles. I did not insist, said that in this case the one that is, which is, because he is also quite good. Because Because of the disease, he felt not very good, immediately after this conversation went to bed.

The next morning we talked a little about it again. The husband himself began the conversation. He said that he looked at the template and, in principle, can try to transfer the site, but it will take it time. I agreed and asked when he wants to do it. Husband said that right now. Just four hours later my site was transformed. At the same time, the beloved was not only not angry when he had to solve complicated (even for him, not that for me :)) Tasks, but even smiled at me and said that everything would be great. And now there is a lawsager question, why did it happen? Why are men sometimes ready to minimize the mountains and how to help them do it more often?

How to get from a man all you want: basic principles

In one of my first articles, I already wrote about how to stimulate a man to develop and earn more. I advise you to read it. Today I want to tell about more specific steps to be taken in specific situations - then when you want a man to do something for you.

So how to get from a man all you want?

Of course, that the man did something for a woman, precedes her respect for him (not one-time, and long). In addition, a woman whose man performs her desires, it appreciates him, and also believes in his potential. This is the basis, without which a man does not want to do anything. It would be nice to still perform basic (do not be scared that you need to perform so much of all conditions, if you are elementary to respect your man, the duties will be fulfilled as granted, simply from respect).

How nevertheless get from a man all you want?

When there is a base, you can start getting from a man what you want. For this, first of all, voiced your desire, preference. Believe me, he himself won't guess. Therefore, we speak specifically. At the same time, it is important that you do not make it do something (and then they did not command the process :)), and just noticed how wonderful it would be something and that. After that, step back, be prepared to wait. The man needs time to collect thoughts - to evaluate the problem / task, and also to find the time to solve it / implementation. In parallel, we carry out your female responsibilities - we care about a man and about yourself.

After a man fulfilled your request or embodied your desire, it is important to be grateful to him - to experience a sincere feeling of gratitude and, of course, do not forget to express their appreciation with words. Next time you do something for you will be even more pleasant for you.

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I think I answered a question how to get everything you want from a man.

Dear girls, I wish you to believe in my men, appreciate them and give them the opportunity to surprise you!

With love and warmth in the heart, your Polina.

Any woman understands that when she wants to get something from a man, she should be able to agree with him. This is a simple, at first glance, the ability to largely affect the quality of the relationship between a man and a woman. That's just the result of the "negotiations" of women pleases not always.

Why do you all get any women anything they asked, and others - a refusal, yes in addition, a family quarrel or a worsening relationship in a pair? The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan is clearly responsible for this tricky question.

Why can't we agree?

Yes, because we are different!

Two come into relationships and become a pair due to mutual attraction. It is it that is the engine of relations and an incentive to create a family and the birth of children.

Breeding with different characters, features of the psyche, desires, the fact that in the language of the system-vector psychology, Yuri Burlan is called vectors, - a couple of themselves, we often choose a partner who has a completely different character than our ourselves. No wonder they say that opposites are attracted.

At the same time, perceiving the partner through himself, through his congenital properties of the psyche, we are also trying to negotiate. What, in fact, leads to failure: they could not achieve the desired, they were offended on the partner or got angry, snapshots came in relationships.

How to succeed in obtaining the desired

Knowing the features of the psyche and congenital desires of a loved one, you can not only achieve the desired, but also to bring relations in a pair or in the family on new level.

As the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlana shows, in the modern world of relations most often arise between the owners of the anal and skin vectors. That is, a couple can make a woman with a skin vector and a man with an anal vector. Or, on the contrary, a man with a skin vector and a woman with anal.

Holders (or owners) of the skin vector are dynamic, ambitious people, purposeful, able to quickly adapt in any circumstances. Logical thinking, the ability is always and benefit and benefit - that's what distinguishes the owners of the skin vector. Negotiate their natural ability.

For people with an anal vector, both men and women, a characteristic feature is slowness and desire to bring any started thing to the end. Purpose of his word and the case, perfectors in everything, they are above all appreciated the family and home focus.

Knowledge of the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan will tell how to achieve the desired from a man with an anal vector. And how it will differ from communication with a man - the owner of the skin vector.

We will analyze on simple life examples.

Borsch, roast and 10 minutes of the sofa, or the method of "times"

And now the key turned in the castle, the beloved man (tired, from work) appeared in the doorway. And you are on all pairs, practically instead of "hello," start with the threshold to shoot it with all his ideas. You can believe, girlfriends with girlfriends with a new handbag on the shoulder and visit the sea you do not see how your ears. The more you taitorize in the doors about the affairs, the farther you are from the desired one.

So - stop, and wrap a little back. If you still want a handbag, a trip, a disco, first prepare dinner. And better something from his favorite dishes. And when the husband appears in the doorway - smiling, meet his phrase: "Cute, and Borsch is already on the table! And roast on the approach "- Pressing his favorite home slippers to the chest.

Answered smile is guaranteed. During dinner (in question: 15-20 min) - mouth on the castle. Just with gratitude, listen to the compliments to your culinary talents. And so, when the meal is over, and the dishes are removed from the table ... do not run ahead again - let him at least take a horizontal position. Literally some 10-15 minutes, and your favorite will be like new. Ready to listen and approve all your chic ideas.

Great price, big discount, or method "Two"

You have long dreamed of putting on your wonderful summer cottage to the greenhouse. And everything would be fine, but only here you want a high-quality and reliable, but it is it, like a car. To get approval for such an expensive purchase of a husband who knows how to count money and plan a family budget, you need to be guided by other arguments.

Benefit and benefit from any case - that's what is really interested in a spouse. "Lucky is easier and more profitable on your vegetables"- This is an excellent argument for the championships behind their health.

"That's right now the price of this greenhouse is the lowest, and I also agreed about a personal additional discount"- These words are able to reduce the horror of the price of a welcome purchase.

"None of our neighbors have such a steep greenhouse, so everyone just look out!"- This phrase is able to deviate ambitious and aspiring to the property and social superiority of her husband, pushing it to the desired decision.

Women's tricks are not all ...

The living situations described clearly demonstrate to us that the knowledge of the characteristics of the character of a loved one and understanding his innate mental properties - vectors - open ample opportunities for women not only in obtaining the desired from a man.

System-vector psychology accurately and clearly explains how to bring relations in a pair or in a family to a qualitatively different level. How to learn to understand the true desires of the partner and make relationships happy.

How to achieve a sentence from a man

1. First you need to prepare

I will never forget how my mother taught me to prepare to accept the blessing. Then I lived with my parents, I was looking for my way in my life, I made the first major acquisitions. In particular, I wanted to buy a new car. The old car broke down and stood on bricks in the passage near the parental house. I copied the money and at the same time I studied dealers and private ads in search of a good sentence. Once I was sitting at breakfast. I said: "Mom, I worked like an ox. I want to buy a new car. " Talking about it, I was hoping to hear from mom's word support.

At first she did not answer, just nodded. And then she said: "Your old car is here on bricks."

After a couple of days, I returned to this issue again. Mom nodded again, and then repeated what I had already heard before: "Your old car is standing here on bricks."

For the first time in life, I could not understand why my mother, before always eagerly supported all my undertakings, responded about my plans without much enthusiasm. No matter how many times I raised this question, my mother stubbornly did not want to say anything except the phrase, which I already heard: "Your old car costs here on bricks." When I heard her for the fourth time, I decided to find out more detail what she had in mind. "Mom, why every time I start talking about a new car, do you remind me of old?" - I asked.

She answered not immediately. And then, apparently, I decided to say, as is: "If the Lord rewards you for the works of the new car, where do you put it? Your old car is here on bricks. If you are going to ask God about something, behave so that the Lord understands that you are ready to accept His gift. "

And you know what? Mom said very correct thing. I was not ready to take a new car, because the old car occupied a place in the passage. Standing there is a mountain scrap metal. Even if Ed McMahon himself came to me on the new car, I could not find a place for her without removing the old one.

In your heart there is no place for a new person, until you remove the old trash.

I decided to do as I advised my mother. I called a friend, paid him twenty-five dollars and asked to evacuate the old car and take the landfill. Then I removed the bricks, I washed the plot on which the car stood, put on top of the concrete, from which a walkway was made, a layer of fresh asphalt, and prepared a place to park a new car. After two months, I have already set a new car in the cleared pass, thanks to God for blessed me to buy. I was ready for her.

I told this story to illustrate what a woman should make preparing to accept blessing and join a long serious relationship with a man. You will not be able to properly take a man if you didn't remove from the passage unnecessary trash - memories of a young man, got with you who protracted strange relationships with a former husband. All this, if to express figuratively, climbs the passage, standing there on bricks.

In your heart simply no place for a new person, ready to stay with you for a long time. You must remove the old trash if you know in advance that the one with whom you met earlier is not suitable for the role of the separation and future husband. You yourself guess how to determine. There are people in life with whom you seem to be in some kind of relationship, sometimes close ... But, if you think about, you feel lonely, because it is not there, when it is necessary. Then it becomes clear that these relationships do not lead to anything. Such a person looks like an old car standing in the passage at the house on bricks and occupying the place.

You feel lonely, because it is not there, when you need it ... You yourself understand that this relationship will not lead to anything.

There are many things that can upgrade the heart, there is a lot: the unfinished procedure of divorce, bitterness and inability to distract from thoughts about the derived relationships that once seemed so cloudless; Belief in the myth that all decent men are already disassembled; The desire to make a few lovers to be able to forget that with one, then with another, instead of focusing on one person and develop relationships with him. While you find consolation in all these chimers, the heart is in the passage on bricks. You subconsciously look out in a new familiar withdrawal, because of which the relationship with the old guy collapsed, judge everything with excessive skepticism and bitterness and subconsciously prepare themselves for everything that everything will go on the worst scenario, although they should be joy and optimism.

You simply must: stop looking for signs that the new guy will do with you; finish meeting with those who only take time; Stop feeling offense, bitterness and anger, which remained in the soul after a divorce. Call the tow truck, and let him take out an old car standing on bricks. You are preparing to accept a man who will be worthy of you.

2. Wall around the heart

There are almost everyone. To destroy it, you must first get rid of stereotypes characterizing men with a bad side. Despite different popular myths and "useful" information transmitted by women from generation to generation, believe me, there were decent men in the world. You will never know about it from the stories that women share with each other.

The general meaning of female conversations comes down to something like: all decent men disassembled; Guys do not want to marry, they want to play; Men need sex, and with different women, the more, the better; They do not care about our feelings. If you listen to this way, such thoughts are reliably rooted in the shower. And you will look at all men through the prism of stereotypes.

You can not even understand, one or another guy is suitable for them or not. It is worth a negative imaging about men to settle in the soul - and, consider you, you have already chosen the tone who will answer everyone without exception to men falling on the life path.

You yourself know how it happens: Saturday, the day is wonderful, the weather is excellent; You meet it in the park. Birds sing, the sun shines; He is a charming man, a cheerful smart and beautiful, word, such as you always imagine it. But in the depths of consciousness again and again the warnings expressed by the girlfriend during the last conversation. And now the moment comes when a man is wrong, from your point of view, answers the question. And all, you have already concluded. And the tone you say to him changes. The radiant smile is replaced by a wary, sullen mine. Inspiring - disappointment. Hope - doubt.

And all because he said that he did not want to marry this moment and is not ready for the birth of children. Perhaps, in fact, he meant that he did not want to marry until she had finished his studies, but you were a victim of female stereotypes about love and marriage. Therefore, you hear what you want to hear: he does not want to marry.

If you are pleasing the conversations of friends, prejudices can be reliably rooted in your soul. And you will look at all men through the prism of stereotypes.

The conversation ends when there is a ten meter wall with a barbed wire between you and they are built on top. I assure you, there is a little men who want to climb through it. The way you are serving, what tone is talking about what energy from you comes - all this can scare potential workers.

There is no signal from you: "I am available, free and, under certain conditions, ready to love you." If the wall is built, you can take a megaphone, climb to the very top and shout about it like a man. But the case is done, and he will not hear you. You are pregnant too well, sit too high and can't quickly go down.

Do not get me wrong: in the requirements and standards as such there is nothing wrong. Moreover, I always said that you are entitled to operate, even obliged Do this so that a man understands that there will be no serious relationship if he does not match them. But according to the requirements and standards, you can determine who you are and what is able to give in response to love?

Few men will agree to enter into relations, seeing that the rules for the parties are not equal. I remember when I made a presentation of the first book on the show of Oprah, among the audience there was a woman who said that she has a list of two hundred and thirty-six requirements, and if a man wants to be with her, must comply with everyone to one.

One of the items I remember perfectly. It said that a man should be an increase in at least one hundred and eighty of five centimeters, is perfectly difficult, up to the presence of "cubes" on the stomach. That lady did not want to do anything in any way.

I remember, I sat down, looked at her and thought: "Be a man with a growing above one hundred and eighty, with" cubes "on the stomach and otherwise, for nothing I would not look at the plump fleshy. I would not get out of the gym, ate only vegetables and stored onto the treadmill. And at this time, at this time, pork cakes indulged? No, honey. "

If you have requirements and standards for men - perfectly. But it is important that you have something to offer them in return.

No, no one can forbid you to put forward all these numerous conditions and demand that the man climbs on a ten meter wall with a barbed wire at the top to get out of you in a restaurant or cinema. But, I'm afraid you won't like it if, making climbing, he will look at you and say: "Damn, you made me get to this car, and that's all you can offer?!"

But what joy do you require that the man with whom you agree to meet, was a millionaire, if you yourself work as a saleswoman in a shoe store? Why say, you need a man with two higher education and a scientific degree, if you yourself have not mastered even the first courses of the university? If you, except for the natural mind, there is nothing interesting in my head? Why your man must certainly have his own business, if you, for example, can not count how much you need to pay in the bus to drive the number of stops that separates you from work? And why do you expect your husband to treat you with respect, will be good and affectionable with you, if the characteristic compiled on you by a psychologist, and is the words like "hostility", "arrogant" and "aggressive"?

This is what people mean when they say that you have too overestimated standards. Yes, you attracted a man, putting on a tanned body mini-skirt, and on the feet - shoes on a heel, but he will not linger, looking around the wall surrounding your heart, not to mention trying to put it, if not Good reasons.

I'm not talking about to completely abandon the requirements and standards. If you pick up the rear yard with a thirty centimeter height, only the lazy will not pass on your lawn.

If you do not have any requirements and standards, a man can cancel a date at the last minute, without even bothering to give some explanations, or to sleep with you before the expiration of the ninety-day period (see dictionary), it may declare two hours later than promised, or come Deaf at night hoping to fall into your bed.

Without establishing the rules, you seem to be signed under the fact that the people from which there are no senseless to expect serious intentions to communicate with you. Appropriately with you and will contact without rules. And believe me to my word, - if a man feels that he can get everything that is required, without any obligation, he will try to do so.

If you want a man to come to you with serious intentions, limit the height of a meter high with a little. Standards, in my opinion, should be kept at a level that can be described in the following words: "Not everyone can come to my courtyard to play. If you do not respect me, go further and look for someone else. "

Thanks to a strictly defined set of logical requirements: respect you; come to visit on time and invite to a date when it is convenient for you; behave adequately; Treat well to children if you have. And most importantly: he must understand what you consider a man with whom we meet, the future fiance and husband.

Knowing it, everyone will understand that, although your heart is not surrounded by a very high wall, you will have to make an effort to be on the other side. But a man will know that the works will be spent not wasted: behind the fence it is waiting for the award - loyalty, support and, of course, beautiful sex (in more detail about it in Chapter 8 and in the dictionary). These three qualities a man is looking for in any woman and appreciates above all.

If a man feels that he can get everything you need, without any obligation, he will try to do so.

3. Understand why everything is so delayed

From the moment when the girl looked at the first Disney cartoon, she begins to wait a knight in sparkling armor. He necessarily sucks on a huge white stallion, puts her on the saddle in front of him, and they will go straight to the wedding ceremony, where the pigeons are worried, everything is decorated with flowers and where they will meet their neighbors and relatives. When the wedding is completed, the beautiful prince will again suck her on the horse, and they will jump in the whole supports straight to the sunset - to a cloudless happy future.

This is a part of the female culture; Girls teach this with a pellena you have to marry someone who you love, your husband will be crazy about you, you will have children and happy old age. There is nothing wrong with all this, it's not a fairy tale, and it's completely natural to dream of such a lifetime.

But if in search of a dream you were in captivity of relationships, which are unlikely to end with the wedding, do not develop and do not bring you anything except disorder, it means that your desires will most likely never implement. Perhaps you do not want to hear about it and are afraid to confess even myself, but there is no one to blame here - all responsibility lies at you.

This is brutal words, I know, but it is true.

You are tied in a relationship with a man who is not in a hurry to offer a hand and heart. The ego happened because you did not take advantage of the authorities given to you and did not give him to understand what we were waiting for the proposals and did not agree to the smaller.

Understand, please you: a man you really need, will jump through the burning hoop with a bucket with gasoline buckets ... If you love you, and you told him that this is your requirement. Let him understand that if he wants to stay with you, I must have something to promise - the wedding ring and loyalty to you alone.

A man understands all the consequences: we live for this and sometimes die for this. But if you let him delay the decision-making, do not require that he clearly designate intentions, if you think that "at least some" man is better than any, get ready to shake what sowed, - it is "some kind of" man and will be.

A man understands why you do not leave. You are talking like this: it will be better to let him eat, even if I am half a happy, even if he does not appoint a wedding day and does not send invitations in which it is officially announced that you belong to each other.

Let it be better than being alone.

But if you drop emotions, we suspend and realize that your protracted relationships continue not one of the four reasons listed below, there are no reason to continue them.

If you think that "at least some" man is better than any, get ready to shake what they sowed, - it will be "some kind of" man.

1. You continue to live with him because of children.

For this you deserve only respect - only selfless people are capable of it. No child should live without a father. This natural feature of the maternal instinct is to wish for children to live in a family of two parents, even if they are not officially married. For children it is valuable.

But is it so good, here is the question? How will this situation evaluate this situation when will understand that mom is unhappy? Who wins from what you cook, grow up, grow children, in a word, make all possible efforts, and in return get only unfortunate, depression and despondency? How, in this case, get what you personally need you? Is it possible to consider life-demanding life in which the child does not know what to respect and love his wife?

With me, women said that for the sake of children are ready to stay with a man before the moment when sons and daughters finish school, and then leave. Will not be too long to wait for happiness? By the way, this case is provided by law such as the right to visit.

Maybe it's worth it all and arrange? And then calmly build plans for your happy personal life with another person. It seems to me that it is quite reasonable if the one with whom you live does not plan to make you suggestions.

2. You continue to live with him, because there is hope that he will decide sooner or later.

So know: you will never wear a wedding ring given to them. How long have you already together? And he still did not dare? Finds suitable pretexts and feeds with breakfasts? Trying to get away from the conversation about it? He says that is not ready? If everything, I asked, however, is the likelihood that your hopes are groundless.

He does not marry you, because you do not say that this is an indispensable condition for the continuation of your relationship. And why marry him? He says he loves you. You gave birth to him, and he is happy from what they have them. You sleep with him. Support and console when it is sad. His relatives consider you part of the family. You go to corporate parties together. He and so on all signs a married man.

Your man does not see a resolute reason to consolidate civil marriage legal grounds. Remember, only women dream of a wedding. Men this topic is not so close, and until you put your demands, there will be no weddings.

3. You do not leave, as he satisfies you in bed.

At night, it seems to you that multicolored rockets explode outside the window, and only in the morning there comes loneliness and emptying. Many women will tell you, it is worth only to ask: "I can't tolerate him - he doesn't do it, and this, but, honey, my head is steep and it seems, in the sky, all the stars explode when we are in bed!" He is so richly gifted by nature that you begin to experience addiction from physical proximity to it.

At such moments, when a desire strikes, all his negative sides seem to be a terrestrial nonsense. But let me point to something: not he is alone in the world can satisfy you. If you really want to experience something completely unmatched, find a man who will not only satisfy you in bed, but also treat you properly, to adore as you always wanted you to adored, and love the way you just loved you only in dreams. That's how to talk about the stars "exploding in heaven"! You significantly reduce the chances to experience true satisfaction while you maintain relationships with a guy who should not be next to you.

4. It is difficult for you to leave, because the man earns well.

If it's about it, know that you sell your happiness. Suppose your man is a successful minider. He earns more than you, or what he brings helps to keep the lifestyle to which you are used to.

Yes, if you leave, it will be a blow to you. We'll have to move from the mansion to the apartment, the luxury car will have to change to the used in use of a unparalleled sedan, and instead of a peaceful existence, it will have to lead a person who wants to reach the next pay.

But does all these benefits cost your happiness? Can you hang a price tag on it, which will indicate the exact amount? How much does it cost? Thirty-six thousand dollars a year? One hundred thousand? Million? Is it worth being unhappy for the sake of a big house, two additional cars and increase the volume of purchases in beautiful expensive stores? Yes, if you leave, you will live more modest, but you will return to yourself happiness, the world in the soul and respect for yourself. And this is invaluable.

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Requests, requirements and proposals in this detail: whip, gingerbread and related game - and the motivational basis of the following types of appeals is built: requests, plenty, requirements and suggestions. Office: I show that you are interested. Used gingerbread,

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Law 12. If you do not know what you want to achieve in life, you can not achieve anyone who does not keep any life goals in front of you, drifting for about seventy years, often complaining that "there is no justice in life" . And they can

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9. Forget the word "saw"! There are other ways to achieve a sense from a man. No matter how much we loved "Strawberry, no matter how much you want to get it and whatever the seductive smell of it source, there are things, when mentioning which we want to flee without regard. For example, when we

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Independent sentences If you use impersonal suggestions, the interlocutor does not feel that they are addressed to him. When my wife says: "We need to take a lawn again," I, as a rule, answer: "I have nothing against." To whom does she draw? She is Nobody

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How to give up a proposal to work Our friend Ilayn believes that the most difficult "no" in her life belonged to a suggestion about the work. "I was amazed by the feeling of guilt with whom I had to give up this work," she says. - I literally fed to them. ".

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The illogical sentences praise more than it follows, and even twice as much as we usually we are bull-to-praise. We are told that we must often praise people - say, subordinate, spouses and children, - but we are afraid to overdo it. We do not want to cheaper praise, Slavor

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Offers H.-V. Zinn in the summer of 2012, in the midst of the crisis of a single currency and even before M. Dragi solemnly promised her to save it, one of the most authoritative German economists, director of the Institute of Economic Research (IFO) Hans-Werner Zinn wrote about