How to sew a children's costume of Eastern Beauty: a description, interesting ideas and recommendations. Oriental suit for the girl. (And a lot of material about women's costume for oriental dances)

If you know how to sew costumes for dancing, festive children, then you can create something special, robe that you can not buy in any store.

Pattern of the Bunny at the Matinee

This outfit is designed for a child whose height is 90 cm. Of course, you can use the service of the professional and sew such a suit to order. But there are considerable money for work. Follow the detailed phased description, and over time you can make not only this, but also other outfits. After all, such a hobby is very interesting and exciting.

In the photo given a detailed pattern. In order to redraw it, you need to prepare large sheets of paper, newspaper or tracing.

If you have only small sheets, glue a few scotch, but skipping it on the back, as it is difficult to draw and write with a pencil on a smooth ribbon.

Let's start with the back. Draw her pattern, leaning on digital tips. If you want, you can do easier. Increase the pattern so that 1 cm on the monitor was 1 cm pattern, redraw it from top to bottom, gradually scrolling the image to the top.

If there is no such possibility, first draw the back of the back - a large vertical line. It consists of segments: 14; 12; sixteen; 10; 27 cm. At the bottom you need to leave 2 cm on the stem and 3 cm.

Now through this vertical cut, skip horizontal lines. Here's how to make the pattern on:

  1. Mark the remaining values \u200b\u200bshown on the backrest circuit with a solid pencil line, connect the marks to a single part.
  2. Indicate the place where zipper will be.
  3. In the same way, you need to make the pattern of the rest of the details, not forgetting to move to each conventional notation.
Before sewing a bunny costume, we start opening. Folding the fabric in half to immediately cut 2 parts. Print here with a back pin, slightly retreating the sidel (if the cloth is wide) or down (if it is narrow), attach and attach before and then the sleeve. Smaller details you can arrange between large to save fabric. Cut out, leaving the nose for 3 cm to bend, and from all sides - 7 mm.

In the place where the hooding will be 2.7 cm on the bending. Please note that this item is soloked, where "fold" is written, to this side, attach the pattern to the spin of the fabric.

Each ear is also single, but this is if it is one-photon. If you want to make a two-color, as in the photo, then cut out the two opposite sides of the gray fabric, and the two internal - from pink.

How to sew a suit suit for a matinee?

After you cut out all the necessary details, proceed to the main job. Still on the involve the sidewalls of the back and pass. On the photo these lines are marked with a green feature. Now you need to make stepper seams. Also, without turning the billets on the face, wasting the front with the back of the brushes, first one, then another.

Put the lightning into the back, first flashing the notebook with a needle. Still on the typewriter part of the back from the buttocks to zipper. Now you can sew this snake also on the sewing machine, like the shoulder seams.

Still each sleeve on the inner sides. Success them to the armor first with the background. For the best landing on the shoulder you can learn a little. Measure a suit on the child, if everything suits, the trick of the sleeve on the machine. During the same fitting, decide on the long one. Generate the bottom of the trousers, step up, wrapping the fabric inside 2 cm to then go here a gum.

Also enclose and hooded, taking out. Sing it to the neck of the handle and backrest.

Squeeze the rubber band for trousers, insert them into two pants. In the Kuliuska hood too.

Thus, you can make not only carnival outfits, but also home suits. In such a robe made of soft tissue, the child will be comfortable walking around the apartment.

For dancing, costumes make out of thinner fabrics. If your daughter or you want to do east, read how to make such an outfit.

Mastery eastern costumes themselves

For classes, the belly is needed sharovar or skirt - better lush.

The first two models create the easiest way. Come on your hips, add 5-10 cm on free felting (this value depends on what kind of puff you want to make balls).

Divide the obtained digit to 4 is the width of each of the four pranks (the value A). Now you need to learn length. To do this, put the beginning of a centimeter tape to a point just below the navel, and the end to the bottom of the ankle (value B).

Draw a rectangle. Its width - the value of A, and the length - V. Attach it on the cloth folded in half, cut out, leaving the breakfasts from the sides of the seams of 7 mm, and at the bottom and at the top of 2.5 cm. Since here you are subject to fabric, in the resulting scenes Rubber.

Still the sidewalls from the sides, but not a solid seam, but so.

Eastern dance clothes sews from lightweight materials, often from translucent. When choosing a fabric, pay attention to the fact that it almost does not sweat.

Treat seams on lateral cuts, you can decorate their metallized jewelry.

Skirt for oriental dance is another option like this. The half-fiber model is convenient in the sock and suitable for different shapes.

Skirt half will sit on the figure perfectly, since all the necessary calculations have already been produced.

The pattern here is a universal, suitable for size from 40th to the 60th. Find your own and determine the values \u200b\u200bof R1 and R2 radii. The last column is the length of the belt, you will pick it up according to the equity so that you can fold in half and damage to the top of the skirt.

For its tailoring, use a 1.5 meter width cloth. Length of the canvas, depending on the size - 2.05 m - 2.45 m.

Here is a list of what you need to work:

  • paper or cellophane film for pattern;
  • pins;
  • scissors;
  • handle, chalk;
  • cloth crepe;
  • corsa tape;
  • zipper 20 cm.
Spread the pattern on the fabric as shown in the picture. Cut with letters on the seams and the bending. If the lightning is secret, then first detect it to the top of the front and rear sidewall, and then connect these parts to the seam.

If zipper is not secret, then first sew the front and back of the skirt on the left, leave the gap of 20 cm at the top, take the zipper. Sust with the right sidewall. Restore the seams.

To sew a skirt further, to put the tape inside the belt, start it with the ends, sending them to the seal. Put the workpiece so that the top of the skirt is inside the belt - between the two sides. Connect these details line.

How to sew a top and belt for a belly dance?

To suit the eastern dance costs, make these 2 recent details of clothing. For novice tailors, the next model of the top will suit. If you want to sew an oriental suit with your own hands for your daughter, which he needs for classes or a matinee at school, garden, then this option will be perfect.

Let the top too be from the cloth crepe. Take the T-shirt or T-shirt, this clothing should be in the size of the dancer. Fold any of these robes in half along, adjust the bottom. Apply T-shirt to fabric, rolled in half, turn over the contours on the canvas.

If the top is sleeves, do not cut it out. Drive on the shoulders of the straps on which the product is kept.

If a suit for the belly dance is sewn for an adult girl, then you can carve out the top of a butterfly. Do not forget to decorate it with sequins, stones, sequins.

The belt is also necessary to decorate, then during the execution of the belly dance, the decorations will look beautifully, glitter and tapping on each other in the tact of movements.

Here's how to do it: measure the waist, cut out of the fabric to the band of such a width so that it covers the hips and it was possible to tie a belt to make the ends of the fabric hang. By the way, they must already be the main detail. Strengthen the belt belt with a hill tape, and decorate the facial part at its discretion using beads, glass, beads, etc.

National Costumes for Matinnik

It is also not difficult to sew them, the main thing is to know from which things everyone consists of and how decorated. So, the Russian folk costume for a woman includes:
  • shirt;
  • sarafan;
  • handkerchief or kokoshnik;
  • napty or boots.
Nowadays, such shoes can be replaced with shoes on a small wide heel.

If you want to quickly sew a sundress, then measure the thighs line, add 10-30 cm, depending on the desired puff product. Denote the resulting digit, how p is the width of the product. Squeeze the length to the top of the chest until the middle of the ankle or to the tide. It will be the value of E.

Now fold the fabric in half to bend to be left. From him to the right horizontally set aside? P, and down - vertically - E. Cut with a reserve to the lower and upper socios, as well as for lateral seams.

Sew on this top of the sundine is a wide braid, at the same time facing the folds. Then take the bottom, put it off. It remains to sew straps in size, and sundress is ready.

Rubah Sust a long, but shorter than Sarafan. It is created from light cloth, decorated with embroidery. The product, slightly folded from the armpits, the sleeves are straight, on the wrist are intercepted with rubber bands.

In conclusion, it remains to tie a scarf or a golk, and the Russian women's suit is ready. But if you want to decorate your head differently, then read the next section of the article.

How to make Kokoshnik?

This idea is useful to you and if the daughter needs to represent the Russian folk costume or play the Snow Maiden on the holiday. In such an outfit, a woman can, for example, perform in the choir or shine at the thematic party dedicated to national costumes.

The size of the children's and adult is given on the pattern.

As you can see to make the kokoshnik from cardboard, you must first redraw its pattern on paper. Children's height of 10.4 cm, and an adult - 13.3 cm, and their width, respectively - 26 and 36 cm.

Please note that the width of the half of the product is given on the pattern, when transferring to the fabric, this value will be twice as much.

Relying on the presented standards, draw one cutout cutout, which will be located on the head, and from above - somewhat small, they will decorate the top of the Kokosnik.

Now you need to prepare materials, namely:

  • guipure and crepe satin;
  • flizelin niproshiva;
  • the cloth;
  • pearls, artificial flowers;
  • braid-bind (light green, dark green, golden);
  • elastic;
  • the satin ribbon (4 cm width for children and 5 - for an adult).

In the drawn pattern, take out 3 details: Two tissue with scraping on the seam, from the cardboard - without an allowance. Slow tape cloth, decorate with pearls, flowers. Fold 3 blanks in this order: the fabric is offered down, cardboard, second, undersoleted fabric, with an outbreak up.

Slow on the wrong side of the corrugated edge and on the sides, remove. That's what you should get on the facial, facade side,

but what's on the reverse.

That's how to make Kokoshnik from cardboard and fabric further. For the rim cut 2 parts from the fabric and one of the phlizelin. Dan for adult kokoshnik. For children, do in terms of the scalp of the child, plus a breakdown.

Attach these details on both sides of the Niza Kokoshnik, putting inside the fliesline, scaling with needles, set with inside. Remove on the front side, start.

The edge is treated with overlock or drive here the cloth inside and step up.

It remains to sew strings,

and Kokoshnik is ready. With your own hands to create such a beautiful thing - one pleasure!

If you want to sew not only a female folk costume, but also a male, then you will be interested to see the next video. It tells how to make a vehicle. It will remain to tie it with a rock (belt), supplement the robe with pants, boots, cap, and a male suit ready.

Read more to learn how to decorate a suit for the eastern dance, you can, having familiarized yourself with the following visual benefits:

Oriental dances like everyone - and those who dance, and those who look at them. A special impression produces a dancer costume: a colorful, charming, he causes admiration for the audience and the desire to be needed to close in his happy owner.
Pleasant news for those who want to make such an outfit with their own hands - it is not difficult to do it. In addition, the process of choosing all sorts of decorations will deliver additional pleasure. Such a mysterious oriental costume captivates and amazes with its beauty. It is not at all difficult to sew yourself! Let us do it today.

For work it will be necessary:

The fabric directly from which the costume will be performed;
- lining material;
- Fliselin;
- cotton fabric;
- suitable bra;
- tracing or transparent polyethylene (for outgrowth);
- Pins with comfortable heads;
- threads of the corresponding color;
- Beads or beads, sequins.

It is more convenient to start working with lifting sewing. As a basis, you can take cups of any bra, having the desired shape and suitable in size.
1. Through the center of the cup you need to spend two intersecting lines: horizontal and vertical. Then applied to a piece of cotton or polyethylene and pinch pin on the horizontal line. Wrap a cup of polyethylene in such a way that the "Locks", pinch on the edge of the cup pins, is formed along the vertical lines. All lines: contour, horizontal, vertical (on two parts of folds), apply a felt-tip pen on polyethylene.
2. Remove polyethylene and move the pattern on paper: Cut along the contour, cut the central line, close the shackle. The resulting paper pattern from two parts is transferred to the fabric.
3. Clean the elements from the tissue and sew along the center line.
4. Attach the workpiece with the invalid side to the convex surface of the cup. The edges bend on the wrong side, capturing a cup. All together to work and flash.
5. Send together two cups in different ways:
- Connect with a ring;
- use several narrow strips;
- or one wide lane of dense fabric.

6. You can show fantasy and about the design of the side: use the lacing, gum. Now, the most interesting is the decoration of the lift. Side straps, cups to divide or wipes beads, beads, sequins and other brilliant decor elements.

Eastern costume belt

The belt consists of two parts: front and rear.
1. Make patterns of both parts on paper (respectively with the standards). Clean the details of the belt from the lining fabric. Then the items obtained to pinch the pins to the phlizelin and carve out. The resulting two-layer details of a clap to cotton fabric, removing the pins on two layers. To see all together to see the seam: "Zigzag" in the center and around the edges.
2. The front of. From the main tissue, carve out the detail with an indent along the edge of 2 cm in relation to the lining blank. Turn the edges on the wrong side and shoot a zigzag, forming a convenient figure in the center of the belt of the belt.
3. Rear end. On the back detail of the belt to make shacks, close them, strain the shading. Run the seam "Zigzag" on the edge. Must get a detail of a convex form.
4. As well as for the front part, cut from the main fabric an element with a margin around the edges. Wrap the edges and strain, forming a neat figure in the middle of the line.
5. Belt decoration. From the inside to sew a fringe of beads (ready, or made independently).

Finishing touch
It is necessary to sew a skirt. It can be formed from specially carved pieces of matter or handkerchiefs.

In order for the belly dance to be able to do a little able to fulfill him, a huge role in the dance is played by a suit and image of the artist. This requires the appropriate image, applying special bright makeup, beautifully laid hair. And, of course, do not skimp on the enchanting suit of Eastern Beauty.

What it will be depends on your fantasy, financial opportunities and desire. The easiest option is to buy a ready-made suit specially designed for the belly dance. Praise be to Allah! Today it is enough - thousands of stores and shops offer a variety of outfits.

But no one will give a guarantee that there will be no three with you, exactly the same dancers. And if you wish to be a single and unique oriental beauty, you can spend a couple of evenings and make a suit with your own hands. No no! Just do not be afraid - it is completely easy! But the result can be truly masterpiece!

If you are ready to spend your time to prepare a suit, then read and look next

A special charming costume for the dancing of the belly, stitched from weightless transparent fabrics, give beads, decorative braid, waters, etc.

The suites as a mandatory detail included a short top that does not hovering the movement of the hips and abdomen. It can be made with his own hands in the form of a luxury brain. We select a bra on a suitable color, better with foambone cups and generously decorate it with waters, beads, brooches, varying jewelry and rhinestones, multi-colored edges and beads, ribbons, decorative braid, sparkling pendants, fringe, etc. etc.

Initially, the costume of the eastern dancer suggests pants made of light chiffon and the air skirt to the knees. Appointment of pants - Hide the feet of the dancer, focusing the attention of the public on the hips and stomach and creating a special halo of mysteriousness around the dancers.

But now, as a famous suit for East Beauty, it becomes more and more open styles and seductive cuts.

Belt for belly dance on a wide dense basis. It should be good to keep the shape and just as the top is sprinkled with different beautiful beautiful.

Instead of a belt, you can use a beautiful handkerchief. The handkerchief tied on the hips is squeezed by elegant fringe or coins along the edge itself. During the dance, the coins are ringing tact melodically, emphasizing the rhythm of movement.

A suit for dancing belly should not shoot movements and deliver inconvenience. The belly dance is performed by barefoot, but on rehearsals it is permissible to wear ballet shoes or semi-ballet shoes for the right position of the foot.

The belly dance is performed under the easic tunes, delighted hearing, inciting passion, leading to the depths of love pools. It will fill your life with flowers and bright colors, beautiful oriental melodies and dazzling art of Belldan.

And most importantly - he will give you health, beauty and wonderful mood, which I wish you! Dance, move, live from the soul!

Publication date: 05/04/2016

Rhinestones and beads are those decor elements that are 100% attracted attention, which is why they are so often used when creating stage costumes.The stones give them glitter, color, volume, their glow is overflow and creates a fabulous effect, such costumes are remembered for a long time to the viewer.

Especially love to use rhinestones for the decor of their dancers dancers of a wide variety of styles. Let's wonder some of them.

Eastern costume - One of the brightest representatives of scenic costumes. He must emphasize the beauty of the performerto be bright and eastern "rich". For this, it is best to fit:

  • - Present shimmering, suitable as color and holographic rhinestones (), large and small. Great to create a drawing and a miniature decor.
  • And give a suit with the effect of the "volumetric" brilliance, such rhinestones are difficult not to notice. You can use rhinestones made of glass (more durable) or from acrylic (cheaper glass, do not lose suit, because light weight).
  • - It is mainly used to decorate the elements of the costume: belts, bodies, neckline. It shifts very beautifully when used as a hitch on large belt items.
  • - If the time for decoking is not so much, but I want to get a spectacular suit, then you can use appliques. They attract attention to themselves, and most importantly do not require long opening or sewing.

- suit for ballroom dancing - He has its own characteristics, as in this direction there is a contact between partners and costumes have to escape. Rhinestones must be wear-resistant and spectacular. For this suit suit:

  • Glue rhinestones are large and small, patterns of them are clearly visible from the parquet, give a suit shimmering.
  • Wearing rhinestones having used to use glass, it is more durable and with careful wash do not lose its shine. Acrylicbetter not to use, because Upon contact, such rhinestones scratch and lose their original appearance.

- costumes for rhythmic gymnastics and figure skating - These are two incredibly elegant, spectacular and beautiful sports. Spectators love these sports for the effectiveness of the tricks and images of athletes. Of course, costumes must meet all safety requirements: decor elements must be well sewn / glued to the base. For decorating, glue and sewn rhinestones are suitable. The most winning colors of rhinestones are and.

- costumes for modern dance - The decoration use rhinestones of different types: glue, sewn, stricter ribbons and appliqués, rhinestones in the distribution. In such costumes, a brilliant show is provided. Not so long ago, rhinestones began to use to decorate suits for Pole-Dance. Incredibly spectacular and technical dance on the pylon must be memorized by a bright suit. It is only necessary to take into account some features. It is best for this category that will add a suit and the number itself a refined glowing effect. They are absolutely safe I.will not affect the contact of the dancer with a pylon.

- suits for Bodyfitness -this direction has recently gaining momentum. People work on their bodies disappearing in fitness rooms and, of course, want to emphasize their work beautiful and brilliant costume. Consider a female suit that consists of bodies and panties. For decorating, small adhesive and sewn rhinestones are perfect. It is better to use rhinestones from glass.

Of course, rhinestones are used not only to decorate costumes, for example, in the skillful hands of craftsmen, these pebbles turn into one-piece decorations!

To create jewelry suitable:

Seviving rhinestones made of glass - the diversity of sizes and colors of these rhinestones makes it possible not to limit yourself in your work. Such rhinestones are suitable for decorating cuffs, collar, rims, bracelets. The glass is the most suitable material for jewelry, since its shine and quality meets all the requirements of the socks of products.

Rhinestones in the distribution - the metal basis of these rhines allows you to sew them to the tissue, keep the shape, they are a volumetric decor. They are used to decorate the caps, scarves, when creating collar, brooch, bracelets. Glass glitters well and is wear-resistant. We do not recommend using rhinestone data in close contact with the body, since the metal base of the rods has the oxide property.

Beads - perfectly suitable for the creation of bright bracelets, necklaces, servants, bracelets, rings, rims. They are very easy to sew to the tissue, ride on the fishing rubber, to attach to various bases. For decorations, it is best to choose beads of glass, as they are better and will not lose their appearance even with use.

***"And what material (fabric) is better preferred for the external lifting of the leaf and belt?

If the fabric will not be fused with completely sequins and other decorations, then an elegant - velvet, a group, etc. Better, if on a knitted basis, but not necessarily.

If it is completely seven, then usually take a one-photon fabric. It is not strongly fundamentally, which exactly, ideally: inexpensive, on a knitwear basis, so that the cloth herself looks in itself, was not a slippery. If, for example, you prefer x / b as the basis, then such a fabric should be pre-wrapped so that it does not sat down in the future. Color - usually take over the main tone of sequins or a little bit. "

*** More Tips for the choice of fabric:

- there is a cool fabric - cashibo, from it a good skirt come out, it is almost opaque and not heavy.

- I also suffer in such questions - you need a skirt Snow white 1.5-2 of the Sun, in our city there is only a crepe-atlas, chiffon or organza. The atlas crepe is very white, but I know from experience that it is heavy, the rest is not white and shines. What you can come up with?

Answer: if you sew from chiffon, a 2-layer skirt, 1 sun each, then there will be no shower. If 2 suns from crepe-atlas may be hard, chiffon is the most. It is possible as a variant of the lower layer of chiffon, the upper - organza.

Silk, crepe

It is impossible to use organiza to stand, although some and sew still.

About Sharovar:

About the width of the Sharovar is written like this: " The width of the prank is equal to the volume of your hip. Top- ordinary gum. "" "

The basis is this, only Nina cuts off at the knee level and sews the sun. Where seam (dotted in the figure), makes the scene and inserts a light rubber, that's all. "

* - And tell me, what is the length of the barrels (and the traditional silhouette and how are Nina's Sharovar)? Last, I guess, literally 5-7cm from the floor? But on an elastic or cuff How is it better? And should this be seen this very gum / cuffs?

Answer: " In my opinion, first of all, convenience in dance, as well as aesthetic appearance. And cuff or gum to decide, with a rubber, easier to sew. In general, the sharovars should be with nasup, so that it is convenient to be bending the leg, everything else depends on the imagination ".

* Wonderful material on tailoring sharovar is. Copier:


You will need 1.5 - 2 meters of fabric (depending on how much you want, so that there were sharovars) with a width of a fabric 150 cm, height 170 cm, the width of the hips is about 100 cm

Cut the fabric in half, and both pieces fold 2 times, applying to each other (Fig. 13) Cut a quarter of the circle, as shown in Fig. 13. Explodia and attach both half faceted side (Fig. 16), pay attention to the vertices A, B, C, D). It turned out two pants, not connected on the sides. While the top of the A and B, C and D can be sewn completely, and you can grab in several places, making the charming holes on the sides of the charming holes, from which will peck your beautiful legs. The connectivity of the holes and the holes themselves can be decorated with hanging beads, sequins, sequins.

It remains to plant the top of the gum ball, the diameter of which is equal to the volume of your hips, the rest width will go to the fold. Through the lower edge, the sharovar also stretches the gum (lumber than at the top), the diameter of which allows you to turn the stop (Fig. 17).

Recommendations for the choice of tissues and accessories

For a suit you will need: translucent fabric (chiffon) of any bright color, elastic ribbon (gum), braid with fringe, decorative coins (or ready-made monisto), glass beads.

Work description

Trousers. Sew wide pants-sharovar on any suitable pattern. On the waist and on the bottom of the product to make a scene, insert a gum. Side seams do not negotiate, but grab in several places using beautiful beads.
On hips you can tie a handkerchief made of the same or contrast material decorated with fringe and decorative coins.

Wrock. Clean two rectangles, sew a pipe, to make a snap back from above, insert an elastic band.

Life. Clean the bodice (you can arbitrarily, on the eye), put on the figure. Richly decorate beads and glass. At the bottom to sew a braid with a fringe.

Decoration for the head.From the main tissue sew a pipe - a case for elastic ribbon (gum). Insert a gum into the case, connect to the ring (touched), then manually sew the case (in the finished form it will be seamless). Sew "veil", decorate glass, beads, decorative coins.

Monisto From decorative coins, glass and beads to collect monisto-cervical decoration (like a big necklace). You can buy ready-made in stores selling accessories for dancing.

Decor. Bracelets (purchased or homemade) put on wrists and ankles. In the ears insert a major earrings. "

********************************* How to make a belt on the balls very well described. Copy again:

Tailoring the belt for the Eastern costume (Elena Zubashenko says)

I present to your attention a detailed instruction on the sewing belt for the eastern Arab dance.

The belt, on the example of which the entire sewing process will be shown, sews for my niece, Masha, she is now 5 years old :)
This we will have a children's oriental suit, so that dimensions may not coincide;)

I make the pattern of the belt on the billet for an absolutely any belt, and from it you can already make a form, which fantasy will tell.

Step1 - how to make a pattern of a belt for an oriental costume

I do a blank:

We measure the volume of the thighs (car it \u003d 64cm), divide by 2, \u003d 32 cm.

Draw on paper 2 parallel lines, 32 cm, the distance between these parallel lines is the width of the belt.

The width of the belt is chosen for your taste - someone like it.

On each line, we choose the middle, put a point there.

From the upper middle point, we post 2-3cm down, put the point, and carry out the line, connecting the extreme points with the omitted.
We do the same below. After that, we spin the line, make it smooth.
Now we create a simple belt, uniform in width, but can sew a belt for an oriental suit of any shape: wave, with angles (triangular), asymmetrical ...

Now the most important thing is to make the belt's belt so that it makes it easier.

Draw the pattern of belt for oriental suit

To do this, extend smooth lower lines, they will leave a little up. (in the picture - pink dotted)

We make an indentation - we post 2-2.5 cm and connect this point with the upper line, everything, half the belt is ready.

Cut the belt

Exercise belt

Be sure to try how the paper belt sees!

If the lower edge is shrinking - it is necessary to reduce the indent.
If the upper - the indent must be increased.

Pattern belt for dancing belly looks like

Another subtlety of the sewing: it is necessary to immediately decide which the fastener will be on the belt - on both sides, or with one, depending on this, it is necessary to leave the gap fabric.

The belt can be done with two fasteners on the sides. In this case, we simply duplicate the pattern, leaving the place for the fasteners on both sides. Such clasps on the belt should be done if you have a belt triangular front and rear.

Such a fastener for the belt is also good because if you lose weight / please, the belt is very easily adjusted according to the figure, does not move, keeps the form.

And in our case the belt is simple, and we make one clasp on the side. The belt will be fastened on the hooks, they like more than the velcro, they keep it better, look careful.

Step2 - how to sew a belt for an oriental costume

Sewing the belt itself, I very much simplified. For the belt blank required:
1. Flizelin - choose the most hard
2. Beautiful fabric - background, it will be with the front side (for the background it is good to use a beautiful shiny cloth (crepe-satin, atlas, beflex), it will be seen between the sequins.
3. Tight cotton.

The carved belt looks like that

We decompose the cut out of the paper on the dublerin. Our pattern use twice, because Double belt, do not forget about the location for the fastener.

We supply, cut out, put the dublerin adhesive side on the fabric, which will be a background, well stroke the iron so that the doublerin is glued to the tissue, cut the fabric along the contour, leaving 2 cm for the separation of edges.

This is the way the belt for the Eastern costume

We decided to make the background cloth, and the eastern costume itself is with a bright multicolored embroidery. These will be a multi-colored chamomile for a small mask :)

We flash stitches, gently converting the edge.

After that, we extend the belt to all than you can - beading, rhinestones, sequins, stones, sparkles.

We decided to decide this belt with false flowers - daisies.

About the extection of the belt for the Eastern costume - our next article.

Overhead elements are a very good idea for belt irregular shape, or for a belt with embossed edges, or with small cuts closer to the edge ...

Strip overhead flowers for belt

To do this, first cut the shape of the flower, and then - we will be replaced by each flower with fates. Next, the extended flowers are sewn on the belt, and the space between them fill in fuel.

We add a hitch, we will make a wave in this belt, we put on the gloss between the glasswater. Here we have a suit:

Belt ready!

embroidered by beads and waters of a false flower for belt

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How to fix the belt to the hare :

The easiest way, but, turns out to be common, ordinary pins. They are drunk the details of the costume in front and behind, so that when moving the belt did not twist. But the pin can reveal and grow healthy! Therefore, there are still ways and they are more comfortable, just need to spend a little more time. That wrote about it: " it is attached by the still butchers in large flat. On the belt from the inside buttons and velcro.
On the skirt and pants \u003d sharovars of the slots under the butchers and the second half of Velcro Velcro.

Lifting suit .

How to make it, well written. This information is for an adult costume, but it is necessary to know for experience. Copier:

There are several ways to make the top of the costume. It is easiest to buy a ready-made bra, suitable in color to your suit, and make a dense launcher with beads, sequins, rhinestones or beads. It is enough to add a sample of the desired form - and the bodice is ready.

But you can not always pick up a ready-made bra of the right color, forms, volume, etc. Then the need arises to be corrected and adjusted for itself what is. Make it easy, you only need a little patience.

Usually, the top of the top takes the finished bra one size more (if you do not need to increase the size of the chest). This takes into account necessarily, because after tightnessing the material and the extension of the previous size of the bra be reduced.

If your breasts need to be increased, then choose the workpiece more by two or three sizes, but also do not overpay so that the chest does not get too disproportionately relative to everything else.

For the future leaf, it is better to choose a bra with dense foam cups: they keep the right shape very well, and embroider the drawing on them is much more convenient. In the store you can buy ready-made cups with bones. True, they usually cost more than a whole bra, but to evaluate which form of a finished line is harder.

Method I. The easiest option. The bra entirely is trimmed with a decorative fabric, on top of which more or less dense drawing with rhinestones and sequins. How smoothly and with the smallest number of folds will result in the newly covered cups - depends on the degree of stretching the fabric and the density of the cup of the bra. The more denser, and the fabric is more stretched - the better the result will be.

For work we need: fabric (elastic fabric is suitable, such as velvet stretch, lycra, biflex, knitwear, etc.), pins, scissors, thread with needle, dense fabric or not wide corsage, trouser, cigarette ribbon for strapless, hooks or Decorative clasp.

Cut the straps from the finished bra. They are replaced by dense, unreleased straps of the desired form in the tone of the costume.

You can shelter a bra with two parts of the tissue or cover with separate flap each cup and side parts. It is important that in the field of the fastener there is a sufficiently long supply of fabric. Then, if necessary, it will be possible to lengthen the side straps, sewing inside a dense tissue or a corsage tape.

Apply the fabric to the top edge of the bra and pins it with pins along the contour of the entire cup, trying to pull the material so that it lies very tightly to the bra.

Figure 1.

Where it does not work, we will put one or two small moldings from the edge to the cup center.

We rock the fabric to the lateral parts of the bra and cut off all the unnecessary tissue, leaving a little on the bending for the seams.

Penitate the allowances inside, pins them with pins and leament.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 3.

The same we do with the second cup.

Fig. four.

We put the edges of the fabric between two cups on each other, we rock and make an imperceptible seam.

It remains only to sew fabric to the base manually or on a sewing machine, and the filthlocks to flash a neat counted seam. For a fastener you can take hooks or decorative detachable buckle.

Method II.The option is more complicated, but very beautiful in the finished form.

From the finished bra we will only leave only a cup of bones, all other details completely cut and replace more hard.

Fabric for work will suit absolutely any. It can well reach or not to have this property at all. More for work, we will need felt-tip pen, paper, cellophane or tracing, pins, gasket and glue fabric, glue tape.

First, with the finished cup, we will remove the "blind" - pattern from cellophane or tracing.

To do this, along the cup through the center we carry out a felt-tip pen (chalk, soap) line.


We take a sheet of cellophane (can be tracked, but it can break in the process) and pins enter it along the center line and along the edges of the cup, tightly distributing it all over the surface.

At the same time, the top and lower parts will necessarily turn out. We remove them in the castings. Depending on the size of the cups, there may be several of them, but not less than two - one in each part.


Flomaster or handle and circulate the outlines of the future pattern on cellophane.

Draw a central line and necessarily - as you can rather! - All wrappers to the center line.


After that, we remove the pins, lay out the pattern


Clearly will read all the filthy and cut the drawing along the center line.

We carry the pattern on paper. Be sure to sign on each part top, bottom, middle and lateral parts. Otherwise, then it will be difficult to figure out what to sew what.

It should look like this:


Now the cuttings must be closed. To do this, we make cuts on one side of each molding and shift its edges.

Details of the finished pattern look like this:


The column layout can be made separately for each cup or fold the facial fabric to the front and make the workpiece immediately on both.

Before opening, it is better to check the accuracy of the pattern on simple fabric. Perhaps it will need to be corrected slightly like this:


The circuit of the pattern on bright fabric is better to circuit with an endback pencil, and on a dark - white gel handle, thin soap or chalk (sharpening on sandpaper).

Putting on the seams in the center are not more than 1 cm, and the contour of the cup is at least 2 centimeters above and at least 3 cm on the side and by the bottom edge.

I will cut the workpiece and sweep it along the center line.

Now you need to make fitting. We combine the seam on the fabric with the central line of the cup and we rock them with pins, and then all the lines of the contour


If the fabric lay smoothly and nowhere wrinkles, it means everything is in order, you can remove the workpiece and stitch the central seam on the sewing machine. If the wrinkles remained somewhere (it happens), they can still be removed into the central seam.

Now we have a cloth and a cup of pins again, clamping the allowances on the wrong side, we descend and flash the workpiece.

In the finished form of a cup look like this:


Side parts, straps and connecting partsbetween the cups, we will replace the details of dense fabric.

The connecting part can be given any form, make it from intersecting triangles, wide or narrow stripes




or replace with a decorative ring.


It is necessary to consider that a wide jumper can visually reduce the chest.

Length and shape of lateral parts(Backs) depend on the plan, the method of fastening to the bows of the bodice and the fastener (hooks or decorative buckles).

Side straps lie from dense tissue and boring, glued together with adhesive tape or cobweb, and are trimmed with decorative fabric.

The most common view of the sidewall is similar in shape on the side parts of a regular bra.


They can be used to cut the sidewall for the bodice. We put a bra on a sheet of paper and circle a side strap to the cup itself. Then the pattern must be corrected in length and give the desired form.


For sewing to cups, we make a stock of 5-7 cm (then you can cut down too much). If the bodice is fastened to hooks, we will make a strap with loops longer by 5-6 cm than a sidewall with a crochet. It is desirable for reliable hooks to duplicate the "velcro".

Side straps can be made in the form of a truncated triangle.

Example: Base 7 cm, height to fastener 15 cm, on bending - 3 cm


Explanation. If the clasp is a detachable buckle, the frame should be made shorter on the bending length - 5 cm.


We are tightening with the same fabric as the cups. I enhance the fastener.


The next stage is to connect the side parts of the bodice and cups. This can be done with the help of one wide or several narrow rubber bands, trimmed with decorative fabric.


Here, too, you can use decorative details: frames, large rings.

Very comfortable connection - lacing


It allows you to adjust the width of the girth if necessary. For lacing, you can use a scenta braid or any decorative cords. To a cup and lateral part of the back with an invalible side of the sew 4-7 conventional loops from laid hooks and pull the lacing. Very nice and functional!

Straps we do on the basis of a corsage tape. To the length of the straps add 5 - 6 cm for sewing. To the Corsa Ribbon (you can take the brushing braid), we can fit the adhesive tape on a paper basis, we remove the paper and apply the corsage tape to the withdrawal of the fabric, cursed side down. Roof. We cut the blanks with letters on the seams, clam them and sew them. It remains to sew straps.

Note that the bodice, after sewing to him hits, sequins, rhizes and everything you are going to decorate it, will be hard enough. Narrow straps under its weight can be very strong into the shoulders.

You can sew straps in different ways:

As on the usual bra

Almost also, but much closer to the fastener on the back, so as not to fall from the shoulders,

Through the neck

Crossing on the back.

If the bodice is richly embroidered with beads, the chest looks more lure. Large elements and drawings also increase bust. The drawing on the bond must be combined with the pattern embroidered on the belt, but it is not necessary to duplicate it "one in one". It is enough to choose and transfer only the basic embroidery elements.

Rosanova Olga 2007.

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About the top. Mom girls wished not lacing, but ties on the top, like here:

Therefore, you can take any pattern to the girl on the girl's desired growth and instead of the back to sew straightening strings. Then the girl can wear a suit and another year or two, as you want my mother. Fortunately, and balls, too, you can adjust to the rubber band. And the belt is already on the lacing. I do not see another way, since there will be no fit.