Beautiful thin arrows. Arrows with different shapes of the eyes. Terms of use of different types of eyelvering

Makeup, which includes perfect black arrows, appeared in ancient Egypt. Then it was believed that the black arrow not only creates an attractive image, but also protects against the evil eye. Today, this element is rightly called the "Classic Makeup". It can use it every, it is only important to figure out how to draw arrows and what form is suitable for you.

The basic arrow drawing diagram in the eyes is satisfied.It will help beginners to create smooth lines and "not to reinvent the bike". Let's wonder it step by step:

  1. First draw the bottom line: it starts from the outer corner of the eye and continues the growth line of eyelashes. At first, it is better not to do a litigation too long - enough 0.8 mm - 1 cm;
  2. From the center of the upper eyelid (focus on the pupil), we carry out a line to the "tail" made;
  3. We carry out the connecting line from the inner corner of the eye to the top of the line 2;
  4. Pain the resulting emptiness in the resulting circuit. Arrow is ready!

You can vary the length of the tail, the thickness of the arrows and its end depending on their preferences and goals.

Ideal arrows must be smooth, without jarbin on the edges and gaps in the "body"!

The first time the arrows often have to redraw again, washing the previous option, but over time you will do your hand and learn from the first time to create the desired contour!

How to choose a suitable form of arrows

Depending on the location of the eyes and form of a person, the following recommendations can be distinguished:

  1. For closely spaced eyes. It is recommended to create arrows, the upper line of which starts not from the inner corner of the eye, but from the middle of the upper eyelid. This visually spreads the eyes. Also are well suited forms No. 3 and No. 6 with a photo above;
  2. On the horn eyelids. In this case, a special approach is required, which is discussed in detail in the following video lesson:

    Also worth paying attention to Form No. 1, №4.

  3. For deeply planted eyes. Try to focus on the outer corner of the eye, while do not have the line too close to the growth of the eyelashes. For example, you will be suitable forms No. 2, 5, 7, 14 and 16;
  4. For convex eye. For such a shape of the eyes, the photo №№ 5, 6, 9 and 16 is suitable.

The following video presents professional recommendations for the construction that will help you figure out how to draw arrows correctly:

What to draw arrows in front of the eyes

Answer the question "The better to draw arrows" it is very difficult - everything is purely individually. The modern cosmetics industry offers numerous means, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages, and choose from them for personal preferences only through a series of trials and errors! We denote the main types of funds:


For those who are looking for a way to learn how to draw arrows in front of the eyes, the eyeliner will become a great help - a powerful classic, with which fashionista created its arrows dozens of years to a row! Today, at least 2 types of eyeliner are known:

> Liquid

Liquid eyeliner work the easiest. In addition, this is the most popular arrow drawing agent. As a rule, it is produced with a solid felt or soft tassel from the pile in the kit. Liquid resistant eyeliner is equipped with a felt applicator that will help you easily and quickly learn to draw arrows!

> Gel

This type of eyeliner will help create you both thin arrows and complex graphic images. Gel texture can be used even as an eye makeup substrate. It is worth noting that the beginners will be difficult to immediately make friends with this material. To work with gel eyelid, you will need to purchase a special beveled brush if it is not included, like.

Liner / Marker / Flomaster

The work of these products is largely similar to each other, with the only difference that the liner can also be in liquid form. It is equally simple to use these means, they help create a smooth arrow without spaces literally in two bills. Makeup artists recommend slightly swimming the eyelids before starting work. Try to use and appreciate it ease!


Before painting the arrows with a pencil, it is necessary to take into account some features of the use of this product:

  • It is necessary to break the eyelid slightly to avoid possible spreading of the griffel or its prints in the upper eyelid. For the same purpose, try to choose wax-based pencils, moisture resistant or waterproof. An excellent option will be a resistant eye pencil;
  • Draw arrows must be soft, but at the same time a well-sharpened pencil. Otherwise, the contour will be blurred and ugly. If your pencil is too solid, then you can slightly melt it with a griffel, having hooked over a lighter or candle;
  • Do not forget to carefully work out the interroad space to avoid spaces in the circuit.

Paint the arrows with a pencil along with a step-by-step video lesson from Elena Crygina:


Before drawing the arrows with shadows, it is important to create a database under shade with a primer and prepare a thin beveled brush. Let's analyze the application stages:

  1. Guided by the scheme above, build the body of the arrow, starting with an inner corner of the eye and ending with the tip. To do this, you can use a small amount of pigment so that in case of an error, it is easy to make correction;
  2. Gently combine the points obtained, trying to create an accurate smooth line;
  3. We score gaps;
  4. Painting eyelashes is better only after the shooter is already ready.

In order for the color to be more rich and bright you can apply shadows on the finished arrow made by a pencil or eyeliner.

Combinations of funds

To create an ideal shooter, all means are good. You can completely combine several cosmetic products, for example:

  1. Gel liner + shimmer shadows or metallic shadows. Having worked on the top of the shadows, you add shine and brightness;
  2. Pencil + eyeliner. Pencil erase is much easier in case of error. Therefore, a newcomer can be created by an arrow first with a pencil, and then work out the finished version of the eyelid. In addition, the pencil will ideally mask spaces between eyelashes, so it will be an excellent addition to the eyeliner in the filling of the interinsunny space;
  3. Pencil + matte shadows. The arrow drawn with a sharp pencil will look beautiful if it is a little erased with black shadows. Be careful at the same time to grow only the outer edge of the contour!

How to fix errors and inaccuracies

Even if you know for sure how to draw the arrows correctly, the possibility that the hand is randomly drowning, no one has canceled. Few people know that to correct their mistakes it is not necessary to draw the entire arrow re-- you can do and a small correction:

  • minor irregularities can be hidden with dark shadows, carefully growing them on top of the shortcoming;
  • if the unevenness arose on the arrow, then the contour can make the contour and remove the flaw, but it is important to control the symmetry in both eyes;
  • inactive protrusions on the outer edge can be painted with a consideration and brushes.

How to draw arrows using girlfriend

Before you beautifully draw arrows from the first time, for some time for beginner arrows without blots are a real dream. Only workouts and several interesting lifehaki will help to correct the problem, which will be prompting how exactly drawing the arrows using the remedies for this:

  1. The spoon. With a spoon easy to create graphic corners of the arrows. Use a teaspoon as a ruler, tightly applying to the ages in the desired position and rubbing it with a liner.
  2. Scotch. Thin transparent scotch is a good helper in creating a beautiful arrow. Stick a small piece to the bottom corner of the eye so that you can draw the bottom line. Watch that on both eyes the scotch has been pasted symmetrically! Also, not to spoil the result, it is not recommended to remove the tape until the cosmetics drying.
  3. Stencil. Today there are many varied stencils, with the help of which even experienced makeup artists sometimes draw arrows. You can buy them in any cosmetic salon, and the principle of their work is largely similar to the stencils for eyebrows.
  4. A plastic card. Draw arrows with a plastic card quite easily, if you can easily fix it. Otherwise, if the hand is thrown, the makeup will be spoiled.

Smooth arrows are easy to create with screwdrivers. However, the best assistant here is an experience. Training daily you will achieve an excellent result.

Actual trends in the types of arrows

Do not know what arrows to draw? Let's consider the most relevant and popular types of arrows:

\u003e Basic

This thin arrow will ideally emphasize the shape of the eye and becomes an excellent addition. Just work as a pencil growth line with a pencil and gently exit "abroad" by creating a thin arrow.

\u003e Eastern

Ensures the same thickly developed upper and lower eyelids with a fairly long and slightly curved up the arrow.

\u003e Feline arrows

A short-lived arrow with a thick base and slightly curved tip. The beginning of the arrow enters the eye of the eye with a sharp angle. Sometimes it can also emphasize the lower eyelary edge. Ideal for creating a "cunning" look.

\u003e Double arrows

There are several ways to draw dual arrows:

The arrow emphasizes the upper and lower eyelids.

The arrow has a double tail.

In order to make a look charming and sophisticated, emphasize the natural beauty of the eye, recommended, besides the carcass, visually increase the size of the eyes with the help of the arrows. Neatly drawn arrows again in fashion in the new season of 2018. They will perfectly complement both bright evening and standard, it is only important to know some tricks of applying arrows.

The arrows were in fashion at all times, they were drawn by such women famous to the world as the Italian movie star Sophie Loren and American actress Merilin Monroe. Today, no one can imagine them without the arrows drawn in front of the eyes, which are a business card of their image and style. But draw the arrows in the eyes is not as easy as it may seem. The bad eyes were unsuccessful to completely spoil the entire appearance of the girl, while the arrows well-selected to the cut and the shape of the arrow will open the look, and will also allow you to adjust the possible flaws of appearance.

There are various types of eye arrows in width and length. The choice of each girl does individually, depending on the preferences in makeup. Among the large number of arrows, those who are most popular with female representatives should be distinguished:

  • Classic version of arrows - Thin lines. In order to correctly draw such arrows, you need to conduct a pencil from the inner corner of the eye to the external. Remember that at the end the line must be raised a little up. Be sure to keep track of the width of the line, it is recommended to do it fine.

  • Arrogo "Double Line". Do not look unique, more expressive and bright. Perfectly emphasize the natural beauty of the eyes. The arrow in the upper eyelid is drawn from the inner corner of the eye to the external. It should be noted that the line should be closer to the outside edge of the eye, and its edge is slightly raised. The lower eyelid needs to be summed up, on the contrary - from an external corner to the internal. It is important to control the arrows to go out the same on both eyes for the aesthetic completion of the selected image, the bends of the arrows must be smooth and elegant.
  • For visual increase in the density of the eyelashes perfect "Thick arrows". Such arrows draw quite simple, the width can be different, depending on the preferences of the girl. It is necessary to draw from an inner corner of the eye to external.

Popular types of eye arrow painted by eyeliner

  • Great popular among young girls enjoy Arrows "Feline Eyes". They emphasize the beauty of the eyes, making a look more confident. A feature of such arrows is that the edges of both lines are directed up to the temple zone.

The classic options for arrows complement any makeup of a girl, making an image more complete and harmonious, giving him some raisin.

We select arrows under the shape of the eyes

In order for the arrows to decorate a woman, and did not make it the image of a caricature or even vulgar, it is necessary that the arrows fit the form of her eye. Eyes of classic almond-shapedArrows of any kind are suitable from the nanes at a normal distance. The happy owner of almond-shaped eyes can afford and thin and thick eyeliner. Any version of the arrows will look at the almond eyes just amazing.

Arrows in front of the blue shadows, the rules of drawing a beautiful shooter.

Women S. Round eyes The arrows will adjust the eye shape, make it more elongated. To do this, the arrow needs to start drawing from an inner corner of the eye to external. But from the middle of the century, the arrow needs to raise a bit up, instead of bringing it to an outer corner of the eye. Such an arrow will allow not only visually adjusting the eyes and give them a almond-shaped form, but also to avoid a "heavy" look, which appears if the arrow has been conducted all over the circuit of round eye. The width of the arrows on round eyes should be fine in the inner corners, and then a little thickened from the middle. The end of the arrow should not cut sharply, it is necessary to sharpen it smoothly.

To give the charm and open them open, you need to draw a very thin arrow in the upper eyelid, as close as possible to the eyelashes. Closer to the end of the century, the direction of the arrow should go smoothly upwards, but not go beyond the external corner of the eye.

If a eyes are placed too wide, the arrow should be wide, starting with the inner corners of the eyes, and then gradually narrowed towards the external. If the eyes on the contrary are close to the nose, then the arrow in the inner corners should be thin and thicken at the outer corners.

Video lesson of the arrow drawing for any type of eye: raised corners, lowered corners of the eyes, widely arranged, narrowly planted eyes, narrow eyes or wide.

Rules of drawing arrows

The question is how to draw the arrows in front of the eyes of very many women. A beautiful arrow can be drawn only if you do it in series in several stages.

  • You need to draw the arrow with a "solid" hand, otherwise the line will not be even, and the wavy, which is unacceptable. So that this does not happen, it is necessary to put the mirror at the level of the eyes, and the elbow of the hand, which the eyes are bombarded, and resume the hard surface.
  • No need to draw an arrow, closing the eye or opening it, it is inconvenient. It is best if the eye is half a closed. In this case, it will be immediately seen as well as the arrow is drawn.

  • What width was not planned to draw an arrow, originally need to draw it fine, and gradually thicken if necessary.

  • Most women believe that the arrow needs to draw one solid feature. But in this case, it is almost impossible to draw a smooth line. It is best to draw an arrow in two right. From the inner angle to the middle, and from the middle to the outer corner.
  • The inner edge of the arrow should be carried out along the growth line of eyelashes. If the distance between the eyelashes and eyeliner is left, it will look inactively, and the eyelashes will not look spectacular, even if they are very thick and beautifully painted.

  • The arrows at both eyes should be the same length and width. It is unacceptable even the slightest deviations, since with different arrows, the eyes will look asymmetric, even if there is really no such defect in a woman.

  • If the eye makeup includes not only the arrows, but also the shadows, the arrows draw on top of the shadows.

What cosmetics to use for drawing arrows

Drawing with liquid liner

Many girls dreaming about bright arrows, immediately acquire. Of course, the arrows drawn by eyeliner look great, besides, they still hold on any skin of the eyelids. But liquid eyeliner is worth using only those who already know how to draw the arrows well, who can confidently hold the line and not to get down in the middle, spoiling the entire effect. For those who are only learning eye makeup, draw the arrow better with a pencil or shadows.

Eye Arrows With Pencil

You can draw the arrow with a solid or soft pencil. Soft is suitable for beginners in the visability, and the hard pencil draw arrows prefer professionals. The use of a pencil when drawing the arrows is convenient because they can be chosen and. It is pencils draw arrows makeup artists, creating eye makeup "Smoky Eyes".

Beautifully drawn arrows will always harmoniously complement the selected makeup. Arrows can draw, applying a liquid eyeliner or a special eye pencil, shadow for this use is not recommended. Before you start, it is important to remember how to draw the arrows correctly if you apply a pencil. It is necessary to pre-make up the eyelids to the eyelids, so that the pencil "lay" is easier and even. If the conceived makeup does not provide for the use of shadows, it is important before starting to degrease the eyelids using a lotion.

In order for the arrow to be successful and beautiful, it is important that the hand has the right location, namely, the elbow must have focus. This will prevent possible make-up flaws, in case the hand thrown.

It is recommended to deliver imperceptible points in places where the line will be held. When applied to a smooth symmetrical arrow, this will give greater confidence in creating a future image. Arrows in front of the gradually should draw from an inner corner of the eye to the external.

It is very important to choose a high-quality pencil to create the arrows, because poor-quality products can lead to undesirable consequences and to the end to spoil the intended image. Pencil may not be resistant and quickly labeled or crumble. Now there is a sufficient amount of high-quality product on the product market, so it is recommended to pay attention to such details.

Also, the color of the pencil may be different. The choice of a pencil of the necessary tone can benefit from emphasizing the color of the shadows or some defined image details.

Draw the arrows with a pencil is not so easy, as it may seem. It is necessary to competently approach the choice of products and work on makeup. Knowing some tricks will help create the desired image.

Drawing arrows in the eyes of shadows

No less convenient to draw arrows and with the help of shadows. This requires a thin brush and a pure applicator. The tassel must be pre-wetted with water, after which you to type the shadows of the selected color on it and carry out a neat line on the age. The arrow made by shadows looks softly and perfectly suitable for day makeup. The tassel can be done a thin arrow, but if a wide contour is needed, then you can spend over a thin line to carry out a wider edge of the applicator. If you want the arrow to be brighter, then the shadow strip is applied by a wet applicator if an arrow of the muffled color is needed, the applicator must be dry.

Fashionable version of arrows in front of makeup makeup for gray eyes

Drawing arrows on the eyes by the liner

Today is very popular liner. This type of eyeliner resembles a marker, and it is very convenient to carry out a clear line that turns out to be soft, and if the arrow has not turned out perfect from the first time, it is easy to remove it with a mixed wand moistened in water.

Video lesson on the methods of drawing shooters: shadows, pencil, ayliner. The choice of brushes, shadows, eyeliner, know-how.

Choose the color of the arrows

Classic color for drawing the arrows is black. In combination with red lipstick, black arrows look incredibly sexy. But such an image is best at a party, and not in everyday life, when women try to use light natural shades in makeup.

In order for the arrow in the afternoon, it is appropriate and beautiful for its drawing to use brown, beige, blue or dark green shades. Especially good, these colors will be combined with brown or black and brown ink, which is best suited for everyday makeup. Required when choosing a shade for arrows, you need to take into account the color of the eyes. If the arrow is drawn to the color of the eyes, then the look will become more expressive and deep, and if used for arrow pearl shadow, then luminous. What color to draw the arrows to choose, every woman decides itself, the main thing is that the arrow fit to the shape of her eye and made a woman more attractive.

Fashionable option makeup with arrows of white color on the eyes of the original view of the color arrows in front of the eyes: photo-photographic arrows in front of black and blue bright colors

How to make arrows in front of perfectly smooth

It is very important to work on the arrows to ensure that the line is perfectly smooth. This can be achieved thanks to some factors:

  • First of all, it is necessary to choose the correct arrangement of the hand, the elbow must have a certain emphasis. This will contribute to the fact that the hand does not flow and the line will turn out to be smooth.
  • The ends of the arrows should be noted with a pencil for perfect symmetry. This will facilitate the upcoming work and will help create a dazzling and daytime, and.
  • Before starting work, you must prepare cotton wands, thanks to which you can remove the shortcomings obtained during work on makeup.

Perfectly smooth arrows can be created thanks to the use of a special eyeliner or, if you give preference to a pencil, it is important that it is solid, since the use of a soft pencil can spoil the contour of the arrows. Before drawing the arrows in front of the pencil, it is recommended to practice on paper.

Drawing arrows in front of the gel base on video.
Base under shadow - Paint-Pot Bare Study
Pencil Black - Benefit Bad Gal Waterproof Eyeliner

One of the components of a successful makeup is attractive arrows. Properly drawn arrows give a look. Fascinating view. Makeup with arrows can be found almost at each star and a well-known model. But how to draw them, so that they are symmetrical and added to the note of sexuality makeup, and not the opposite? All secrets about how to draw arrows in front of the eyeliner, we will tell you in detail in the article.

How to draw arrows in front

Before proceeding with the technique of drawing the arrows, you should define the shape of the eyes. After all, for each eye shape, a certain technique of arrows is suitable. Classic arrows will suit almost every girl, but carefully and correctly depict them completely not easy. If you draw an arrow for the first time, one rule should be taken into account: a hand that will spend the arrow should be stable. But, in the case of an asymmetric line, there is always the opportunity to use the shadows, thanks to which you can easily cover the unsuccessful arrow and transform make-up with a new highlight.

For beginners, it is better to use the so-called double arrow. The first line should be taken close to the ridge line, and the second to draw on top. Thus, the arrow will look spectacular and no one will notice that you are in this case a beginner. It is worth remembering that the tail arrow should always be sharp. It depends on how well the arrow is well drawn.

Photo for inspiration

How to draw arrows with a pencil

Pencil for the eyelid is a very necessary tool. With it, you can depict both thin arrows and wide. A pencil with a solid texture is suitable for drawing thin arrows. Its color will not be very saturated, but its resistance is impressed during the day.

For thick arrows, a soft pencil will be useful. It leaves wide lines of a saturated color, but the minus of this pencil is its durability. Makeup with such an arrow will not serve during the day. Before applying a makeup with an arrow should be made sure that the face has no cosmetics from the previous makeup. Getting Started with a pencil arrow, you need to remember that the line draws continuously, so you don't have to correct irregularities.

Starting the line should be from the middle of the century, in this place it should be the most dense and wide. The arrow should go to the external and inner corner of the eye. Not always makeup with an arrow can work out the first time. If there are irregularities or thickening the arrow line, they can always be corrected using a cotton wand.

Lesson for novice "loving arrow"

Picture an arrow with a liner is quite difficult. After all, the execution technique requires incredible accuracy and accuracy. For the first time, the arrows can work out either low-lost or uneven. There are three types of eyeliner: liquid, gel and stylist-felt-tip. But, before you master the lesson for applying the arrows using eyeliner, you need to confidently draw the arrows with a pencil. Without this method, applying using eyeliner is unlikely to succeed.

The first application is better to start with the use of a felt-meter supply, because in a liquid and gel eyeliner, the brush is quite soft, which makes it difficult for the first applying arrow.

Drawing by eyeliner is mainly no different from the pencil. Previously be cleaned by the eyelid to the demaciage. After applying your favorite color of the shadows. Next, proceed to applying a lining. The line should be carried out from an inner corner of the eye, expanding it to the middle of the century and again reducing the external corner of the century. The tail arrows must be left sharp. Many step-by-step lessons of applying arrows using eyeliner can be seen both in the photo and video.

How beautiful to draw arrows in front of the eyes - video

In the Internet, there are numerous photo and video lessons, thanks to which you can learn how to draw the right and neat arrows. Using the video, the arrows draw much easier, because in the lesson step by step shown how it is worth keeping the tool, under what bias to draw and how to be in the case of an arrow flashes.

The look is a real weapon of a fatal woman, and to strengthen its effect, ladies seek to learn as much as possible about the secrets of makeup. One of the long-known and effective techniques to make an emphasis on my eyes is to emphasize the growth line of eyelashes, in other words, draw arrows. Such subtlety began to apply beauties in ancient Egypt, seeking to repeat the cut of the eyes of the animal sacred for them - cats.

Already in those distant times in the country, the pyramids were able to make cosmetics and they did it from the components that nature gave them. The pigment for summing up the century they did from henna, clay and yals the Great River Nile.

Nowadays, the choice of funds for creating irresistible makeup has expanded many times, but modern girls who follow their health of their skin are still trusted only by natural cosmetics.

In this article we will share with you practical advice on how easy and quickly make perfect arrows.

Instructions for beginners: draw flat lines

The traditional way of lining the eyelid is not the only possible and even more so fits not all fashionable. Yes, of course, it looks very bright and attractive when they shine on the eyes of a glossy bend. Such Maika adores the Queen of Burlesque Dita Background TIZ and PIN-AP Lover, Singer Katie Peri.

But that makeup was really immaculate, he must be suitable for your type of face, namely the shape of the eyes. An alternative eyeliner can serve a soft pencil, properly decisive shadow, wet brush, a mixture of the gel base with shadows of his beloved color. We will tell about these ways below.

The first thing to know is the features of the application of cosmetics for a certain location and cut eye. After reading our advice, you will learn how to make arrows in your eyes and master all the techniques for beginners.

  • If you are a happy owner of a classic almond-like eye cut, you can experiment with the shape. But the best solution will simply highlight the growth of cilia, barely continuing it for the outer corner of the eye.

You will need: liquid eyeliner with the most thin tassel.

  • Your option - eyes with lowered corners. The arrows visually raise looking down the edges of the mobile century, the main thing is not drawing any sharp, graphic contours and lead the line just above the natural circuit. The best solution will be a light decisive.

You will need: a soft pencil, a brush for softening the contour, it has a bevelled edge, which makes it easier to apply. Dream Minerals offers such a tool with a high-quality synthetic pile.

  • Did you make a compliment, finding the similarity between you and the star of the famous female series Saray Jessica Parker? Perhaps it's all about your honeycomb look. The actress possesses closely planted eyes. It does not draw arrows at the inner corner, which visually increases the distance between the eyes. In this area, the celebrity makes flickering shadows.

You will need: Pencil, gel or liquid eyeliner.

  • Worried that the eyelid hangs slightly? Absolutely in vain! After all, the arrows advantageously emphasize your feature, you just need to draw them in the form of a crescent, that is, in the corners already, and in the middle of the century there is a lot.

We will need: Stir the gel base with the mineral shadows of the Dream Minerals like an accent. Their crumbly light base will provide easy mixing, and you can vary the color.

  • There is also a trick that allows you to improve makeup for deeply seated eyes. Cover the eyelid and ride a bone under the eyebrow, this semicircle is called an orbital line to make the eye less recessed, exhaust this circuit with light, light powdered shadows. Your movements should be such as if you draw the arch. Movable eyelid outline contrasting arrow.

You will need: satin shadows, brush for decisive.

  • You have a different location of the eyes - slightly convex, then you can recall the basics of artistic skill and play with lightness, namely, darken the orbital line. Select the shadows of a more dense texture and a saturated shade. It is better to guide without bends.

You will need: matte shadows, brush for cutting.

How exactly to make arrows in front of: We understand step by step

Two main tools for performing such makeup: pencil and eyeliner. Moreover, the second tool is divided into different types. The eyeliner is gel, liquid or liner (resembles a marker). To determine the choice, you need to understand what effect you want.

  • For a clear circuit with graphic drawing, it is the liner.
  • A thin line, filling the interval between the cilia and allowing you to comfortably apply mascara without prints in the eyelid, you will create a liquid eyeliner.
  • Experiment with bend and thickness, and also give a glossy gloss to make a remedy for gel based

You will be useful to our lifehaki, how to make the arrows in front of the eyeliner styardly with the photo.

It is important to understand that cosmetic instruments providing a feline contour and coal color have one common property. Their texture is wet and when used still does not dry completely. If you draw a line immediately in the eyelid, while in the evening you will notice that it imprinted in a century and makeup looks very funny and is not so ideal as it was at the beginning.

What to do to avoid such a confusion? It is necessary to apply a small amount of primer to the mobile eyelid, taking advantage of the brush for the decisiveness of the shadows. Rice powder, which is part of the Dream Minerals primers, effectively removes the shine, being a natural absorbent. Since the eyelid has a small fold, it is always a little wet, which does not give her to lock and it is lubricated. And slightly drinking the skin you will provide her light flicker and matte surface - they will be perfect even in the evening.

How to make smooth arrows in the eyes of stages, our recommendations with photos will help you.

To the line be without flaws, it must be drawn in several techniques.

  1. After you drink the eye, take the liner in your hands as a handle for the letter and spend the thin line continuing the lower eyelid. It should look as if it proceeds at an angle of 45 ° from the corner of the eye from the outside. The length should be approximately a centimeter, you can slightly smaller.
  2. Next, approximately from the middle of the drawn segment, spend another in the direction to the contour of the eyelid, the triangle must turn out, not filled in.
  3. After that, from the middle of the base of the drawn corner, draw an arc that narrows to the inner edge of the eye.
  4. Skin the space under the arc.
  5. Then hold the triangle.
  6. You should get a light pointed wave, spend a liner several times on it to make it even more united, getting rid of sharp transitions.

How to make small arrows in front of the liquid eyeliner, look at our photos.

The first instruction is not suitable for everyone, some girls prefer miniature, like the heroine of the film "Breakfast at Tiffany" Audrey Hepburn actresses.

If the eyeliner is not difficult at hand.

  1. They draw on the same principle only with a smaller number of stages. First of all, apply to the eyelid powder, primer or shadow of any liked the shade. You can also draw orbital fold. Next, we draw along the growth of the eyelashes dense, bulk line. In the center it is more, the edges narrows, it turns out the crescent.
  2. Then make a short stroke at a slight angle from an external corner of the eye, which coincides with the end of our previous arc.
  3. The final chord will be a small semicircle that connects the end of the stroke with the main line.
  4. Then paint the resulting corner and you have a flirting arrow with a light curl.

Arrows Shadows

The drawing of these lines sometimes takes a lot of time, such makeup is not the best option when you need to go out in the light after 15 minutes. In addition, the even it turns out far from always, you need to "fill up" a good one before making such a mouse about your business card.

Alternative to this reception serve soft rustic out of the shadows.

  • A wide brush for decisive shadows with a soft pile is applied to a light base, it can be flickering shadows with a light shade or powder.
  • Then we take a brush with a bevelled edge, slightly wetting the shadow of a dark shade with a metched brush. We do not give vile in the brush to bend and drive the tool smoothly so that the line is flat.
  • Summarize the same and lower eyelids, connecting two arrows in an angle of the eye.
  • Then again we take a softer brush with a long pile and grind up slightly, but do not rub the contour at all. We apply a lighter shade with a lighter shadow. Movements should be fluttering, you seem to be imprinted by these particles so that the shadows, especially having a natural composition, do not cripple on the cheekbones during the application.
  • We complete the makeup to apply carcasses.

You learned about some kinds, but you can vary their form depending on the mood. Experiment with color, bend and long, and you will be irresistible. We offer in practice to consolidate the skill of creating a look like a cat and see.

How to make a beautiful arrows in your eyes - Video

March 18, 2014, 16:05

Part 1.

About the arrows this season did not hear only well, very lazy - there were a lot of them on shows, different, forms went very fiction, colors too. Meanwhile, not every curvarious beauty blogger (this is me about myself) still learned with the dignity to draw arrows the most ordinary -)). Therefore, for the comment, how and what to do arrows, we Nikolai second went to Mac to Katerina Ponomareva, leading Vizazhist. Because Katya is known for his skill Rrrzraz - and paint easily and just the perfect arrow.

What told Katya:

Arrows - Always current classic in eye makeup. This makeup is appropriate and on a romantic date, and on a business meeting, and in an incendiary party. Arrows go to women of any age, making the gaze of expressive, and the face is younger!

On Aquascutum and Erdem shows

Than draw

To create arrows, you can use the most convenient means of makeup: from pencils and cream liner to marker or shadows.

Eyeliner This method of creating the arrow is quite easy to use, allows you to mix a few shades - what is needed for daily and fast makeup! A clear thin line is easier to draw with a solid pencil, but a soft pencil is suitable for a more saturated line and drawing of the inner age. However, there is a small minus: the pencil can quickly wear, so it is better to give preference to resistant pencils M.A.c.

Liquid submarine Provides the clearer in shape and resistant eye makeup. When choosing a liner, you should pay attention to the brush: a long soft brush is ideal for removing a thin circuit, a liner with a fibrous tip, resembling a felt-tip, perfectly suitable for the volumetric line arrow.

Mac Liquid Eye Liner

Gel eyelvering Very plastic, it is easy to apply and adjust with a beveled synthetic brush.

Flomaster - The most convenient for beginner eyeliner. Significant minus it is that the feltaster dries pretty quickly.

Mac Penultimate Eye Liner

Also arrows can be applied using shadows and beveled brushes. It is worth noting that before applying shadows, the brush should be moistened as a liner, and then proceed to the drawing.

Shadows Mac Carbon.

In the form of eyes

The eyeliner can not only make the look expressive, but also adjust the shape of the eyes! To create an ideal hand-shaped arrow, you should choose not only the type of eyelid, but also the appearance of the arrow suitable for your eye shape.

For example, for almond-shaped Suitable any arrows.

If you are the owner round or convex eye shape, With the help of arrows, they can be corrected. Starting from the middle of the eye a little lift the up arrow for a wider line, then smoothly sharpen it. This method will help visually give the eye more almond shape.

Thin arrows Perfect for eastern type. The tip of the arrow needs only to lift up a bit up, slightly going beyond the boundaries of the outer corner.

If you have heavy eyelid or outer corners of eyes omittedyou will also fit thin shooter.

Visually to increase small eyes can be using a light shade liner and arrows with an elongated tip.

The first thing to remember is: arrow need to draw with an open eye.

In order for you to make it easier to draw a more even and symmetrical arrow, small strokes with a black kaylovy pencil. Note the arrow line as close as possible to the fishing edge.

Eye Kohl Smolder Pencil

Then, with the help of the brush number 208, draw the contour of the arrow with the Fluideline Black gel liner, starting line from the center of the eye towards the external corner.

Mac 208 brush and blacktrack liner

Put the imperceptible point with dry shadows in the place where the arrow will end, then neatly connect the line of the main eyeliner with this point.

Shadows Mac Naked Lunch and Shroom

Make sure that the tip of your arrow was not directed down. Draw an arrow outline with a brush 263, carefully filling the lumens along the ciliary edge.

For the maximum clean and clear result, the arrows is better to draw after applying shadows.

How to determine the direction of the tip arrow

Spend an imaginary line from the middle of the bottom century to the outer corner of the eye, and you can easily determine the angle of lifting the arrows and the direction of the tip of the arrow. The length of the arrows depends on your desire, the most important thing is that it is perfect for your eye form.


Before making makeup, practice draw "arrows", for example, on paper.

For a more flat line, it is better to opege the elbow on the table or another stable surface.

When creating the contour of the arrow, see the mirror right in front of yourself, without getting the head to the side.

The shadows of the body shade or transparent powder align the surface of the eyelid so that the arrows are cleaned more clear and persistent.

The arrows create a strong emphasis on the eyes, so the area around the eyes should look flawless.

The wider line of the outer corner of the eye visually makes the eyes anymore.

Part 2.

In the first part of the project, "Learning makeup makeup," about how to draw arrows, Katya Ponomareva told, makeup artist Mac. This time the experience is divided by Nick Kickly, the official makeup artist L'Oreal Paris. Moreover, the reason is available - this spring brand introduced new markers and pencils for drawing the arrows. And I saw Nika draws arrows: once - and ready. Dream))

Tips from Niki Kislyak, L'Oreal Paris

The form

Ideal arrows can pick up for any eye, just for some eye it will be a very thin arrow, more reminiscent of the eyeling contour, and for others is wide, in the spirit of Amy Winehouse. The only exception is the eyes with the highly hanging upper age.


Eyelids must be prepared for applying. Wipe their cleansing wipes "Trio Assistance Comfort".

If you have oily skin of the eyelid, then after wet napkins, barely touching, easily point them with a fluffy brush, and then apply a liner.

If in makeup you make an emphasis on your eyes, then it is better to first draw the arrows, and then apply the tone base and other products - so you will have the opportunity to easily correct the line on clean skin.


Do not attempt to immediately draw one solid line, it is much easier to outline it with "dotted line", and then combine smoothly.

Another advice that is strongly simplifying: Take a pencil for the eyes not a very dark shade and take the arrows at both eyes - length, bend. And only when the result will completely arrange you, circle a liner line. At first it can take a lot of time, but when you make a couple of times what you are fits, and remember the form, everything will be much easier.

Help yourself: with your fingers of a free hand tighten the outside corner of the eyelid to the temple, and then spend the line. It is even better that the hand you draw is to have a support, and did not hang in the air.

One of the main rules: There should be no clearance between the arrow and eyelashes, otherwise it will look inactively. The liner must enter the space between the eyelashes.

Error correction

If you need to correct the arrows, take advantage of the same napkins, cotton walle dipped in a soft eye makeup to remove the eye (for example, also "trio asset"). The most convenient way to remove errors in make-up is to use a rigid synthetic brush, slightly moistened in the same agent, it works like an erasing gum, you remove with one confident movement.

If you see that the upper line of the line is not perfectly smooth, you can have time to grow it in a haze with a cotton wand or a rigid brush until the eyeliner has time to dry, and "score" some shadows from above.

People do not immediately know how to speak, do not immediately go to walk, so why do you need to stop after the first unsuccessful arrows? Will your hand on your girlfriend, practice on your own eyes, on the back of the palm, feel the texture of the liner. After 5-7 times everything will turn out, I assure!

Ideal arrows!

In the photo: Super Liner Perfect Slim - the perfect felt-tip pen with a felt tip, already praised it; The plump Super Liner BlackBuster is an interesting and convenient, but not resistant; Super Liner Silkissime - pencil for arrows, herself has not tried herself

And finally - a bonus: how to create a dramatic makeup with the arrow:

And I almost forgot: another bonus.

What kind of mascara to choose?

First of all, the mascara should be combined with eyeliner. If you draw thick lines, you need a bulk mascara. If thin - in this case, select the extension mascara. First, apply mascara from the roots of the eyelashes - it is somewhat sulky with the linen of the eyeliner and fill out non-crushed places. Then squeeze the cilia from the outer edge of the eye - the look will turn out to be more open. Remember, you do not need to paint the lower cilia extension - it will take away your image.

Now exactly - the perfect shooter).