Collective application in the senior group of flowers. Abstract of the GCD for artistic and aesthetic development in the preparatory group. Application “Thorny lumps. Dynamic pause "Thunder"

Streltsova Larisa Gennadievna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU Kindergarten №84 "Snow Maiden"
Locality: Ulan-Ude, Republic of Buryatia
Material name: methodical development
Theme: Summary of the lesson in the senior group on the application "Meadow flowers"
Date of publication: 28.05.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Synopsis of classes in the senior group of


"Meadow flowers"

Larisa Streltsova

Summary of the lesson in the senior group for application

"Meadow flowers"


We continue to develop the ability to work with scissors and paper,


Learning tasks:

Promote the desire in children to enjoy engaging


Strengthen the skills of creating a composition.

Developmental tasks:

Develop aesthetic taste, imagination, creativity

Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Develop a sense of form and composition in children.

Educational tasks:

To bring up accuracy in work, perseverance.

To educate in children an understanding of beauty, love of nature.

Methods and techniques: verbal, visual, practical.

Game situation, teacher's questions, showing methods of action,

reminder, help, examination of samples, explanation, self

activities of children, encouragement, analysis of work by children, individual approach,

Preliminary work: Examining illustrations of field and garden

flowers, photo albums. Didactic game: "Find your flower.", "Collect

flower Seven-flower ",

Materials and equipment.

Demonstration material: samples of flowers, herbarium.

Illustrations of meadows, wildflowers, blue, red and yellow colored paper

colors, scissors, glue, glue brushes, napkin, oilcloth.

Course of the lesson

1. Organizing time.

Guys, tell me please, what time of year? (Spring)

Spring has come to visit us.

Brought something to all of us

One two Three…

Oh, the box! What's in our magic box?

New puzzles! Do you want to know which ones? (Yes)

Then listen carefully! (children guess riddles about flowers)

Here is a flower in a clearing

The middle will look at the sun

Himself in a white shirt.

Good in the grass ... ( chamomile)

Long thin stem

Above - a scarlet light.

Not a plant, but a lighthouse -

It's bright red ... ( poppy)

Many sharp petals -

Red, yellow, white, motley.

Look at me

I am called ... ( Carnation)

Well done!

Guys, do you like flowers? (Yes)

Of course, the flowers are very beautiful, they smell delicious.

See illustrations of meadow and wildflowers with the children

consider how beautiful they are, colorful, they have petals and

middle. And now I suggest you to complete the application "Meadow flowers"

Please tell me what color the flowers are chamomile, cornflower, poppy. (answer

Pay attention to the images of flowers that have a circular structure.

corolla (white chamomile, field carnation, poppy) What are the similarities and differences

these colors? (children's answers)

How are we going to cut?

Let's remember the rational way to cut a rosette flower

by adding the paper square diagonally.

The flowers are like a circle or the sun (chamomile and poppy have rounded petals

We cut out the "poppies", at

cornflower and carnation complex petals - cut out


Children create beautiful flower swatches from colored paper, trying to

convey the shape of the petals.

I suggest you rest a little - physical education " Butterfly»:

Slept flower and suddenly woke up - turns the torso to the right, to the left

I didn't want to sleep anymore - tilting the torso forward, backward

Moved, stretched - reach out with your hands up,

Soared up and flew - hands up, right left,

The sun will only wake up in the morning

The butterfly whirls, curls - whirls.

Well done! Let's continue our work.

I suggest you cut out a lot of flowers to compose the composition.

How should flowers be glued to make them look like living flowers?


lift the petals with your fingers and twist them onto a pencil.

Together with the children, we compose a composition from the prepared flowers.

Here is such a beautiful meadow flowers we got... The resulting

composition with image meadow flowers I propose to put in a corner

nature so that everyone can see the beauty flowering meadow.

Svetlana Ryzhova
Abstract for the application for senior preschool age "Flowers in a vase"

Theme: « Flowers in a vase» .

Target: consolidation of the ability to create an easy volumetric composition.


To develop aesthetic perception, a sense of beauty, imagination, fantasy, creativity, independence, develop fine motor skills of hands, the ability to act according to an algorithm.

Foster respect for peer responses.

keep improving carving flowers and leaves of squares folded in half; using different decoration techniques flower(invoice and openwork applique, to improve the techniques of cutting with scissors, to form artistic and practical skills and abilities in children.

Material: glue, oilcloths, napkins, album sheets with a frame, scissors, templates flowers of different sizes, vase pattern, magic flower, watering can.

Preliminary work: cutting flowers and vases, conversations about the time of year, viewing illustrations.

Course of the lesson:

Guys today you are greeted by a wonderful flower... Let's say hello to him and smile at each other.

Children transmit flower to each other, greet and smile.

Do you guys hear this wonderful music? You and I ended up in a magical forest. And in the magic forest there are magic flowers... They are magical because they can talk and move. Do you want to be magical flowers? I will pour magic water on you from a watering can (simulates watering, and you will turn into flowers.

You are magic water

Get on the heads.

Transform the kids soon

Into the beautiful flowers.

The magic worked! What lovely flowers you turned! The petals are delicate, the stems are thin, the flexible leaves are carved! Shake your heads, try how your stalk bends, wiggle your fingers, leaves. The breeze rocks you, the sun warms you up, flowers smile at the sun, substitute their face, leaves - palms... How good, how nice!

Guys, at the last lesson, we made vases, but vases are never empty. Say what you can put in vases. (Answers of children.) And I propose to present your works to each other - to a friend, mom or our guests. Come on, we are with you

let's go to the tables and make a beautiful bouquet with our own hands.

The guys go to the tables.

Before we start doing the work, let's remember the safety rules when working with scissors? Do you know them? (Answers of children).

Demonstration of methods of work.

Each of you has on the table multicolored squares and green rectangles. What do you think we will cut from the rectangles? (Answers of children.) That's right, we will make leaflets out of them. Tell me how we can do this? (Answers of children)

What do you think and what are we going to cut from colored squares? (Answers of children.) Tell me in what ways you can cut flowers? (Answers of children)... Now that all the details have been cut out, we will lay them out on a sheet of paper, making up the most beautiful composition.

What are we going to do next? (Answers of children.) That's right, then you need to glue the parts applications... How do you do it so that it comes out neat? (Answers of children).

Productive activity

In the process of work, pay attention to the use of a variety of cutting techniques flowers.

Whose work did you like and why?

Well, well, it's time for us to return to kindergarten. I will pour magic water on you from a watering can, and we will turn into guys again.

You are magic water

Get on the heads.

Convert quickly flowers

In our wonderful kids.

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Summary of the lesson on the spring theme "Vase of flowers" (5-6 years old, application)

Explanatory note
Lesson on the theme "Vase of flowers" in the technique of Application was developed for students of the association "Rainbow" MBOU DO Children's Art House. It has an artistic and aesthetic orientation and can be used in classes in Children's Art Houses and technology lessons in secondary schools.
Purpose: To reinforce practical application skills in children; to form spatial representations - to learn how to correctly position images on a sheet of paper and stick them; to form interest and a positive attitude towards the application.
acquaintance with the rules for building a creative composition using paper flowers;
the formation of the ability to compose flower compositions using various geometric shapes;
consolidation of skills in possession of various tools and materials;
development of spatial vision of the sheet and objects in it.
education of accuracy, perseverance, independence;
instilling love and an attentive attitude towards mom;
instilling a respect for nature;
fostering a positive attitude towards work and a sense of mutual assistance.
promote the development of intellectual and cognitive abilities: thinking, imagination, attention;
development of communication skills, social interaction skills, cooperation to achieve the set goal.
For the teacher:
Samples of compositions of bouquets from different materials;
Sample of work performed
Applique patterns
For students:
colored paper;
pencil, glue;
templates of geometric shapes - circles of 4 diameters;
vase templates
paints, brushes
hard brush (toothbrush, comb)
album sheet
wet wipes.
Occupation type: Lesson in learning new material.
This lesson was developed and implemented as part of the "Rainbow" program.
Form of study- group, same age, for children 5-6 years old
1. Organizational stage.
2. Introductory conversation about the application.
3. The main part.
4. Physical minutes
5. Execution of work
6. Summing up the results of the lesson.
Estimated results.
The tasks that are set when conducting additional education are as follows:
1. Development of fine motor skills
2. Development of communication skills
3. Develop the ability to use scissors
4. Promote the development of design activities
5. To teach the accuracy when gluing ready-made forms, to compose images of finished objects from them on your own according to the sample.
6. Develop technical skills.
7. Promote the development of skills in working with various materials.
Theoretical part: Applique is one of the most ancient ways of decorating clothes, shoes, household items, home, still used by many peoples. The appearance of applique dates back to ancient times and is associated with the appearance of a stitch, a seam on clothes made of animal skins. The evolution of the applique can be traced by the images in the monuments of art of the ancient civilizations of Asia, Europe, America, by literary sources, as well as by the surviving samples of appliqués from different times and peoples. In the conditions of the primitive communal system, when there was no social inequality, the materials used for the application were available to everyone. Subsequently, application, like other types of applied art, was influenced by new social conditions. The embroidery intended for the nobility differed both in the complexity of the pattern and in the cost of materials.
For many centuries, the application has been widely used and spread not only in Asia, but also in Europe: Italy, Spain, Germany, France. Applique has become very popular during the time of chivalry. Wars, tournaments led to the appearance of generic signs - emblems. The coats of arms must be clearly visible from both sides, which led to the development of appliqué embroidery. King of Sicily Roger II brought it out of Byzantium among the valuable skilled weavers and embroiderers. One of the features of Sicilian embroidery is the peculiar use of applique.
Applique works reached their peak in the 16th century. in Italy and Spain in church attire. They are characterized by repetition of the same motive and contrasting combinations of tones. The most copper was the combination of red, yellow and green. For example, the coat of arms with the image of crossing keys is embroidered with applique work on red velvet with yellow silk satin (Germany of the 17th century); a cover for an armchair is embroidered with an applique on cherry velvet with a yellow silk fabric (France, 17th century); the image of St. Lawrence is embroidered with applique work on red velvet with a yellow cloth with a green outline (Italy, 17th century)
In Russia, at the end of the 17th - beginning of the 19th century, silhouette cutting became fashionable.
Cutting out silhouettes has become a favorite pastime not only of professional artists, but also of the nobility. At that time, two silhouette artists, who had European fame, "F. Sido and F. Antiig, were working in Russia. In 1799, the book" Catherine II and her inner circle. " F. Antiig - adjutant and the first biographer of A.V. Suvorov - left a series of silhouette portraits of prominent people of his time: figures of Russian culture, scientists, diplomats
The art of black silhouette began to be used as decoration in the homes of Russian nobles. I.S. Turgenev in the novel "New, wrote. “And indeed: the eighteenth century already met the guests in the hall, in the form of low little blue screens pasted over with cut-out, measured silhouettes of powdered ladies and gentlemen. With the light hand of Lavater, silhouettes were in great fashion in Russia in the eighties of the last century. " Profile portrait and genre scenes were widespread. The technique of the image was different: either drawing in ink or cutting out of plain paper.
In the first half of the XIX century. The greatest master of the silhouette was Count F.P. Tolstoy (1783-1873). During his long life, FP Tolstoy made over 2,000 different works: he is a medalist, sculptor, draftsman, painter, engraver. The Hermitage contains 50 silhouettes of F.P. Tolstoy, in the State Russian Museum 20 silhouettes, the same number in the Historical Museum of Moscow. In his youth, he had to endure a serious struggle with relatives, who expressed themselves against F.P. Tolstoy became a professional artist. But he still became one.
E.F. Junge, daughter of F.P. Tolstoy, remembers his father warmly. Sitting in the nursery, Tolstoy cut out amusing scenes from paper for the children’s amusement of horses and other animals. F.P. Tolstoy's silhouette cutouts, which began in childhood, remained with him for the rest of his life.
The Soviet artist E.E. Lebedeva dedicated her talent to this rare art. She was fond of paper cutting as a child, while still in high school. Later, with the same enthusiasm, E. E. Lebedeva passed on her knowledge and experience to children working in the Palace of Pioneers, in the House of Folk Art, in schools and on the playground of the house where she lived.
In the ornaments, applications of E. E. Lebedeva - motives of the nature of the middle lane, where she was born and lived almost all her life.
A great painter was fond of application, such as Henri Matisse (1869-1954), he argued that the main role is played by color, colors should support each other, not destroy. He argued that colors that can be used to depict objects and natural phenomena, by themselves, completely independently of these objects, have the power to influence the feelings of the audience. Moreover, colors can act on feelings the stronger, the simpler they are. In each application, he took 4-5 tones, but selected them in such a way as to express the essence of decorativeness and richness of color as such. Matisse argued that scissors can become more sensitive than a pencil. He moved the colored planes cut out of paper in search of the best composition on paper and strengthened first with pins, and then with glue. Cutting out individual figures and forms, changing colors and backgrounds, Matisse created a number of colorful decorative works: the mythological image of Icarus, the character of fairy tale III. Perrault "Little Red Riding Hood" Wolf, the symbolic image of "Destiny", memories of the island of Tahiti. In these works, the decorative and coloristic genius of Matisse manifested itself with special force. He created over 200 works, including several monumental and decorative cutouts.
Applique and all artistic creation develops the ability of children. Ability is the individual psychological abilities of a person that are formed in activity (there are inclinations with which a child was born). The ability can be formed in a child through love. Love for beauty. We need to teach children to see, love, appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. After what he sees, the child himself will begin to create, his abilities will manifest.
To develop the ability you need to develop:
Technique of work (manual skill)
All these points cause the child to have a positive attitude towards the application.

During the classes:

І. Organizing time:
The entrance of students to the class.(the melody "Sound of the Sea" sounds)
Seating in places
Verification of the list.
Familiarization with the topic.

Teacher: Hello guys!
There is only a place for bright colors,
There is no limit to dreams
Transforming everyday life into a fairy tale
In the hands are born ... .. (flowers)
The New Year holidays are over, winter, spring has already arrived ...
The first month of spring is March: brings a lot of joy to people, because the cold weather leaves, nature awakens, the sun shines brighter and warms the earth, the first tender grass and flowers appear. Flowers are one of the signs of the arrival of spring, one of the traditional signs of attention, love and admiration. Guys, you love your mother (yes) What is your mother (kind, attentive, beloved, beautiful) What does she like to do? Guys, do you help your mom? For my mother's attention, love for my mother, there is no dearer than my mother in the world. Today we will prepare a surprise with you, we will make it with our own hands. Let's call the postcard "Flowers in a Vase"
Any gift will be pleasant, and everyone will be happy with a bouquet of flowers. Why do you think?
-Because the flowers are very beautiful.
What flowers do you know? (rose, chamomile, etc.) Well done, now let's try to guess riddles?
I am capricious and tender
Needed for any holiday.
I can be white, yellow, red
But I always remain beautiful!
(The Rose)
There is a curly hair in the garden -
White shirt,
Heart of gold.
What it is?
In the garden, on the path, under my window
The sun has blossomed today on a high leg
At the bumps covered with snow,
Under a white snow cap
We found a little flower
Half frozen, slightly alive.
The little blue bell hangs
It never rings.
The sun burns the top of my head
Wants to make a rattle.
My friend asks me
Purple flower.
I don’t mind giving it back,
I'll give my friend ...
Answer: Violet
The flowers are beautiful and fragrant for everyone to admire. So? No not like this! We admire flowers, enjoy them. This is all true. However, they are not blooming for people at all. Bright colors, aroma are necessary for flowers to attract insects to themselves.
Only we, humans, can admire the beauty of flowers, and only color, flower shape and smell are important for insects. After all, flowers do not just lure, they also feed: some insects - with juice-nectar, others with pollen, and still others. You've all probably seen pollen? For plants to have seeds, you need to transfer pollen from one flower to another. This is exactly what insects do. A butterfly arrives and sits on a flower for a sweet drop of nectar, the pollen will stick to it. Then the butterfly sits on a neighboring plant and pollinates its flower with pollen adhering to its legs.
The teacher shows pictures of flowers, together with the children they consider how beautiful, colorful they are, they have petals and a center. The teacher explains that if there are many flowers, then this is called a bouquet
Do you guys know why flowers are always so beautiful and attractive? No? I didn't know either, until I heard one flower tell the secret of its beauty. It turns out that flowers start every morning with exercises. Do you want me to teach you "flower" exercises too?
Physical education.
Flowers grow in the meadow
Unprecedented beauty.
(pull your arms out to the sides)
Flowers reach out to the sun.
Stretch with them too.
(reach out, hands up)
The wind blows sometimes
Only it doesn’t matter.

The flowers are leaning
Drop the petals
And then they get up again
And they still bloom.
(get up, reach up)
- Today we have to make a bouquet of flowers in a vase using the applique technique.
Application - cutting and pasting (sewing) figures, patterns or whole pictures from pieces of paper, fabric, leather, vegetable and other materials on the base material (background). As a rule, the base material is cardboard, thick paper, wood.
Conducting briefing on safety regulations:
Use the tool only for its intended purpose and in accordance with the regulations.
Install the glue tube securely at the workplace.
During the execution of the assignment, work calmly, without sudden movements, so as not to knock off the paper, glue, cut out but not glued parts for the applique.
Place tools and materials on the table so that there is free access for convenient use.
Do not distract or interfere with the comrades sitting next to them.
Do not hold the scissors upside down.
Do not leave the scissors open.
Watch the fingers of your left hand while working.
Pass the scissors closed, with rings towards your comrade.
Working with glue. We remind the children of this, both during the lesson and in the course of work. 1. Do not put a lot of glue on the brush. 2. After spreading, place the brush on the stand. 3. Spread the molds only on oilcloths; when gluing, press the figure with a napkin, not with the palm of your hand.
During work, be careful and careful.

Practical work:
The teacher hangs the samples on the stand. What do you guys see on the postcard (vase and flowers)? What geometric shapes do these objects remind you of? ... The teacher shows the step-by-step performance of the work.
1. Take a colored sheet with a hard brush (toothbrush, comb) and spray it with different colors of paints.
2. Take a sheet of blue paper and circle a vase on it according to the pattern.
3. Cut along the contour.
4. We glue the vase on the prepared background.
5. Cut out the stems of three colors from green paper, glue them.
6. Draw 3 circles on paper of 3 different colors (red, orange, yellow) and 3 smallest circles of dark color - the middle for the flowers.
7. Cut out. Thus, 12 circles are obtained, 3 identical each.
8. Take 9 large circles (set aside the middle), fold each circle into 4 parts and cut the edges.
9. We begin to glue the flowers from the largest circle, then smaller, even smaller, and the middle.
10. Cut out the leaves from green paper, glue them.
10. We use scraps of paper to decorate the vase.
The teacher controls the work of children, additionally shows, helps to competently cope with the task, encourages achievements, activates the independence of each child.
Physical education.
Flowers grow in the meadow
Unprecedented beauty.
(pull your arms out to the sides)
Flowers reach out to the sun.
Stretch with them too.
(reach out, hands up)
The wind blows sometimes
Only it doesn’t matter.
(swing your arms, imitating the wind)
The flowers are leaning
Drop the petals
And then they get up again
And they still bloom.
(get up, reach up)
The analysis of the work performed is carried out.
So, our work is completed. Let's present our work to everyone.
I'm sure whoever sees your work, that person will definitely be glad. Your work turned out to be bright, expressive, and most importantly - with your own hands, you put your skill, diligence, a piece of your soul into it.
Lesson summary.
What have we learned in class today?
What did you find interesting in the lesson?
How can these works be used?
You tried your best today and can use your work as a gift.
And where, besides a postcard, you can apply the knowledge of composing a composition.
Reflection. “A bouquet of moods”. At the beginning of the lesson, students are given paper flowers: red and yellow. An image of the globe hangs on the board. At the end, the teacher suggests to the children: "Let's decorate our image, if you are satisfied with how you worked in the lesson and learned something new, then attach a red flower to our drawing, if I am not very happy with my work - yellow."

Used Books:
1.E.A. Yanushko. Application with young children. Methodological guide for educators and parents. - M .: Mosaic synthesis, 2006 - 64 pages.
2. E. Rumyantseva. "Application" Simple crafts "
3. Preschool education № 8, 2008.
4. June Jackson. "Origami"
5. M.A. Gusakov. "Application"
6. A.S. Galanov. "Classes with preschoolers in the fine arts."
7. A. Alekseevskaya. "Magic scissors".
8. I.M. Petrov. "Volumetric application".
9.R.T. Kazakov. "Drawing with preschool children."

Applique lesson: "Vase of flowers"

This lesson is intended for parents and children of the older group with a detailed algorithm of practical work.

Direction: "Artistic creation"

Theme: "Vase of flowers"

Purpose: To improve the skill of cutting with scissors along the contour.


- to consolidate the knowledge of children about the concept of composition;

- teach children from several subjects, freely place them on a sheet, perform a composition;

- to consolidate the skill in children of cutting out in the office.


- develop a sense of color, imagination;

- to develop visual attention, thinking, fine motor skills and general motor skills, the ability to combine speech with movement;

- to develop the coherent speech of children, the ability to use simple common and complex sentences in speech;

- develop the ability to listen to a story and a poetic text, emotionally perceiving their content;

- evoke a positive - emotional mood through the perception of illustrations.


- continue to cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other;

- to foster interest in the fine arts.

Methods and techniques:

- visual method (showing illustrations - colors, showing the work done);

- verbal method (conversation, questions, artistic word, clarification, generalization, encouragement);

- game techniques (surprise moment, game exercise: "Flower exercises");

- a practical method (cutting, independent activities of children).

Preliminary work:

- Consideration of illustrative material on the theme: "Flowers";

- viewing a fragment of the cartoon "Kukutiki": "Flower Charge";

making riddles about flowers, reading poems about flowers ("Bouquet" - Z. Aleksandrova, "Bells" - T. Lavrova, "Don't pick flowers" (L. Charskaya); reading fairy tales: Andrey Platonov "Unknown flower", Anatoly Shunin " Blue is a flower. "

- Conversations on the topic: "Why do we need flowers";

- playing exercises, didactic games: “What grows where?”, “When this flower blooms”, “Collect the flower”;

- Creative workshop: drawing "Favorite flower".

Dictionary activation:

- active vocabulary: flowers, rose, chamomile, bell, tulip, etc. nature, composition;

- passive dictionary: violet, geranium, Decembrist.

Individual work:

- to fix with Yegor G. to answer the teacher's questions with a complete answer;

- teach Danil G. to monitor his posture;

- exercise Alena in the correct holding of the scissors.

Materials and equipment:

LCD TV, illustrations of flowers and the holiday, magnetic board, fragment of the cartoon "Kukutiki": "Flower Charge", coverings, scissors, napkins, glue, paper, sample work.

Description of joint activities

Music sounds

Guys, do you like gifts? (children's answers: what gift can you give boys ... girls ...)

Today I invite you to talk about them and find out what is most often given.

Look at the picture. What's on it? (holiday)

Children tell me, do you like holidays? What kind of holidays do you like? Do you like going to birthday parties to your friends and family? What do you usually give for your birthday? (children list) What can you give?

Any gift will be pleasant, and everyone will be happy with a bouquet of flowers. Why do you think? (Because the flowers are very beautiful)

What flowers do you know? (rose, chamomile, violet, etc.) Well done, let's try to guess riddles? If we guess correctly, this flower will appear on the screen.

Where can you get these flowers? (children's answers) How to keep them longer? (children's answers) Correctly they can be planted in the ground or put in a vase.

Guys because flowers decorate and create a joyful mood. I propose to make such wonderful vases with flowers (showing my work). But before we get started, let's do a little dance (fragment of the cartoon "Kukutiki": "Flower Charge").

Physical education

"Flower" charging.

And how and with what we begin our work, I suggest you now sit down at the tables and listen attentively.

Practical part

Guys, who knows what a composition is and what is it for? (children's answers)

Algorithm of the practical part.

First, we need to cut a plate out of a sheet of paper (fold the sheet in half and cut the corners), then cut out all the flowers and leaves, prepare a napkin (we wrinkle it). When everything has been cut out and prepared, we need to complete the composition (we spread it on a plate and place it as we like all the applique items). Then we carry out the application directly: "Vase of flowers". We glue flowers on the plate (so that the flowers are voluminous, we apply glue to the middle of the flower), leaves (we apply glue to the tip on one side), and last of all we glue the middle of the flower, i.e. a napkin.

So the algorithm is clear? We can start our application (we follow the posture).

Final part

To view all our work, you can make an exhibition (Children are looking at the work).

Play exercise:

And now it's time to say goodbye:

They clapped their hands together.

Stamped their feet together

Let's hold hands tightly

And we will smile at each other.

Everything we have now learned

We have remembered with you.

Summary of the application class in the senior group on the topic "Bouquet of flowers".

Ionova Tatyana Ivanovna, educator, Kindergarten No. 24, the city of Cheremkhovo, Irkutsk region.
Material description: I offer you a synopsis of directly organized educational activities in a group room for children of the older group (5-6 years old). This material will be useful for the educators of the older group.
Tasks of the priority educational area: cognitive development - the formation of primary ideas about objects of the surrounding world and their properties (color, size, shape).
Tasks of the educational field in integration: artistic and aesthetic development - familiarizing children with visual activity (composing a composition using an unconventional technique for performing work from pasta). Development of a sense of rhythm and composition. Education of artistic taste.
Prerequisites for educational activities: cognitive component - highlights the essential features of specifically sensory objects.
Equipment for the teacher: a telegram, a bag of pasta of various shapes (spirals, feathers, leaves, shells, bows and others), containers; multimedia means (screen, laptop, projector) - video panorama "At the pasta factory", musical audio recording "I will make friends with sports" (author: A. I. Piletskaya, music: D. Trubachev, V. Trubacheva), artificial path, basket , dummies - products (potatoes, mushrooms, milk, egg, glass / bottle of water, flour, salt).
Equipment for children: colored socks ("running boots"), magic glasses (made of cardboard), white cardboard A-4 format, pasta of various shapes (spirals, feathers, leaves, shells, bows and others), peas (round and crushed), glue PVA, brushes (wide and thin), paper and cloth napkins, a jar of water, a pencil, an eraser; watercolor and acrylic paints, gouache.
Preliminary work: reading "A series of fairy tales about the adventures of the cook Granmulino" (author: Anton Robin), examining illustrations with bouquets of flowers, vases of different shapes; memorizing the verse "Lunch with pasta."

Course of the lesson:

A knock on the door. The postman Pechkin enters.
Postman Pechkin: Hello guys! This morning, you received a telegram. So I brought it. And the cook Granmulino sent it. What do you think is written in this telegram (children's reasoning)... Guys, can you read? Read it yourself? (children's answers)... Let me help you read it.
Postman Pechkin reads a telegram: "Kindergarten number 24. Magic workshop of the senior group" Pchelki ". Hello guys! I am the head chef of the country of Macaronia noble Granmulino. For the inhabitants of our country, Macaronia, a competition has been announced - a hand-made article "Bouquet of flowers", in which I want to participate. Unfortunately, flowers in my garden do not grow. But I have a lot of pasta and I heard that you can make different crafts from them. Can you help me make a pasta craft to send it to the competition ?! I need your help urgently. I invite you to the country of Macaroni! "
Postman Pechkin: Guys, have any of you been to the country of Macaroni? Maybe your parents told you about this country? Why do you think this country is called that - Macaronia? And what can be produced in this country and who works there? (children's answers). Do you like to travel? Let's leave our magic workshop and go to visit the chef Granmulino in the land of Macaroni ... Well, to get back on the journey, we need magic.

Find and name game.

Find in the pictures and name the fairy tales in which magic or magical objects helped the fairy heroes to go on a journey (children's answers)
(fairy tales: "The Little Humpbacked Horse", "The Magic Ring", "Ivan Tsarevich, the Gray Wolf and Elena the Beautiful", "The Firebird", "Rejuvenating Apples" and others. airplane carpet, self-assembled tablecloth and others).
Postman Pechkin: Guys, the cook Granmulino urgently needs help, I suggest you put on your magic boots and go on a journey. Let's say all the magic words together: “One, two, three ... boots quickly run to the country of Macaroni! ".
(the music sounds “I will make friends with sports.” Children put on “running boots”, imitate movements with the performance of an assignment along an artificial path).
Enter the noble chef Granmulino.
Chef Granmulino: Hello guys! Here you are in the country of Macaronia! My assistants! Thank you for responding to my request and deciding to help me! (children sit on high chairs). Guys, before you help me in making crafts, I suggest you go on an excursion to a pasta factory. Do you know how pasta is made? (children's answers)... I invite you to participate in the making of pasta. And first, you need to select those products that are needed for making pasta. We will put the products in a magic basket and take them with us to the pasta factory.

Game "Guess" (riddles on the theme "Products").

1. This delicious food
I will always find in the forest.
My grandmother and I will fry them,
And we'll salt and boil.
2. Here is wheat in the mill
This is happening to her here!
They take it into circulation,
They will grind it into powder!
3. May crash,
It may be cooked
If you want, into a bird
May turn into.
4. Grandma will get the jar
With buckwheat, rice or semolina.
Then granny will boil
With milk, cereal in a saucepan.
Eat, eat in the morning children
Best food ever!

5. Neither cook nor wash,
Without which, we will tell you straight
Should a man die?
To rain from the sky
So that ears of bread grow
To sail the ships -
We cannot live without ...
6. Separately - I'm not so tasty,
But in food - everyone needs it.
7. Non-attractive, too small,
Only all the guys love
Baked in a fire
In a fragrant peel.
"Russian bread"
We call baby -
Our kind ...
8. White, but not snow,
Delicious, but not honey.
Take from the horned
And they give the guys.
Children select, put in the basket only those products (answers) that relate to the manufacture of pasta. The properties of these products are named.
Chef Granmulino: Well done! The magic basket is filled with food. Guys, what do you think, with the help of what device / object the pasta dough is kneaded? Who is doing this? (children's answers). I suggest you go on an excursion to the pasta workshop. We put on the magic glasses! Be careful!
(Children put on glasses. Viewing a multimedia video panorama on the topic: Chef Granmulino: Guys, did you like the excursion to the pasta factory? How is pasta made? What are the names of the machines that help a person make pasta? (children's answers).
Chef Granmulino shows a bag with different types of pasta:
Chef Granmulino: Guys, the workers of the pasta factory made a lot of pasta, but they all messed up. Let's help the workers and find pasta of the same color and shape and arrange them in containers.

The game "Lay out correctly".

Children arrange pasta in containers.
Chef Granmulino: What does pasta look like? They are the same? How do they differ from each other? Let's try the pasta. Do you think they can be eaten raw? Tasty? Is this food edible? What qualities does pasta have? Can you name? (hard, strong, yellow or white, different shapes and sizes. Place them in the palm of your hand, is it hard or easy to hold the pasta?) Children try (express their opinion).
Chef Granmulino: Guys, you can not only eat pasta, but they can be used in the manufacture of creative works. How do you think how you can make a craft out of pasta? (children's answers).
Chef Granmulino: Maybe children, do you know any verse about pasta?
The child reads a verse.
Reading a poem.

Lunch with pasta.

The pretend pasta was called "macaroshki".
The macaroni rolled along the path.
A large host of macaroshka gathered to collect: Mouse, Cat, dog Timoshka, fly Nyushka, Beetle Chernushka and some kind of frog.
Yes, but to the Mouse, yes, but to the Cat,
Yes, but to stupid Timoshka, fly Nyushka
And Chernushka (Just like someone else's frog)
Macaros are not needed, they are funny.
And to taste, and by ear, and by touch, and by smell!
The cat only loves lard.
The mouse eats quite a bit.
The dog Timoshka loves soup.
Mushkin's taste is pretty rough.
In the morning, afternoon and evening, the Chernushka beetle eats the bark.
- Well, and what, - asked Mushka,
-What does the frog eat?
And the frog answered her:
- Come for lunch!
And she went to her swamp,
Closing the gate behind me.
Chef Granmulino: Well done boys! Well, you all know! Did you enjoy the excursion to the pasta factory? In my country, apart from pasta, there is nothing else. How are we to be, what to do? (answers, children's suggestions).
Children invite the chef Granmulino to visit them - a magical workshop where they make their handicrafts. Chef Granmulino agrees.
Chef Granmulino: But how do we end up in your magical workshop?
Children: Magic words must be said! Repeat after us:
"One, two, three ... from the country of Macaronia boots to the workshop, quickly run!"
(the music sounds “I will make friends with sports.” Children put on running boots, imitate movements with the completion of tasks along the path).
Chef Granmulino: Thank you guys for not leaving me in trouble! Now listen and memorize how to prepare a handicraft "Bouquet of flowers" for the competition:
1.Take templates of vases and flowers (4-5 pieces to choose from), circle them with a pencil on cardboard.
2. On the outlined figure, gently spread the glue with a brush, without going beyond the contours.
3.Take pasta (of your choice) and pressing firmly, glue them without disturbing the desired markup of the outlined figure.
4. Continue gluing the pasta to the other outlined shapes one by one.
5. Pay attention of children to the location of the applique against the background and the strength of the material's attachment with glue.
6.After pasta is glued and dried, take (gouache, watercolors / acrylics) and decorate the figures: vases and flowers. Explain to children that paints can be mixed with each other and made in different shades.
Chef Granmulino: Let's play with our fingers before we do the craft.

Finger gymnastics: "Kneading the dough":

We kneaded the dough, we kneaded the dough,
We were asked to mix everything thoroughly,
But no matter how much we knead and no matter how much we knead,
We get the lumps again and again.
Chef Granmulino: Well done, you will succeed! And I will help you ...
(Doing work by children).
Children look at their work. They give the chef Granmulino their hand-made articles "Bouquet of flowers".
The noble chef Granmulino thanks the children.