When pregnant you lie on your back. Sleep on your back: when you need to give it up. Getting the Right Sleep During Pregnancy

Kalinov Yuri Dmitrievich

Reading time: 3 minutes

Quality sleep is the key to health. When pregnancy occurs, this phrase is especially relevant. At this time, there is a complete restructuring of the body, rapid fatigue, therefore, creating favorable conditions for sleep is the task of every woman. During pregnancy, the expectant mother feels anxiety and responsibility for the life of the baby, many moments that were understood earlier begin to raise questions. This also applies to the choice of a sleeping position, because the position of the body of a pregnant woman affects the condition of the fetus. And if many pregnant women do not sleep on their stomachs, instinctively realizing that the child is not very well from this, then many are tormented by the question: is it possible for pregnant women to sleep on their backs?

How to sleep for a pregnant woman

Since the beginning of pregnancy, women are trying to be more careful about their health, the way of life is radically changing, the expectant mother will have to abandon many recently acceptable things.

In the early stages, while the uterus is protected by the small pelvis, the pregnant woman is allowed to lie in any position without fear of harming the baby. But this luxury can only be afforded up to 12 weeks.

Important! You should get used to a less comfortable, but most beneficial sleeping position earlier: the body must have time to adapt.

If a woman, starting from an early date, sleeps on her left side, there will be no discomfort in the later stages. Left Side Pose:

  • normalizes cardiac activity;
  • reduces stress on the back;
  • ensures the supply of sufficient oxygen.

From the third month of pregnancy, the fetus begins to actively grow, the woman's belly is rounded, the uterus increases in size and, in the supine position, presses on the internal organs and the vena cava. This leads to a deterioration in the well-being of the mother and fetus.

It is difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position during pregnancy. However, the expectant mother just needs to get enough rest and sleep well.

Therefore, doctors recommend taking the solution of the problem under consideration as seriously as possible. Let's talk about whether it is possible for pregnant women to sleep on their backs or whether it is more expedient to choose a different position, and in which position it is best to fall asleep.

How to sleep during certain months of pregnancy

If conception has occurred quite recently, a woman can afford to lie in any position. During this period, the embryo has a tiny size, and the uterus has not yet increased too much, so excessive pressure on certain organs is excluded. Therefore, experts in the first trimester allow women to sleep both on their side or on their stomachs and on their backs. Well, as for the second trimester, here you need to focus on your well-being. Listen to the sensations that appear when you lie on your back and draw the necessary conclusions.

If we talk about whether it is possible for pregnant women to sleep on their backs in the 3rd trimester, then in this case the answer to the question will be negative.

Indeed, in the period under consideration, the weight of the fetus and amniotic fluid is already large enough, and when a woman lies on her back, her uterus begins to press on the organs of the digestive tract, on the spine, and most importantly, on the inferior vena cava, which is responsible for transporting blood from the lower body to the heart.

And such pressure, of course, cannot pass without a trace: the woman and her unborn child begin to suffer from a lack of oxygen.

If you love to lie on your back

A pregnant woman who just lay down on her back to rest a little, in principle, does not risk anything. After all, if the time of influence of the grown uterus on other organs is limited, then this will not bring any fatal consequences. The most that you can feel is discomfort in the lumbar region. And in this case, it is better to roll over on your side. So the answer to the question of whether pregnant women can lie on their backs should be answered in the affirmative. Just don't spend too much time in this position.

But sleeping on your back in the last months of pregnancy is impossible, because prolonged pressure on the vena cava can lead to impaired blood circulation in a woman and provoke a condition in her that resembles fainting. It will become more difficult to breathe, the sweat glands will begin to work intensively, and the heart will beat faster. Don't drive yourself to this state. If you notice the symptoms in question, immediately change your body position.

Can pregnant women sleep on their backs?

Can I sleep on my back during pregnancy? Is it possible to lie on your back during pregnancy

Pregnant women should not sleep on their backs - this statement is partly true and has a medical basis.

Weight with an enlarging uterus is unevenly distributed due to the constantly enlarging abdomen, which puts excessive stress on the spine, brings pain and discomfort.

Lying is allowed in any position.

Lying on your stomach must be limited, since this position of the body interferes with the normal growth and development of the uterus. It is forbidden to do this because of the high risks of complications in the development of the child.

Optimal poses are on the left and right side. Preference is given to the left side, but if there is a right presentation, it is recommended to sleep on the right side.

A woman, expecting a baby, is faced with various superstitions, one of them is not to sleep on her back, because this will lead to complications and difficult childbirth. Medical justification for this fact:

  • stagnation of blood;
  • hypoxia (acute lack of oxygen in the fetus);
  • pain;
  • swelling of the soft tissues of the pelvis;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • heart rhythm disruptions.

The main reason for this prohibition is, as a result of which the physical development of the fetus is disturbed, causing various deviations and pathologies.

Doctors advise sleeping with your stomach up only in the early stages of pregnancy. With the growth of the fetus, the uterus stretches, squeezes the vena cava, blocking the normal blood flow. A common complication in pregnancy is varicose veins of the lower extremities, the likelihood of which increases with long lying on the back.

Coming out of the lower extremities to the heart, leads to a deterioration in the general condition, loss of consciousness.

Pressure is exerted on the kidneys and liver, the process of urination is disrupted, problems arise with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

How can you sleep during pregnancy?

She chooses the optimal one exclusively by herself, listening to her body. For a sound and healthy sleep, there are a number of simple recommendations from gynecologists:

  • do not eat for several hours before rest;
  • drink a glass of milk with honey at night;
  • do not overwork emotionally;
  • take a pose on your side;
  • use special pillows.

What does it look like? The position of the body on the left side with the right leg bent at the knee, lying on the pillow. In this position, the following processes occur in the body:

  • restoration of blood circulation;
  • full oxygen supply to the fetus;
  • normalization of the liver and kidneys;
  • no pain in the spine;
  • harmonious heart rate;

Developing the habit of lying on the right side is recommended for women with a right placenta previa, it is believed that the child will be able to turn over into the desired position.

Pain in the spine, lower back and lower extremities is relieved by using pillows placed under the part of the body where discomfort occurs at night.

Lying on your stomach is allowed only in the first trimester, when the tummy is not yet observed. In the future, with the development of the fetus and the enlarging uterus, it is simply impossible and extremely dangerous to stay in this position for a long time. If you lie on your stomach for a long time, you can injure the child.

Resting at night in a certain position is a habit developed in a person for years, and it can be difficult to change it. Knowing all the risks of prolonged lying on her back, a woman in a position is not always able to control herself asleep, constantly turning over, as a result of which voluminous pillows or blankets are placed for self-control.

At the slightest change, you should immediately stop sleeping on your back.

Organization of good rest

Useful tips from gynecologists to normalize sleep and ensure a good rest for the expectant mother:

  • do not use sedative drugs for insomnia;
  • do not drink invigorating drinks in the evening;
  • not going to bed with a full stomach;
  • take long evening walks in the air;
  • do self-massage for cramps;
  • get positive emotions.

This is a period when a woman in labor is constantly in a state of anxiety about the upcoming birth, and insomnia is quite common. It is not recommended to use medications to normalize a full night's rest and sleep; it is better to do with folk recipes-teas with lemon balm and mint.

Sleeping pills are prescribed by the doctor only in cases where it leads to a deterioration in the condition, neuroses and threatens complications during pregnancy. Strict adherence to the daily regimen helps to normalize sleep.

A common symptom that is a sign of a lack of calcium in the body. If cramps occur at night, you need to get up, walk around the room, and massage your legs. To reduce the number of seizures, it is necessary to adjust the diet, consume plant products, if necessary, vitamin complexes with mineral elements are prescribed.

Restless sleep is caused by an enlarging tummy and anxious thoughts, which can be eliminated at specialized courses for pregnant women, where a woman will receive all the comprehensive information about the upcoming delivery event.

It is possible with the help of new, positive emotions - meeting with friends, going to the cinema, a romantic dinner with her husband, a trip to a small trip. Fresh air promotes strong dreams, the window in the room should be open all the time in the warm season, frequent, prolonged ventilation is recommended in winter. It helps to calm down and induce drowsiness by taking a warm bath in the evening with various herbal infusions.

For the normal course of pregnancy, the development of the child and, you need a good rest and a calm, sound sleep. The ban on lying on your back for a long time during pregnancy is not prejudice, but the desire to prevent the development of a number of pathologies.

This situation throughout the night threatens the following consequences - varicose veins on the legs, hemorrhoids, impaired kidney and liver function, deterioration of the general condition.

Developing a new habit of lying on its side when a woman is used to sleeping on her back is hard enough. It is necessary to start fighting with it during the daytime sleep, which is more sensitive than night rest.

An obstetrician-gynecologist will advise you on how to sleep properly while carrying a baby and all the possible consequences of sleeping on your back or stomach.

After the onset of pregnancy, natural changes occur in a woman's life. New sensations, food preferences, physiological changes prepare for the status of a future mother. Restrictions also affect the way of life, alcohol, coffee, fatty, spicy foods are prohibited.

From the moment of conception, a woman should be attentive to her state of health, avoid physical and emotional stress, stressful situations. The gradual development of the fetus, an increase in the load require the pregnant woman to choose the right posture for sleeping.

How to sleep at different stages of pregnancy

The state of the nervous system, which regulates all processes in the body, primarily depends on quality rest. Adequate sleep provides complete recovery, psycho-emotional balance. Depending on the period, the woman will feel natural changes associated with the gestation process.

How to sleep during pregnancy:

  • in the first trimester, the expectant mother may feel constant fatigue, drowsiness, a natural state associated with hormonal levels, you should not deny yourself a rest at any time of the day, because it is during this period that all the systems and organs of the child are laid, and overwork is dangerous by a decrease in natural protective functions the body, up to 12 weeks, a pregnant woman can sleep in any position convenient for her;
  • some women in the first weeks feel an increased sensitivity of the mammary glands, therefore they cannot sleep on their stomach, preferring a position on their back or on their side; with severe toxicosis, resting on the back can provoke an increase in discomfort symptoms;
  • many are interested in why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs, this rule applies to the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, is associated with the regularly increasing size of the uterus and fetus, which means that increased pressure on organs, the cardiovascular system, in addition to discomfort, may cause problems with the intestines, assimilation of food, the baby will feel a deficiency of nutrients, the wrong position during sleep sometimes becomes the cause of an exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • the greatest risks are associated with pressure on the vena cava, this is one of the large vessels responsible for blood flow to the entire lower body; in the third trimester, sleeping on the back can lead to preeclampsia, hypoxia and even the threat of premature labor;
  • with a transverse presentation of the fetus after 30 weeks, it is recommended to sleep on the side where the baby's head is directed, this will allow the baby to take the correct position before the birth;
  • in order to partially reduce the load, to feel the most comfortable, you can use special pillows for pregnant women.

The optimal sleeping position for the expectant mother is on her side. This will provide complete rest for both a woman and a developing child. Doctors recommend changing sides in order to maintain normal blood circulation, and to avoid such an unpleasant phenomenon as numbness in the extremities.

How position during sleep affects pregnancy

By the second trimester, the expectant mother should develop the habit of sleeping on her side. After 12 weeks, the uterus, together with the amniotic sac, the fetus, enter the active growth phase. By the 16th week, the formation of the placenta is completed, the child feels comfortable, surrounded by amniotic fluid, protected by the muscle fibers of the abdomen, the walls of the uterus. Discomfort due to increased pressure on internal organs, the spinal column is felt primarily by the woman.

When the expectant mother takes a supine position, malfunctions of systems and organs begin to occur. Impact on the digestive system leads to heartburn, flatulence, constipation, which often provoke hemorrhoids. The load in the lower back becomes the cause of regular back pain, they can be both aching and acute, go into a chronic state. Impact on the excretory system leads to disturbances in the outflow of fluid, swelling of the legs and arms appears.

What is the danger of sleeping on your back during pregnancy:

  • pressure on the vena cava causes a violation of the integrity of the entire blood flow, a woman may feel a lack of air, weakness, dizziness, excessive sweating occurs, pathological changes affect several systems - cardiovascular, endocrine, respiratory;
  • oxygen deficiency also affects the state of the fetus, the imbalance of gas exchange leads to hypoxia, intoxication, dangerous deviations in the formation of the main systems and organs, damage to the nervous system of varying severity, in the future this may affect the cognitive abilities of the child, increased anxiety, and developmental delays.

If a pregnant woman sleeps on her side, regularly changing her position, the risks of heartburn, edema, and toxicosis are reduced. Normal blood circulation is maintained, all systems and organs work as an integral mechanism, and the fetus also does not exert stress on the musculoskeletal system.

How to get good sleep

It is important for expectant mothers to ensure proper rest, not only for good health, but also for the formation and growth of a healthy baby. Most of the uncomfortable conditions associated with the gestation period go away on their own, you just have to take a good rest.

Tips on how to normalize sleep during pregnancy:

  • you should avoid late dinners, tea parties, the last meal should not be later than 2 hours before bedtime, it is better to choose light meals - fish, vegetables, yogurt;
  • ventilate the room before going to bed, if possible, take walks in the fresh air;
  • in case of emotional stress, lavender essential oil helps to restore internal balance, you can apply a couple of drops on a handkerchief and put it near the bed;
  • it is recommended to go to bed at the same time, preferably until 23 o'clock, subject to the regime, the body will be able to fully recover;
  • before going to bed, you can drink a cup of warm milk with honey, this will help you calm down and fall asleep faster;
  • you need to change bed linen more often, avoid powders and rinses with flavors when washing, they can provoke an allergic reaction, they stimulate the central nervous system;
  • any intense loads and basic activities are best performed before 5 pm; it is recommended to devote time to quiet leisure in the evening;
  • pregnant women should not drink strong tea or coffee, the caffeine content interferes with the absorption of certain vitamins and minerals, and also excites the nervous system, interfering with healthy sleep.

A pillow for pregnant women will help you to take a comfortable position that allows you to maintain the normal functioning of all systems and organs. There are different sizes and models, you can take with you on a trip, also use for a comfortable sleep of the baby after his birth.

The key to a good rest and well-being of the expectant mother is a healthy sleep. Not only the woman's condition depends on the choice of position, but also the formation of her baby. You can sleep on your back only in the early stages; in the second and third trimester, a woman should choose a position on her side.