How to develop the intellectual abilities of a teenager. We develop mental abilities. Ways to improve the intelligence of children

Intelligence develops as we grow older. This means that there are ways to stimulate an increase in its level. Why not use them ?!

Before answering the main question of the article, how to increase intelligence, let us turn to the facts studied.

Psychologists have established a difference in the development of intelligence in women and men. If in the first it develops sharply up to a certain point, then in the second it develops slowly and all their lives. Unfair but true! Therefore, if a woman undertakes to develop the intellect, then she should know: after the period of her becoming as an adult, the chance to increase her IQ drops sharply. Many psychologists express this idea more sharply: after 23-25 ​​years, a woman can increase her knowledge and only, it is no longer possible to develop mental abilities.

There are also opposite opinions (mainly the indignation of female psychologists, more like a denial of the fact). In any case, your intellect, on which success in business depends, your life choices and fate in general, is worth making every effort ...

So, back to the problem of how to increase intelligence. What methods are known and available to everyone?

First, remember the main rule and make it your motto, otherwise nothing will work out: the intellect develops while it is used! If you don't grow, you degrade. Self-development should be your goal, no matter how it is expressed.

Limit your intellect from harmful influences: stupid TV shows, empty talk. Better make him work: on a serious project, an interesting riddle, a puzzle (or at least a crossword puzzle). Do something more that requires mental expenditure. For example, you can write a scientific or philosophical book. What is closer to you?

Practice thinking globally and acting in relation to a real and current situation. The more you can grasp the information, the broader you look at the problem, the more effective you will be in business.

Here are the important principles to achieve the set task, how to increase intelligence. By the way, they can also serve as examples of global thinking (for the future, in a long-term project).

What can you do privately? How to improve your intelligence right now?

The brain must constantly be saturated with oxygen. Do not deprive him of this: regular walks in the fresh air, airing the premises and the obligatory minimum of physical activity - 2 times for 30 minutes every week !!! Even if you are not a supporter of physical education, aerobics, fitness, pick up the simplest exercises and do them. Or start running. You can choose an active sport. What do you like more? ..

If you want to be as productive as possible, study your mental performance: what time is the peak of activity (for most people - at 11 o'clock in the afternoon, for some at one in the morning).

Be sure to engage in and improve your own speech. It is these two that are closely related to thinking and intellectual capabilities. Find the right tricks for (not pills! Otherwise the effect will be short-lived), and start reading more. Give preference to books and magazines that are written in a language that requires extra effort to understand. In a word, always reach for more (this is an example of local action according to a global plan).

External stimuli will also help to increase intelligence, with the help of which (smell, music, color) you can regulate any mental process and performance. And then practice working in any conditions: nothing is a hindrance to a good dancer! ..

Now you have "in your hands" the basic techniques of how to increase intelligence, start small and do not be distracted from the intended goal, then the result will please you, and life will take on a different meaning ...

Smart people have always been highly valued by society. Having knowledge in different areas of life automatically gives a person an advantage and power. However, one should not confuse erudition and the level of intelligence. You can know a lot of interesting facts, but at the same time not have a good speed of thinking and a high mindset. Fortunately, this deficiency lends itself to correction, and even children can master the techniques of developing intelligence.

How to develop the intelligence of a child?

Many parents often ask themselves how to develop their child's intelligence. The answer is obvious - you need to develop IQ level from early childhood. The IQ is manifested in the child's ability to think. And before you start developing thinking skills, it is worth remembering that the intellectual activity of children is inextricably linked with their physical activity. Many parents make the fatal mistake of limiting the space where the baby is allowed to move freely. Many actions of children annoy parents. For example, children are rarely allowed to throw sand around them, stomp through puddles, etc. However, it is in this way that the child learns the world around him, and any restriction can slow down his brain activity. From the age of two, it is necessary to introduce into the child's life logic games, easy math problems and exercises for working with words. The sooner you start reading with your child, the better their thinking and vocabulary will develop. For elementary school children, board and computer logic games are well suited as a way to develop intelligence. Any mastery of knowledge must be turned into a game, then the development of the IQ level will take place in a relaxed atmosphere, which contributes to a better increase in the level of thinking.

For many parents, the question of how to develop intelligence in adolescents is much more relevant. After all, the time of growing up is characterized not only by physical and mental changes. Numerous exams can be a real challenge for teenagers with intellectual difficulties. Adolescence is characterized by a lack of interest in cognitive activity. This problem, common for many parents and teenagers, can be solved not only by forcing the child to read more.

Intelligence exercises

There are interesting and addicting psychological games that help your teen's IQ level develop without making him fall asleep over textbooks. Here is an example of a couple of such exercises that are suitable not only for adolescents, but also for adults:

  1. Exercise "Similarity and Difference." Quite a simple exercise, but its effectiveness is undeniable. It is aimed at developing the ability of thinking to compare different objects, since the comparison operation is one of the main intellectual abilities of a person. Participants in the exercise are offered two objects or concepts for comparison. For example: photography and painting, stubbornness and persistence. When analyzing the answers, it is important to note the number of errors in the thinking of the participants, the ratio of signs of similarity and difference. The winner is the one who named the feature of one of the items last and no one else voiced a new answer.
  2. The focal object method. It consists in combining incompatible objects and objects, in which creative thinking and the level of intelligence develops. Objects and adjectives denoting properties are written in two columns. For example:

The first word of the first column must be concatenated with every word of the second. We get original phrases like a fragrant bus or a liquid wheel. Thus, by connecting words, you can develop many interesting ideas for implementation.

Games and books that develop intelligence

Among the ways to spend leisure time interestingly and become smarter, games that develop intelligence are in the first place. You don't need to invent anything supernatural to raise your level of thinking. You can develop your IQ even while sitting in front of the TV. All you need to do is watch a TV game like "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" or "My own game". There are analogs of these shows in the computer version. For those who do not like to be exposed to radiation near screens and monitors, crosswords and Sudoku are quite suitable, which also have a positive effect on the brain.

As for books, this way of developing your thinking has already become a classic. True, there is a small caveat - you do not need to read everything in a row, but literature, which will contribute specifically to the growth of intelligence. Such publications include: scientific literature (not necessarily with incomprehensible terms), philosophy, serious fiction, history, poetry. You need to read books not for show, but for the sake of self-improvement. Make an effort and start reading useful literature to become wiser and find peace of mind. Very soon, not only you, but also those around you will notice what a wonderful intellectual you have become.

The topic of increasing the intellectual level. The most popular answer, with 1,600 votes, was from theoretical physics degree holder Steve Denton. The CPU editors picked the key practical tips from this post.

The brain needs intellectual challenges

In the course of solving complex problems, such as learning a new language, a field of mathematics, or mastering an unfamiliar musical instrument, the brain becomes more plastic and flexible. One win-win, Denton says, is to study different areas of mathematics, a science that offers great opportunities for brain development. Math classes train logical, numerical and visual abstract thinking while improving concentration and mental endurance skills.

Steve Denton

Communicate with well-educated people

Meeting and talking with highly intelligent people can improve the functioning of your own brain. In the course of such conversations, you can learn a lot, in addition, it is very useful to understand the train of thought of smart people.

Computer games can be used to train intelligence

Games are different - shooters and sports simulators allow you to have a good time and train your reaction, but in terms of developing intelligence, they are not particularly useful. Denton recommends choosing games that involve solving complex problems and making multiple decisions. The physicist himself is a fan of the EVE game - in his opinion, it is the most complex and versatile of all computer games (the game system operates on the most powerful gaming supercomputer called Tranquility).

You need to read at least one serious book a week.

Brain training with special software

Denton advises using special software for brain development, with the only caveat - it is necessary to use only services that have proven their effectiveness. Most of such projects in reality do not allow achieving the results that their creators promise - most often with their help you can only learn to play a certain game well, which does not translate into improving the general cognitive abilities of a person. However, the Dual N-Back project was able to prove its effectiveness. Another positive point - you can download it completely free.

A healthy lifestyle is important

Exercise has a positive effect on brain function, healthy and not too short sleep also increases productivity (however, "oversleeping" can be even more harmful than not getting enough sleep). It is important to be smart about drinking alcohol - in small quantities it helps to relax and communicate more freely - as mentioned above, communication with other people is good for the brain. But excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages (like smoking) causes obvious harm to the body. In addition, the brain needs proper nutrition to function most effectively. The body can get the required amount of nutrients only with a balanced diet - a person should eat fruits, vegetables, fish and meat.

You need to get rid of the limiting ideas about your own intellectual level

Many people are actually smarter than they think they are. Often, this humble attitude towards their mental abilities does not allow them to achieve more in life. This phenomenon is called the "Dunning-Kruger effect" - according to it, people with a level of intelligence below average, often overestimate their intelligence, while those with an intelligence level above average, more often underestimate their abilities. You can get rid of such an attitude towards yourself with the help of a simple logical refutation of myths about your own insolvency.

In the article you will learn:

Intelligence and 5 Easy Ways to Boost It

Greetings to my readers! I'm glad that you are with me again, because now I will tell you5 simple ways to improve your intelligence... Of course, we will not become geniuses from this, but we will also "blunt" lessEspecially, I appreciated the results in the professional field. And what can I say, we will all be old, and I personally do not want to lose my cognitive abilities at an early age and ruin the life of my grandchildren!

Moreover, it is not necessary to practice all the methods, two or three are enough and your brain will work much better and to a ripe old age will retain rationality.

In order not to be like Matroskin's cat in the famous cartoon:“We have the funds. We don't have enough intelligence ... "

By the way, intellect and psyche influence each other, so another important argument for “pumping” the brain is prevention of stress and harmony of life.

Why exactly he?

Yes, you ask, what is intelligence and why should it be developed? I understand it as the ability to think well... That is, not just to think, but to be able to think, to perceive any information in the most effective way for you. In order to make the right decision. And this is what the doctor ordered, do you agree? Intelligence also includes the ability to adapt to new situations and apply abstract concepts.

All in all, intelligence is

  • criticality of thought
  • adapting to situations
  • learning ability
  • ability to use your knowledge
  • resource planning

By increasing your intelligence, you increase the abilities listed above.

Number one most important

Just think how automated our life is! We receive most of the information (media, official duties, everyday affairs) automatically and instantly give out the most predictable and habitual reactions... In such conditions, there is no place not only for creative, but also for intellectual opportunities.

Therefore, the first and most important way in my leadership: to be able to think, you need to think critically! That is, how can you think critically more often... Yes, so simple, but insanely important. For example, over a book you have read, over an event or a situation that has arisen in reality and on the screen. Before you say or do anything, take a special pause for analysis and only then do or answer.

You can also read some books for self-development approaching it with a critical eye.

Without this it is impossible

The second method is to include in your work such properties of thinking as attention, memory, perception... For example, if at home or at work there are pictures, maps and more, then turn them upside down. The usual things are seen and perceived in a completely different way, right?

Following this example, try to do things differently: change the route to work, the order of storage of papers, the structure of the report, the order of cleaning the house. Periodically rearrange the rooms, it will also refresh the tired life.

Yet at homesuch a welcome is good: Do in the dark what you do in daylight. Have you noticed how attentive and concentrated you are when you return from the toilet at night to your bedroom in a dark apartment? Now try not only to walk through different rooms in the dark, but also, for example, clean up, change clothes, wash or even take a shower. Believe me, besides the benefits, you will get a lot of interesting sensations!

I know what I'm talking about, because I myself periodically get up something like that. Often I write and brush my teeth with my left hand (I am right-handed), I like to take a bath or wash my face in the dark - this greatly sharpens the perception of the body. And sometimes I watch TV upside down. All this may seem strange to you, but 1) it's fun 2) it increases intelligence

And to develop and work with memory, read my article "", there are links to very useful resources with memory games.

Two halves of one whole

Another great technique for intellectual self-development, which I have already mentioned a little, is training the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Contrary to stereotypes, both hemispheres are equally important in the formation of "quality brains". Start with the most accessible exercise - learn to write with the hand you least use... Just a few lines a day and you will make significant progress.

This seems to be a simple advice, but it is very difficult to follow at first! I read in one article about visualization that if you want to translate the desired life scenario into reality, then write it down with your left hand (if you are right-handed) in a notebook for 21 days. Horror! This is what kind of torment you will have to endure, how to suffer, drawing hooks and rounds like a first grader.

Also start doing various household little things. less active hand- wash dishes, comb, button up, brush your teeth.

Right-handed it is worth doing learning to play musical instruments, drawing, singing or creating creative crafts, and left-handed, respectively, practice solving logic puzzles and math exercises.

We speak different languages

The next method is - study of foreign languages. Despite the fact that some skeptics consider teaching different languages ​​to be just memory training, I am convinced that this is a good technique, if not increase, then strengthen and train mental activity. Moreover, it has been proven that learning languages ​​prevents senile mental illness, which means that there is a connection with intellectual potential.

Judge for yourself, in order to learn a language, you need to find patterns for applying the rules, compare various factors and concepts, analyze new words as symbols. Therefore, learn languages, in addition, acquire a mega-useful skill for traveling, reading foreign forums, books and watching films in the original.

I advise you to read about books that increase intelligence... This will double or even triple the effect!

Everything new is useful

The fifth method in my IQ toolbox is search and receipt of new impressions. There is just an incredible variety and richness of imagination. Try rock climbing or a trip to the Harry Potter studio. Firstly, travel provides a lot of new information that will be easy to remember and give food for mind. Study different cultures, traditions and laws, compare them with each other. Study the cuisine, life and people, this is a great opportunity to train your brain.

Secondly, well-chosen films can also help brainwash. What films are worth watching, read my article “ Films about self-development and self-improvement". Third, look for sources of knowledge in various hobbies and interesting activities. Be sure to improve your professional qualifications, participate in courses and trainings, or conduct your own!

Getting rid of obstacles

Of course, there is no point in treating a disease if you provoke the onset of its symptoms. So everything that clogs the brain and does not allow them to rest, should be cleaned up like trash in your life: TV, hanging on social networks, ineffective pastime.

Also without active brain stimulation blood supply and the provision of essential nutrients, to develop intellectual abilities impossible. So exercise regularly, stay healthy, stay active, and eat right.

However, do not forget about the classic ways of increasing intelligence: solve puzzles, guess over puzzles and crosswords, visit quest rooms. Be smart and smart!

Tell us, do you use any methods to increase your intelligence? Or are you hoping for genetics?
June was with you.

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Before looking for an answer to the question of how to increase your intellectual level, you need to decide what intelligence is. The Latin stem of the word ("intellectus") indicates the specific lexical meaning of "understanding." What exactly should a person “understand” in order to be able to be called an intellectual? Public opinion, most often, associates intelligence with reason and the amount of information that it can assimilate and reproduce in the process of life. The fusion of static knowledge about the world with the dynamic component of working on them gives us a true understanding of intelligence as a special mental and at the same time psychological quality of a person.

What is intellectual level?
The classical components of the intellectual level are cognitive (memory, sensation, perception, representation, imagination) and mental (flexibility of the mind, breadth, consistency, evidence and criticality of thinking) a person's ability to perceive and analyze the surrounding reality.

The intellectual level is the higher, the better the thinking subject works with the information coming to him. A broad outlook, the ability to comprehensively study the object of mental activity, the separation of the main from the secondary, the construction of logical reasoning and the ability to reject incorrect conclusions in time indicates a high intellectual level of a person.

The foundations of intelligence are laid in us from the moment we are born. Family and social upbringing, primary, secondary and higher education - all these stages of acquaintance with the outside world, year after year, form within a person specific knowledge bases and logical thinking tools for operating with them. However, in order to become a highly intellectual person, it is not enough just to grow up in a good family and get an education. You need to improve yourself every day and train your mind, offering it newer, more interesting food for thought.

Memory training
In order to raise your intellectual level, you need to be not only a comprehensively developed personality, but also have a good memory. Otherwise, everything that you receive from the outside can pass you by.

To train your memory, you should use the classic school methods of memorizing your favorite poems and literary quotes and solving mathematical, physical or chemical problems. Pick the area of ​​expertise that you like best and work with it until you get bored.

Learning foreign languages ​​is a great way to keep your memory in good shape. The more other people's new words you memorize every day, the easier it will be for you to work with the information received in your native language.

Numerous crosswords (verbal - classic and scanwords; visual - Japanese; digital - sudoku, etc.), as well as a variety of mathematical and logical puzzles develop the dynamic properties of memory associated with the reproduction of information and the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships necessary to solve specific practical tasks.

Introduction to culture
A high intellectual level is unthinkable without a certain cultural knowledge base. Its basics are laid back at school, while subsequent realities depend on the person himself. Only we choose what to do: read Dontsova's frivolous detectives or Sartre's philosophical works, watch My Fair Nanny on TV or enjoy a live theatrical performance of La Bohème. Of course, there is nothing bad in mass culture (in its own way, it also has a beneficial effect on the general level of erudition, and on the understanding of the foundations of modern life), but it is the familiarization with the time-tested classics that allows a person to learn the unshakable laws of life, its principles and problems, exciting civilization over the past centuries and even millennia.

Popular culture entertains the mind, classical culture opens before it the world of true values. Literature, music, painting, theater, architecture, photography, ballet fill our memory and develop the spiritual qualities of a person.

Communication with other people
We live in a world filled with people. Society surrounds us in the family, at work and rest. Understanding other people allows us to better understand the life around us and ourselves. The more we communicate, the more we learn. Human psychology, habits, interests are revealed to us. With proper observation, we can learn to empathize with and help other people. A more complete immersion in the inner "I" of a stranger relieves us of contacts with unworthy people and reveals interesting people.

Communication with people of different professions provides access to truly invaluable practical information. Nothing enriches a person like other people's professional secrets. Not a single book, not a single textbook will teach us what extraneous personal experience, other people's mistakes and achievements can teach.

Interaction with objects
The world around us consists not only of scientific information, people and works of art. It contains a huge number of objects, the work with which allows you to increase your intellectual level even for the benefit of the business. Which one? The one you decide to do.

Culinary operations with food and technical - with out-of-order items can make your home a little "tastier" and better. The ability to understand fashion and materials will come in handy for buying high-quality clothes and shoes, and the ability to sew will provide purchased things with a long service life. Mastering the repair and construction sphere of everyday life will save costs and nerves that are usually spent on hired workers. Joining one of the sports will harden not only your mind, but also your body.

The more you penetrate into the essence of objects, the easier it will be for you to master new material areas of your life. It only seems that the accumulated life experience is worthless. In fact, many seemingly useless and fragmentary knowledge can surface in consciousness at a critical moment and save you from sparking wires or a car stalled on a deserted road.

Ability to draw conclusions
The highest point in the development of a person's intellectual abilities can be called the ability to draw correct conclusions based on the data obtained. You can go to this for years, but you should not be afraid of it. Life is given to know it. Do you want her flow to obey you? Pay attention to the little things, think about why everything happens this way and not otherwise. Look for causes, effects, connections. Build internal systemic relationships between objects, people, events. Learn to get the information you need from any available sources - books, television, the Internet, other people, personal experience. Consider the facts of interest from all angles. Don't throw anything aside. Don't let information take over you - it is just a means to comprehend the world, but not the world itself. And don't be afraid to be wrong. Admitted mistakes, like nothing else, allow you to increase your intellectual level.