Abstract of the organization and conduct of labor activities of children. Summary of work activities

Synopsis of collective work in the senior group.
Topic: "Cleaning the group room"
Purpose: To develop in children the ability to work in a team.
1. Arouse in children an active interest in joint work, a desire to help an adult.
2. Teach children to distribute work among themselves in a team.
3. Exercise children in the ability to properly use a rag and water.
4. To form the ability to work carefully, to bring the work started to the end.
5. To educate children in a positive attitude towards work, a friendly attitude towards each other, a caring and attentive attitude towards others.
Types of children's activities: communicative, labor, play.
Planned result:
- able to work in a team;
-know the rules of conduct when working in a team;
- Show positive attitude to work and to each other.
Equipment: basins of water, rags, aprons.
Preliminary work:
1. Observation of the work of a junior teacher.
2. Learning proverbs about work.
3. Situational conversation on the topic: "Working together is fun"
In the process of collective work, children form ideas about the common responsibility for the task assigned, the ability to act independently and in concert, to distribute work among themselves, coming to the aid of each other and striving to achieve results through joint efforts. All this enriches their experience of relationships in labor activity, gives them a positive character. Labor should bring joy to children: from the results achieved, from its usefulness to others.
Course progress.
Stage 1. Motivation of labor activity
- Guys, tell me please, what holiday will we celebrate soon? (March 8)
Let's listen to a poem about mother. (The poem is told by the teacher)
Mom is loved by everyone in the world,
Mom is the first friend.
Not only children love mothers,
Love all around.
If anything happens
If suddenly trouble
Mommy comes to the rescue
Will always help out!
Mom a lot of strength, health
Gives to all of us.
So, really, there is no
Better than our moms!
- Guys, did you like the poem? (children's answers)
-I think you all love helping your mom at home. How do you help her? (children's answers)
-I am glad that you are such good helpers to your mothers.
-Now I propose to listen to ditties about work.
1. Once Alyosha went himself
For cereals in the supermarket.
“Mom, there is no cereal there,
I had to buy candy!”
2.Smoky pan
Julia cleaned with sand.
Three hours under the shower Julia
My grandmother washed it afterwards.
3. Boiled milk
Went far away.
I approach him again:
There is no milk to be seen.
4. I was sweeping at the entrance
Cleaned up the trash
Long after that cleaning
The dust was thick.
5. We cleaned the carpet
And they washed the floors.
Our mother was surprised
"Children, is that you?"
6. All ditties quail
We think they are good.
So clap your hands
We tried our best!
(Everyone claps together)
-What do you think, are we ready to receive guests in our group? (children's answers)
-Today I suggest you clean up our group, so that it is clean, beautiful, so that mothers will be happy for us. To do this, we need to wash: chairs, tables, dust off the shelves.
Stage 2. Organization of labor activity.
-Guys, let's split into teams: red mugs wash chairs and tables, blue mugs wipe dust off the shelves. Before we get started, let's take a look and remember our reminders:
1. Do not quarrel;
2. Help each other; 3. Worked, clean your place;
(children tell the rules of behavior during work according to the schemes)
-Guys, do not forget that when you work, you need to be polite. And so, we begin tidying up. Don't forget to put on aprons so you don't get your clothes wet. (The teacher does the work with the children)
Stage 3. Summary of work.
Well, here we are working together. Do you guys think you did a good job? Is it difficult to work in a team? (children's answers)
- We are with you today, well done, good work! Look how clean our group is, it even seems to me that it has become brighter. What do you think? Now you can invite guests to us.
-In conclusion of our interesting and useful lesson for everyone, let's recall the proverbs about work:
1. The earth is painted by the sun, and man's work.
2. Who is used to work, he can’t sit idle.
3. Hands work-soul holiday.
- Guys, how do you understand these proverbs? (children's answers)
-Well done boys! I want to add one more proverb:
Business before pleasure!
How do you understand this proverb? (children's answers) Now I propose to play. (A round dance game “If you like it, then do it ...”)

Synopsis of GCD for children 5-6 years old "Helpers"

Target: clarify and generalize children's ideas about work, professions.
To consolidate the knowledge of children about various professions.
Expand and activate vocabulary on a given topic.
Develop speech, thinking, activity, independence.
Develop the ability to finish what you start.
Teach children basic labor activities.
Cultivate respect for working people.

Cognitive development, speech development.

Equipment and materials: pictures with professions (cook, tailor, teacher, builder, doctor, hairdresser); riddle pictures (needle, knife, book, crane, thermometer, mirror); ball.
Basins with water, napkins, towels, aprons for each child.

Preliminary work: looking at pictures, talking about the professions of parents, reading fiction, board and didactic games on this topic.

Activity progress

Children stand in a circle and greet each other:
Hello golden sun
hello blue sky
Hello you, hello me
Hello all my friends!
Children sit on chairs. The teacher reads the poem:

There are many different professions
Photographer, cook and teacher,
Driver, janitor and builder,
And we can't count them all.
It doesn't matter who we are
After all, the main thing is to love your work!
- What is this poem about? (children's answers)
- What is a profession? (children's answers)
- A profession is a business that is done every day, which is useful for other people. A profession needs to be specially trained, and it is important that a person likes it, likes it.
- What would you like to be when you grow up? (children's answers)
- And now let's check how well you know the profession.
Word game "Think, guess, find."(On the board there are pictures of professions. The teacher guesses riddles about the objects of labor, the children guess and name the profession, who needs this tool, the object of labor for work, and the guessing picture is attached nearby).
1. I am short
Thin and sharp.
I'm looking for a way with my nose,
I drag my tail behind me. (needle and thread)
2. There is a magic glass
It reflects everything. (mirror)
3. I am very sharp and steely
I'll help you cut the bread.
But be careful with me
I can cut my finger. (knife)
4. Not a tree, but with leaves
Not a shirt, but sewn.
Not a person, but tells. (book)
5. I will turn with a long neck
I will take a heavy load.
Where they order - I will put
I will help the person. (crane)
6. I'll sit under my arm,
7. And I will show you what to do.
Or I'll lay you in bed
Or let me walk. (thermometer)
- Well done, all the riddles were solved correctly. And now everyone stand in a circle, who is doing what, call.
Word game "What are you doing?" (the teacher throws the ball, and asks what the cook is doing - the child finishes the sentence - prepares food).
Builder, milkmaid, teacher, driver, firefighter, hairdresser, postman, tractor driver, pilot, doctor, artist, seamstress, baker, photographer, janitor, educator (name the educator last).
- And who else helps the teacher in the group? (children's answers). What does she do, what kind of work does she do? (children's answers)
- She has a lot of work: clean up the group, wash the floors, set the tables, and help you get dressed. Maybe we can help her too. (children's answer). We will put things in order in the puppet corner, wipe the dust, wash the chairs.
- To do this, we will be divided into three teams: children take pictures: whoever has furniture - wash chairs, who has toys - wipe the dust on the shelves and toys; who has dishes, they wash the dishes and dust the cabinet. Agree on who will take out and clean the toys, who will wipe the dust, who will wash the toys, who will wipe them dry and put them in their place. The team that gets the job done faster can help the other guys.
- What do you need for work? (children's answers) Put on aprons, take napkins, basins of water and get to work.
After finishing work, invite a nanny. She thanks the children for their help.
- You liked working, helping the elders. Was it difficult? (children's answers)
- And the people say: "It's time for business, it's time for fun." What does it mean? (children's answers)
Yes, we have worked, now you can relax. Thank you.

Synopsis of joint work in the senior group

Topic: "Household Service"

Educational task: to teach to evaluate the activities of your team and the team as a whole; to consolidate in children the skill of participating in organized labor, to correlate their activities with the work of others and to understand that the work of the subgroup in which you work is part of the common cause of the team; form the habit of maintaining order and cleanliness in the group. Strengthen the ability to plan activities, distribute responsibilities among themselves.

Developing task: to develop the habit of pre-thinking about the organization of work and the sequence of its implementation, to develop interest and habit in work

Educational task: to educate diligence, respect for the work of adults, mutual assistance.

Equipment: aprons for all children, 3 basins, 2 children's cars, a parcel with rags, a letter of application.

Guys, you know that there are services that come to help people. What are these services?

Children's answers: (ambulance, Ministry of Emergency Situations, emergency service, fire service).

Educator: And there is a service that provides services to people. This is a home service. What services do you think this service provides?

Children's answers: (washes, washes, buys food, irons, cleans apartments, washes windows).

Educator: What do household workers do?

Children's answers: (help people).

Guys, would you like to organize a life service in our group? In our group, who do you think we could help? (Junior teacher Svetlana Evgenievna)

There is a knock on the door, the postman arrives with a package.

Is this the sun group? To you a parcel, receive and sign.

Guys, let's see what is in this parcel (the children, together with the teacher, unfold the bundle and find rags for work and an application there). The teacher draws the attention of the children to the application.

Guys, what kind of unusual letter is this, there are no letters here, but only a drawing (children's answers).

That's right, this is an application, and it came to us from Svetlana Evgenievna. What is this application about? (you need to wash the building material). To complete this application, what needs to be done first? (split into teams)

Who do we need to choose in the 1st turn? (chauffeurs-loaders)

Among whom will we choose chauffeurs-loaders, among all the guys or only among the boys? (this is hard work and must be done by boys). How will the chauffeurs-loaders be selected? (according to the counter).

Who else do we need to choose? (storekeepers at the upper and lower warehouses). Who will we choose? (among girls, this work requires accuracy and attention).

What will the other children do? (wash and wipe building material)

How many teams should the remaining children be divided into? (on 3). How will we share? (children's answers).

Each brigade must have a foreman. Agree on who you will appoint in your brigade as a foreman.

To proceed with this application, what do we need to do first? (put on aprons, prepare the workplace, pour water into basins).

Now I will ask three foremen to come to me to draw lots for the work to be done (there are 3 cards face down on the table, which show: a basin of soapy water, a basin of clean water and a rag). The foremen, without looking, take one of the cards.

Now prepare everything you need for the job and start doing it.

As soon as the first team finishes wiping the cubes with soapy water, they clean their workplace and go to help the second and third teams. When the second brigade finishes work, it goes to help the third brigade. When all the work is completed, and all the equipment is laid out in its place, I suggest that the children gather at the Letuchka.

Whose team washed the cubes with soapy water? Brigadier, tell us how you worked, were there any difficulties?

Whose team wiped the cubes with clean water? Have you done your job?

Whose team wiped the cubes dry? How were things with you?

Guys, tell me, did you like the work of storekeepers and chauffeurs-loaders, did they cope with their work?

It turned out that everyone did their own little thing, and all together we did one big thing - we washed the building material. Now all the cubes in our group are clean.

Let's call Svetlana Evgenievna to accept your work.

Guys, I know that you also know proverbs about work. Name them.

1. The work of the master is afraid.

2. Will and work, marvelous shoots give.

3. If there is work, then there will be success.

4. Patience and work will grind everything.

5. It's hard to live, who runs away from work.

6. To whom work is a burden, he does not know joy.

7. The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

8. Hurry - you will make people laugh.

9. When there is no agreement among the comrades, their business will not go well.

10. The earth is painted by the sun, and man's work.

11. Did the job - walk boldly.

12. They judge not by words, but by deeds.

13. Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils.

Educator: Well done guys, today we worked hard with you today and deserved medals with you. (the teacher distributes medals to the children) and sums up the day.

Irina Karpizenkova
Outline of a lesson on labor activity in the uneven-age group "Household Service"

Plan summary of a lesson on labor activity in a group of different ages

Topic: « Household service» .

Target: the formation of a positive attitude towards work and results.


1. Organize a joint activities for children of all ages, in advance to highlight in the course of it for the elders one side, corresponding to their level of development, characteristic preferences, for the younger others, according to their interests and abilities.

2. Teach children to participate in an organized labor peer group, correlate their activities with the difficulty of others and understand that work by links in which laboring, is part of the common cause of the team.

3. Improve labor skills and abilities in progress labor to improve skills plan your activities assigning responsibilities, evaluating the work of your group and the team as a whole.

4. Strengthen the ability to properly use the material and equipment for labor observing safety precautions.

5. To form a conviction in the social significance and necessity of everyday labor.

6. Cultivate positive relationships in the process labor, willingness to help, positive attitude towards one's own labor and labor of their peers.

Program content

Get satisfaction from sharing labor of children of different ages;

Cultivate a sense of responsibility, a desire to justify trust;

To cultivate activity, initiative, independence, accuracy, friendliness;

Create a desire to participate in labor of adults.

Materials and equipment: postal parcel, rags, aprons, laundry soap, trays, oilcloth, rope, clothespins, washcloths, an envelope from the Fairy of Purity with application sheets, basins.

preliminary work: talk about labor memorizing proverbs and sayings about labor, reading poems, looking at illustrations and albums about various adult professions, consolidating ideas about labor through didactic games, division into links: 1st link (children of four years old)- the washing up "Builder", 2nd link (children of six years old)– cleaning in the closet with toys, 3rd and 4th links (children five and six years old)- washing doll linen and cleaning the closet with manuals.

Work progress:

1 part. Children, together with the teacher, remember proverbs and sayings about labor. Suddenly, the teacher recalls that in group In the morning the postman brought a parcel. He asks the junior teacher to bring it and offers to consider it.

caregiver: Read, children, where did the package come from? (children of six years old read and find out that the package is from Moscow.

caregiver: And what do you know about this city, tell (children speak briefly)

caregiver: I wonder what lies there. Are you guys interested? (open the package and take out from there: aprons, rags, soap, ropes, clothespins.

caregiver: What do you think, why do we need all this? (children answer that they put things in order in aprons, clean up, soap to wash, rope and clothespins to hang clothes, rags to wipe dust, wash dishes or toys)

caregiver A: But that's not all, here's a letter. (Offers to read the letter from whom, the teacher reads and finds out that the letter is from the Fairy of Purity)

The teacher reads a letter in which the Fairy of Purity suggests opening in household service group for cleaning the premises "Bees".

caregiver: Children, what services to help the public, you know? ( Emergency, gas service, fire service, police, ambulance)

caregiver: How do you know what household service? (children answer). Right, household service assists people in washing clothes, repairing clothes, cleaning rooms. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the leaflets with pictures - applications and offers to sort them out. We found out that there are only 4 applications, so you need to divide into 4 links.

1 link (children of four years old)- the washing up "Builder";

2 link (children of six years old)- cleaning in the closet with toys;

3 and 4 links (children five and six years old)- washing doll linen and cleaning the closet with manuals.

The educator determines the composition of the four links, appoints the link. caregiver: I appoint myself director household services. He asks to come to the table one by one from his link and pull out an application sheet for his link. After that, he invites each link to discuss what equipment, what materials and how much you need to take with you to complete the application, distribute duties: who will do what, the desire of the elders to help the kids and each other to get the necessary material, inventory. The teacher reminds you that you need to work together, help each other (“It doesn’t matter that he is in a different link. I noticed that a comrade difficult- help. There is such a rule.

part 2: Practical work. The teacher offers to go to their workplaces and start work. But before we start work, the children, together with the teacher, remembered the rules for the safe handling of objects labor.

During labor activity the educator gives advice, helps in organizing, recalls the order of work; asks how the children divided the responsibilities for labor, provides individual assistance, but more often still is among the youngest. He shows you how to wash "Builder", and along the way explains: “You need to wet the cloth well, wring it out so that water does not drip, spread the cloth in the palm of your hand, gently wipe all sides of the cube, put it in the closet.” He suggests to one of the children to wipe the shelf in the closet after all "Builder" will be taken out. Each child in the team performs the assigned work from start to finish. end: wets a cloth in a basin, wrings it out, wipes the cubes, puts them in the closet. caregiver working with children.

The teacher does not rush the children, makes sure that they perform all the operations in sequence. At the same time, the teacher exercises indirect control and direct assistance to pupils.

Six-year-old children work at the toy cabinet. One removes the toys from the shelf, two or three wipe them, another child wipes the shelves and puts the toys back. This job "along the chain" is not yet sufficiently assimilated by the children, and therefore the task of the educator is to follow and remind them that they are not in a hurry, that they know how to wait for each other. The teacher encourages every manifestation of helping kids, goodwill. As the children finish their work, the teacher invites them to help others so that everyone is busy with business.

3-4 people from a mixed team work at the cabinet with benefits. They carefully take out the aids, wipe the shelves with a damp cloth, wash brushes, water jars, etc., if necessary.

The teacher from time to time controls their work, helps to sort out the manuals, advises how to lay out the materials so that they are convenient to use.

Other children working in the puppet corner. They wash pre-soaked doll clothes, napkins, towels, sheets and other items. Each child completes the entire process in sequence. washing: Washes first, then rinses and hangs to dry. It is important to follow the correct distribution of responsibilities. The teacher should remind that water should be changed as it gets dirty, and invite the boys to help the girls carry basins of water.

At the end of the work, each link brings its workplace to order: elders, under the guidance of an assistant teacher, pour water out of the basins and put them back in place, rinse the rags and hang them to dry. At this time, middle-aged children fold oilcloths, remove and put away aprons. Then older children, with the help of a nanny or teacher, set up tables.

part 3: Summing up the work. Evaluation of the implementation of the application.

The teacher makes sure that after the completion of work, the children put things in order at the workplace, all materials and equipment are put away.

At the end of the work, the teacher asks the leaders about how, in their opinion, children worked. He himself gives examples of positive deeds. children: “Vitalik finished his work and helped the girls”; “Sveta saw that Olya did not know how to wring out a rag, and showed how to do it”; "Kolya was very polite with the children, he was not asked to help, but he did it himself."

Especially it is necessary to encourage children of the fifth year of life ( “Marina very neatly placed the cubes on the shelf” etc.) It is imperative to emphasize the collective nature of children's activities: “We did a lot because worked together, all together, together, both big and small.

caregiver: Each of you did your little thing, but together you did a big thing. That's how clean and beautiful the room is now. me as a director household services I would like to thank you for the services rendered. Thanks to all employees household services. Then he offers to admire the results labor.

Labor education includes the formation of the skills and moral qualities necessary for future professional activity and pursues the achievement of many goals: the development of a positive attitude towards work and the desire to work in children, the education of basic labor skills. In kindergarten, these goals are achieved in a playful way, and the complexity of the tasks depends on the age capabilities of the children and their ability to perceive information. Work education can help develop other skills as well. If the teacher organizes group work, then this will allow children to learn how to work in a team. Each child will be more responsible for their actions and will learn to work for the benefit of the team.

Organization of labor activity in the senior group of kindergarten

Labor activity implies not only the formation of skills, it develops in children attentiveness, activity and composure. In kindergarten, preschoolers are introduced to the work of adults and are introduced to activities that are feasible for them.

There are several functions of labor education:

  • Educational - develops the child's practical skills and abilities.
  • Developing - ensures the physical, social, mental development of the child.
  • Educational - forms diligence, collectivism, discipline and attentiveness of the child.

Types of work activity of older preschoolers

The types of work activities of pupils of preschool educational institutions can be divided into several groups:

  • Self-service. In the older group, self-service tasks become more difficult. The educator, as before, teaches the children to do certain work, but now he also helps them to correctly approach the implementation of a difficult task, explains how to complete it as quickly and better as possible. Control is being strengthened so that each thing lies in a certain place, the children clean up their toys. To achieve results, the teacher makes constant demands on the kids.

    In the older group, the child must change clothes on his own

  • labor in nature. This type of work is incredibly useful for child development. It is not only fascinating, but also allows you to learn a lot about the world around you. The child can directly get acquainted with nature and its features, thanks to which he develops respect and respect for plants and animals. Work in nature allows you to effectively solve the problems of sensory perception, and also helps to get a general idea of ​​​​natural objects.

    The types of activities include duty in the corner of nature and the creation of bird feeders. These tasks develop not only the artistic skills of the child, but also respect for nature.

    When creating a bird feeder, a preschooler can participate in its design

  • Collective work. This type of work develops social skills and teaches preschoolers teamwork. The teacher can organize one common task that all children participate in, for example, cleaning the group room or washing toys. This will allow each child to feel like an important link and begin to take more responsibility for their actions. Job types may vary. At the end of joint work activities, you can play group games.

    An example of a group game "Mousetrap".
    Children are divided into two groups. One of the groups stands in a circle, tightly holding hands and raising them up. The second group of children is in the middle. Their task is to run as many times as possible back and forth between the hands of the children standing in a circle. Those standing in a circle sing a rhyme:
    We are all fed up with mice!
    Cheese and sugar - all eaten.
    Beware the cheats!
    Don't run away from the mousetrap.
    As soon as the teacher claps his hands, the children standing in a circle lower their hands and squat down. Those babies that remain in the circle are considered "caught". They stand in a circle and the game continues.

    Completing collective tasks teaches children to work together

  • Manual and artistic work. This type of work aims to develop in children a sense of beauty and aesthetic taste. It includes work with art materials, modeling, woodcarving, creating crafts from cardboard and paper, classes with fabric and origami. Children give the fruits of their creative work to parents, friends or loved ones. This helps in the development of moral qualities and a positive attitude towards others.

    Paperwork teaches accuracy and develops fine motor skills

  • Household work. Such work develops in children the desire to maintain cleanliness and order in the environment. Children learn to work collectively to achieve a common goal, purposefulness and organization are formed. In this direction of labor development, the main role is played by the teacher, since it is from him that the children will take an example.
    Preschoolers should do the work themselves, and not watch the actions of an adult. The teacher organizes their activities and directs them in the right direction. Examples of household chores include cleaning a room, washing dishes, and doing laundry.

    Clearing paths from snow teaches children to order and care for others

  • Duty. This work involves the work of a group of children or just one child for the benefit of the rest. Often, duty requires incredible composure and commitment from the baby, so if such work is carried out for the first time, the teacher should conduct a special training session. You can also arrange a duty corner.
    The inventory for duty is varied, it depends on the age of the children and their commitment. But still, there are basic tools and items that must be at the disposal of children. These are aprons, scarves, small brooms, rags, buckets of water, gloves and a few small spatulas.
    The work itself has many directions:
    • Preparation for classes: children lay out pencils, bring glasses of water, paints.
    • Dining room duty: pupils clear the table, arrange the dishes.
    • Duty in the ecological corner: kids take care of plants and animals.
    • Outdoor duty: sweeping leaves off the sidewalk, putting food in bird feeders, etc.

Preschoolers are responsible for duty

Table: file of topics on labor activity in the senior group of the preschool educational institution

author Savina P.I.
Type of labor Topic Tasks Work examples Note
Household work "Organizing closets and shelves"
  • To educate in children a sense of beauty and diligence.
  • Learn to see the mess and fix it.
  • Develop aesthetic taste, the ability to put everything in its place and systematize objects.
  • To develop the ability to work for the benefit of others.
Try to encourage the children to sort out the shelves with books or clean up the cabinets with toys. Tell the children a story about sluts and explain that this is not the way to do it.
"Neatly made beds"
  • Get in the habit of making your bed in the morning.
  • Develop composure.
  • Develop the ability to get things done.
  • Contribute to the desire to work on yourself and instill a love for work.
After "quiet time" teach the children about the importance of keeping their bed in order. Explain to them in a playful or fairy-tale way about the germs that can appear in a bed if it is not made. You can cut figures of microbes out of cardboard and put them on the bed with a child who has not made it.
labor in nature "Watering the Plants"
  • Teach children basic plant care skills, consolidate knowledge about the properties of plants.
  • Explain the principle of working with a watering can, spatula, gloves.
  • Develop caution when interacting with water and earth.
Invite the children to take care of the indoor flowers that are in the group. If there are no such flowers, then you can take the children outside and talk about watering plants using the example of street bushes, grass or flower beds. You can think of a watering can as a "cloud". Thanks to this, you will not only show the children the principle of working with plants, but also explain what rain is.
"Wet wiping the leaves of large-leaved plants"
  • To teach children to provide possible assistance to the teacher in caring for plants.
  • Raise the desire to care for nature and help other people in this.
  • Improve work skills and knowledge.
Tell the children about dust that floats in the air and settles on plants. Explain to them how to gently rub the leaves. Try to use not only rags, but also wet sponges. They absorb liquid much better and stay wet. Then they are easy to dry.
Collective labor "General work on the corner" Learn to create collective crafts and figurines to decorate their "children's corner". Use several types of creative materials: paints, pencils, plasticine, cardboard, etc. The main task of the teacher, in addition to instructing and explaining to children how to work, is to control all actions with dangerous tools. Have the children draw with their fingers. You can help color their hands and attach them to paper.
"Joint and shared games"
  • Improve relationships.
  • Learn to achieve common goals through cooperation.
  • Talk about the rules of communication with each other.
Try to hold a collective game "Tea-tea help out." The player who will be "leading" is selected. He runs after other guys and catches them. The child he touches becomes "bewitched". Another player can touch the "enchanted" and free him. The game ends when all players are "enchanted". Playing games with sports equipment like balls or skipping ropes is useful not only in terms of developing social skills, but also improves physical abilities.
Self service "Independent search for answers to the question posed"
  • Develop the ability to perceive information and analyze.
  • To form the ability to solve problems and identify a problem situation.
Ask the child a question from the category: “What was the name of the chicken that laid the egg?”. Ask your child to find the answer in the story itself. This will prepare him well for future assignments at school. Variants of questions: “Where is Koshchei’s life hidden?”, “How many knights come out of the sea in Pushkin’s fairy tale?”, “Who is a mermaid?”.
"Self Care"
  • Teach children to take care of their clothes and dress themselves.
  • To form an attentive attitude to your appearance and the ability to properly take care of yourself.
Provide your child with a clothes brush and talk about how to properly clean clothes. Explain why this should be done (“to look neat”). Try to talk about how to keep your clothes in order so that you have to clean them as little as possible.
Duty "Dining Room Service"
  • To form organization and respect for the work of the cook.
  • Develop serving and cleaning skills.
Select a few children and bring them to the dining room. Then tell them how to set the table and arrange the plates. After that, you can start practical work and let the guys do everything on their own. Try to come up with some rewarding trifles for those guys who were especially good on duty.
"Street Watch"
  • Teach your child to work with a certain type of inventory.
  • Talk about the need to maintain order, explain the principle of work.
Give a few guys brooms and offer to sweep the leaves from the paths if it's autumn. In winter, you can ask for help to remove small piles of snow with shovels. And in the spring you can show the guys how to water the flowers in the flower beds. Always make sure that the child is assigned only the work that he is definitely able to perform.
Manual and artistic labor "Creating Crafts"
  • Develop creative thinking.
  • Improve skills in working with certain art materials.
  • Build a positive attitude towards originality.
  • Describe the properties of different materials and explain the principle of working with them.
Try to gather a small group of children and make a plasticine craft with them. For example, craft "Hedgehog":
  1. We roll an oval from plasticine.
  2. Make small triangles with your fingertips.
  3. Glue the triangles onto the oval.
  4. Add sculpted nose and eyes.
This type of work allows the teacher to get to know the children better.
"Art work"
  • Teach your child how to work with a brush, pencil, paints, pen.
  • Teach basic drawing techniques.
  • Learn how to color.
Give the children coloring books and crayons. Try showing the children some drawings that you can draw yourself.

Technocards and examples of employment in the senior group of kindergarten

Each type of work has certain advantages over others. In order to choose the type of activity that is most suitable for the pupils of a particular group, as well as an individual lesson for certain children, it is advisable for the teacher to familiarize himself with the technological maps and schemes for performing work.

Manual and artistic labor

This type of work includes an incredible variety of activities: drawing, modeling from plasticine, creating decorative objects for the home, and much more. It is worth telling children about different artistic activities from an early age, this will reveal their creative potential.

This beautiful craft will help introduce children to such a holiday as Easter. You can tell the children about the traditions of this bright celebration, as well as tell that people give each other decorated eggs. It is for these eggs that you can make a basket, which will be a wonderful decorative addition to the festive table. This job is pretty easy and fun to do. It promotes the development of fine motor skills and artistic skills in children.

Easter basket will decorate the festive table

For work you will need:

  • PVA glue,
  • paper towel roll,
  • scissors,
  • strip of cardboard
  • crepe paper.

To work, you need a number of simple materials


  1. We make the base. Cut off a small ring 4–5 cm high from the sleeve. Spread glue on the inside of the sleeve and glue colored paper so that its edge can be folded to the outside.

    A paper towel sleeve will serve as the basis for crafts

  2. We make a pen. Cut a strip of cardboard about 1 cm wide. Braid it with dark green corrugated paper (for convenience, you can immediately take double-sided green cardboard). Glue the made handle to the basket.

    A strip of cardboard braided with green paper will serve as a basket handle

  3. Cut out decorations. From corrugated paper, cut 4-5 strips equal to the entire circumference of the sleeve. The width of the strips should be 3.5 cm. Cut out the flower petals (similar to teeth).

    Pink paper will make delicate flower petals

  4. Green decorations. Cut a strip about 6 cm wide from green paper. Cut the cloves and wind their ends.

    Green paper is needed to make flower leaves

  5. Glue decorations. Rose petals need to be glued so that the first strip is higher than the edge of the basket. Glue the remaining rows of petals below. Glue the green cloves so that the bottom edge can be bent to the bottom of the basket, slightly incised.

    It remains to glue the bottom, and the basket will be ready

  6. We make the bottom. Cut out a circle equal to the circumference of the sleeve and glue it down. The teeth that protrude can be glued down, masked with a cardboard circle in diameter. Slightly stretch and straighten all the petals.

Cute Easter baskets will not leave indifferent neither children nor their parents.

Collective labor

The development of social skills, the creation of cohesive teams, communication with children - all this includes teamwork.

Technological map of the organization of collective activities in the senior group

Topic: "Collective work in a creative corner."

  • teach children how to work as a team
  • develop artistic skills.
  • Educational:
    • To improve the skills of children in the aspect of working with art supplies.
    • Learn to work in teams and groups.
    • Improve your ability to work at a pace.
  • Developing:
    • Develop a respectful and good attitude towards the work of others.
    • Develop respect for the work of others.
  • Educational:
    • Cultivate diligence, composure, accuracy.
    • To form moral foundations, conviction in the importance of work.
    • Improve patience and perseverance.


  • art supplies,
  • stand with drawings and works,
  • oilcloths,
  • aprons,
  • brushes and pencils,
  • water glasses,
  • rags for wiping oilcloths,
  • sheets of paper A4 and A3,
  • thick cardboard,
  • colored paper.

Table: stages of labor organization of preschoolers

Components Tasks of the teacher Equipment Pedagogical activity Children activities
Motivation and motivation
to work
Make children want
work and work.
hanging by strings
airplanes on which
assignments are written.
  1. Carefully hang airplanes with tasks around the room.
  2. Put on some jewelry and introduce yourself as the “Fairy of Creativity”.
  3. Tell the children that tasks are written on each airplane to decorate the creative corner, and they need to complete them.
  4. Prepare materials and put them in a bright box.
  5. Put oilcloths on the tables.
  1. Take off the planes and read the tasks carefully.
  2. View several drawings and diagrams of different types of decorations that can be seen by deploying airplanes.
  3. Get to know the tasks.
  4. Ask the teacher if something is not clear.
Goal Setting Give children everything they need to work.
  • aprons,
  • paints,
  • tassels,
  • colored paper,
  • water glasses,
  • rags,
  • cardboard,
  • sheets of paper A3 and A4.
B: Children, look. This is the box sent by the dwarves and elves. Here they have collected everything that can help us. If we work together, then
soon we will complete all the tasks and turn our
creative corner in a fabulous place!
  1. Get familiar with the materials.
  2. Wear aprons.
Work planning Divide responsibilities among children. Notepad for recording tasks and performers. There are two options for assigning responsibilities.
  1. Random.
    V .: Children, so that no one is offended, I will write names on the cards. Then I will call the task and draw a card. Whose name falls out, he does it.
  2. Voluntary.
    The teacher names different tasks, and the children are called to complete them, taking into account their abilities.
    The teacher himself must answer all the questions that have arisen in children on the topic of activity.
  1. Children ask the teacher how they should act in order to do the work they have received as productively as possible.
  2. Pupils should clarify everything that is not clear.
  3. Each child tells why he chose this particular type of activity, answers questions and asks his own.
Work process
  • Help children improve their creative skills.
  • To develop friendliness, diligence, accuracy, a sense of mutual assistance.
  • art supplies,
  • the tools necessary for the job.
  1. Come to the rescue for any problem that arises.
  2. Monitor the actions of children in relation to each other and materials.
  3. Help in organizing.
  4. At the end of the activity, it is necessary to explain to the children how to put the workplace in order.
  1. The children complete the tasks.
  2. They consult with each other.
  3. Tidy up their jobs.
  • The children have created a common work that will be a wonderful decorative object.
  • Everyone improved their teamwork skills.
  • The children were trained in working with art materials.
Candy or small gifts. Praise the children and say that other people will appreciate their work.

Self service

This type of work involves the development of independence and the formation of one's own opinion. Children need to be taught basic self-care skills.

Older preschoolers already have basic self-help skills

An example of a lesson:

  1. The teacher should explain to the children in a playful way the basic rules of self-care. You can do this with the help of fairy tales (“Moydodyr”, “The Tale of Purity”, etc.), poems, stories about possible consequences, with the help of skits and puppets.
  2. Children can ask questions and answer themselves:
    • Why should you wash your hands?
    • Why do you need to fold and put things neatly?
    • Why should we take care of ourselves?
  3. Application of the received theory in practice. Children themselves must follow the instructions received throughout their stay in the institution, receiving additional instructions from the educator.

labor in nature

Near each kindergarten there is always a small area for walking. It has flower beds, trees, a small playground, plants and other objects. Children spend time outdoors here, and also learn how to work in natural conditions.

"Planting Flowers"

  • to develop in children a sense of beauty,
  • form an ecologically correct view of the world,
  • teach the principles of plant breeding,
  • cultivate responsibility.

The teacher puts several flower pots with plants in front of the children.

Q: Do you like our plants? (Answers of children). Do you know what we do with plants to make them look beautiful? (We water, loosen the soil, wipe the leaves ...). Right. Plants that live in a room are called "houseplants". They are incredibly beautiful. To make the site on which we walk as beautiful, we need to plant flowers there. But indoor plants do not live outside, so we need to plant special flowers there. (shows seeds). Do you know what it is? (Answers of children).
Right. These are seeds. They will grow into beautiful flowers in the future. (The teacher shows different street flowers). The flower does not appear immediately. First, the future plant sleeps and gains strength in order to bloom in the future. The flower itself has its own food. (Shows a photo of the soil). The soil contains a myriad of nutrients for the plant. But this is not enough. Who knows what else a plant needs? (Water, sunlight).
Right. The seed is poured with water, and then the sun warms it with its rays. In warm and moist soil, the flower begins to awaken and grow upwards. (Shows a photo of a sprout). At first the flower is very small. He's still too weak. But if you water it, warm it and take care of it, it will grow into a large and beautiful plant. (Shows a photo of a flower). The birth of a flower is truly a wonderful and amazing miracle. Children, what do we use to grow flowers? (Soil, water, seeds, sunlight).

Practical work:

The teacher points to the table, where there are plastic cups with earth and seeds.

V .: Now we will plant flower seeds in the ground. To do this, we need to take a seed, dig a small hole, put a seed in it and pour water over it all. (Children perform this algorithm). Now we just have to wait. Over time, truly beautiful and delicate flowers will grow from small seeds.

Growing seedlings teaches children to be patient

Household work

This type of labor includes a huge number of activities and work, ranging from dusting to cleaning the room. Every child should be able to perform basic tasks in order to feel comfortable in society.

"Washing doll clothes"

  • teach children to squeeze things tight,
  • rinse in clean water
  • work with water and soap.


  • soap,
  • towel,
  • basin,
  • dirty doll stuff,
  • powder,
  • water.

Work process:


This is one of the main types of labor activity, it not only allows children to develop commitment and independence, but also prepares them for future duty at school and other educational institutions. The duty itself brings up in children a clear knowledge of the rules and general skills.

"Dining Room Service"

Lesson outline example

Type of work: self-service.

Form of labor organization: assignments, requests.

  • Develop the ability to improve your appearance and put yourself in order.
  • Develop the ability to set the goal of work on your own initiative.
  • Improve your ability to work with hair.


  • individual mirrors,
  • hairpins,
  • gum,
  • combs.

Guide Methodology:

  • Team work,
  • conversation between the child and the teacher.

Introductory part:

V .: Guys, do you know what “a neat person” means?

Children: A person who takes care of himself, does not scatter things, puts everything in its place.

V: Right. Do you know how to take care of yourself? How should you put yourself in order?

Children: Brush your teeth, comb ...

V: That's right! Let's talk a little today about how to comb. As you know, boys and girls have different hairstyles. It depends not only on the length of the hair, but also on your preferences. What hairstyles do you like? (Answers of children). Wonderful! Now take a mirror and look at your hair. Try to fix them and make them more accurate. If you want, I can help you.

Work process:

The tasks for girls and boys will be different. Boys can be shown how to do certain hair styles and just brush their hair properly. For girls, you can choose different types of hairstyles and braids.

For girls.

  1. The teacher asks to get all the necessary accessories (comb, rubber bands, mirror). Each should have its own individual set.
  2. Shows the guys on the example of Barbie dolls or on their own hair the algorithm of how to comb correctly.
    V .: Girls, which of you already knows how to comb your hair yourself? Now I can show you a way to comb your hair so that it doesn't hurt. To do this, you need to start combing from the bottom, gradually moving to the roots of the hair. After that, you need to comb all the hair from top to bottom.
  3. Tells pupils about different hairstyles and gets to work.

Hairstyles, the creation of which requires the help of a teacher:

Hairstyles that a girl can do on her own:

The work is being completed, the tools are being put in order (clean the combs, roll up the rubber bands). The results can be photographed.

For boys.

  1. Ask everyone to get an individual comb.
  2. Show them photos of different hairstyles and hair combs. Let everyone choose what they like.
  3. Help them do some styling.

Laying, in which the help of the educator is required: “Standing laying”.

  1. Comb your hair thoroughly.
  2. Wet your comb and comb your hair up.
  3. If you need to make your hair more resistant, it is advisable to sprinkle with children's hairspray.

A hairstyle that a boy can do on his own: "Hair rolled to the side."

  1. The child must comb his hair.
  2. Then he needs to use his hands to smooth all the hair to one side.
  3. Comb again, but already combing on a certain side.

This work is good for developing children's skills in self-care. It allows them to learn how to correct flaws in their appearance and develop skills in combing their hair.

It is important. Lacquer must be hypoallergenic. For example, you can use the brand "Little Fairy".

Video: collective manual labor in the senior group

https://youtube.com/watch?v=BFm_69M-VDU Video can’t be loaded: Collective manual labor»Railway stock» senior group (https://youtube.com/watch?v=BFm_69M-VDU)

Diagnostics of the results of labor activity in the senior group of preschool educational institutions

The diagnostic card helps the educator evaluate the results of working with children, sum up the results for the six months. In addition, with the help of this document, the teacher systematizes information and determines what each child has achieved and what he cannot cope with.

All types of labor activity of pupils of the senior group are recorded in the diagnostic map.

Table: example of a diagnostic card

author Savina P.I.
Development indicators Actions and tasks Positive result (the child copes with the task) Negative result (the child does not cope with the task)
Motivation Have a desire to participate in work activities
Acquire the skill of a proactive approach to business
The concept of adult work Willingness to help out
Attitude towards work Desire to learn about future professions
Respect for other people's work
Respect for the results of your work
The working process Careful handling of materials
Use the most productive working methods
Finish what you started
Teamwork Friendliness and ability to work in a team
Develop communication skills
obligatory Competently evaluate the result of work
Have a habit of being responsible for assignments
labor in nature Appreciate and respect nature, its gifts
Possess basic plant care skills
Know how to plant seeds
Self service Know how to take care of your appearance
Fix hair and hairstyle
Manual labor Be able to glue cardboard and paper
Strengthen scissor skills
Duty Possess basic table setting skills
Develop independence
economic labor Know how to wash things
Make the bed after sleep

Labor activity is the most important aspect of preschool education. Children develop the skills necessary for later life in society. The teacher should try to help the child and guide him, instill a love of work. The main thing is not to do all the work for the pupils and allow them to express themselves so that they can fully develop their abilities and potential.