What drug is best for biorevitalization of the face. World famous biorevitalizants: how to choose the right drug. Basic properties and purpose of "Viscoderm"

Among various anti-aging cosmetic procedures, biorevitalization procedures have gained the greatest popularity and demand, especially in the face, neck and décolleté area. They are indicated for women of all ages, especially after 35, when age-related changes begin to develop in the form of dehydration of the skin and its increased dryness, discoloration and manifestations of photoaging, decreased elasticity and turgor.

In the elimination and prevention of such age-related changes, hyaluronic acid (HA) preparations for biorevitalization turned out to be highly effective. In addition, in cosmetology, they began to be used also in preparation for plastic surgery, laser resurfacing, for chemical peeling, etc., as well as for tissue restoration after these procedures. Hyaluronic acid significantly improves skin hydration, promotes angiogenesis and increases antioxidant protection.

The best biorevitalizant

When choosing a biorevitalizant, you must trust a professional cosmetologist who has sufficient practical experience in the use of these drugs.

With the development of cosmetology, preparations for biorevitalization began to improve and adapt to the requirements of any skin type and age. Before every woman who decides on the procedure, the question arises - which drug is better to use? After all, modern cosmetology offers a lot of materials for injections.

It is very important not to get lost in all this diversity and choose a drug that is suitable for a particular woman and her skin type. Do not think that absolutely any remedy will work for you - more often than not, such a mistaken belief is the cause of the side effects.

Carrying out the procedure and the difference between biorevitalization and other injections

The Internet space is flooded with photos of women who have used youth injections. The astounding results compared to the photographs before the procedure are certainly admirable. But what is biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid?

Biorevitalization is the process of injecting hyaluronic acid under the skin by injection. At the exit, the skin becomes moisturized, smooth, tightened and refreshed.

Not everyone can see the difference between biorevitalization and other procedures, such as mesotherapy and Botox injections. And yet there are also very significant differences.

For example, Botox injections are aimed at relaxing the facial muscles of the face, thereby creating the effect of smoothed wrinkles. For these purposes, a preparation based on botulinum toxin is used. This procedure is not recommended in the absence of mimic wrinkles. However, botox and biorevitalization are quite compatible. This duo can be used if deep wrinkles are formed on dry skin that needs moisturizing. However, these procedures should never be carried out at the same time.

As for biorevitalization and mesotherapy, it is believed that the last procedure is the lot of younger women up to 25-30 years old. Nutritious meso-cocktails are injected under the skin through injections. Hyaluron is considered the basis of biorevitalization and such a procedure is recognized as more effective than mesotherapy.

A positive result from the procedure, of course, largely depends on the skill of the beautician. But it is equally important to choose a high-quality drug from the required manufacturer. To understand which remedy is better to choose, you should pay attention to a brief overview of popular biorevitalizants.

At the age of 30, the skin independently copes with the production of collagen and elastin - substances that prolong the youthfulness of the dermis. Subsequently, their number is inexorably decreasing from year to year. Artificial hyaluronic acid will help the dermis. By filling all subcutaneous voids, it prevents the formation of wrinkles. In addition, such injections reactivate the natural production of essential substances.

By the way. It is worth very carefully choosing a drug for the biorevitalization procedure. Some clients believe that the more hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin, the better the effect is expected on the way out. This opinion is fundamentally wrong. It is necessary to understand that the skin at 35 years old may need only a little hydration and help in eliminating a network of fine wrinkles. While ladies after 50 years expect more serious results from biorevitalization - at least a strong lifting effect. These two effects for different age groups are achieved by different drugs used for the biorevitalization procedure.

The best drugs for biorevitalization 2017

So, what are the drugs for biorevitalization? Which countries produce them? What types of components - acids and vitamins - are included in their composition?

A popular Italian product for facial biorevitalization. In fact, it is hyaluronic acid produced in 3 types: 1%, 2%, 3%.


  • 1% hyaluronic acid - has a predominantly moisturizing effect;
  • 2% acid - aimed at eliminating fine wrinkles;
  • 3% - designed to combat noticeable age-related skin changes.

A broad-spectrum drug from Italy is gaining popularity in beauty salons around the world.

Pure hyaluronic acid

Preparations for biorevitalization with pure hyaluronic acid in the composition have an impressive effect. They can also be applied by the non-injection method. The most popular of these is Collistar. The line of products is represented by a cream for biorevitalization and pure hyaluronic acid. The bottle is equipped with a pipette for easy application. Hyaluronic acid is applied to the cleansed skin, then, after some time, a cream is applied.

Preparations based on hyaluronic acid are an ideal solution for women who decide to prolong their youth. However, it should be understood that drugs distributed over the surface of the face will not have such a profound effect as injections.

Austrian hyaluronic acid. Additionally, the product contains glycerin. This preparation is the perfect solution for dry skin. It is a pleasure to prick such a hyaluron, because due to its viscous structure, the product is evenly distributed in the subcutaneous space. Princess rich provides a long lasting double moisturizing effect.

When choosing which drug is best used in the process of biorevitalization, one cannot ignore a product from the USA called Meso wharton p199. It is based on unstabilized hyaluronic acid. In addition, the composition contains a synthetic analogue of the embryonic polypeptide. It is enriched with antioxidants and vitamins, thereby stimulating the production of collagen by the skin and rejuvenating it. The product is recommended for injections for women over 40 years of age.

Swiss drug for biorevitalization. It is a pure unstabilized hyaluronic acid. Its concentration in the preparation reaches 15 mg / g. The product is perfect for young, dry-prone dermis. One syringe will be sufficient to treat the entire face.

It is perhaps difficult to find a more effective means for biorevitalization. Teosyal pure sense redensity competes with Italian, Austrian and Japanese preparations for anti-aging injections.

Beautelle deservedly falls into the list of the best drugs for biorevitalization. The supplier of this drug is France, although the drug itself is made in Italy. So, a whole series of the drug was released on the world cosmetic market - 30+ 40+ and AGE +. The concentration of hyaluronic acid ranges from 1% (30+) to 2% (AGE +). This approach allows you to apply the products of this brand to clients of all age groups.

Confidently included in the top ten drugs for biorevitalization after 40 years. The preparation from Sweden contains stabilized hyaluronic acid. It attracts water molecules to the subcutaneous zones, where they are clearly deficient. As a result, the skin becomes hydrated, healthy and toned.

An Italian drug, especially recommended for women over 45 years old. Suitable for almost all skin types. It is a partially stabilized hyaluronic acid at a concentration of 20 mg / g. In other words, the product has a denser texture than other biorevitalization gels.

Russian drug for biorevitalization, perfect for clients over 35 years old. The main ingredient of the preparation is pure unstabilized hyaluronic acid (14 mg / g) or diluted with vitamins and amino acids (2 mg / ml). Hyalripier, due to its modified formula, works on the skin longer than analogues (3 weeks instead of the usual 72 hours). Therefore, the course of procedures is 3 times with a frequency of 1 every 3 weeks. The drug stimulates collagen production and removes subcutaneous fat (for example, double chin).

Another effective preparation for biorevitalization of the face. His homeland is Switzerland. The composition includes unstabilized hyaluronic acid at a concentration of 15 mg / g. The product is an excellent prophylaxis against aging, in addition, it perfectly moisturizes and tightens the skin.

The best biorevitalizants can be found in Italy! One of the undisputed leaders is considered the biorevitalizant Hyamira (Chimera). This Italian product is high in hyaluronic acid, which helps fight age-related skin symptoms.

Korean preparations for biorevitalization - Yvoire Hydro, Revofil Aquashine and others - are also quite popular. In addition, German preparations are not the last in the list of biorevitalizants, a prominent representative of which is Biofactor.

After evaluating the presented best preparations for biorevitalization, any woman who wants to can choose a product for herself based on the characteristics of her skin and age characteristics. Of course, a simple description of a remedy is not a valid reason for use. The choice of the drug must be agreed with the beautician.

Which of the following drugs are most often chosen by cosmetologists for the biorevitalization procedure? First of all, a qualified specialist understands perfectly well that only those products are effective that are selected in accordance with the age characteristics of the client's skin.

So, the relatively young skin of women 30-35 years old often does not need additional medicine and vitaminization. In such cases, the use of the Swiss Teosyal meso, as well as the French Beautelle 30+ will become relevant.

Ladies who have crossed the 35-year-old milestone should pay attention to the Russian funds of the manufacturers Martinex or Mesoproff. Such preparations for biorevitalization are effective and inexpensive in comparison with other European analogues.

If we are talking about universal biorevitalizants, then this is undoubtedly Charisma. It contains not only hyaluronic acid, but also various amino acids and peptides.

Such a drug will be good for the aging skin of women aged 45-50 years. A cocktail of useful substances in the preparation will help not only moisturize the skin, but also saturate it with the components necessary for the youth and beauty of the integument. German hyaluronic acid injections are also suitable for this age group.

As you can see, there are a great many varieties of drugs for biorevitalization. A qualified cosmetologist should choose the option that is optimal for a particular client. When choosing a product, the master should pay attention to the general condition of the skin and health of the woman, her age, as well as the type of dermis. Of course, the financial capabilities of the clients should also be taken into account by the cosmetologist.

Despite all its obvious benefits and colossal effect, the biorevitalization procedure has a number of disadvantages. These include:

  • Sometimes the papules that appear after the session can stay on the face for more than 7 days.
  • Like any other cosmetic procedure, biorevitalization has a number of contraindications. Ignoring them can lead to an unplanned result and, moreover, worsen the client's health.
  • In the area of ​​the injections, bruises or even hematomas may appear. This usually happens if the skin is prone to such manifestations. Such subtleties must be taken into account and the beautician must be warned in advance about the peculiarities of the dermis.

To achieve a good and high-quality effect from biorevitalization, the procedure should be carried out in a beauty salon. Biorevitalization at home excludes the use of injection and laser techniques. It is inconvenient to give yourself injections on your own, in addition, it can become a very dangerous event for your health. A laser apparatus for biorevitalization is very expensive, and only cosmetology clinics and salons can afford it.

The most suitable option for home use would be hardware biorevitalization. This method involves the introduction of hyaluron under the skin by means of microcurrents. A special gel with hyaluronic acid is applied to the cleansed face, and then the skin is treated with a special device. It is worth considering that the effect of this approach will be much smaller than that of salon injections.

If the skills allow you to perform hyaluron injections at home, then you should pay attention to drugs such as Restylane and Skin R.

The biorevitalization procedure is a modern alternative to expensive and sometimes dangerous plastic surgery. Perfect skin can now be achieved with injections or laser treatments. Regardless of the choice of the acid injection method, you should carefully consider the choice of the cosmetologist. It is a qualified craftsman who will determine the remedy necessary for a particular woman and introduce it with the utmost precision and care.

Biorevitalization is a very effective technology for correcting skin defects. This procedure is also useful for prophylactic purposes, as it contributes to the saturation of the epidermal layers with hyaluronic acid. In fact, this is a kind of "natural revitalization" of the skin. It is advisable to use drugs for biorevitalization after 40 years.

After 24-26 years, the condition of the skin begins to gradually deteriorate. This is due to the aging process. but disadvantages at this age can be easily masked with cosmetics.

From about 34-36 years old, it becomes difficult to fight aging even with the help of creams and serums. Therefore, experts recommend that women at this age use means for biorevitalization, since this procedure can solve many problems.

The best preparations for biorevitalization after 40 years are characterized by a high acid content. It is this substance that accelerates cell regeneration. In addition, such agents activate the mechanism of natural acid production.

The procedure affects:

  • preservation and return of the natural shade of the skin;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • treatment of increased dry skin;
  • stabilization of blood flow;
  • general improvement of the skin.

It should be noted that girls (from 24 years old) also apply to biorevitalization. However, they should use such products that are fully consistent with the age category, otherwise the natural production of hyaluronic acid can be disrupted.

The preparations are intended for different age groups and differ in the concentration of hyaluronic acid and the presence of additional substances in the composition. The most effective are the means, in which there are two or three components.

Revitalizing preparations may contain the following ingredients:

List of the best remedies

Studying the names of drugs for biorevitalization and deciding on the choice, you need to study the features of their composition and the effect on your skin type. If you make a mistake, you may encounter with the problem of bruising in the eye area and swelling... In addition, such products can greatly moisturize the epidermis.


In our country, this brand began to gain popularity back in 2008, and such drugs have earned high ratings by 2014.

The basis of the drug is hyaluronic acid.

Viscoderm is very effective in solving the problem of dehydration of the facial skin. It is used to revitalize the area around the eyes.

It is considered a universal product for the fair sex over forty years old.


A more modern drug, the development of which was carried out by the scientist B. Petrikovsky and the specialists of the ABG Lab company. The tool appeared on the free market in 2010. The uniqueness of Meso-Warton is that it is made on the basis of a peptide base.

Such a substance triggers the division of stem cells, since stopping their division causes the aging of the skin, therefore Meso-Warton is very popular among women of forty.


It has a synthetic origin, that is, the hyaluronic acid in it has been subjected to a special cleaning procedure. The drug is effective not only for improving the condition of the epidermis, but also for combating many skin diseases. The product is injected into the following areas: hands, décolleté, neck, lips, face and eyelids.

It is undesirable to use the drug in the presence of skin inflammation. The results of numerous studies show that even four to five procedures are enough to obtain a good result.

After the end of the therapeutic course, you must strictly adhere to medical recommendations that will help make the result obtained more durable.

Side effects include the onset of inflammation, which themselves disappear a few days after the injection of the drug under the skin.

CRM soft

German remedy for prolonged action. The manufacturer claims that the acid present in its composition is purified using a special technology. As a result, the substance is completely harmless.

In addition, the active substance receives an increased molecular weight, which prolongs the effect of biorevitalization. In addition, due to the fact that the product is in the form of a gel, it has an optimal structure.

It is often prescribed when there are visible scars or stretch marks, the effects of acne, and face reshaping.

Side effects do not affect the functioning of the body, and the recovery period takes no more than two days.

Restylane vital

The drug has an excellent effect on the skin, on which the first signs of aging have appeared.

Some women managed to get rid of the increased oiliness of the epidermis and minor wrinkles with the help of this remedy.

Specialists use Restylane to work with small areas: forehead, cheekbones, chin, temples, nasolabial folds, etc.


This is a unique line of biorevitalizers designed for different age categories. The preparations of this group smooth out wrinkles and scars, and also provide the skin with excellent prevention and protection from UV radiation.

Teosyal Pure Sense Redensity

The product is designed to accelerate the regeneration of the skin, has a modernized structure. Once in the dermal layers, the drug breaks down, as a result di- and monosaccharides are formed, which function as a building material.

The preparation also contains zinc, copper and vitamins B. The role of the pain reliever is assigned to lidocaine.

Experts say that this drug has the optimal level of elasticity and viscosity.

Gialripier 08 and 02

Professional cosmetologists assure that this is a unique product.

In this case, hyaluronic acid breaks down very slowly, while attracting a large amount of moisture to itself. Therefore, this remedy is often used for depleted and too dry skin.

In addition, it increases the immunity of the epidermis and prevents future problems.

When using any drugs, you need to make sure that there is no individual intolerance to certain substances, otherwise you can face very unpleasant consequences. In addition, it is better for pregnant girls to abandon the use of biorevitalization drugs altogether.

Names and prices may vary by supplier and region.

One of the frequently asked questions to our specialists is: "Is the biorevitalization procedure effective after 40 years or is it already necessary to resort to more radical methods, including plastic surgery?"

The conventional division of age into "before and after forty" has long lost its relevance. "Fifty is the new thirty-five", say cosmetologists, and believe me, they know what they are talking about. The variety and availability of care techniques for a long time postpone the irreversible effects of aging. No, we in no way want to offend those women who do not hide their age, accepting all its advantages and possible disadvantages. We are only talking about the fact that in the 21st century a woman can already decide for herself how old she is today, and this figure does not have to coincide with the one indicated in her passport.

After 40 years, biorevitalization is the best procedure

So, today we will talk about biorevitalization as a way to maintain a youthful appearance after 40 years.

The main age-related feature is the general condition of the skin, its turgor, color, elasticity. It is these parameters that noticeably change after biorevitalization: the skin tone is leveled, it becomes saturated with moisture, tightened, and fresh. Many of our patients over 40 years old claim that the best procedure for maintaining skin tone is biorevitalization (with a regular course).

It should also be noted that after biorevitalization, facial features do not change, only the general condition of the skin improves. And, therefore, the rejuvenating effect appears very naturally, without drastic changes in appearance. Since it is very important for many women to keep their self-care efforts a secret from outsiders, the biorevitalization technique is one of the best "little female secrets".

However, we recall that immediately after the biorevitalization procedure, small papules are visible on the skin, so do not plan to go out immediately after visiting a beautician, allow yourself a 1-2-day pause.

Preparations for biorevitalization differ in the concentration of hyaluronic acid. On the Internet, on the request "which biorevitalization is better?" you can find advice after 40 years to choose the drug with the maximum concentration. This can become a serious mistake that can cost you prolonged swelling and, as a result, spoiled impressions of biorevitalization and, most importantly, of your own appearance.

Of course, with age, the skin needs more and more moisture, but the skin becomes thinner and requires even more gentle treatment. Therefore, take it as a rule: only a doctor can choose a drug for biorevitalization. Let the professional do their job - to make you look prettier and younger. You just have to choose a specialist whom you trust.

Biorevitalization prices

Impact area / List of proceduresPrice
VISCODERM 0.8% 8 500
VISCODERM 2.0% 9 500
MESO − XANTHIN F199 18500

Natalia Imaeva

Can this procedure be applied after neuropathy of the facial nerve in type 2 diabetes?

Hello Irina!

These diseases are not absolute contraindications to the biorevitalization procedure; laser biorevitalization is also possible. You can find out about the procedure of laser biorevitalization in the corresponding section of the website at the link www ..


Biorevitalization is an effective anti-aging procedure that allows you to normalize the condition of the skin. For its implementation, special medicines containing hyaluronic acid are used.

To choose the right drugs for biorevitalization, it is best to consult a qualified doctor.

Mechanism of action on the skin

Biorevitalization is considered one of the most effective ways to protect the skin from the appearance of wrinkles and age-related changes.

To perform this procedure, preparations containing hyaluronic acid are injected under the skin.

This allows you to fill the epidermis with the required amount of moisture, to cope with wrinkles and improve the relief of the face.

Today there are various preparations for biorevitalization of the face, which have different composition and properties. In any case, hyaluronic acid is the main component.

Thanks to the use of such funds, it is possible to achieve the following results:

  • activate water molecules entering damaged areas of the skin;
  • fill the epidermis with the right amount of moisture;
  • smooth out wrinkles.

There are very specific indications for biorevitalization:

  • the appearance of defects on the skin - these can be scars, cicatricial changes, age spots;
  • the formation of age wrinkles and facial folds;
  • severe peeling of the skin;
  • the appearance of bruises under the eyes;
  • decreased skin tone;
  • violation of the clarity of the contour of the face.

For the procedure to be as successful as possible, you need to contact a qualified cosmetologist who will select an effective drug depending on the existing problems.

Nevertheless, before starting the procedure, it is advisable to independently familiarize yourself with the existing means and analyze their features.

Video: Cosmetologist consultation

Review of popular products by name

Today there are many drugs that are used for biorevitalization. They all differ in manufacturer, composition and effect on the skin.


The composition of this Italian product is based on unstabilized hyaluronic acid. Its amount in the medicine is 18 mg / g.

There are no additional ingredients or enrichments in the product. At the same time, the product has excellent moisturizing characteristics.

A syringe of medicine is enough to treat the entire face. If there is a need to perform injections in the neck, arms or décolleté area, more will be required.

According to the observations of cosmetologists, this is a pure, high quality product. However, the high density of the active ingredient can lead to the fact that the bumps in the injection site can persist a little longer than after using other biorevitalizants.

This tool can be used for patients of different age categories.

Plus, it's great for a variety of skin types. At the same time, on the thin dermis, which is characterized by a tendency to dryness, you can get a faster result.

Ial System ACP

This is a denser tool when compared to the IAL-system.

In this medicine, the concentration of the active substance is 20 mg / g. That is why it provides a longer lasting result due to the partial stabilization of the active ingredient.

In traditional schemes, Ial System ACP is used to consolidate and prolong the achieved result. A syringe is enough to inject the entire face. If you need to influence the décolleté, arms, neck, you will need more funds.

This drug is injected a little deeper than other biorevitalizants. Thanks to this, the papules become almost invisible already on the day of the procedure.

The tool is used for patients of any age category. It is excellent for all skin types, including those that are quite dense and porous.


This Swiss-made product also includes native, unstabilized hyaluronic acid. There are no additional ingredients in the preparation. The active ingredient level is 15 mg / g. It is this indicator that corresponds to the molecular weight of hyaluronic acid, which is found in the skin.

The syringe is enough to treat the entire face. If you need to influence additional areas - neck, arms, décolleté, you need to stock up on a large amount of substance.

This preparation is great for those with young skin with a certain tendency to dryness.


In this tool, in addition to the active substance, the concentration of which is 15 mg / g, additional components are present. These include a complex of vitamins, trace elements and amino acids. Antioxidants are also present in the preparation.

Due to the unique set of beneficial ingredients, it is possible to increase local immunity and normalize the metabolism in the skin.

This drug provides reliable protection against the negative effects of free radicals.

It contains lidocaine in the amount of 0.3%. It is an anesthetic component that will make the procedure less painful.

The drug is produced in two containers. So, 1 ml is enough to affect the skin of the face, while 3 ml should be chosen if necessary to treat the face, décolleté and neck.

It is important to bear in mind that this remedy is not allowed to be used by people who have allergic reactions to lidocaine. For the rest of the patients, this remedy is perfect.

Meso-Wharton P199

It is an American drug that contains unstabilized hyaluronic acid at a level of 15 mg / L. It also contains a polypeptide called Wharton Jelly Peptide P199.

It is this component that is an artificial analogue of the embryonic polypeptide. He is responsible for the development of recovery processes.

Thanks to the procedure using this tool, it is possible to renew the cells of the dermis and start the process of synthesizing new collagen.

In addition, the composition of the drug contains antioxidants, vitamin components, growth factors and coenzymes. During one procedure, it is possible to chop off not only the face, but also other areas. This tool belongs to the category of the best drugs for biorevitalization after 40 years.

Due to the increased saturation, the drug can provoke certain reactions. Usually they are present for 2-3 days and appear in the form of hyperemia and swelling of the skin in the area of ​​the injections. At the same time, the results are really impressive, because many patients agree to suffer a little discomfort.

Gialripier 08 bioreparant

This is a Russian remedy that includes native, unstabilized hyaluronic acid. Its content in the preparation is 14 mg / g. Also, the medicine includes vitamin C, which is responsible for activating the synthesis of collagen fibers. The presence of L-carnitine in the product helps to start the process of burning fat deposits.

The medicine is great for people who have excess fat in the chin and other areas of the face.

This product not only perfectly strengthens the skin. It also has pronounced moisturizing and fat burning properties.

Gialripier 02 bioreparant

This product, in addition to hyaluronic acid in a volume of 14 mg / g, includes vitamin C, which stimulates the production of collagen. It also contains a number of amino acids that contribute to the formation of collagen and elastin fibers.

Due to its unique composition, this product perfectly strengthens the skin and has excellent moisturizing properties. The amount of the drug allows you to immediately treat the face, décolleté and neck.

This product is most suitable for thin skin prone to dryness.

However, it can provoke unwanted reactions in the area of ​​administration. These include the appearance of hyperemia, itching, and swelling. These symptoms may persist for several days.

Which drug for biorevitalization is better

When choosing a medicine for biorevitalization, many criteria must be taken into account. The main ones are age, existing problems, area of ​​impact.

By patient's age

People with a predisposition to allergies should choose medicines that are made from pure hyaluronic acid. The age of a person is also important.

The names of the suitable substances are:

  • at the age of 28-33 years, preference should be given to the IAL-system and Teosyal-Meso products;
  • people over 33 years old are suitable for the IAL-system.

If a person does not have allergies, the list of medicines for the procedure increases markedly.

But in this case, it is imperative to take into account the age:

  • 28-33 years old - it is best to give preference to the TeosyalPureSenseRedensity complex;
  • 33-40 years old - you can choose Gialripier 02 and 08, as well as TeosyalPureSenseRedensity;
  • over 40 years old - various options are acceptable, including Meso-Wharton P199, TeosyalPureSenseRedensity, Gialripier 02 and 08.

For face

In order to choose the right substance, it is very important to consider the area of ​​the treated area. Age-related features of the skin are also important.

To affect the skin not only of the face, but also of other areas, you should use the TeosyalPureSenseRedensity or Teosyal MesoExpert products. They are available in 3 ml syringes.

One procedure using Meso-Wharton P199 in a volume of 1.5 ml is enough to treat the face, décolleté and neck. Gialripier 02 and 0.8 have similar properties.

Medicines IAL-system IAL-system ACP, having a volume of 1.1 ml, can be used exclusively for the skin of the face.

For every skin type

When choosing a medicine, it is imperative to take into account the type of skin and its characteristics. So, for people with dehydrated skin, the Teosyal-Meso complex is ideal. Literally 1 ml of a product with an active ingredient level of 15 mg / l will be required for the treatment of the face and neck.

To cope with the increased secretion of sebum, you should pay attention to the Ial System ACP. It is also perfect for combating age-related changes in the eye skin area.

For compatibility with other procedures

Biorevitalization can be combined with other procedures. In some situations, the use of biorevitalizants is completely mandatory for the use of some techniques.

These include the following:

  1. Plastic surgery. Subcutaneous administration of active substances is indicated 10-14 days before surgery. Due to this, it is possible to minimize the threat of complications and significantly accelerate skin regeneration after the operation.
  2. Chemical surface peeling. This procedure should be carried out exclusively with an interval of 7-10 days before biorevitalization and 10-14 days after.
  3. Contour plastic and vector 3D lifting. Biorevitalization can be performed on the same day with these procedures.
  4. Photorejuvenation. It can be done a couple of weeks after biorevitalization or 7 days before it starts.

Average cost of drugs

Prices for drugs for this procedure depend on many factors - manufacturer, composition, volume of the substance.

Drug name

Volume, ml

Cost, rub.

Ial-System ACP