How to make your relationship better with your loved one. How to make your relationship more interesting, stronger and better

Take your time, you have a lot of time to achieve a good relationship!


1. Start by becoming friends with the person you want to have a relationship with. This step is vital as it allows you to find out more about your partner and also to confirm / deny your feelings towards them.

2. Tell each other everything. If you don't like something about your partner, tell him about it. Relationships are not going to be good until you understand the flaws.

3. Never change. Cheating has ruined many relationships. If you want a lot of things, try role-playing games and everything that relates to it. If you are with someone else, your partner will wonder why someone is better than him. If you are seriously considering cheating, consider ending the relationship so as not to hurt your partner.

4. Be spontaneous. Surprise your partner with movie or game tickets. When it's warm and sunny outside, a picnic or a walk along the lake will be very romantic. Even ordinary flowers on the doorstep with cute accents will work.

5. Spend time together. You don't want to miss each other so much. But you should not spend time together until the moment when you are sitting next to each other in the toilet.

6. Tell your loved ones how much you love them. If you don't talk about it often enough, your partner will feel dismissive of themselves and that you don't care.

7. Prioritize. Make your time and money a top priority. Love is not always a warm, vague feeling. This is often a deliberate choice. It is a choice to reconsider flaws, to prefer gentleness to rudeness, to make the other person feel special. When someone puts off their affairs and desires for your sake, it is incredibly flattering and touching. Do this for your partner and you will see your relationship flourish.

8. Based on the statement that long-term relationships are built on love, we must understand what love is. Dr. Sternberg (a psychologist who has studied love) put forward an article talking about different aspects of love. In short, there are three vital ingredients that make up true love (or unrivaled love). These ingredients are intimacy, passion, and commitment. Intimacy is part of friendship; you enjoy spending time together and have grown up in the "personality gravity" arena. The passion aspect is often the cause of relationship problems. While physical attraction is important in a relationship, it shouldn't be fully expressed without real intimacy. If you dive into passion without considering each other's needs, it will hurt someone in the end. Last but not least, commitment is considered. There are two forms of liabilities - short-term and long-term. A short-term commitment is a thought that a person says to himself, "I am willing to love this person." This does not include a long-term commitment, but it is the initial choice a person makes before entering a relationship. The long-term commitment (and what we are discussing) is choosing to stay with the specified person for a long time. When all three aspects are fulfilled, you will achieve true love.

9. Now that you fully understand what love is, you can make your own assumptions about what you should do. You don't have to reach all three aspects at once (i.e. some points may come later in the relationship). But generally, all three must be present in order to maintain a healthy long-term relationship.


Make sure you are with someone you truly love. You shouldn't tell yourself that you will be with this person forever, because he has beautiful eyes or toned abs. If the only thing you have in common is your love of cheese, maybe you should look for someone else with whom you can truly spend your entire life.

Remember not to rush! A long-term relationship is a permanent job, it doesn't just appear. Just make sure that neither you nor your partner feel uncomfortable with any aspect of your relationship, and you will be fine.

Don't be offended if someone tells you something that you disagree with. If your partner doesn’t like the place you’re going to dinner, choose another that you both will like, even if you’re tired of it.

Communication is the key to success. Initially, you may have an unsettling feeling, but this is part of the game. Over time, you must learn to be completely honest with each other and make it clear how you are feeling.


If you think your partner is cheating on you, don't jump to conclusions. Pay attention to signs, things you didn't give away, delays at work, school, etc. If you notice something, do not make a scandal, just say: "I noticed one thing or whatever, could you explain to me where you got it from?"

If your partner doesn't show how much he loves you too often, don't be offended. Probably, he has a decline in mood for several days, weeks, months. Support him.

You can be in the "friendly zone" for a long time before moving on to a relationship.

Any relationship - friendly or romantic - requires certain "investments" on your part, and not only at the stage of their formation. Such garbage often happens: you go out of your way to "get" a girl, and when you are already officially called a couple, you relax and let everything go by itself. The benefits of your efforts will fade very quickly if you start to take your relationship for granted and don't care about maintaining and improving their quality.

1. Watch the words

The old adage about a word that is not a sparrow never loses its relevance. No matter how close and trusting your relationship is, watch what you say. Before you blurt out something, think about how you would feel if someone told you something like that.

2. Respect other people's opinions

If this person is really dear to you, respect his opinion, regardless of whether you agree with him or not. No, of course, you can argue, but without humiliating your opponent.
And try not to touch the "sacred".

3. Find the positive side of the negative character trait

The positive / negative categories are highly subjective. This means that what is negative for you does not necessarily mean that for another. Besides, it is possible that there is something objectively useful hiding behind the fact that you do not like it. For example, you are annoyed by her excessive love for order and organization. However, this same love can make your life full of chaos a little easier and more comfortable.

4. Don't be boring

Not every difference of opinion should be a reason for a dispute or, even more so, a quarrel. Think, is it worth it? Is it so important to prove your case to her, if by doing so you only hurt her?

5. Don't jump to conclusions

“Someone else's soul - darkness” is another ageless thought. Do not rush to blame or condemn the other, perhaps you do not know even a tenth of what is happening in his head. Give your loved ones the benefit of the doubt. Trust is essential for a strong relationship. If a loved one does something that you think is wrong, the normal reaction is to try to figure out why this happened, rather than immediately blame him.

6. Compliment

Especially the girl.

7. Don't forget to thank

You quickly get used to good things. Even if your girlfriend cooks borsch for you every day, and your best friend constantly throws up orders, do not limit yourself to the words “yeah, good” in response. Say thank you. Don't underestimate the importance of this symbolic gesture. The person whom you thank even for everyday trifles feels his own importance to you. In addition, the whole life is made up of little things, do not forget about that.

8. Appreciate your loved ones

Returning to the previous point: gratitude pronounced “on the machine” will not work. Sincerely appreciate those who are near you. When you are angry with someone, remember the good things that this person did for you, and think: maybe this "joint" of his is worth forgiving.

The Complete Collection of Related Materials: How to Make Your Relationship Better? from experts in their field.

They say that perfect relationships don't exist. However, nothing is impossible. He who seeks will always find. How can you make your relationship perfect, so that your friends are jealous and follow an example? What is the ideal union of two loving hearts based on?

Accepting a person for who they are

Many people in relationships make the mistake of trying to change their partner. This is the whole paradox, because you fell in love with a person as he was. But do not forget that you are not perfect either, will you be able to change at least yourself, not to mention the other person? Accepting people as they are, you realize that each of you has his own life, and each is free to decide what he should be and how to behave. No one owes nothing to nobody. They all have merits and demerits.


In a relationship, it is important to understand a loved one, you need to be able to stand in his place, letting his emotions through yourself. Until you learn this, there will be no peace and tranquility in your union for a long time. Even if you cannot accept his point of view, you should simply be aware of why your partner did this and not otherwise. When you understand, they will understand you. All people are different. Try to keep this.


Recently, it has become the norm to raise your voice to a loved one, call him names, humiliate him, thereby showing disrespect for him as a person. Over time, negative emotions accumulate, and, as you yourself know, offensive words are remembered in the first place, and not good ones. When a critical moment arises, when a person needs to make a choice, will he listen to the one who constantly trampled him into the mud with his words? There is no relationship without respect. Appreciate the person. Always thank your soul mate on time, apologize, praise, do not allow yourself to raise your voice, use obscene expressions and obscenities in your speech.


You must support your loved one at all costs. No matter how crazy his idea may seem to you, no matter how stupid his act may seem to you, if he believes in him, you should also believe. You must be the source of your partner's success. You must go hand in hand with him.


This is, first of all, respect for one's own choice. Decided to enter into a serious relationship, which means that you have realized all the responsibility. Why change after that? Here it is, your happiness! Problems need to be solved not by raising self-esteem in other people's beds, but in relationships. Sometimes, just talking is enough to change the situation. Cheating can ruin a relationship to its core by destroying it. Betrayal can be forgiven, but living with it is hard. Do you need this kind of relationship? Unlikely. Loyalty is most valued. Even if you are not perfect in a relationship, you cannot restrain emotions, you do not always understand your partner, but you are faithful, your loved one will certainly forgive you your mistakes for the fact that no matter what, you stay with him.


Intimate life plays an important role in the life of every person. Relationships are not the same without intimacy. Sex helps to express love and gratitude, relieves fatigue, strengthens the spiritual connection, helps to relax, and improves mood. Your loved one should feel loved. Even if you are tired at work, do not get enough sleep, find the strength to at least hug your soul mate before bed. Physical contact is essential for a relationship.

When certainty, stability appears in marriage, the storm of emotions calms down, then there is a danger of distance from each other due to banal boredom. This happens in every marriage in different ways, but it is boredom that causes divorce after five to seven years of the emergence of a new family. The butterflies that fluttered in the stomach with every kiss and touch of a loved one flew away somewhere, leaving a void that must be filled. How can you make your relationship more interesting?

Good habits, bad habits

Getting used to each other is a useful social mechanism. It is precisely this that does not allow two people to scatter as soon as the love passes, and with their own hands destroy the tender sprouts of friendship, mutual understanding, mutual assistance, and respect. That's why no need to be offended by your husband for becoming uninteresting with him - this is a completely natural development of relations. Now is the time to take your marriage to a higher level - to start getting to know each other from different sides.

But what we urgently need to get rid of is the habit of seeing your husband through the prism of your stereotypes. Make an effort to look at him with a non-prejudiced eye. What good qualities does he have, why is he interested in computer games or modeling, and not football? What advantages does he have over the husbands of your girlfriends? He does not get drunk to the point of unconsciousness, does not offend you, plays with children and helps around the house. Then you can congratulate yourself for having such a wonderful spouse... You just need to diversify your everyday life.

Support his passion

Surely your husband has many like-minded people with whom he can share his passion. Use this to get him out of the house. How to do it? For example, he is an avid gambling addict. Invite him to a game developers conference, a gathering of fans of his favorite game, and so on. Even if at first he will be against because of his own insecurity, after a while he will be fired up with an idea and will happily prepare for the upcoming event. After visiting him, be sure to exchange thoughts about what you saw. In doing so, you will achieve two goals at once: add variety to your daily routine and delight your husband with your support.

You to me - I to you

So, once having pulled your loved one out of your cozy nest to an event that is interesting for him, you will have the right to call him where you want yourself, and he simply cannot refuse. No, you don't need to take him to a housewife club meeting. Think about what will entertain both of you and beautify your communication. Could it be a kart ride, a 5D movie show?

Connect flirting in order to seduce your own husband, invite him on dates. It is in your best interest to make him want to spend time with you more often than he does now. Then you don't have to endlessly think about how to make the relationship more interesting.

Let's learn together how to improve your relationship with your loved one. For this, we have prepared a huge number of ways to improve relations finally for the better.

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Learn to sit on a split, throw your legs over your head or curl up like a snake: all boys dream of having sex with gymnasts, because they can put themselves in a pose that cannot be found in any Kama Sutra.

Get in the habit of keeping a bottle of his favorite drink at home. Serve like a king: on a tray and with an appropriate snack. Do this in two cases: when he feels bad and when he feels very good. And finally stop lecturing him about the dangers of alcohol.

Don't hide your virtues from him. A man has the right to enjoy the sight of his beloved not only in bed. How about vacuuming the floor while he reads his favorite book on the couch? Believe me, your initiative will not go unnoticed. Do not be shy. After all, you need to be in time for everything, as long as your chest is high, as the "Secret" group once sang.

It is a waste of money to use mobile communication to inform your boyfriend about your parents' arrival and the need to buy a present for your classmate's birthday. Why don't you give him a phone sex session, especially when he gets bored at the next meeting. This is a very effective way to stimulate the male imagination and, moreover, is much cheaper than the similar service of professional sex telephone operators.

Don't wait for your boyfriend to buy a new film from his favorite director. Track the release of the picture on DVD and buy soon, so you can find a simple way to improve your relationship with your loved one. Boys love toys more than anything else, and then everything else. In addition, you look, and your favorite films will begin to fall on you.

You don't always have the opportunity to say out loud how cool your boyfriend is? Use sign language for this. When you ride in a crowded elevator, touch him for ... Well, you know better for what. If you are a modest girl and such an act seems too extreme to you, then just kiss your boyfriend on the cheek and whisper a couple of gentle words in his ear. Believe me, he will be pleased that you are not ashamed of your feelings.

The myth that intimate procedures should be performed in private was invented by old Hollywood maidens, who could no longer epilate the bikini area in the presence of young gentlemen. Do not forget to gently rub his back, trim his mustache and beard - nothing pleases a man so much as a woman's attention to his body.

Stop yelling, "Eat scrambled eggs again!" When he is eating scrambled eggs again. Remember once and for all: eggs are your allies. This is the fastest, easiest and cheapest way to replenish the protein that is so necessary for his, including men's, health. You should not often repeat the fact, already refuted by all doctors, about the dangers of egg cholesterol. Instead, boldly cook his favorite male dish. You probably do it better.

If you think that loving sweets is an exclusively female prerogative, you are deeply mistaken. You don't eat a pint and a half at a time at corporate parties. And he eats! Therefore, as you prepare to meet him, think about how to sweeten it. Just don't indulge his love for bars. Choose as dark chocolate as possible, which promotes the production of endorphins. It is essentially happiness wrapped in foil.

You don't have to drag the guy to the disco if you want to dance. Dance at home and to his favorite music. He'll be impressed, especially if you start waltzing to the new Metallica album.

If your boyfriend likes to throw socks all over the apartment, don't scold him for it, but have a "Sock Scatter Party". In the "All for 1 hryvnia" store, buy a bag of socks, and in the children's goods department, a small siren and a toy megaphone. Now take off your clothes! Strap the siren on your head, walk into the room while he is watching TV and scattering socks all over the room, chant, "Welcome to the Sock Spreading Service!" He will remember this performance forever and will no longer throw socks around!

Make it a rule to call his parents, so you can learn how to improve your relationship with your loved one. Who, if not them, can tell you how to treat a person who looks like them like two peas in a pod. I give one hundred percent guarantee: your quarrels will end as soon as you utter the magic phrase "Well, I'll go and call your mom." Do not forget: constructive is the main thing in any conflict!

Watching how your boyfriend's muscles grow is sometimes necessary right during training.

Appear in the gym in the midst of his training, and this day will be remembered by him for a long time. It's not even that the presence of a woman increases the strength performance of male athletes. It's just that this is your first visit to him for training. And the first is always remembered. Do not dare to go alone - take your girlfriend. Maybe she’ll look after someone at the same time. It’s good for you and good for your friend.

Guys love tokens as much as girls, so when in the morning he finds a postcard you signed on his desk in the office in the morning, consider that a romantic evening is guaranteed for you. Although instead of a postcard, it is better to send him a Kiev cutlet and salad.

Learn to understand the brands of expensive cars and alcoholic beverages. It won't take much time, but your remarks that Ardbag is not as smoky as Lafroeig, despite the fact that many whiskey lovers think so, and the suspension of the Weisman is as stiff as at Morgan, will cause your stock to skyrocket. Your relationship will definitely change after that!

Get a tattoo with his name. But choose a place that only he can see. Your boyfriend's self-esteem explosion is guaranteed! However, if you are not sure that this is your last boyfriend, get a temporary tattoo, otherwise you will have to get rid of the name of your beloved on your body, as Angelina Jolie and other hindsight stars had to do.

Download the upgrade of his favorite computer toy. If you do not know how to do this, ask the sysadmin. Come home early and at least pretend that you are trying to pass this new level. If he sees you playing a game that he himself has not yet played, you will become his idol. At least for a while.

Learn to fix a faucet. It is this procedure that most often makes guys go crazy: many just never did it. Just don’t try to grab the screwdriver and pliers before he gets home. Let him first sign his own inability to perform elementary male work. Well, you get a prize for that. Which one depends on your boyfriend's imagination.

SMS is not the most romantic way to express feelings. A short message can be transmitted, for example, by a mirror. Buy an inexpensive lipstick specially for this occasion and write him short letters. Just do not need to remind them that it is time to pay for utilities or go for washing powder. Stick the logo of his favorite football team on your panties on the day of an important match. Even if the players lose, you will definitely win. And in order to celebrate the victory, you do not have to wait until the match is over. Dig through his parents' photo archives, find his childhood photos, and make something like a themed album out of them, which is best seen together on a romantic candlelight dinner.

Play his favorite song, sing it into the microphone, and then put the same melody on your voice. Pour the finished track into his iPod and wait for the result. If he doesn't appreciate it, look for a more emotional guy. If you don't know how to use a music editor that allows you to combine several audio tracks into one, you will have to take several computer literacy lessons. But it's worth it.

Take a photo! Not with a girlfriend, like his dog, and put this photo in his wallet. When he rummages in his wallet, finds this photo and reads on the back "We miss you", he will cry, drop everything and rush home. The main thing is that for this evening you do not plan gatherings with your girlfriends. Throw a party. Not for girls, but a real bachelor party. Invite all his friends, do not say a word to him, of course. And don't you dare to leave while the boys are drinking. This is your idea, and you are a full participant in this event. The meeting of old friends that you organize is a great gift, plus you will have a great opportunity to hear what he is gossiping about with his friends.

Buy a trip. Romantic! For two, of course. No, not in a travel agency, but at the railway station. Grab tickets to the commuter station an hour's drive away, and then walk home from there. It's cheap and cheerful. Do not forget that your relationship is like a television antenna: both are highly dependent on the place in which you put them. Learn to do pull-ups and push-ups on the uneven bars. Take the guy for a walk and, passing by the sports field, offer to compete. Even if you fail, your ability to do these strength exercises will blow him away.

Spin his head! Take him to the nearest airfield and make his old dream to jump with a parachute come true. You can neutralize the received amount of adrenaline only with prolonged sex.

Invite your boyfriend to play strip cards. But keep in mind, your job is to make him win. If you don’t understand what is the point of this game, we explain: it’s like a striptease, only more sophisticated.

Offer him to shoot a video. Have him choose any song that you sing together and capture the recording process on video. Post the video on and share the link with your friends. They will tell him: "Chickpeas, old man, give it!" He will be satisfied.

If you want to have a family showdown, let it take place in the form of a creamy battle. Before you raise any painful question, prepare a couple of pots of cream and start bombing for every wrong answer. Disassembly must be completed in the bedroom, licking the cream from the victim's body.

Buy him and yourself something the same. Jackets and hats, for example. Now everyone will perceive you as one whole, and turn around after. And men love to be noticed. When he feels bad, do not send him to friends, but at least once play the role of his drinking companion. Having dealt with the problems, you can play "crocodile", like Madonna in the movie "Gone." Give him a facial massage. He doesn't even know what a pleasure it is. You don't have to be limited to your face. Buy an air pistol and stock up on a large portrait of his boss. When your boyfriend comes home after getting beaten up by the boss, give him the Kill the Director kit.

If your boyfriend is regularly late at work, don't wait until he gets home. Take a taxi and go to him. There you can play chef and secretary without, so to speak, interruption from production.

Give him something that cannot be bought in a regular store. If he is interested in history, find a military cap from the Second World War, boxing - gloves autographed by Klitschko. This stuff is full on the Internet auctions. Tie him a sweater. Or at least socks. He learns about one of your talent and will remember you every time he puts on this thing.

Find out what sites he reads during the working day, and start visiting the same resources, discuss the most interesting with him in the evening.

Ask him to teach you self-defense techniques. He will feel like a strong and responsible person for you.

On New Year's, invite him to congratulate his friends. In the costumes of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden! This evening you are guaranteed a lot of positive emotions.

Give up celebrating March 8. Decisively, once and for all! On this occasion, he will definitely want to throw a party and will remember this at least on the eve of Moscow Railways. So you won't have less holidays, and the guy will be happy.

Don't throw away the extra photos he took for the next embassy. Laminate them, attach to earrings, and put them in your ears. Beats will prove to him that you value him more than diamonds.

Invite him to ride the Ferris wheel, ask the mechanic to stop the attraction for a modest reward when your booth is at the very top. Five minutes will be enough for him to remember this day more than Gagarin did his first flight into space.

Start talking about building your own home. Talking about a joint future creates a kind of unity of souls, which is not there at the early stage of acquaintance.

Give him a baby. It brings together better than any “gift” and it bridges cracks in relationships better than any glue. If it seems to you that he is not yet mature enough for a child, give him a dog. Let him train.

Write a poem about your affectionate relationship. Can't write poetry? Do not worry! Send all your SMS and emails to your computer. When you have enough of them, print it out and make a book out of it. Such a gift is no worse than a volume of Van Gogh's correspondence with his brother, honestly!

Why don't you play him? There are a lot of options, starting with slippers glued to the floor and ending with calls from his friends.

Nowadays, many sculptors make busts from photographs. It is not cheap, but imagine the reaction of your boyfriend, who, having arrived at the dacha, will find there a real monument to himself!