Synopsis of literature on the theme of A.P. Platonov "The Magic Ring". Review of the fairy tale "The Magic Ring

Andrey Platonov fairy tale "The Magic Ring"

The main characters of the fairy tale "Magic Ring" and their characteristics

  1. Semyon, a simple peasant, kind and sympathetic. He loved animals very much and did not tolerate being bullied. Honest, humble, faithful.
  2. Semyon's mother, just an old woman. She disliked animals, especially snakes.
  3. Princess, capricious, frivolous, windy. Not evil, but stupid.
  4. Asp, adopted son of the Serpent King. Evil and cunning. Nerd.
  5. King, important and not educated. Petty tyrant.
  6. Cat, dog, Scarabea snake. Animals saved by Semyon, who helped him in difficult times.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "The Magic Ring"
  1. Simon and his mother
  2. dog rescue
  3. cat rescue
  4. Scarapei Rescue
  5. Scarapea creeps home
  6. magic ring
  7. Barn of flour
  8. Beauty in a dream
  9. Mansions
  10. Matchmaking Seeds
  11. crystal bridge
  12. Wedding
  13. Temptation of the Asp
  14. kidnapping
  15. Prison
  16. long way
  17. The return of the ring
  18. Reward on merit
The shortest content of the fairy tale "The Magic Ring" for the reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. There lived a kind guy Semyon, who saved a dog, a cat and a snake from a murderer for the last penny
  2. The snake turned out to be of royal blood, Semyon took her to his father, and he gave him a magic ring
  3. There was plenty of everything in Semyon's house, but he yearned for the king's daughter
  4. He got married, built a crystal bridge and the king married his daughter to him.
  5. The princess deceives Semyon and escapes with the handsome Aspid, along with the mansion and the ring, and Semyon is thrown into prison
  6. The cat and the dog return the ring and Semyon woo in a neighboring village
The main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "Magic Ring"
Do good to others and you will be good.

What does the fairy tale "The Magic Ring" teach
This fairy tale teaches to do good, to help those who need help, teaches to love animals and treat them with care. Teaches to be kind and honest, teaches to be able to be faithful. It teaches that evil and deceit always punish themselves. It also teaches that it is better to marry a person from your circle.

Review of the fairy tale "The Magic Ring"
I really like this wonderful fairy tale with such an interesting and unusual plot. I like in it not only the image of Semyon, a kind and honest person, but also the animals that helped him in gratitude for the salvation. In a fairy tale, typical fairy-tale episodes and almost modern technology are intertwined in a bizarre way, which also looks interesting. And of course I really like the kindness that comes through in every line of this story.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "The Magic Ring"
Debt good turn deserves another.
As it comes around, so it will respond.
You never know in advance where you will find, where you will lose.

Summary of the fairy tale "Magic Ring"
There lived a poor peasant woman and her son Semyon. They lived in poverty, Semyon received a penny a month for his father.
Once Semyon received a penny, he went home, he sees a man torturing a dog. Semyon stood up for the dog, and bought it for a penny.
The mother saw the dog and scolded Semyon.
A month later, Semyon received 2 kopecks and bought a cat from the same murderer. Mother cursed strongly, she cursed for two days.
But another month passed and Semyon bought a snake for three kopecks. And the Snake confessed to him that she was not a simple snake, but a Scarab.
The mother saw the snake and got scared.
The five of them began to live. But the mother didn’t let the snake pass, she stepped on the tail. She asked the snake Semyon to take her to her father.
Semyon goes after the snake, they entered the dense forest. And the snake Semyon teaches not to take gold from the Serpent King, but to ask for a magic ring.
They came to the palace to the Serpent King. That daughter saw was delighted, offers gold. And Semyon asks for a ring from his finger. There is nothing to do, the Serpent King gave the ring, and taught how to use it.
Semyon came home, summoned twelve fellows from the ring at night, and demanded a full barn of flour. And in the morning he sent his mother to the barn. The old woman did not expect that he was full and fell into flour. Semyon and his mother began to live well.
But then Semyon dreamed of a beautiful girl. He learned that the girl was the king's daughter, and decided to marry her. He ordered the good fellows to put up mansions for himself and sent his mother to woo.
And the tsar, as soon as he found out that the groom was of a peasant family, immediately came up with a difficult task to get rid of. He demanded a crystal bridge from the palace to the porch.
Semyon did not lose heart, but at night he called his fellows, they instantly built a crystal bridge for him, and put a self-powered carriage.
Semyon took his mother to the palace in the morning. When the king saw the bridge, he was surprised, tried with his foot to see if he was real. The king and queen rode across the bridge, and they gave the princess for Seeds.
One day Semyon and his wife went to the forest, and went to bed. Then Aspid ran past, the adopted son of the Serpent King. He decided to cheat the magic ring. He turned into a beautiful girl, began to wake Semyon, to call with him. Semyon sent her away.
Asp turned into a young man and woke up the princess. And she fell in love with him and tricked Semyon into stealing the ring. She moved the bridge and the mansions to where Aspid lived, and she herself disappeared.
The king saw that there was no bridge, that there was no princess, got angry, threw Semyon into prison.
His mother began to starve again. And the cat and the dog decided to find the princess, and return the magic ring.
For a long time they ran through the forests and fields, until they noticed the crystal bridge. The cat crept into the mansion, sees the princess sleeping, and holds the ring in her mouth.
Cat caught a mouse, bit her ear and taught what to do. The mouse tickled the princess with its tail, she sneezed, dropped the ring. The cat and dog grabbed the ring and ran home.
It took a long time to reach the river. The cat took the ring in her mouth, sat on the back of the dog and swam. And the dog keeps demanding that the cat be silent. The cat could not stand it, answered that she was silent, the ring fell into the water.
A cat and a dog swear on the shore, they blame each other. Here the fishermen caught a fish, they threw the entrails to them. And there is a magic ring.
A cat and a dog ran home and threw the ring into Semyon's dungeon. He immediately returned everything back, and kicked out the princess with Aspid. Asp from anger completely turned into a viper.
But Semyon forgot to think about the princess, he drives a self-powered car across the crystal bridge to the neighboring village to the girl. The wedding will be soon.

Signs of a fairy tale:

  1. Magic items - ring
  2. Magic helpers - twelve fellows
  3. Protagonist test
  4. Magical Creatures - King Serpent. Asp, Scarapea
  5. Magic transformations - Aspid turned into a girl and a fine fellow.
Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "The Magic Ring"

In the Russian folk tale "The Magic Ring", the main character is a boy named Martynka. He grew up in a family of a hunter. When his father died, there was no one to provide food. Seeing this, Martynka's mother decided to spend her savings, which were only two hundred rubles. She took out a hundred rubles and sent her son to the city to buy bread for the whole winter.

Instead of bread, Martynka bought a dog with this money and named it Zhurka. The second time his mother sent him to the city and gave him the last hundred rubles. And again Martynka did not buy bread, but bought a cat named Vaska. When his mother found out what Martynka had spent the money on, she kicked him out of the house.

Martinka found a job with the priest and worked for him for three years. When the time expired, priest Martynka offered a choice of reward - a bag of silver or a bag of sand. The boy got scared of the trick and chose a sandbag. With him, he left the priest.

On the way, in the forest, he saw a girl standing, engulfed in flames, and asking him to put out the fire with sand. Martinka did just that, and the girl turned into a snake and climbed onto his neck. And then he says that Martinka should go to her father, the underground king, and ask for a magic ring as a reward for her salvation, with which twelve young men can be summoned, and they fulfill any desire. Martynka delivered the snake girl to her father, and received a ring in return.

He returned home to his mother and sent her to the king himself to woo. The king assigned a task to Martynka - to build a rich palace in one night, and to build a crystal bridge from it to the royal palace. Martynka used the magic ring, and fulfilled the king's task. The king had to give his daughter to a peasant's son.

The princess did not like this fate, and she managed to find out from Martynka the secret of the magic ring. And at night she pulled out the ring from him and ordered the old hut to be returned to the place of the palace, and she herself was transferred to the mouse kingdom.

In the morning the king saw neither the palace nor his daughter. Martinka was imprisoned in the tower so that he would die of starvation in it.

And the dog Zhurka and the cat Vaska decided to help the owner out of trouble. First, they brought him food to the tower so that he would not die of hunger, and then they went to the mouse kingdom to get a magic ring. They had many adventures along the way, but they got to the mouse kingdom. The mouse king helped them get the ring, and Zhurka and Vaska returned with the ring to the owner.

In the morning, the king went out onto the balcony and saw that the palace was still standing and that a crystal bridge led from it to the royal palace. The king learned from Martinka what his daughter had done and ordered her to be severely punished.

This is the summary of the story.

The main meaning of the fairy tale "The Magic Ring" is that friendship and devotion are stronger than money and magic. The wonderful ring did not save Martynka from trouble, but his faithful friends Zhurka and Vaska helped him out of trouble. The tale also teaches that a family must be created by mutual agreement, and not for reasons of nobility of the bride. The royal daughter, married against her will, tried at all costs to turn the situation in her favor.

In the fairy tale, I liked the dog Zhurka and the cat Vaska, who turned out to be true friends. They were not afraid of difficulties and helped Martynka out of trouble.

What proverbs are suitable for the fairy tale "Magic Ring"?

Bread is expensive if there is no money.
Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.
Who is small today is great tomorrow, and who is great today is small tomorrow.

P The explorer Platonov is a tasty fish, but bony, so you have to eat (read) it carefully, slowly. But forced stops and inadvertent stumbling on the "roughness of the language" in Plato's stories and stories create the right impression that the reader has a work that he will have to think hard about.

For those who are familiar with the serious and tragic, as is commonly believed, the works of Andrei Platonovich "The Pit", "Chevengur", it will be a real discovery, with what ease the writer's fairy tales are read. Through the style of literary processed folk fairy tales, an ironic and prosaic style peeps through, which does not interfere with the creation of a truly fabulous atmosphere. The collection of Russian folk tales "The Magic Ring" was published under the general editorship of Mikhail Sholokhov, this technique served as a kind of lightning rod, since the author of "The Quiet Dona" was more beloved and close to the hardened Soviet authorities.

The fairy tale "The Soldier and the Queen" fully justifies its literary and genre definition - absolutely nothing magical happens throughout the entire work. The plot is built on a vicious queen, obsessed with beating her servants and a soldier trying to get rid of an unfair and unequal punishment. The reasons for the queen's constant dissatisfaction with her courtiers, their endless beating are well described by the German proverb - "With an evil conscience, that with a bad guest, there is neither peace nor rest." Seeing once during a walk the smirk of a soldier, the reigning lady ordered daily "to give him twenty sticks in the morning." It was hard for the soldier, but it was not magic that saved him ...

As always, in Russian fairy tales, the most intelligent and resourceful are fools. The soldier turned to the court fool with a request to help and save him from the daily beating with twenty sticks. The fool took him to a shoemaker whose wife was known for her striking resemblance to the queen. Soon a plan was hatched to swap the women. The shoemaker, who was not distinguished by particular courtesy, and being fully convinced that his own wife was in front of him, beat the queen both for inedible cabbage soup and for unsuitable washing of linen. From such unexpected changes, the Empress was in full confidence that she was in hell.

At this time, the shoemaker's wife, knowing the sweetness of royal life, rightly believed that she was in paradise. The soldier took advantage of castling and achieved the abolition of not only his punishment, but also the fact that in the kingdom "they did not beat and did not even dare to touch a person with a stick."

The reader rightly expects a miraculous transformation of the main character of the story from a furious and angry person into a kind and merciful ruler. But the queen remains the same and does not beat the girl who made her angry, only because she “remembered how she lived with the shoemaker.” “The snake changes its skin, but not its temper,” says a Persian proverb.

The soldier and the fool, without knowing it themselves, taught the empress a good lesson, forcing her to experience what it is like to endure constant beaters and bullying. "Dashing and dashing" - a Russian proverb agrees with the chosen tactics. Often very bad deeds can be stopped only by actions of similar severity in response. There is another version of this proverbial expression: "The dashing is dashed."

All variants of folk aphorisms are a bit similar in meaning to the popular saying "The wedge is knocked out with a wedge."

An unusual genre for Andrey Platonov is actually very close to his heart. The writer loved the land, the people who have lived on it for centuries. This strong thread connected Platonov with his native people, their national spirit, aspirations and thoughts, fairy tales and true stories.

Subject: Andrey Platonovich Platonov "Magic Ring".


1. Educational:

to introduce A.P. Platonov’s fairy tale “The Magic Ring”.

2. Developing:

develop the ability to reveal the instructive meaning.

3. Educational:

to cultivate moral qualities: kindness, generosity, caring for loved ones, the ability to help in difficult times.

Lesson type: a lesson in mastering new tasks and skills.

Methods: explanatory, information-reporting, search, problematic, encouraging, written.

During the classes.

    Org moment. Emotional mood.

We came here to study

Don't be lazy, just work hard.

We work diligently

And listen carefully!

    Checking homework.

Dramatization of the work of S.Ya. Marshak "The Tale of the Goat"

Action one. Cast:

Goat - Amangeldy Aibar

Grandfather - Ersayynov Erasyl

Baba: Rita Zyryanova


Guys, in the last lessons we met with another literary genre - a play. What other literary genres do you know?

Literary genres

Fairy tale "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

The story "Quail"

The story "Scarlet Sails"

    So today we will continue our acquaintance with fairy tales. Fairy tale by Andrei Platonovich Platonov "The Magic Ring". We will also continue learning to analyze the text, learn to determine the moralizing meaning of the work, cultivate kindness, generosity, care for loved ones, help in difficult times

    A conversation about a writer. Biographical information about the writer based on the table.

A. Platonovich

was the eldest

There were 12 children housewife mother

father was


    Work on the topic of the lesson.


Swing, spin around

Stretch, straighten up

Sit down, sit down

Walk, walk

Stand on your toe on your heel

Jump on, squat.

Take a deep breath now

Sit down, rest quietly.

All right hello

And write, friends, start.

    Dictionary work.

Guys, there is an unfamiliar word in this fairy tale. Let's write it down in a notebook.

Matitsa is a ceiling beam located in the middle of the house.

    Work on illustrations:

Look at the pictures from the fairy tale. What moments are shown here?

    Work with proverbs.

What proverbs correspond to the content of the tale?

1) Bread is the head of everything.

2) Poverty teaches, but wealth corrupts.

3) Who with the tongue, the one with the pie.

4) He who did not know the need does not know happiness either.

5) There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped.

6) Happiness is better than wealth.

    Summary of the lesson.

1) Name the main characters.

2) Who is the negative character in the fairy tale?

3) Why did the king snake give Semyon a ring?

4) And who helped Semyon in difficult times?

5) Did you like the story?

"Fairy tale is a lie, Yes, there is a hint

good fellows lesson.


What good did this lesson teach you?

Did you like the lesson?

Our article will be devoted to the fairy tale "Magic Ring", a summary of which we will describe. Many of us from childhood are familiar with the wonderful cartoon of the same name by Leonid Nosyrev. But few people know that the author of the original text is Andrey Platonov, widely known for such serious works as "The Pit" or "Chevengur".

About the book

In 1950, the collection "Magic Ring" was published, which, in addition to the work of the same name, included several more Russian folk tales in the author's processing. This was not the first such book by Platonov, he had willingly written for children before.

However, the fairy tale "The Magic Ring" (a summary will be presented below) received the greatest fame and quickly won the hearts of readers, maintaining its popularity to this day. Moreover, recently the work has become part of the primary school curriculum.

Now let's take a closer look at the content of the work.

A. P. Platonov, "The Magic Ring": a summary

Even under the tsar, a peasant mother and her son Semyon lived. There was no prosperity in the house: poor linen clothes, and bread was not always available. The only family income is a penny for the deceased father, which was given to Semyon in the city once a month.

And then one day Semyon returns from the city with a penny received. And he sees a man on the road who is going to strangle a puppy. The guy could not stand it, he regretted the animal he bought for a single penny.

The mother was not happy with the purchase: there is no cow in the house, but he brought the dog. But Semyon did not lose heart and answered that the puppy would also be useful.

A month passed, Semyon again went to the city and this time received two whole kopecks - they added a pension. He comes back, again sees the same man, who this time is torturing the cat. I had to redeem it, giving both pennies. The mother got even angrier, swearing at the unlucky son.


So, another month passed, our hero went to the city and this time he already received three kopecks - they added a pension again. He goes along the same road and sees the same man, who this time is harassing the snake. I had to give all the money this time.

However, the snake turned out to be talking and, consoling Semyon, said that her name was Scarabea, and the snake king would definitely reward the guy for saving his daughter.

Seeing the snake, the mother was frightened and immediately climbed onto the stove. She didn't even swear anymore. Only she did not like this snake: that is, she won’t give, then she won’t pour water, then she will come. Then Scarapea asked to be taken to the serpent kingdom, where her father, the serpent king, lives. And ahead of time she warned that Semyon would not take gold as a reward, but asked for a ring from the king's hand. The ring is conspicuous - a snake's head is squeezed out on it and green stones burn instead of eyes.

The king at first did not want to part with the ring, but then he gave it away and told how to use it.

home with a gift

As you can see, Platonov borrowed a lot from folklore for his fairy tale. The “Magic Ring”, a brief summary of which is presented here, has all the signs of a magical folk tale: magical helpers whom the protagonist saved, a miraculous acquisition of wealth, repeating the same action three times.

We return to the story. Semyon returned home and used the ring the same night. As soon as he took off and put on the magical thing again, twelve fellows appeared in front of him. The guy ordered them to bring flour, sugar and butter to the barn overnight. Wakes up in the morning, let's wake up her mother, ask her to bake pies. She replies that the pantries are empty. Semyon sends his mother to the barn, where she finds everything she needs, to her surprise. Since then, they began a different life, in abundance and satiety.

royal daughter

But this does not end the work that Platonov wrote ("The Magic Ring"). The summary tells that Semyon decided to marry the royal daughter. He sent his mother as a matchmaker, and he ordered the fellows to build a mansion for him.

The king did not want to give his daughter to a simple peasant, but Semyon's mother insisted. Then he replied that he would give the princess for the one who would build the crystal bridge.

During the night, the fellows completed the royal task, and even made a car that drives itself along the bridge.

The tsar had to give his daughter in exchange for Seeds. At first, family life went well. But one day the newlyweds went for a walk, wandered into the forest and fell asleep there. Aspid, the brother of Scarapea, who himself wanted to get a magic ring, passed by. Then the serpent decided to turn into a girl and take Semyon away from his wife along with the ring. But it did not work out, the guy drove him away.


We continue to describe the events of the fairy tale "Magic Ring". The summary now describes the temptation of the queen. Asp this time turns into a young man and goes to Semyon's wife. The girl could not resist the spell, and the snake asked her to find out how the magic ring works.

Unaware of the trick, Semyon told his wife everything and even gave her a magical thing for a while. However, the princess, as soon as she received the ring, ordered that both the mansion and the bridge be moved to Aspid.

Semyon woke up in the morning with his mother - and they have nothing else, only an old hut, and a cat and a dog. Having learned about this, the king ordered the guy to be thrown into prison. Mother, out of desperation, went to beg.

Then the cat and the dog understood that Seeds had to be saved, and they set off to get the ring. They found out the way to Aspid, climbed into the house at night and received the treasured little thing.


The fairy tale written by Andrei Platonov is coming to an end. The magic ring (a summary has already described this) turned out to be in the possession of a dog and a cat, who rushed back home with all their paws.

The cat keeps the ring under the tongue all the way. Friends ran to the river, beyond which Semyon's house. To cross the water, the dog had to put a cat on his back. The dog swims in the water and reminds the cat to be silent. The cat could not resist and answered. The ring immediately fell into the river.

They ended up on the shore and let's argue who is to blame for everything. Here, not far away, the fishermen were cleaning their catch and threw offal to the animals. A cat and a dog began to eat them, and suddenly they came across something solid - a ring!

The cat snuck into the prison to the owner and gave the ring. Semyon immediately freed himself, returned the mansion and the bridge, and gave the royal daughter back.

After this incident, the guy decided to marry a simple, rural girl.