How to promote "dissolve" a man for money and gifts? Advice from smart women. An easy way to breed men for money

Not all girls agree to paradise in a temporary home with a loved one. Some enterprising representatives of the weaker sex want to meet a wealthy and generous gentleman who can solve all their financial problems: give gifts, give money for expensive things.

However, the problem is that such men are often wary of any attempts on their hefty wallets.

In this case, young ladies will have to try hard to divorce a man for money. But how can this be done gracefully, imperceptibly for a man and with maximum return from oneself? Very important question!

Before looking for specific recommendations, think for a moment if you can promote a guy for gifts and expensive presents. Not all representatives of the weaker sex are able to simply ask a man for sponsorship. And the reasons could be:

  • pride does not allow;
  • peculiarities of upbringing, when they were taught from an early age that such behavior is unacceptable;
  • own opinion, which says that a request for money can scare away all potential gentlemen;
  • a banal inability to give and receive gifts associated with an overly strict parenting style or even cruelty of parents.

There is a curious opinion that the stronger sex is more attached to those charmers who ask and gratefully accept expensive gifts than to those who claim that they love just like that, not for money.

If strength, time and money are invested in a girl, a man will not want to part with her, otherwise so many resources will be wasted.

If you want to breed men, you need to change. First of all, internally. Tell yourself that you need material resources to become even better. That is, money is just a resource necessary for self-improvement.

In addition, in order to promote the representatives of the stronger sex for money, you will have to get rid of not only embarrassment, but also some moral principles.

On the other hand, perhaps your desires will only benefit him - he will earn even more, overcome difficulties and move up the career ladder!

5 important rules on how to breed a gentleman for money

We will reveal the techniques and secrets of a competent divorce further, but now it is necessary to dwell in more detail on what the rules of the “money” game are.

Rule #1

In order not to look like a kind of beggar in men's eyes, one cannot beg, complain about a difficult fate: a tiny salary, a scholarship that is invisible even to the armed eye, the state and parents.

If you want to promote a guy for money, forget about self-pity, do not cause this feeling in a gentleman and behave with dignity, as if you are the mistress of life.

Perhaps a man will take pity on you, however, he will treat you accordingly - like a poor student, for whom you don’t really need to spend money.

Rule #2

If you want a man to give you money, throw out even thoughts of pity for him. As you become a treasure hunter, forget that making money is hard work.

Does the guy make good money? This is absolutely normal, there is no feat here. The stronger sex is simply obliged to fulfill the whims of the young charmer who is nearby.

Rule #3

Before going on a “hunt”, it is important to clean the feathers, that is, to create an image of a wealthy and slightly impregnable beauty. You should look perfect - branded clothes and accessories, well-groomed appearance.

However, some rich "daddies" fall for typical simpletons, whom they can turn into their own Galatea. It is extremely difficult to predict what your potential sponsor will prefer.

Rule #4

It is quite natural that the gentleman for his gifts will hint (or even demand) intimacy.

However, you need to make him believe that there will be sex, but a little later. You need to say this correctly and as convincingly as possible. But remember that mature men are less likely to be in such deferred "payment" than younger guys.

Rule #5

There is no need to consider men stupid and narrow-minded, because not only the weaker sex is thinking about how to unwind a partner for expensive gifts and money. It is likely that in your quest to get what you want, it is you who will be the victim, not the hunter.

Some gigolos put pressure on pity, asking to pay for them in a restaurant or cinema. These guys are definitely not for you!

How to promote a guy for expensive presents so that he does not guess about your intentions? Saying directly that you need money is often not an option. Judging by the women's forums, the methods of "mercenary" girls largely coincide, the most important thing is that they work.

  1. Do not show much happiness about small gifts. Your task is to convey to your gentleman that you prefer chic gifts. However, you should not refuse small souvenirs and things either, just try to say or show that you are striving for more.
  2. In order for a man to continue to give money, be able to thank for every gift presented. Naturally, the amount of gratitude will depend on the amount of money that the gentleman spends. However, if only demands come from you, without return, there is a chance that the guy will leave in search of a more accommodating partner.
  3. Never directly ask how much your boyfriend earns, especially at the first meeting. In general, at first it’s better not to touch on money issues at all, showing that the person himself is important in a relationship, and not the volume of his wallet or the fullness of a credit card.
  4. At first, pay (or pretend to want to pay) your expenses, for example, when visiting a restaurant. When the waiter brings the bill, take it yourself and show your intention to pay, at least for yourself. This will show your independence, as well as test how generous or greedy a potential sponsor is. In the latter case, you should not waste your time and energy on it.
  5. Do not show that you cannot buy something expensive for yourself. Spotting a chic bag or gloves in the store, do not say that you are not able to purchase such a thing. Just sigh a little, lick on it or try to say that this hat would be perfect for your costume. At first, you should not speak directly about the fact that you need these gloves.
  6. The next step is to try and try something. At the same time, it is important not to press on a man and not demand openly. It is important to guess such a moment so that the request for sponsorship is accepted adequately and even with joy. After all, many guys like it when a self-sufficient woman asks for something.
  7. To promote the representative of the stronger sex for gifts without sexual returns is your task at the beginning of a relationship. And it's not even about the moral side of the issue. Easy prey will most likely attract a guy, but only for a short period of time. If the gentleman after the first dates offers to drive to his house for a “cup of coffee”, politely but firmly refuse. Let him understand that it is necessary to do a lot to get such a valuable trophy.
  8. If you definitely feel that the “client is ripe”, try to make an unexpected move - give the man something serious yourself (within reason). So you show that you really don’t need money and gifts from him, you just want to surprise him. Most likely, an expensive present awaits you in the near future, many times covering the forced expenses.
  9. To make a man spend money on you, suggest to him that all the money (albeit indirectly) goes to his person. For example, a trip to distant countries is paid for, so that he feels good, and you only enhance the pleasant experience. A beautiful dress for a companion accompanying a guy to a corporate party will demonstrate his status, etc.

Tricks and recommendations on how to breed a guy for gifts and money do not work for all members of the stronger sex. Some men are categorically against any spending on fickle life partners, other gentlemen themselves seek to profit at the expense of girls, and others are simply unable to satisfy girlish appetites.

If you notice that a man cannot be promoted, switch to other potential "victims".

And one more important point - do not let the gentleman fully study and understand you. To keep him close to you as long as possible, be a mystery, constantly change, surprise him with a changeable mood and behavior.

Otherwise, the man will understand that he has conquered you, which means that it is no longer necessary to spend gifts and money on you. And do you need it?

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

It is necessary to breed a man for money gracefully and beautifully, so that he is sure that the initiative comes from him. If you are ready to fight for the achievement of such components of female happiness as a comfortable life and satisfaction of all essential needs, remember that you will have to expend a lot of effort, as well as acquire certain skills and abilities. So how to cheat a man for money?

There are a number of rules, following which, you can easily make your man more generous towards you and ensure a trouble-free life for yourself.

1. Creative approach. Do not immediately begin to put pressure on pity or beg for the thing you like. Strive to look like the most successful and independent lady, making it clear to your chosen one that you do not need his handouts. Only in this case, in the future, you can count on more valuable and significant gifts, for example, jewelry or major repairs of apartments (or even the purchase of new housing).

2. Forbidden fruit is sweet. To divorce a man for money and gifts, you need to show him that you are not at all so easy to achieve. Do not agree to a cup of coffee at his house, browsing the stamp collection, or any other pretext. By decisively refusing, you thereby show your man that you are radically different from the ladies with whom he was previously acquainted. Then he will surely understand that in order to get you, he will have to spend maximum effort and money.

3. The longer, the more reliable. Remember that the longer a man pursues you, the more gifts and money you can get from him. But in the end, he should get something special that he will remember for a long time. Therefore, you should read the article on how to satisfy a man in bed on our website.

4. Hide your true intentions. Try to make every effort to ensure that your man is happy in the dark about what you really need from him for as long as possible. Surely he is not yet ready to make you a turnkey apartment renovation on the first date. Do not rush to a joint trip to an expensive boutique, for such a coveted fur coat or any other expensive thing. First, you should choose things that you are able to buy yourself. Even if he insists on paying himself, show independence. Then next time your chosen one will also be grateful if you agree to take the money he offered. If you liked a thing that is too expensive for your budget, try to bring your man as delicately and competently as possible to the idea of ​​​​purchasing it for you. To do this, try on the chosen item for as long as possible, asking a lot of questions about whether it suits you, etc. to your companion and seller. In the end, leave without buying anything, and to his question why you refused to purchase this thing, answer that you usually spend significant amounts only on really practical things. After such words, your whim will surely be satisfied by your gentleman.

If all the tricks do not work, and your chosen one stubbornly refuses to spend his hard-earned money on you, leave him without hesitation. Such subjects are not worth the effort spent on them!

How to promote "dissolve" a man for money and gifts? Advice from smart women.

Are you really worried about the question of how to "spin" a man for money? Surprises! But we will not condemn you, since we are all not without sin. How to really promote a man with good money and expensive gifts? Look…

We give you tips that can make you richer:

  1. Persuade a man to go to the supermarket with you. Walk with him around the "shop" territory. Buy you everything with your savings, subtly hinting that you still lack a little for your dream.
  2. Adjust the situation. Write a list of things you need. Throw it somewhere in the "side" of the man. He will read it, hide it, and buy whatever is in it. We hope this option works for you. If not, sell everything that he buys for you, and hold in your hands those finances that you were so eager to “promote”.
  3. Tell your loved one that you lost both your wallet and your credit card. Say that you don’t have a penny or a ruble left for your soul, that you feel insecure without them. A man will definitely “unfasten” some amount to you.
  4. Take his card or his wallet. Jokingly ask about the pin - code. Ask if you can "take advantage" of his means. A man, of course, will not refuse if he does not turn out to be a stinger.
  5. Promise that you will give the sweetheart the full amount when possible. Mention the interest as well (to be sure and for the sake of reliability). A man will not demand money from you, because he treats you great. It is ugly to do this, but this option is one of the extreme.
  6. Give him a wonderful and romantic evening. Come up with something unique and original. Put all your imagination into the preparation of the event! A man should be impressed by everything that you do for him. To the smallest detail!
  7. Have a crazy night with him. It should be so magical that he showered you with compliments. One condition: do not perceive his “gesture” (the fact that he will give you money) in an immoral “image”.
  8. Give him invaluable help! Do good that will not be forgotten! He will decide to thank you, but will ask you not to be offended. And you don't even think about insults! Concentrate everything - all your thoughts on the long-awaited shopping!
  9. Ask (in a playful way) for yourself money for a new skirt or a new T-shirt. You can show what sexy things you chose. Then you won't have to "unwind" anyone!
  10. Hint (remind) your loved one about some important day or holiday. He himself will catch himself, and say: “Oh, my love, you need money for preparation!”. You shyly lower your eyes and smile coquettishly at him (with gratitude).
  11. Get him alcoholic drinks (lightly). Start the topic of money (carefully). He will definitely tell you where they are. And just as sure to give "complete" consent to ensure that you take the amount you need.
  12. Give him a memento or a nice present. See how the man behaves after that. Just be sure to please the donated!
  13. Write a message on social networks to him in a personal. He will read, smile and “unwind” on finances. Remember that asking a man for money is nothing to be ashamed of!
  14. Start the conversation like this: “a guy bought a fur coat for my girlfriend for five hundred bucks! And I would definitely want one for myself." A man will think and decide to buy in order to be the best for you.

Never date a man just for money! Earn them yourself! Prove and show the man that you are good not only in bed. He will be proud of you and tell everyone how amazing you are!

A man has times when he is especially generous with money. Then when:

  1. Payday is coming. Why not be generous on such a day? They are ready to buy everything that the companion asks. Will buy even more to make pleasant surprises.
  2. They remember a birthday or another (any) big holiday. It's a shame not to "fork out" on such days! You need to show that he is a real man!
  3. The man is in a good mood.
  4. The girl (woman) gave him a lot of compliments. Men also like beautiful words, “seasoned” with sincerity.
  5. The woman was special to him. I decided, having learned about this, to “reward” her in full.

Remember (constantly) that men are not chests of money and jewelry! They also need care, they also dream of warmth and affection .... Men are people too. Only the sex of the other, the opposite!

The man himself "spin" on the money, if you be patient, wait. And if he is a miser, then you should not stay with such a long time!

A man needs to live to a certain age. Until you don't even need to ask for money. A man himself will understand how important money is for a woman (for cosmetics, for clothes, for jewelry, for hygiene products).

For a “snack” we will tell you one little story. One girl (named Lucy) very competently “untwisted” her beloved man with money. She stopped growing her nails, putting on the things that he loved so much. The fragrance of perfume, which was so familiar to a man, also disappeared. After a while, he became suspicious. He asked what happened, and where such sudden changes came from. At that moment, Luska explained what was what and why. Since then, the man gave her pocket money every month. Sometimes and more often, when there was a part-time job and profit.

That's it, honey! You find a good job (and two, and three can). Work will help you to realize yourself, and it will give answers to many questions. Making money is not an easy task. If they are earned in an honest and not criminal way!

Work should bring you a lot of pleasure. Only in this case you can earn good money. At least if you try your hand at creative professions. For example:

The list of professions can go on and on. But you do not waste time on this, but start choosing! If you don’t know how to do something, then go to courses ..., special ones.

How to cheat a man for money? Let's not touch on the ethical and moral side of this issue. In the end, men in relation to us are also not always highly ethical and deeply moral. And we are gentle, weak and defenseless creatures. As evidence of love, we often consider a man’s willingness to spend a certain amount (albeit a small one) on us. True, there is another category of gentle and weak among us who, spinning a man for money, are trying to solve their financial problems or are simply gambling and profitable.

In a word, whatever the purpose of such a financial attack, if successful, the lady breaks the jackpot - either confirmation of her own irresistibility, or complete moral and material satisfaction. And yet, how to promote a man with money (or gifts) beautifully, gracefully and tastefully?

Beautifully breeding a man is worth a lot: a lot of strength, certain skills and talents will be required from us. For some reason, our already stingy men today have become even tighter. And where is the vaunted breadth of the soul? Cavaliers, don juans, heartthrobs, what did you decide to save on? On women? And women, offended by such an attitude, went on the warpath: if you don’t want to spoil us yourself, then we will learn to breed men.

The end, as you know, justifies the means. Therefore, a correctly formulated goal will always find justification in the causes. What is your reason for going hunting? In general, all the reasons that encourage women to lure money can be reduced to the following points:

  1. The lady is in a very difficult financial situation.
  2. A woman just wants to draw attention to herself.
  3. The lady is obsessed with a sense of revenge for an unsuccessful personal life.
  4. Awareness of their own superiority over men.
  5. The desire to assert itself and prove to herself that a woman can do anything.

These are perhaps the most significant points that make ladies shake out men's wallets. And every self-respecting lady has her own secrets. Moreover, almost every woman has these secrets, regardless of status: wife, mistress, kept woman, girlfriend.

starting position

The solution to the question of how to breed men for money should be approached, first of all, creatively. Perhaps the first golden rule should be the presence of self-esteem. Do not beg, do not complain about a meager salary (stipend), an ungrateful state or your own failed life. If you want to breed men for money, then you should forget about self-pity (in any case, do not try to arouse this pity).

A man, of course, will sympathize, will regret, but such a situation is more than beneficial for him. Agree that it is much easier to satisfy the needs of a poor student or a low-income civil servant than to win the attention of a wealthy lady. Therefore, a woman should look independent and successful. This is the only way to successfully breed men. The gentleman must understand once and for all that the lady of the heart does not need small handouts: only larger and more valuable things will help him achieve what he wants.

Another rule - if you like to ride, love to carry sleds. So be prepared for the fact that just like that a man will not fork out. That's just not necessary to immediately talk about the lack of principles, and even more so about the venality of women. This is how the world works: if you want to take, know how to give. And your task is to convince the man that there will definitely be a return. Let not now and not this minute, but it will definitely be. As the poet said: "The hopes of young men are nourished." Believe me, hopes are fed not only by young men. To encourage a mature peasant means to force him to try by all means (and primarily financial) to bring the “moment of reckoning” closer.

And the third rule - keep your ears open. We are not the only ones who are so smart and learn how to promote a man. Men love (and know how) to dynamize. It is not in vain that all kinds of schools, courses and societies of pick-up artists (seducers) are being created. So it is possible: in your hunt, you will become prey, and not he. Therefore, do not be lazy and ask what exactly they are taught in such schools. And then you can already go into battle, which must be fought according to your own rules.

Battlefield preparation

How to breed a man "naturally"? Intrigue and make a man seek you. The male passion of the hunter will make him fork out even in the process of courtship, and on the way to the cherished goal, men do not save. After all, they are sure that they are doing it for themselves, and not for a woman.

When thinking about how to divorce a man, remember: very wealthy and wealthy men are sincerely sure that beautiful women want to meet them only because of money. Of course (let's not dissemble), in fact, the way it is, but they do not need to know about it. True, on the basis of their wealth, some men simply go crazy, considering themselves an invaluable treasure, the navel of the Earth and downright utter happiness, for which you also have to run. Well, let them think so.

It is useless to convince such fools (well, what else to call such specimens?). Your task is to strengthen him in these thoughts and awaken in him the desire to make you happy. Or it is necessary to provoke moneybags to a constant desire to prove their worth.

How? First of all, when going hunting, be fully equipped. Get ready to start investing in creating your own image of a wealthy and impregnable beauty. Impeccable appearance, "traces" of visiting expensive beauty salons, branded accessories should be your weapon in this hunt.

By the way, the Pygmalion complex lives and flourishes in some men: they are simply looking for “material” everywhere to create their Galatea. Therefore, the directly opposite image of a simpleton (with inclinations!) Will also help to put on the hook a moneybag who imagines himself to be an educator and a connoisseur of beauty. True, it is almost impossible to recognize when and what kind of image will “work”. So it remains only to rely on your intuition.

Fighting rules

At the first stage of the hunt, you need to place snares and traps. The main trap is the man’s confidence that you don’t need his money. If you hunt in the image of a chic vamp woman, then let him know that you already have everything, and what you lack, you will get without his help. If you have tried on the image of a charming simpleton, then the man must be sure that you simply don’t need “extra” and you are quite happy with what you have. Only self-confidence (whether you are poor or rich) will help to promote a man for money.

Naturally, this will not continue all the time (we have the wrong goals!). Accordingly, we smoothly move on to the second stage - “shaking out the wallet”. Now that he is convinced that you are completely independent and self-sufficient, and at the same time, a miracle is how good and necessary for him like air, let the man understand that the time spent on him needs to be compensated. And ask for compensation in cash. And don't be afraid to ask for money. But in no case be too assertive and impatient. Try to find a middle ground and accurately guess the moment when your request will be taken as something natural and self-evident.

Another rule of luring is a sense of proportion. A man should not see you as a predator, obsessed with the desire to gut his wallet. Raise the bar gradually, accustoming him to spending on you. Do not be capricious, or rather, be capricious in moderation. Excessive assertiveness will only scare your man away. Therefore, if he is ready to buy you new boots, do not insist on the need to buy a fur coat for them. Fur coat - a little later.

"Divorce" Techniques

The issue of divorcing men for money is very relevant. Judging by the women's forums, ladies and girls of all ages are willing to share their own experiences. Here are some practical tips from girls who quickly managed to cheat a guy for money:

  1. It is better to wait a while with a trip to an expensive boutique in order to buy something expensive there. At first, choose only those things that you can afford. This is the surest way to how to breed men for money.
  2. The most important thing in the question of how to breed men for money is not to put pressure on him. In the store, pay for yourself, even if he insists. So your boyfriend will also be grateful that you agreed to take money from him.
  3. When you master the subtle science of how to breed men for money, you should be patient. If you liked something in the mall that you obviously can’t afford, then you shouldn’t start begging right away. Just look at the thing for a very long time, try it on, sigh over it and ask the seller a million questions. After that, leave without buying anything. And to the guy’s question why didn’t you buy it, answer that you are used to spending large sums only on useful and practical things. After that, the new thing will definitely be yours.
  4. In a restaurant, after the waiter puts the bill in the middle, take it first and get ready to pay it in full. Strong men love self-reliant and independent women, so your zeal will be appreciated. However, the man does not tolerate female domination and will definitely insist that he must pay the bill.
  5. To properly breed a man, you should show him that you are not so easy to achieve. If he invites you to visit him for coffee (ha! as if you haven’t drunk enough of it already) or offers to show you a collection of butterflies, then it’s better to politely refuse. Let him know that you - young and beautiful - are too tough for him and in order to get you, he will have to try and ... fork out big. This is perhaps one of the most important points in the question of how to breed a guy for money.

Enemy weapon

Lovely women! Do not be naive and do not think that you are surrounded entirely by fools and suckers. There are also many hunters among men. And do you know what main weapon they use? Pressure on pity, on the ability to sympathize, on decency, after all. Therefore, if suddenly, after dinner in a restaurant, a man is surprised to find that he “forgot his money at home,” this should alert you. And if the next time he suddenly "seizes the stomach" and he urgently requires you to immediately buy a fast-acting medicine, this is another wake-up call.

Or, passing by the cinema, he, reading the poster, says that this film reminds him so much of your relationship and awakens such warm or ardent feelings that you need to watch it immediately, but here, bad luck, there is not enough money for tickets ... And you, touched, go buy tickets. What do you think? It just teaches you to think that paying for it is normal, and there is nothing shameful in such a situation. By the way, the “rule of three payments” is one of the favorite tricks of pick-up artists. Do not give in to provocations. And if you went hunting, then this is clearly not your prey. Run away from these guys as fast as you can!


And finally. Tips on how to breed men only work for normal men who really need a woman, who always get what they need. Such a man will just wait and get it later, making a note "here you have to spud longer." But insolvent specimens only theorize about women-dynamo, but they themselves try to profit at our expense.

And about the moral side (after all, we started talking about it). In the same forums, the same women and men, along with them, tirelessly argue on this topic. Men stubbornly call such women corrupt, and ladies ... Ladies say a lot of things in their defense. For example: "Oh," divorce! This is not because there is not enough money, it's just like a balm for the soul - gifts ... Every woman has her own quirks, that's all. So, dear hunters, choose worthy prey. Good luck hunting and good catch!

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“Darling, give me something so that I exclaim “Wow, Lexus!” - for many women, this joke causes only a sad smile ..

Natalya Tolstaya, a psychotherapist, author of five best-selling books, and host of the weekly Psychological Advice program on the Internet TV channel, talks about what to do if a man is “embarrassed” to spend money.

We are still talking about love, so let's change the question: "How to make a man want to give a woman pleasant surprises?" The main task of a woman is not to “unwind” a man, but to stimulate his desire to be attentive and caring.

We know that the artist Pirosmani starved to death after spending all his money on a million scarlet roses. They wrote a song about him, but what was the result? Who is happy in this situation? Perhaps the composer after the issuance of the fee? A song appeared, but life was cut short. It is unlikely that your chosen one will want to repeat this feat.

Of course, the more a man loves, the more he shows such a quality as generosity. That is why many enchanted men at the beginning of the novel endow their chosen one with jewelry and trips to expensive restaurants - just so as not to hear “no”. A strange pattern is born: the miser themselves bring up bitches. After a while, a woman communicates with him exclusively on a wave of whims and ultimatums - if you don’t buy, I’ll leave. So love is replaced by ordinary blackmail. One - is greedy for its own reasons, the other - requires attention not in words, but in deeds. Vicious circle. What to do?

  • 1

    Don't be naughty and say "must" instead of "I want"

    If you want a gift, don't be silent. Beloved is not a “wizard in a blue helicopter” who reads your thoughts. As a rule, the word “need” works flawlessly: “Darling, I need to give money for shoes / dress / dishwasher.” The word “need” is more likely to be heard than the word “want”. Be sure to explain why you need a dishwasher. A man wants to hear a specific request, and not “if only, if only” ... He will say “yes”, well, this is a holiday! "No" - don't take it personally. This attitude is not about you personally, but about money. Either you agree with this situation, or you say: “Your rules worked when you lived alone, since we are together, then you should allocate some part of the income for the household and for some emotions, except for satisfying hunger and watching movies on DVD ". Ideally, a certain amount should be kept at home - a stash, which for the time being is not allowed to touch. Then, the second pile - "intercept", that is, everyday, and then - in the wallet of your husband and you. They do not need to be counted. A very handy thing for a miserly man is a credit card. It is more difficult to part with rustling papers than to “roll” a card and sign a check. Believe me, it is much easier to say goodbye to your money for someone for whom cash is an indicator of success, freedom, security, strength, potency and the ability to control any situation.
  • 2

    Educate by example

    Take the first step forward. Somehow give your man a nice “thing” or his favorite cheese, ice cream, or just buy products to cook his favorite dish. While cooking, say: "See, I care about you, I want to do something nice - I will cook what you love." You have to say it out loud. After a while, the man will have a reflex, he will want to do something in response. Be interested in his hobbies and "connect" to yours to the maximum. Perhaps he is “greedy” with emotions. Yes, you can start with them!
  • 3

    Don't let him laugh it off

    In mid-sentence, stop the phrase: "Your best present is me." Coming home for your birthday without flowers? Don't let him laugh it off. Say, looking into your eyes: “Do you think this is normal? Let's shoot take two - you go out, and in 15 minutes I'll be waiting for you with a bouquet. During this time, put on a dress and high-heeled shoes (if you haven’t worn it before). And you are waiting for it. If he does not return, then "se la vie" - draw your own conclusions!
  • 4

    "Cut" the influence of mom

    Most likely, your man was pressured by his mother. Mothers of boys and mothers of girls raise their children differently. Sometimes the same woman with a growing son and daughter says different things to her children. Quite often, we women say to our sons: “Don’t let her twist ropes out of you, don’t spoil her.” These verbal codes become blocks in your cash flow. If a mother didn’t teach her son to give gifts to women, then sometimes a man needs to be told in plain text: “Your mother is not the only woman on the planet, there are still women, in particular me, and I have a different opinion on this matter - I want attention or go, keep living with your mom."
  • 5

    Sanitize his brain!

    There are men who are used to living a bachelor life, they have everything for everyday life - one roll of toilet paper, one cup, saucer. Of course, it is very difficult for these philosophers to let a stranger, albeit a loved one, into their world, not to mention their wallet. We need to sanitize the brain. Complete dry cleaning. The one who does not know how to spend money should be shown a budget sheet: “You earn so much, I earn so much. Here is the total amount, of which we spend on the main thing - payment of utilities, food; then we spend a certain amount on travel, and set aside the other part in the category “stock of your solvency”.
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    Don't be easy prey

    You need to constantly be unconquered and "not completely" conquered. As soon as you become a "read book", you immediately enter into a position - "Yes, we will not go to a restaurant, because I will cook it myself", "Yes, we will not go to the cinema, the money will be safer." You need to state it directly: “We must have time for fun. You and I will save, but without fanaticism. We need to travel, we need to seek new adventures. There will not be enough money for trips abroad, we will travel around our native country.”
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    "Decipher the Dream"

    Many men say - "While you do not have enough money, you run and cook soup for me, when you have enough of everything, you will be rude and sad." He is afraid that She will get used to it and every month the amount “for her beloved” will increase. Many men like to whine long and drawn out on the topic: “she begged for money so much that she “broke my soul on my knee.” And, again, justify your desire! Once you hit a tough nut, then decipher your dream to him, be as specific as possible.
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    Think before you speak

    Often a woman forgets to weigh her words and gives out from the threshold: “Again, I came without anything, who am I to you - a free night butterfly or a cook?” And he comes to you because he thinks that you are waiting for him. So another complex is born in his head!
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    Feel free to remind

    A very good sign is to see a stack of money in his hands. Come up, hug and whisper in your ear: “What a great fellow you are! I inspired you! Recently I have looked at such a beautiful ring, please buy it. If he says “no”, then three days before your own birthday, go and remind him - I have a holiday in three days, don’t forget to drop by the store and buy me a ballpoint pen or a toy mouse in the passage, and at the same time buy me a vibrator - I’ll be there for a week greedy for affection."
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    Earn on "pins" yourself!

    If your favorite is economical to the point of heartburn, you will have to earn money for knick-knacks on your own. Try to ask for large and very expensive things. Surprisingly, it is he who can buy a car or a computer. Do you know why? He sees the fruits of his labor! Now don't forget to express 1000 times your sincere admiration. Is it difficult even after six months to write SMS just like that? For example: “Today I got into the car in a downpour, turned on the heater and my favorite music, food, and I think what a fine fellow you are for giving me my Belka! Thank you again, my heart!"
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    Rarely use heavy artillery

    Sometimes you can use female artillery - tears. He brought some rubbish from the sale, sit quietly in a corner and casually mutter: “That's how much I stand in your eyes! You don't buy me gifts without me. I didn’t live curly and I don’t want to get used to it. We, my friend, are not rich enough to buy useless things of dubious quality that will become worthless after 3 washes. Buy decent things for yourself, maybe after that you will understand how nice it is to go out into people in what you really like.
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    Do not be intimidated by the scope of acquisitions!

    Do not frighten him with global amounts, especially at the beginning of his purchasing feat. Collect yourself a stash, and ask him for half the necessary cash. Rejoice like a child, bought things. Kiss him from head to toe, bathe in happiness (don't forget to throw away the receipt and packing bag beforehand)
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    Change role!

    He may simply be afraid of not being pleased with a gift. Remove the phrase "I myself" from the lexicon. Flirt and inflate your lips, climb on the handles and ask for "Navel". He can find the strength to refuse the “housewife” or “commander Kutuzov in your face”, but he is unlikely to offend the “baby”. Remember how young chicks take pot-bellied daddies shopping. What do they take, do you know?