How to use a scrub correctly: all the secrets are revealed! How often you can use the scrub and which scrub is better to choose. How to use a foot scrub

Why is it necessary to include peeling procedures in the care? Does it really help solve many of the problems associated with imperfections? And which one is better to choose? In this article, we will help you figure out what you need and how to use scrubs, their varieties and properties.

At its core, a scrub is a cosmetic product for deep cleansing of pores from accumulated impurities and particles of dead skin. Correct peeling is a creamy mixture containing fine abrasive particles of natural or synthetic origin. For the face, they have fine abrasives that gently cleanse it.

For the body - the size of the particles is larger. The largest abrasive particle size is for the feet area. There are also scrubs for the scalp and narrowly targeted, for example, anti-cellulite.

Cleansing with peeling is not so much a long procedure as it is traumatic. That is why cosmetologists recommend choosing this product very carefully.

For dry and sensitive skin, soft peels are recommended, preferably if it is on an oil, cream or gel base. The size of the abrasive particles should be minimal to avoid the risk of damaging delicate skin. the best option for this type will be gommages on natural bases.

For the normal and combined type, you can use a soap or gel foam with the addition of a natural abrasive (apricot pits, coffee beans or grape seeds).

Oily skin is notable for its sensitivity, so it needs to be cleaned more thoroughly. Use clay scrubs. It will not only help get rid of unwanted problems, but also have a healing effect. As a result, it will become more matte and smoother.

Depending on the desired effect, all peels are divided into several groups:

  • Anti-aging;
  • Equalize and lighten the tone
  • For sensitive and prone to irritation
  • Anti-cellulite
  • Tonic
  • To increase the elasticity of the skin

However, when choosing the desired product, do not forget to pay attention to the auxiliary components. It's good if hyaluronic acid, plant and fruit extracts, mineral water, clay are at the top of the list. Such funds will help you take extra care. Choose them carefully depending on the season. In winter, the skin is aggressively affected by frost and snow. Therefore, it is better to use delicate rolls and gommages. In the summer, you can choose with coarser abrasive particles that will help clear the pores of accumulated street dust and sebaceous plugs. After each cleansing procedure, do not forget to wipe your face first with a soothing toner, then moisturize with essence and cream. Thus, you will provide the skin with a quick recovery and fill the cells with the lost moisture.

How to apply the scrub correctly?

In order for your skin to become more well-groomed and attractive, it is important to follow a few simple rules of application. Subject to which the skin will become not only cleansed, but also tightened and smoothed.

Face area. Just as with the application of any care products, the scrub must be applied along the massage lines. Start moving from the bridge of the nose to the temples, then smoothly move along the brow ridges and cleanse the areas of the cheeks and chin.

Important! It is not recommended to use this product on the area around the eyes and lips. Purchase specialized products for this. They have finer abrasive particles and therefore will not damage delicate skin. If after the procedure there is a burning sensation and dryness, then it is not suitable for you.

Body. The scrub for "polishing" the body is applied smoothly to the heated skin. Use vigorous massaging movements, but do not apply too much pressure. In this case, the blood supply to the tissues improves, the supply of oxygen to the cells increases, and muscle contraction improves. The skin becomes more toned, supple and radiant. Do not forget to move in the direction from the limbs to the heart.

To cleanse your feet and heels, choose a scrub with coarser abrasive particles. They will help cleanse the hardened parts, corns and calluses. For the best effect, you need to thoroughly wash your feet and steam them. Then apply in light circular motions for 2 to 3 minutes. Together with these, you can use special softening masks for the feet. Often they are made in a comfortable sock shape and can be used not only to combat existing problems, but also as a prophylaxis.

Anti-cellulite scrub. It is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, to combat the "orange peel" in problem areas. Often the composition of such products has a warming effect. Therefore, do not be alarmed if during the procedure you feel warmth or even a slight tingling sensation. They must contain not only large abrasive, but also active components that penetrate into tissues and remove accumulated toxins and slags.

For lips and head. Since the skin of the lips is the thinnest, it means that care for it should be delicate. When choosing a peeling for the delicate area of ​​the lips, carefully go through the composition. It is better if it is natural. Honey, coffee or sugar. Fine abrasives will help remove dead skin cells and not damage delicate skin.

Scrubs for the scalp will help get rid of excess dryness and flaking. However, they must be used in combination with moisturizing lotions. Moving in a circle, the microcirculation of blood in the cells improves, which in turn will enhance hair growth and give it freshness for a long time. In addition, this massage will help relieve fatigue at the end of the day, improve mood and sleep.

Which scrub is better: industrial or natural?

Before choosing a product for cleansing, you need to understand the shortcomings and features of each manufacturing method. Many girls are sure that the industrial one contains only synthetic ingredients and prefer to do peeling with home methods. Others, on the contrary, prefer a wide range and properties. In fact, both those and other scrubs need a thorough approach.

The main difference between industrial products in their long-term storage, which significantly reduces the time for skin care. They also contain particles of the same grind and soft oval shapes. Which minimizes the risk of damage. However, in order for them to be stored for a long time and not to change their consistency, various stabilizers, flavors and even dyes are added to them. If you are prone to allergies, it is better to refuse purchased products, and prepare them yourself.

  1. A gentle cleansing sugar scrub.

In a glass bowl, combine a teaspoon of cane or plain sugar and 1.5 tablespoons of apricot, grape, or olive oil. Apply the prepared mixture along the massage lines and cleanse the skin of the face with light circular movements. It is necessary to move with a minimum pressure for about 2 - 2.5 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and pat dry with a towel.

  1. Salt peels are harsher than sugar peels, but they work well with dryness, flaking and inflammation. To prepare such a scrub, you will need to mix a small handful of fine sea salt and two teaspoons of finely ground oatmeal. Add half a tablespoon of honey to the dry mixture (make sure it does not crystallize). Further, depending on the type of skin, add vegetable oil (for dry), 2 tablespoons of kefir not too high in fat (for oily). Apply strictly along the lines of the face as described above. Massage not too intensely for about 2 minutes. Rinse with water and be sure to apply a grooming essence or serum.
  2. Sugar or sugar-salt formulations can also be used for body skin care. For sugar, take 3 teaspoons of granulated sugar, 1.5 teaspoons of coconut and 4 tablespoons of apricot or olive oil. Mix everything thoroughly and apply with massage movements.
  3. Pumpkin emollient peeling. Prepare the pumpkin pulp in advance. Dip it in hot water and let it sit for 3 to 4 minutes to soften better. Then mix half a teaspoon of pumpkin with the same amount of ground cinnamon and add 4 - 5 drops of vitamin E to the resulting substance. Add to the mixture half a glass of coconut oil and a glass of granulated sugar. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and apply along the massage lines. Move in light circular motions for about 2 to 2.5 minutes. Then rinse it off with warm water and pat dry with a towel.

Homemade cleansing scrubs are recommended for women over 30. Home remedies not only do a great job with tough skin particles, but they also help keep it toned.

Ready-to-use peels for face, body and lips

The advantage of ready-to-use cleansing scrubs is in their aroma, delicacy of cleansing and, of course, time saving.

Ready-to-use cleansing scrubs:

  1. Anti-cellulite body treatment with natural seaweed from Green Mama. Abrasive particles delicately remove the stratum corneum of the epidermis, improve blood flow and enhance the metabolic processes of cells. Highly concentrated seaweed cocktail helps fight excess moisture accumulation inside cells, enhances the burning of subcutaneous fat and has a massage effect.
  2. Garnier nourishing anti-aging body. The complex of nourishing oils helps to moisturize dry areas, enhances cellular respiration and improves blood microcirculation. Peeling helps fight the first signs of age-related changes and leaves the skin smooth and radiant.
  3. Face Scrub "Almond Powder" from Oriflame. The product is designed for deep cleansing of pores. Soft abrasive particles gently remove dead cells, tighten enlarged pores and have a massaging effect. As a result, the tone of the face is evened out, the structure of the skin is improved, it becomes smooth and velvety.
  4. Peeling - firming roll "Coenzyme Q10 Firming Peeling Vegetal" from Deoproce. The 2 in 1 product, in addition to deep cleansing, has a powerful anti-aging effect. Small particles delicately remove horny cells and activate tissue regeneration processes. Exfoliation helps fight fine lines, improves complexion and makes the skin radiant. The great advantage of this scrub is that it is suitable for all skin types and does not injure it.

No matter how quickly you want to make your skin smooth and radiant, scrubbers cannot be used for daily care. After each procedure, it is necessary to take 5 - 7 days to restore the cover. If, after using the peeling, dryness and flaking appear, this is an indication of insufficient moisture. After every cosmetic cleansing procedure, be sure to apply a moisturizing serum and cream. Use thermal water in hot seasons and in dry rooms. It will help refresh the skin and energize it with essential nutrients.

If inflamed pimples appear, the procedure must be canceled. Because abrasive particles can get under the skin and cause suppuration. For various fungal diseases and enlarged moles or open wounds, it is also necessary to refuse peeling.

Using the recommendations received, you can easily navigate the world of scrubs, choose and apply correctly without the risk of damage and getting the opposite effect. The main thing is to stick to the scrubbing schedule, and your skin will say “thank you” in the form of rave looks and numerous compliments.

Every self-respecting girl always tries to take care of her body. This requires a basic knowledge of skin type and suitable cosmetic products. Often, the fair sex resort to various procedures in the form of scrubbing and peeling. After that, the body must be moisturized with targeted agents. Let's consider everything in order.

Scrub selection

Most scrubs are considered universal and are suitable for almost any skin type. It is also worth considering the components that make up the tool.

  1. For sensitive skin, it is highly recommended to choose products that contain artificial abrasive granules. They are an order of magnitude finer than natural ingredients and do not damage the upper layers of the epidermis. Such scrubs are allowed to be used daily.
  2. For oily skin, it is recommended to select cleansing compositions with the addition of a natural abrasive. The presence of clay or salt in the scrub will not be superfluous. Such a composition effectively cleanses the epidermis, normalizes the production of subcutaneous sebum and tightens the pores. It is forbidden to apply the composition if the skin is damaged.
  3. Dry skin requires careful handling, it is strongly recommended to purchase peelings based on a gel or cream. These products contain the smallest amount of abrasive granules. It is best to purchase a peeling with plastic particles or a sugar-based moisturizing scrub.
  4. Normal skin type will withstand any cosmetic products. In this case, you will have to experiment, after each cleansing procedure, observe the reaction of the dermis. In case of discomfort, it is recommended to choose more gentle products.
  5. If you are the owner of thin skin, any kind of scrubbing is categorically contraindicated for you. Do not despair, non-mechanical cleaning in a professional salon (ultrasonic) will help to cope with such a situation.

Scrub application frequency

  1. If you have normal skin type, in this case, the scrubbing operation is recommended no more than 1 time in 5-6 days.
  2. For combined or oily dermis, you need to cleanse with a frequency of about 2-3 times a week.
  3. Be careful with thin and sensitive skin. The manipulation is recommended to be carried out no more than 1 time in 10-12 days.
  4. In the cold season, all procedures, without exception, need to be reduced to 2 times a month. If you use cleansers correctly, you will have velvety and supple skin.

The subtleties of using a scrub

  1. It must be borne in mind that the scrub must be used correctly. Follow the practical recommendations, then in the shortest possible time you will get smooth skin.
  2. It is highly recommended that you try the new remedy on a small area of ​​your body. Test for an allergic reaction. Apply a small amount of the scrub to the invisible area of ​​the dermis, wait a while, evaluate the result.
  3. It is forbidden to use the product in the future if you have a feeling of tightness or redness, burning, peeling after the moisturizer. Try to find a more gentle scrub with less aggressive ingredients.
  4. It is strongly discouraged to use cleansers for various skin lesions. Otherwise, the procedure will cause severe discomfort and there will be a risk of tissue infection with various infections.
  5. If you suffer from acne, do not rush to purchase expensive cosmetics. It is prohibited to use them in any form. It is recommended to seek specialist treatment.

For body

  1. Follow these simple guidelines for using exfoliators. It is forbidden to use formulations intended for the body on the face. The difference is in the abrasive elements that can harm the delicate dermis. Otherwise, you will get microtrauma on the skin of your face.
  2. If you carry out the opposite experiment, then the funds intended for the delicate epidermis will not bring results when the scrub is applied to the body. In such a composition, gentle abrasive elements are used.
  3. Experts recommend applying directional peels after water treatments. In this case, the skin is steamed properly, cleansing is much easier and more effective.
  4. Apply a cleansing scrub after going to the bath or sauna. The product should be distributed after several visits to the steam room. It is also worth considering the fact that peeling brings the maximum effect in the evening.
  5. This process is explained by the fact that at night the cells are more active and the process of their division is significantly increased. As a result, the skin will be renewed as soon as possible. Always moisturize your face and body with a suitable cream after such manipulations.

For face

  1. It is imperative to conduct a thorough steaming and cleansing of the skin of the face. Thus, keratinized particles will be removed faster, and the pores will open better. The scrubbing effect will be noticeable immediately.
  2. The cleansing composition should be distributed in a dense layer with massaging movements, while bypassing the delicate skin around the eyes. The manipulation time is 5 minutes. Remove the composition with warm water, moisturize your face with cream.
  3. Scrubs for feet and hands are recommended for pedicure or manicure. The body compositions should be massaged after showering. Then the product is removed in the usual way.

It is forbidden to use the scrub in any quantity if you have any skin lesions. Do not try to get rid of acne on your own, consult a beautician. Keep in mind that the scrub is used only before epilation, after which the application of the product is strictly prohibited.

Video: the best recipes for homemade body scrubs

The scrub will help you become the owner of clean and delicate skin. It is a simple and effective cleanser. But in order for the effect to be maximum, you must use it according to the rules and know some secrets. We will tell you about them.

Brief instructions on how to use the scrub are usually found on the packaging. But there are some subtleties that are worth knowing.

How to use a body scrub

Brief instructions on how to use the scrub are usually found on the packaging. But there are some subtleties, you should know them:

  • face scrub is not suitable for the body;
  • creams containing salt in the composition are more harsh and are suitable only for people with oily skin;
  • the most gentle is a sugar scrub, it is recommended for those with dry skin;
  • creams that contain synthetic abrasive particles, for example, polyethylene, also have a mild effect, but they are not environmentally friendly;
  • The most versatile are cleaning agents with crushed organic components (bones, grains), the strength of their influence depends on the degree of grinding of the filler.

The procedure should be carried out immediately after taking a bath or shower - this way it will work better. Apply a small amount of cream with gentle massage movements and leave on the body for about 5 minutes. Then the scrub must be washed off and the cleansing procedure must be finished by applying a moisturizer.

As a result of the action of the scrub cream, the pores of the skin open, it becomes sensitive, delicate and defenseless. That is why it is recommended to use such a tool in the evening, before going to bed and in no case before going out.

How often to use a body scrub

Do not overuse the scrubbing procedure. It is better to slowly but surely achieve the desired result than to overdo it and damage the skin.

How often you can use a body scrub depends on several factors:

  • skin type - dry skin should be scrubbed less often than oily skin. Usually, oily is cleaned once a week, dry - after a week;
  • type of scrub - stronger products should be used less often;
  • seasons - in winter, as a rule, exfoliating cream is used less often. At this time of the year, the skin already suffers from strong weathering. In summer, you can use it more often, but it is better to avoid using such a cream if you plan to stay in the sun for a long time.

If you use the scrubs at a frequency that's right for your skin type, you won't hurt yourself.

By following these simple tips, you can easily put your skin in order. The admiring glances of others will be a good confirmation of this.

How to use a scrub to leave your skin smooth, silky, healthy and youthful? You can choose ready-made cosmetics for yourself, expensive and not very expensive, as well as prepare an effective remedy at home.

Translated from English means to rub, brush, scrape. The active substances are abrasive particles, the basis is an emollient emulsion, gel, cream, clay. As abrasive particles, crushed plant seeds, seeds of fruits, berries, refined sand, sugar, salt. A cosmetic product is used for different parts of the body, hair. Each occasion has its own scrub. Because the skin on different parts of the body is different.

Types of scrubs

All scrubs are divided into 2 types. The composition is taken as the basis for the classification.

In addition, there is another classification of cosmetic products:

  • Clay scrubs - designed for oily, combination skin. Quickly removes oily shine, tightens pores.
  • Cream - suitable for hypersensitive, dry skin.
  • Gel - universal, for all skin types.

The third subdivision by type - in relation to body parts:

Each of these tools is used according to certain rules. It must be selected based on the individual characteristics of the skin.

How often can you use the scrub?

The action of the scrub is based on exfoliation of dead cells of the epidermis, removes impurities, makeup residues, sweat, sebaceous duct plugs. The softening base prevents scratches, inflammation. As a result of this effect, metabolic processes are activated, skin cells are saturated with oxygen, and blood circulation is improved. The skin becomes smooth, soft, clean.

However, frequent use leads to negative consequences - dehydration. Since the process of moisture release during scrubbing is accelerated, the skin becomes thinned, dry, and the water-salt balance is disturbed. The protective barrier is destroyed, the skin becomes sensitive to infections, external factors. It is necessary to use the scrub wisely.

For dry skin, experts recommend doing the procedure 2 times a month. For oily skin - once a week. For people with hypersensitive skin, it is better to use a scrub made of synthetic abrasive particles. They have no sharp edges, less trauma to the skin.

How to use correctly for the face

First of all, the scrub must be used for its intended purpose. Do not use on the face products intended for cleansing the body, legs, hair. Otherwise, the rules are simple:

Cosmetologists recommend using a scrub from the line of cosmetic products that you are used to using. If, during the scrubbing process or after the procedure, burning, irritation, inflammation appears on the skin, the remedy is not suitable, or the frequency of application needs to be reduced.

Rules for using a lip scrub

The skin on the lips is extremely sensitive. With an incorrectly selected tool, it can be easily damaged. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure if there are cracks, seizures, herpes, and other inflammations. Lip peeling is carried out in beauty salons. You can easily prepare the remedy at home.

Application rules:

  1. Steam the skin of the lips. To do this, moisten a napkin with hot water, apply it to the surface of the lips. Do this several times.
  2. Directly applied with light movements. Massage is allowed with a soft toothbrush.
  3. Standing for 2 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with warm water.

The remaining moisture is removed with a napkin. After peeling, the skin on the lips becomes firm, soft and smooth. The sponges themselves increase somewhat in volume.

Applying a body scrub

To make the skin smooth, even, silky, it is recommended to use a full body scrub 1-2 times a month.

How to use a foot scrub

The skin on the legs is coarser, and calluses often appear. Scrubbing will bring it back to normal. It should be remembered that the procedure should not be carried out with open calluses, painful cracks, inflammation. The tool can be chosen in the form of soap, gel, paste, cream. Use a pumice stone to massage rough skin. Usually, a foot scrub contains antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, nutritious ingredients. They remove an unpleasant odor, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands. You can prepare the product yourself.

The composition is applied for 5 minutes, massaged well with a brush, pumice stone. Wash off with water, apply a nourishing cream.

Hand scrub

You can use the scrub once every 7 days. A cosmetic product is applied to the steamed skin, massaged for 2 minutes, washed off, moistened with cream. It is very simple to prepare a hand scrub, if you do not have a purchased one, you can do it yourself.

  • Apply honey to the skin of your hands, sprinkle with sugar on top. If honey is candied, only use it.
  • Sea salt is mixed with sour cream in equal proportions. Add 5 drops of your favorite essential oil.
  • Crushed apricot pits, mixed with cream.

Hair scrub - application rules

The product is used to improve the condition of the scalp. Under the action of the scrub, blood circulation improves, the cells of the epidermis receive oxygen, and metabolic processes take place faster. As a result, the hair becomes strong, vibrant and shiny.

You can not apply the scrub to the skin if there is damage.

Is it possible to use a scrub in the bath

The most important condition for the use of this cosmetic product is steamed skin. In this case, the contamination is easier to remove, the abrasive particles do not injure the skin. In the bath, it is allowed to carry out the procedure. Its effectiveness will be several times higher than after the usual preliminary washing with hot water. Some women carry out the steaming procedure over a basin of hot water, while covering the head with a towel - the effect of a bath.

Is it possible to use a scrub for acne

In case of any inflammation on the skin, it is not allowed to carry out the procedure.

It is necessary to wait until the inflammation subsides. Active abrasive particles of the scrub additionally injure the inflamed areas. After the procedure, the pimples will turn red and become even more inflamed.

Solid scrub - rules of application

The product is used as a soap with abrasive particles.

  • steam the skin;
  • moisturize solid scrub;
  • apply with massage movements;
  • massage well additionally with a brush, sponge, pumice;
  • wash off with warm water.

Is it possible to use a scrub after professional peeling

The cosmetic procedure is carried out in salons, clinics. Its purpose is to remove the dead layer of the epidermis, activate the work of cells, renew, rejuvenate. Distinguish between superficial, medium, deep peeling. The first type is practically no different from ordinary scrubbing. It is impractical to repeat the procedure after a short period of time, it is harmful to the skin condition. Medium and especially deep peeling is an aggressive procedure that significantly injures the skin. You can use the scrub after the skin is completely restored.

Sugar scrub is the best folk remedy

There are a huge number of recipes using sugar among the people. Can be used on any part of the body.

  • The easiest way is to mix sugar with a little water. Spread evenly on the skin, massage. After drying, wash off well.
  • Sugar is turned into powder. The sponge is dipped in hot milk, then dipped in powder. Apply to the skin.
  • Sugar is mixed with olive oil. Use during the shower.

Sugar scrub is suitable for all types of skin.

Many people know how to use the scrub, however, not everyone takes into account the very important nuances on which the effectiveness of this procedure depends. The scrubbing agent has an excellent cleansing effect, but many take this too literally and rub the skin, traumatizing it with abrasive particles. Apply the face and body scrub correctly according to the tips presented.

Interesting! Not only the procedure for using a scrub needs to follow the basic rules. Even a regular moisturizer or must be applied accordingly. It is from the technique of applying cosmetics that its effectiveness largely depends. Mass application, according to massage lines, timely application of the product and the correct selection of cosmetics will preserve the beauty and health of your face.

What is a scrub?

Scrub is a concept that is familiar to every woman. It means a cosmetic product that has a cleansing and exfoliating effect. These products help to remove accumulated impurities and various imperfections from the skin surface.

This cosmetic product has a versatile effect:

  • Removes a dead layer of cells from the surface of the skin, exfoliates keratinized scales;
  • It has a tonic and stimulating effect, helps to activate blood microcirculation and metabolic processes;
  • Lightens complexion and removes pigmentation;
  • Restores damaged areas of the epidermis, normalizes the production of components necessary for the epidermis in a natural way;
  • Rejuvenates and tightens the skin, fights various signs of aging;
  • Helps to remove blackheads and unclog pores, as well as normalize the sebaceous glands;
  • Improves the absorbency of the components contained in cosmetics useful for the skin;
  • Eliminates the imperfections of problem skin, prevents the appearance of acne and clogged pores;
  • Improves the appearance and health of the skin.

The action of the scrub is based on exfoliation of the surface layer of cells and mechanical toning of the skin. Its main elements are abrasive particles that act as a skin resurfacing. Abrasives in the composition can be crushed seeds of fruits and berries, oatmeal flakes, salt and even artificial exfoliating grains.

In addition to the abrasive, this cosmetics contains additional elements that nourish cells and care for the skin.

Important! Scrubs are not always good for the skin. In some situations, they can harm your epidermis. Contraindications to the use of this cosmetics are individual intolerance to the components of their composition, violation of the integrity of the skin, skin diseases and inflammation. Do not use abrasive cosmetics if contraindicated.

Scrubs depending on skin type

Each type of skin has its own characteristics, so the selection of cosmetics must be carried out individually. It is also necessary to choose and use scrubs based on the type of skin.

Rules for the use and selection of cleaning cosmetics, depending on the characteristics of the skin:

  1. Oily skin. This type of skin needs additional cleansing most of all. Increased sebum production contributes to clogged pores and blackheads. All types of scrubs are suitable for you, however, gentle and gentle will not have the desired effect.
  2. Normal. The normal type of epidermis is very rare and not so often women are satisfied with the condition of their skin. For those with normal skin, it is not necessary to use scrubs, but they will help provide an excellent preventive effect. There are different types of scrubs that suit you.
  3. Dry. This type of epidermis reacts very sharply to various irritants, therefore, cosmetics must be used with caution. Dry skin, like any other, needs sufficient cleansing, so scrubs are also necessary. The main thing is that they contain soft abrasives and nutritive components, since it is much easier to injure this type of epidermis.
  4. Combined. For this type of skin, scrubs can be used in combination, treating problem areas with abrasive agents and gently exfoliating sensitive areas.

How often can you use the scrub?

Almost all types of scrubs are not designed for regular use. The recommended frequency of use is no more than twice a week. With frequent use, this product can harm the skin and disrupt the natural renewal processes.

Exceptions are mild and delicate products that keep skin clear. You can use them more often.

How often you can use the scrub depending on your skin type:

  • For the normal type, the recommended frequency of application is once a week;
  • For dry - no more than 3 times a month;
  • For fatty people - every 4 days;
  • For the combined 3 times every two weeks.

How to use a scrub: basic rules

It is very important to use the face and body scrub correctly and follow the basic tips:

  1. Cleansing the skin is the basic rule for applying any type of cosmetics. Before you start applying the scrubbing mass, you need to remove makeup and cleanse your face using your usual means.
  2. Steaming the face will improve the effect, open pores and accelerate the absorption of beneficial components. The best method to help steam out the skin is to use a herbal bath.
  3. The application of the base material should be smooth and accurate, and the movement should be light. Take your time and rub in the mass gently, massaging the skin. Pay special attention to the most problematic areas - the T-shaped zone, cheeks, chin, forehead.
  4. After you have applied the mixture, leave it on your face for a few minutes. During this time, the beneficial elements will have time to be absorbed into the cells.
  5. Rinse off the product with warm water, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions.
  6. Finally, apply a moisturizer or nourishing mask to neutralize the irritating effect of the abrasives.


It is necessary to use the scrub correctly. Be sure to cleanse the skin and apply the product in smooth movements. When using this cosmetics, take into account the peculiarities of your skin and the permissible frequency of application. Eliminate contraindications and read the instructions carefully.