Cosmetic face masks from wrinkles at home. Effective wrinkle masks at home. Homemade Masks Fruit Anti Wrinkle

Each woman wrinkles appear at different ages depending on the type of skin, place of residence, genetics, profession, life circumstances, well-being and many other factors.
However, let's try to determine the main factors that affect the time of the occurrence and the degree of severity of wrinkles appearing with age.

  • The sun.
    The sun, no matter how much its benefits and necessity for our body is recognized as one of the most unfavorable factors accelerating the formation of wrinkles. For many years, doctors notice that people from the countryside, almost constantly conducting the time in the open air due to the kind of work and not using protective cream, look much older than their age. They drastically feature wrinkled skin of the face from smooth and beautifully survived body skin.
    The protective cream from the Sun must be remembered to both urban residents. By the way, the protective cream should be applied not only on the face, but also on the hands, especially if you spend a lot of time on the street or are a hot fan of the tan. Remember, the woman's hands give age, so take care of them.
  • Heredity.
    Even wrinkles are inherited, so the correct way to determine the time of the first wrinkles and the degree of their severity is to look at the photos at this age of their parents, grandparents.
  • Poor eyesight.
    Vertical wrinkles over the bridge and wrinkles around the eyes can occur ahead of time from constant seaming with poor eyesight. Such wrinkles may not be at all age, but to meet both of all young women. Wear glasses or use contact lenses and wrinkles will disappear if you have not quite old age.
  • Emotions.
    Everyone knows that the first wrinkles appear from the Mimic manifestation of our emotions.
    It is interesting to know that positive emotions are rather gymnastics for the muscles of the face, because they are moving and diverse. Negative emotions usually lead to the tense frosting of the facial expressions of the face.
    Present a face of a distressed, angry or irritated person - frowny forehead, shifted eyebrows, tensely closed lips. A person can be for a long time with such a mask, the face seems to be free. So the first deep wrinkles are laid, which will become deeper with age. Fortunately, such wrinkles are easily corrected by cosmetologists using Botox injections, hyaluronic acid and others.
  • Position during sleep.
    With age, when collagen in the skin becomes less, premature wrinkles may appear from the fact that you are always in the same position. Lossing elasticity with age does not have time to restore its elasticity, and the nasolabial folds appear on the site of constant squeezing. Try to sleep on your back.

What helps from wrinkles?

  • Eat more bright vegetables and fruits. It is known that bright fruits contain substances that can withstand harmful external influences - solar radiation, dry air of heated rooms. In a word, everything that is harmful to our skin. Antioxidants contained in berries, bright fruits, green vegetables (carrots, peppers), as well as in green tea allow our skin to remain elastic and fresh even with age. It is very recommended to actively consume food products with vitamins C, A and E.
  • It is necessary to stimulate the production of collagen and maintain its normal structure deforming with age. For this, there are creams and cosmetic procedures.
  • The body needs water as well as in useful products. And also so much water is our skin. When water is not enough, the skin loses its elasticity and wrinkles look more emphasized. In addition, water helps to dissolve faster and remove toxins from the body, from which the skin is darker and aging.
    So that our skin retained youth as long as possible and there was no wrinkle, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Girls! Remember! Not tea, not coffee, not juices or other drinks, but clean, non-carbonated water. And, of course, to use rejuvenating cosmetics that increase the skin tone and contribute to the renewal of cells, as well as natural face masks against wrinkles, cooked independently at home.
  • To maintain skin tone, it is useful to periodically apply on the skin of the mask. And in the summer it is better to use products from gardens and gardens for masks. It is important to remember that before putting a mask on the face, you need to clean the skin carefully. Prepare mixes for masks needed immediately before use, and any mask will become most effective if the face muscles are relaxed. Therefore, masks, and especially the masks against wrinkles, should be made by half or lying.

With dry skin, it should not be particularly carried away with soap, it is better to use only cool water for washing. We offer you some simple, but very effective recipes for smoothing masks at home that will help you remove wrinkles.

Recipe 1: Homemade face mask against wrinkles - egg (protein) + cucumber.

Great for very oily skin. Purified cucumber grant on a fine grater, and the resulting cleaner mixed with 1 tablespoon of egg protein (bleach pre-slightly) in equal proportions. Apply to the skin for 15-20 minutes, then wash off cool water.

Recipe 2: Mask smoothing for face from wrinkles with viburnum juice - sugar + viburnum juice + water + starch.

The mask has a smoothing effect and perfectly tones the skin.
30 ml Kalina Juice Mix C? teaspoon sugar, 1 glass of water and 15 gr. Starch. Mix thoroughly before the formation of the casket mass. To impose a mask on face and neck for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Recipe 3: face mask from wrinkles at home - yolk + olive oil + cabbage.

Cabbage is just a storehouse of vitamins, and a vegetable capable of rejuvenating any skin.
1 tablespoon of grated ordinary blonde cabbage mix with 2 teaspoons of olive oil and 1 egg yolk. Enter the crawl on the face and keep 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water, and apply a nutrient cream.

Recipe 4: Smoothing wrinkle mask at home - honey + yolk eggs.

A very common and simple, but very effective recipe that helps get rid of wrinkles.
1 egg yolk rubble with 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply on the face for 5-10 minutes, then washed off with warm water.
Tip: Because Honey is a strong allergen, make sure that you do not feel a negative reaction to this product.

Recipe 5: Herbal homemade mask-rings for smoothing wrinkles from calendula for oily skin.

1 tablespoon of dry flowers calendula pour 1 cup of water and heat around 15 minutes in a water bath. Cool and strain through the gauze. Add boiled water to a glass volume and wipe the skin with this infusion during the day. The resulting infusion can be stored about 2 days.
From this same, the infusion can be made compress: folding the gauze into several layers, to rush to rich, then slightly squeeze and put on the face for 10-15 minutes. Such a cold compress is also used to accelerate the healing of acne and acne. Calendula is part of homeopathic drugs as a wonderful antiseptic.

Recipe 6: Smoothing face mask against wrinkles - sour cream (cream) + banana + yolk + honey.

1 tablespoon of a ripe banana casher mix with egg yolk, 1 tablespoon of fatty sour cream or cream and 1 teaspoon of honey. The resulting mixture is applied to face and neck for 15-20 minutes. Wash the mask with warm water and apply cream.

Recipe 7: wrinkle mask with watermelon pulp juice.

Watermelon perfectly pulls the skin of the face, smoothes and removes wrinkles.
The juice of therapy watermelon is frozen in the molds and wipe the face with cubes during the day. And the watermelon clench can be imposed on face and neck for 10-15 minutes, then slightly rinse with cool water.

Recipe 8: face masks from wrinkles with blue clay.

Blue clay is a very common and well-known component of efficient face masks.
A blue clay cooked for a mask is bred by herbal presentation suitable for the composition of your skin, to the consistency of sour cream. Apply on face and neck through massage lines for 15-20 minutes. This mask is washed with warm water. Be sure to apply the nutrient cream.
Tip: For dry skin, you can add a drop of olive oil to the mass. At the time when the mask is on your face, it is best to go straight (without a pillow), close your eyes and relax the muscles of the face. No faith!

Recipe 9: People's mask against wrinkles - yolk + lemon juice.

Excellent smoothes and at the same time cleans the skin of the face.
Lemon juice mix 1 egg yolk. The resulting mixture gently apply on the face of a soft tassel, avoiding the area around the eyes. After 20 minutes, wash off cool water and apply cream.

Recipe 10: Masks for the skin of the face from wrinkles - pineapple + sour cream (yogurt - kefir).

In addition, the fruit masks have a lot of vitamins and perfectly nourish and smooth the skin, they have fresh with aroma and beautiful color that in itself gives a positive attitude.
Kashitsa juicy pineapple mix with 1 tablespoon of natural yogurt or sour cream, impose on face and neck for 10 minutes. Then wash off with plenty of water and apply your favorite nutrient cream.

Video - Simple Wrinkle Remedy:

When applying masks and creams, be careful: any means can have individual intolerance, check it first on the skin of the hand!

Thank you

There is a huge number of masks from wrinkles, circle head. The simplest and, in principle, effective masks are food. Nature and our refrigerator are a storehouse of beauty and health. On the face you can apply sour cream or cottage cheese, carrot soup, kishka or maslice, cucumber, banana, and even gulls and caffekers, in general, who loves and whom that suits. Such a nutrition of our skin will contribute to the prevention of its aging, gradually smoothing the surface mimic wrinkles and the temporary improvement in the fresh form of the face and good mood. And also, importantly, it is cheap and does not require the cost of time and strength. It is important to remember that everything that concerns our person must be fresh, high-quality and clean. Such feeding should be done regularly, but not daily, no more than 2-3 times a week. A quick result from such procedures does not have to wait.

To achieve greater efficiency to the issue of masks, it is necessary to come in more detail, select their components carefully, according to the peculiarities of their skin and its needs.

What wrinkles can be smoothed with cosmetic masks?

  • First wrinkles;
  • mimic folds;
  • surface wrinkles;
  • deep and age wrinkles - corrections with masks succumb to slowly and give only some improvement in the appearance of the skin.

Where is it better to buy masks and other means from wrinkles?

Masks prepared independently, always more efficiently ready-made cosmetic masks. This does not mean that it is necessary to be content with only the methods of traditional medicine - many ingredients can be purchased in pharmacies and specialized stores. The main thing is that you know about the composition of your mask, the quality of each ingredient, and the mask itself is prepared immediately before applying without additives of preservatives, fragrances and dyes. Not all manufacturers are conscientious and not always the composition of their products corresponds to the stated on the packaging.

How to use face masks?

1. First you need correct the ingredients for the maskthat you need.
2. Make sure that the mask you chose does not contain the components on which there is an allergic reaction. For this you can spend Allergotch, apply a little ready-made means on the back of the forearm and leave for 15 minutes. If after washing the mask there is no redness, rashes or swelling, then on the face this mask will be moved well.
3. Choose time to use a mask. Some masks can not be applied before reaching the sun or frost. Nourishing masks It is advisable to use in the evening, before bedtime. Most masks will be more efficient if they are applied early in the morning - this is due to the normal release of the daily dose of most hormones in the body.
4. Before the mask you need clear skinFor this, you can use special cleansing lotions or even just a cosmetic soap.
5. Using Scrab Before the mask will improve the result rejuvenationSince the top layer of the epithelium is quite rough and prevents the penetration of funds in the deeper layers of the skin. Also, the scrub helps the acceleration of the epithelium update. For scrub, ready tools, coffee thick, oatmeal, salt and even semolina cereals are suitable.

6. The mask is applied to the face with a pillow of fingers, a more liquid mask can be applied using brushes. At the same time, the direction of application of the mask should be from the center to the periphery, for example from the forehead center to the temples, from the nose to the chests and chin. Also, the cooked tool can be applied to the gauze, and then on the face.
7. Most face masks can not be applied in the area around the eyes and lips, some masks are not recommended to use in the neck area where the thyroid gland is located.
8. The mask cannot be applied for a period of time more recommended, the result will not be more pronounced, but irritation and allergic reactions may occur.
9. During the action of the mask, you need to lie down and relax, think about good, close your eyes, do not speak and not strain the mimic muscles.
10. You can remove the mask with a warm or cool water, a moistened towel. Some masks are removed by one layer, in the bottom of the bottom. The main thing is that this procedure does not injure. After the mask, we need to wash it cold water or wipe the face with ice cubes. At the same time, it is unwanted to wipe the face with a towel, let's dry the skin yourself.
11. After the procedure for using a face mask, a nutritious or moisturizer can be used.

What components should be part of a mask to quickly get rid of wrinkles?

Effective wrinkling mask should contain:

1. Moisturizing components:

  • aloe, chamomile, calendula, parsley;
  • many fruits and berries;
  • vegetable and essential oils;
  • vitamin E;
  • glycerol;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • silk proteins and so on.

2. Nutrient ingredients:
  • egg yolk;
  • vitamins A, group B, C, D, E;
  • almost all vegetable oils;
  • dairy products containing cholesterol: sour cream, milk, butter, cottage cheese, cream;
  • lanolin;
  • phosphorus, caviar fish;
  • salts and minerals, green tea, coffee.
3. Components with lifting effect *:
  • clay;
  • gelatin;
  • starch, potatoes;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • banana;
  • cereals, oatmeal, manka and others.

4. Protection against the negative impact of environmental factors and restoring damaged epidermis:
  • vegetable oils;
  • animal fats;
  • vitamins A, E, C, D;
  • some vegetables and herbs.

5. Components withdrawing ache stains on the face (if necessary) - peeling -Effect:
  • fruit acids (lemons and other citruses);
  • various scrubs;
  • calcium chloride;
  • children's soap and so on.

6. Ingredients, narrow skin pores (if necessary):
  • cucumber, parsley;
  • sour fruits and so on.

* Lifting is tightening the skin, increase its elasticity and elasticity. To prepare masks from wrinkles with a lifting effect, components are used, which stimulate the production of own collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid in the skin, improve the local metabolism and blood circulation, contribute to the acceleration of the recovery of the epidermis, delay moisture in the skin. Lifting is also achieved when using special creams, hardware and injection procedures, plastic operations.

Important! Masks with severe lifting effects are desirable to use aged after 30 years. For young girls, lifting is also needed, but less active, and it should be applied short courses, and not constantly. Also lifting is not recommended with pronounced obesity and after plastic operations (for 6 months).

As can be seen, options for masks against wrinkles can be a huge amount, the main thing is to know their principles and its own characteristics, and then the fantasy and the presence of certain components will help you find our ideal means of wrinkles. The mask usually includes several components, but it is the dominant products that will be responsible for obtaining a particular effect. We propose to consider the action of some of these ingredients on the skin of the face in detail.

Action of some natural masks on the skin of the face when dealing with wrinkles

Masks from wrinkles Received effects Features of applying masks
Cucumber masks - Chic result, tested by centuries
  • Fast effect visible after first use;
  • moisturizes;
  • stimulates skin immunity;
  • increases the skin tone, including around the eyes, contributes to the production of elastin and collagen;
  • purification of pore skin;
  • powerful anti-inflammatory effect and prevention of ease of acne and rashes;
  • removes edema, especially under the eyes;
  • has a whitening effect, reducing the intensity of pigment spots;
  • improves blood circulation in the skin, as a result - healthy complexion;
  • protects against the negative action of the sun, frost, wind.
Cucumber should be fresh and without peel. For the preparation of masks, you can use pieces of vegetable, mashed potatoes, juice, including ice.
Perhaps regular daily use, as well as as ambulance when problems appearing on the skin of the face.
Ideal for masks in the area around the eyes.
Recommended at any age to combat all kinds of wrinkles.
Suitable for any type of skin, especially fat and combined.
Masks with olive oil - Magic skin
  • Increases skin tone, smoothes wrinkles;
  • moisturizes;
  • nourishes the skin with vitamins;
  • protects against the negative effects of environmental factors;
  • warns the development of wrinkles;
  • satures oxygen skin, improves metabolism in it;
  • forms the water-fat layer of the epidermis;
  • it has a good anti-inflammatory property.
Olive oil can be used for any age, pregnant and lactating for the prevention of stretch marks and for any type of skin with any problems. It can be used both in its pure form and with the addition of various ingredients.
Olive oil is the perfect tone and moisturizing the skin of the face, eyelid, around the eyes, lips and decollete.
Recommended for regular daily applications both for prevention and to eliminate skin skin problems.
Aloe masks - Healing skin from ailments
  • Moisturizing;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • immunity;
  • improving the tone due to the acceleration of metabolism in the skin, smoothing wrinkles;
  • acceleration of skin epidermis update;
  • healing damaged skin;
  • food Skin with vitamins, trace elements and other useful substances.
Aloe juice is usually used. In order to get it at home, it is necessary to wrap the leaves into the cloth and put in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.
Recommended for regular use at any age 1-3 times a week. Improves the appearance of the skin with various wrinkles.
Suitable for all types of skin of the face, especially for dry, sensitive and problematic.
The mask is especially shown for the zones around the lips and the neckline.
Masks on sour cream, cream, butter, milk, cottage cheese - Perfect skin feeding
  • Excellent nuts skin with everything necessary;
  • moisturizes;
  • improves skin metabolism, updates the epidermis;
  • stimulates the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid;
  • heals;
  • enhances immunity;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • whitens and struggles with Cooperoz.
These masks are recommended at the age after 30 years for flavored leather, dyed wrinkles. Applied courses of 10 procedures 2-3 times a week.
Masks made of dairy products are shown for dry skin.
Mask from laminarytransforms aging skin
  • Moisturizes;
  • normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • increases skin tone;
  • improves metabolic processes;
  • whitens;
  • pulls the skin when it savage;
  • removes edema, especially around the eyes;
  • improves blood circulation, satures oxygen skin;
  • matches the complexion.
Recommended for applying mature women whose skin is covered with wrinkles, as well as with problem skin with rashes, red spots.
It is possible to use in the area around the eyes.
Typically use dry algae, which is soaked in water before use.
  • the presence of guns;
  • predisposition to allergies;
  • cooperoz;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.
The mask can be done no more than once a week. The course is usually 5-10 procedures.
Yeast mask
  • Powerfully stimulates the metabolism of the skin, saturates its oxygen;
  • derives from skin harmful substances and carbon dioxide;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • speeds up the process of updating the epidermis;
  • restores damaged skin and relieves inflammation;
  • increases local immunity;
  • struggles with acne and other rashes;
  • normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands.
Use any kinds of yeast, including beer. It is important to use a mask immediately after its preparation.
The mask is suitable for any age and any type of skin, especially with its increased fatness. The yeast is ideal for skin with wrinkles, acne, pigment stains.
Mask with glycerin
against wrinkles - moisturizes all layers of skin
  • Contributes to the penetration of moisture from the environment deep into the skin;
  • protects against environmental factors environmental factors;
  • narrows pores;
  • powerful anti-inflammatory and healing effect;
  • increases skin tone and smoothes wrinkles, improving skin metabolism and blood circulation.
Glycerin cannot be used in pure form, it is added to other ingredients with several drops, for example, to clay, ammonic alcohol with warm water (glycerol no more than 5% of the total mask volume).
Glycerin is especially shown for dry skin, perfectly moisturizes in the winter frosty period. It has a good rejuvenating effect.
Means with glycerin can be used regularly.
Oatmeal and rice mask in the fight against wrinkles - delicate velvet leather
  • Pore \u200b\u200bcleansing, normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • mats the complexion;
  • good nutrition
  • increased skin tone.
Oatmeal or rice flour are usually used, pre-closed in milk or kefir.
Such masks are more suitable for fatty and combined face skin.
Oatmeal and rice leveled wrinkles and make the skin velvet and fresh.
Showing for use after 30 years.
It is recommended to use a mask 2-3 times a week, 10-15 procedures courses.
Potato mask - pure and fresh skin
  • Improves metabolic processes in the skin, saturates with oxygen and removes harmful substances;
  • narrows pores;
  • stimulates the production of own collagen;
  • whitens, levels the complexion;
  • has a good anti-inflammatory effect;
  • protects against the negative effect of sunlight and cold.
For making masks use raw or boiled potatoes.
Suitable for fatty skin. It copes well with wrinkles, eels, pigment stains. Suitable for any age.
Masks with banana - Tightening, freshness and rejuvenation
  • Feeds;
  • accelerates the metabolism in the skin, contributes to the formation of collagen and updating the epidermis;
  • increases skin tone;
  • whitens;
  • removes inflammation, heals;
  • normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • enhances local immunity.
We need ripe bananas without dark spots. Can be used in a pure form or in the form of combinations. Mask is preparing immediately before
Application. Courses for 10-20 procedures 2-3 times a week are shown.
Somes for all skin types, especially for fatty and combined.
The mask is recommended for girls for the 30s and even for 50-T with skin, dyed various wrinkles and with deep age folds.
Avocado against wrinkles - Exotic delicacy for your skin
  • Increases skin tone, makes it elastic;
  • nourishes and moisturizes;
  • improves metabolic processes;
  • protects against sun and frost;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • narrows pores;
  • satures the skin with oxygen;
  • instantly and for a long time refreshes the skin of the face.
The mask with avocado will help those who want to quickly improve the complexion and moisturize the skin, for this you need only one procedure. With more
For long use, namely, 10 procedures (once a week), a noticeable smoothing of wrinkles is achieved, the skin becomes elastic and young. This fruit will emphasize the natural beauty of the skin.
Avocado is recommended for dry and not recommended for oily skin with acne. It is also not recommended to apply such a mask in the area around the eyes.
Minus of this fruit - frequent allergic reactions.
Egg Masks of Squirrel and Yolk - "Eternal youth
  • Effectively nourishes the skin;
  • egg yolk effectively moisturizes;
  • normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, the pores narrows;
  • struggles with eels;
  • protects against wrinkles;
  • improves skin metabolism, enhances blood circulation;
  • stimulates the production of collagen and recovery of the epidermis;
  • levels the complexion.
We need only fresh eggs. You can use the whole egg, or separately protein and yolk. Egg protein is shown for oily skin, and yolk - for dry.
These masks are suitable for surface, mimic, deep and age wrinkles.
Recommended regular use 1-2 times a week.
Masks from clay- Page minerals All types of clays purify the pores and speed up the recovery of the epidermis.
  • Blue and blue clay: rejuvenates, improves metabolism and blood circulation, whitens.
  • Green clay: Moisturizes, nourishes the necessary trace elements, increases skin tone.
  • Red clay: The rejuvenating effect is complemented by anti-inflammatory effect.
  • White clay: Whitens, removes excess the skin, narrows pores.
  • Yellow clay It has anti-inflammatory effect, fights with acne.
  • Black clay - A wonderful scrub, effectively cleanses, nourishes the skin and improves blood circulation.
  • Gray and pink clay Provide moisturizing and nutrition of the skin.
Clay is used as a basis for various masks. Typically, vegetable oils, fruit juices or extracts, vitamins are added to clay.
White, blue and blue clay will fit for fatty skin. Gray, green and red clay moisturizes dry skin.
With wrinkles, blue, blue, green and red clay will effectively cope with. But with eclips they will cope with white, blue and yellow clay.
Clay can not be applied to the skin around the eyes and lips.
Such masks are suitable for regular applications 1-2 times a week.
Masks with gelatin - Natural collagen
Gelatin is a split collagen. Such protein is contained in the dermis, it is he who is responsible for elasticity and elasticity, moisturizing deep layers of the skin. Collagen penetrates the skin and fills its needs in this protein, returning her youth.Gelatin is used as a basis for masks, pre-soaking in water for half an hour.
Masters with gelatin will cope with various wrinkles, improve the condition of the skin at deep folds. Also gelatin improves the penetration of other nutrients added to the mask, enhances their effect. Not recommended for people younger than 30 years and for use in areas around the eyes.
The required course is 20 procedures 1-2 times a week. The result is visible after the first procedure.
Mask with crashmal - Instead of Botox
  • Enhances the metabolism and blood circulation in the skin;
  • moisturizes;
  • improves complexion;
  • improves the penetration of nutrients into the skin;
  • cleans the pores, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • removes skin inflammation.
Usually use potato starch.
Often, starch masks are compared with the Botox injection procedure. This is due to the rapid result and effective smoothing of wrinkles. After the first procedure, the skin becomes shining and silky.
Starch is more suitable for fatty and combined skin, dying with shallow wrinkles. For dry skin to starch, you can add moisturizing components.
Starch is not recommended if there is damage to the skin (wound, gun and so on).
Such masks are suitable for regular use 1-3 times a week.
Mask with propolis - An ideal invention of nature, a riddle for scientists
  • Prevention and effective smoothing of wrinkles;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • moisturizing;
  • healing, antibacterial effect and much more.
Propolis is dissolved in water, honey or fruit acids. Masks from propolis are suitable for all ages and any type of skin. But minus of this agent is the high probability of allergies on beekeeping products.
Masks with propolis are recommended by courses of 10-20 procedures 1-2 times a week.
Fish fat from wrinkles - concentrated complex Omega-3
  • Moisturizes;
  • brightens and matures the complexion;
  • rejuvenates the skin by improving the metabolism and blood circulation in the skin;
  • good anti-inflammatory effect.
Use fish fat capsules that are opened immediately before use. Recommended for use at any age, more suitable for dry and sensitive skin skin. Fish fat can be used in the zones of the lips, eyelids and around the eyes.
Mumie from wrinkles - Effective nutrition
  • Moisturizes;
  • nourishes, including indispensable amino acids;
  • accelerates the metabolism in the skin and improves blood circulation;
  • increases skin tone;
  • accelerates the recovery of the epidermis;
  • removes inflammation;
  • whitens and improves the complexion.
Mummy for masks are used as a powder.
It is shown for all skin types and in the presence of various problems aged after 30 years. Changes with superficial wrinkles and improves the condition of deep wrinkles.
Mummy masks are recommended for regular use 1-3 times a week.
Shea oil (Carite) from wrinkles - Unique oil for the whole body
  • Pronounced moisturizing;
  • nutrition with useful substances;
  • smoothes wrinkles by stimulating collagen production;
  • relieves inflammation and heals;
  • protects against negative factors;
  • increases skin elasticity.
You can apply to the whole body and face, including around the eyes and lips, neck zones and neckline.
Showing for dry and sensitive skin. Effectively with stretch marks and skin sorces.
Use at any age.
Suitable for daily use.

Turn on the fantasy and find your effective wrinkle mask.

Top 10: Recipes of the most efficient masks from wrinkles at home, reviews

Wrinkles began to appear - mask for smoothing small, shallow and first wrinkles (for age up to 35 years old)

Ingredients Masks:

  • fresh cucumber ;
  • raw potatoes;
Cooking method
Grate potatoes and cucumber on a shallow grater, stir and add 2-3 drops of olive oil.
I squeeze the cucumber juice, flicker and pour into the form for the preparation of ice, put it in the freezing chamber.

How to use?
Apply a mask on the face, including around the eyes and lips. Relax for 15 minutes, then washed off.
To achieve a better result after cucumber mask, we use a light bath. After the mixture began to thicken, add another 100 ml of water. We are preparing to complete thickening, that is, before the formation of a coolness.
2. We mix at 5 tbsp. l. The obtained celanet and freshly squeezed carrot juice.
3. We add sour cream and vitamin E, stirred - and the mask is ready.

How to use?
The mixture is applied to the entire face, including in the area around the eyes. We relax until the mask is completely drying and wash it with cool water. After that we apply a nutrient cream.

How often to use?
The first procedures can be carried out once every three or four days, then - 1 time per week.

Cosmetologist reviews:

  • fast result after the first procedure;
  • almost all small wrinkles are smoothed, especially around the eyes and on the forehead, deeper wrinkles become less noticeable;
  • there may be an orange yellow painting from carrots, so the mask is better to apply in the evening, before bedtime;
  • after the mask, the skin is moisturized, fresh, looks noticeable younger;
  • not suitable for strongly oily skin, especially with acute rashes.

Nutrient wrinkle mask for dry skin


  • potato starch - 1 tsp;
  • sage leaves - 1/2 h.;
  • yeast (dry or wet) - 1/3 hp;
  • olive oil - 1/2 h.;
  • rice flour - 1 tsp.
Cooking method:
1. We mix the starch and the leaves of the sage, add 30 ml of water, bring to a boil on the water bath and cool.
2. Yeast pour 5 ml of water and leave for 10 minutes,
3. Mix.
4. Add olive oil and rice flour to the mixture, and we are well stirred - the mask is ready.

Use masks
The mask is applied to the face with the help of a brush in the direction from the center of the face. Do not use in the area around the eyes. We occupy a calm position of half a minute for 15 minutes, and then wash off the mask with cool water, wean the nutrient cream.

How often do it?
The mask is used 1-2 times a week, an average of 10 procedures. The effect is achieved after the first use of this fund.

Cosmetologist reviews:

  • smoothes small wrinkles, pulls faces;
  • nourishes and removes peeling;
  • the face becomes fresh and velvety;
  • a wonderful effect when applied to the neck and neckline area, including in the field of mammary glands;
  • the effect is noticeable after the first procedure;
  • it is impossible to use it in the presence of acne and inflammatory changes on the skin.

Alginate mask from deep wrinkles, effective even over the age of 40 and 50 years


  • sodium alginate (exhaust from algae, buying in a pharmacy) - 3 h.;
  • white clay - 2 h.;
  • dry laminary powder (you can buy in a pharmacy) - 2 h.
Method of preparation (additional preparation is required):
1. Alginate fill with water in an exact volume of 60 ml, we leave it to be 5-6 hours, it is possible for the night, the result is a jelly mass.
2. Powder of laminaria fill 5 ml of water, soak 5 minutes.
3. Add 30 ml of water to clay (accurately measured).
4. We mix all three ingredients, it is important to mix the most, to the ramp.
5. It turns out a sufficiently thick inhomogeneous mixture, there may be lumps, the mask should not be spread.
6. If the mass is not too thick, you can add 2-3 drops of calcium chloride, this medicine can be purchased at the pharmacy.

How to use?
The mask is superimposed on the face from the center to the periphery (through massage lines), it is important that all the muscles of the face can be relaxed. The tool must be applied with a thick layer, an average of 3-5 mm, on the area of \u200b\u200bthe face, around the eyes and lips, neck, zones of the neckline and the mammary glands. The mask dries quickly enough, while the skin and mimic muscles are given in the tone.

After 15 minutes, the mask is removed by one layer towards the bottom up, as a velcro, and its residues are removed with a wet towel.

If the skin is dry, peeling, inflamed, then before applying the mask, the skin can be lubricated by any oils or vitamins, for example, olive oil, butter of Shea, fish oil, aloe juice or vitamin A and E.

The rejuvenating course of such a mask is from 3 to 7 days, can be repeated in 1-3 months.

Youth colors all without exception. But women older than 30 years reflected in the mirror sometimes ceases to delight: the face loses youthful freshness because of the first wrinkles. Hike to plastic surgeon is better to postpone. It is possible to successfully fight at home: masks from wrinkles, made independently, often superoperate purchased products.

How to use wrinkle masks

Homemade cosmetics differ in composition, but general recommendations for use exist:

  1. The face before the procedure should be cleaned. You can use a gel or foam for washing.
  2. It is applied by massage movements from the bottom up. Gentle skin around lips and eyes is not affected.
  3. The result is noticeable only with regular use of masks, but no more often two times a week.
  4. For greater efficiency, the components of the funds change once every two months.
  5. The shelf life of home cosmetics - no more than 24 hours.
  6. Most masks are left on the face half an hour.
  7. The best time for procedures is before bedtime.
  8. The feeling of itching or burning in the session process is the reason to abandon the ingredients from which the tool is made, and immediately flush the components.
  9. During the application of home cosmetics, the face must be relaxed.
  10. Washed off the mask with warm water, if the skin is fat or combined; Cool - if dry. The procedure is completed with the use of a moisturizing cream.

Recipes of homemade masks from wrinkles

The composition of the means depends on the place of application. Usually women are concerned with wrinkles around the eyes, on the forehead, in the neck and neckline, near the lips. Home masks help reduce even deep wrinkles. The main thing for the ladies wishing to return the smoothness of the skin is to accurately comply with the recommended proportions in the manufacture of home cosmetics and take into account the skin type.

Wrinkle mask around eyes

The most vulnerable place on the face is the skin around the eyes. "Goose paws" may also appear in very young women - 20-25 years. More prone to the formation of wrinkles around the eye of the owner of dry skin and ladies with live facial expressions.

A mask from starch from wrinkles instead of Botox will help to cope with the problem. Potato powder with smoothing properties is safe for all skin types and at any age. Starch, unlike Botox, there are no contraindications and risks to get complications. The only condition is a means based on potatoes should be applied to intact skin: without scratching and abrasion.

Step-by-step recipe mask from starch:

  • the face is processed by a scrub;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Starch is diluted with 100 ml of pure cool water;
  • the mixture is poured 50 ml of boiling water;
  • the composition is brewed to thick consistency, it is cool;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sour creams with high fat and 5 tbsp. l. carrot juice;
  • all components are mixed.

The mixture can be applied in two layers. Course - 2 weeks, rest from the procedure - 7-10 days.

Wrinkle mask on forehead

Habits frown and raise eyebrows to affect the face can also have young girls. Advantaged women are difficult to avoid the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead: it is impossible to keep the facial expressions around the clock under control.

Step-by-step recipe for masks of aloe wrinkle on the forehead:

  • 1 crude yolk is mixed with 1 tsp. honey;
  • means are diluted with 1 tsp. aloe juice;
  • 2-3 drops of grape bone oil poured.

Mask for neck and neckline from wrinkles

Vulnerable parts of the body begin to grow old before the rest. Behind the area of \u200b\u200bthe neck and neckline should start to care for 25 years. Especially susceptible to wrinkles in the delicate zones of women who prefer close underwear and observing strict diets.

Step-by-step recipe mask from honey, helping to slow the aging of the neck and the area of \u200b\u200bthe neckline:

  • 1 tsp. Honey is connected with 1 yolk;
  • added 1 tbsp. l. oils: olive, peach, almond;
  • mask keeps no more than 20 minutes, washed off with warm water;
  • at the end of the procedure, problem zones can be additionally lubricated with egg yolk.

Deep wrinkle mask

Quickly begins to grow old skin after 30 years. Half of the women of this age faces the formation of deep wrinkles. Additional provocative factors: accommodation in the metropolis, alcohol abuse.

Step-by-step recipe mask with castor oil from deep wrinkles:

  • 1 tsp. Castor oil is mixed with 1 raw yolk and 1 tsp. lemon juice;
  • the resulting mask is impregnated with march and is applied to the problem area;
  • on top of Marli places warm dense fabric;
  • it is washed off the composition of milk after 7-10 minutes.

Wrinkle mask around lips

The lower part of the face is raised quite late - approximately 50 years. It is possible to extend the youth to the right departure. A face mask with cottage cheese removes pronounced wrinkles around the lips.

Step-by-step recipe:

  • 2 tbsp. l. Medium fatty cottage cheese are complemented by 1 tsp. sour cream and 1 tsp. honey;
  • the mixed mass is placed on the area around the lips;
  • after 10 minutes, the session is completed with the compress: vegetable oil is applied to cotton fabric and applied to a problem zone for 20 minutes, the compress is desirable to fix the warm bandage.

Dry-skin mask

In women with very gentle skin, the sebaceous glands are not working sufficiently. The face prone to dryness is raised pretty early, so it needs to be careful. Face mask with mustard prolongs the youth of dry skin.

Step-by-step recipe:

  • 1 tsp. Mustard is mixed with 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil to homogeneity;
  • the resulting mass is applied only for 5 minutes;
  • it is washed off with cool water.

Fatty skin mask

A face with actively working sall glands is challenging, but it will become old late. But after 40 years old, wrinkles appear at the owners of oily skin. Then it is necessary to connect additional care.

Step-by-step recipe Mask from blue clay from wrinkles for oily skin:

  • 5 drops of tea tree oil is connected from 1 tsp. sour cream low fatty;
  • in the resulting mass is added 1 tsp. Blue clay bought in a pharmacy;
  • the composition is left on the face for 10-15 minutes, washed off with warm water.

Mask for normal skin

Women with normal skin lucky the most: the face is not prone to rash, wrinkles are formed late. You can postpone aging at a later date you can use home tools, choosing any components without fears to spoil your face.

Step-by-step recipe for a protein mask from wrinkles for normal skin:

  • 1 crude protein is whipped;
  • 5 drops of lemon juice flows;
  • the composition is mixed.

The composition is applied three times in one session of 20 minutes.

Masks from wrinkles from vegetables

Vegetables are capable not only to saturate the epidermis with vitamins, but also smooth the skin. Home cosmetics from useful root roots are also good in what is available at any time of the year.

The top 10 wrinkle vegetable masks:

  1. Long face mask. 2 h. L. Onion juice is mixed with 1 tsp. Honey and 1 tbsp. l. Yogurt without additives. The mass is brought to a porridge state with a small amount of flour. For the first time, the means is applied for 5 minutes, the following sessions gradually increase to 20 minutes.
  2. Mask from Khrena. 1 tbsp. l. Crumpled yarrow, plantain and shreds mixed and poured boiling water. The cooled mixture is placed on problem areas, removed with a cotton disk.
  3. Topinambur mask. The simplest in the preparation means: 1 vegetable is crushed to the state of the casher and applied to the skin.
  4. Cucumber mask. The composition of the vegetable copes well with small wrinkles. Cucumber chopped with circles, applied to the area around the lips and eyes.
  5. Tomato mask. A yellow tomato-softened to consistency is mixed with 10 g of rice starch and 10 ml of cream.
  6. Mask from turmeric. 2 h. L. Powder of plants is connected from 3 tbsp. l. Pineapple juice, the tool is communicated to homogeneity. Kurkuma is a rather burning vegetable, so before using the mass you need to make sure there is no absence of allergies. A mixture of vegetable powder is more suitable for dark skin, prone to fatty.
  7. Potato mask. 2 medium boiled root roofs turn into a puree and mix with a small amount of warm cream.
  8. Mask from parsley. For the preparation of home cosmetics will need fresh greens. 1 tbsp. l. Dill and parsley mix and insist on boiling water at least 3 hours. The resulting mass is distributed on marla and applied to the skin.
  9. Pumpkin mask. 2-3 tbsp. l. The puree vegetable puree is connected to 30 ml of cream and pharmaceutical vitamins A and E - 4 drops of each. The tool is equally perfectly coping with small and deep wrinkles.
  10. Mask from laminary. 1 tbsp. l. Sea cabbage poured 100 ml of warm water and insisted 60 minutes. The mass flows 1 tsp. Oils from sea buckthorn.

Fruit masks

The peculiarity of delicious fruits is their ability to reduce already manifested wrinkles. Fruits moisturize the skin and warn premature aging. For the preparation of home cosmetics, fruits grown with their own hands are suitable and more exotic options purchased in the store.

7 Best Mask Recipes from Fruit Wrinkles:

  1. Face mask with banana. Yellow fruit is effective in combating small wrinkles and can slow the aging. Half of half a banana mixed with 1 tbsp. l. Starch, Cashier insists under the food film for 10 minutes.
  2. Avocado mask. To 2 tbsp. l. Fruit puree is added 2 tbsp. l. Ground strawberry. The mixture is left on the skin for 15 minutes.
  3. Grape mask. Cosmetics based on berries helps to smooth out small and deep wrinkles. 1 tbsp. l. Medium fatty cottage cheese is diluted 2 tbsp. l. Grape juice and 1 tbsp. l. Any vegetable oil.
  4. Apple mask. One green fetus of medium sized finely crushed, mixed with 1 tbsp. l. cream and 1 tsp. vegetable oil. The mass helps to extend the youth of the skin of the face and neck.
  5. Melon mask. The fruit for creating home cosmetics should be fresh and ripe. It is connected: 10 g of gelatin, a pinch of salicylic acid, 70 ml of pure water, 20 g of glycerin, 20 g of honey. The mixture is communicated to the condition of a puree on a water bath, the resulting composition is whipped to the gauge consistency. The mass is added 30 g mashed melon. The remedy can be left on the skin for 60 minutes, cosmetics based on melon is suitable for daily use. Storage of the mixture in the refrigerator is allowed, but no longer than 7 days.
  6. Mask from persimmon. For cooking from wrinkles you will need ripe fruit. In 2 tbsp. l. Kashitsa from persimmon pour 2 tbsp. l. Milk and 1 tbsp. l. cream. The composition is applied to a maximum of 15 minutes.
  7. Mask from Kiwi. Puree peeled fruit is mixed with 2 h. Honey. Application time - 10-15 minutes.

Wrinkle mask after 30 years

This age is the most suitable for the beginning of the prevention of aging. In 30 years, visible wrinkles are usually no, but the protection of the skin is already weakened. Home remedies are able to cope with the first signs of aging.

The best masks from wrinkles for women older than 30:

  1. Flax seed mask. 1 tbsp. l. Seeds insist on a third of a glass of boiling water at least 12 hours. In one procedure, 5 layers of the mixture are applied.
  2. Mask from sour cream. In 1 cup of heated milk, 3-4 drops of vegetable oil and 50 g of sour cream are added. The tool is used for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Mask with kefir. Official product not everyone can drink, but there is no restrictions on use. The drink added to the cosmetics is able to tighten and smooth the skin. Puree from a quarter of a banana poured 2 tbsp. l. kefir. The mixture is supplemented 2 hours l. Cinnamon.
  4. Mask from the egg. 1 crude yolk is whipped with 2 h. Honey to homogeneity.
  5. Sea buckthorn mask. 1 tbsp. l. The aloe juice is poured in a puree of 3 tbsp. l. berries. The composition holds on the face no longer than 15 minutes.
  6. Squirrel mask. One-component means tightens the skin: during the procedure it is desirable not to talk and not smile. The mass of whipped squirrel is applied to the face and left for 15 minutes.
  7. Mask of cream. 1 tbsp. l. Mashed out of fresh cucumber is diluted with 20 drops of propolis tincture and 1 tbsp. l. cream. The composition is whipped before the appearance of foam. The mixture is removed with a preheated cloth.

Wrinkle mask after 40 years

By 40 years, even very good skin begins to fade. The ladies at this age are important to fall out, eat well and leave bad habits. Save the freshness of the skin will help cosmetics made by their own hands.

The best masks from wrinkles for women older than 40:

  1. Mercles Mask. 1 tsp. Vegetable oil is added to 3 tbsp. l. Hercules. The mixture is 5-7 minutes and complemented by one, pre-whipped, egg.
  2. Turkish mask. Women using remedy note the result after the first application. The ingredients are mixed up to the poverty state: 80 ml of cream, 3 tbsp. l. soda, chopping cinnamon, 1 tsp. Honey, pharmacy vitamin E. On the skin mass is left before drying.
  3. Japanese masks. Residents of the rising sun are almost not exposed to aging. Rubber women can get smooth skin on old Japanese recipes. Recipe number 1: 30 g of riveting green tea is heated, a whipped egg is added to the composition, 10 ml of Lyme juice, 15 g of honey. Mass is brought to homogeneity. Recipe number 2: 30 g of rice flour and 1 raw egg are added to 15 g of sour cream. The course of Japanese masks - 15 procedures, the frequency of sessions - 2 times a week.
  4. Facial mask from viburnum. The tool is suitable for newly emerging wrinkles and more pronounced. 1 tsp. Any vegetable oil is mixed with 1 tbsp. l. Cashits from berries and 1 tsp. Honey.
  5. Mask with oatmeal. Especially useful mixture for dry skin. 1 crude yolk is connected from 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal. 3 drops of rosemary and 1 tsp in the resulting mass and 1 h. olive oil.
  6. Mask with glycerin. 1 tbsp. l. The chamomile decoction is mixed with 0.5 tbsp. l. Cream oil, 0.5 h. l. Honey, 1 raw yolk and 0.5 h. Glycerin. The composition is applied for 10 minutes.
  7. Musks with mummy. Previously, 40 years old product is meaningless: it is intended to eliminate deep wrinkles. The drug for home procedures should be purchased at the pharmacy. Recipe number 1: 2 g powder mummy is divorced by cool clean water, 10 g of honey, 1 yolk, 10 g of sour cream are added. The mixture is whipped to a puree state. Recipe number 2: 2 g of powder mummy are connected with 5 ml of peach oil and 20 ml of red wine.
  8. Rice mask. 1 tbsp. l. Honey is added to 3 tbsp. l. Boiled rice and 1 tbsp. l. milk. Ring off the lot is better than water remaining after the boiling rice.

Wrinkle mask after 50 years

Women over 50 years old hormonal restructuring, the cells of the epidermis are updated slowly. Attentive attitude to the health and condition of the skin will help to move the aging. The doctor will solve the problems with hormones, and the correct care can be organized at home.

The best masks from wrinkles for women older than 50:

  1. Masks with fish oil. The drug can be used independently: the contents of two pharmacy capsules are applied to the cotton disk and gently rubs into problem areas. You can add to the tool by other components: to 1 tbsp. l. Fish fat is added 1 tbsp. l. Fresh cottage cheese, 1 tsp. Lemon juice, 1 tsp. Balar parsley.
  2. Masks from rice. Recipe number 1: to 2 tbsp. l. Ground cereals added 1 tsp. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. l. cream and 1 tsp. Honey. Recipe number 2: Mashed out of a quarter of a banana mixed with two crushed walnuts. 50 g rice flour is suited to the resulting composition, the remedy is 15 minutes.
  3. Maka mask. Starch contained in the cereal helps to reduce even pronounced wrinkles. 50 ml of cream is connected from 25 g of mankey. Ring off the lot better with contrasting water.
  4. Glycerin masks. Recipe number 1: 1 crude yolk is mixed with 1 tsp. Honey, 1 tsp. Water, 1 tsp. Glycerin. Recipe number 2: For the upper eyelids: water, glycerin and lemon juice are connected in equal proportions - 1 tsp. Yolk is driven into the mixture.

The ladies in elegant to fight wrinkles recommended a night mask.

Step-by-step recipe:

  • 15 ml of almond oil is added to 50 g of medium fatty cottage cheese;
  • 20 ml of warm milk is poured into the mixture, the composition is complemented by a pinch of sea salt;
  • the tool is applied to the problem areas with a thin layer.

Components are mixed immediately before use. Frequency of use - every other day.

Extend the youth will help the best masks with vitamins from wrinkles:

  1. Oatmeal insist on boiled milk for 20 minutes. One ampoule of pharmacy vitamin A and whipped crude yolk are added to the ingredients.
  2. 2 tbsp. l. Grinding oatmeal mixed with vitamins A, D, E - each solution will be needed to pour 5 drops. Mass added 2 h. L. Olive oil, 1 tbsp. l. Honey, 1 tbsp. l. White yogurt.
  3. 1 tsp. Oatmeal, welded on milk, is connected to one capsule of vitamin C and 2 tbsp. l. Banana puree.

Wrinkle masks for men

The skin of strong floor representatives is denser than in women, and contains more collagen. Signs of aging in men should manifest themselves later than that of the peers. But in practice it is rarely: bad habits, work in the sun and frost, the inability to care for the skin will be pretty early.

Avoid wrinkles in a relatively young age and to cope with the already emerging masks, the composition of which is especially useful for a strong half of humanity:

  1. . To 4 tbsp. l. Clean water added 2 h. l. Honey and 2 h. Wake-up gelatin. The tool is suitable for the area around the lips and eyes.
  2. Yeast mask. From apple, melons, apricots and grapes taken in equal shares, made puree. In the remaining fruit juice adds 1 tbsp. l. yeast. The mixture is brought to fermentation and placed on problem areas of the skin.
  3. Banana face mask. Cottage cheese and banana are shared in equal proportions, the means is applied with a thin layer.
  4. Mask of cream. 1 tbsp. l. cream is mixed with 1 tsp. Honey.
  5. Wrinkle mask with oat flakes. Cosmetic clay from a pharmacy, honey, riming oatmeal and milk are connected in identical shares.

Aging is the process inevitable. To postpone age-related changes will help a healthy lifestyle: proper nutrition, rejection of bad habits, moderate physical exertion. Homemade wrinkle masks can be a good addition to preserving youth.

Each woman wants to keep the freshness and smoothness of the face for a long time. However, time is inexorably, and its signs in the form of at first poor wrinkles, and then deep folds appear on the skin. Of course, it should not be put up with this, because there are a lot of funds that will help eliminate small surface wrinkles, and even make less noticeable deep folds. One of these means is homemade masks. If you use the most effective wrinkle masks and conduct procedures regularly, you can achieve excellent results.

What should be part of?

To understand which ingredients need to be included in home cosmetic masks, it is worth finding out the causes of the formation of wrinkles.

Two such reasons:

  • Age. Aging is an inevitable process, it is laid in DNA as a certain life cycle. It is impossible to completely avoid age-related changes, but there is a chance to slow down their manifestations.
  • Environmental impact. External factors - ultraviolet, frost, wind, improper nutrition, stress, etc. have an impact on the appearance of wrinkles.

The first wrinkles appear on the skin at the age of 20-25, first they are minor, however, the aging process "launches" in this young age. Skin cells cease to retain moisture, slows down the process of cell regeneration, skin tone becomes weaker. Another factor contributing to the appearance of folds on the skin is to reduce the synthesis of collagen, namely, this substance "answers" for the elasticity of the skin.

Wrinkles differ in depth. Surface folds formed in the epidermis, to smooth out quite easily. But the medium-little and deep wrinkles are much more difficult to eliminate, because they are formed in the lower layers of the skin, in which the components of creams and masks cannot penetrate. For this reason, it is necessary to start fighting wrinkles in fairly early, then the time of the appearance of deep folds can be stopped.

Due to education allocate mimic and gravitational wrinkles. The first are associated with excessive emotionality, and the second - with loss of skin of elasticity.

Thus, an effective wrinkle mask on the face should contain substances that moisturize and help cells to maintain moisture, provide additional power to the cells, stimulate metabolic processes and regeneration, increase the elasticity of the skin.

For the preparation of rejuvenating compositions of the house use:

  • fresh vegetables, Fruits, Berries, Greensas a source of vitamins and minerals;
  • milk products for softening and moisturizing;
  • honey - source of valuable amino acids;
  • oil - to eliminate dryness, moisture, nutrition;
  • eggs - This is a universal product that simultaneously nourishes, and pulls up;
  • cosmetic clay - this is a source of minerals and a product for cleaning pores;
  • gelatin - the natural source of collagen, in which aging skin needs so much;
  • yeast - a magnificent source of vitamins of group B and amino acids.

Additionally, the home cosmetics is recommended to include pharmacy vitamins. As a rule, solutions in the oil of vitamins E and A. are used.

Important nuances

So that the procedure performed at home has brought the best result, you need to stick to a number of important rules. It:

  • Regularity. If we carry out procedures from the case of the case, then it is not necessary to count on a good result. The most important condition for success is regular. Thirty-year-old women are advised to make rejuvenating compositions weekly, and after 40 years it is worth increasing the number of procedures twice.
  • Sequence. There are many recipes for home masks, however, you should not "spray" and constantly change the compositions. But also use only one liked recipe for too long, as the skin will cease to respond to it. In order for the skin to be saturated with useful substances, it is recommended to make procedures to courses. The course, as a rule, includes 12-15 masks, after which it will be necessary to change the composition.
  • Selection of ingredients. It is important to use fresh and natural products. For example, you should not take milk to prepare compositions, the storage period is half a year. Fruits and vegetables are best used seasonal, that is, in the summer it is better to make masks from strawberries, and in winter - from persimmon.
  • Cooking. For the preparation of cosmetic compositions, it is undesirable to use metal dishes. It is better to mix ingredients in a glass or ceramic cup. It is very important to achieve a complete homogeneity of the mass, so modern kitchen appliances are used for grinding and mixing - mixers, blenders. You need to prepare one portion of the composition, and use it immediately after cooking. It is impossible to store mixtures.

  • Preparation. It is very important to properly prepare a person. It is necessary to remove makeup and thoroughly clean the skin with special gels or cosmetic milk. To achieve a greater disclosure, it is recommended to make a steam bath or make a hot compress.
  • Application. You can apply in different ways. The liquid compositions are conveniently applied using a silicone brush, thick can be filled with fingers or a cosmetic spatula. Cosmetic formulations for the face are not recommended to apply to the area around the eyes, as well as around the lips. To combat wrinkles in this part of the face there are special compositions.
  • Excerpt. After applying the composition, it is recommended to lie down and try to completely relax. It is impossible to talk and use facial expressions. Keep the composition on the face you need from 10 to 40 minutes, the exact time is indicated in the recipe.
  • Removal. It is necessary to shoot the composition neat. Most masks are simply washed off with water, but some masks, such as oil, is not recommended to wash off. After completing the exposure time, the surplus oil is removed using a dry paper napkin. The most difficult to remove the composition that dry out with the formation of crusts (clay) or films (gelatin). To remove them, it is recommended to first twist the top layer, applying a wet sponge to the skin, and then clean, not stretching the skin.

The most effective recipes

Choose the most effective recipes will be experienced, since the skin of all different and reactions are individual. When selecting recipes, be sure to consider the type of skin. So, if the skin is prone to dryness, the compositions with the addition of oils, yolk, fatty dairy products (sour cream, cream) are better suited for them. For fatty skin, the compositions containing drying components (clay, lemon juice) are more suitable.


Eggs and medical - These are two components that are magnificent rejuvenating means. Therefore, masks using these components are incredibly popular. Here are some proven effective recipes:

  • With lemon. This embodiment is suitable for fatty fading skin. It is necessary to mix the dessert spoonful of honey with a teaspoon of almond oil, to obtain a homogeneous mixture, it is recommended to warm the mass. Eggs whipped with adding a few drops of lemon juice. Mix the protein mixture with honey-and-oil. Apply to the skin on a quarter of an hour.
  • With glycerin. This composition is well moisturizes, nourishes and smoothes. It is necessary to confuse the yolk by adding liquid or melted to the softness of honey. Enter glycerin in a mixture and stir. Separately, you need to drive the protein and mix foam with a tablespoon of oatmeal. Connect both mixes, stir. Apply for twenty minutes.
  • With aloe. For preparation, a tablespoon of aloe juice or one ampoule extract from juice, diluted with a tablespoon of water, will be required. Mix juice with a yolk and a dessert spoon of softened honey. Add milk powder, pouring powder gradually, constantly stirring the mass. It is necessary to obtain a thick mass, consistency of cream. Entry for half an hour.

Fruit vegetable

The use of fresh fruits is the most favorable effect on the state of the skin. You can make such masks all year round using seasonal fruits, vegetables, berries.

  • Strawberry. This is a very simple composition that gives the skin elasticity and freshness. It is necessary to simply develop a few berries and apply the mastered puree on the face by a quarter of an hour. Similarly, you can make a grape mask, you need to cut two or three berries and wipe your face with juice, washed in twenty minutes.
  • Bananova. The fragrant banana contains a lot of useful skin substances, so this fruit must be used to rejuvenate. Half the fetus to raise until a homogeneous puree, mix with a yolk and a spoonful of thick sour cream. Apply a mixture by a quarter of an hour.
  • Potato. Boil potatoes in the uniform, not allowing completely cool, clean and spin in mashed potatoes. Mix with one raw protein, whipped to the state of light foam, and a spoon of milk. Blind a thick layer for twenty minutes. This composition smoothes small wrinkles and prevents the appearance of deep folds.

  • Orange. Separate the protein from the yolk. The yolk is confused with honey and almond oil (on a teaspoon of that whole). Beat protein with the addition of two tablespoons of orange juice. Connect both masses and apply on a face to a quarter of an hour.
  • Grapefrute. This is perhaps the most effective mask from the Mimic wrinkles on an ornament, but it will take time. The procedure is carried out in several stages. First you need to prepare the mixture: cleanse several grapefruites, crushing. Citrus pulp tablespoon mix with the same amount of sour cream and freshly prepared carrot juice. Add to ground rice flour (grind rice in a coffee grinder) until the mass of the cream consistency is obtained. Apply this mixture to face half an hour, washed off. Wipe the skin with freshly squeezed grapefruit juice, leave up to dry. Wash off the juice and lubricate all visible mimic wrinkles heated sesame oil. An hour later, you need to remove the remains of the oil with a napkin.


Gelatin - This is a source of collagen animal origin. Therefore, this product is superbly suitable for smoothing wrinkles. For the preparation of rejuvenating compositions, it is necessary to prepare the basis.


  • tablespoon of powder gelatin pour 6 spoons of cold water;
  • leave half an hour for swelling, then warm in the microwave or on low heat before dissolving crystals. It is important to prevent the water boiling;
  • cool base and use it for making masks.


  • With kefir.. At the finished base, add a tablespoon of kefir and half a spoon of flour. Flour can be taken oatmeal, bier or wheat. Stir.
  • With fruits. Mix the finished base with a spoonful of fruit puree and stir. For preparation it is recommended to use a banana, an apple, peach, apricot, persimmon.
  • With glycerin. This composition is well moistened, it is recommended for dehydrated skin. In the not yet cooled basis of gelatin you need to add honey and glycerin on a teaspoon. Stir and cool.

  • With cucumber and green tea. Prepare the gelatin base, taking a cold infusion of green tea instead of water. At the finished base, pour the cutle spoon of cucumber juice, stir. This composition perfectly tones and levels the tone of the face.
  • Curd. This composition pulls up and moisturizes. The basis of gelatin is recommended to prepare, taking milk instead of water. Then add a spoonful of fresh, wipe through the cathoman's sieve.


Potato starch - This is an excellent tool for skin and smoothing wrinkles. After the course of the procedures, the skin will become more elastic, fresh and smooth. Apply starch formulations is necessary in several layers, every time waiting for the previous layer of the back.

  • Belkova. White protein to obtain a stable foam, during the whip process you need to add a few drops of lemon juice. Separately distribute the spoonful of starch with a small amount of cold water before receiving the casis. Mix both masses. Such a composition is especially good for fading skin with advanced pores.
  • Honey. The tablespoon (with a hill) of the starch should be mixed with a half teaspoon of fine grinding salts. Dilute the mass of milk before getting a thick casher and mix with a spoon of liquid honey. Apply massaging movements, wash off a quarter of an hour. Such a composition acts as a soft scrub, after the procedure, the person looks like an excellent.
  • Tomato. For cooking you need a fleshy tomato. Tomato need to be cleaned of skin and seeds and grind in mashed potatoes. Mix with a spoonful of vegetable oil and yolk. Thicken a mixture with starch. Apply for twenty minutes.


Oil - This is one of the best means to mitigate, moisturizing and smoothing wrinkles. Especially useful oil compositions for women having skin prone to dryness. But the owner of oily skin can use oil masks, but the drying ingredients will be added to the composition.

Oils can be used different. It is best to select those of them that best practically affect your skin.

Remember! Oils are basic and essential. The base can be simply applied to the skin or prepare various mixtures on its basis. Esters are added to the finished compounds of 2-3 drops.


  • Curd with yolk. This composition is well removing dryness and peeling. It is necessary to mix the eggs with a spoon of fatty cottage cheese and the same amount of almond oil. Apply for twenty minutes.
  • Lemon. For the preparation of the composition it is necessary to mix olive oil and lemon juice, the ratio of the ingredients five to one. The mixture with a tampon or brush apply to the skin by a quarter of an hour.
  • With ether. In the spoonful of olive oil add three drops of rose ether and sandalwood. Apply with a tampon on the face. Do not wash off. An hour after applying to remove excess with a paper towel.
  • From deep wrinkles. Mix 15 ml of avocado oils, jojoba and wheat germs. Add to a mixture of three drops of ether incense and roses. Place a bottle of dark glass, store in the refrigerator. Every evening the prepared makeup lubricate the location of wrinkles. Do not wash off, it will be possible to wash only in the morning.


Yeast masks Perfectly supply and stimulate cell regeneration. For cooking, you can apply both fresh yeast and dry, high-speed.

  • Yolovoy-lemon. A tablespoon of yeast (dry or pressed, crushed) pour 50 ml of warm water, in which half a half of the tea spoons of honey. Leave for a while so that the yeast rose. Then add an egg yolk, a teaspoon of lemon juice and a little flour to give a mass of consistency, convenient for applying. Apply on a quarter of an hour.
  • Oil. Two large spoons of yeast, be lost in a small amount of water until the mass of the cream was obtained. Add to the mass a pinch of sugar and let stand around a quarter of an hour. Then put into the spoonful of unrefined vegetable oil and grind.

  • Equalometer. I slightly warm up a quarter cup of kefir, not allowing the product to curl. Stir in kefir two spoons of dry yeast, add a teaspoon of almond oil and as much honey. Apply for twenty minutes.


Cosmetic clay Not only cleans the pores, but also perfectly pulls the skin. Therefore, this product is perfect for the fight against wrinkles.

  • With aloe. It is necessary to clean from the barns and the skin is a large sheet of aloe and chop pulp. Green clay dilute with a small amount of milk before obtaining a creamy mass. Mix clay with chopped pulp aloe, apply for twenty minutes. This composition increases the elasticity of the skin, seals wrinkles, tones.
  • Stachmal. This composition perfectly pulls up, it can be used as SOS tool if you need to quickly lead into order. You need to mix in a spoonful of starch and white clay. Then impose a spoonful of oily sour cream and whipped protein. To put a mass on the face in two or three layers, after half an hour, washed off.
  • With sauer cabbage. This composition pulls up, smoothes and eliminates unwanted pigmentation. For the preparation of the composition uses brine from sauerkraut. They need to spread the spoonful of yellow clay. Then add to the mass of raw yolk and stir. Apply for a quarter of an hour.
  • Honey. Blue clay dilute with water or milk. Then add a spoonful of soft honey to a thick mass and a few drops of almond oil. This composition needs to keep about twenty minutes.
  • With laminaria. This composition is very well smoothes wrinkles, even deep folds will be less noticeable after the course of such masks. Laminaria is required in powder and bodian powder. It is necessary to mix a tablespoon of laminariums with a half teaspoon of bodhage and a tablespoon of yellow clay. Breaks a lot of water, give to stand ten minutes. Add five drops of cashew oil, stirred. It is necessary to wash this composition in half an hour.

  • Apple. This composition perfectly refresses and nourishes. For cooking you need pink clay. You can also use a mixture of pink and red clay. A spoonful of clay should be dissolved with water, then combine with a spoon of freshly prepared apple puree and a raw yolk. Put half an hour

With pharmaceutical agents

A mask is considered an excellent rejuvenating means to prepare the pharmacy means:

  • Dimeksid (in the form of a concentrated solution);
  • Salcossuril (in the form of ointments).

The procedure is carried out like this:

  • first you need to prepare a solution of dimexide, for this one part of the concentrate is stirred in ten parts of water. In one part, you can take a teaspoon;
  • the prepared solution must be applied to the skin cleaned skin with a tampon. It is not necessary to rub the solution, it is enough to moisturize the skin;
  • immediately after that, the ointment of a solisuril layer 1-2 mm applied to the face;
  • the duration of this procedure is 1 hour. During this time, it is necessary to ensure that the layer of ointment does not drop, so it will be necessary to periodically sprinkle the face from the pulverizer with water;
  • the loan with a tampon will need to remove the residues of ointment and wash the face with cool water;
  • impose on the face of a moisturizing action cream.

This rejuvenating procedure is very effective, however, do not forget that the funds used are not cosmetics, but medicines, so you need to make sure that you have no contraindications to their use.

Exotic recipes

  • With caviar. Red caviar is a source of valuable amino acids, so it can be used for the preparation of rejuvenating compositions. A spoonful of caviar needs to be confused with an equal amount of vegetable oil, apply a mixture for half an hour.

  • With fish grease. Masks with caviar not by all pocket, but you can prepare an equally efficient rejuvenating composition with fish oil. Today, this product is sold in gelatin capsules. You need to open three capsules and mix their contents with a yast of eggs and rub. Apply a thin layer for twenty minutes. To soften the "fish" smell slightly, you can add a couple of droplets of mint ether to the mixture.
  • With raw cookie. To prepare this mask it is recommended to use a chicken liver. It is necessary to crush the product in a blender and mix the tablespoon of the obtained minced meat with a whipped protein foam. This mixture is superimposed on the area of \u200b\u200bwrinkles on a quarter of an hour.

Caring for the skin around the eyes

The eyelid skin differs in structure from the rest of the skin of the face, therefore the cosmetic formulations for this area you need to use others. The purpose of the procedures is not only smoothing wrinkles, but also the elimination of swelling, as well as dark circles under the eyes.

Most effective recipes:

  • Egg-cream. It is necessary to separate the yolk eggs and lose it with the addition of a spoon of cream and the same amount of flour. It is better to use oatmeal or barley flour, but you can take wheat or rye. The mixture of consistency should be similar to the cosmetic cream. Before applying, the contents of two capsules of the pharmaceutical vitamin preparation of Aevit should be introduced. Apply a thin layer on the skin for half an hour.
  • Medovo-oatmeal. Heat a tablespoon of natural honey on a water bath, mix with the same amount of oatmeal and a teaspoon of fresh tea welding (you can use black or green tea). A mixture is applied on the skin of the eyelid for twenty minutes.
  • Potato with parsley. Obtain raw purified potatoes. Separately grind in a blender bunch of green parsley. Mix thick sour cream and prepared ingredients, all three components take in equal parts. Lay out the mass on gauze napkins and apply to the skin under the eyes.

Removing wrinkles around lips

The appearance of vertical wrinkles around the lips is very old face. Therefore, it is necessary to care for this area of \u200b\u200bthe face, including to make special masks. Here are a few simple, but effective compositions that can be prepared literally in 5 minutes.

  • Curd-honey. Mix over a dessert spoonful of fresh cottage cheese, sour cream and soft honey, rub. Apply on lips and skin around them for 10 minutes.
  • Egg. This is a two-stage procedure. It is necessary to prepare two masses for its use. The first: yolk is frozen and a half spoons of vegetable oil and the same amount of honey. Second: protein is whipped to foam with the addition of a chopping salt of fine grinding. The first (yolk) mixture is applied to the skin around the lips, after a quarter of an hour is flushed. Then the brush is applied by a protein mixture into several layers. Each new layer is imposed after the previous will dry. Ring after drying the last applied layer. The final stage is the applying of a nourishing cream on the skin around the lips.

  • Oil compress. To carry out this procedure, you can use any vegetable unrefined oil, as well as a mixture of different oils. A mixture of oils derived from olive, almonds and jojoba is especially effective. It is necessary to heat the oil, moisten in it a gauze napkin, folded in three or four layers and impose on the lips and area around them. Top to cover with a food film and a terry napkin to create a "greenhouse effect". After half an hour, remove the compress, blocked the skin with a napkin, not to wash. To make the procedure even more efficient, three potatoes of Vitamin E solutions can be added to the oil.

Security measures

Despite the fact that homemade masks are cooked using natural products, caution can not be forgotten. Some ingredients of masks can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, before the first application of a new one for you, be sure to make a simple sample on sensitivity. It is carried out like this:

  • apply a little composition on the skin of the wrist or on the inner fold of the elbow;
  • creek the place of application of the plaster to accidentally do not erase the composition ahead of time;
  • after half an hour, rush;
  • if within 24 hours after the test did not show any negative reactions (redness, itching, etc.), the mask is safe and can be applied.

Do not apply rejuvenating masks and if there are on the face non-employed skin damage. With caution, you need to carry out home procedures, if there is an excessive growth of hair or cuperosis phenomenon. If there are such problems, it is better to contact the cosmetologist to choose safe care products.

Opinions of women

Most women who regularly use homemade masks for rejuvenation are satisfied with the result. This is confirmed by numerous reviews.

Alla, 42 years old:

Homemade masks - an excellent alternative to expensive salon procedures. If not to be lazy to do homemade masks every three days, the skin will become noticeably younger and fresh. The main thing, find "your" recipes for masks that are suitable for your skin.

Olga, 38 years old:

Masks for smoothing wrinkles I do regularly. This is great and, most importantly, the accessible tool. My skin looks great, although I do not have the opportunity to regularly visit the cosmetic salon.

The use of wrinkles from wrinkles at home is an indispensable stage in the fight against aging, which gives its results in perspective. Natural products combined with high-quality creams and other rejuvenation procedures offer all women careful, optimal and very effective care.

Masks from wrinkles are divided into many types and species: they are universal, and also are intended to solve problems of one or another skin type, one of them act almost instantly, others require long use. But the requirement for their application is always one - systematically.

Rules for using masks

Clinical picture

What do the doctors about wrinkles say

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Plastic Surgeon Morozov EA:

I have been engaged in plastic surgery for many years. Many famous personalities who wanted to look younger through me through me. Currently, plastic surgery loses its relevance. Science does not stand still, there are still new and new techniques for the rejuvenation of the body, and some of them are quite effective. If you do not want or have no opportunity to resort to the help of plastic surgery, I will recommend no less efficient, but the most budget alternative.

For more than 1 year, the European market has a miracle preparation to rejuvenate the skin of Novaskin, which can be obtained IS FREE. In efficiency, it is several times greater than the injection by Botoks, not to mention all sorts of cream. It is easy to use and the most important thing you will see instantly. Without exaggeration, I will say that small and deep wrinkles take place almost immediately, bags under the eyes. Thanks to intracellular effects, the skin is completely restored, regenerated, changes are simply colossal.

Learn more \u003e\u003e

What face masks from wrinkles would be used at home, they will not be effective if not comply with certain rules:

  1. The active ingredients of the natural means are spoiled during the day in most cases, a pre-prepared mask can be hazardous to health;
  2. Before using home cosmetics, it is necessary to clean the skin well with a gel for washing or foam, which will eliminate all the contaminants;
  3. The mask from wrinkles usually needs to be kept on the face no longer, but also at least 30 minutes, but wash off the composition of cool water;
  4. To achieve maximum efficiency after use, the means should not do anything with the skin, protect it from pollution - do the procedure before bedtime;
  5. The tightening components in the compositions of the face masks from wrinkles work quickly, but to protect the epidermis from addiction should not be repeated more often 2 times a week;
  6. Natural masks change 1 time in 1.5-2 months so that there is no addiction.

Another important point in the preparation of home masks is the choice of the right components. If apples are specified, it means that they should be fresh and natural. Ideally - homely.

Best recipes for normal and oily skin

The most effective recipes for wrinkle masks that can be done at home must necessarily contain one of the components presented below. Most of them are universally universal in use.

Combine them with fatty cottage cheese or sour cream, cream, bananas and yolk for dry skin, or with kefir, low-fat sour cream and protein - for oily dermis:

  1. Honey. The product contains a lot of useful substances and perfectly combined with a yolk. Just take 1 spoon of the useful component, mix with fresh egg and dilute with a small amount of milk or low-fat cream.
  2. Oil. For homemade masks from wrinkles take olive, grape, almond or peach oil. Extract of jojoba is also very popular. Take 1 spoon of apple puree, as much olive or other oil, apply on the skin. For a bold type, choose sour apples.
  3. Aloe. Universal substance, perfectly struggling with wrinkles and other consequences of aging. You can use not fresh leaflets, but by juice from bottles that are sold in a pharmacy. Add to 1 spoon some olive and cream oil.

  4. Secret Tibetan mask. Prepare decoction of 3 leaves of laurels per 100 ml of water. Meanwhile, whipping proteins with any vegetable oil. Put in the decoction of 2-3 g of burnt quasans. Make compress from the mixture.
  5. Starch instead of Botox. Do not do in the top of the best masks from wrinkles on the face used at home, without starch. The recipe is prepared from 1 spoons of a potato product, 50 ml of milk or carrot juice, 1 spoons of fatty sour cream and 2 drops of vitamin E. First dilute starch using a water bath. Then mix all the components.
  6. Alginate recipe. The home mask from wrinkles includes 2 hours l. clay, 3 spoons of sodium alginate and 2 h. Laminarium powder. All components can be bought at the pharmacy. Prepare strictly according to the recipe: 60 ml of water on alginate, insist for 6 hours, then 5 ml of water to laminarium for 5 minutes. In clay - exactly 30 ml of water. Then everything is mixed and tamped. If the mask is too thick, 2-3 drops of calcium chloride are added.

  7. Cucumbers in the fight against wrinkles. One of the most versatile vegetables is a cucumber. For normal skin, try the recipe from 1 spoons of cucumber puree and the same amount of almond oil. We take the yolk and apply not only the faces on the zone, but also for 40 minutes.
  8. Red caviar. Another useful marine component to maintain beauty at home. Prepare from 1 spoons of oil and caviar, on the skin hold 25 minutes.
  9. Beeswax. The composition of the unique home cooking product includes a set of at least 30 useful trace elements. They are flawlessly struggling with wrinkles. Take 1 spoonful of dry wax, add 1 spoon of onions and as much honey.
  10. Gelatin. It has a rapid effect and visible efficiency after the first use at home. Recipes with gelatin are ideal to combat deep wrinkles.
  11. Beadaga and hydrogen peroxide. Prepare from 1 tbsp. l. Powder and spoons of peroxide. Do not apply on your eyes!

But for dry skin, there are several other home-made compositions. All these products may be present in them in a certain amount.

However, there is a weighty addition: dry epidermis masks must contain fatty components necessary for high-quality moisturizing.

Best Recipes for Dry Skin

For dry skin at home, we propose to use face masks from wrinkles based on the following components:

For combined skin, prone to dryness, other recipes are suitable, which are performed at home.

Masks for combined epidermis

They include substances that can eliminate a small excess of skin fat, but never cut the skin, giving it maximum moisture.

Here, from which components you need to prepare the most effective compositions of face masks at home:

Separately, it should be mentioned about masks from wrinkles around the eyes.

Best recipe for fighting wrinkles in the field of age

Most masks created to combat wrinkles on the face at home are not suitable for very sensitive and thin skin around the eyelids. Usually, even with the fatty type of epidermis, this area remains dry.

She needs maximum nutrition and moisturizing, so such compositions are suitable:

  • Clean aloe juice or sea buckthorn oil - just apply them to a brush before bedtime, after 20 minutes, remove the remnants with a napkin;
  • Banana mask - 2 spoons of fruit pulp mixed with a spoon of green parsley, mint and a small amount of almond oil;
  • For age from 50 years, 50 g of banana and a spoon of cream oil are taken;
  • A piece of white bread, moistened with warm milk, will help with mimic wrinkles;
  • No less effective is the composition with potatoes (boiled or raw), mixed with 3 drops of grape oil and 10% cream.

But for the decollet area, almost all the home masks intended for dry or combined skin are very good.

Make the most efficient wrinkle mask on the neck and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe neckline every week: 1 spoon of solid cheese, whipped protein, honey spoon and a spoon of cream 10% fat.

Separate consideration requires the compositions created to combat deep wrinkles.

The best recipe from wrinkles after 50

A means suitable for mature skin must perform several important functions: protect against environmental action, smooth out the effects of hormonal changes, support elasticity and moisturize.

Here are the best home masks recipes for the implementation of these goals:

We draw conclusions

If you read these lines, it can be concluded that you are still looking for a method to rejuvenate your face and get rid of wrinkles, at the form of which in the mirror it becomes unable.

We conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and most importantly checked most of the ways and means against wrinkles, ranging from popular methods and ending with the procedures that doctors can offer. The verdict is:

All means, if they gave, then only a small temporary result. As soon as the procedures stopped, after a few days everything was returned back.

The only drug that gave a significant result is novaskin.

This serum is the best alternative to Botex. The main feature is that novaskin acts instantly, i.e. Literally a few minutes you can see significant improvements!

This drug is not sold in pharmacy networks, but is funded by the Ministry of Health and applies IS FREE. Reviews about novaskin can be read here.

  1. Pea mask is prepared from 2 tbsp. l. Bobs, grilled in a coffee grinder, mix them with yogurt and warm water 2 spoons.
  2. Vaseline - a homemade mask recipe is prepared from a cable cable tube with a calendula, preferably children's, 1 vaseline spoons and 50 g of olive oil. You also need to take 6 drops of it, 0.5 spoons of orange juice and 12 drops of wheat germs in combination with 10 drops of calendula oil.

Here, how many efficient face masks against wrinkles can be independently done at home, remaining confident in their flawless quality! All these recipes will give a guaranteed effect. But do not forget to follow and for other aspects of your health: okay well, put it right, eat less alcohol and throw smoking.