How to celebrate? Traditions, signs and customs for the New Year. What and how to give for Chinese New Year? Travel to foreign countries

December is on the calendar, which means that very soon everyone's favorite holiday is New Year. It's time to buy gifts and outfits for the New Year, make a menu for the New Year's table and look for decorations for the home.

How to celebrate the New Year 2018: what to cook, what are the best gifts to choose, who to give what, how to decorate the Christmas tree and your home, what to wear, in what color to celebrate the New 2018 and what dress to choose - we will tell you about all this in our article.

2018 - the year of which animal according to the Eastern calendar?

The symbol of 2018 is the Dog. It is to her, according to the eastern calendar, that the Fire Rooster, the owner of this year, will transfer the reins.

Why is the year called the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog? According to Chinese tradition, each year is correlated with three parameters: animal, color, element.
According to these parameters, 2018 will be: dog, yellow, earth.

Or in other words - next year will be held under the auspices of the Yellow Earth Dog, and it will begin on February 16, but, according to the already established tradition, celebrating the New Year according to our calendar, we try to please the hostess of the coming year - in advance.

Where and how to celebrate the New 2018 of the Yellow Dog

It is best to celebrate the New Year 2018 at home, with your family and closest friends, so you must definitely think about how to decorate your home for the holiday in advance.

To arrange a room better in the favorite colors of the hostess of the year (she, as you remember, prefers yellow-brown tones). You can dilute this palette with white accents (for example, you can decorate windows with paper figures or "frosty" patterns). The same rules should be followed when setting the table. Be sure to put candles on the table (best of all - gold).

Decorating the tree give preference to golden balls, cones (you can even take real ones), beads, tinsel and snowflakes, and for contrast, hang white Christmas tree decorations, figures of snowmen and, of course, dogs on the fluffy branches of a forest beauty. It is not necessary to buy all this - you can do it yourself. Even if needlework is not your strong point, everyone will certainly be able to cut openwork snowflakes and Christmas trees from paper!

Gifts for the New Year 2018

A dog is an active, cheerful, loyal and kind creature. Therefore, when choosing loved ones, try to make them not only pleasant and original, but also symbolic. Well, we have compiled a small "cheat sheet" for you to help you with the choice.

So, in the Year of the Dog, the most successful gifts will be:

What to cook for New Year 2018?

Any self-respecting hostess is already picking up recipes for the New Year 2018. Of course, on the festive table there will be her “specialties” dishes and favorite dishes of the household. But if you also want to please the owner of the year - the Yellow Dog - then the New Year's menu will have to be "coordinated" also with her tastes and preferences.

There must be meat dishes on the table (in any form - be it a shish kebab, duck with apples, leg of lamb or cold cuts). The best addition to meat dishes is vegetables.

So be sure to make at least a couple of salads. By the way, in many salad recipes, including the traditional "Olivier", there are both vegetables and meat - just the same ideal.

You can include sea fish in the menu for this New Year, and serve fruit desserts for sweets (for example, prunes stuffed with nuts, fruit salad, chocolate-covered banana) or pastries made from shortbread or puff pastry. Moreover, these can be very simple sweets - shortbread cookies, gingerbread cookies in the form of a dog or a pie with jam - the main thing for the hostess of the year is that the table is plentiful and satisfying. And the dishes themselves can be simple and uncomplicated to prepare.

By the way, you can see recipes for New Year's dishes (step by step, with photos and videos) on the author's site "Tasty and Simple" by D. Korzhavin (Dmitry, thanks for the recipes! Read, watch, cook).

Here is the page with the New Year's menu:

These are delicious dishes that are easy to prepare from the available ingredients. "Tried and tested in practice, written with a soul, fit both in the feast and in the world."

How to celebrate the New Year 2018?

Of course, every fashionista first of all thinks about what to wear for the New Year in order to look stunning and please the hostess of the year.

To the question: "In what colors to celebrate the New Year?" astrologers give an unambiguous answer - yellow and brown colors are preferable. These are the colors of the year and the ruling element. So we choose: beige, vanilla, melon, lemon, sunny yellow, the color of corn and mustard, buttercup and primrose, shades of chocolate and coffee, ivory and champagne - you can't count all of them! Do not forget about the golden metallic - by the way, it not only belongs to the yellow palette, but also enters the top of fashion trends. Classic white and black colors, and even prints will be appropriate (everything except predatory ones - you shouldn't remind the Dog about the sworn “friends” on a festive evening).

The coming 2018, like all the others, according to the Chinese (Eastern) calendar, is endowed with its patron. Each of them give the year and the events taking place during it a part of their character, influence the events that happen to us all and help or hinder in the implementation of certain tasks.

Element and color of 2018

It should be noted that 2018 will be held under the sign of the yellow Dog, the color of which will be determined by the element, which in turn controls the year, together with its patron. In 2018, such an element will be the Earth, which personifies constancy and chastity. The Yellow Dog, supported by such a stable and realistic element, turns into a strong, full-fledged personality, sensibly assessing the situation and perfectly able to analyze, draw conclusions and benefit (see).

In what colors to celebrate 2018 of the Dog

In oriental philosophy yellow is the color of constancy and wisdom. It perfectly suits the temper of the keeper of 2018, only strengthening her special aspects: family constancy, devotion to her principles and the desire to achieve success.

What colors can you use when choosing your 2018 New Year outfit? First of all, it is yellow, brown, orange, khaki, saffron, gold and mustard colors.

Of course, it is best to prepare for the New Year 2018 in advance and get a matching yellow outfit. But it is worth remembering that it does not suit everyone: an ineptly chosen yellow ages, spoils the color of the skin, or simply does not decorate. But you can use shades or celebrate the new year holidays, in such a way that yellow is not a leading color.

Characteristics of the Year of the Earth Dog

The Yellow Earth Dog is a powerful sign that will definitely take under its patronage the solution of most of the issues that now seem to be practically unresolved. She is so collected and purposeful in her desire to improve life for herself and her loved ones that she will not spare her efforts to achieve this goal. Many problems will be solved this year, and we just have to help with all our strength the patroness of 2018 for our bright future.

The main features of the symbol of 2018

A dog knows how to be faithful and devoted not only to someone, but also to his own word. That is why among the people who were born there are so many military men, scientists and simply well-bred gentlemen and ladies who have their nobility in their blood.

Dogs are great at communicating. They plan their finances well. Businessmen are often found among them.

The second most important side of life is family. A marriage played in the Year of the Dog is simply doomed to be happy, and family life is rich.

The closer the most cheerful and beloved by many holiday, which marks the end of one year and the beginning of another, the more clearly the breath of something fabulous and magical is felt in the air itself. On New Year's Eve, you can become anyone, properly prepared and dressed up. Why is there a fancy dress - from the New Year you can even start a new life, throwing bad habits and shameful acts into oblivion.

On New Year's Eve, everyone is seized with a joyful feeling of anticipation of a real holiday. The entire pre-New Year period is filled with preparations and other troubles, one of which is v how to celebrate 2018- takes pretty heads of fashionistas long before the main date.

And, of course, you need to choose the perfect outfit for the long-awaited winter party, relying on who will take the place of the Fire Rooster and proclaim himself the patron saint of the coming year.

The symbol of 2018 will be the Yellow Dog, whose element is the Earth. This is the friendliest sign in the eastern horoscope, so we can say that we are all very lucky and the coming year will bring us the desired peace and quiet both in our families and interpersonal relationships, and in a more local meaning - the Dog will give complete harmony with itself.

It will not be fair to assume that since the Dog comes Yellow, then the New Year's outfit should be chosen specifically in this color. Not at all, no. Firstly, in the color palette there is a great variety of all kinds of shades of yellow.

Secondly, the Dog is loyal to all colors and encourages any manifestation of individuality. All the girls at the New Year's party will not flaunt in dresses of the same color. We have selected the best types of outfits for. You just have to choose the option you like the most for yourself and, putting on the selected decoration, shine on New Year's Eve to the delight of others.

In what colors to celebrate the New 2018

In order for the holiday to be a success, and success and luck do not leave your life throughout the year, you should properly prepare for the meeting of the Yellow Earth Dog.

It is best not only to dress up yourself according to all the rules, but also to take care of the decoration of the premises. After all, the place where the celebration will take place is simply obliged to personify the readiness of all those celebrating the New Year to let in their lives those good news and surprises, happy accidents and other positive things that the Dog is rich in.

The ideal solution would be to decorate the room in brown (earthy) and yellow tones.

  • Brown- there are a decent number of shades of brown and it's great that each of them stands for well-being and fertility. The presence of this color in the design of the premises for the New Year 2018 will attract success into your life.
  • Yellow- this color represents warmth and joy. Yellow, undoubtedly, attracts positive and happiness. Decorate the room where the New Year's party will take place in different shades of yellow, and your good mood will not leave you throughout the year, and problems will bounce off you like peas off the wall.

Exactly, as in the design of the hall for celebrating the New Year 2018, the same rules apply to the choice of an outfit for New Year's Eve. In a word, everything around - and the festive table, and decorations on the walls, the costumes of the guys and the dresses of the girls - should clearly speak of the entry of the Yellow Earth Dog into its legal rights.

Of course, in addition to the "main", there are others that the hostess of 2018 will like. Using them in your outfits and accessories, you will definitely get attention and favor from the Dog. So, the "popular" shades of New Year's Eve:

  • Red dark red;
  • Chocolate;
  • Gold;
  • Green;
  • Brown;
  • Orange;
  • Mustard;
  • Beige;
  • Blue;
  • Purple;
  • Coral;
  • Pink;
  • Cream;
  • Purple;
  • Mint.

Do not forget that the Dog is a great entertainer and fidget. It is better not to be quiet on the main winter night, since this will not please the active hostess of the year. So that you can easily take part in all the fun and entertainment of the New Year's party, you should choose a dress in which you will feel free.

The dog loves comfort in all its forms. Of course, this does not mean that you need to wear casual, comfortable jeans and a long sweater. Choosing clothes for the New Year, opt for a festive, but, nevertheless, comfortable outfit.

So that nothing can interfere with enjoying the fun, it is better not to wear a super-tight mini or pretentious and, at the same time, terribly uncomfortable dress for the holiday. The main criterion is "for the suit to fit." That is, feel free to wear what suits you, making sure, at the same time, that the clothes fit you in figure and image.

How to celebrate the Year of the Dog according to the zodiac sign

Aries will look great in a silk outfit. A dress, light blouse or suit made of this fabric will favorably emphasize your inherent romance. It is better for representatives of the sign to stick to red in clothes.

Taurus needs to pay attention to their accessories - look for voluminous earrings made of gold or gilding in advance. Amber jewelry is also welcome.

Gemini will look amazingly good in paired jewelry. Put on two identical bracelets or rings. To please the hostess of the coming year and get out of a difficult situation, you can wear earrings, because these are also paired jewelry.

Cancers need to attend to the search for a carnival mask. An elegant little thing, trimmed with feathers, rhinestones or flowers, if necessary, will help to hide unexpected emotions. The stars say that a romantic meeting awaits you on New Year's Eve.

Lions will definitely not be able to do without a crown or tiara. A chic accessory will once again emphasize the royal image of the bearers of their sign. In addition, a sophisticated decoration will add charm to your hairstyle.

Virgos must find a truly romantic dress. A flowing light beige outfit will be able to emphasize the femininity characteristic of the representatives of this sign.

Libra can take advantage of the charm of furs. Do not despair if the room is too hot for such garments - you will be able to look charming, even limiting yourself to fur accessories.

Sagittarius will put on a hat on New Year's Eve. You can find an elegant headdress with a veil or a pill hat. The hairstyle should be thought out very carefully, and it will not be superfluous to add red to the clothes.

Capricorns will certainly delight the patroness of the year by wearing a floral-print outfit. You can choose a dress or a suit with the image of large flowers, or opt for a dress with small motifs.

The coming 2018 will be held under the auspices of the Yellow Dog, the element of this animal is Earth. Earthen Symbol Dogs is the hill. The element of the Earth gives the mistress of the year such features as: stability, loyalty, diligence, practicality and reliability. The Yellow Dog is an honest animal, not devoid of prudence, it is the most noble representative among others. According to experts, 2018, which will pass under the sign of the Yellow Dog, will bring stability and tranquility, this period will be favorable for the economy. Real estate transactions will be successful this year. For lovers, this year is good for marriage.

The Yellow Earth Dog is a kind sign that values ​​home, comfort and tranquility. In order for the whole year to be successful in all respects, it is important to prepare and celebrate the New Year 2018 in such a way as to please an intelligent, loyal and friendly Dog. You should think about how to celebrate 2018 of the Year of the Dog in advance: what menu to pamper guests, how to decorate the house, what to wear to celebrate the New Year and what to present to family and friends.

Everyone knows that a Dog is not only an intelligent and loyal animal, but also very sociable and friendly, she does not like to be sad and spend time alone. A playful and active Dog loves to communicate, so it is better to celebrate the New Year 2018 in a company, no matter whether it is a big friendly family or a group of friends - the main thing is not to be alone on this magical evening. A friendly dog ​​should not be sad, let boredom and melancholy not be uninvited guests in the house either on this evening or on the following days of the year. Fun and games will certainly appeal not only to the hosts and guests, but also to the taste of the patroness of the year.

The dog loves the house and appreciates its comfort, therefore, it is necessary to approach the decoration of his home for the New Year with special care. If possible, then it is worth changing the textiles, the year of the Yellow Dog dictates its own conditions, and therefore you will have to observe some details in the design. Beautiful elegant curtains on the windows, bedspreads on beds and upholstered furniture in yellow-brown shades will certainly appeal to the hostess of the year. Such colors will bring into the room not only a special style and comfort, but will also look very harmonious. When choosing textiles for decorating windows and furniture, you should not use fabrics with obtrusive prints, catchy colors, everything should be modest, elegant restraint. Decorating a house for celebrating the New Year is unthinkable without the use of tinsel and rain, snowflakes and fir cones, this will add zest to the New Year's interior and will not anger the Dog if you do not overdo it and make it pretentiously flashy.

Not a single New Year is complete without a forest beauty, and it does not matter whether it is a tree from the forest or an artificial Christmas tree, one way or another it will need to be decorated. This must be done not only beautifully, but also in an original way. Meeting the Yellow Dog as the mistress of the New Year, it is important not to forget that you need to decorate the Christmas tree modestly, but with taste. When choosing toys for the Christmas tree, it is better to stick to the colors of the coming year, especially since the yellow-gold color is the trend of the year. Therefore, you should use tinsel with a golden hue, mixed with it, hang yellow balls mixed with red on the branches. This will make the tree look spectacular and stylish.

You should also adhere to the yellow-green color scheme in the setting of the festive table. You can decorate the feast with a brown tablecloth, pick up napkins a few tones lighter. It is better to serve the table with white plates with gold borders, beautiful glass glasses. You can put a beautiful burning candle on the table, decorated with golden ribbons, spruce branches and cones.

What to cook for the New Year 2018

A separate topic for celebrating the New Year 2018 is the festive menu. Housewives begin to think about what to put on the table long before the holiday. In order for the Yellow Dog to like the treat, it must not only be tasty, but also beautifully decorated. The dog does not like special delicacies, so the dishes on the New Year's table should be simple and ... meaty. Without this product, the diet of the Dog, guests is unthinkable, and the patroness of the year herself cannot but please the aromatic roast, the most tender meat on ribs or barbecue.

Garnish can be prepared with vegetables or potatoes. It is advisable to cook more meat dishes on the bones, it can be hams, chicken wings, stewed ribs - it is better to put all this delicacy on a large dish and place it in the very center of the festive table.

When preparing meat delicacies, one should not forget about fruits and desserts. At the New Year's table in 2018, citrus fruits will be more appropriate than ever, because it is tangerines that are considered to be a symbol of the New Year, and their colors will just be appropriate for meeting the Yellow Dog. As a dessert, it is better to serve tea with lemon, sweets in golden wrappers, “correctly” decorated curd cake.

New year outfit 2018

The Yellow Earth Dog as a symbol of the upcoming 2018 leaves no questions about what color should prevail in New Year's outfits. Brown and yellow colors are welcome in festive dresses and suits, the main thing is to correctly combine all the tones and shades of these colors. In addition to these shades, you can buy an outfit in earth tones: gray, smoky, and even black, if used as an addition to the main color. As already noted, the Dog does not like excesses, but she also does not accept excessive modesty. Clothes should be beautiful and graceful, all accessories are selected with taste. It is better for ladies to refrain from mini-dresses and skirts, outfits with too revealing neckline. You should not choose shiny clothes, overdo it with jewelry, experiment with "cat" prints, so as not to frighten and not anger the hostess of the year.

You should not neglect decorations on New Year's Eve; to create an elegant and effective image, you can use them as products made of precious metals or tastefully choose original jewelry. Jewelry made of amber or gold will be a great addition to the New Year's outfit.

What to give for the New Year 2018

Not a single New Year is complete without gifts and pleasant surprises, and the year of the Yellow Dog is no exception. The best gifts will, of course, be dogs of all stripes and breeds. For those who have been planning to buy or have a dog for a long time, it is difficult to think of the best time to fulfill their dreams. If this is not possible, then you can present the dog in the form of a toy on New Year's Eve, it can be robotic dogs or fluffy soft puppies.

The patroness of 2018 appreciates the coziness and comfort in the house, so gifts in the form of items for arranging home life and the interior will be appropriate - beautiful textiles, dishes, bedding sets, terry towels, warm blankets - everything that can be useful in the house and make the atmosphere in it is even warmer.

You should not give chains, soft toys in the form of cats, including their images in paintings, textiles and other surfaces for the New Year 2018. The most unpleasant gift for a Dog will be perfume with a pungent smell, dogs are sensitive animals and may not adequately respond to such scents. And if the Dog doesn't like it, it may well get angry. The Angry Dog in New 2018 is what you least want on this magical holiday, but you always want kindness and fairy tales together with the kind patroness of the coming 365 days.

One of the most important holidays is approaching - New Year. It is celebrated by many people, few people can remain indifferent to the night, which allows friends and family to gather at the same table, remember the events of the outgoing year, give each other gifts, make wishes, have fun and, at least for a while, drop all worries and believe in wonders.

But at the end of the year, difficult questions arise for every person celebrating this holiday. How do you spend such an important night? What dishes should I cook? How to decorate your home? How to make your holiday memorable, joyful and interesting?

Symbols of the Year of the Dog

The rooster is not an easy sign, many have noticed that he turned out to be heavy, restless and tense. But this year the situation will change, because the main symbol of the coming year according to the Chinese calendar is Dog.

Yellow- the color of Jupiter, the planet responsible for well-being in finance and society.

Dog will give realistic views of what is happening around, will allow you to clearly see your life and think about plans and ways to implement them.

And herself Dog is known to be a loyal, friendly and loyal animal that will give everyone the opportunity to rest, calm down, and begin to have a positive attitude towards life.

How to decorate a house and a Christmas tree

The dog loves people, home comfort and warmth, it is not attracted by excesses and pretentiousness!

  • Costs give up the abundance of the usual shiny jewelry- snow, rain, garlands - and pay attention to the details that will make your home light and cozy. It can be candles, lots of cozy pillows and blankets, compositions of coniferous branches, interior items made of raw wood or clay, soft toys, curtains and bedspreads made of natural fabrics. Also, the symbol of the year will certainly like home-made jewelry, memorable photographs and drawings, as well as other items that cause you pleasant associations with loved ones.
  • Of course, it would be good form decorate the house with dog figurines... They will look good everywhere, including as the main decoration of the festive table. And here figurines of cats will not fit“The dog won't like them.
  • The color scheme of the house should include yellow, orange, brown, beige, golden colors... All of them should be warm, natural shades, no loudness.
  • When choosing, you need to use the same principles - naturalness, naturalness and comfort.
  • Homemade jewelry works great: They can be sewn, molded from clay, cut out of paper or felt.
  • Will also look good sweets, gingerbread and small chocolates.
  • Toys that your family has kept for a long time, small bows made of golden fabric, gilded cones will also be wonderful decorations.

And do not forget that there is no place for excesses on this holiday. Do not use all the jewelry at once - it will look vulgar and tasteless. Turn on your taste and choose unobtrusive but beautiful decor items.

What to cook for the holiday

In order to please the symbol of the year that comes into its own, not to disturb the general tone of the celebration and to please the guests, it is necessary to put on the table hearty meals containing meat and vegetables, yellow and brown foods, bread and chocolate... Below you will see a rough list of what you can cook. Specific recipes can be found by following the links:

Meat dishes:


  • You can't do without the traditional "".

Side dishes:

  • boiled corn,
  • in any form.


  • fruit plate,
  • new year,
  • ice cream,
  • pies with berries.


  • cheese plate,
  • cold cuts,
  • homebaked bread,
  • nuts,
  • dog-shaped sandwiches,


  • The "hostess" of the year is unpretentious in terms of drinks, so you can choose anything, from fruit drinks to champagne.

How to dress for a holiday

It is better for women to wear a dress for the New Year's celebration, because it is both beautiful and solemn.
Matching colors:

  • rich yellow
  • Brown,
  • golden,
  • Orange,
  • Red,
  • Gray,
  • beige.

You should not dress in black, it can only be used in detail, but if you still choose a black dress, then choose shoes and accessories of the named colors for it.

A sheath dress, a dress with a fluffy skirt, outfits with flounces, a closed dress with a bare back or one sleeve will look good.

Men should wear a cozy cardigan or stylish knitted sweater. This will emphasize the good nature and hospitality of the owner of the house.

What to present for the New Year

And gifts for this holiday should be associated with warmth and comfort... Pillows and blankets, warm clothes and soft toys, photo frames and photo albums, scented candles and handmade soap are perfect.

Dog is an active animal, therefore, a ticket for an exciting quest, a certificate for a parachute jump or sports equipment will be an actual gift.

The Year of the Dog implies additions to gifts in the form of toy dogs, but you should not give live puppies, because not everyone wants and can raise a pet.

Short horoscope for the year of the Dog

The symbol promises us peace and fruitful work. People will be actively promoted in their work on condition of hard work, in the family - comfort and prosperity, in life in general - putting things in order, advancing in all areas and expanding horizons. By the way, this year is ideal for starting a family or having a child, because the Dog favors family people.

The new year promises to bring more understanding to relations between countries and show the heads of state their mistakes. Reforms and updates are expected in all spheres of state power.

For ordinary people, this period will be a time of justice. Honest, kind, hardworking people will receive well-deserved awards, and the rest will reap the fruits of their activities.

However, an increase in the incidence of viral diseases, epidemics of influenza, problems with the respiratory tract and nerves is expected.

Let's summarize

The dog promises a calm and successful year, so on New Year's Eve you should relax and tune in to the positive. Greet the coming year with joy, and do not forget that everything is in our hands. We wish everyone a happy year!