How to celebrate 7 years old girl at home. Birthday script for a girl, or how to arrange a real holiday

Girls love the most beautiful things!

One of the most win-win children's birthday themes for a little girl is the fairy world of flowers.

Such a holiday gives the little birthday girl and her guests the opportunity not only to cheerfully celebrate the holiday, but also to get real aesthetic pleasure from everything that happens.

Holiday decoration

First you need to make and send invitations to all guests.

For this, the birthday girl, together with her mother, will have to work a little with scissors and felt-tip pens, cutting and painting a postcard in the form of a flower for each of her friends.

The next stage is site preparation. The place where all the action will take place (in our case, this is an open-air area) must be decorated according to the theme.

These can be very different decorative elements, both purchased in specialized stores and rented from event agencies.

L We offer a script for celebrating a children's birthday in the summer. Therefore, we take into account that it will take place in a garden or park, in a summer cottage or in a forest. Accordingly, a variety of themed decorations can be used.

  • Floristics.
    Fresh flowers are the most natural type of decoration. Flowers can grow in flower beds, show off in pots and boxes, or be collected in bouquets in vases.
  • Arches.
    For a birthday, you can use an arch braided with both artificial flowers and daisies from balloons.
  • Garlands.
    The gazebos hanging from the ceiling in the form of folds of flower garlands will create the necessary atmosphere. You can also stretch them between trees or vine posts.
  • Water lilies.
    If there is a pool or pond on the festive site, then it can be ennobled with life-size artificial water lilies.
  • Glowing trees.
    Such decorations are presented in the form of artificial trees with LED leaves and flowers. You can make such lamps yourself by cutting out the sockets of flowers from plastic bottles and installing diodes in them from one common garland that wraps around a living tree.
  • Blooming inflatable flowers.
    This is a pleasant surprise both for the birthday girl and for her friends, because such flower arrangements “bloom” right in front of the children’s eyes.
  • Hand made products.
    Here, the choice is unusually wide, from posters with cornflowers cut out of colored paper, to monuments made of homemade roses. These can be bouquets, garlands, figures, signs, piñatas, shades, balls, etc.

Holiday geography - flower card

Cut out one center for flowers and seven rainbow-colored petals from large sheets of colored cardboard, the birthday girl can also take part in this process. On the back of each petal of a seven-flower, write the name of one of the points:

  1. Hocus Pocus
  2. "Limbo"
  3. "Bees and Flowers"
  4. "Riddles"
  5. "Flower Figures"
  6. "Fashion show"
  7. "Flower bouquet"

We attach the resulting flower card in a prominent and convenient place.

At approximately the same distance from this flower, in seven different directions, we set the inscriptions with the same points, we lay out the necessary props next to it.

Princess greets guests

The birthday girl must meet the guests with one of the adults.

The hero of the occasion can be dressed up as a princess, if desired, harmoniously complementing her outfit with flowers.

The person traveling can be either an animator invited to the holiday, or a very active relative. If this is a mother or sister, then it would be good if she led the entire program, and not just like that, but in the form of Tinker Bell, Flora or any other fairy of flowers.

At the entrance, the presenter distributes a kind of pass to all new arrivals - one of the bracelets. Such decorations should be divided into two types: decorated with a rose and those on which a chamomile flaunts.

Later, the guys will need to split into two teams several times, and these bracelets will greatly simplify the process. Here you can arrange first mini-competition... A bracelet pass to the flower world is issued to a child after he has named as many different types of flowers as he is full years old.

Script idea

All the guests arrived in the unusual kingdom of fabulous flowers in order to crown the birthday girl, who, on the occasion of her birthday and thanks to good behavior, is supposed to become a princess.

But every princess needs a retinue, and these are the most noble, intelligent, cultured children that guests of the hostess of the holiday can become. In order for all of them (both the princess and the retinue) to be able to earn their titles and receive royal gifts, the guys need to guess the secret of the most unusual flower in the flower kingdom - the seven-colored flower.

Follow the petals - a step-by-step holiday

At each point, young participants and participants will find various contests and games.

The birthday girl should tear off one petal from the seven-colored flower and run with the guys to look for an item with the appropriate name.

The petals should be taken in order, according to the colors of the rainbow, starting with red.

1. Item "Hocus Pocus"

Here the guys will learn magic.

Cut out symmetrical flowers of five petals the size of a 5 kopeck coin in advance from paper. Fold all the petals inward.
Another necessary thing is a basin of water.

Place the children in a circle and give them a flower. Now let everyone make a wish and quietly whisper it to their flower. Children should all let the flowers into the water at the same time, putting them on the surface of the water with the outside of the flower.

Now observe: whose flower will bloom first, the one who will be the first to have a wish will come true, and who will not bloom will not come true at all.

In fact, all the flowers will bloom, but the kids do not need to talk about it, let the intrigue hold on!

The secret of this point is in the ability to believe in miracles.

2. Item "Limbo"

Two adults hold out a flower garland. The guys should dance in single file under this flower barrier without ever catching it.

The garland goes lower and lower with each circle.

At the end, when the thread is already very low, the children should take turns jumping over it.

The secret of the point is flexibility and plasticity.

3. Item "Bees and Flowers"

Cut out large flowers from cardboard or colored tarp and lay them on the ground.

As soon as the song about the bee starts playing, all the children must transform into these small insects, scatter around the clearing and circle between the flowers with a characteristic buzz.

As soon as the music stops playing, each of the bees should quickly jump on a free flower. Then the song plays again ...

Each time, the presenter removes one flower at a time, and the guys have to run into their makeshift site in two, three, or even eight people, and support each other so that not one of the bees falls off the flower.

The secret of the point is a strong friendship.

4. Item "Riddles"

Everything is simple here - you just need to guess the riddles.

  • I grow in the field - a beauty
    Green leg, white dress,
    The middle is golden.
    What is my name, everyone knows!
    Neither Svetlana nor Natasha,
    I am beautiful ... (chamomile)
  • As soon as the snow melts in the forest,
    It grows out of the ground.
    White, small and delicate
    A flower grows in the forest ... (snowdrop)
  • You met me in the rolls,
    Sometimes they saw in the field
    I am red, but not a beetle,
    I am a flower with a name ... (poppy)
  • The little blue flower glistens
    It never rings
    Although the name is very similar.
    Who is this? ... (bell)
  • There is a haughty flower in the flower beds,
    The stem and bud are beautiful,
    But if you grab it, tears flow
    After all, all ours are in thorns ... (rose)
  • Here are the things:
    Thumbelina grew up in it!
    If suddenly spring comes
    Immediately bloom violently
    Slender, like a noble gentleman,
    In the front garden ... (tulip)

The secret of the item is knowledge and intelligence, ingenuity.

5. Item "Flower Figures"

Here you will need to split into two teams: roses and daisies. They will compete with each other. We wrote above that each participant receives a different bracelet.

Give each team one long flower garland and have them lay out different figures with it: a heart, a tree, a month, etc.

Warn you that both speed and quality are important here.

Summing up, say that both teams came out victorious, since one was faster, and the second was distinguished by the beauty of its pictures.

The secret of the item is art.

6. Item "Fashion show"

Put in a bag the elements of different costumes and accessories: hats, wigs, scarves, sunglasses, etc., collected in sets of 2-3 elements.

Tie a green rope to each set, on the other end of which attach a large paper flower. Pull the resulting stalks with flowers out of the bag.

We turn on the music and pass the bag.

As soon as the music stops playing, the one with the costumes in his hands pulls out one by the rope and walks with it to the side to dress up.

The rest of the guys continue to pass the bag on.

When all the guys are dressed up, you need to call the parents so that they look at the festive fashion show and take photographs.

The secret of the item is style and beauty.

7. Item "Flower bouquet"

Here the children will have a master class on making flowers from balloons.

Watch lessons and teach the birthday girl and her guests the art.

The secret of the item is talent and skills.

Now the guys know all the secrets of the Seven-Flower Flower. Each secret can be written on the item after completing the task on the petal with the item and at the end put together and listed again.

Having coped with all the competition tasks, they were able to prove that they have all the virtues of a flower, which is an example of the noblest qualities. So, it's time to crown the princess and reward the participants - the retinue.

The coronation takes place to the accompaniment of solemn music.


For the birthday girl - a beautiful crown. All children receive the same flowers that they made.

The following branded floral accessories and souvenirs can also be used as prizes:

  • hoops and hairpins with flowers,
  • handbags with voluminous daisies and carnations,
  • Candy stand,
  • glycerin candles with flowers inside,
  • earrings in the form of roses or cornflowers and much more.

This scenario is designed for outdoor birthday celebrations.

However, it can be adapted for celebrations and at home. To do this, you will not need to run through the points, but to conduct all the contests next to Tsvetik. It would be nice to decorate the apartment with artificial flowers and corrugated rose balls.

The guys will especially appreciate the decoration of the apartment with the help of aerodesign.

The older the child becomes, the more the parents puzzle over what to give their child for his birthday, how to celebrate this holiday, what program and where to hold it.

Every adult wants to please children, to do something unusual, to surprise them with something. It is seven years old ... What requirements do modern children present to their parents at this age? What does a real holiday mean to them?

If you are about to celebrate your birthday at home with a lot of guests, our tips and ideas are for you.


Before you start to select games and contests for children of 7 years old for their birthday at home, decide on what the repertoire will be: directed in one key (only contests, only experiences, etc.), or containing various items (contests interspersed with games, experiments, practical jokes, etc.).

Here are some numbers that your seven-year-olds will surely like.

Birthday Experiments for Children

Older preschoolers and younger students will love and remember interesting experiments for a long time. Here is some of them.

Birthday letter

Prepare your letter in advance as follows. Dip a cotton swab in milk and write a message for the hero of the occasion on a white sheet of paper. Dry the letter. Show the white sheet to the children and tell the birthday boy to read it. Let the guys come up with ideas on how to show the text. Then take a burning candle and slide the flame along the paper in the place where the message is written. The letters will gradually appear and the children will be able to read the text.

Inflator bottle

Place 2 tablespoons of baking soda in a 1/2 liter plastic bottle. Take a balloon and vinegar. Pour 50-100 ml of vinegar into a bottle and quickly put a ball on the neck. Hold the balloon at the base and shake the bottle - it will gradually inflate from the interaction of baking soda and vinegar.


Make a "volcano" hollow out of plasticine. Place a narrow-necked bottle with soda and a piece of orange paint (gouache, food grade, etc.) inside. Press the hole on top of the "volcano" to the hole of the container so that the emerging "lava" flows out. Pour vinegar into the upper hole (in the bottle) and wait for the "eruption" to begin.

Birthday jokes for children

The essence of the jokes is to amuse the audience. Children love to laugh! For pranks, choose reckless children who understand humor.


A volunteer is called, he is given the task of throwing off with the help of facial expressions, without moving his head or using his hands, two matches stuck on his forehead. In fact, one match sticks, and the second is discreetly removed, about which the audience should be warned in advance. The first match falls, the player is offered to use facial expressions more actively in order to throw off the second one supposedly hanging on his forehead. At this time, the audience plays along: they suggest which face is better to make so that the match falls off. Then the player is offered a mirror to make it easier to remove the match. He looks at himself and realizes that he was being played.


Two volunteers are required for the drawing. Children sit opposite each other at the table. A ball is placed in the middle and the task is explained: the players must, blindfolded, pass the ball to the side of the enemy. Children are blindfolded and the ball is quietly removed, and a plate of flour is placed in its place. On "one, two, three" the players begin to blow with all their might. Spectators cheer up their friends, cheer for the players. When their eyes are untied to show who won, they see that everything is white! (Flour can be substituted for confetti.)

Magic tricks for children for birthday

You can show tricks to children and at the same time teach them to do the same. It will be a fun time for a noisy company.

Orange or apple?

Peel off the orange carefully so that it can be placed on the table and looks like a whole orange. Then take the smaller apple and hide it in the peel. Show the children a supposedly whole orange, cover it with a "magic" handkerchief, then remove the handkerchief, discreetly peeling off the orange peel, and show the surprised viewers that your orange has turned into an apple.

Empty vase

The magician should have clothes with long sleeves, hide a rubber bulb with water in one of the sleeves. Show the children an empty vase and make sure there is no water in it. Then the magician lowers his hand into the vase, pressing the pear with water to the wall, and, surprisingly to everyone, splashes out the water.

Birthday games for children 7 years old

Games for children of seven years old can be organized both mobile and logical. You can print various puzzles, crosswords, scanwords and distribute to children. So, examples of games for children 7 years old for a birthday at home.


Parents should prepare in advance cards with animals, birds, etc. written on them, which need to be depicted. During the game, one person walks out, draws a card, reads (perhaps with the help of an adult) and draws a word written on it. The audience must guess what was written on the card. The one who guesses the word changes with the leader.


All the children sit with folded hands. The presenter with a ring in his folded hands approaches each, as if putting each ring in closed palms. In fact, he discreetly puts a ring in someone alone and says: "Ring, ring, go out on the porch!" Those sitting nearby (to the left and to the right of this player) must orient themselves in time and detain him. If the child has time to jump up, he becomes the leader.

Who is he?

Among the players, one person is thought of and the host is told about him. Then the presenter leaves, he is blindfolded. When he comes in, all the players are already shuffled. The presenter must guess the envisioned person by the hand or by the head.

Conducting children's contests for the birthday of 7 years at home is the simplest and most interesting for children, because not only the birthday person receives gifts, but also the guests.

It is better to choose prizes a few weeks before the birthday. For example, when you are in supermarkets, shopping centers, sales. So that you do not have to buy in a hurry just before your birthday "what was in the store" and not spend a lot of money. So, what contests for a children's birthday of 7 years can be organized at home on their own.


Find some pictures, for example, famous cartoon characters, animals or some objects. It would be good if all the drawings were from "one opera" so that it would be easier for children to guess. Cover the picture with a thick piece of cardboard or a book and slowly start opening it in small pieces. Whoever guesses first what is shown in the picture gets a prize.


Tie two strands of equal length with one side to two toy cars and the other to the pencils. On the count of "one, two, three", the players should wind the thread around the pencil as quickly as possible. The winner gets a prize.


Make a selection of children's riddles. In the list, mark the names of those who guessed them. The one who has guessed more riddles gets a prize.


Take a few packs of paper clips and place them on a slide in front of the children. At the command of the leader, everyone begins to build a chain. A few minutes later the presenter shouts: "Stop" and the winner is determined - the one whose chain is the longest.

"Magic Words"

You must be prepared for the fact that among the friends of your birthday boy there will be children with different characters. Someone, perhaps, will try to disrupt your program, someone will make noise and indulge, and someone will be offended about and without reason. There is no time at the holiday to teach children and instruct them. Therefore, you need to stock up on some "magic words" so as not to waste a lot of time on bullies.

When you feel the situation is spiraling out of control, interrupt the program and encourage everyone to listen carefully. When the children are silent, explain your rules to them in a convincing tone. Everything will depend on what is happening, what the problem is and which of the children is creating it.

Strictly say that a new law comes into effect at the holiday: “Whoever behaves this way and that way gets a penalty point. For three penalty points, a person leaves the game (leaves to play in another room, etc.), and if illegal actions continue, the host calls the parents, and the offender is taken home. "

At the age of seven, children already perfectly understand cause-and-effect relationships, so your strict tone and the unhappy prospect of being left without a holiday will certainly "bring them to their senses."

Important little things

When preparing a celebration for a child, pay attention to some of the nuances that play an important role in the child's perception of the holiday.

  • Take care not only of decorating the premises for the holiday, but also of the original table setting. For children of seven years old, the taste of the dishes on the table is not so important as their appearance.
  • A lot of little things are now being sold for setting the table and decorating a room in a festive style, and this will make a birthday bright and unusual.
  • Find a CD or Internet radio with children's songs that will sound both during a feast and at competitions.
  • Ask someone to take pictures and video of everything that happens to capture the fun holiday.

And if you are still not ready to take on the entertainment for the guests, then professional hosts for the holiday will come to your aid. But keep in mind that with some firms providing staff for children's birthday parties, you need to arrange a few weeks in advance.

Scenario of a family holiday "You take your mind - you will get to business"

Baskakova Svetlana Alexandrovna. Educator-psychologist of the MDOU "Kindergarten No. 74", the city of Yaroslavl.
Description: F. Dostoevsky owns the words "A person is made a person by bright childhood memories." It is good if the child has endured from childhood and retained strong family traditions for the rest of his life. Good traditions unite the family, ensure the continuity of generations. Unfortunately, traditions such as family reading, home theater, joint singing and playing music are now largely lost. There are many different rituals and traditions in our family. But, in the first place among them, we always put "children's birthdays".
Unfortunately, parents often try to make this children's holiday for their child and his friends, but due to unpreparedness, this event is held as an ordinary feast for adults, where children are left to themselves. As a rule, there are communities of different ages during the holidays, because parents invite their friends, relatives, friends of children. And there is nothing wrong with that. You just need to carefully consider the active participation of each of them in the celebration. And then the most important holiday for the child will be "Hurray".
I offer you a script for the birthday, which we organized for the 7th anniversary of our beloved granddaughter. The topic was not chosen by chance. Using the example of fairy-tale characters in a playful way, I wanted to show what an excessive hobby for ICT can lead to. Therefore, in addition to the entertaining moment, the holiday also has an educational effect.
As in previous events, the main roles were played by grandparents. Kira and her guests were active participants throughout the holiday.
Target: Creating a festive atmosphere for a family holiday.
- Create conditions for emotional relaxation and creative interaction between children and adults.
- To promote the development of communication skills and experience of active positive communication between the child and the guests.
- To contribute to the unification of all participants in the family holiday in order to strengthen family traditions.
Preliminary preparation: To organize a holiday, you need to prepare the following attributes: costumes of Baba Yaga and Leshy, the letter of the evil witch, easel, felt-tip pens, album sheets, crayons, paints, a magic bag with filling (ball, felt-tip pen, chocolate, spoon, balloon), ice cream, musical accompaniment for a dance marathon, a sand table for drawing, tubes for witchcraft, magical gifts for the birthday girl from fabulous guests: a set for needlework and an educational board game "Brownie Kuzka", a holiday card for Kira's wishes from guests.
Holiday progress:
Baba Yaga and Leshim enter the room. On Leshy's head there is something like a TV (a box made of foil), and in his hands is a tablet. Baba Yaga pushes him, he rests.
Yaga: Look where we got to. How light and cozy it is here. And a lot of people gathered.

Goblin: There's a hurricane in your stomach - take Espumisan!
Yaga: Lord, what to do with you? My Leshy fell ill with some unknown disease, and contracted it from the TV and the damned computer! All day he sits in Odnoklassniki or watches American cartoons. Completely stupefied by them!
Goblin: Alpen Gold - melts in your mouth, not in your hands!
Yaga: You see, he knows only one advertisement, but he has forgotten how to speak humanly.
Goblin: Rexon. Will never let you down!
Yaga: What to do? Who can help him? After all, from this disease, his stomach began to grow, and a TV appeared on his head, which clogs his brains, and it is impossible to remove it.
Goblin: Nuts. Charge your brains!
Yaga: That's right, let's charge your brains, and the guys will help you. Listen and remember!
Baba Yaga conducts the game "Fairy Friends".
To Baba Yaga's statements, children say "yes" in agreement and "no" as a sign of disagreement.
Uncle Fyodor is a smart, very kind and cultured boy.
Cinderella is hardworking, beautiful in a ball gown.
Every one of you here knows - the good uncle Karabas.
Grandma-Yaga will always become your faithful friend.
Rides Emelya's stove, controls it boldly.
Dunno has friends, he cannot live without them.
Glorious grandfather Kashchei will pour you more cabbage soup.
Pinocchio is very greedy, he guards money at night.
Carlson loves treats, sweets and entertainment.
The evil girl Malvina walks with a long club.
The hare gallops in front, the Wolf shouts "Well, wait a minute."
The best of friends is the wild cat Matvey.
Pechkin is a glorious postman, he will deliver the mail on time!
After these words, there is a knock on the door. The parents leave the room. After a while they return with a letter from the postman Pechkin. They show it to the guests, read the content:
Hello! The evil witch Telemania is writing to you. It was I who bewitched Leshy. And the girl Kira can conjure him up on her birthday! Only on this day I am powerless, and my charms do not work, because this girl always has fun, interesting things on holidays.
And if you do not disenchant him today, he will turn into a Teletubbie, and will forever remain in my power! In the country of the Teletubbies, everyone is forbidden to talk to each other, read books, draw, sing, laugh, joke, have fun, dance. But on the other hand, I can watch TV all day, play with phones and computers. In the country of the Teletubbies, they adore the Internet, idlers and ignoramuses !!!
Remember, only today, on Kira's birthday, my witchcraft powers do not work! And how to disenchant Leshy you think for yourself. Bye. Greetings. Your favorite Telemania.
Baba Yaga takes the letter from his parents, pretends to read it, turns to Leshem.

Yaga: Do you hear, you can be bewitched by the girl Kira today.
Goblin: Sometimes chewing is better than talking. Don't slow down Snickersney!
Yaga: Shut up, I'm tired of listening to this! Something needs to be done. Where is Kira? Come out here soon.
The birthday girl goes to Baba Yaga. Goblin plays with a tablet.

Yaga: What a beautiful and good girl. You probably read a lot, like to draw, play, dance?
Kira answers. Baba Yaga listens, then continues.
Yaga: Let's help Leshem become normal again. I think if in this stupid country of the Teletubbies it is impossible to have fun, then we will do everything the other way around and then it will affect witchcraft.
He invites everyone to play the game "Playful".
All players are placed around the room. Cheerful music sounds, they dance. As soon as the music dies down, Baba Yaga announces: "Puffers!" (children chug). Then the cheerful music sounds again, the players dance. At the end of the music, Baba Yaga announces: "Beepers!" (children squeak). Thus, the game continues with different pranks: "Chants!" (children shout), "Squeal!" (children squeal), "Funny things!" (children laugh).

The order of announcing pranks is periodically changed. The game is played at the request of the guests. Children and Baba Yaga are trying to involve Leshy in her. He resists, but reluctantly joins the game. At the end of the game, Baba Yaga praises everyone and turns to Leshem.
Yaga: Did you like the game?
Goblin: Red Bull inspires!
Yaga: Of course it inspires, but not you. What to do? How to remove witchcraft? So, I remembered in this country they do not like to draw. And we will do the opposite. Now we will draw.
Baba Yaga is holding a competition "Draw a portrait of a birthday girl."
Album sheets and felt-tip pens are distributed to all guests. The guests and the Leshy paint a portrait of Kira. Kira exhibits finished drawings on an easel. All participants are awarded prizes (albums, crayons, paints, pencils).

Baba Yaga addresses Leshem.
Yaga: Well, say something sensible. Did you like drawing?
Goblin: Ryaba is natural and very tasty! Take ACC, it is faster than cough!
Yaga: Again it did not work. What else to think of? (pretends to think, walks, scratches his head). Oh, I came up with it! Witchcraft can destroy dances. Let's Dance!
Baba Yaga holds the Dance Marathon competition.

Melodies of different dances sound (1 verse each): lambada, gypsy, lezginka, polka, waltz, Brazilian dance, hip-hop dance. Participant dancers dance to different melodies.
At the end of the competition, the Russian folk song "Ah, you canopy, my canopy ..." is played. Goblin “revives” and starts dancing with everyone. At the end of the dance, the “TV” falls from his head, he sits down on a chair, picks up a balalaika and “sings” a song in Spanish to the soundtrack.

The guests listen to him. Baba Yaga is surprised at his knowledge of the Spanish language. After singing Leshy, Kira presents gifts to the best dancers. He singles out the Leshy, praises him.
Kira: Perhaps the magic worked if you don't have a TV on your head.
Goblin: May tea is a favorite tea.
Yaga: I'm shocked! What to do next, I don’t know! Nothing works on him. Will he be Teletubbies forever? (Pause).
Then he happily jumps up with a cry: “I remembered! I have a magic bag, I think it will help us. "
He takes out a beautiful bag containing various items.
Baba Yaga is holding a "Surprise Bag" contest.
Reads out 3 clues to the children, with the help of which they need to guess the surprises that lie in it. Whoever guesses gets them.
Answers: ball, felt-tip pen, chocolate, spoon, balloon, ice cream.
-Not a watermelon, but a round one. Not a hare, but jumping. Not a bicycle, but rolling.
-Not a gnome, but in a cap. Not a car, but refueling. Not an artist, but a painter.
After this riddle, he turns to Leshem, asks him to guess his next riddle.

-Not cake, but sweet. Not a black man, but a dark-skinned one. Not an orange, but with slices.
Goblin: Yum-yum buy Mikoyan!
Baba Yaga clutches her head. He asks the guests to help Leshem solve the riddle. Then he continues.
-Not a bucket, but a scoop. Not a door, but with a handle. Not a cook, but a feed.
-Not a feather, but lightweight. Not a snowflake, but flies. Not a kidney, but bursting.
-Not cotton, but white. Not snow, but cold. Not sugar, but sweet.

Parents offer everyone ice cream as a treat. The guests are eating, the Goblin sits on the sidelines, is silent, refuses ice cream. Suddenly, he jumps up from his chair, waltzes and sings in an “operatic voice”: “I want to dance, I want to dance until the morning ……”.
Yaga: What kind of joy, your illness has been cured, your illness has passed. Have you become a normal Leshim again?
Goblin: Don't you see it yourself! I want to play, sing, dance! No more computers and TVs. Enough! Now I will be smart, funny and fast! Thank you very much, Kirochka. After all, only thanks to your holiday I was disenchanted. You taught me to think and have fun.
Kira: Stay with us, because the fun is just beginning.

Goblin: Thank you for the invitation to your holiday. I see that you are a good and kind girl, but Baba Yaga and I have to go home. You need to heat the stove, cook food. Oh, how much I missed the soup with fly agarics and frog legs!
Yaga: Yes, Leshy is right, we stayed with you. It's time to go home, cook dinner.
Goblin: Listen Yaga, today is Kira's birthday, and we didn’t give her a present.
Yaga: Indeed, she helped us so much, we need to thank her. Let's do some magic with you. I see a magic table (go to the sand table).

Near the sand table, they begin to conjure. They say the incantation in unison: “Enike-benike, brooms from a broom. Eni-beni-slave-quinter-finter-toad. You spin a sand, and turn into a gift! ".
The gift does not appear.

Yaga: What to do? Why isn't the spell working?
Goblin: I know what to do. This spell must be said by Kira.
Kira goes to the sand table, utters the magic words, but the gift never appears.
Yaga: I don’t understand anything. It seems that everything was done correctly.
Goblin: We need to invite guests. And my magic tubes will help us.
The guests come out at will, Baba Yaga distributes cocktail tubes to everyone and offers to say a spell, and then blow on the sand through the tubes. After performing this ritual, the gift finally appears.
Baba Yaga hands Kira a box of a needlewoman with parting words.

Goblin: I also want to make a gift to Kira. (Draws the word "Memori" on the sand).

Then he suggests using magic tubes to say in chorus: “Enike-benike, from a broom broom. Eni-beni-slave-quinter-finter-toad. You spin the sand, quickly turn into a fairy tale! ".
After the fairytale ritual, an educational board game "Brownie Kuzka" appears from a series of games for a couple of memoirs to train memory and attention. Goblin, very pleased, hands it to Kira.
Kira thanks him, considers the gift.

We celebrated Milena's birthday on vacation upon arrival, we decided to gather the children and arrange a holiday for them. Since our birthday girl, like many girls, adores Winx, we organized a party in their style (there are Winx stickers and posters on the walls).

Presenter: Today we are celebrating our birthday. Only whose? I forgot something. Guys, whose birthday is it today?

Children: Milenin!

Presenter: The birthday is glorious!

It's weird and funny -

Congratulations to accept.

And receive gifts.

Where is our birthday girl?

Let him sing and dance to us.

To call her here,

You need to clap to start!

Everyone claps, Milena enters. Stands in the middle of the circle.

Presenter: Happy birthday, congratulations! What do we wish Milena?

Presenter: And now we will all say in unison: "Happy birthday!"

Children: Happy birthday !!!

Presenter: How old is Milena now?

Children: Six!

Presenter: We stamp our feet six times! More fun!

We clap our hands six times! Make friends!

Come on, Milena, turn around!

Come on, Milena, bow down!

And once again we all stamp!

And clap your hands again!

One two three four five six!

Presenter: We will open the holiday now,

We will arrange miraculous games here.

Turn all to each other,

And shake hands with a friend.

Put your hands up all over

And move at the top.

Let's shout cheerfully: "Hurray!"

It's time to start games !!!

Help each other

Answer questions

Amicably give me an answer:

Only "Yes" and only "No".

If no you say

Then knock your feet

If you say yes,

Clap your hands then.

An old grandfather goes to school.

Is it true, children? .. (No - children knock their feet)

Does he take his grandson there?

Answer amicably ... (Yes - clap your hands)

Ice - frozen water?

We answer together ... (Yes)

After Friday, Wednesday?

Together we will answer ... (No)

Is the spruce always green?

We answer, children ... (Yes)

Is your birthday a fun day? .. (Yes)

Are there games and fun waiting for you? .. (Yes)

Congratulations to the birthday girl? .. (Yes)

Or will we send to grandma? .. (No)

Shall we give her a chocolate bar? .. (Yes)

Sweet and sweet kiss? .. (Yes)

Presenter: Okay, okay, but can you tell the taste of the fruit?

Guess the taste contest.

We blindfold the child and put in his mouth a piece of different fruits (apples, pears, bananas, kiwi, oranges), and he guesses what it is.

Presenter: Well, maybe, since you started eating anyway, let's continue this activity and sit down at the table? Let's refresh ourselves a little, because there are still many contests and games ahead!


Competition "Chamomile".

Chamomile is made of paper in advance - there are as many petals as there will be children. Funny tasks are written on the back of each petal. Children tear off the petals and begin to perform tasks: crow, jump on one leg, meow, grunt, croak, moo, bark, squeak ...

Milena had to show her tongue.

Game "Funny Monkeys".

I say the words:

“We are funny monkeys,

We play too loud.

We clap our hands

We stamp our feet

We puff up our cheeks

Riding on our toes

And even to each other

Let's show the tongues.

Let's jump to the ceiling

We will bring our finger to the temple.

Let's stick out our ears,

A ponytail at the top of the head.

Open your mouth wider

Let's make grimaces.

As I say number three,

All with grimaces freeze! "

And HERE they bring in a letter from the mailbox.

Dear Sweetheart !!!

We are the fairies of the WINX club - we wish you a happy birthday!

All this you can already.

Hooray! You are six today!

Fun reigns in the soul!

We wish you happy, no boredom

Live with family and friends

The arts to comprehend, the sciences,

To value your health!

And let it be from God to you

There is a wonderful road in destiny !!!

We send you and your guests a gift - a birthday cake, but to get it, you have to work hard and solve our MAGIC crossword puzzle! Solve this crossword puzzle, where all words are somehow connected with magic, and you will find out exactly where we hid the GIFT.

Best wishes to the fairies of the Winx Club.

After they read in the crossword that the gift is on the balcony, everyone went there together.

Finding the "gift".

Instead of a cake, the box contains a mouse and a note "a gift from Trixie"

when the children return to the balcony in the room, Trixie is waiting for them. My younger sister agreed to help me.

Trixie: Would you like presents, birthday cake? You will not have any gifts, I hid them and bewitched them, you will not find them! Cry Mean Girls Friends of the WINX Fairies! Cry harder, louder, maybe your tears will pity me. HA-HA-HA !!!

Presenter: I reassure the children and offer Trixie, instead of ransom, to solve her puzzles and take the children to contests.

Trixie: Okay, now let's check what kind of Winx girlfriends you are. In order to be their girlfriends, you need to have certain abilities. I’ll arrange a Mind Reading competition for you.

Mind Reading Competition.

The birthday girl Trixie gives a questionnaire, Milena in another room answers the questionnaire, choosing one of three options. Then Trixie takes the sheet and one by one asks these questions to all the participants, and they jointly answer the questions, as if reading Milena's thoughts.

Purpose: to answer in the same way as the first participant, ie, "read his thoughts."

When the kids don't guess Trixie gloats.

The questionnaire was like this:

1. If you could turn into a fabulous animal, what kind?

In the pegasus,

Into an elf,

The pixie.

2. If you were born a fairy, what hair color would you like to have?


Orange with red

3. If you were born a boy, what would you like to be called?


4. If you were Koschey the Immortal, where would you hide your needle?

In a haystack

Into my pocket

To our grandmother's needle bed.

5. Which of the wonderful things would you buy at the fair?

Self-assembled tablecloth,

A lifesaver

Invisibility hat.

6. What's your favorite book?



A textbook on mathematics.

7. If you were a specialist, who would you decide to fight with?

With a demon

With the Serpent Gorynych,

With Walter.

8. Most of all you like ...

Pick your nose

9. Where would you fly on a flying carpet?

To the far-away kingdom,

To Africa,

To Alfea.

10. In the dark, you are most afraid of ...



Babu Yagu.

11. When you grow up, you will ...

To teach birds to fly

Catch mosquitoes and flies for frogs

Brushing the crocodile's teeth.

Trixie: Okay, you have done this task, just don't be in a hurry to rejoice. Each time the tasks will be even more difficult. Now, I invite you to dance! But we will dance, as your favorite Winx do in the country of Alfea. Each fairy has its own dance moves:

Bloom is spinning

Tekna - squats beautifully,

Flora shrugs her shoulders

Stella folds her hands like a boat ...

First, everyone dances as they wish, and then Trixie calls one of the names, and everyone should dance as the named fairy dances. Those who could not quickly make a move are eliminated.

Trixie: Are you good at magic? Now you will conjure - and you need to conjure a portrait of your birthday girl. (Draw on a Whatman paper attached to the board).

1. On a piece of paper and draw a head on top.

2. Fold the sheet so that you cannot see what you have drawn, only the tip of your neck.

3. Pass the drawing to your neighbor.

4. Each participant of the game had a new sheet with a picture that he did not see.

5. Now everyone draws the upper part of the body, again "hides" the drawing and passes it on to a neighbor.

6. On the remaining sheet, you need to draw the limbs and pass them to your neighbor.

7. And now say the incantation: "Yaigam - otte argi" (on the contrary, "Magic is a game") and unfold all the drawings!

It turned out to be a monster.

Trixie: Milena and these children you call your friends. They mutilated you.

Their brains are clogged with these cheesy Winxes. Now I'm going to make them wiggle their brains. I will make riddles. And if they don’t guess, I’ll have to enchant them forever and turn them into frogs and mice.

Trixie: Now, where do I have the most difficult riddles? (He searches for a long time in his pockets, pulls out all sorts of pieces of paper, takes out a mouse - throws it at the children, Well, where are the riddles? And well, I found it! Well, hold on!

You can't hide cheese from them.

Thief to all thieves ...

I buried my head in the sand,

The fluffy tail has spread.

I'm trying to catch up with him

But faster than the wind ...

Two buckets of river water

He loads the humps.

Respects all work

Phlegmatic pan ...


Wakes up early in the morning

Indiscriminately the whole family,

Singing caresses the ear

Our village ...

Weaves a net, but not a fisherman,

I did not hold the thread in my hands,

Waiting for stupid flies

Sitting in the corner ...

Here's another animal

Carries a wallet in a bag

Deftly jumps in length



Will roar the loudest

Alarmed ...


All words he is behind you

Repeat as groovy.

Who is it, guess!

Well, of course, ...


To keep you healthy

Will give us milk ... (cow)

In the thicket, with his head lifted,

Howls with hunger ... a giraffe.

Who knows a lot about raspberries?

Clubfoot, brown ... wolf.


Daughters and sons

Teaches to grunt ... an ant.

In your warm puddle

Croak loudly ... Barmaley.


From palm tree down to palm tree again

Dexterously jumping ... a cow.

(A monkey)

Trixie: good, good - you guessed the riddles, now I will check if you know the tales. I name the characters of the tale, and you say its name.

1.Mouse, frog, bunny, chanterelle, top, bear. ("Teremok")

2. Grandfather, woman, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse. ("Turnip")

3. Grandfather, woman, chicken, egg. ("Ryaba Chicken")

4. Mom, daughter, butter pot, pies, wolf, hunters. ("Little Red Riding Hood")

5. Toad, beetle, field mouse, swallow, elf. ("Thumbelina")

Is it more complicated?

1. Soldier, hollow, dog, princess. ("Flint")

2. Prince, queen, night, downpour, feather bed. TIP (if they suddenly find it difficult): pea ("The Princess and the Pea")

3. Sleigh, snow, robber, mirror, friendship. TIP: Kai, Gerda. ("The Snow Queen")

4. Soldier, ballerina, troll, snuff box, fish, fire. TIP: a witch. ("The Steadfast Tin Soldier")

Trixie: Why are you shouting so, I will not enchant you. You are tired of me, if I fly from you.

Presenter: Why are you planning to fly away? Since you won’t enchant anyone, stay with us, we’ll dance now.

Trisky is dancing the dance of little ducklings with the children and is going to leave again (at this time, you need to quickly expand the tips).

Presenter: Wait, Trixie, wait, what about the birthday cake. Indeed, without him there can be no real holiday.

Trixie: I didn't say I would give it to you. First, solve all the encrypted clues and leave the first piece of paper to Milena.

Riddles-hints are written on the sheets of paper. The answer serves as an indication of the place where the treasure should be looked for. The children go there and find another note. And so on until the last place, where the cake will be hidden.

1. Who comes, who leaves,

Everyone is taking her by the handle.

(Entrance door)

2. (on the door)

If I see dust, I grumble

Grumble and swallow!

(vacuum cleaner)

3. (on a vacuum cleaner)

He has water in his belly

I was seething with warmth.

Like an angry boss

Boils quickly ...

4. (on the teapot)

I will tell you without boasting:

I will rejuvenate all my friends.

They come to me sad

With wrinkles, with folds,

They leave very sweet

Fun and smooth.

5. (on the iron)

In our kitchen for a whole year

Santa Claus lives in the closet.


6. (on the fridge)

Who came out into the rain with me,

For that I like a roof.

7. (on an umbrella)

He runs along the wires

You say here, but you can hear it there.


8. (on the phone)

He has four legs

It looks a little like a horse,

But it doesn't jump anywhere.

And plates, cups, spoons,

And wonderful food

On his back wide

Placed without difficulty ...

9. (on the table)

Mom's four blue suns in the kitchen

Four blue suns burned and died

The cabbage soup is ripe, pancakes are hissing,

Until tomorrow the sun is not needed.

(gas stove).

The long-awaited gift is in the oven - a cake. Sorry for the background.

The hairs of the dolls started to run a little.

After the cake there were dances. Children received prizes for the best dance.

Lastly, presenting gifts.

So, the toys were bought, wrapped in wrapping paper Instead of hanging them traditionally at home on a string, we tied them to a hoop (hula hoop), I stood in the center of the hoop, holding it with my hands, from time to time whirling, candy from this took off and circled with me. So lively! :) The children came up one by one and chose a prize for themselves.