How to grow healthy from 3 years. To raise a healthy child, pediatricians advise you to follow just a few simple rules. What are the best physical activities for toddlers?

Health is given to a person from birth, but in order to maintain it for life, it is necessary to constantly take care of its strengthening from early childhood to old age. It is possible to teach this only if the parents themselves feel an urgent need for a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle is, first of all, optimism, sufficient physical activity, hardening, rational nutrition, adherence to the regime of work and rest, regular medical examinations, and the rejection of bad habits. It is the observance of these simple rules that is the most practical and least expensive way to prevent diseases. The closest people to a child are the parents. The more parents and others love the child, the more harmonious, happier and healthier he grows up. The little man needs affection, care, attention. The child should not be left alone with his problems. Take the time to communicate with your child, take him in your arms, kiss him. The more love and tenderness you give your baby, the more love and gratitude he will be able to return to you in the future. Just do not forget that love is not permissiveness, but attention, respect, healthy criticism, and sometimes a fair punishment. In an atmosphere of love and friendship, it is easier to form the right moral attitudes, moral principles, without which it is impossible to raise a healthy person. Physical activity is one of the most important components of a healthy lifestyle. Aristotle wrote that nothing exhausts and destroys a person like prolonged physical inactivity. Children are characterized by high mobility, but it must correspond to the age and state of health of the child. Movement is a powerful means of improving physical and mental health, maintaining efficiency and strengthening the body's defenses, the best way to relieve nervous excitement and stress. Movement not only affects the development of muscles and bones, it also contributes to the development of all areas of the brain, influencing the formation of the mental abilities of the child. Physical activity contributes to the development of a person's faith in himself, in his strengths and capabilities. The most beneficial for health are those types of movements during which all muscle groups are involved in the work - these are running, swimming, cycling, skiing, outdoor games. If a child is accustomed from childhood to the fact that parents do morning exercises, the family goes skiing together, goes hiking - a healthy lifestyle will become natural for him. The normal posture of the child is directly related to the state of the muscles. Incorrect posture adversely affects the figure and the work of internal organs. If the muscles of the body are developed evenly, then the body and head are kept straight. basis normal posture are systematic adequate physical exercises, constant control over their posture by the children and parents themselves, properly selected furniture, comfortable and practical shoes. Proper nutrition is another important component of a healthy lifestyle. Remember that eating disorders in childhood leave their mark on health in adulthood. It is especially important that the diet is balanced and rational. Chaotic eating, irregular meals, long breaks in eating followed by overeating, hasty food, dry food are the cause of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is undesirable to give the child chips, hamburgers, drinks that cause increased excitability - strong tea, coffee, cola. It is necessary to limit the amount of sugar, sweets, and confectionery in the child's diet, which lead not only to caries and obesity, but also often cause diabetes. Vitamins and microelements are important for normal metabolism and vital functions of the body. They increase the physical and mental performance of the child, contribute to the body's resistance to various infections. Therefore, the child's diet should contain a sufficient amount of a variety of vegetables and fruits. Personal hygieneespecially important for a child. Hygiene of linen and clothes is very important. It is desirable that the clothing be loose and that an air layer be maintained under it. Linen should be made of soft fabrics that absorb sweat well. It is very important to teach your child how to properly care for the oral cavity and teeth. To brush your teeth, you should always use an individual toothbrush, which needs to be changed about 1 time in 3-4 months. It is advisable to brush your teeth after every meal. If this is not possible, even a simple mouth rinse will be helpful. Natural cleansing of the teeth and oral cavity is facilitated by eating raw, unground vegetables and fruits (turnips, cabbage, apples, carrots). Compliance with the daily routine is a prerequisite for a healthy lifestyle. It helps to maintain a certain balance in the human body. The lack of proper alternation of physical and mental stress, work and rest, a huge information flow lead to mental overwork, the main symptoms of which are: mild excitability, irritability, unbalanced behavior, decreased attention and memory, headache, which can eventually lead to severe nervous - mental disorders. Unfortunately, parents are not always in control. quality and security of information received by children. Endless series and talk shows fill the television airwaves, drawing our children to the TV. The task of adults is to become a filter of this information. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to keep up with the times, but watching TV programs, movies, computer games, the Internet should be strictly metered. Parents should be aware that children can watch TV no more than 1.5 hours a day, and the total duration of computer use should also be no more than 1.5 hours. The fact is that watching TV and working at a computer - this is a strain both for the eyes and for the nervous system, which leads to the development of myopia and neurosis. Children live with computer games, forgetting about real life. At the same time, there is very little time left for rest, sports, preparing lessons, and staying in the fresh air. walks- one of the necessary components of a rational daily routine. Children should be outdoors 1.5-2.5 hours daily, and on rest days up to 6 hours. They need to be combined with physical activity, sports and physical labor. The main type of recreation, of course, is dream. In a dream, working capacity is restored, emotional stress is relieved. No wonder people say: "The morning is wiser than the evening." During sleep, there are many processes necessary for human health. If it is not long enough, then the body does not fully rest. Good sleep in favorable conditions - a warm blanket, cool air, a calm environment - affects mood, memory and attention, and the state of immunity. Walking before bed is important for deep and sound sleep. hardeninguseful at any age. A hardened, trained person successfully resists cold and heat, fluctuations in atmospheric pressure and humidity. When hardening, it is important to follow the basic principles: gradualness, systematic, taking into account the individual abilities of the body, a variety of hardening effects. Parents should carefully monitor the health of their children, exercise the so-called medical activity . Preventive measures are always more effective and cheaper than the treatment of the disease that has arisen, and the treatment of the disease in the initial stage is always easier than in the late one. Every child needs to be examined annually by a pediatrician, and to prevent infectious diseases, it is necessary to do preventive vaccinations. You need to be attentive to the condition and well-being of your baby, do not brush aside or put it off until “later” if something with his health bothers you. In this case, it is better to immediately consult a doctor, and not self-medicate.

What parent does not dream of their children being healthy and happy in adult life? The question is rhetorical. Of course, mothers and fathers wish their child only good, good luck and success. And for success and achievement you need good health, strong character and determination. But if the majority of parents care about the health of their younger generation, then with the development of strong-willed qualities and motivation training, everything is somewhat more complicated. For some reason, they fade into the background, and they are remembered only when the child is faced with the first serious tests of strength that fate suits him. That's when parents hastily try to put into the child's head those guidelines and values, following which, as they believe, their child will make his way in life.

Psychologists, writers, philosophers, sociologists - all agree that in order to grow up a person who is healthy both in soul and in body, several important factors are necessary. And all of them are intangible: attention to the child and everything that happens from birth in his life, love - unaccountable, sincere, but not blind and not all-consuming, mutual respect for all family members and, of course, a personal example of parents. No words will be heard by a little man, if in fact, in real life, they differ from how they live, what actions mom or dad do. “Do not raise children, they will still look like you. Educate yourself,” says an old English proverb.

And by the way, this rule works not only with actions, life rules and principles, moral values, but also with health. Today it is no longer a secret to anyone that, for example, all eating habits are laid down and formed in childhood, just like taste habits. That is why, when we really liked something at a party or in a restaurant, we say: "It's delicious, like in childhood", "This dish has the taste of childhood."

Numerous studies conducted in different countries (USA, Mexico, Spain, Great Britain and others) have shown that children whose parents are overweight are also prone to obesity or acquire extra pounds already at school, adolescence. Already in adulthood, they have higher risks for the development of diabetes and metabolic diseases, arterial hypertension, and other serious health problems. Researchers began to find out why children get fat, and it turned out that the vast majority of families with a child who is overweight or obese eat improperly, cheap convenience foods, sauces, fried and spicy foods, a lot of sweets, they abuse fast food and carbonated drinks .

Food and the nutrition system is the most striking example of how a behavior pattern (in this case, food) affects the health of a child. Another situation is no less indicative - when a child has psychosomatic problems: sleep disturbances, anxiety, increased anxiety, decreased attention and concentration, mood swings, aggression and problems in communicating with peers, poor school performance. As a rule, all this develops in children from families where parents are very busy with work, live in constant stress or have serious relationship problems, they constantly swear and speak in raised tones. In both cases, they are not up to the child, who unconsciously begins to do bad things in order to cause condemnation of others and parents and thus attract their attention. When the family and child psychologist intervened in the situation, and the parents radically rebuilt the model of their behavior, everything changed for the better, and no medications were needed.

Therefore, the mission of parents is not only to “feed - water - shoe” their beloved child, pay for tutors, circles and sections, vacation trips. This is something much more, on which the health of the child, physical and mental, as well as the development of his personal qualities depend, something that is built on trust: a boy or girl imitates his closest people in everything - mom and dad. He takes the guidelines of his parents as his life rules, and here it is very important that adults remember this and strive not in words, but in deeds to be an example in everything - from taking care of their own health to how to communicate with people who to trust, and who doesn't.

The duty of parents is to teach them to recognize “us” and “them”, to warn against something and to insure against unexpected problems. Moreover, you can literally insure against some real difficulties and unforeseen situations - by issuing an insurance policy for the child, which will become a kind of safety cushion for him. The market of insurance services in Russia is already quite developed, many insurance programs have become quite affordable, and anyone can buy it.

The great Winston Churchill said: "Success is the ability to move from one failure to another without losing enthusiasm." It's hard to disagree with him, but there are, frankly, few such optimistic enthusiasts, strong personalities. Not every person is ready for trials, especially when it comes to health. And here, decorated by caring and far-sighted parents, it can turn out to be that saving straw that will help you swim out of life's problems at the right time.


The book responds to the natural desire of every parent to raise their child healthy and happy. But not everyone knows how to achieve this.

I discovered the true knowledge in this area, which can help everyone who sincerely wants to raise children happy and healthy.

I warn the especially inquisitive and intelligent reader that scientific terms, as well as scientific justifications, are completely absent in this book, due to the incompetence of science in matters of true knowledge regarding happiness, love and health. There is no science that represents such knowledge.

The book is published as chapters are written. That is why, until the book is finished, you will see the phrase - "to be continued" at the end of writing the next chapter.

Chapter 1

Before you can begin to fulfill your desire to raise a happy and healthy child, you will have to start with yourself.

The truth is that you cannot give your children what you do not have. If you were healthy and happy, you would not need this book, for its title speaks for itself.

Happy and healthy people do not read such literature, because they are already healthy and happy.

It is precisely because you do not consider yourself happy and/or healthy that you are interested in this book. If you yourself do not have something, can you give it to another, including a child? The answer is obvious. No you can not.

To give your child happiness, love and health, you first need to find it yourself. Is not it?


Each person in his life has repeatedly experienced negative experiences that cause pain and suffering. Emotions and feelings such as irritation, resentment, anger, misunderstanding, dissatisfaction, loneliness, disappointment, hopelessness, despair, rejection, shame, envy, jealousy, anxiety, anxiety, hatred, guilt, fear, etc., known to everyone.

Negative thoughts and experiences bring pain and suffering to a person, which, accumulating over the years, develop into deep dissatisfaction with life and the feeling of being an absolutely unhappy person.

Knowing the essence and causes of your own suffering, you will find that suffering and fears are just an illusion of the mind, nothing more.

Before the realization of the truth of my statement comes, let's start with the root cause of any experience.

The emotional state of a person directly depends on thoughts. This is an indisputable fact. Thoughts about good things cause a good mood and positive emotions. Thoughts of bad things cause bad mood and negative (negative) emotions and feelings.

Only in the complete absence of thoughts, peace comes.

To explain why suffering is an illusion of the mind, I will bring to your attention the contents of chapter 2 from my book "The Direct Path to Happiness, Love and True Wealth"

When a baby is born, his pure unconscious does not know who he is. He is aware only of living here and now. For a newborn, there is nothing but living life in the present moment. From the first days of life, the child simply lives.

Until the age of three or five, children live their lives consciously present in every moment. They still do not know how to think independently, and live, guided only by their own needs and desires, which they vividly experience and realize.

At this age, children enjoy life in all its manifestations, if adults do not interfere with them. They live simply and sincerely, accepting life as it is.

Children are spontaneous and natural in everything. They are fully present in every moment of life, reacting to everything absolutely sincerely, without thinking right or wrong, they act. They do not care about conventions and rules, because they have not yet learned them. This is what makes their life serene and happy.

Almost every adult experiences tenderness in the presence of a baby and watching him. Have you ever wondered why this happens? The answer is obvious. Next to the baby in us comes to life what is given to each of us from birth - a forgotten feeling of happiness.

Children's innate ability to be serene and happy, accepting life as it is, with age, in most people, disappears.

Think back to your early childhood. What was the most important and significant for you?

Only you yourself, your desires and needs, which you immediately tried to realize and satisfy.

If you do not remember yourself at such an early age, watch the children of this age. You will be surprised that apart from themselves and their own desires, nothing exists for little children.

Children love their parents absolutely. They accept their parents, like everything that happens to them, as a given, which is and which is natural, like life itself. At the same time, children perceive their parents as those who satisfy most of their needs and desires. For children, the evidence of such a relationship is natural. They absolutely know that they just need their parents.

Children of three to five years old retain the ability to love life, themselves and their parents absolutely. They love with true love. Therefore, they can give it to everyone and everything: mom and dad, grandparents, sisters and brothers, dogs and cats, butterflies and dragonflies, flowers and trees - the whole world. Young children love absolutely sincerely, no matter what, that is, unconditionally (without conditions). Love is essentially unconditional. This is a feeling that defies not only description, but also attempts to enclose it at least in some framework. We can only feel love.

Growing up, a person gradually forgets his true self, and, as a result, loses the ability to love himself.

Under the burden of upbringing, as well as under the burden of imposed rules and conventions, there is a forgetting of oneself, and the acquisition of false images imposed on us by the family, society and environment.

False images are so unnatural and illusory that it is simply impossible to love them. All the more impossible is happiness, which disappears along with the lost awareness of one's true self.

Forgetting yourself comes with the formation of the mind. The more a person becomes wiser, the more he forgets his true self. With the mind, personality begins to form. The root of the word "personality" comes from the word "mask", that is, a mask.

The first masks - the child receives masks in his own family when he is criticized, condemned or praised by his own parents: you are good or bad, you are smart or mediocre, you are clean or dirty, you are wonderful or terrible, etc. You yourself can remember all the words that your own parents and environment branded you. The worst thing for any child is the condemnation, criticism and anger of their own parents.

At the same time, the parents believed that they were right and were sure that they loved you.

And you? How did you feel, as a child, at the moment when you were criticized, scolded and dishonored by your own father and mother? Even now you are uncomfortable with such memories, because you felt that you were not loved.

The child, absolutely trusting his own parents, begins to think about himself in terms of the concepts and criteria of adults, which are instilled in him by the most beloved and most dear to people. Thus, thanks to their own parents, children begin to think about themselves the same way as their parents, gradually accepting the substitution of the true self for those masks and masks that his own mom and dad hang on him. The mind of the child begins to identify itself with these masks.

It is regrettable that the destruction of the true essence of their own "beloved" child is carried out by his own parents, who themselves have long buried themselves under a pile of their own disguises and masks.

Can the "false self", which does not remember itself and does not love itself, bring up a truly happy, self-sufficient and loving person?

Going out into society and growing up, the child begins to encounter the opinions of other people who also judge and evaluate him according to their own criteria.
In the family, kindergarten, at school, at the institute, at work, our focus on the opinions of others begins to replenish the collection of masks that the person himself, as an adult, begins to cultivate and broadcast to the world as his own personality.
Quite often you can hear from some people a confident and proud presentation of oneself in a sincere firm conviction - "I am a person." This statement is the funeral of the true self. Getting used to numerous images, and falsely identifying himself with them, a person loses his truth.

Masks and images become inseparable from the person wearing them. A person, without noticing it, is represented by the name of his masks: I am a director, I am a businessman, I am a professor, I am a doctor, I am a husband / wife, I am a mother / father, I am a pensioner. Solid masks are a show where the most important thing is missing - the one who wears them. There is a complete loss of who you were born to be. The false personality is firmly rooted in one's own brain. With age, the mind has grown stronger and the personality has firmly taken root in your mind, putting a big and bold cross on you.

All masks, images and everything that happens to you in life are all the intrigues of “your” mind, which cannot be called the word “your”, because you acquired it through knowledge that was not invented by you.

Man's greatest illusion is his mind.

Ask yourself a question:
- Everything I know, I came up with?

The answer is obvious:
- Not.

You have spent your whole life studying OTHER knowledge. You did not come up with the laws of physics, mathematics, philosophy and others. You did not write history, geography, natural sciences and other humanities. It was not you who composed the poems of Pushkin and Yesenin. You have only acquired this FOREIGN knowledge, and consider it your own. Complete absurdity. Is not it?
Most of your mind and intellect are "knowledge" acquired by you from outside, and, therefore, not yours. This is an indisputable fact.
But the most important thing is that NOT YOU know anything about life, but the mind you acquired from the outside, which drew most of the "knowledge" from external sources: from mom, dad, relatives, relatives, friends, teachers, books, media, the Internet and society that has surrounded you all the years of your life. Everything that you consider your mind has nothing to do with your personal knowledge.

Your own knowledge was acquired by you from your own life experience. Your experience is what you have personally experienced and experienced in your life.
You fell, hurt yourself, burned yourself, drowned, fell ill, got married, got married, gave birth, got divorced, lost loved ones, suffered, experiencing your own feelings and emotions - this is your own experience and your knowledge. Only this knowledge belongs to you, as you have acquired it from your own experience. The rest of the "knowledge", of which there is much more, cannot be called your knowledge. This knowledge is acquired and borrowed from others, that is, OTHERS, and not yours.

Obviously, the mind is not the criterion of truth. However, you easily trust "your" mind. Why? How does the mind know what it thinks? If he's so smart, why doesn't he know all the answers to all your questions?

And now the main and most important questions:

- "Your" mind belongs to whom?
- Who is the master of your mind?
- If the mind belongs to you and you are its owner, then why does he always think what he wants?
- Do you manage the thoughts that arise in your head?

The answers will surprise you. You don't control what your brain thinks. He himself chooses the thoughts and thoughts that he himself thinks. Most often, you do not own the leadership of this process. Which proves that your mind has become your master. Do you think this is normal?

The following questions will sober you up even more:

Your thoughts that you think come and go. So?
- If something comes and goes, does it belong to you?
- Where do your thoughts come from? And where do they go? You know that?
Where is your mind in your body? Try to find this place and pinpoint it exactly. Many say that the mind is in the head. This is a ridiculous and completely illusory statement, since everyone knows that in the head there is only the brain, which is not the mind.
- So what is the mind? Where is he located? Find and pinpoint the "address" of "your" mind. Does not work?

Let's search your mind together.

Stop thinking. Let your brain shut up. There is perfect silence in my head, not a single thought. Be in a state of not thinking for a while. Watch the silence in your head. Be here and now in the present moment without thinking. Be aware of the body, breathing, seeing, hearing. Be aware and watch yourself in complete thoughtlessness. Notice how easy it is for you to be aware of yourself without thinking about anything.

Now answer your question:

When you don't think about anything, is your brain in the same place as it was?
- If the brain has not gone anywhere, and you did not think, then where was your mind?

Try again to be in the present moment without thinking. Realize that in the absence of thoughts, you do not disappear anywhere. There are no thoughts, but you are. So the mind cannot represent you. In its absence, you do not disappear anywhere. You are regardless of the presence or absence of the mind, and this is obvious.

Realize simple truths:

Your brain is an organ of the body that is not your mind.
- The mind is not yours, because you cannot even find it.
- the mind is an illusion. That is why you cannot find it anywhere. You can't find what isn't there.
- In the absence of the mind, you do not disappear anywhere, which once again confirms its illusory nature.
- You are, regardless of the fact that the mind is absent.

For skeptics and especially smart ones, I propose to check these truths for yourself in order to make sure that you are right, and that you have your own point of view. Prove to yourself that you and your mind are right.

Close your eyes, think of nothing, and be aware of the silence in your head. Be in this silence just long enough until the eyes open on their own. This will take quite a bit of time. You will be surprised that you can easily silence your brain, but not for long.

The main discovery for you will be that at the moment when your brain was silent and perfect silence reigned in your head, the mind disappeared, and you did not.

For those who still cannot believe that the mind is absent in you when the brain is silent, I recommend double-checking yourself again and again. Suddenly the author of the book is lying. Test yourself as many times as you like, until you recognize the real you, who does not and cannot have a mind.

To realize the next truth, which I will voice a little later, and for the sake of which you began to read this book, you need to become aware of yourself again.

Close your eyes, remove all thoughts from your head, and immerse yourself in silent silence. Watch your inner state. Be aware and feel what is happening inside you when the brain is silent. In complete silence and silence of the brain comes peace and serenity. Be in that peace and quiet for a while. Enjoy this completely natural state for you, just as much as you feel comfortable. When enough is enough, the eyes will open on their own.

The truth, as always, is simple:

Happiness is a state of peace.

This truth is recognized and proven even by scientists who are extremely intelligent and deeply skeptical...)))

Realize that the state of peace is in yourself, so you yourself are happiness ...))) With which I congratulate you!

All your suffering, like the mind, is also illusory. This is easy to understand.

When the brain is silent, you are in a state of peace and serenity. When the brain begins to think, the state of rest disappears. Thoughts and mind stir emotions and feelings, causing anxiety and suffering. Worry is the other side of peace. In other words, all your worries are of the mind. Griboyedov brilliantly framed this truth in three words: "Woe from Wit." From myself I will add a logical continuation - happiness is beyond the mind. We get the completed truth "Woe from the mind, happiness is beyond the mind."

Having “turned off” the brain, you, for some time, were in a state of peace and serenity, that is, in a state of happiness. Why don't you extend this state of happiness up to an hour, two hours, a whole day, one month, a year and, finally, a lifetime?

“If you have seen a lot of misfortunes, troubles, hardships and grief in your life,
Soul embittered, offended that such a fate fell.
Close your eyes, listen to yourself. Who is unhappy inside you?
Turn off the mind, let it be silent. Inside peace, love and happiness.

(From the cycle "My rubais".)

All your fears, sufferings, sorrows, experiences, negative emotions and feelings are the result of the activity of the mind. Only your own thoughts, which disturb you, do not give you rest. Thinking, as a constant work of the mind, causes your anxiety, anxiety and fears, causing you suffering and pain. It is the mind and thoughts that are the source of all your experiences.

The logical chain of any experience is as follows. First comes the thought. Then comes your reaction to that thought. You respond to a thought by judging it. The result of your reaction and judgment to a thought are certain feelings and emotions that disturb you. Most often, these are negative feelings and emotions: irritation, anger, resentment, doubts, anxiety, jealousy, envy, hopelessness, fear, horror, panic, etc.

When the mind is silent, experiences disappear. When there is silence in the head, the bliss of peace and serenity sets in.

Psychiatrists believe that people who have a voice in their head are crazy. You are constantly having some conversations in your own head. Is not it? You have the voice of your mind in your head all the time. What's this?

At the same time, it is considered that listening to mom and dad, teachers and educators, and other smart people who read smart books written by smart writers who listen to their own voice in their own head is normal.

The choice is yours. Continue to listen to "your" mind, or find the happiness that you yourself are.


The main condition for practice is silence and silence in the head.

Close your eyes for a while and put all thoughts out of your head. Be in complete silence and darkness, which is natural with closed eyes. Feel peace and tranquility within yourself. Immerse yourself in this complete peace and silence of silence. Enjoy peace within yourself. Feel and be aware of the bliss of your own being. Stay in this state for as long as you want.

I sincerely congratulate those who have succeeded in the practice, with the understanding and realization that peace, and therefore happiness, is in each of us.

If you manage to be at rest for a few minutes, why not extend this state for an hour, two, one day, or for the rest of your life?

In the future, the practice of peace will be the basis for getting rid of any negative feelings, emotions, erroneous and false psychological attitudes that originate in the parental family and society, and have nothing to do with our true essence.

In the treatment of various diseases, which are also caused by erroneous thoughts, emotions and feelings, which is proved by psychosomatics, the science of the relationship between the soul (psycho) and the body (somos), we will also use the practice of peace.

The practice of rest is, in fact, a simple and natural immersion in oneself.

Those who managed to dive into themselves found absolute emptiness, which confirms the modern theory of quantum human consciousness, proving that human consciousness is nothing but emptiness.

Since consciousness is emptiness, it is logical that emptiness cannot experience. There is nothing in it: neither time, nor space, nor, moreover, experiences.

In order to understand in more detail the essence, depth and importance of our experiences, it will be necessary to return to the moment of birth of each of us.


As we already know, a child is born with an absolutely pure consciousness. From the moment of birth, the newborn enters into its first interaction with the world. However, already during childbirth, the child receives the first mental trauma, which is called the “trauma of birth”.

Have you ever wondered: “Why, almost no one from the people remembers his birth?” The answer is simple.

Birth is perceived by the born as their own death. That is why a newborn screams heart-rendingly at birth, and does not laugh and rejoice that God was born.
In order to protect consciousness from the first psychotrauma, a person forgets the memory of his own birth, but this memory is archived in the subconscious memory. Every psychoanalyst knows the explanation for this phenomenon.

The mechanism of "birth trauma" is as follows.

It has been proven that in utero, the child feels nervous. He perceives his intrauterine state as paradise. Inside the mother is warm, satisfying, comfortable and serene. Absolute freedom of action and the realization of any desires: if I want - I sleep, if I want - I “walk”, if I want - I suck my finger, if I want - I eat. Paradise, and only.

Childbirth begins. Paradise gradually turns into something terrible.

The warm, serene, familiar environment disappears somewhere. The waters where he rested, as in paradise, depart. The child begins to move "forward", most often with his head, through some scary - narrow channels where you can suffocate, especially if the fight has stopped and the head has not yet come out. The head is squeezed in the tight captivity of the birth canals. You already want to breathe, but there is no way. Forces leave. The horror continues. The fear of one's own death embraces the whole nature. And now, the moment of entering another world, and: “Oh, horror!”… The first breath of air breaks the lungs with hitherto unknown pain. It becomes incredibly cold, and the insane fear of meeting a new reality breaks out with a heart-rending cry of a newborn (new birth), asking:

Where I am? I died?

Thus, the fear of death is the first experience of the newborn, which remains with him for life. But is it death? What is death if not a transition from one world to another? On the example of birth - TRANSITION from the mother's womb to this world.

I am infinitely grateful to the Internet for talented people, thanks to whom, one can learn what seems unknown. I thank in advance an unknown author for a brilliant presentation of the intrauterine worldview of a person.


Do you believe in life after childbirth? the unbelieving baby asks his brother.

Of course, the believer replied. There is life after childbirth. I believe in it. We are here to get stronger and be ready for what awaits us after birth.

This is all nonsense, - objected the unbelieving brother. There is no life after childbirth. What, are you out of your mind? Can you imagine life after childbirth?

I don't know all the details, but everything is different there. This is a different life, not like here. There will probably be more light. It is possible that we can do there what we cannot do and have here. I don’t know for sure, but I’m sure that everything will be different there, in a new way.

It's all nonsense! It's funny to even talk about it! We have an umbilical cord that feeds us. Our life is an umbilical cord. It is already too short to think about something else. From there, no one has ever returned. Life ends with childbirth. Childbirth is death.

No, the believer replied. “I don’t know exactly what life will look like after giving birth, but I believe that we will have a different life. We will definitely see Mom there. She's there to take care of us.

Mom? Do you still believe in your mother? You haven't even seen her, and you believe in her? And where is she, in your opinion?

She is all around us. We are in it. Thanks to her, we live here. Without her, we would not exist.

What nonsense! exclaimed the unbelieving brother. “I didn’t see any mother, so it’s obvious that she’s not there!”

Not true. I don’t know for sure, but I believe and feel that it exists,” the believer calmly reacted. “Sometimes, when everything is quiet around me, I hear her thoughts, and I feel that she is worried about us. Sometimes she sings. But especially strongly I feel her love. She often hugs and strokes our world. I firmly believe that our real life will begin only after childbirth.


In the first months, the newborn perceives the world through sensations. At this time, the child develops emotional-sensory perception. The baby subtly feels the mother, who for him is an inseparable part of himself, no matter how strange it may sound.

It has long been proven that the psyche of the newborn does not realize itself differently from the mother. Every psychoanalyst knows this.

Simply put, the newborn believes that "mother is me." “Mom is, I am. Mom is gone, I am not.”

During this period, all the feelings and emotions that the mother experiences and shows, the child subtly feels, nourishing himself with new sensations. In the future, the baby cultivates the feelings and emotions copied by him from his mother as his own, and not acquired.

Thus, in the first year of a baby's life, his emotional-sensual sphere is formed. All the emotions and feelings that a mother gives to her child in the first year of life, a grown-up person feels and experiences in the future as his own.

If you want your child to be happy and loving, give him love, kindness, affection, care, tenderness and attention. For such a child, the manifestation of love will become the norm, and he will be able to create a happy future.

If you sow irritation, rejection, resentment, anger, aggression in a child, you will grow up an unhappy, insecure person who does not know how to love anyone, including himself.
The evidence of the truth, "what you sow, so you reap," is obvious.

I am often approached by people who experience resentment, anger, irritation, and sometimes aggression.

When we conduct a session of immersion in oneself, then a person most often becomes aware of unconscious memories of his first months of life, where he feels how offended, irritated and angry his mother is.

Example from practice:

Aleksey, aged 35, complained that his wife often offends, angers and infuriates him. He loves her, but living with her has become unbearable. Every day she rolls up scandals for him over any trifle, regardless of the children.

She is always dissatisfied with everything, always angry, angry and yelling at everyone. I'm already so pissed off that I don't want to go home. I don't drink, I don't smoke. I don't have money problems. Everything she wants, she has. Any things, car, beauty salons, travel. Children and at home also have everything they want. Like, live and be happy. So no. Every day quarrels and scandals out of the blue. This has been going on for two years now. So insulting, with difficulty holding back tears, Alex continues. “I only live for her and the children. The children are in tears. They are still very young, the eldest is three years old, the youngest is two years old. They see and hear all this, and it also often breaks down on them, which is the worst thing. Alex is crying.

During the session - deep immersion in oneself, an unconscious memory of the first months emerges from Alexei's subconscious memory.

I, apparently, a baby, because swaddled. Somewhere near my mom and dad. They fight. I feel and realize it, although I do not see them. Mom screams a lot and gets angry at dad. Dad freaks out, something evil shouts to mom. I don’t know why, but I really understand that they are arguing. Dad slams the door and leaves. Mom is crying. She is very embarrassed. There are tears in Alex's eyes. He cries, sobbing like a small child... - Mom is very offended by dad and angry with him. I feel it. I feel very sorry for my mother. Alexis is crying.

When Alexey calms down a little, I ask him:

What do you feel about mom?

I feel sorry for my mother, I feel sorry for her, and I'm angry with my dad.

Alexey, carefully feel yourself and realize which of you and your mother are offended and angry? You or your mom? Who feels sorry for themselves? You or your mom?

Mom is offended, angry, and she feels sorry for herself, - Alexei answers after a while.

What do you feel yourself?

Nothing. I am calm and good.

So whose is this resentment, anger and pity? Yours or your mom's?


After a session of immersion in himself, Alexey could not feel either resentment or anger at his wife. He realized that the negative emotions he was experiencing were not his, but his mother's.

My many years of practice with people, which is based primarily on personal experience of working with myself, confirms that a person ACQUIRES all experiences, feelings and emotions from his parents, and, above all, from his mother, and, in the absence of parents, from environment close to him.

Based on my own personal experience of working with myself, as well as on many years of experience as a practicing psychoanalyst, I dare to say that we receive the first emotions from our mother even in utero.

The mother, initially, from the moment of conception of the child, has a great mission and responsibility for the future of her own child.

I feel how depressed the readers, whose children have already grown up. Do not worry.


For those who want to gain knowledge faster, I recommend my work: “The Direct Path to Happiness, Love and Wealth.”

How to raise a healthy child?

Target: uniting the efforts of the school and the family in solving the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren.


  1. Obtaining information by parents about the health of schoolchildren as a factor in the socialization of the individual.
  2. Identification of key issues and trends affecting student health.
  3. Development of forms of interaction between the class teacher and the family to preserve and improve the health of schoolchildren.

Today, the problem of maintaining the health of children is acute. According to long-term observations from 1 to 11 cells. the number of children with disorders of the motor apparatus, with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the gastrointestinal tract, vision and hearing increases twice, the number of children with diseases of the endocrine system increases 5 times.

Therefore, one of the central problems of the government has identified the problem of maintaining a healthy younger generation.

To achieve this goal, teachers and parents must teach and educate students in such a way that they can then raise their children healthy and happy, being a worthy example for them.

The state of health depends on many factors, among which an important place belongs to lifestyle. The main components of the lifestyle include: food, life, organization of educational work and rest, attitude to bad habits. One of the most important components of a healthy lifestyle, especially during the school period, is systematic physical education and sports.

Parents should organize a healthy life for the child, take care of health and physical training, the correct regimen.

Not all children are born healthy and dexterous. The task of parents is to strengthen the health of children, to promote their physical development. In those families where parents encourage their children to engage in outdoor games, physical education and sports, establish and maintain a strict regimen in the child's activities and recreation, there children grow up physically strong, healthy and disciplined.

Proper physical education of children in the family involves, first of all, their observance of a certain regimen. The mode of the student is a rational, distribution during the day of educational and non-academic work and rest. Strict implementation of the regime disciplines schoolchildren, accustoms them to the precise and accurate performance of educational tasks and public assignments. At the same time, the regime contributes to the proper physical development and health of children.

Educational work requires a lot of mental and physical strength of students. Lack of sufficient rest can lead to a serious disorder in the health of schoolchildren and to their incorrect physical development.

In the schoolboy mode, the time spent in the air and the normal duration of sleep are necessarily provided. The younger the child, the longer the duration of his sleep. Doctors recommend for schoolchildren 7 years old - 12 hours of sleep, 8-10 years old - 11 hours, 11-12 years old - 10 hours, 13-16 years old - 9 hours, 17-18 years old - 8 hours.

It is important for parents to teach children to go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Before going to bed, it is necessary to ventilate the room.

Food should always be taken at a certain time. For the proper growth and development of the child's body, it is very important to provide a regular and varied diet.

The regime should also provide for free time for games and entertainment for schoolchildren, for them to carry out various tasks of their parents.

The regime, of course, cannot be the same in every family: it depends on the age of the children, on the specific living conditions.

There are still parents who consider their children's physical education and sports as an empty pastime. They underestimate the role of physical exercises and games for the formation of the body of children, for their versatile development.

Many parents are doing the right thing by encouraging their children to take part in physical culture and sports activities and provide them with the necessary sports equipment.

Morning exercises have a great influence on the physical development of children. Of course, it is not so easy to accustom a student to morning exercises. It is necessary to patiently and persistently remind him of the need for morning exercises until it becomes a habit. An important means of physical education of children is also the use of the sun, air and water for hardening the child's body, which has not yet become stronger. But you need to use the sun and water skillfully. It is necessary to strive to ensure that children are as much as possible in the air, while they should not be dressed too warmly, as this leads to colds.

A very important means of physical education for children are walks and trips together with their parents. They are usually organized on weekends and holidays. Depending on the season, they can be walking, skiing or water. Such walks not only help to improve the health of the children, but also contribute to their comprehensive development.

In the summer, it is especially important that children go in for swimming and cycling.

In winter, great opportunities are created for children to engage in skiing, sledding, etc.

But you need to do this in moderation.

Physical education also includes teaching children to observe the rules of sanitation and hygiene. Keeping clothes and shoes clean, washing hands before eating, using a handkerchief, washing and regularly visiting the bath - all this should become a habit for children and adolescents.

Summarizing the above, we can highlight the typical mistakes of parents and tips for correcting them.

Our mistakes

Useful tips for parents

Low physical activity of children.

The child should alternate between “sitting” at lessons and watching TV with active movements in the fresh air, sports section, as part of household help.

Lack of a health culture among all family members (passive rest, stressful situations, bad habits, abuse of one's own health).

It is necessary to control the diet and explain to the child what is good for him and what is harmful to health. By the way, the parents themselves must also adhere to the declared principles, otherwise the child will immediately feel false.

Abuse of medicines as a “panacea” for all problems, lack of awareness of all family members (and especially children) about disease prevention and the most important “risk factors” for human health.

Every family should have herbs for the prevention and treatment of colds and chronic diseases typical of the family, and techniques developed by generations to "exit" the disease state.

"Drunken feasts" in front of children. At the very least, their number should be minimal: the example of adults is contagious.

The main thing for the health of family members is a joyful, friendly atmosphere in the family, empathy and support.

Smoking adults provokes the repetition of this bad habit by children.

Children are greatly impressed by the fact that, at the cost of incredible efforts, an adult quits smoking. This is the best educational measure.

The students were offeredmini-questionnaire “Communication in the faces of children and parents”.

1. With what face do parents communicate with children in the morning, afternoon, evening.

Conclusions. In the classroom, the relationship between children and parents is even, benevolent.


Blitz Poll

  1. Formulate at least one rule for parents from the series “How to raise a healthy child?”.
  2. What prevents these rules from being followed.
  3. What do you think a healthy lifestyle is?
  4. What are the miscalculations of the school in solving the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of our children,
  5. Give advice to teachers who, in your opinion, will help overcome these miscalculations.
  6. What would you do differently if you had to start raising your child all over again?

Questionnaire for parents

  1. Your child brushes their teeth regularly.
  2. He always washes his hands before eating.
  3. He exercises regularly in the morning.
  4. Your child goes to bed no later than 10 pm.
  5. Walks outdoors every day.
  6. Fully nourished.
  7. He has good eyesight.
  8. He spent the summer at the camp.
  9. You think that you are doing everything for the health of your child.
  10. Do you think your child is healthy?

If you answered yes to most of the questions, it means that your family pays attention to maintaining the health of children, if not, this is an occasion to think about it and take it seriously.

  1. Never scold a child with offensive words for the inability to do or understand something, looking at him from the height of your authority a. Now he knows and knows better than you. Now he knows and knows better than you. The time will come, and, at least in some areas, he will be able to do more than you. And if he repeats the same words to you that he is now saying to him?
  2. Before scolding a child for inability, try to understand the reason for his difficulties.
  3. Do not compare your child with others, praise him for his successes and achievements.
  4. Learn with your child, unite against objective difficulties, become his ally, not an opponent or an outside observer.
  5. If you have difficulties in communicating with a child, if you do not understand each other, do not rush to blame him for this. Perhaps you have different types of functional organization of the brain, which means that you think, perceive, feel differently, that is, it’s not only about the child, but also about you. He's not bad, just different.
  6. We often love the results of our labors in a child. But if there are no results, it is not the child who is to blame, but we, because we failed to teach him, Be afraid to write off your incompetence, your failures on the child. You are the teacher or parent, not him. Unfortunately, we love those we can teach.
  7. Remember: for a child to not be able to do something, not to know something - this is the normal state of things. That's why he's a child. This cannot be reproached. It is a shame to self-satisfiedly demonstrate in front of a child your superiority in knowledge.
  8. The child should not be afraid to make a mistake. It is impossible to learn something without making mistakes. Try not to develop a child's fear of making a mistake. The feeling of fear is a bad adviser. It suppresses initiatives, the desire to learn, and simply the joy of life and the joy of learning.
  9. Remember: little children are not lazy. The “laziness” of the child is a signal of trouble in your pedagogical activity, in the method of working with him that you have chosen.
  10. Try not to teach children the truth, but teach them to find it. In every possible way stimulate, support, nurture the child's independent search.
  11. Never forget that we still know very little about how an unintelligent child turns into an adult. There are many mysteries in the development of the brain and psyche that are still inaccessible to our understanding. Therefore, make your main commandment - "do no harm."

a special guest is Olga Vladimirovna Shestopyorova, the mother of two sons - Pavel (13 years old) and Vladik (8 years old), and in addition - a specialist in children's medical massage, children's physiotherapy and exercise therapy. Today Olga will tell us about.

The interview with Olga turned out to be quite voluminous, and this is not surprising, because I could not “let go” of such an expert in the field of physical development of the child without asking her the most important questions that concern every mother. In the interview you will find medical recommendations on preventive measures to maintain and improve the health of the baby, a list of sports “equipment” that should be in every home sports corner, the minimum necessary activities that contribute to the harmonious physical development of the crumbs, tips on, the answer to the question how to raise a healthy child and other "usefulness".

Marina Suzdaleva (M.S.): Modern parents tend to engage in early development, including the physical development of the child, practically from the cradle. Is it justified from your point of view? And why is it so important to pay attention to physical development from birth?

Olga Shestopyorova (O.Sh.): Modern parents are great fellows, sometimes they understand the health of their own child better than many modern doctors. And this is just wonderful, because the sooner parents begin to not only realize, but really help their children, the easier it will be for kids to adapt in our complex world, develop their own immunity and maintain excellent health for many years of happy life.

But still, do not forget about doctors, because an experienced doctor who has been observing a baby since birth and knows almost all the “weak points” associated with a child’s health will be able to correct emerging problems in time or prescribe treatment (but this must be really experienced, knowledgeable a doctor who under no circumstances can be called indifferent).

M.S .: I heard that at the age of up to 1 year, it is desirable for a child to have 4 courses of general strengthening massage. Are there similar recommendations for older children?

O.Sh.: Indeed, a healthy child of the first year of life is recommended at least 3-4 courses of general health-improving, general strengthening massage - mainly for the purpose of timely development of age-related motor skills, as well as in order to adapt to the changes that occur with the child's body after birth.

Children of the second and third years of life need massage 2 times a year, since it is at this age (up to 3.5 years) that the intensive development and growth of the musculoskeletal and articular apparatus takes place, and it is desirable to help this process with the help of massage and gymnastics. At an older age, it is also recommended to carry out preventive course of massage for children at least once a year.

But all of the above, of course, applies to healthy children. If the child has any problems of a neurological or orthopedic plan, if the baby often suffers from colds, then massage is needed according to completely different schemes, and it should be carried out by a specialist.

M.S.: What can a mother do at home to promote optimal physical development of a child? And what should she not do to at least not interfere with this optimal development of the child?

O.Sh.: First of all, a mother must understand that a child is an individual, therefore, in no case should she compare him with other children, and in terms of physical development, first of all. Generally speaking, children of the first year of life have enough daily gymnastics, walks in the fresh air and elementary hardening procedures, and this, perhaps, is the necessary minimum.

After a year to this you need to add a visit to the pool, expand the range and increase the duration of hardening procedures, after two years, in the absence of medical contraindications, you can 1-2 times a year (June or September is optimal), in the autumn-winter period, again in the absence of contraindications, try to visit the sauna with your child once a week (recommended from 3 years of age) and, of course, as much time as possible to spend away from big cities.

As for the question of not interfering with physical development, I think that modern parents are able to see and understand for themselves what should not be done so as not to harm the optimal physical development of their child. I just want to warn against trying to get ahead of events in terms of motor skills (for example, if the child is “already 7 months old”, but he still hasn’t learned to sit down on his own, and all the girlfriends have had children of this age for a long time, you don’t need to force him to sit down, you need to wait until he will sit down himself, draw the attention of the pediatrician to this problem, maybe there is something that prevents the child from doing this from a medical point of view (for example, weak oblique or rectus abdominis muscles) and help the child cope with it.

M.S .: What kind of devices is desirable to have at home for organizing gymnastics, and for physical development in general?

O.Sh.: For gymnastics, it is advisable to purchase the most necessary, of course, not immediately after the birth of a child, but gradually:

  • hourglass, according to which your baby will eventually independently control the time of gymnastics, this is a very important attribute that allows the child to turn classes from the very beginning into a game;
  • balls(small, medium, large and very large - like a fitball, as well as a hedgehog ball);
  • , which you can do yourself, or you can buy ready-made;
  • gymnastic stick(made of plastic or wooden);
  • small bench.

Small parts made of various materials and with different shapes of edges are also useful (you can use toys from kinder surprises, small plastic balls, scraps of different fabrics, lids, wine corks, etc.) for gymnastic exercises on the feet and toes. Here, perhaps, the main thing.

M.S .: At what age can a child be sent to a sports section, and what sports are most beneficial for a child?

O.Sh.: The most useful and suitable for almost all children, of course, swimming. You can start swimming at home right from birth, while the baby still remembers how he swam in his mother's tummy. There are many methods for learning to swim at home. When the baby is 1.5-2 years old, you can safely start visiting the pool.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

Swimming is the best way to prevent problems associated with posture disorders (scoliosis, kyphosis), deformities of the lower extremities, diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system. I also recommend "putting" the child on skis, and in the summer - on roller skates. Both of them perfectly develop the vestibular apparatus, the child will learn to keep balance, the work of the heart and blood vessels will improve, the broncho-pulmonary system will strengthen, the baby will be more confident in his abilities. Riding a bicycle is also indispensable, which develops the bone-articular-ligamentous-muscular apparatus, and children learn to keep their balance perfectly.

It is better for the child if all these and, perhaps, some other elements harmoniously complement each other, and when the baby grows up (5-6 years old), you can choose from what he has already done and continue more seriously and (or) choose something else - martial arts, football, hockey, table tennis, tennis, etc.

M.S.: You have a lot of experience working with preschoolers. Tell me, based on your practice, what health problems are now most common among preschoolers? What is it connected with? What can parents do to prevent these problems?

O.Sh.: Among preschool children:

First place is occupied diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such as:

  • various posture disorders
  • flat feet
  • various deformities of the lower extremities (about 78% of children suffer from them)

In second place cardiovascular diseases

  • FISS
  • congenital and acquired malformations of the heart and blood vessels (about 37% of children have them)

third place is occupied allergic diseases

  • dermatoses
  • allergies
  • dermatitis
  • bronchial asthma
  • hay fever (these diseases in about 17% of children)

And, of course, frequent childhood illnesses, the percentage of which is even difficult to count. There are a lot of reasons, ranging from terrible ecology to heredity. One can also note the low level of medicine and diagnostics even in large cities, not to mention the provinces. Parents should carefully monitor the health of their child and, in case of even minor problems, contact a qualified specialist.

If we talk about prevention, then measures should be started long before pregnancy for both parents:

  • healthy lifestyle
  • no bad habits
  • immune status study
  • PCR diagnostics
  • genetic testing for hereditary diseases

When a child is already born, it is also possible to prevent certain diseases, for example, frequent childhood illnesses, various deformities of the lower extremities, posture disorders, acquired heart and vascular defects, and others, by various methods.

So, postural disorders, deformities of the feet and legs and, as a result of these deformities, various problems associated with the spine can be prevented with the help of massage and gymnastics. Frequent childhood illnesses can also be prevented, hardening will help a lot, again massage, gymnastics and various non-specific prevention. Various vascular problems can also be prevented by strengthening the immune system, tempering the baby, swimming with him and feeding him with breast milk.

M.S.: I can’t help but ask about the seasonal problem of a surge in the incidence of colds and SARS. It is clear that in the autumn-winter period, almost every child gets sick. But, nevertheless, which children are at risk, more susceptible to viral diseases and more difficult to tolerate them? What preventive measures can you recommend to mothers of babies?

O.Sh.: Yes, there really is a problem. The risk group includes, first of all, children attending preschool institutions, children whom parents prefer to take everywhere with them, whether it be a huge supermarket, a restaurant or any other place where a large number of people gather. Children with a weakened immune system and with various chronic diseases are more likely to get sick. For the purpose of prevention, we can recommend:

  1. Vitaminization in the autumn-spring period, through vitamin complexes and various natural remedies - such as rosehip broth, various fortified fruit drinks, freshly squeezed juices, fruits, vegetables.
  2. Before visiting a mass gathering of people during a period of increased incidence, it is necessary to make it a habit to lubricate the nasal mucosa with oxolin ointment according to the instructions.
  3. Upon returning home rinse your nose using saline or ordinary laundry soap (of course, this should be done with caution the first time, watching your baby's reaction).
  4. Do not forget about hardening, as a method of preventing SARS.
  5. I recommend teaching your child gargle decoctions of chamomile and calendula, all for the same purpose of prevention, at least 2 times a day during a dangerous period of mass morbidity.

M.S .: Many mothers are interested in hardening, but very few, unfortunately, reach practical implementation. Why do you think? Is hardening too difficult? What rules should be followed so that hardening procedures become a habit?