How to make parchment paper at home. What is parchment paper - how to use and what can be replaced when baking in the oven How to make parchment paper at home

To create confectionery products, you need not only to knead the dough correctly. The baking process is also important, which requires parchment paper. Delicious and aromatic dough products are obtained with it. But there are situations when it is over. How to replace parchment paper when baking is described in the article.

Material features

The main purpose of parchment paper is to use it when baking. It is not able to pass grease and water, moreover, it is very durable. The finished product does not lose its taste and does not absorb foreign odors. The baked goods do not dry or burn. When baking, food parchment is used, there are no dangerous impurities in it. But if it is not there, you need to know how to replace parchment paper when baking.

Parchment rules

Parchment is convenient for preparing various dishes. The paper is placed on baking trays, baking dishes, and other containers. She is the barrier between dishes and food. You can buy it in supermarkets, where it is sold in the household departments. The material is available in supermarkets and grocery stores. The terms of use are as follows:

  1. You need to line the container with parchment. The paper is placed on baking trays, in molds for different types of products, baking dishes. The material serves as protection against scorching, but does not prevent leakage.
  2. You need to cut off the required piece of paper. So that the finished products do not have wrinkles and folds, the parchment must be distributed carefully.
  3. Parchment can be used unconventionally. It is needed for the pastry wrapper. The paper is placed in gift boxes. The material is used for frying meat on a baking sheet.

Some housewives grease the paper with butter, like a baking sheet. This protects it from shifting while spreading the dough. But this is not necessary. To keep the parchment in place, you need to grease the corners of the baking sheet a little, and do not touch the surface.

Parchment should not be confused with waxed paper. These are different materials. Wax paper cannot be used at high temperatures. Parchment should be used if required by a prescription. It is not needed for silicone cookware.

The paper can be composted, it can be recycled, and this is necessary for the environment. At the same time, there are several analogues that can perfectly replace parchment. They make the same great baked goods.

Writing paper

This is one of the answers to the question of how to replace parchment paper when baking biscuits. For meringues, it is advisable to use thick paper. It is important that there are no images on it, as the ink will remain on the dough and spoil the taste.

Before spreading the dough on the paper, grease it liberally. It is advisable to use butter or margarine. To speed up the process, the oil is pre-ground to a creamy state. Do not melt it, as the paper will fall apart.

Tracing paper

How to replace parchment paper when baking so that the products do not burn? Tracing paper is a good option. It is used in the sewing industry to produce clothing patterns. It is similar in appearance and properties to parchment. Before use, it is necessary to check the purity of the material.

The difference is that the tracing paper was not greased in advance. This must be done as with writing paper. Replacing baking paper with tracing paper will also be required if the dough does not take a long time to bake. Calca is not as strong as its culinary competitor.

Silicone molds and mats

How else to replace parchment paper when baking? For this, silicone molds are sold, which are used in the preparation of muffins, cookies. There are even silicone mats for bulky pastries. They can be used multiple times. The material is suitable for any baking.

If you are interested in how to replace parchment paper when baking cookies, then you should choose silicone molds or rugs. Before removing the cookies from the molds, let the finished product cool down a little, after which you can pry it off with the edge of a spatula, turn it over and knock on the bottom. Many housewives have appreciated the silicone coated paper. It is produced in sheets and rolls. Each sheet can be applied up to 8 times. This material needs minimal maintenance, and besides, it serves for a very long time.


If there is nothing to replace the parchment paper with when baking, then foil will do. This material is fragile, so you need to transfer the dough to it carefully. The foil heats up, so you need to monitor the temperature in the oven so that the products do not burn.

But this material is more suitable for baking products that produce juice. Usually fish and vegetables are wrapped in it. Foil is able to retain the juice and aroma of products.

Using a baking bag and flour packaging

These options are also suitable if you are wondering how to replace parchment paper for baking. The bags have excellent resistance to high temperatures. You need to use them in rare cases, when there is nothing else. The product will not allow you to burn, which is the only advantage.

If there is no parchment for baking, how to replace it? Flour packaging is similar in properties. This is often regular baking paper. Pour the flour into a separate container, oil the packaging a little - and you can start baking. The dough should be laid out on the inside of the package so that there is no imprint on the cakes.

Without additional accessories

If the dough is not capricious, then you can bake it on a baking sheet without using any special means. You just need to grease the surface with butter or margarine. You should not use this technique for meringues or macarons, because they will burn without paper. But the method will be indispensable for pies, casseroles, biscuits.

Semolina will reduce the risk of sticking of confectionery products. You just need to sprinkle it on an oiled baking sheet. The groats can be replaced with bread crumbs. Wheat flour is also fine. You can grind dry bread or crackers. Baking is done in a non-stick pan. It does not need special coatings, you just need to grease the bottom and sides with butter. This technology allows you to get excellent results.

What not to use?

For the preparation of confectionery products, you should not use:

  1. Newspapers. This paper is fragile, while it is saturated with printing ink, which is not useful to humans.
  2. Dry writing paper. Before placing the dough and sending it to the oven, grease it with oil, otherwise the products will not separate from the paper.
  3. Vegetable oil for lubrication. The product will not get rid of sticking, no matter how high quality it is. And the taste and aroma will be spoiled.
  4. Polyethylene. Its composition differs from baking bags. The material melts when exposed to high temperatures. Not only the dish will be spoiled, but also the kitchen utensils and household appliances.

Before using the tools at hand, they must be tested. After all, they may not withstand high temperatures. Place a piece of material in a preheated oven for 15 minutes. If the product does not catch fire, curl or smoke, it is considered safe. Before cooking, check that all materials are intact and not dirty. Suitable parchment substitutes will help you bake tasty and flavorful baked goods.

Parchment paper is used for packaging goods, parcels and food. Recently, this material has been used for confectionery purposes. Thanks to this simple device, the process of creating baked goodies has become much easier. In our article today, we will learn how to use parchment paper for baking and what can replace it in terms of "non-stick" properties.

What is parchment paper?

The supermarket has a variety of parchment paper grades in various weights and sizes. But few people know the manufacturing technology of this material. Consider a detailed description of parchment for baking.

What does parchment paper look like?

The appearance of the parchment depends on the scope of its application. In our case, consider the food industry. The baking paper configuration has a translucent appearance and a slightly glossy dark beige color. The parchment has an exquisite texture to the touch, which "crunches" under any manipulation. This material is quite dense and durable, despite the external unpretentiousness.

What is parchment paper for?

Baking parchment paper is designed to prevent the dough from sticking to the baking sheet and scorching the bottom crust. In addition, this device greatly facilitates the subsequent washing of dishes, since fat and ingredients do not stick to the bottom. Parchment is a heat-resistant material, so high oven temperatures do not deform or destroy the texture of the product.

What is parchment paper made of?

The main component in the manufacture of parchment is filter paper. This porous material undergoes long-term treatment with a solution based on alkaline and sulfuric acids. Thanks to these chemical components, the filter cloth “melts”, clogging up and smoothing out any irregularities. After processing, the future parchment is soaked and dried, thereby forming a dense waterproof base.

parchment paper - a thick, waterproof base for baking

How to bake on parchment paper?

Many manufacturers of parchment paper for baking post product instructions for use. If this information is not provided, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the detailed method of baking dishes on parchment.

Which side to put the parchment paper on the baking sheet?

Most housewives argue about which side of the parchment to cover the baking dish with. In this case, there are no clear rules. You can use the matte or flattened side of the fixture. Before cutting off the necessary part of the parchment for baking, "fit" it to the size of the baking sheet, since the paper folded on the sides of the dishes creates creases in the biscuit and deforms the integrity of the baked goods.

Do I need to lubricate parchment paper with oil?

The need to treat parchment with cooking oil depends on the formulation of the dough. For example, sand and butter mass, which contains oil, will not boil or burn due to the fat layer between the parchment and the ingredient. Unleavened dough or dough made with yeast does not have "non-stick" properties, so it is recommended to grease the paper with a thin layer of oil using a cooking brush.

Why does it stick to parchment paper when baked?

Many housewives complain that following all the above recommendations, the baked goods still stick to the paper. There are several reasons why this embarrassment can occur.


A dough that is too thin will stick to the baked goods despite the presence of oil. The heavy, dense mass pushes out the fat layer and, therefore, sticks to the hot mold.

Warped baking sheet

Poor quality of the material from which the baking dish is made, or mechanical deformation, lead to the "skewing" of the baking sheet under the influence of high temperatures. For this reason, the dough can "walk" and roll on the surface of the parchment. Because of this, the mass dries out and sticks to the paper.


A wet baking sheet, dripping water from your hands onto the parchment - all this can make the dough stick. The water layer liquefies the dough and, evaporating, "dries" it.

How to remove paper from baked goods?

It is necessary to remove the paper only after the baking has cooled down, with gentle, smooth movements. Otherwise, the stuck crust may break, partially remaining on the parchment, and take on an unaesthetic appearance. If, after cooling, the paper is removed with difficulty, you can carefully cut it along the crust with a sharp knife.

parchment paper can be replaced with foil or tracing paper

How to replace parchment paper for baking?

Cooking parchment paper is used for many baking recipes. But what if you do not have the necessary device at hand? Let's find out what can be used instead of paper.

Can I use foil instead of parchment?

Cooking paper can be replaced with plain food foil. This material should be laid in 2 layers, folded in a suitable size, part in half. Otherwise, given the “fragility” of this product, the improvised foil “rug” may break and the dough will burn. It is only necessary to grease the coating with oil if the dough is lean and does not contain fat.

Can tracing paper be used instead of parchment?

You can replace parchment paper with ordinary tracing paper, after wiping it with a damp cloth and drying it. Please note that it is necessary to lubricate this material with oil regardless of the dough recipe, preferably on both sides.

How much does baking parchment cost?

The cost of baking parchment depends on the width and length of the roll. For example, a standard 40/200 block of paper costs from 20 to 100 rubles per package. Why such a wide price range? The design of the package, the "promotion" of the manufacturer's brand - the higher the costs for all this, the greater the price tag.

When choosing parchment paper for baking, pay attention to the "convenience" of the packaging. For example, a protective cellophane cover or a clip-fastener will prevent dust from entering during storage.

Guests are on the doorstep, a recipe for a delicious cake or cookies is in store, but suddenly the hostess discovers that the supply of special baking paper has run out. There is no time to buy a new one. How to replace parchment paper for baking? If the hostess is young, then it won't take long to get confused and upset. But there is nothing wrong, there is always an opportunity to find an alternative to culinary parchment. Especially when you consider that it is used for baking relatively recently. Let's figure it out in order.

We use tracing paper

Tracing paper, used for drawings and patterns in sewing, is somewhat similar in quality to baking parchment, but it is thinner. As a replacement, it is quite suitable. This is convenient for those housewives who love not only to cook, but also to sew. Before use, usually both the baking sheet and the tracing paper are well greased with oil. The disadvantages of tracing paper are:

  • sticks to the bottom of the product;
  • becomes brittle, crumbles, may char at high oven temperatures.

However, tracing paper is suitable for baking shortbread cookies, cheesecakes, and items with a high oil content in the dough.

Foil will work too

Many novice culinary specialists ask on the forums - is the foil suitable for baking in the oven instead of parchment paper? In cooking, foil is more often used for baking fish, vegetables, meat, keeping the juiciness of products well. She can also replace baking paper. The foil is lubricated with oil before use.

Disadvantage: the metallized base increases the surface temperature. If you skip a certain point, the baked goods can burn. Therefore, for the preparation of cookies, pies and biscuits, it is used only occasionally.

Silicone technology

Products made of silicone, a modern, practical, versatile material, are gaining more and more popularity and are finding more and more applications. Already many housewives have in the kitchen and have become favorites:

  • silicone coated parchment;

Silicone molds for cake, cookies, bread do not need to be greased, baked goods do not burn in them, products can be easily removed. They are easy to wash, but they can darken on the inside. Before filling with dough, the silicone mold must be placed on a baking sheet or other stable surface, together with the baking sheet removed from the oven so that the products do not fall out and do not deform.

Silicone coated parchment can withstand oven temperatures up to 300˚ C. It can be used 7-10 times. Baking does not burn, products do not dry out on it, they are easily separated from the surface. This backing is well suited for meringues, biscuits, cake layers.

Silicone mats are versatile. Some have special markings for rolling and cutting the dough. They can be used to replace parchment paper when baking, by lining a baking dish or baking sheet. Such a substrate can withstand high temperatures well. The only limitation is that you cannot cut on a hot rug.

A common drawback of all silicone assistants is the rather high cost.

Office and writing paper - a compromise option

In extreme cases, if the above substitutes for parchment paper are not found, use ordinary office paper, well saturated with oil. In addition to it, you can use writing paper, although today it is less common than office paper. Printer paper is heavier than writing paper, less likely to catch fire in the oven.

This way out is suitable for female students and office workers, they have such paper always at hand. However, many professionals believe that such a replacement is unsuccessful. The product sticks to such paper, may deform, lose its shape, and burn.

For several years now, many housewives have been using commercially available paper baking dishes. They make finished products more elegant and can replace traditional baking paper.

Or maybe just grease the sheet?

When cooking casseroles, shortbread cookies, apple pie, it is quite acceptable to simply grease a sheet or baking sheet with oil, sprinkle with flour, and shake off the excess. You can use rusks instead of flour. Oiled, Teflon-coated pans will also prevent baked goods from burning and sticking to the sides and bottom of the pan.

Advice! Do not use this method when baking meringues and macaroons; they will stick to the baking sheet.

Improvised means

The ingenuity of our women, their practicality have long been noticed and appreciated. Here are some handy tools that experienced housewives use instead of baking paper:

  • a cut parchment flour bag (white side for baking);
  • wrappers from packs of oil without foil;
  • subparchment used in confectionery packaging;
  • clean notebook sheets soaked in oil.

When using lined or patterned paper, keep in mind that they can be printed on baked goods. If the packaging from butter or flour can be turned white side up, then the notebook sheets are completely lined, so they will leave marks on the baked goods with almost one hundred percent probability.

Unfortunately, such improvised means do not always cope with their task. Often times, the dish does burn or become deformed. However, they can be used as an emergency option.

Safety in the kitchen

Cooking meals for the whole family, for guests, while using kitchen equipment is always fraught with some threats and dangers. In addition to high temperatures, open fire, electricity, sharp objects, there is also the danger of harmful substances entering food, which is fraught with digestive problems, poisoning, and allergic reactions. This is not only about E. coli or microorganisms that enter food due to violation of hygiene rules.

Toxic substances can be released by materials when heated in an oven, in a microwave oven. To prevent this from happening, so that guests, family members and yourself do not spoil the holiday, it is strongly not recommended to use instead of parchment for baking:

  • newspapers (printing ink is extremely toxic when heated);
  • paper with text printed on the printer or covered with paste;
  • a regular plastic bag (it will melt, the baked goods will be spoiled);
  • thin paper without oiling (possible scattering, fire).


Replacing baking paper if you run out of baking paper can be quite easy to replace. There are many tried and tested tools for this. For example, those chefs who have tested silicone molds and rugs in business are absolutely sure that it is very convenient, practical, a new word in culinary devices and nothing else needs to be used. For those who prefer proven methods for baking culinary and confectionery masterpieces, foil, tracing paper, even plain writing paper will replace the missing parchment for a short time. And do not worry that the recipe will remain only on paper. Everything will be delicious, because it is prepared with love and soul.

For some reason, many people tend to have a craving for antiquity and for objects belonging to other eras. It is these people who become collectors of antiques or simply keep a couple of old books or a box with grandmother's jewelry somewhere in a locker. To one degree or another, we are all interested in antiquity, and sometimes we want, if not to buy something old, then at least create something similar. For example, it is quite easy to create with your own hands a stylization for an old parchment.

You will need

  • Paper, strong tea or strong coffee, paper drying frame, milk, iron.


  1. Manufacture parchment at home it is quite problematic, since it will be very, very difficult to get the necessary materials and master this technique, so make an imitation parchment a. To do this, choose the right paper. It should not be too thin, but not too dense. Of course, you can take regular printer paper, but the realism of such parchment but will leave much to be desired. It is also better not to use thin, cheap gray paper - it will gather in folds and will look more like a damp newspaper than parchment... Ideally, the paper should be thick enough and slightly grainy.
  2. Prepare a solution in which you will color the paper, giving it a special, yellowish tint. parchment a. As a rule, strong tea brew or strong coffee is used for these purposes. The best way to color paper is in a tray, such as the kind that photographers use to develop photographs. Pour very strong coffee or tea leaves into this tray.
  3. Dip the sheets of paper gently into the liquid and let sit for a while. The longer the sheets lie in the liquid, the better they will stain, but you shouldn't get too carried away either - a couple of hours is enough.
  4. Now dry the sheets. If you just leave them to dry, then they will definitely appear folds and bumps. If this is not scary for you and you need to give the paper a shabby look, then you can leave it that way. If you need an even parchment, then gently stretch the sheets of paper over a wooden frame that will hold the paper in shape and prevent it from becoming covered in waves.
  5. Dry the sheets thoroughly. Iron them if necessary. By the way, if you sprinkle the sheets with milk, dry, and then iron, yellowish spots will remain on the paper, which will emphasize its resemblance to the old one.

Who doesn't love treating themselves to fresh baked goods for dinner? Light and airy meringue, soft raspberry puffs, pies, sweet and salty - everything your heart desires. Each housewife has her own culinary secret. One uses parchment paper for baking and baking, the other uses oiled paper or foil. The taste of the prepared dishes depends on what to cover the baking sheet with. Of course, parchment paper is the most convenient way. But if suddenly there is no such paper at hand, you can find a replacement for it.

What is baking parchment

Parchment paper, or, its other name, baking paper, is a unique material that has a lot of advantages. It is not subject to combustion, does not get wet and does not crumble, is grease-proof and resistant to high temperatures, and also retains the shape of the baked goods and its aroma, preventing the ingress of foreign odors. The parchment is impregnated with a solution of treated sulfuric acid (in the manufacturing process, after applying the solution, the parchment is immediately washed), and it is absolutely harmless for preparing confectionery and any other products on it, it can be used many times, maybe once, depending on the quality of the parchment sheets.

How baking paper is used

Such paper is placed on a baking sheet, covered with a baking dish and baking dish. It serves as a layer between a baking sheet, frying pan or special form and the dish that is cooked on them. So the product will not burn, stick, or damage the dishes, which is also a clear plus. It must be remembered that the parchment should not touch the walls or door of the oven, it should only come into contact with the baking sheet itself, the form and the dish. Also, parchment paper can be used in the preparation of cold confectionery products, such as cheesecakes, in this case its main function is to preserve the shape of the product.

Parchment and baking paper - is there a difference

There is a difference, but it is quite insignificant. Parchment is thicker and works well for baking oily items, while the grease will make the paper soak.

Parchment is intended both for baking products and for storing them. It usually contains very fatty foods or very moist foods such as butter, spread, margarine or curd products. Confectionery and bakery products are baked in parchment. If the parchment is additionally covered with a silicone film on top, its water and grease repellent properties increase, then it is used for baking oil products from batter.

Baking paper is usually suitable for baking and storing medium-fat foods - these include hard cheeses in addition to confectionery.

Important: Baking paper, parchment, is intended only for baking, and you should not bake meat, fish or vegetables in it. For such purposes, there is a baking sleeve that will not get wet, tear or spoil the appearance of the product.

Do I need to lubricate them with oil

Parchment paper for baking greasy items is not greased, and additional greasing is required for baking low-fat and non-greasy items. Paper is less grease-repellent than parchment and should be greased to avoid sticking to it.

What can replace parchment paper for baking

There are situations when you really want to bake something, but parchment paper was not at hand. How it can be replaced - consider in the table.

Table: the pros and cons of different options for replacing parchment paper.

Replacement optionsprosMinusesIs lubrication requiredWhat can you bake?What cannot be baked?
Drawing (or sewing) tracing paper
  • Can be purchased at any stationery store;
  • Affordable.
  • Too thin
  • It gets soaked from the juice from the products;
  • The baked goods may burn;
  • Sticks to the bottom and sides of baked goods;
  • Cracks at temperatures over 200 degrees.
RequiredSuitable for baked goods with a high fat content (eg shortcrust pastry or yeast dough) and for cold baked goods (cheesecakes).
  • You should not use it for making biscuits and muffins, as well as other products with a low amount of fat - it will simply stick to them, even if it is well oiled;
  • Remember that tracing paper is a thin material that can easily get wet, so pies with berry or fruit fillings are not baked on it.
  • Does not burn;
  • Absorbs moisture released;
  • Can be applied up to six times;
  • Suitable for freezing workpieces.
  • Heats up quickly.
Not requiredThe moisture-absorbing paper is suitable for baking products with medium fat content - curd products, bread, kefir baked goods. Even without smudging such paper, they will not stick.You can not bake very fatty products on such paper, such as biscuits with sour cream or shortbread, butter baked goods.
Plain oiled office paper
  • The baked goods are burning;
  • Products stick to office paper;
  • Do not leave in the oven for a long time;
  • May begin to crumble;
  • Fire may occur at high temperatures (250-300 degrees) if not soaked in oil.
RequiredOiled office paper is suitable for baking unpretentious and uncomplicated products such as Easter cottage cheese or biscuits.Not suitable for baking French macaroons, strudel.
  • Not afraid of heat;
  • Allowed to be used many times.
Not requiredA silicone mat is a universal device, you can bake whatever you want on it, its surface will not damage the shape of the products and will not affect their structure.
Silicone coated paper
  • Suitable for multiple use (up to eight times);
  • Does not dry out the dough.
Not requiredSilicone coated paper easily lags behind the finished baked goods, so it can be used many times, and it is suitable for any type of dough (for a whimsical biscuit, use it only once, otherwise it will begin to stick).
Roasting bag
  • Prevents food from burning.
  • Cannot be used at temperatures over 200 degrees.
Not requiredThe baking bag can be used to bake shortbread cookiesYou cannot bake juicy pies and pies
  • Baking can burn because the foil raises its temperature;
  • You need to follow the process - turn over the baking sheet with foil.
RequiredBiscuits can be baked on shiny foil, but there is a high risk that they will burn.Foil as a material is more suitable for baking juicy things, not for baking.
  • Products do not stick to such forms;
  • Ready-made baked goods can be easily removed from them;
  • Heat-resistant (withstand maximum 250 degrees);
  • They are easy to clean.
Not requiredAny type of dough is also baked in silicone molds, it is important to remember that they are filled only by one third, because the dough greatly increases in volume during baking.
Paper baking dishes
  • Products do not burn;
  • Baking is obtained in portions;
  • You can use brightly colored molds.
Not requiredPaper molds are suitable for baking muffins, muffins, Easter cakes and cupcakes.Not suitable for baked goods such as eclairs and profiteroles

You do not need to use an intermediate layer in the form of various papers, but simply grease the baking sheet with margarine, spread or butter. There is an option to stop at this, or cover the top with an oil layer with semolina, flour or bread crumbs. Be careful, the flour may burn.

The oiled baking sheet can be used to make pies, pies, casseroles. You cannot bake tender meringues or French macarons on such a baking sheet - they will definitely burn.

Prepare cake layers and bake cookies on an oiled baking sheet with sprinkles.

Also, one of the options for replacing the use of baking paper is baking on non-stick baking sheets, in which case they do not need to be oiled.

Some housewives use a non-stick mixture, grease it on baking dishes or baking sheets. Here is her recipe:

  1. Take half a glass of any flour of any kind, vegetable oil and culinary (confectionery) fat. As fat, you can use ghee and even lard, everything except margarine. The fat should be cold.
  2. Mix all the "ingredients", start whisking with a mixer at low speed, at low speed.
  3. Gradually increase the whipping speed, the mixture should turn white and increase in size.
  4. As soon as the non-stick mixture becomes silvery, we turn off the mixer and can use it.
  5. The mixture is applied to the bottom and sides of trays and baking dishes with a special silicone brush.

Such a mixture is prepared more than once, and it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one year and can be used not only for baking, but also for other culinary purposes - for example, baking meat, fish or vegetables.

Video: how to make a non-stick baking mixture

Using parchment paper, you can make meringues, eclairs and custard cakes, bake cakes - delicate and fragile sweets will not stick to the baking sheet, and their shape and structure will not be disturbed. Parchment also helps when baking from yeast dough with fillings - berry or fruit, which involve the release of sweet fruit juice, without parchment it can flow out and turn into fruit caramel right on the baking sheet, and it can be very difficult to wash it. Such capricious things as biscuit, which loves to stick very much, are also baked on parchment.

Parchment substitutes for baking: examples in the photo

The tracing paper has a very low density. Absorbent paper suitable for baking curd and kefir products Silicone baking mat - versatile Silicone coated paper is reusable It is very easy to get ready-made baked goods from silicone molds - you just need to turn them out Cookies in silicone molds turn out to be very beautiful Baking in paper forms turns out portioned and beautiful Paper tins are convenient for baking muffins and muffins

When the replacement is unequal

Despite the variety of "substitutes", it is important to remember about those things that are categorically impossible to use for baking. This is, for example:

  1. Newspapers - firstly, there is a high risk of fire, and secondly, when heated, they emit toxic, poisonous substances contained in printing ink, which can become a source of poisoning.
  2. Written notebook sheets - the ink also contains substances that become hazardous to health when heated.
  3. Unoiled office paper - can catch fire without difficulty.
  4. Vegetable oil - does not protect the product from burning, it smokes, and because of this spoils the taste of the dish and gives it a not particularly appetizing smell.
  5. Plastic bags - melt at high temperatures and release toxic substances.

Good housewives know many interesting secrets, many of which we have just shared with you. Cook with pleasure and remember that the absence of baking paper is not a reason not to please yourself or your family!