How to make an outdoor on the pattern. Interesting options for transfer of bad cutting

The car has long been an integral satellite for each person. Many do not just do not imagine their lives without a vehicle, but also own several cars at once. The passion for cars does not rhasate at all, despite all the difficulties of movement on their own car on megalopolis - endless traffic jams, more expensive fuel and impressive costs of repair and maintenance of the vehicle.

One of the ways to solve the current situation, the inventors see the creation of a flying machine, which will be able to move not only on public roads, but also by air. Despite some futuristicity of such an idea, as well as the possible difficulties of monitoring the air space of the city, where the mass of flying cars moves, it has the right to exist and continues to be actively developed.

Designers do not get tired to implement all new and new ideas in the development of flying vehicles, and appearing thanks to this concept punishment, according to the majority, more and more approach the moment when such cars will be serially. Some of the samples of flying cars are already able and ride, and fly. In addition, currently it is quite realistic to buy such a car in personal use.

Flying car - myth or reality

The ability to travel for any country on your flying car and refueling on ordinary gas stations is no longer fantastic or crazy fantasy writers. Terrafugia, working in America and receiving funding from the Ministry of Defense, has already produced a Flying Terrafugia Transition car, which can be purchased perfectly calmly into personal use. This is a completely working double car capable of transforming a plane to the simple laying out of the wings. This requires less than a minute.

This flying car "saw" the sky for the first time in 2009, making the first test flight. In 2013, the number of flights has already been 13, including with a passenger. It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that this car it became possible to buy only recently, since in the process of testing some defects were discovered, and a certain time was required to eliminate them. Characteristics of the machine that flies the following:

  • 6 meters body length;
  • width 2 meters with folded wings, and 8.08 with decomposed;
  • height of about 2 meters;
  • mass of 440 kg.

This flying car is able to develop speed in flight up to 185 km / h, which is quite comparable at the speed of the standard sports aircraft. At the same time, the cost of the car cannot be compared with the aircraft price, and it is much cheaper to exploit it. Fuel consumption, in the role of which stands standard gasoline, is an average of 18.9 l / h at a speed of 160 km / h. Indicators for such equipment are quite acceptable. To take off, this car will need about 500 meters of a smooth runway, and in the air it can be up to 4 hours at an altitude of up to 1.5 kilometers.

Future flying cars have already been created

Not every time, when one or another company declares the creation of a new flying car, the expectations of the public are justified. For the entire modern history, only a few concepts deserve more attention.

Technologies do not stand still

A rather serious problem for a flying car becomes the question of control in the air. Special training courses, of course, does not exist, and the process of control on earth and in the air is fundamentally different. To facilitate the task of "pilot drivers", various systems are being developed that are responsible for stabilizing such a vehicle in the air.

One of the similar systems, first implemented in the Flying car Moller Skycar, has become an artificial stabilization system, substantially facilitating the management of the vehicle when it is in the air. It generalizes the data on the current speed, the position of the car and its acceleration, transmitting "recommendations" to the engine, as a result of which the stable position of the "car" in the air is supported. The person's participation in this process is not required, and all data is updated and analyzed every few milliseconds.

An engine has a great importance for a flying machine. With its small mass, he must have an impressive power. Designer Moller, one of the creators of the aforementioned car, developed and applied in practice its new rotary-piston engine, which is quite quiet, powerful, safe and clean. In addition, the fuel that "feeds" this motor - ethanol is more secure, rather than traditional gasoline in terms of the risk of explosion or ignition during leakage.

Flying hybrid.

After creating and successfully testing the first prototype of a flying car Terrafugia Transition, the company's engineers did not calm down. They did not give peace about the idea that their "brainstorm" requires an impressive band for overclocking and landing, which significantly limited the use of such transport in the conditions of the city. As a result of the painstaking work of engineers, the public was introduced a hybrid semi-autonomous car, capable of climbing into the air, and does not require the runway.

The model was called TF-X, and its compact dimensions allow it to drive it into any standard garage. It pleases the capacity of this car - when moving through the city roads, he can calmly transport 4 passengers. To be able to make flights for short distances, powerful and quiet electric motors are used in this car. According to constructors, it must overcome about 800 km by air without problems and recharging.

Unlike its predecessor, TF-X has become more comfortable and rapidly, which resulted in a certain "weighting" of the design. Despite this, a hybrid engine system allows you to carry out up and landing without the need for running. This aircraft, and part-time, a car, a fairly open area of \u200b\u200babout 30 meters in diameter. It is planned to equip the TF-X security system that will independently deal with obstacles, cope with the bad weather, and in the case of loss of communication with the ground manager will help the "car enthusiast" land in an unprepared place.

Despite all the efforts to create a perfect and simple flying car, make a prototype, fully ready for serial production yet yet. And it is connected not only with the technical side of the issue. It is necessary to solve the problem with teaching "piloting" skills with such devices, allocating special sites for take-off / landing, creating airspace control service, in which flying cars are moved and much more. However, the appearance of a flying car is quite real in the near future, as evidenced by the following video:

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Deputy General Director Driving School "Mustang" on Academic Work

Teacher of Higher School, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Kuznetsov Yuri Aleksandrovich

Rhythmic rhythm of life in megalopolises every year more and more stronger jams in many hours of traffic jams makes humanity, it is more serious to think about expanding the road without additional strips for movement on an existing roadway, but by creating additional "travel parts" over existing. From this desire and raised with the time the so-called "flying car", which was supposed to be faithful to serve his owner both on earth and in heaven. Flying car - a vehicle combining the properties of a car and an aircraft. Moreover, the ratio of these properties in various models may be different.

That is, for some developments, the formula may be more fair: "car, but flying." For the other developments, the formula is more correct: "aircraft, but driving." It is clear that the first is most advantageously driving than flying. The second, on the contrary, is better flying than driving. However, both for those and others are important not only to fly and move along the ground. The history of the flying car began in 1946. Its detailed plan was ripe in the head from Robert Fulton - a relative of the inventor of the steam engine. Fulton called Airphibian ("Flying Amphibian"). Airphibian has become the world's first flying vehicle, which received the US Civil Aviation Certificate - FAA Predecessor (Federal Aviation Administration). A flying car possessed good characteristics: so, it was equipped with a six-cylinder engine, the maximum power of which was determined by the mark of 150 horsepower. Aerobil could float over the ground at a speed of about 200 km per hour and ride on the road at speeds up to 80 km per hour. Wings and sections of the tail of this aircraft were shot, and the propeller was applied to the fuselage. On the transformation of the aircraft in the car and on the contrary, Fulton said that "a housewife can do it one in five minutes."

Fulton's flying car could have a big future, however, as it often happens, the designer did not succeed in finding sponsors in order to give his iron brake Life - so the AeroBal project was postponed to the archive, but who knows, maybe someday This car will find its place.
To date, there are a large number of flights of flying machines.
Here are their peculiar top - 10.

1.Moller Skycar M400.
This "car" resembling a crossfield of a racing car with a spacecraft, it seems to really be in place. Its flying abilities are based on the rolls, and the "feed" of the winged horse is needed by alcohol or kerosene. 1200 kilometers at a speed of more than 550 kilometers per hour at a fuel consumption of 10 liters per 100 km - this is what the creators promise. The minus of this project is one: it seems that this is a grand delight, designed to deceive investors, and the last tests of flying Kara took place in 2003.

The concept car Yee, the gold medalist of the Beijing International Competition Contest, is interesting not only to its design. One of the main criteria of the contest was the possibility of creating a car in the metal and launch it into production. All technical solutions used in YEE, or already exist, or should appear in the next couple of years - so at the end of the decade "May beetles" may be worn between skyscrapers.

3. Explanatory aircraft. Terrafugia Transition
He is not too similar to the car - it's painfully and powerfully spread his wings. In the air, the speed of this bird will make more than 185 kilometers per hour, and on the highway - 105 km / h. It is especially nice, the launch of the model in production should begin this year, and it will cost such a car about $ 200,000.

4. Flying plate.
This is a wonderful vehicle - almost antiques. His tests passed back in 1989, bringing the first fame of the company Moller. Despite the fact that "UFO" eats an incredible amount of fuel, unreliable, fire hazard and never go into mass production, it flies! And at the same time a truly mystical impression. However, it is almost a hoax. The prototype of this car a couple of years ago could be bought on E-Bay for $ 15,000. On our list, she fell solely because of his unique design.

5. Flying buggy.
Light car design Parajet Skycar.Together with a solid propeller, allows him to climb into the sky. For this you only need to release a parachute. Real extremes can experiment with take-offs directly from the track. However, as urban flying transport, parachute buggy, of course, is not suitable: not only take off, but also landing

6. Paraglider
MAVERICK SPORT. - Another beautiful pattern of flying car with a parachute. From the previous participant of our review, it is characterized by the design, which will have to taste to lovers of automotive old days. Yes, and the level of comfort and security in it higher than in Parajet Skycar..

7. Transformer helicopter.
The idea of \u200b\u200ba flying car with a propeller received a continuation in the concept from the office Zeep Design.. A machine resembling a futuristic wheelchair, a slight movement of the hand turns into a insect-like helicopter. In urban conditions, the helicopter is also a lot of minuses (even if you forget about the price), but if "dragonfly" will take off, her fancy design will find its admirers.

8. Pal-V: Motorcycle and helicopter.
This concept differs from the previous one less than wheels, but it is very similar to it: lightweight case and mechanisms, and the presence of a helicopter screw. It is assumed that the motorcycle will be able to fly at a speed of 185 km / h, but its fuel consumption is a mystery for seven seals.

9. Flying shark.
Flying concept car Audi Shark. Must disseminate the roads of the future, leaning on an air cushion (apparently, there is an on-screen effect). Designers really tried to convey the "Audi Design Philosophy", but did not think about our poor descendants, who will have to steer with such a vehicle, which promises to be almost uncontrollable. However, it will not take off until artificial gravity is opened.

10. Flying drop Fuzo.
No matter how torn off from reality, it seemed to be a previous concept car, it beats him easily Fuzo., oriented, on the idea of \u200b\u200bdesigners, in the 60s of the XXI century. The wheels in it should somehow turn into a turbine, and then overclock the car to the new horizons. How many Martian cosmode retractors fit into such a car - depends on the model.

As we have already told a review of the most interesting developments of a flying car, the American sample of Terrafugia Transition is most real.
The aircraft car has already made its six first flights in Orange County in New York. The revolutionary vehicle can fly without refueling 640 km, while the fuel consumption is 7.84 liters per 100 km. Landing, Terrafugia Transition for 15 s folds wings and can continue the path along the highway as a double car. In size, it is comparable to the famous Cadillac Escalade model. While driving around the city, the car consumes the same 7.84 liters per hundred, on the track of it "appetite" decreases to 5.88 liters. The aircraft car uses as fuel is not aviation, but ordinary high-octane gasoline, which can be protected on any gas station.

The creators of a flying car are still not advised to take off and sit on the road, although for overclocking he needs a very small band. It is assumed that the hosts terrafugia will be used by small airfields, the number of which in America exceeds 5 thousand.
It is assumed that annually will be made from 50 to 200 such machines. The size of the market is quite difficult to evaluate, if we consider that the driver's license is almost all adults of Americans, then about 600 thousand inhabitants of the United States have a license of the Pilot of Minor Aviation.

However, until now, Terrafugia has not yet received permission to produce its aircraft. To do this, Transition must meet the requirements of two different regulatory structures: National Road Safety Administration \\ National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration, which licenses car models, and federal aviation administration \\ Federal Aviation Administration, which licented the aircraft model. For obvious reasons, both structures use fundamentally different evaluating criteria.
However, the developers are already taking pre-orders for Transition. Prepayment is 10 thousand dollars, and the total cost is 194 thousand dollars.
It is gratifying that Russian inventors do not lag behind foreign colleagues and developed a domestic flying car "Lark - 4"
"LARK-4" - four-seater aircraft of personal use
Brief characteristics of Aerobil Lark-4:

  • Storage in conventional auto;
  • Takeoff and landing on the ground site 27-30 m.;
  • Ultra-low speed of takeoff and landing - 43 km / h;
  • Range of flight speeds from 43 to 750 km / h;
  • Triple duplication of the engine. Flight on auxiliary engines (with a flight disabled) with speeds up to 250 and 180 km / h;
  • Consumption of diesel fuel 10.9 kg per 100 km of way;
  • Flight range with 4 people on board - 1510 km, with two - 3400 km;
  • Safety of pilot actions by the onboard control computer. Transition to automatic flight and landing in critical situations.
  • An auxiliary function - movement in the highway on the highway, with a wheel drive from any of 2 auxiliary engines, at a speed of up to 65 km per hour;

The cost of one aircraft "Lark-4", with the capacity of 120 cars per year, will be slightly less than 495 thousand euros per 1 car. The market value of one aircraft "Lark-4", at which it will have real demand for the market, can be from 800 thousand to 1 million 500 thousand euros.

  • Transfer

Robotization of cars in the literal sense of the word captured the world. Experts predict that somewhere for 2030 cars will ride cars with fully computer control. A person will be able to manage his car if desired, but there will be no such need. Well, what about flying machines? There are also shifts here too. So, the Uber is going to develop its own vehicle by 2020.

Now this is not the only company that is engaged in a similar project. But how real are these plans? Perhaps this is just a marketing HYP? For many of us, a flying car is a synonym for the future, like foods in tablets and silver clothing. So will the dreams of many of the flying machines be implemented?

How can it look like?

The classic idea of \u200b\u200ba flying car is, actually a machine that can somehow be in the air.

Yang Fleming was a famous fan of the idea of \u200b\u200bflying cars, they mentioned them in his novel Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in 1963. He also used the idea of \u200b\u200ba flying car in one of the novels about James Bond in 1964, the same car appeared in the film "Man with a Golden Pistol." The main idea is simple - this is a car with wings that can ride in ordinary roads, but if necessary, rises into the air.

Writers science and director of films of the corresponding genres often exploited the idea of \u200b\u200bflying machines. In some works, this idea was transformed into flying scooters when the roads are not needed at all. In one of these "scooters", Anakin Skywalker flew in the film "Attack Clones".

It is clear, there are other concepts of such devices, including scooters on anti-agevs. Now various companies are implementing the initial idea of \u200b\u200ba flying machine, creating hybrids of auto and aircraft, auto and helicopter, auto and copter.

In general, any small aircraft can be called a flying car. But this is only a kind of aircraft, not a car.

How safe is it?

Any passenger of such a car wants to know everything about his security. The likely answer is "not too safe," because the technology is still being developed. Companies are working to make their devices safe, hoping to get approval from regulators and governments of different countries.

But, of course, security schemes are different here, they differ from what we are accustomed to see in the car. For example, the machine can be stopped in case of a problem. Well, with an aircraft it will not work, it will just fall down. Moreover, the accident threatens life and health not only those who are inside the cabin, but also those who are downstairs.

In order to avoid the problem of falling, the Chinese company Ehang offers to equip his flying taxi in Dubai Parachute. This service, in particular, offers passenger transportation from the roof of one skyscraper to the roof of another.

True, it is unclear how the system with a parachute works. After all, the aircraft has no parachute control system.

In conventional aircraft, most flight tasks are automated. It is said that pilots are responsible mainly for takeoff and landing, and it is not always. But in the security system aircraft repeatedly duplicated. There are many of them there. In a miniature aircraft, there can be no speech about it.

On the other hand, miniature aircraft are less complex than business jetty, so that the uplift, flight and landing is simpler here.

Now some companies began to promote the idea of \u200b\u200belectrical turbines. As an example, an aircraft from Lilium can be given relative to a new startup. The introduction of electric motors and replace them with ordinary DVS leads to a simplification of the scheme of the device itself. Also appears the ability to duplicate each other engines - if some of them fails, another one comes into operation.

In general, it is safe to say that companies that develop such aircraft will achieve their own and make them safe.

How fast and how far is?

The advantages of car aircraft are indisputable. Lack of traffic jams, traffic lights and other things greatly simplifies the driver's life (pilot?).

In addition, to fly in a straight line - not at all the same thing that go on the road with all her bends. Even if the vehicle is not too fast, then the time is reduced by the road several times.

It is likely that the flying cars will become common, the authorities will create something like air corridors for which road transport will be moved. It can be assumed that such corridors will be held on a safe area where there are no or few people. So the accident will not cause significant consequences with human victims.

And even in a big city to overcome several tens of kilometers, it will be possible in a few minutes.

How easy it is?

There are some sufficiently complex problems that you should remember when implementing the idea of \u200b\u200bflying cars, but some seem complex.

For example, in three-dimensional space, when you can move not only to the left and right and back-back, but also up-down facilitates the task of navigation.

Even if there will be many flying cars, a few hundred meters of height as a permitted corridor is quite enough to fly through the neighbors. Plus, the authorities do not need to take care of creating transport infrastructure. No signs, no traffic lights, nothing. We need only the corresponding runway, and some of them will not differ from modern helicopters, which are placed on the roofs of the skyscrapers.

Regulation of the movement of vehicles of this type? There is nothing easier.

And how much does it cost?

So far, it is too early to talk about how the flying transportation economy will work. There are many ambiguities with regulators, with security, infrastructure (any, but it must be), charging or refueling stations. You can only assume.

But I still do not need to forget that the flying car is not cheap. The same company Uber, which promises to release a flying taxi by 2020, works in many cases at a loss. The company tries to attract customer cheap travel. And it works. Profit is very small, but this problem is planning to compensate with robotic taxis, which you do not need to pay, as drivers. If the same experience is transferred to the flying vehicles, then the profit is quite real task.

Will passengers pay for reducing the transition time from point A to point b? Probably yes.

So when will it happen?

Now it remains too much unclear, so it is accurate to say when cars will not be theory and concepts, but in practice, difficult.

Most likely, when aircraft-cars become more or less mass, they will be used in a number of niches, not everywhere. And only over time, their specialization will become more universal.

But it will happen very soon. Probably, many of us go into silvery costumes and get the latest food in the form of tablets even before flying cars will become massive phenomenon.

Aeromobil promises to release the first flying car to the market. The double car was presented at the SXSW conference in Austin. Engineers declare that she can ride along the usual road, and then transform and take off. It requires a small runway and ordinary fuel. More about the functionality of the car we wrote.

First, Aeromobil will be released by limited edition, stated CEO Slovak Jurai Watsulik in an interview with CBC. It will cost "hundreds of thousands of US dollars."

Previously, the creators stated that they want to promote a car in developing countries, where there is no broad transport infrastructure, as well as money for its creation. This was explained by the fact that the Aeromobil can be filled at any refueling, and the lack of roads or their poor quality machine is not a hindrance. However, this model is aimed at rich buyers and aviation enthusiasts.

In addition to the flying machine, the company simultaneously wants to run similar to the Uber service for transportation. A client who wants to go to the city, let's say, 4-5 hours from home, can cause self-governing Aeromobil through the application. If there is free transport in the garage, he will go to the customer himself and will deliver where necessary. The advantages are obvious here - to fly faster than to go, the chance to get into the plug disappears, as well as talkative drivers.

The reality of such a service so far seems futuristic, but Watsulik is very confident in your team and project.

Even more futuristic time to perform this idea. In 2013, in the United States at a meeting of the Congress, a specialist from the University of Carnegie Melon said that people would have to manage cars from a dozen years: "Only somewhere in the 2020s, the car will become a completely autonomous system that does not require the involvement of a person."

Two years ago, the unmanned car loomed somewhere in the distant future, and Aeromobil, after two years, wants to give the world to the world, which also flies. By the way, in Moscow traffic jams it would not be avoided - the flight is prohibited in the capital.

Ideas Combine the aircraft and the car appeared before the Second World War. It was possible to do this in 1946 Robert Fulton. His invention Airphibian has become the first flying car in the world, which received a certificate of civil aviation management of the United States. Wings and sections of the tail of this aircraft were shot, and the propeller was applied to the fuselage. Having a six-cylinder engine with a capacity of 150 horsepower, the car could fly at a speed of 200 km / h and drive 80 km / h. The prototype was successful, but Fulton failed to bring it to mass production - failed to find money.

Hoverbike Aero-X

Two years later, we can please Aerofex With your calboy (flying motorcycle). In the spring of 2014, the company announced the yield of a commercial model for a price of about $ 85 thousand. It is able to float over the ground at the maximum speed of 72 km / h and at an altitude of almost 3.7 meters above the ground, allowing you to transport two people. Aero-X is able to work for an hour and fifteen minutes in full tank gasoline.

Among other interesting developments in the automotive area - the car concept Thorium.capable of riding 100 years of reconciliation as well unmanned cars Google.

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Hello my dear! Now the endless world of models of dresses will open before you, because when you do your ideal pattern, removed by your standards - you can build an absolutely any dress that your fantasy will tell you. And you just have to work hard once - now.

So let you not scare a large number of letters and numbers in the drawing, in fact make a pattern It will be for you a meeting occupation, because I will tell you about it in a simple language.

What will build?

We draw half the backrest and half the dressing of the dress.

But first you need to decide which silhouette of the dress we want. Silhouettes are:

  • Strongly adjacent
  • Adjoined
  • Semi-wave
  • Straight

I will be for example, to build a pattern on 46 size.

Dress length \u003d 85 cm

For dense adjustment, I will take the following accessive:

Read more about the additions I wrote above.

Let you not scare this drawing, we will make it parts and four stages:

  • we construct the grid
  • top back
  • upper Pale
  • bottom dresses from waist with sweeps

Grid construction

For your drawing take better millimeter. It is most convenient for it. Instead of my initial data, substitute in calculations his removed merciesAnd you will be very easy for you to build a drawing.

Put point A.

  1. En down \u003d level of the line Niza \u003d product length \u003d 85 cm
  2. AT \u003d waistline level \u003d DTS + PDTS \u003d 42,9 + 1 \u003d 43.9
  3. AG Down \u003d Level of the Line of the Prum: VDI + PSPR \u003d 21,3 + 2.5 \u003d 23.8
  4. TB down \u003d thigh line level \u003d dLB \u003d 20 (this is standard)

For better fit in the area of \u200b\u200bthe back and for vertical side seams, you need to make the middle line of the back, for this, we spend the horizontal from the point. On it, we postpone TT "right \u003d 1.5 cm. (This is the standard). Through the point T "and the point and spend the straight. Now all calculations will be made from points g ", T." Check them in your drawing.

We carry out horizontal from all points.

Now determine the width of the mesh \u003d g »G1 \u003d SG3 + PG \u003d 46 + 3 \u003d 49

We make a kind of frame for the drawing (grid). On the right side, we put the points A1, G1, T1, B1, H1.

Put the width of the back \u003d g »g2 right \u003d shc + 0.2 × pg \u003d 17,7 + 0.2 × 3 \u003d 18.3

Delay the width \u003d shge + 0.1 × GH +0.5 (CG2-SG1) \u003d 16.8 + 0.1 × 3 + 0.5 (48.2-44,2) \u003d 19

Check the width of the width on the tower:

  • width of the armhole g2g3 \u003d w mesh - w backs - W pas \u003d 49 - 18.3 - 19,1 \u003d 11.6

G2g3 divide in half \u003d position of the side seam \u003d spending vertical down from the point of g4.

Building back

  1. Ay down \u003d. level Niza Lopaths \u003d 0.4 × dts \u003d 0.4 × 42.9 \u003d 17.2 laying off from the point and down and at right angles to the removal.
  2. AA2 to the right \u003d. the width of the neck of the back \u003d 1/3 SS + PSHS \u003d 18.3 / 3 + 1 \u003d 7.1
  3. A2A21 down \u003d The depth of the neck of the back \u003d 1/3 AA2 + PVGS \u003d 7.1 / 3 + 0.2 \u003d 2.6

Shoulder slope: Located with two radii (R):

  • R1 \u003d A2P1 \u003d SP + shoulder wrap (1.5 cm - standard) + shoulder elongation \u003d 13.2 +1.5 +0.5 \u003d 15.2 (We put the circus to the point A2 and make an arc at a distance of 15.2, as in fig. Below)

  • (R2) \u003d T »p1 \u003d Ихсь + PDTS \u003d 42.9 +1 \u003d 43.9 (We put the circular to the point T "and lay the arc of 43.9 cm; the intersection point of two arcs - p1)

Building shoulder pulp On the slope of the shoulder:

from point A2 to the right, lay 4 cm (this is a constant value). From it, we spend the vertical - this is the left side of the molding. I depose from point 4 to the right along the shoulder line 1.5 cm (shading). And spend the right side of the molding, you equalize both sides of the extract.

If the outlet will be sewn as an outlet, not making modeling, then the latching length is 10-12 cm. If there is a translating of the molding in the side of the breast, that the remotation is made to the blade line. (In fig. Noted in blue)

Now to build sleeve login lines , Additional points are needed:

  • from the P1 point, we carry out perpendicular to the backrest width line. We put a cross.
  • The distance from this cross to the chest line Delim to 3 equal parts. To the lower 1/3, add 2 cm (this is constant value) is a P3 point.
  • Bissectrix from the point g2 \u003d 0.2 × g2g3 + 0.5 \u003d 0.2 × 11,6 + 0.5 \u003d 2.8

We carry out the line of entrance to the sleeve under the leather.

Construction of transfer

To begin with, we decline along the waistline:

  • 0.5 cm for 40-42 size
  • 0.7 -1 cm for 44-48 size
  • 1.2-2 for 50-56 size
  • more 2 - more than 56 sizes

We take a decrease of 1 cm.

  • T1 T11 down posting this slide 1 cm
  • Now this is the reduction of the Niza line: H1N11 down 1 cm.
  • T11 A11 Up \u003d Position of the upper point of the neck Transfer \u003d DTP \u003d PDP \u003d 44.1 + 1,3 \u003d 45.4

So that the dress faced well in the chest area (not shrunk) - you need to make a fit (midfoot).

  • A11 A12 Left 1cm (Standard). Connect the point A12 with g1.

  • A12 A3 Left \u003d The width of the neck transfer \u003d AA2 (calculation from the drawing of the back) \u003d 7.1
  • A12 a4 down \u003d the depth of the neck is transmitted \u003d a12a3 + 1 (constant value) \u003d 7.1 + 1 \u003d 8.1

Building Chestdock .

  • G1G5 left \u003d position of the central line of the breast \u003d CG + 0.5 (constant value) \u003d 9.9 + 0.5 \u003d 10.4

Through the G5 point we spend the vertical dotted line.

  • Radius A3G6 on the central line of the breast \u003d Vg + 0.5 × PDP \u003d 26.2 + 0.5 × 1,3 \u003d 26.9. Connect A3 and G6 straight line.

  • Radius A3 A5 \u003d Solution of the Breastplate \u003d 2 × (CG2 - SG1) \u003d 2 × (48.2 - 44.2) \u003d 8. We put the circula in A3 and carry out an arc.
  • Radius G6 A5 \u003d A3G6 \u003d 26.9. Connect the points A5 and G6.

Shoulder slope:

it also is also located with 2x radii.

  • Radius A5 P5 \u003d A2 P1 - Shoulder Out \u003d 15.2 - 1,5 \u003d 13.7
  • Radius G6 p5 \u003d WCP + 0.5 × PDTP \u003d 23 + 0.5 × 1,3 \u003d 23.7

Connect points P5 and A5.

Check: P1 point must be above the P5 point. If the P5 point is higher, you need to cut off a piece of the shoulder from the transfer and add it to the back). Horizontal equality is allowed.

Building sleeve login line .

Additional points:

  • Point P6 - horizontal from the bottom 1/3 of the back (see Fig. Below)
  • Bissectrix from the point g3 \u003d 0.2 × g2g3 \u003d 0.2 × 11,6 \u003d 2.3

Now you have to check the width of the P6 point level:

  • W passed \u003d shg + 0.1 × pg \u003d 16,8 + 0.1 × 3 \u003d 17,1

To do this, depinge out of the P6 point perpendicular to the folding line (See Pallery in Fig. below).

On the other side of the depot at the same level, we spend the horizontal dotted line. We measure the length of both dotted lines \u003d 16cm (I have in my drawing).

And the width should be 17.1 cm. The missing value is laying on the horizontal from the P6 point. Put new point P6..

We draw with aid flowed in the entrance to the pocket.

High Width

Adjust the segments G »G4 \u003d B» B21

Calculate the difference between your width of the hips and breast width:

The difference \u003d (Sat + PB) - g »G1 \u003d (50 + 1.5) - 49 \u003d 2.5.

That is, the lack of hips \u003d 2.5 cm. So it is necessary to expand the half of the transfer and half of the back of 1.25 cm each:

  • from point B2 left 1.25 cm \u003d expand before
  • from the point B21Brop 1.25cm \u003d expand the back

We spend vertical from these new points.

We build molds on the waist

First you need to calculate the difference between T "T1 and your width along the waist line (based on the measure).

  • The difference \u003d T "T1 - (ST + PT) \u003d 48.5 - (35 + 1.5) \u003d 12

Distributing this difference between 4 extracits:

  1. in the middle seam 1.5
  2. in side 4.5
  3. pickup backs 3,5
  4. puttacht 2,5
  • in the middle seam 1.5 cm (see in fig. Below: from the point T "to the right 1.5 cm. We carry out direct from the point 1.5 to the level of the blades and points B»)

  • Side seam 4.5 cm (see in Fig. below: Single from point T2 2.25 to the right and left, connect with a point of G4 and points 1.25 on the thigh lines)

Pulling back - 3.5 cm. (See Fig. below: We divide the distance between the middle seam hollow and the side extract on the back in half, from this point we are deposited at half the recess - 1.75 - right and left. We carry out the axial line parallel to the overseas. From the level of the blades, we lower the angle of the cutting on 5 cm down, from the level of the thighs up 2 cm and carry out the lower side of the cuttings)

Out of the transfer: 2.5 cm (See Fig. below: On the axial line of the center of the chest, we put on the half of the outlet - 1.25 cm - from the point G6 omit the angle of the outlet 3 cm, the bottom side connect to the thighs)

We carry out a line of Niza on the forefront (under the leases) and the back (equalizing the sides, at right angles, as on the back drawing below)

Congratulations! If you read up to this place, then perhaps you have ready Yours Pattern base , Or you already understood how it is done. But this is the first step towards a series of future beautiful dresses! In the next article, I will tell you how to make the transfer of breastplate, so that it is imperceptible to the product. To new meetings on the blog pages and go with me!

Here is a very interesting option to build the patterns of the base on the fabric: