Beautifully aging: skin care at different ages. What does skin need in different age care for skin care of different ages

In order for the skin to be healthy and beautiful, it needs the right care that takes into account many factors. It is quite difficult for all cosmetic nuances sometimes quite difficult, but only a systemic and thoughtful approach to your own appearance can guarantee a visible result. That is why it is important to understand what care is needed to you, and it is necessary to take into account not only the type of skin, but also age features. Throughout life, our skin is subject to change, which means that the funds you used, for example, in 20 years will not have a proper effect. Each age implies special care that will take into account those changes that occur in the body. Of course, the modern cosmetics market presents a huge amount of funds adapted for the characteristics of the skin of a child, but every woman should be good to understand the fact that it is necessary for it, and, based on it, pick up caring components.

Period: 20-25 years.
At this age, your skin is elastic and smooth. She is also unknown to such problems as the appearance of wrinkles and loss of elasticity. However, during this period, the skin needs proper care, which will help preserve the radiance and a blooming view for many years.
At this age, moisturizing the skin comes to the fore. Moreover, ensure moisture you must all the body as a whole. A sufficient amount of clean water, drunk during the day, turns out to be a general healing effect and helps prevent skin dehydration. Modery this is important. So you can also boast of beautiful skin in a more mature age.
It is equally important to moisturize the skin and with cosmetics. Your daily care should include morning and evening mild cleansing and subsequent application of special creams and sera with a high content of moisturizing components.
Quite often at this age, the skin is drained by means of acne, with which many are faced into the adolescence. Now your task is to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and avoiding excessively aggressive components. Soft peelings, masks with natural components and gentle lotions - your faithful helpers in the fight for clean and beautiful skin.

Period: 25-35 years.
At this age you can already encounter some skin changes. For example, the first mimic wrinkles may appear, the tone will decrease and somewhat deteriorates the complexion. The causes of unpleasant changes lie, including in external factors. Permanent stress and poor ecology do not most effect on skin condition. It is also important that in this age period, women most often become mothers, which means that certain hormonal changes in the body are experiencing.
Skin care At this age, involves connecting special skin products. Highly efficient hyaluronic acid creams help deeply moisten the skin and return her shining color. It is especially important to include similar funds in the care program after 30 years. In addition, you need to ensure that your creams have sunscreen. The sun rays are the main enemies of the skin of the skin.
Do not refuse and salon procedures. Professional peelings and moisturizing masks will help maintain the beauty of the skin. Today in the arsenal of cosmetologists there are stronger means of combating the first signs of aging. However, the expediency of their application you must discuss with a specialist, and not independently assign yourself a course of aimedenality.

Period: 35-45 years.
After 35 years, signs of aging begins to manifest on the skin: wrinkles appear, the skin loses elasticity and moisture. At this age it is very important to use effective moisturizing and nutritious means capable of fighting similar changes. Skin creams should include components such as retinol, antioxidants, vitamins, hyaluronic acid. By the way, the hyaluronic acid leather with age is actively losing, and experts recommend include it in care and as a special injection conducted by a beautician.
Professionals will also help cope with visible wrinkles. Modern methods imply such popular procedures as Botox injections, mesotherapy and photomultivation that help return the former smoothness of the skin. It is important to choose a specialist who can comprehensively advise you, choose an individual program and properly conduct procedures.
It is important to switch to a more gentle skin cleansing, using soft mousses or cream to remove makeup.

Period: from 45 years and older.
Fading leather needs constant nutrition and moisture. Try to use care products regularly. Loss of elasticity and smoothness, wrinkles, vascular meshes do not differ in the best way. Cover with visible changes. The skin will only help salon procedures, but also home care should not be neglected. containing collagen and liposomes allow you to slightly increase skin tone. Do not forget about the moistening of the epidermis, which, again, implies the use of means with hyaluronic acid. Once a week, use pull-up masks.

If you accumulate yourself to care for the skin, then with age, come across less changes. Of course, over the years, wrinkles appear in all, but if you are not lazy and regularly followed the advice of cosmetologists, then you will look younger than your years. The enemy of beauty is not only age, but also the reluctance to spend time on their own appearance. If you show proper diligence, then work will definitely be rewarded with beautiful skin.

And then, as it looks, it depends, first of all, from how a woman takes care of his appearance, in one word, as she loves herself.

The skin of the face in any moments of life requires significant care. It is necessary to protect your face from harmful environmental impacts, moisturize and nourish. According to experts, at the age of women there are five main steps when the skin requires various care. Facial skin care in adulthood is a pledge of beautiful skin without wrinkles and visible signs of aging.

The first stage is up to 25 years.
At this time, the skin does not require special care, only cleansing, moisturizing and toning is necessary. Since skin cells are plastic enough, the skin looks great. It is smooth, velvety, elastic and elastic. If the acne is born, it is best to visit the endocrinologist. Lotions for problem skin are desirable to use several times a day. Now there are quite different means of care for problem skin. You can choose the most optimal option for you and begin to "treat" problem skin. You can also visit the beauty salon, if there are funds, there will help you to cope with this problem by specialists.

Do not forget that the correct lifestyle is also important. If you eat correctly, refuse bad habits, and your sleep will last at least 8 hours, then you will save the young and blooming look of the skin of the face for a long time. Observing these simple truths, in adulthood you do not have to use special means to return to the skin of the face of youth and freshness.

The second stage is 25 - 30 years.
At this age, the skin of the face begins to grow: the first minor wrinkles appear. The skin still puts many young cells, and therefore needs protection. You will need funds that contain minerals and vitamins to help the skin produce the greatest number of young cells and collagen. It is also necessary to drink a lot of mineral water - it will bring slags from the body.

The third stage is 30 - 40 years old.
We begin to fight wrinkles as soon as they appear. You should not wait until they become deeper and, naturally, more visible to others.
Scientists have developed special means to combat wrinkles that contain gilauroneic acid. This acid is produced from natural materials. The process of filling the skin with hylauronic acid is called mesotherapy. To do this, you will need to contact the salon. This is a very effective way to combat wrinkles.
You can choose both a slightly unpleasant and painful way and painless. In a painless way, drugs are injected into the skin pressure of oxygen, not needles. But note that a painless way is a bit more expensive.

The fifth stage is 50 years and after.
The skin loses its vitality. At the same time, the body is hormonally rebuilt, and funds are needed that adapted to these restructuring. The mesotherapy and photorejuvenation of laser devices will help here.

Let's stop in more detail on mature skin.

The age of women "give out" hands, neck, and the main wrinkle. It is very important to which the care of the skin of the face in old age is attentive. In old age, the structure of the face changes, the skin of the face has such disadvantages as "bags" under the eyes, wrinkles in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyes, lips and foreheads, and also sagging, flaky skin. Even if you closely followed the skin all the previous time, then these signs will still be present in one way or another (see)

But why do you ask.
Firstly, Song glands can no longer work, as before, and a gradual decrease in the pace leads to the deprivation of natural skin protection.
Secondly, Inside the skin there are collagen fibers that helped you naturally moisturize our skin. Over time, they lose the ability to absorb a large amount of moisture, and it means that your skin is deprived of moisturizing.
Thirdly, The blood supply to the skin is worse and the number of new cells produced by the skin is reduced. As a result, your skin becomes fine and dry, and, therefore, you will have to moisturize it and protect the external environment more carefully from harmful factors.

There are several negative factors affecting the view of our skin.

Smoking, as you know, does not lead to anything good. For the skin, it is most detrimental, since blood vessels are narrowed under the influence of nicotine. And this affects the color and formation of new skin cells.
It is necessary to abandon smoking at all. Unfortunately, not everyone can do it. Those who cannot, should at least limit the use of cigarettes to five per day.
And it is necessary to increase the amount of vitamins C, as they are the main methods of collagen - proteins that will allow your skin to stay young and fresh.

Also, nothing good will bring you ultraviolet. As you know, ultraviolet destroys composite parts
Cells dried collagen and elastic fibers. And, it means that we get wrinkles and dry skin. To avoid this, before reaching the sun, smear with a special protective cream with a high protection factor.

Also important factor is that how much do you drink liquid. With its disadvantage, our body begins to take it from skin cells, thereby destroying them. Thus, contributing to the appearance of wrinkles. So that this does not happen, drink At least three liters of water per day.

Sport The same beneficial effect on your skin. Experts advise sports outdoors. Take three hours a week for classes - this will allow you to stay in a tone, and your skin will be saturated with oxygen, which will allow her to remain an elastic and young for a long time.,

Being an attractive woman I want at any age. Because from the young age we pay a lot of attention to our appearance and health.

Over the years, we produce useful beauty habits, which are designed to preserve our youth and beauty. But age, alas, does not gently. Why is this happening? Just take care of the skin of the face in accordance with the biological passport.

How many strength was spent to get used to meet a new day and accompany it at the same time, no less than seven hours a day to sleep, every evening and pamper face skin with masks every weekend! And - to run in the morning, three times a week to sweat in the gym, to visit the cosmetologist monthly every month - a gynecologist. And is it really all in vain? Not to be our beauties, despite the efforts made? Useful habits do not work? Work, confident beauty experts. But if we are talking about skin care, adjust your beauty preferences need every anniversary.

20 years

It seems strange, but the processes of aging of the body are launched immediately after a person appears to light. But in the cosmetology "point of no return" called age 21 years. This period when we still do not see explicit changes on your face and body, but the risk of pigment spots, mimic wrinkles, thickening of the epidermis and extension of vessels is already great.

What to do? To begin with, disconnect your facial expressions as much as possible. Habits frowning face, in surprise to high up their eyebrows, fold the lips into the tube on the manner of Selfie and wrinkle the nose when the spirits of colleagues do not match the expectations, to the number of useful it is very difficult to attribute. All of them contribute to the deterioration of the condition of the skin and the speedy manifestation of age-related changes.

In order not to meet old age earlier, pick up the cosmetics corresponding to your age and the type of skin. Do not forget to abide by the three important canon of beauty in skin care: cleansing, toning and moisturizing.

If the skin of a fatty type, eliminate alcohol lotions, use the means with triclosis, salicylic and lactic acid. Never press the house, trust the acne professional treatment.

25 years

You look still fresh and young, but the restoration processes are already slowing in your skin, regeneration occurs with less dynamics, and the lipid skin layer begins to collapse. Solar radiation, surfactants, which are part of many products of beauty, and drugs for deep skin cleansing are applied by the latest tangible harm.

What to do? Take care of the protective barrier of your skin, take care of the SPF factor. And refrain from the purchase of an advertised anti-age cosmetics without coordination with the beautician. Such funds will certainly improve the state of the skin, but to begin to apply it prematurely - it means to subscribe to serious care from an early age. Your skin will begin to "be lazy" and stop performing its rehabilitation functions, as a result, you will grow faster.

If you had to face smile wrinkles - skin beds at the bottom of the nasolabial folds, resort to, the result will last for several years. But the surface cosmetic peels will help to update the skin condition.

30 years

Alas, wrinkles are becoming visible with a naked eye. Small "scratches" under the eyes, chances in the corners of the eyes, folds in the upper part of the lip area, and another uneven tone of the skin and the possible appearance of pigment stains pent says that youth is not eternal.

What to do?Moisten, moisturize and once again moisturize the skin. It is very important! Purchase separately night and day creams and use them all the time. In coordination with the beautician, spend several courses of skin treatment with serums per year.

In the cabin you may offer (3-4 procedures) and biorevitalization (2-3 times a year). Professional care and deep participation of the cosmetologist in the development of your beauty program - now the norm of life.

35 years

The condition in which your skin is now, you can call the "tired face". The skin tone is lost, wrinkles become sharper and clearer, dryness and depths are noted in the eyelids. Pigment stains can "decorate" your face.

What to do? Moisturizing and nutritious serum will help to return the youth and bright colors. They need to be applied by courses. Wrinkles can be removed in the cabin using the proven method - injections of botulinumsin. And the hyaluronic acid is designed to restore the exemplary level of humidifier. It should be enriched your leaving cosmetics and can be introduced into the skin through "beauty enclosures".

40 years

The contour of the person, as they speak in the people, "floats". Pores become noticeable, capillaries expand, the amount of pigment spots increases, wrinkles deepen. Age changes are now affecting not only the skin of the face, but also neck, and.

What to do? The care that you performed earlier should be complemented by several positions. According to the recommendations of the cosmetologist, we regularly apply masks based on aquale with a high percentage of hyaluronic acid. Try cosmetic products with retinoids, they stimulate cell division, thereby improving skin condition.

As for the salon procedures, you should think about injections of mesochekteks, elevating procedures and contour plastic for the effect of freshness of the face.

45 years

At this time, the worsening state of the skin becomes not the main problem, the hormonal function of the ovaries is fading, harbingers of Klimaks appear. And all this is reflected on the skin, it becomes thinner and land, pigmentation is depressing with its resistance, and the eyelid swelling goes into a discharge constant.

What to do? To prolong youth and keep health, it would be nice to visit the gynecologist-endocrinologist, it will adjust hormonal disorders. In the office of the beautician you can spend deep chemical peels, they act in the complex, reducing wrinkles, reducing pigmentation, stimulating cell division.

But home care should be diversified by means of phytoestrogen, antioxidant serums with vitamins and. All care tools in your collection should now contain an "Anti-Age" mark.

50+ years

Transformations on the hormonal level did not pass without a trace. The skin becomes very sensitive, more dry and pigmented. Elasticity, elasticity and tone are reduced, the tone becomes inhomogeneous, and wrinkles are clearly expressed.

What to do? Complete your cosmetics tools to stimulate fibroplast activity. These can be found in professional cosmetic lines. If you are worried about the swelling of the face, take care of creams with caffeine or chestnut extract.

Among the salon procedures it is worth choosing photodegrade courses that will be returned to your skin bright colors and health. Bleaching peelings will be allowed to forget about pigment blots. But most importantly, remember: in 50 - life just begins.

Be young and beautiful!

Who: Stanislav Artemova, Cosmetologist 1st category of Salon Articoli Salon & Spa
True profession: 9 years
Age: 25+

Regeneration processes slow down, the first mimic wrinkles appear, the color of the face - unfortunately, all this is physiological norms. If the client lives in stress, a fault of a vegetative nervous system is possible, which is also responsible for the production of estrogen - female hormone, well affecting the condition of the skin. Therefore, even at 25, the girl may face dark circles under the eyes, acne, dehydream. I have customers who pod a hyaluronka not because they do not know what else to do is really necessary for them.

How do you care for yourself?
I change the brands and cosmetics depending on how the skin feels. Paying huge attention to cleansing, prefer the texture of the mousse: I have narrow pores, I am a lot of sports, and skin fat is highlighted very active. So that he does not remain in the ducts and did not provoke inflammation, it is necessary to absorb it all the time. There are just mousses with this. I love CHANEL products for sensitive skin and from La Mer. Means I remove the usual water from under the tap. Her quality, of course, leaves much to be desired, but otherwise there is no feeling of purity, the face is covered with a film. Toniki prefer without alcohol, they calm the skin, and do not drown it.

Brands I change infrequently, because to understand, the product works or not, you need to give him time - 3 months. The first results can be estimated after 28 days - this is the cycle of cellular updates. We use moisturizing serum from 23 years. It is not nanous to the area around the eyes, but for the ear shells - be sure. I often observe mature women with perfectly well-groomed skin, but with flabmalls. I do not want something like that with me.

Often, once a week, I go to the manual cleaning, although, understandable, I do not like them. In my case, due to narrow, they are better suitable than hardware. Ultrasound pollution does not take, it only listens to the top layer of burned cells. Yes, frequent manual cleaning is a serious impact on the skin, and if there is a non-professional, pigmentation can perform on the face, but I do not see alternative for yourself.

I try injection techniques, without them today is nowhere. A couple of times did biorevitalization, once Botox. I also walked to photoepilation - I recommend: this hair removal method is good for the face, since it is effective and not too painful.

In 27-30 years.


Behind light textures and advanced cream formulas that will be instantly run regeneration processes.

You from 25 to 30

  • Carefully, 2 times a day, cleanse the skin. If it is prone to dryness, use the milk, if a combined or fatty type is choosing gels and mousses.
  • At the reception at the cosmetologist, it is always asked to include a face massage and neckline zone in the procedure.
  • Cleaning is yours. Manual - if the pores are narrow, ultrasound - if you see them with a naked eye.

1. Cream Nectar Bright, Melvita
2. Steam Cream Moisturizing Cream, Lush
3. Soothing mask Masque Sensitif, La Biosthetique
4. Serum Growth Factor, Medik 8
5. Night Cream for Face 04, Balance of Power, My Blend
6. Means for smoothing first wrinkles Techni Liss First, Payot
7. Anti-aging leather care around the eye "Shine of youth 25+", Garnier

If you are 30 or more

Who: Natalia Savitskaya, Beauty Cosmetologist Dessange
True profession: 15 years
Age: 30+

What happens to the skin in your age?
Tour of the skin is actively reduced. For this reason, the first small mimic wrinkles are nasolabial, forehead, areas around the eyes - become more pronounced. After thirty, many of my clients complain about swelling in the morning: at this age, lymph and blood flow slow down.

How do you care for yourself?
We are convinced: the skin should relax from cosmetic products, you need to give her the opportunity to work itself. I somehow counted: if you buy a cream for each zone, as manufacturers recommend, at a time you need to apply 15 products, or something so. This is a nightmare. Therefore, sometimes I clean the skin, toning it, and I refuse it from the serum and cream.

Cleaning the face with milk, because my skin is thin, with a tendency to dryness. As for creams, I love universalwhich can be applied to the area around the eyes. Such often produce Japanese brands, they do not have to divide products by zones - for face, neck, eyes. The texture depends on the time of year - in winter I prefer the classic Crème de la Mer, although many consider it heavy. From serum my favorite from the CellCosmet brand with elastocolelagen, gives a good lifting effect.

I believe that after 30 years it is necessary to pay more attention to exfoliation - houses regularly do mechanical peelings, at the beautician - chemical. In the salons, I often go in the fall and in winter: after summer, especially if pigment stains appeared, I conduct a course of chemical peels, then several mesotherapy procedures with hyaluronic acid (every three weeks). And, of course, I always protect from the sun, because ultraviolet ruins the skin, as well as smoking.

The most effective anti-aging component for today?
Hyaluronic acid.

When do you need to start a fight against age?
At 30, not earlier. Up to this point, a thorough regular cleansing, but no aggressive anti-aging agents. The other day, one client, which is a little more than twenty, asked to beat her meso, make some intense care. I had to refuse: the girl's skin is in perfect condition, and I think, until a certain point, the epidermis must satisfy his needs, without active interventions.

What is the future of anti-aging cosmetology?
For injection techniques. I think the compositions of drugs and their introduction will be improved.

You from 30 to 35

  • Chemical peelings should appear in your care. Abrasive also stay remain, use 1 time per week.
  • If you have nothing against the injection, try to beat vitamin cocktails, hyaluronic acid. Are you afraid of It is easy to ensure that your care products contain these components.
  • Let's relax your face: once every 2 weeks only cleanse the skin, and serum and creams are not apparent.

1. Fluid for Le Fluide, Orchidée Impériale, Guerlain
2. Regenerating fluid against wrinkles Ideal Resource, Darphin
3. Cream - Youth Activator Génifique, Lancôme
4. SUPREMÿA Eye Cream, Sisley
5. Day Firming Cream, Carita

If you are 35 or more

Who: Elena Belyakova, Dermatoshurrh doctor clinic of aesthetic medicine "Claus"
True profession: 14 years
Age: 35+

What happens to the skin in your age?
It is thinning and becomes less moistened, elastic and elastic. The dermis actively loses hyaluronic acid and slowly it synthesizes, the skin covers the network of surface wrinkles, it is thinned and drained, cosmetologists call it "parchment". Care optionally should be directed anti-aging action, more importantly - seasonality. In winter - protective and nutritious means; In the spring it is necessary to restore the face after the cold - the vitamin; Summer is enough moisturizing cream with SPF; And in the fall, it's time to remove signs of damage to the Sun and cooking the skin to frosts - to pay attention to regenerating products that return the tone.

How do you care for yourself?
In the morning and in the evening I wash off the cosmetics of foam for washing, after that we called the cream in accordance with the time of the year - distributing it on the area around the eyes, the urine and ear sink (a big mistake, if someone does not do this), then descend on the neck, and then What remains in your hands, smear the neckline around the zone. I do not impose any money on your lips, but now they are necessarily around them. Once a week, I am guaranteed to find time on the mask - Always take the same series as the face cream. He, by the way, I have a dense texture even in the summer, because dry type skin. Summer skin somewhere in 2 weeks, that's enough for me. Scrub I choose with abrasive particles. I don't have a cosmetologist: starting from 25 years every six months, I myself stole myself Botox.

The most effective anti-aging component for today?
Hyaluronic acid. With age, the skin actively loses it, namely, Haluronka affects the "fullness" of the face. In 25 years, this may be with acid creams, 30 and further - injections and nutritional supplements.

When do you need to start a fight against age?
If you want to look at 30 in 40 years, you need to start care of yourself at 20. And to accustom yourself, even in a very young age, at least once a year to visit the beautician, so that the specialist tracked the changes and selected the necessary products.

What is the future of anti-aging cosmetology?
I assume creams will be created individually for each person in accordance with its genetic analysis. Cosmetology will take into account the rate of exchange processes of each organism and hormonal background.

1. Cleansing foam, Wamiles
2. Daily moisturizer Vinexpert, Caudalie
3. Anti-Age care Sublixime, IXXI
4. Biologically active additive HYALURONIC ACID, SOLGAR
5. Cream with hyaluronic acid Hyaluronic Cream, Thalgo
6. Roller for the skin around ELIXIR 7.9, Yves Rocher

If you are 40 or more

Who: Marina Devitskaya, Cosmetologist Cosmetologist Salon Profile Professional
True profession: 14 years
Age: 40+

What happens to the skin in your age?
All processes occurring in skin cells do not benefit its condition, traces of age are becoming obvious. And, as experts are expressed, the face begins to fall down. Due to the inability of the skin, hold moisture as the hydrolyphid layer is broken, and this leads to its thinning. Vascular asterisks are shown due to a deteriorating microcirculation with every year.

How do you care for yourself?
My favorite brands - Ultraceuticals and Rexaline. In each cleansing agent that I use, there is always some kind of acid, most often glycolic. This allows you to remove from leather and makeup, and contamination, remove and disintegrated horny scales. Next - necessarily tonic. In summer, micellar water or means of green tea are performed in his role, in winter - products with 5% lactic acid. After toning - serum. I take products with vitamins group B (B3 and B5): They restore the hydrolyphic film and work with small wrinkles. In the morning, wean serum with vitamin B, and in the evening - with retinol (it is Vitamin A. - approx. Wh). To the last component, the face must be accepted: first apply the product twice a week, then three, and after switching to daily use.

Pilings make 1 time per week. My favorite means is an unusual two-stage scrub from Hydropeptide® brand. The first phase is a mechanical exfoliation. I nano on the cleaned skin of the crystals, inside which vitamin C is hiding, massaging the face for a few minutes, then distributing the gel-shaped activator with a beloved 5% lactic acid. The focus is that it releases vitamin C from crystals and with it penetrates into the skin where the process of regeneration launches.

I myself make thermalifting. This procedure should be carried out once a year, no more often. I love microcles, I go to the master about 7 years old. The same specialist trust the biorevitalization procedure.

The most effective anti-aging component for today?
Retinol. It cleaner wrinkles well and stops inflammation - acne can appear on the soil of changing the hormonal background.

When do you need to start a fight against age?
At 20 years old. From this point on, skin cleansing should be the main point of your care program.

What is the future of anti-aging cosmetology?
For retinol, vitamin C, peptides and fruit acids.

You from 40 to 45

  • Use creams aimed at restoring the contour of the face. As part of the search for powerful components like retinol.
  • Nobody canceled regular cleansing and toning. Even mature skin may look good, if you pay a lot of attention.
  • It is time for hardware techniques. Laser dermabrasion, photorejuvenation, thermal, bipolar lifting - finally you can try all these things in business.

1. Serum "Microskulp Face", Regenerist, Olay
2. Laptop Forever Light Creator, Yves Saint Laurent
3. Regenerating complex Advanced Night Repair, Estée Lauder
4. Lotion Lotion Lotion Divine, L "Occitane
5. Massage rejuvenating cream Massage Cream, Pola