How to cause defecation during constipation in pregnant women. Pregnancy: constipation as a danger and how to get rid of it. The best treatment of constipation in pregnant woman is prevention of their occurrence

Constipation is difficult or systematically incomplete intestinal emptying (defecation) or the absence of one for one and a half days and more pregnancy.

The reasons constipation during pregnancy Different women and different deadlines are different. Among them are the most significant following:

  • The change in the hormonal background, which reduces the tone of the muscles of the uterus, and at the same time - and all other muscle cells similar to them (in the intestinal walls and in the walls of large vessels).
  • Changing the intestinal position in the abdominal cavity, his gradual displacement of the increasing uterus at later time.
  • Fear of a fitness. It is rather a psychological problem that is more common in women with increased uterus tone and the threat of abortion.
  • An irrationally selected diet.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Psychological tension.
  • Congenital intestinal features, such as its elongated departments.

On the direct mechanism of development, two types can be distinguished constipation during pregnancy.

Atonic constipation(literally translates as "no tone") option is associated with a reduced tone of the muscular wall of the intestine. The peristalistic (intestinal movement, thanks to which its content moves) from this becomes sluggish and unproductive. This muscular weakness, in turn, occurs due to hormonal perestroika, after operations, errors in the diet. Other form - spastic constipation during pregnancy , in which the tone of the intestine, on the contrary, is raised, the peristalistic slows down, but due to the "clamped" state of the intestine. For this type constipation during pregnancypsychological reasons are more characteristic.

Constipation during pregnancyassociated with the lengthening of the large intestine, it is necessary to highlight especially. First, their occurrence is not connected with your position, although it can strengthen them. Secondly, although they externally appear as a spastic form, they are not connected with spasm, but with a longer passage of the carte masses along a longer way. At the same time, a larger amount of water is absorbed back into the body from intestinal contents, the carts become solid.

Atonic constipation during ubermen They may accompany the feeling of intestinal overflow, noving and pulling abdominal pain, meteorism (reinforced gas formation) and bloating, lack of appetite, nausea, lethargy, apathy, depressed mood. When there are a lot of caliber masses; The initial portion is their decorated, dense, its diameter is greater than normal, the ultimate portion is liquid, cascum-shaped. The defecation is painful, there may be dumps of the mucous membrane of the rectum and the rear passage, then the surface of the blood and (or) mucus remain on the surface of the roast masses.

In the spastic form of pain, they differ: they are parked, even sometimes grasp, occur more often on the left side of the abdomen along the colon and are given to the left inkhahy. Such form constipation during pregnancy May accompany meteorism, lack of appetite, inadequate and inexplicable fatigue, nervousness, irritability, nausea. With emptying of the intestine, the carts are very dense, are separate small rounded fragments in the form of the so-called "sheep kala". Causes for defecation can occur even several times a day, but the emptying of the intestine is incomplete, difficult, minor portions.

How to get rid of constipation during pregnancy

To get rid of constipation It is primarily necessary to correctly select a diet taking into account weight control and possible allergic reactions that are individual.

For constipation during pregnancyuseful millet, buckwheat, pearbre, oat bran, muesli, black bread, vegetable oils, vegetables and fruits in fresh and cooked form (carrots, beets, pumpkin, radishes, turnip, zucchini, cucumbers, young sparge shoots, Topinambur, leaf salad, Broccoli and other cabbage varieties). Small laxative properties have: olives, compotes from dried fruits, raw, boiled or twisted prunes, honey, watermelon, melon, apples, apricots, grapes, red currant or her juice, cherry. It should be noted that honey, fresh carrots and its juice, melon, apricots, red apples, red currant possess increased allergenic potential, so you can use them no more than 1-2 times a week. Women suffering from allergies, these products should be excluded from the diet. From boiled or fresh vegetables, you can prepare as a garnish of salads with vegetable oil. Efficiency products must be included in the daily diet of a pregnant woman.

At the tendency to K. prappings It is impossible to use strong tea, mucous soups, semolina porridge, white bread, wheat bran, polished rice, blueberries, quince, pears, pomegranate, hawthorn, bananas, black currant, legumes, walnuts. Solid grades of cheese can also slow down the peristaltics.

In combination with a diet, the problem of constipation will help exercise, it is enough to pay for charging 20-30 minutes every day, and it is better to do several times during the day. Regarding the choice of exercises, consult with your doctor, because some of them can be contraindicated personally to you taking into account the peculiarities of your health.

With prolonged and active use of almost any laxatives (both drug and herbal), addiction may develop, requiring increase in dose of the laxative. The effect of the use of medication is weakened, and the problem itself constipation during pregnancyaggravated.

From ready-made laxatives to future mothers can not be taken: Regulax, Chitosan-Evalir, Dr. Taiss - Swedish bitterness . In rare cases, Guttalaks or Dulkolaks are prescribed under strict medical control (he also bisacodil ). Not contraindicated reception of laxatives Forlax and Fordrans , glycerin candles can be used.

Preparations of Sennalaks, Glasenna, Trisasen , cases made on the basis of SENNA (it is the cassia is an ostrophistic, or alexandry leaf), enhance the tone of the muscular wall of the intestine. It is necessary to use it with caution, under medical control. Sene drugs can not drink long: it is addictive, which requires an increase in dose. In addition, Senna can cause an allergic reaction and melanin deposit in the intestinal mucosa cells. Senna should not be taken in spastic forms of constipation, at which the tower of the intestine and so enhanced.

For to get rid of constipation Fitotherapy offers such recipes.

In spastic pregnant women constipation:

  • Freshly prepared potato juice, diluted with water 1: 1, take a quarter of a cup for half an hour before meals 2-3 times a day.
  • Prepare a decoction of the ingirt of figs in milk or water at the rate of 2 tablespoons of raw materials on 1 cup of boiling water, give cool at room temperature, take 1 tablespoon 2-4 times a day.
  • In a glass of warm milk, dissolve 15 g of honey, drinking a third of a glass at night.
  • Mix in equal parts of the fruits of Anisa, scum of downtown, rhizome valerian medicinal, rosehip fruits, forestry leaves of forestry, daisy flowers pharmaceutical, backed grass. 1 tablespoon of collecting bream boiling water in thermos and insist 1.5 hours, strain. Take half a glass after eating in the morning and in the evening.

In atonic pregnant women constipation:

  • Mix in equal parts of the fruits of anise, cumin and fennel. Raw 2 teaspoons of a mixture of 1 glass of boiling water, insist 15-20 minutes, strain, drink on a third of a glass 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. Please note that for this collection of seeds should be caused.
  • Take equal fractions of rowan rowan fruits, the leaves of blackberry SIZY, the grass of nettle and Fennel fruits. 1 tablespoon of gathering a glass of boiling water, 1.5 hours to insist in a thermos, strain, take a third cup 3 times a day after meals.
  • 1 tablespoon of berry gooseberry pour 1 cup of water and boil 10 minutes, then strain. Take a quarter cup 4 times a day. If you wish, you can add sugar.
  • When brewing tea, add slices of dried apples or cherry berries.
  • In the atonic form of constipation, the intestinal work stimulates a glass of cool water drinking in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Cut the 3-4 crude fresh apples with small pieces, boil under the lid for 15 minutes in 1 liter of water, and 4 hours insult, shitting. Drink instead of tea 2-3 times in time.
  • 1 teaspoon of linen seed pour 1 cup boiling water and insist 4 hours. Without turning, drinking the whole dose before bedtime.
  • Freshly prepared carrot juice drinking a quarter cup on an empty stomach in the morning.
  • Mix in equal parts freshly prepared dairy serum and carrot juice, take half a glass in the morning on an empty stomach. For the preparation of serum, you need to boil the boiled milk or fresh milk with a small piece of black bread, then strain it through the gauze; Cottage cheese will remain in Marle, and the liquid part is serum.
  • 1 tablespoon of wheat bran fill half a glass of hot milk, insisted in a warm place or a thermos 30-40 minutes, strain, squeeze breakdown bran. Drink at half a glass in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Prepare juice from 1 kg of ripe fruits of red rowan (assemble them to frost), mix the juice with 600 g of sugar sand. Take a quarter of a cup on an empty stomach in the morning and at night. Store juice necessarily in the refrigerator.

From the reduced recipes, choose for yourself the several most suitable juices and decoctions and take them, alternating every 2-3 weeks.

Pregnancy, especially long-awaited, seemed to a woman an amazing period. So there is, but there are always a number of problems that can overstate the course of pregnancy. In the early time it is worried about nausea and vomiting, then the heartburn, swelling and constipation are joined.

Normally, the frequency of defecation (hikes to the toilet "in large") varies from 2 to 3 times a day to 1 time in 3 days. It was before pregnancy, and how the character of the chair will change after the occurrence of pregnancy is not always possible. But most often the patients are concerned with constipation.

Reasons for constipation during pregnancy

1) change of hormonal background.

Pregnancy always proceeds against the background of a high level of progesterone. Progesterone is a specific hormone that determines pregnancy pregnancy. How? It contributes to the relaxation of smooth uterine muscles to prevent spontaneous miscarriage. But progesterone acts not only on the uterus, all organs that contain smooth muscles react to its impact. Smooth muscles is reduced automatically and is not subject to conscious control.

Under the action of progesterone, the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, the urinary system and the muscular wall of the vessels (especially veins) are relaxing. All these changes are physiological, but they can bring a lot of additional concerns.

The relaxed muscles of the intestine is not capable of promoting intestinal masses to exit quickly and easily. The contents are stirred, the reverse absorption of water into the vascular channel occurs. Cal is becoming even more dense. To go to the toilet, it is necessary to make much greater efforts than usual, which is fraught with complications (about them further).

2) Mechanical compression.

Popps begin to disturb the woman, as a rule, with II trimester. The fetus in the uterus grows, the size of the uterus increases, gradually begins the compression of neighboring organs (mainly intestines, and then the stomach). The organs are displaced relative to the uterus, in some places in the detachable sections of the intestine, there is a mechanical obstacle to the course of the carts. And despite the fact that the intestine is relaxed, it leads to partial stagnation, incomplete advancement of the feces to the exit.

3) Lifelong lifestyle.

Pregnant women often bother themselves and do not load physically. We are not talking about sports and serious physical work, but long-term calm walks along the forest park zone are shown almost to everyone who has no obstetric contraindications. If there is no physical activity, the contractile activity of the intestines muscles is reduced.

The restriction occurs in patients with a threat of abortion and other states that require bed mode.

4) Features of the diet.

A large amount of calcium and iron.

And calcium, and iron is vital to preserve the health of the mother and the growth and development of the baby. With the lack of these elements, Mom faces the development of anemia of pregnant women, problems with teeth. The child with a lack of iron and calcium is also suffering, so the doctors of female consultation often prescribe iron and calcium drugs additionally. And by the side effect almost 80% of women are constipation. This does not serve as a reason for the abolition of the drug, here you need to measure the benefit of the drug and its side effects, which can often be stopped using therapeutic measures (see treatment).

Insufficient fiber.

This approach to nutrition is sin not only pregnant. Fast food, an excess of flour and sweet, easily driving carbohydrates and a lack of fiber leads to the fact that there are few fenders and they are very dense. The smaller the fiber, the weaker the intestinal peristalsis is stimulated. The peristalistic is the correct wave-like motion of the intestinal wall towards the exit.

Lack of fluid.

Insufficient fluid consumption also leads to the fact that the feces becomes dry and solid, its expulsion is hampered.

5) Chronic diseases before pregnancy.

Diseases of the perianal region.

Hemorrhoids is the expansion of the veins of the rectum and the anal area. At a certain stage, the nodes become such a value, which completely or partially overlap the output and interfere with the defecation. In addition, a trip to the toilet with hemorrhoids is painful and can be accompanied by bloody secretions. If hemorrhoids appeared before pregnancy, then it is advisable to treat it at the stage of premonish preparation to avoid many problems after.

Anal crack is a crack on the inner surface of the rectum, which affects the mucous, and then the sublimated layers. It can be acute or chronic. Defecation with anal crack pain, a woman instinctively limits the number of hikes to the toilet. Timely treatment will also help ease life.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Erosive gastritis and ulcerative ulcer of the stomach and duodenal intestine are states that are accompanied by an increased acidity of gastric juice and are often accompanied by constipation.

Coliths are a group of a variety of diseases at which the intestinal wall is affected. Its reduction, permeability and other functions, which leads to the violations of the chair (both constipation and episodes of diarrhea).

The irritable bowel syndrome is a functional disorder, sometimes is psychosomatic. Stool disorders exist before pregnancy, then only exacerbate.

Development Anomalies (Dolichosigma and others) are not so rare, with the anomalies of development, the passage of intestinal content is often disturbed in the right direction. Constipation and alternation of diarrhea constipation are concerned before pregnancy. And during the tooling, the situation is often not necessary without constant reception of women's money.


Hypothyroidism is the state of an insufficient hormonal function of the thyroid gland, which is characterized by a slowdown in the overall metabolism. It is reflected on the intestinal function.

6) stress.

Stresses during pregnancy are not uncommon, often accompanied by nutritional impairment (lack of appetite or stress stress), vibrations of a hormonal background, which leads to both chairs, including.

Symptoms of constipation

Defection of the number of defecates compared to the usual (before pregnancy). However, there are approximate estimation boundaries, up to three days the stool delay is not yet constipation if there are no other manifestations.

Cal is becoming more dry and solid, its number decreases.

After defecation, a sense of incomplete exemption is preserved.

Driving abdominal pains (it is necessary to differentiate abdominal pain, first of all eliminating the threat of pregnancy interrupt and acute surgical pathology), bloating, audible rumbling, sometimes bitterness in the mouth.

How can constipation affect pregnancy?

1. Long and hard constipation can disrupt the suction of nutrients and lead to a violation of the absorption of some elements. The lack of mother's nutrition is always a lack of kid nutrition.

2. Long-term constipation leads to the stagnation of the caval masses in the intestine, thus creating a medium for reproduction of the senioropathogenic microflora. Such a state is fraught with allergization of the body and provokes the development of certain diseases (if they were not in history).

They can develop: proctosigmoiditis (inflammation of the straight and sigmoid intestine), secondary colitis, sharp cracks of the rear pass (strong strain and the pathogenic flora in the aggregate lead to the formation of cracks), paraproititis (inflammation of the fatty fiber surrounding the rectum). Any of these diseases is inflammation, pain and risk of dissemination of infection, so it is extremely undesirable to allow their development during pregnancy.

3. Frequent outrets When you try to defecation can provoke an increased tone of the uterus, which is dangerous spontaneous miscarriage in the early deadlines and the threat of premature births on the period of more than 22 weeks.

Treatment of constipation during pregnancy

Treatment consists of three main sections: diet, organization of physical activity and drugs.


A sufficient amount of fluid (water, milk, juices and compotes, mineral water) is approximately 1.5 - 2 liters, if there is no restriction for another reason (edema of pregnant women, arterial hypertension, preeclampsia or kidney disease). One of the prevention of constipation is 1/2 - 1 cup of pure cool water on an empty stomach.

- Recommended products: Equality products (except fatty varieties of cheese), raw vegetables and fruits (especially apricots, peaches, plums, zucchini, carrots), boiled or baked beets, black bread, vegetable oil (sunflower and olive), bran bread and bran in the form of flakes and Powder, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, pearl and barley cereals, muesli, dried fruits (especially dried and prunes), low-fat meat in boiled or baked species, compote from dried fruit (dried, raisins) and gooseberry.

Oatmeal with prunes is a classic homemade remedy for constipation, especially in the early deadlines. But it is not worth using this dish daily, in oatmeal a large number of phytic acid, which makes it difficult to suck calcium. Two - three times a week, oatmeal for breakfast will only benefit.

Limit: manna and rice porridge, rubbed mucous soups and puree soups (they do not give an intestine incentive to the peristaltics), chocolate, cocoa and strong tea, meat broths and fried food, boiled eggs, white bread, pears, blueberries, quince.

Regarding soup-mashed soup and other dishes of a gentle diet, if they are shown for medical reasons, it should not be abandoned, then you will have to stop constipation phenomena by other methods.

It is forbidden: Cabbage dishes, leguminous crops (peas, beans, mash, nut, lentils), spinach, sorrel. These products cause active gas formation, violate the passage of intestinal contents and increase intra-abdominal pressure, which can provoke the hypertonus of the uterus.

Fixing action possess: strawberries, currant, solid cheese.

It should be limited to the consumption of salt, per day is required from 1.5 to 5 grams of salt, which quite satisfies the needs of the body and does not allow to form edema.

Physical activity

Hydgodina (a sedentary lifestyle), as already mentioned, provokes constipation (and not only, also increases the likelihood of leg edema, placental violations and other problems).

Long-term walks in the fresh air in a comfortable pace contribute to the soft activation of the intestinal tone.

Swimming (if there is no interruption threat) also helps to increase the total tone of the body. It is recommended to swim in controlled water bodies, pools to avoid infection.

Homework, with the exception of types of loads with inclons and active raising hands up (as when hanging the laundry above the head).

If you have a sitting job, then you need to make motor interruptions about 1 time per hour, walk, rise to the 1st floor and drink water, it will help to avoid stagnation in the intestine, and also useful for the prevention of varicose veins.

Medicinal preparations from constipation during pregnancy:

In the first trimester, drugs are used only with the full inefficiency of diet and non-drug receptions.

In any time, the familiar laxative preparations based on Senna (Senade, Glaxenne, Herbion Laksan) are prohibited, since the risk of the uterus hypertonus is increased, and the effect on the fetus is not sufficiently studied (the formation of fetal defects, not enough data).

The cleansing enemas is prohibited by large volumes, they purify the intestines, but at the same time wash the entire flora, both pathogenic and useful. As well as irritation of the intestinal walls, the large volume of fluid contributes to its spastic reduction, provokes an increase in the tone of the uterus, up to spontaneous miscarriage.


Microclides with water. Pure water introduced into the rear passage with a small fringe (50 ml). The effect consists in softening and facilitating the removal of carts. It is used in isolated cases, as it flies the native intestinal flora and with frequent use will lead to dysbacteriosis.

Laxative candles. Glycerin candles are a classic drug from constipation for pregnant. Glycerin softens the wheel masses and helps to withdraw them. Simple candles should be selected without additional components.
Papaverin candles help facilitate defecation in that relaxing the muscular wall of the intestine and eliminate the opposition to the removal of feces.

Duhalak (Norma, Portalc, Stadian Lacculose) is a drug in the form of a syrup, which contains lactulose. Apply it inside after meals, in the first 3 days of constipation of 15-40 ml per day (in 2- 3 receptions), then 10-25 ml per day. Safe for pregnant women. With ineffective, the diet can be applied in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Forlax. Forlax powder contains macrogol (10 grams), it is used for 1 - 2 bags per day in 1 - 2 reception. Immediately before the reception is divorced by water. It is applied situationally, after the normalization of the chair is normalized, the effect is supported by the correct lifting diet.

Microlax. Microlax is a solution for rectal administration, which contains sorbitol and sodium salts. It is applied 1 time per day (preferably at night), the batch tube has a tip, slightly comprehend the tube so that the content drop smears the tip tip (to facilitate the administration), enter the tip for the entire length and completely extrude the contents. Applied situationally, then the chair support the diet.

Mukofalc. This is a vegetable preparation that contains a powder of a seed shell of the plantain oval. Produced in portion sachets, it takes 1 sachet 2 - 6 times a day. Immediately before taking to breed with water.


The process of childbirth constipation does not actively affect, but it is simply not possible to sleep with a non-footprooped intestine. In the later dates, closer to the date of birth, it is necessary to try to achieve a daily chair, as childbirth can begin at any time. If you do not emptied the intestines for more than 3 days, then when entering the maternity hospital, tell us the host staff.

Now the enema and shaving of the crotch is not a mandatory procedure, as before. But in your case, the enema will only benefit, the contractile activity of the uterus is already being formed in the contractions, they do not prevent them.

As a rule, the woman rightly expects that after childbirth, the majority of revenge problems will leave her, including constipation. And if, with edema and dyspeptic phenomena after childbirth, most really saying goodbye, then the constipation continues to deliver discomfort for some time. And if you do not take action, you can purchase and chronically problems with the intestines. More about this in the article constipation after childbirth \u003e\u003e


With a reasonable approach and compliance with all measures warning constipation, most pregnant patients cope with the problem.

If there are constipation during pregnancy, then the choice of the laxative is necessary to approach with all seriousness. It is impossible to be guided in this matter of popularity or value of the drug. Approximately three quarters of the pharmacy assortment of drugs can harm the baby or negatively affect the health of the future mother. It is precisely why the prevention and elimination of constipation must be carried out in a timely manner and under the sensitive control of the attending physician.

Causes of the appearance of constipation at different times of pregnancy

The problems with defecation are most often caused by hormonal perestroika in the body of a woman. Hormone progesterone, the active production of which occurs during the attachment of the fetal egg, and reduces the tone of smooth muscles. Turning an action to the uterus, it helps the organ prepare for rapid growth and stretching, preservation of pregnancy. On the intestines, the increase in its level is influenced negatively: relaxes and prevents the normal advancement of the roaming masses.

From about 20 weeks of pregnancy, the increased uterus begins to squeeze the intestine, which leads to problems with the chair. Defecation every 2-3 days - practically the norm for the second and third trimesters.

Futive mommies are recommended to take a complex of vitamins and minerals for pregnant women.
Almost all of them contain calcium, iron and magnesium necessary to maintain the functions of the placenta and the full nutrition of the fetus. But thanks to its fixing properties, vitamin supplements may cause the appearance of constipation during pregnancy.

Changing the diet and restriction in the treatment of fluid is another reason for the appearance of a conciliation or constipation during pregnancy. For the prevention of edema, pregnant women often exclude from diet products with a high liquid content - fruits and vegetables, which contains many fiber. Their absence in the daily menu upsets the intestinal operation, leads to a decrease in the volume and delay of the roaming mass.

How to cure constipation during pregnancy

Pregnant women are contraindicated almost all means with a relaxing effect. When gravity in the abdomen, pain, reinforced disintegration of gases and defecation less often, than once in 1-2 days, it is necessary to resort to the advice of the gynecologist. Only a doctor can prescribe drugs that will not have a detrimental effect on the course of pregnancy and will not harm the health of the fetus.
You can independently try to normalize the diet and increase physical exertion. These measures are often enough to improve the intestinal work and facilitate state.

"Right" diet during constipation during pregnancy

The daily menu for pregnant with the tendencies to constipation should be made correctly:

  • Sufficient consumption of raw water is the first remedy for constipation during pregnancy. The normal female contains about 70% of the water, if its quantity decreases to 40%, the feces will be solid: pain in defecation will appear, the feeling of incomplete intestinal emptying, the severity in the abdomen. Even with the inclined to edema, you need to drink at least 1-1.5 liters of pure water per day. At the same time, it is completely optional to drink everything at once. It is better to drink a glass of water before meal, you can add a few drops of lemon juice to it, and a few sips every half an hour - an hour.
  • From the ration it is important to eliminate fixing products. These include strong tea and coffee, chocolate, fresh white bread, duff and homemade pastries, semolina. Do not eat dry. It is better to give preference to soups on a second meat or vegetable broth, stewed or cooked with a pair of vegetables, dry cereals to replace viscous, limit the use of protein products.
  • During constipation, products causing increased gas formation in the intestines are also important (grape and apple juice, legumes), light fruits, as well as vegetables with a high content of essential oils (radish, radishes, onions, garlic and others).
  • During pregnancy, it is advisable to eat fractionally: to eat often and small portions. Protein food and sweets can be consumed in the first half of the day, afternoon and dinner are best there are boiled or stew vegetables, vegetable soups, low-fat dairy products.
  • In the menu, you can turn on the prunes, kuragu, figs, dried pears in the usual form or as decisions, as well as melon, zucchini, fresh plums and apricots. These products exhibit a soft laxative effect, especially if used on an empty stomach.
  • In the daily diet should be attended by: rye bread (desirable yesterday), fresh vegetables and fruits. They contain a lot of fiber, which forms cavalous masses and stimulates the intestinal work. If there are no opportunities to eat these products, you can take nutritional supplements with bran. As an option - drink a drink from a glass of unsweetened kefir and spoons of wheat bran.

You can adhere to a similar diet not only during pregnancy. In the postpartum period, it is possible to eat similarly and even need. These actions will be removed from problems with digestion after childbirth, will help to recover rather and faster to get used to the peculiarities of the diet of nursing mothers.

Gymnastics instead of laxatives

Quite often, pregnant women intentionally reduce exercise: cease to attend sports sections, make gymnastics, perform most of their homework. However, motor activity is important for maintaining muscles in tone, normal blood circulation, advent of sufficient nutrients to the placenta.

In the fight against constipation, moderate regular physical exertion is extremely important. If there is no threat to interrupting pregnancy, it is important to walk in the fresh air daily and work around the house, excluding weight lifting. Admissible classes on the exercise bike, swimming in the pool and open water bodies, stretching, special gymnastics, exercises and yoga for pregnant women.

Before starting classes, it is necessary to consult the gynecologist leading the pregnancy, for the absence of contraindications.

What you can not treat constipation during pregnancy

Treat constipation during pregnancy with pharmacy funds are beginning only if the diet and physical exertion turned out to be ineffective. Most often it happens when the future mother enters pregnancy with existing digestive problems.

Correct the medicine from constipation during pregnancy can only doctor.

In this case, the unwanted properties of some drugs, for example, are taken into account.

  • The teratogenic effect that enhancing the risk of fetus reasons. All drugs based on the Seine, Senadexin, Senade, Regulax, Phytolax and others have such property.
  • Stimulation of the smooth intestinal musculature. Increased intestinal peristaltics often causes a temporary increase in the tone of the uterus and leads to the threat of interrupting pregnancy or premature birth.
  • Chemical irritation of the intestine causes composition-based compositions, crawling crust, rhubarb root, castor oil, phenolphthalein, Gutalax, bisakodil, regulax, Dulkolaks, and other drugs.
  • The need to use a large amount of fluid. Such property has laxative filling properties based on bran, methylcellulose, plantain seeds, sea cabbage - Fayberlax, Mukofalc and others. Given the tendency of pregnant women to appear edema, the use of extra liquid is undesirable.
  • Disruption of the balance of water and minerals in the body. Such an effect can develop due to the reception of the drugs of the osmotic group on salt-based - magnesia, carl salt, sodium sulfate.

Doctors strongly recommend using the belt from the constipation for pregnant. The procedure is mechanically annoyed by the intestines and stimulates his spasms that are transmitted by the uterus and can cause a tone and threat of miscarriage. The intestinal washing during constipation is allowed only after the 38th week of pregnancy, when the danger of the premature baby has already passed.

Safe medications from constipation during pregnancy

With such a wide list of unwanted drugs, women still concerns the question that can be pregnant from constipation. After all, if the intestinal emptying problem appears, it requires urgent actions in its soft elimination.

The first preparations may be present in the first-aid kit:

  • Glycerin candles. This is an harmless and effective remedy for lactation and pregnancy. The components of the drug slightly irritate the intestines and soften the feces, stimulate the defecation. The medicine acts softly and painlessly, and the emptying of the intestine occurs 20-30 minutes after use.
  • Microlax. The drug has the form of microclides, allowed to use children after 8 years, not contraindicated during pregnancy. Not absorbed into the intestines, acts softly, 5-15 minutes after use, it causes a defecation.
  • Transiseg. Powder for oral administration: allowed to children from year and not contraindicated pregnant and nursing mothers. The contents of the bag must be dissolved in water and take an empty stomach. The laxative effect develops a day later - two after use.
  • Forlax. Powder for the preparation of the solution is assumed orally. Designed for symptomatic treatment of constipation in children over 8 years old and adults, its use is possible during pregnancy and lactation. It acts like a transopega: delays a liquid in the intestines, dilutes solid horses, stimulates the peristaltics, not absorbed through the intestinal walls. The laxative effect comes after a day after reception.
  • Duhalak. It is used to treat constipation in children from birth, adults, pregnant and nursing women. It is a syrup for oral administration. The components of the drug delay the water in the rectum, increase the volume of carte masses and soften them, the drug produces a relaxing effect. With prolonged use, the drug contributes to the normalization of intestinal microflora, but it is capable of addictive.

All specified means of constipation during pregnancy do not bear the threat to the baby and the woman. However, in the presence of the problem of a future mother, be sure to consult a doctor and choose safe therapy.

Disruption of defecation is a problem with which about 75% of pregnant women in the early and especially late dates are facing. Constipation during pregnancy can occur both episodically and maintained throughout the entire period of pregnancy. Moreover, the degree of severity of difficulties in the empty of the intestines can be different: from an irregular chair to the need to receive laxatives.

Causes of irregular chair in pregnant women

During pregnancy, the body of the woman undergoes huge changes: all life support systems are configured to enter the fetus. Such a global restructuring in aggregate with some external factors and provokes the appearance of constipation in pregnant women, namely:

  • A sharp increase in progesterone - an excessive amount of hormone has a detrimental effect on the intestines, weakening the muscular tone of its walls and thereby increasing the risk of delayed masses inside it.
  • Reducing innervation (sensitivity) is the most common reason provoking constipation during pregnancy. The uterus and intestines are associated with the central nervous system with a common nervous (pelvic) plexus. From the moment of conception, the sensitivity of the uterine receptors (including intestinal) on external stimuli is significantly reduced in order to preserve pregnancy. Therefore, conventional stimulants of its activity are also ceased to the intestinal walls, the peristalistic is reduced and problems with the act of defecation are arising.
  • Increasing the uterus - in the late pregnancy, the growing body begins to grasp the intestines strongly, shifts it, thereby provoking chronic constipation.
  • Reducing motor activity - also becomes a frequent cause of constipation in pregnant women, since the constant seat leads to a stagnation of blood in the lower arteries, poor intestinal circulatory and to the violation of its motor function.
  • Incorrect meals - the taste preferences of most pregnant women are changing radically. Very often in the daily diet are not combined with each other food, violating the normal operation of the digestive organs in general.
  • Insufficient use of pure drinking water - often it is a forced measure, aimed at facilitating the state of a woman with strong toxicosis and edema, but a perniciously affecting the intestine.
  • Psychological state - constant anxiety, irritability and experiences of a pregnant woman can provoke neurogenic constipation.
  • The use of vitamins and preparations with a large calcium content - in this case, constipation in pregnant women occur as a side effect against the background of the received funds. Normal intestinal activity is usually rapidly restored after the discharge of the drug.
  • Endocrine disorders (hypoteriosis) - a decrease in the function of the thyroid gland causes violations in the general physical condition (lethargy, weakness, apathy), in which the activities of all systems and organs decrease.

Signs of violation of defecation

For medical indicators, a defecation occurring from three times a day to three times a week is considered the norm, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Pregnancy constipation can be diagnosed by the following features:

  • lack of detergents for three or more days;
  • strong strain: more often than with each second defecation;
  • solid cavalous masses in the form of dense lumps;
  • rice and swelling in the abdomen;
  • in rare cases, there is a burning sensation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rectum, due to its damage to dense and dry cartoons;
  • blood strengths ,;
  • nest pains before urges to emptying the intestines;
  • the feeling of incomplete intestinal emptying after the defecation act;
  • the sensation of the blockade during defecation;
  • the need to stimulate the anal hole for the output of feet masses from the intestine.

Features of treatment

In the treatment of constipation during pregnancy, it is necessary to competently and delicately eliminate the reason itself that causes the defecation difficult. The main ways to get rid of constipation are based on the normalization of the power of a pregnant woman, lifestyle correction, reception of laxatives and the use of therapy, including folk remedies.

Power and diet mode

With constipation during pregnancy, special power and menu should be observed. Food must be taken fraction: small portions 5-6 times a day, at the same time. In the interruptions between food, you can use fresh fruits, fermented milk products. This will allow to normalize the level of essential substances in the intestine for its purification.

  1. Breakfast: fresh vegetable salad, seasoned with vegetable or olive oil. Omelet, cooked for a pair, not strong tea.
  2. Lunch: Fresh Apple, Tea or Glass of Mineral Water.
  3. Lunch: vegetable soup, beetter with sour cream. Lean meat (no more than 100 g). Dried fruits compote.
  4. Half date: decoction of rosehip, chamomile or green tea with a cracker.
  5. Dinner: boiled fish with vegetables or potato mashed potatoes, cottage cheese or pastries with cottage cheese stuffing, tea.
  6. During the constipation during pregnancy, it is very useful before bedtime drinking a glass of kefir, ryazhenka or snow.
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • dried fruits: prunes, kuraga;
  • wheat bran (they can be used in pure form, add in second dishes);
  • porridge: buckwheat, bump, pearl;
  • bread from bran or crushed grain;
  • dairy products;
  • non-carbonated mineral water;
  • vegetable juices.

It is not recommended to enter the jelly, cold, jelly, legumes, fried dishes in the menu. They slow down the intestinal peristalsis and provoke increased gas formation. With caution and in limited quantities you can eat sweet, drinking coffee and strong black tea.

Correction of lifestyle

The lack of mobility of a pregnant woman also becomes a frequent cause of violation of normal defecation processes. In this case, it is advisable to perform at home a complex of exercises of therapeutic physical education for future mothers, go swimming, more walking and walking outdoors. If the work of the future mother is associated with a long seat in one position, it is necessary to make 15 minute breaks every hour to eliminate the progress of the limbs and blood stagnation in the hip area.


Strong constipation during pregnancy - what to do when diet and exercise did not bring the desired results? In this case, you can use laxatives. But any drug drugs that eliminate disorders of the defecation should be taken only after consulting a specialist, since almost all of them have a mass of side effects.

The group of preparations, safe for pregnant woman and the fetus, includes the following means:

  • Rectal glycerol-based candles - have a slight irritant effect on rectors receptors, do not increase the tone of the muscles of the uterus.
  • Fifelex - a preparation made on the basis of safe for pregnant enzymes and fatty acids. It normalizes the work of the entire digestive tract and gently affects the mucous membrane of the intestinal walls, without irritating them. Fifelex is recommended to apply from constipation during pregnancy, periodically arising due to disorders in nutrition. The drug has a soft effect. The effect occurs after 5-7 days of regular reception.
  • Duphalak, Mukofalc, Forlax - soft and long-term preparations. The effect occurs after 1-2 days after receiving funds. They are absolutely safe to the health of the future mother and fetus, are not absorbed in the intestinal walls and do not affect the muscular tone of the uterus.
  • Microlax - oil-based microclism, has a rapid effect.
  • Vaseline oil is used inside. Reaching the intestines, it is evenly distributed over the surface of its walls, softening solid powerful masses and facilitates their advancement to the anal hole.

If the constipation is triggered by the psycho-emotional state of a pregnant woman, then to solve the problem, the use of drugs will not be enough. In this case, the help of a psychotherapist is necessary.

Popps during pregnancy are categorically forbidden to eliminate with the help of conventional cleansing enema, even on the basis of ordinary water. This method not only quickly purifies the intestines from the roaming masses, but also activates the muscle activity of the uterus, which can lead to a miscarriage.

Folk remedies

Recipes of traditional medicine, like drug drugs, for the treatment of constipation during pregnancy should be used only with the permission of the attending physician. This is explained by the fact that many herbs can have a negative impact on the tone of the uterine muscles and the condition of the child in the maternal womb.

The most effective and secure are considered:

  1. A decoction of prunes - 200 g of prunes and 100 g of oat flakes are poured 2 liters of cold water. The ingredients are adjusted to boil and on the lowest fire boost for half an hour. The finished mass is filled with gauze, cool and stored in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. Before bedtime, until the chair is normalized.
  2. A mixture of dried fruits - prunes, dried and raisins are taken in equal amounts, washed and crushed in a blender to a puree-like state. The resulting mass is mixed with honey (at 300 g of a mixture of 2 tbsp. Honey). For the night take 2 hours l. The finished mass, drinking water to the complete normalization of the intestinal activity.
  3. Very useful from constipation during pregnancy to drink every morning on an empty stomach 1st. Cold water is not only supporting the normal operation of the stomach, but also enhances the intestinal peristaltics, softens the cavalous masses. Cold water does not irritate the mucous membrane of intestinal walls and does not affect the tone of the muscles of the uterus.
  4. A glass of kefir with 1 tbsp. l. Vegetable oil also helps to normalize the intestinal activity and eliminate constipation.

Pregnant women categorically cannot be used inside herbal fees, in which herbs are contained as Senna, jox, rhubarb and coarse.


Preventive measures from constipation during pregnancy include:

  • proper and balanced nutrition, in which must be included first and second dishes cooked for a pair, a sufficient amount of fluid;
  • active lifestyle, implies unhurried outdoor walks, a complex of exercises of therapeutic physical education intended for pregnant women (in the absence of contraindications);
  • beded psycho-emotional state.

Popps during pregnancy cannot cause strong harm to the future child due to the inxication of the mother of the mother by the catal masses. But it is necessary to get rid of this problem in a timely manner. This will increase the quality of life of a pregnant woman, and will also eliminate the risk of hemorrhoidal nodes and

Immediately after conceiving a child in the body of a woman, the restructuring of most organs and systems begins. This process is manifested by various symptoms, one of which is constipation during pregnancy in the early stages.

The female consultation doctors celebrate the disorder of the gastrointestinal tract in the first trimester of pregnancy more than half of their patients. Publishers in future mothers cannot be considered a disease because they have quite physiological causes and are due to changes in the body of the mother. However, such disorders of digestion can provoke serious disorders in women.

Read in this article

What causes problems with the work of the intestine during pregnancy

Disruption of digestion in the future mother is quite often expressed by the lack of chair for more than three days. This symptom is a consequence of changes in physiology and biochemistry during pregnancy, as well as various errors in the diet and in the lifestyle of the young woman.

To the physiological reasons of constipation during this period, experts include:

  • Hormonal changes in the blood of a pregnant woman. Immediately after the ingestion of the internal secretion, the inner secretion gland is starting to produce a hormone progesterone, which responds in the female body for the successful course of pregnancy and preparation for childbirth. This substance has a property to relax a smooth muscles of many organs, including a thin and large intestine.
  • Such an impact of the hormone leads to a decrease in the peristalticism and causes a latency of the chair in the future mother.
  • To stabilize metabolic processes in the body of a woman in the first trimester of pregnancy, doctors recommend to take a special complex of vitamins and trace elements, the basis of which is iron and calcium. These substances indirectly affect the women's gastrointestinal tract, causing stagnation in a thick intestine, reducing its muscular contractility, thereby provoking constipation in a pregnant woman.
  • The process of tooling the child provokes a change in hormonal balance in the future mother. Hormones not only reduce the work of the intestine, they negatively act on the patient's nervous system. A woman in the first trimester of pregnancy is subject to stress, and any violation of the gastrointestinal tract can cause severe irritation. Failure in the work of the CNS often provokes the latency of the chair in the patient.

Future mom and his own actions itself often leads to disorders in the activities of the digestive system.

If a woman has constipation for pregnancy in early terms, the reasons often lick in the diet and the lifestyle of the patient:

  • For the future mother, it is very important that the right one in the first weeks after conception. A large number of products containing fiber should be introduced into the daily diet, which is very important for the recovery of the large intestinal peristals. An example of such food can be a beet meal that can positively solve the issue with constipation.
  • Many future mothers, under the influence of girlfriends, or reading recommendations on popular accomplishment sites, dramatically limit themselves in fluid from the first days of pregnancy. So they are trying to fight possible, absolutely not imagining the mechanism of their occurrence.

The lack of fluid will not only cause constipation from a young woman. It is fraught with a violation of the liquid composition of the blood, its condensation and various pathological conditions due to this. There are data on the increased risk of thrombus formation in such patients and various disorders of the central nervous system during fluid shortage.

Any woman, even possessing beautiful health to pregnancy, can experience a similar problem in the first trimester of pregnancy. Popps in future mothers do not belong to diseases, nevertheless, they pose a certain threat to a pregnant lady and her future child.

Than dangerous constipation in early pregnancy

Violation of the gastrointestinal tract in patients waiting for a child, most often expressed in the latency of the chair for several days. If such a condition lasts more than 3 days, it is necessary to take appropriate measures, since constipation can provoke various problems from the future mother:

  • A woman most often will disturb the severity and, pronounced pain in the abdominal cavity are possible. Since in the first 2 - 3 months of the development of the fetus, patients are not recommended to use many familiar medicines, it will not be easy to cope with such symptoms.
  • Permanent constipation are capable of increasing the pressure in the abdominal cavity, which can provoke. It is already a direct threat of possible.
  • In the first trimester, there is a laying of all the main organs of the future child, and the violation of the GTS is promoted in the intestine. Such a situation often leads to the fact that food decomposition products come into the blood of the patient. This is the immediate threat to the fetus.
  • The problem of constipation is best solved already in early pregnancy and do not postpone it before the occurrence of childbirth. The pathological microflora of the colon can provoke various inflammatory diseases of the genital paths, which can adversely affect childbirth.
  • Violation of the normal functioning of the intestine often causes the development of hemorrhoids in the future mother. In a pregnant woman and so high, the likelihood of problems with hemorrhoidal nodes is high, since the process of nourishing the fetus is accompanied by a stagnation in the veins of a small pelvis, and constipation only aggravate this problem.

The reasons why constipation during pregnancy in the early periods arise, quite a lot even psychological problems can become an impetus for an irregular chair. The female consultation doctors can recommend a pregnant woman with a whole range of events to combat such a notch. The basis of all these measures is the prevention of stagnation in the intestines and the stabilization of the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Look at the video about the reasons of constipation:

What can help future mom

Since the violation of the intestinal work, in addition to discomfort, is a direct threat to the health of a woman and the future kid, it is necessary to act resolutely. For the treatment of constipation, it is impossible to limit exclusively with medicines or a diet. Only a totality of effort will allow to successfully cope with this problem.

Future mom's food is a rather serious problem. On the one hand, the patient should receive a sufficient amount of beneficial substances, on the other hand, do not have to provoke a gastrointestinal disorders and contain ingredients harmful to the future.

The pledge of prevention of constipation in the future mother, experts consider a clear implementation of the following recommendations:

  • For a full and timely emptying of the intestine, women's food should contain a large amount of fiber. Doctors recommend include a large number of raw vegetables and fresh fruits in the diet. Preference should be given to those gifts of nature, which are not able to cause allergic reactions in the future mother. It is well suitable for the diet of beets, apples, pears, plum.
  • Meat must contain a lot of connective tissue. Fatty varieties should be limited. Perfectly proven themselves to feed pregnant women Young veal, lamb, bird.
  • The daily diet should include a large amount of vegetable or olive oil. This product perfectly helps to restore the intestinal work.
  • It is desirable in the diet of such patients to give preference to oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, black bread with coarse grinding, dried fruits, especially prunes.

The female consultation doctors will definitely prompt a future mother, from which she should refuse. It is not recommended if there are such problems to eat rice, cabbage, white bread and other products causing constipation.

Separately, it should be noted the importance of water regime to solve the problem. Pregnant woman should consume no less than 3 liters of fluid per day. Preference should be given to juices, fruit and vegetable beams. Favorite many ladies and coffee will only exacerbate difficulties in the empty of the intestines.

Products from constipation during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the following products will help from constipation that possess a relaxing effect:

Vegetables Carrots, onion, beets, fresh cucumbers, white cabbage, pumpkin. It is advisable to use them in a fresh form, but also in a boiled / stew, passing by the intestines, act on its wall annoying. It enhances the peristaltics and guarantees exemption from the roaming masses.
Kashi. Buckwheat, pearl, oatmeal or millet. They are boiled on the water, the finished dish is laid no butter, but vegetable. Doctors recommend to enhance the ability to add fresh fruit to porridge.
Dairy products All without exception, as well as kums and acid yogurts. During pregnancy, it is worth paying attention to the level of fatty of such products and give preference to low indicators.
Fruit Plums, bananas, pears and apples. They not only have a positive effect on the intestinal peristalsis, but also increase the amount of water in the wheel masses - they simply come out easier.

Vegetable oils and vegetable oils are possessed, they can replace all fats in finished dishes. With strong / stable constipation, you can use 30 ml of vegetable oil on an empty stomach in the morning.

That you can drink from constipation for pregnant women

With constipation for pregnant women, you can drink such drinks:

  • compote from dried fruits - cooked without adding sugar;
  • mineral water with magnesium and sulfates in the composition - "Essentuki" No. 4 and 17 on ½ cup 2-3 times a day;
  • a decoction of rosehip fruits - prepares without sugar, drinks without adding honey;
  • fennel tea - sold in pharmacies, is used in an amount of no more than 300 ml per day;
  • a drink from chicory - the optimal time for consumption is considered morning and lunch.

In general, with constipation of pregnant women, it is recommended to drink more clean water - it contributes to the softening of the roam masses in the intestine. But recommendations on the use of any liquid must be coordinated, to receive from a doctor - for example, with diseases of the kidneys and a urinary system, some drinks will be contraindicated.

If a pregnant woman has constipation, then she can not drink black tea, coffee, any carbonated sweet drinks.

Gymnastics as a means of constipation in pregnant women

The regular execution of gymnastics can be an excellent means of constipation, an additional effect will increase the overall tone of the body of pregnant women, strengthening muscle fibers. Only 6 exercises are performed daily 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after meals:

  • Source position - on all fours, knees and hands are arranged on the width of the shoulders. It is necessary to tear the right hand from the floor and, slightly bendingly flexing forward and carrying the weight of the resting hand, put the palm to the left knee. After returning to its original position, immediately perform an exercise for another limb.
  • Sit right to the floor, stretching the legs forward and putting hands on the hips. You need to turn your head and torso on the parties. Hands, legs remain unchanged, back straight.
  • Take the position sitting on the floor, clinging to the back to the wall, bent the legs in the knees. Stomach perform deep breaths and exhalations not more than 3 minutes in a row.
  • The initial position is lying on the back, the legs bent in the knees, but not on the full amplitude. It should be raised the right leg and touch the knee of the left lower limb. Then the exercise is repeated for another leg.
  • Without changing the initial position, you need to bend the legs in the knees, divorce them to the sides and connect the feet together. The task is to lower the knees to the floor as close as possible.
  • From the previous position, resume foots in the floor and bend the knees. The task is to get the knees of the floor, rotating the pelvic to the right / left.

Each exercise is repeated 10-15 times, the gymnastics should not cause strong voltage and uncomfortable sensations. If pregnancy proceeds with complications, then it is necessary to consult with the doctor about the feasibility of fulfilling the proposed complex.

Folk Methods

Specialists in traditional medicine have at their disposal a sufficient number of medicinal plants to solve the problems of the tract of the tract in future mothers. In the special literature there is a positive effect of beets, prunes or grapes to work in the patient. It can be proposed for preventing constipation to use the following recipes of folk remedies:

  • 200 grams Mashed fresh beets are mixed with 100 grams of dried fruits and 150 grams of oat flakes. The resulting mass is poured with 3 liters of cold water and boiled on slow heat 60 - 90 minutes. The drink is cooled and stored in a dark and cool place. 200 grams of bravery before bedtime will help the future mother forgot about constipation for a long time.
  • It is not devoid of interest for pregnant women and the medicinal mixture of equal fractions of the Kuragi, raisins, prunes and honey. These ingredients are thoroughly mixed with a mixer or blender and shift into a special form. The mixture is caught 12 hours, after which the woman is recommended to eat 50 grams of this therapeutic potion before bedtime.

But far from all the familiar folk laxatives can be used by future mothers. Specialists are categorically against the use of permanent permanent and infusion based on the crucible, the leaves of Senna and rhubarb. The listed herbs can cause a hormonal system failure, which is fraught with the threat of pregnancy interrupt.

Traditional medicine

If with the help of diet and folk recipes, it is not possible to prevent the female constipation from a woman during pregnancy in early periods, the treatment of this problem should be entrusted to doctors. The fact is that after conception with young ladies, most of the usual drugs are contraindicated. What do doctors advise:

The solution to the problems with constipation in the early periods of pregnancy requires an individual approach, since the likelihood of pathological reactions to any medicine in such patients is very large.

Pills from constipation during pregnancy

If the correction of the diet and use of various drinks does not give a positive result, the constipation during pregnancy can be cured and tablets, and powders, and from the latter are especially effective:


Increases the amount of carte masses (not quantity!), Does not allow them to solidify them. It is granules that are designed to prepare a solution. It is accepted by 1 teaspoon (from this amount and a solution of 150 ml of water is prepared) is a maximum of 6 times a day.

The defecation is normalized by improving the intestinal peristals. Helps solve the problem of nervous diarrhea.

Sold in one-time sachets - they contain powder, which should be dissolved in 150 ml of warm water. 1 sachet is allowed per day.


The natural agent, in the composition there are plantain and plum. It helps at the initial stages of constipation, because it acts on the problem gently, gentle.

Not more than 1 package per day is accepted.

Even the most gentle funds should be taken only in coordination with the doctor. Strong pills (Senade) are often prohibited during pregnancy, because it is too reinforced by peristaltics and absorbed by the intestinal walls.

Packs in the first trimester: what to do

When constipation in the first trimester can be used by enema, while the optimal solution will be the use of microclism - for example, microlax. Their volume is only 15 ml (this is maximum), differ by gentle effect, soft intestinal cleansing. A woman should consult a gynecologist about the treatment of constipation, he will give permission to the ebysmas only under certain circumstances:

  • constipation lasts more than 5 days;
  • conservative methods do not give a positive result;
  • due to the accumulation of carts, symptoms of intoxication (poisoning) of the organism appear.

In general, this method of solving the problem is considered to be extremely, when other means do not help, and the stagnant of cartoons takes a chronic course. It is strictly forbidden to perform similar procedures when:

  • miscarriages of a woman in history;
  • increased tone of the uterus;
  • diagnosed threat of premature abortion;
  • previously detected Eastic and cervical insufficiency.

Problems with intestines in the early period of pregnancy: that constipation, then diarrhea, then pain

In most cases, pregnant women note the intestinal problems in the early terms - spasms / colic, constipation, diarrhea, doctors connect them with the restructuring of the body, the new conditions of its functioning. Intestinal colic can occur against the background of a hormonal failure, which leads to a faint intestine and strong muscle tension. Constipation and diarrhea are a consequence of intestinal colic, unbalanced nutrition.

To solve problems, you only need to comply with general recommendations of doctors:

  • adjust the diet - the body in the early periods of pregnancy needs vegetables, fruits and any low-fat products;
  • drink more water - clean and not carbonated;
  • give preference not to black tea and coffee, but a ragger of rosehip, a compote from dried fruits and other useful drinks;
  • fought in fractional - small portions and often, prevent overeating.

See this video about nutrition during pregnancy:

The best treatment of constipation in pregnant woman is prevention of their occurrence

To avoid disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract and related need for treatment, a woman who is preparing to become a mother, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • You can not limit yourself in liquid. On day you need to drink no less than 2 - 3 liters of compotes, juices, mineral water or healing decoction. When swelling appears, it is necessary to carefully control the ratio of drunk and dedicated liquid and be sure to consult a doctor.
  • Woman. Stresses will necessarily cause constipation from the future mother.
  • Such ladies should stick to the diet that specialists in women's consultation will help her. All gas-forming and causing constipation products should be excluded from their diet.
  • Pregnancy is not a reason for reducing the physical activity of the future mother. It is the dosage load, walks in the fresh air and an active lifestyle will help prevent the disorder of the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Constipation as a sign of pregnancy

Up to 2-3 weeks, the signs of pregnancy are almost invisible, and the woman simply does not suspect the accurate conception, but there are also pronounced changes in well-being - pain at the bottom of the abdomen, the feeling of the intestinal cutting and constipation. Additionally, a strong heartburn may be present even after the use of familiar food. What can be done to facilitate the status:

  • reconsider your menu and exclude pickled, smoked and fried dishes from it;
  • use a lot of fluid, but refuse a few days from the morning coffee and strong tea;
  • introduce fresh vegetables in the diet, frown meat broths, porridge on water;
  • . From it you will learn about the causes of the gastrointestinal tract in a pregnant woman, to help and the danger of diarrhea for mom and the fetus.

    And more about what sensations arise in the early period of pregnancy.

    These simple tips are useful for all beautiful sex representatives. And if the lady is in the early period of pregnancy, then careful control of his well-being and health care is simply necessary for her.