Short toasts happy birthday to woman. Birthday - Annual Dar. Best Toast Men Birthday

I wish your life to be luxurious - there would be luxurious well-being in it, luxurious mood and luxurious perspectives. Happy Birthday!

Beautiful toast on his birthday

It is the time of the annual holiday, when it is necessary to remind you of what a good person you are, listing all the good qualities and wish the best for the future. But! Any good person and knows himself about his qualities and what he strives for him, so we will not waste time and proceed to the celebration!

Birthday toast original

Artificial intelligence wonderful thing. Today told his robot that my birthday is. He looked at me and issued Pearl "You need to update the owner." For "artificial intelligence" and our birthday!

Delicate toast on the birthday of a woman

Woman ... how much in this word caress, understanding, good! Each of you is unique, unique and mysterious. Congratulations on you (name) today, I want to wish, be always welcome, love, tender, enjoy success and attention. And I still wish to stay always beautiful, good and endlessly happy! Be always a woman!

Best Toast Men Birthday

Listen to this parable:
"Once a student asked his teacher:" So that you say if I fell? " The teacher answered: "Get up". Then the student said: "And if I fell again?" The teacher answered again: "Get up!" Then the student asked in surprise: "And how many times do you need to fall and rise?" Then the teacher looked at him and said: "Fall and raise as long as you are alive! After all, if you could not climb, you would not be alive! "
Favorite, I want to drink for you, for the fact that you are always ready to come to the rescue, you can find a way out of any difficult situation, for what you have!

Short Toast Birthday

Let's drink for that we live better and better, no matter how disgusting it is surrounding!

Cute toast on the birthday of a friend

To see himself, he needs to look into the mirror, and to see himself from the inside, he needs to look into the eyes of a true friend! And such eyes, I found you, dear my friend, and it is for them that I want to drink, let them be as honest and beautiful, and always tell me the truth about me!

Birthday toast to a friend

There are two friends. One says:
- Give me a thousand thousand.
- I can give only five hundred. No more. Other five hundred
I will have.
Let's drink for real friends and that we have
It was more.

Funny toast on birthday

It is better to be full than hungry, it is better to live in the world than in the malice, it is better to be necessary than free, that's why you drink!

Funny Caucasian Birthday Toast

One Jigita had a lovedness of Asha. Jigit loved her Ashah so much that a miracle was accomplished - Izhak began to turn into an excellent Daevka. So let's drink for a rapid fantasy, which forced Jigita to see such metamorphosis!

Rye Toast Happy Birthday

Let's drink for those on board. Who overboard will go away!

Wise Birthday Toast

Cleaning the room, the servant found the ruble and gave the owner.
"Since you are so honest, leave him yourself," said that.
A few days later the owner lost the golden pencil and asked the servant, did he find him in the room.
"I found," he answered, "but he left him for honesty."
Let's drink for the fact that we are smallerly losing, and they found more.

Toast on the birthday in your own words

It is said that once a long time ago, people did not become, but at the same time, they never changed and could not fully understand what happiness is what love is what friendship is. And once they were given a choice, to know all this, but in return time became powerful above them, they were scared, but they decided to take a chance and did not lose! After all, without time, we would not know this love, real friendship and true happiness! So let's drink on your birthday, for the time you have lived, and for all that good that it was presented to you!

Toast in prose for a birthday

Birthday is a wonderful holiday. All the best on this day only for you. Do not be sad that the years fly imperceptibly, you need to enjoy the acquired experience and wisdom. I sincerely wish to see in my life only the best, more positive, less chests, a sea of \u200b\u200bjoy, mountains of money, more fun moments and a huge supply of health. Lift glasses for you!

Good toast on birthday

Dear culprit celebration! As we are accepted, I will not call the number of years that have fulfilled to you today. But, as Bernard show said: "Women can be taken out in society, starting from thirty years since that time they begin to improve." So let's drink for your improvement and for mad success in society!

Cool short toast on birthday

Let another year left,
He was full of good luck and happiness!
We drink for you, and now
Side will be all bad weather!
Let's raise our glasses for the birthday room, to whom we wish the sincere happiness and fulfillment of desires.

Toast on the birthday girl

If you look at the night sky and look closely at the stars, we can conclude that they are all, like people, are the same different. When a person is born - a new star appears in the celestial space. The star of a healthy person shines brightly, if a person is sick - his star fades. When we go to the "other world", our stars fall from the sky. Today I drink for what your star, dear birthdaynica always glowing very brightly and never fell.

Birthday toast

Mom's birthday - for me a holy holiday. I am mommy, you wish you a beautiful and saturated life. And life is accompanied by a guide star. Like a wild fire let them warm my love to you. I wish all the wonderful, as well as to gain peace of mind. Happy birthday mom!

Toast husband for birthday

I want to congratulate your loved one's birthday and dear husband! I want you in life after every turn of fate only luck, whatever your work brought you pleasure and a lot of money, your health has not let down. And of course, I want to wish you love, which I promise to always give you, which will warm you in cold and difficult times. Thank you for being with me. For you!

Birthday Wife

My spouse is my birthday today! Therefore, I'm full of inspiration. You have native all the colors, all joyful and happy moments. You are beautiful today, as always, for many years. Your sparkling eyes and smiles lacks me now. I drink your birthday, native, this moment and an hour!

Toast greetings happy birthday

In your bright birthday
Wine for health let the river be pouring!
Desires for any performance
Fate let him scatter the generous hand!
For joy, health, good luck, love,
For life without problems and for happiness your
Glasses will be filled to the very edges,
And drink to the bottom! And again Nallem!

Birthday toast

I wish you to collect a generous harvest: health, good luck and love.
And so that everything was abundant. And alone only lack of:
time to think about where all this is taken.

When a beautiful flower appears on the light, everyone who see him is pleasure to enjoy his beauty. The same happens on the birthday of a woman. Do not notice how it is especially beautiful on this day, it is simply impossible. Let's drink to the charm of our birthday girl, as strong and on any other day, as today.

I raise a glass for my birthday
And for the health of a woman's beautiful drink,
I wish you happiness, joy, good
And embody a cherished dream!

Let there be more light, bright colors,
Let the problem pass by, side,
I wish you a fabulous life of life,
Throw your sadness!

The people have a proverb: a man is head, but a woman is a neck. Where the neck will turn his head, go there and looks. So let's drink to ________ there was a wise and obedient head, so that the woman was easier!

In this solemn day, I want to raise a glass for a unique woman to the culprit of this celebration! Our holiday is your charming date. In the wonderful day, we wish you want, the health of strong, love, in your family of mutual understanding, wealth, and a lot - a lot of forces you. Whatever your cherished worships would be fulfilled, and he was with you next to the one who dear and love.

Such do not fit in the closet, let the vases in the house be filled with flowers, let the diamonds be on their hands, let her husband look like in love with her eyes. So much I want to say on your birthday. Every year you're more beautiful, more beautiful! I did not come at all, but only for a year I became happier!

It is said that a woman is a huge book, which is generally impossible to explore. Often, this is argued by men. But they do not know that it is necessary to fill this book yourself to create your masterpiece. So, I want to wish, so that with you, there was always a real connoisseur of books, who relates to works. Be the happiest in this world!

Charming, beautiful and gentle,
You are charm,
I want to drink for you today,
So that beauty does not fade!

For the joy, for dreams, for life,
And for the year, beautiful yours,
You are a woman of extraordinary beauty,
I wish you so that dreams come true!

I want to raise this glass, for our birthday! Extra all the problems that they have, she does not take to heart, because it is then it will be able to feel the most real freedom and ease in life!

One Padishals ranged his beloved Unusual gift - a huge turbid stone of a strange form. I did not delighted the girl to such a belitment and ordered to reset the stone into the river. Let's drink for you to have enough patience and forces to turn your diamond in a diamond!

The flowers are always like a paradise garden, and in the ocean of happiness cry, let life will be generous to you, like the rivers of the waterfalls. In your soul, let the light be, and in life joy flourishes, and the real love is forever the union with your beloved warms! And raising her glass, everything that said (said) I send - for the review of heaven, and let them give you up!

Let's drink for those who love laughter!

To all be always!

My toast brief - drink for our men!

Something got bored, glasses raise us, is not it?

My toast For good people: so few of us left!

So that our children have rich parents!

For brandy, kebab, music and pleasant conversations!

Let's drink for big women who create a wonderful shadow on a hot day!

In order to rejoice in every day and never give in to the sin of despondency!

For ensuring that the Ocean worries could not dissolve the streams of our joys!

Letting For slow lifetime lifestyle!

For our wealth and our health!

We raise the glasses for our friends go to restaurants, and our enemies went on crutches!

Slisp and gloomy, we sit down. To be happy to revive, you need to roll a glass!

Sadness in the shower, in brains stagnation, maybe let's drink on the second?

For those gods and saints that we are guarded!

It is better to be healthy and rich than sick and poor!

Goodbye, mind! See you tomorrow!

We raise the glasses , I will move them at once, let him live a muse, and marasmus will be cut!

To live life not in vain, you need to drink!

All we can create hands are bad, let's drink for our children!

Let's drink for a kiss invented by a man in order to somehow close the mouth of a woman!

Thirst is a small illness that must be cured.

Children are beautiful flowers of life. So give the same girl for a wonderful flower!

Let's drink for men who can lie for others and stand up for themselves.

I want to wish you a sea of \u200b\u200bmoney, the ocean of love and a lot of time to have time to enjoy all this!

Before the emergency ... under the table!

A person is born with a cry, and dies with a moan. Let's drink for our life to go with
with fur.

During feast It is very important to know the measure. After all, you risks drink less. So poke another one
for a speedy approach to a given extent!

I wish everyone so much sadness, how many drops left in the glass!

To have something to wear and to someone to remove!

I wish the jubilee to put it in prison for rape!

For those who are not with us, but speaks good about us!

For beautiful, lovely, attractive, smart, good - for us, men!

One day God gave a drink. No one knows this day. And not to miss, we will drink

I wish you the ocean of good luck and the dacha at the ocean.

I suggest a drink for cute ladies and other mythical characters ...

Behind a woman who can awaken in a man the best qualities!

Drunkenness - Fight! Fit before the fight?

And how can you drink vodka every other day? Here every day I can not get used ...

For ensuring your wishes were afraid of your opportunities!

Let's drink for him - for success, and for it - for good luck!

I suggest a drink for me. You don't care, but I am pleased.

Lying never falls. There may be the one who runs. I suggest a drink for running.

I want to drink a wine and vodka container from today!

Let's drink for those who drink himself, but people do not give. For valiant employees of the traffic police!

Turning a stream, the girl raises the skirt to his knees. So raise the same glasses for women passing
oceans and sea.

Women are similar to flowers! But it is possible to appreciate the true beauty of colors only when they
will dissolve. For loose women!

A set of wishes is always unchanged: more health and the same amount of money!

I drink a lot of money for you, and you could not fight back from her!

I want to drink for mistresses and wives, or rather that they never stopped!

We raise the cups for stuffed pockets!

I drink for the ladies, because "I will not give" - \u200b\u200ban ugly word.

For horses, for the ladies and for those who climb them!